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    Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper - Harrigan


    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper - Harrigan Empty Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper - Harrigan

    Post by Cecile 12th January 2016, 5:44 am

    Job Name:
    Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper
    Job Rank:
    Job Requirements:
    1 mage, dark mages only, 6 posts, 200 words per post
    Type of job:
    Multi-time job
    Job Location:
    Oak Town
    Job Description:
    Misses Andrea Cooper, a sweet middle aged wife. A pillar of the community and loved by all. And most recently the winner of Oak Towns renowned garden competition. Which off course didn't go well with the current second place, Miss Coldflower. Who up till now always won. And unfortunately for Misses Cooper, the lady Coldflower is a petty loser. So much even that she requested the dark guilds to get rid of her. How? She doesn't care, you can make it look like an accident or just kill her. Either way works.

    Miss Andrea Cooper
    No notable skills whatsoever except being a master in gardening.

    1.200 jewels

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

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    Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper - Harrigan Empty Re: Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper - Harrigan

    Post by Cecile 12th January 2016, 7:01 am

    Oak Town, the small town that was known for, well for nothing mostly. It was one of those places that could be considered the pinnacle of daily life. Nothing happened here besides the mundane slumbering of its townsfolk. Who went on their usual business day after day. However that being said, there was one thing that Oak Town was renowned for, or at least only in the eyes of its own folk. And that was the Great Garden Competition, a small local game to which only housewives seemed to participate. Oh and off course that one eccentric old man, who had nothing else to do but gardening. Either way, for those pesky ladies, earning the title of garden of the year was some sort of prestige. A way to stick it to their neighbor so to speak. Yet it earned you nothing then a small amount of money, and some pathetic excuse for a trophy, and off course the looks of envy at the local parties from all the other bored housewives.

    That being said, apparently envy and jealousy has grown so high this time, that one of the participants, Misses ColdFlower, went out of her rational way and actually requested the vilest of jobs. Namely the assassination of her long time 'nemesis' and current number one in the garden competition. Miss Andrea Cooper. An honest lady, who does this out of love for her garden and garden alone.

    Now it was up to Viktor R. Albeit, the household butler of the darkest of guilds, namely Savage Skull. To finish this job and make sure his masters aren't bothered by such an trivial matter. Surely some of them would easily take the opportunity to do such a job as this. Since to them it felt more as a vacation as actual work. But in Viktors eyes, his masters could use their time for more beneficial things. Higher rewarding jobs, or making sure that the guild increased his hold on Fiore.

    So when shove came to push, Viktor went out of his usual way to actually undertake this small endeavor. And he had to admit, it was good to go out on an actual job, it reminded him of the old days. Days before the current line of masters, days when was still a strapping young man, filled with energy, days when the dark guild itself, just slumbered waiting to be awakened again.

    The streets of Oak Town, were brimming with daily life, folks bickering with merchants over the price. Children playing around, chasing after each other as they pretended to be a famous legal mage, clearly one pretended to be a fairly famous one with blue hair. As he struck some sort of heroic pose.
    Everywhere was life how life was supposed to be, Viktor could easily take it from this that most people didn't had anything to worry about outside their own personal bubbles. Now life threatening events, no dragons, ghastly beings or powerful psychopaths to disturb their mundanity. And Viktor had to admit, certainly with his current age, that life style, that simpleness of worrying about nothing at all, had a certain attraction to him. Because as said, he was already on quite an age. Sure he was rather vital, surprisingly so even. But even he felt the drainage that came with old age sometimes.
    Like the mornings for instance, he wasn't as young as he used anymore. So just hopping out of bed and do some stretches and go on to your day. Wasn't in it for him any more, no waking up had become a far more slower ritual. Then again, sometimes he doubted that as he encountered some of the guild mages still laying in bed, even when the clock had struck noon.

    Either way, there was one thing he wasn't to old for yet. And that was to do a decent job, that needed a decent kill. Which was another reason he took this job, knowing his masters, they would just massacre half the town along the way. Or strung up the lady, and made one heck of a show out of it. Which in this case felt a bit much, especially considering the reason behind the contract. Anyhow, it was part to take care of this job, no matter the reason.

    The first thing Viktor did, was walk through the town streets, until he came across a small booth that sold some of the most colorful flower Viktor had ever witnessed. He needed it, as he couldn't show up empty handed off course. So what he did was easy, he just handed the man behind the stall a small sack of jewels. Not to much, but more then enough to have him put together the nicest bouquet he could possibly muster.

    After being handed over the gorgeous and fresh bouquet of flowers, Viktor went on his way again. Walking down the street, until he could spot a small group of gullible housewives.
    Approaching the women, he already got noticed, which instantly caused a storm of whispers from he small group. All asking to each other who this stranger could possibly be.

    'A good morning young ladies' he said with his kindest smile, even though the ladies were no longer young anymore. All of them had passed forty and probably had already bared offspring. 'Could I impose you all, to ask a question?'

    'Off course!' said the first one rapidly, obviously already swooned by this old timer.

    'I am looking for the Cooper residence, you see I am a fellow garden enthusiast and I have heard that her dahlia's are to die for. And since I myself, aren't fit enough anymore to tend to a garden. I figured I should at least let my gaze fall upon the serenity of those said flowers. So I wondered if anyone of you, would be so kind to tell me the way?'

    The very combination of words hit the mark, just as Viktor intended. First he would casually imply that this town little competition even reached beyond their borders. Which would fill the women, with some sense of pride as they as well were part of this community. Then a small sob story, nothing to grand, just to imply that his old age left him unable to take care of his flowers, would stir up some sympathy to the ladies. Thus making it easier for them to trust him.

    'Oh, all righty then' said one of the ladies, with a compassionate smile 'It's not that far anymore, just go up the hill. And walk past the Tug & Boar, the local pub, and from there it should be there it should be the fourth house on the left.'

    'Well thank you' replied Viktor with a small bow 'now if you ladies would be so kind to excuse my presence, I'll be on my way'

    With now his destination known, Viktor did exactly what was him told. He followed the road up the hill, till the point he passed the local watering hole, named the Tug & Boar. Which already had it's first customers, despite beignet still early in the day. And from there it was easy to spot where he had to go. In fact he didn't even needed to count the houses, no the garden gave it away.

    As he approached the front gate, he could see all the flowers, brimming with life. The grass perfectly cut, the hedges shaped in strange forms. Everything was perfect, was placed perfect. There surely was put a lot of thought in creating this garden marvel.

    As he walked through the front gate, he followed the small path that was laid through the garden, and would eventually be lead towards the front door. Where he would knock twice.
    Moments passed, and the anticipation grew in Viktor, it felt as an eternity, and as the door opened. Viktor new the moment was there.

    "hello?..' said miss Cooper, 'Can I help you?'

    'You surely can miss... here these flower are for you' he said while lowering the bouquet so that she could straight into it.

    'oh my aren't these pretty, and the smell so ni-'

    her sentence was cut short, as a blade pushed through the flowery bouquet and pierced her right through the face. Instantly killing her, as it slit through her skull and into her cerebellar cortex. With a small push to the blade itself, Viktor would shove the woman falling back. Enough so that he could simply close the door. And as he did he said the simple words 'well I guess we're done..' before he walked back over the small path, and onto the streets of Oak Town

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm