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    This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier


    Private This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 7:35 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    "Ruminal?" Marschal called out to his son, purring the words with the gentleness of a feline.

    The mage wanted a little time with his son, only because he had hardly gotten the time of day to even sit down with the boy. He theorized that doing a job with him would be the best way to have father-son bonding time; at least, he hoped. For all he knew, the hybrid boy would want nothing to do with him, and everything to do with stuffing his nose in a book. Like father, like son, he supposed, seeing as he loved to stuff his nose in a potentially good book as well. However, getting out wasn't so bad either, and they both could really use the exercise that doing jobs brought.

    Marschy tapped a clawed finger on the job board while waiting for his son to come around and ask what he was doing. He looked over the possible jobs until he found one that he thought the both of them would enjoy doing. It was a request from an anonymous toymaker, asking two mages to find out where his toy soldiers are bringing objects. They were toys, and because Ruminal was only six years old, Marschal thought that it would be the perfect job for them. So, the mage tore the request off the job board and proceeded to turn around and await for his son to come around.

    "Would you like to do a job with me, Rum?" he would ask when the child appeared.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 22nd January 2016, 8:32 pm

    Ruminal was sitting in the back of the main hall reading a book series he found in the library called "The inheritance cycle: Eragon". Ruminal was a young boy still only 6 years old but he could already read at a college student level. Not only that but he could already speak English just was well as a normal adult but he still kept his child like immaturity. The book he was reading was the story of a farm boy named Eragon who happened upon a dragon's egg and becomes a dragon rider to save the world from an evil dictator. The book itself was written very well full of big words that most children his age wouldn't even be able to understand. Ruminal was just getting to a good part of the story where his village was being questioned by some rather evil looking men, if you could call them men, for any sightings of a strange stone which happened to be the dragon egg that Eragon found. It was then Ruminal heard his father calling for him from the job board on the other side of the main hall.

    He sighed and put his book marker in and closed the book then made has way to the job board. "Would you like to do a job with me, Rum?" Asked Marschal. Honestly all Ruminal wanted to do was continue to read his new book but something told him Marschal wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Alright, guess I could." He answered with a somewhat bored tone while looking down at his book currently in his right hand. "So what do you have in mind?"

    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 8:41 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    "Well, there's this job here that I found... it's a request from a toymaker out in Motor City," Marschal began to explain. His red eyes shifted down to look at his son, handing him the paper, so that he could read it for himself. "He's asking for two or so mages to head off into the city and follow some of his animated toy soldiers to see what they're up to. They keep bringing strings and various other items to someplace he knows not of, and he really wants to know. I'd figure you'd want to do it since it involves toys, and I know how children really like to play with toys when they get their hands on them." Marschy would shrug at this point, when in reality, all he wanted was a bit of father-son bonding time with Ruminal. "So, what do you say? I mean, it'd also help you to rank up in the guild, so you're not stuck at D rank or anything."

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

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    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 22nd January 2016, 10:52 pm

    "Well, there's this job here that I found... It's a request from a toymaker out in Motor City." Marshy replied handing Ruminal the poster. He began to look the job poster over on the details for what they had to do while Marschal continued to explain. "He's asking for two or so mages to head off into the city and follow some of his animated toy soldiers to see what they're up to. They keep bringing strings and various other items to someplace he knows not of, and he really wants to know. I'd figure you'd want to do it since it involves toys, and I know how children really like to play with toys when they get their hands on them." In truth Ruminal figured himself to mature for toys but something about this job made him want to do it. Was it his child like innocents or was it something else, he could not tell.

    While Ruminal kept looking over the job poster and wondering whether or not to go with Marschal asked again "So, what do you say? I mean, it'd also help you to rank up in the guild, so you're not stuck at D rank or anything." Ruminal looked down at his book once more wanting to continue see what happens next but kept darting back at the job poster as well. Finally after about a minute Ruminal had his answer. "Alright, we can go but I want to finish this chapter first." He replied handing Marschal back the poster then went back to his little quiet spot in the corner of the guild hall and continued to finish up his chapter.

    After about 10 minutes Ruminal finally closed his book with his book maker in it to save his spot then went to put the book in his room. Sometime had passed and Ruminal finally came back ready to take off for the job. "I'm ready when you are father." he said waiting for when Marschal was ready to head out although he probably has been ready for over 10 minutes now.

    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 23rd January 2016, 9:18 am

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal frowned as his son wandered off to finish reading the chapter in his book; clearly, more important things were at hand. The mage, however, remained where he was when the boy wandered off, back to his little reading corner. While he appreciated a good book here and there, he never made his reading take priority over doing jobs for the guild. Maybe that was because he was an adult now, viewed the world in a much more mature way than his son did. He kept his mouth shut though, and waited as patiently as he could for Ruminal to finish the chapter he was on. Finally, the young boy returned to his side and said that they could get a move on with the job, which was fine by him. So, he rolled his shoulders and pushed himself off the wall, walking toward the guild entrance with his son.

    As they entered the little town that Black Rose was located in, the man glanced down at the little boy. It was strange how he looked so much like his mother, yet he took on a lot of the personality qualities that he had. He supposed that the saying "like father, like son", really did happen to fit in with the two of them. The one thing about Marschal though, was that he was not a conversation starter, so the silence often became overbearing. Marschy would drag his son through the town though, up until they reached the port that would take them to Motor City. The mage would dig into one of his pockets and pull out the jewels that would pay for two of their tickets.

    Marschal was going to regret getting on this boat, for he wasn't sure why he got seasickness so badly when on them.

    "I hope you didn't inherit the seasickness that I have," the man mumbled, though Ruminal would be able to hear it if he chose to.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 23rd January 2016, 9:48 am

    As Marschal and Ruminal began to walk through the town the young mage started to feel uneasy. It was due to so many people walking around and Ruminal wasn't a fan of crowds. He clinged to his father with an upset face until they reached the boat. While they were still walked through the town however Ruminal couldn't help but look around at the different buildings they passed by. There were bakeries, book stores, and even shops for art supplies. He had to make mental notes to come down here one day when the crowds have died down a bit to check them out.

    Marschal purchased there tickets for the boat once they arrived at the docks and walked onto the deck. "I hope you didn't inherit the seasickness that I have," Marschal mumbled to himself but Ruminal over heard with this fox like ears. However i didn't seem like he was trying to hide it to much. Even though Ruminal only had been in the human world for less then a year now he had plenty of time to read up on the world as a whole and read about seasickness and other kinds as well. The young mage however had never been on a boat before and was hoping the same thing.

    After about an hour at sea Ruminal would notice that he hasn't been getting any of the symptoms of seasickness. Instead while his father suffered Ruminal spent his time looking out at the sea for signs of aquatic life. He spotted several different kinds of fish but nothing big like a shark or whale yet and was starting to loose hope that he would ever see one before his ride on the boat was over. "Did you know that most sharks have a mirror like reflector at the back of their eyes that magnifies light and lets shark see better in low light?" he asked to try and stir up a conversation with his father.

    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 24th January 2016, 12:01 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    The man had his arms hanging over the edge of the ship's ledge, his head resting on the railing that was connected to the ship. He despised ships, not for how large they were or how they glided so easily over the water, but how they violently rocked. It was a simple swaying motion, yet he hated the feeling of it, and he didn't completely understand why he did. Marschal threw up as his son spoke to him, just barely hearing the words over the rushing waters below. Slumping over the side and onto the bench, he turned to face Ruminal as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

    "Yeah, I knew that," Marschy stated in a solemn tone, lolling his head back and closing his eyes once he started feeling nauseous again. "Do you like sharks or something, kid?" He cracked an eye open to stare down at the little boy looking for the fish. Maybe he should buy some fish for Ruminal if he liked them so much; that sounded like a nice thing to do.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 24th January 2016, 1:04 pm

    Ruminal watched in disgust as his father wasn't handling being out at sea very well. "Do you like sharks or something, kid?" Marschal asked as he wiped his mouth. "Not in particular, its more of a wonder for the ocean itself. Underneath the surface is like a whole new world with its own ecosystem but yet still connected to the world we live in." He answered as he looked back out into the ocean. "I haven't been in this world long and I guess I'm just curious. So much to do and see but so little time."

    For the rest of the boat ride Ruminal stayed quiet staring out into the ocean trying to unravel its mysteries from what he could see on the surface. During the whole trip he didn't see one large sea creature and was a little disappointed. As to why probably because of the fact he just wanted to say he saw one in his lifetime but didn't let it get to him cause after all he lived on an island so there will be other opportunities in the future.



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 25th January 2016, 1:40 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    The mage slowly nodded his head, or maybe that was just the rocking of the ship that lolled his head back and forth. "It's amazing how, in this world, it's not... just one system of living beings, it's a... series of several ecosystems all living... together. Maybe not all in harmony, but... most of those systems work in harmony... and that's the most beautiful part... of this world." Choppy sentences came from Marschal has he forced himself from throwing up, trying to get over his seasickness. To be honest, he didn't realize how bad it was, until he had been sitting there, not facing the water below them.
    "I used to study books a lot on the sea life, but after reading so much of them, I found I didn't have anything else to learn." He turned around and keeled over the boat, throwing up for a second time, which surprised him that he had anything to puke up.

    However long it had been, the ship had finally docked at a port not far from where Motor City was at. With the ship now unmoving, the man slowly and weakly stood to his feet, feeling embarrassed to be as such around his son. No matter, he straightened his posture and strode down the ramp to the docks below, hoping that Ruminal would follow him. "Motor City isn't that far off, maybe a few hours walk, but nothing longer than that," Marschal stated to him.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 25th January 2016, 4:49 pm

    Ruminal followed right behind his father as everyone got off the boat. Marschal looks a little weak but was slowly getting better sense the ship stopped moving. Although Marschal tried to hide how weak he was as much as possible but Ruminal wasn't being fooled by it nor cared cause he knew his father will be fine in a while. "Motor City isn't that far off, maybe a few hours walk, but nothing longer than that," Marschal explained. "I suggest you take a minute to recover before we start walking. Maybe grab something to drink at least." Ruminal offered before they finally set out towards Motor City.

    After about two hours of walking they finally made it to Motor City. Ruminal was beat for walking so long. His legs felt like jelly and the thought of walking back made them feel worse. After a few minutes of walking through town they finally found the toy shop they were looking for. As they entered Ruminal couldn't help but look around at all the toy's that were on display. He kept eyeing all the toys he liked but refused to say anything cause he believed himself to mature for toys. It wasn't to long after they've entered that the shopkeeper said "Good evening and welcome! How may I help you today?"



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 25th January 2016, 7:16 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal handed the paper to the toymaker, though it had now become slightly crumpled from being stuffed in his pocket. He eyed the man as he gazed the paper over and slowly nodded, as if he was remembering sending the request out. The man heaved a sigh and tossed the paper on his desk, off to the side, clasping his hands together and grinning at them.

    "I remember sending this out; you two must be the mages come here to help this old man out then?" the toymaker inquired. "Eh... these toys have got to be around here somewhere; I suggest just looking around until you come across one. They aught to be making a move around this time, and I'm awfully curious to know where those fellas go to."

    Marschy nodded in response to the man, then looked down to his son, who looked to be struggling at not observing all the toys. "C'mon, Rum, let's go see if we can find ourselves some mischievous soldiers, and see what they're up to," he stated.

    The toymaker bade them farewell, and the mage turned on his way, looking around at the small area of toys. It was a vast majority, but nothing that looked like a toy soldier in the least bit, so they likely had gone on their way already or were still hiding. His gaze shifted back down to Ruminal, wondering what the boy was thinking with all the toys around and having to do this job. Perhaps he made a mistake in taking on this job? Ruminal didn't seem all that interested in the toys, but maybe that was just him.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 25th January 2016, 7:45 pm

    Ruminal was fighting not to go around looking at all the toy's but instead wanted to try and listen to the shopkeeper but couldn't focus at all. He heard bits and pieces of the conversation but then Marschal called for him "C'mon, Rum, let's go see if we can find ourselves some mischievous soldiers, and see what they're up to." Ruminal quickly snapped out of the trance he was in and turned towards his father "Uh, right lets go." He answered back with a dull tone.

    After searching around the shop for about twenty minutes the two mages failed to find anything out of the ordinary. During this time Ruminal asked the shopkeeper some more questions about the toy's like how long are they usually gone and which way they normally travel off to. The toy's are usually gone for about 30 minutes which means they can't be going to far and they normally travel down the back alleyway's heading south. Sense the two weren't having any luck finding them in the shop it must mean either there onto them and hiding or they already left. "Hey dad, I'm going to look around the back alleyway." Once in the back part of the shop in the alleyway Ruminal began looking around for any clues that could help them out. He started looking down the south way sense that's the way they normally run off to. Eventually he came across a sewer drain with a piece of string caught in it. The size of the drain looks big enough to fit a toy soldier down it so maybe there heading into the sewer system. He searched around for a manhole he could use to get down into the sewers and search around under that drain. Sure enough he found more pieces of string laying around here and there. After finding out these clues Ruminal headed back up to the alleyway and back into the shop to inform his father what he has found.



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 27th January 2016, 6:10 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    When Ruminal returned from his hunt through the building and in the alleyway, Marschal had been done looking, himself. The little rugrats were not in the building at all, so that meant they had already left the place long before they had gotten there. Yes, he had found some random pieces of string, but when he found them, he had absentmindedly gotten distracted with it. Strings were just so fun to bat around that he couldn't resist playing with the string and then finding a ball of yarn thereafter. So, Marschy hadn't been of much help in locating the little bandits, rather just having been busy with string. At least he found something though, that's all that really mattered; he could've just been waiting for his son to come back instead. His eyes would sweep toward Ruminal, and he quickly batted the ball of yarn away, clearing his throat as he approached.

    "Find anything?" the mage inquired, tilting his head some and waiting for an answer.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 27th January 2016, 9:22 pm

    Ruminal came walking into the toy shop and found his father standing around waiting for his return. Once in he turned towards Ruminal and asked if he found anything. "I found a sewer drain with some string attached to it. I think they might be using it as an entryway into the sewer systems. I also found a manhole a little bit down in order to inspect the area further and found more string underneath the drain. I think we should start our search more thoroughly there." Ruminal explained.

    After discussing the situation with Marschal they headed down into the sewer system in order to search the area by the sewer drain with the string attached to it. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary but then again, Ruminal had never been in a sewer before. He read about them and how they are used to carry sewage from buildings through underground pipe systems and such and the smell of the place really made that much known to him. It smelled like a million different thinks all fell down and died down here. Ruminal was having a hard time dealing with it. "Lets hurry this up and get out of here otherwise my nose will never work the same again."



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 31st January 2016, 5:18 am

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    Marschal had a dizzy spell wash over him when the stench of sewage, rank as it was, clouded his sense of smell. His eyes widened and his nose wrinkled up in disgust, causing him to cover it with the sleeve of his jacket. The place was horrid, and he wasn't all that sure why the toy soldiers would choose such a nasty place as this. It was grimy, gross, and utterly disgusting! He just wanted to get out of here as fast as he possibly could. However, they couldn't leave until they found the exact place in which the toy soldiers were bringing their items.

    "It's not so bad," the mage lied, his face the embodiment of revulsion as they walked down the sewage drain. "I'm not entirely sure how humans are able to handle this, literal, shit so well; I'm amazed at their lack of smell. Let's just follow the rest of this string and see where it leads to before I fucking pass out... holy hell this place..."

    The Black Rose mage would aim to keep himself quiet for the rest of the walk, that would bring them to the soldiers. His nose was expertly covered by his sleeve still, and he would track down that trail of string like it was his lifeline. This was only because it was string... and cats liked string... so he would follow it until he found the ball of yarn. They were just pieces of string though, not a whole line of it, just little pieces here and there to Marschal's disappointment. He would turn around a corner though, and entire a small section of the sewers, where the rest of the string, bits of toy limbs, and toy clothing would be found.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 31st January 2016, 6:32 am

    Ruminal listened to his father curse over and over for a short bit of time about the smell of the place. He wasn't very found of cursing as he believes it's a sign of a weak mind. "You really shouldn't swear in front of children." Ruminal remarked as they began following the string down the passageway. Truthfully Ruminal hated referring to himself as a child even though he knows well enough he is. Its mostly due to the fact that he is far more intelligent than most people he's met. As they moved further down the sewer tunnel it felt like the smell of the place was getting worse. So much so Ruminal was also covering his nose with this sleeve. As they came into a small open room they found more stuff lying on the ground. More string, toy limbs and clothing on the ground scattered here and there. "Interesting..." Ruminal murmured to himself. He began to scan the room for more clues.

    There was nothing else out of the ordinary in the room, just some more sewage and some sewer rats running around. However upon further inspection Ruminal spotted a small set of foot prints on the ground leading down a narrow passage way barely big enough to fit Marschal threw it. "Here we go. There's some tracks going down this way." The tracks themselves weren't very visible on the concrete ground but still there thanks to the little amount of sewage on the ground. The tunnel connected this room from the next wasn't very long only like 5 yards at most. From what Ruminal can tell from here their seems to be no outlet besides this tunnel in the next room over.



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 1st February 2016, 4:54 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    His eyes shifted toward the footprints in the sewage, his arm dropping to his side, despite the rank smell. "I don't know if I'll be able to fit in there, but if you want, you can go ahead and follow that trail to wherever it goes. Just remember, if anything happens, you call for me, and I will find a way to get to you, whether it kills me or not." Looking at where the prints led to, he might have been able to fit in, but he really wasn't going to take that chance. The last thing he needed right now, was to get embarrassingly stuck in a whole and have his son help him out. After all, he supposed to be the strong one here, and he was clearly quite failing in the intelligence category with Ruminal. Actually, it upset him quite a bit to see that Ruminal was a lot smarter than he happened to be, but who could he blame, but himself?

    "Come back here if you find anything or if you find the toy soldiers; I'll be here when you decide to come back," he would state. So, the man took a seat where it wasn't so wet and leaned back against the wall, watching to see what Ruminal would do.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 7th February 2016, 4:43 pm

    Ruminal was a bit annoyed by his father's answer to the situation. He thought that he wanted to do this job together but it just seems like Ruminal has been doing all the work. Maybe Marschal was testing him he thought and just went with it. "This shouldn't take to long." Ruminal said as he transformed into his wolf form and began to walk down the narrow path to the next room. His wolf form was the same color and pattern design as his outfit, all silver fur with red fire and circle like patterns. As he walked into the next room he transformed back into his human form and to his surprise he found the toy soldiers along with other toy's that seemed to have been broken and others that have been fixed. The toys saw the light that Ruminal gave off as he transformed back and noticed him immediately. They all starred at him with a surprised look on there little faces, or at least that's what it seemed like. In an instant it seemed Ruminal was put on the spot and was starting to get nervous. All these toy soldiers looking at him reminded him of a crowd of people just staring at him.

    "Um... Hi?" Ruminal said nervously. The toy's didn't move an inch. "Uh... Well. The toy maker was wondering what you guys were doing so he hired me and my father to find out and..." Ruminal started to explain when the toy's started to make an expression of relief. They must have thought that he came down here to destroy them or something. A little confused in the moment Ruminal continued to look out and about the room at all the broken toy's they've fixed. It was amazing how well of a job they did. They must have been watching the Toy Maker for some time and practice in secret down here for a quiet a while. However while the he was admiring there handy work the toys snuck up on his and all began to jump him at once. Ruminal let out a yell of surprised as they did.



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 7th February 2016, 5:30 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal would jump to his feet in a less than a second as he heard the scream of his son from the sewers. He would dart toward the hole that his son had squeezed through and force himself through, though he barely fit. The mage would pull himself through it until he reached the end of the tunnel, where the toys and Ruminal were located. Clambering from the cramped space, the mage would quickly dust himself off and look at the toys jumping his son. Anger broiled within him, and the yokai child would suck in a deep breath before letting out a roar similar to a jaguar's. This was meant to be threatening roar, to make the toys back off and show that he was not someone to mess with. When the roar ended, Marschal was standing there, breathing heavily, mostly from having scrambled so fast to Ruminal's side.

    "Get off him... or I will tear each and every one of you limb from limb," he threatened in a low, menacing voice. His pupils had dilated to slits, the red glaringly bright in the darkness that shrouded the little room they were in. There was no reason for them to be jumping his son, and to prevent so, the man would aim to pick Ruminal up onto his arms. If they pose a threat anymore to Ruminal, then he wouldn't hesitate in stepping on and crushing the toy soldiers. "Get back to your damned toymaker... all we wanted to fucking know was what the hell you toys were doing down in the sewers."

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 9th February 2016, 4:31 pm

    The toy's were covering Ruminal from shoulder to legs. They weren't heavy enough to throw him off balance and some of them looked like there were trying to tell him something but that's when Marschal came running into the room and screaming bloody murder and threatening the toy's. That came as such a shock to them that they all jumped down and ran to hide in the back. "I don't think that was necessary but hey, I'll give you an A for quick reaction time." Ruminal laughed. But the question remained why did they just try to jump him like that? Obviously they weren't trying to hurt him. Ruminal scanned the room trying to fit the pieces of information he had together to try and come up with an answer.

    They toy's were peaking there heads out of there hiding spots to see if things have settled down yet but were still scared to come out. "You guys can come out, he isn't going to do anything." After hearing that the toy's starting scrambling around in front of them and began to form a word. They couldn't spell out the entire word so they went to grab a few of the mended toys in order to finish it and they spelled out the word "Surprise". That's all that was need for Ruminal to pieces the rest of the puzzle together. "I see now. You guys were practicing your toy making skills down here in secret in order to surprise the toy maker. Is that it?" It made the most logical sense. Why else would they be working on these toys away from the toy shop and tried to jump him the way they did. They didn't want the toy maker to know just yet. "Well this comes as a problem... We were hired to find out what you guys were doing, if we don't tell him we wont get paid." Ruminal crossed his arms trying to think up a solution but non was coming to him. "You got any idea's?" He asked turning to Marschal.



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 10th February 2016, 8:40 am

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal's eyes would follow the movements of the toy soldiers as they backed off his son from the threat he made. His stance would relax, and when Ruminal stood back to his feet, he would tell the toys that it was all right to come back out. He probably shouldn't have threatened to kill the toys, but it was his son and he didn't know what they had planned on doing. Fortunately, the toys where just trying to keep his son from going back to the toymaker and telling them what they were doing. Unfortunately, their entire job involved telling the toymaker where the soldiers were going to and what they were doing. Marschy was not about to fail this job when there was a decent reward for having completed it in the end. The mage would purse his lips and run his fingers through his long hair, looking a little sassy about the ordeal.

    "Unless you want to fail this mission, and report back to your mother about the failure, we're going to have to tell him," Marschal retorted. That was his only answer to the situation because, in all honesty, he truly wanted to tell the toymaker, just to get the reward. It sounded selfish, but who wouldn't want a giant toy of themselves as a pet? That would be so much fun! "We're telling him, and that's final." With that being said, Marschal would turn around and make his way back into the hole. To go back to Black Rose and specifically tell his wife that he had failed the easiest job would have been an embarrassment. He wouldn't allow that.

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Rai Sormr 10th February 2016, 7:25 pm

    After hearing Marschal's idea of the situation Ruminal couldn't help but run in the direct path of his father and hold his arms out trying to stop him. "Come on, there has to be something we can do here!" Ruminal yelled. He has been racking his brain trying to think of something but the best thing he can think of was a long shot at best. Looking over at the toy's they seem to be disappointed as well. "Maybe we can tell the toy maker that there's nothing to worry about and that..." At that point one of the toy's walked up to Ruminal and started tugging on his pants trying to get his attention. It was waving his hand like this course of action was alright. Maybe they were thinking that they have practices enough but was waiting for the right time and that this situation was the best that they can get. "You guys sure?" Ruminal asked. The toy gave him a thumbs up with a smile. Ruminal put his arms down and let his father pass and followed close behind him still a little bummed out but he guessed this was the best course of action after all.



    Private Re: This time I need a soldier, a really bad ass soldier

    Post by Guest 11th February 2016, 12:32 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    He frowned as his son got in his way, and he was nearly going to shove him away, but the toys interfered with them. His red eyes dropped down to the toys and he would stare at them as they gave Ruminal a thumbs up to explain they were okay with the idea. Fortunately, his son would give in to the toys and move out of the way, allowing for Marschal to get through the hole. The mage would make his way back to the toymaker's shop, not bothering to make sure that Ruminal had followed him. Pushing open the door and looking around for the one that had created the animated toy soldiers and wanted to know what they were doing. Shortly after Marschal's entrance, the man would make an appearance and look up, surprised to see them back.

    "Did you find where they were going?" the man inquired, wiping his hands in a cloth as he waited for an answer.

    "Yes... we found them down in the sewers," Marschy began, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning his weight onto one hip. "They were hiding things down there to help build and repair broken toys. It was to show that they were helpful to you. What they had wanted was just a bit of practice before coming back to you to show what they could do. I guess they just wanted to help you with making toys."

    "I see... well, thank you, boys, for telling me this. I'm grateful the toys want to help me around here. Your rewards will be coming in the mail in a few days. I can't thank you two enough." He would beam a smile at them.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:07 pm