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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Post by Almyra Bys 5th January 2016, 12:25 pm

    "What do you find strange about it, other than how they treat mages?" She asked, curious as they walked out of the town. Once they were out of sight, Niyol stopped and called the soul of the scorpion forth once more. The smokey blue creature appeared before them. Almyra gave it a friendly smile as Niyol climbed on its back and mentioned how it would get them to their destination faster. She nodded and took it, pulling herself up atop the spirit creature's back. Sitting now, she gently patted on its carapace and softly muttered "Thank you, friend." She looked at Niyol again with a smile "Alright, ready to go."

    What would have likely been another three day journey could probably be cut down to less than one on this creature, assuming that spirits didn't tire from physical exertion. Still, night would probably fall by the time they made it to the village Almyra's sister lived in, especially if they got off and walked the last few miles as to not be seen riding a giant ghost of a scorpion.


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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 5th January 2016, 8:52 pm

    he scorpion searched Almyra's heart for where she was going, giving off several clicks of its large pincers. A pair of wires appeared attached to the scorpion's claws, each leading to Niyol's hands as he stood tall and proud on the back of his megafauna. "HA!" he shouted sternly with a somewhat rasped voice while flicking the reins. The scorpion took off at maximum speed, barreling through the desert. The rest of the day Niyol would tug the reins, giving the scorpion directions so they would avoid any bandits, or villages he saw or sensed in the distances. Once the dangers were avoided, the scorpion got itself back on track in the direction of Almyra's home.

    As expected of the two, it did shave many days of travel from their schedules. It saved them that many days worth of supplies, but, as Almyra expected the trip took up till night. When the moon hit the middle of the sky, the scorpion stopped moving, shaking itself and making loud clicking sounds to wake Niyol up since he decided to take a nap when the sun had set. They were a half a mile from the village, much closer that planned but the cover of night made it alright. Niyol disembarked the scorpion, making sure Almyra was ready to go as he dismissed his soul friend. Since they were so close to the village, Niyol figured it best to go ahead and go to town. From the time they got off the scorpion, he would follow Almyra's lead keeping his hand on the hilt of one of his blades just in case the night time riffraff wanted to have a go at them.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by Almyra Bys 5th January 2016, 11:37 pm

    Almyra hadn't slept. She couldn't sleep this close to home. She was too excited at the notion of getting to see her sister once more after being away for so long. She would happily ride atop the massive spirit arachnid, almost bouncing in joy as she knew how close they were when it stopped. By the time Niyol had woken up and stepped off, Almyra would already be ahead of him, trotting off to the village. She wouldn't slow down either, not this close. She jogged along, clutching her bag to her chest to stop it from bouncing around with each step. While she wasn't going particularly fast, faster than a walk for sure, she didn't tire very much for the half-mile run. For one so small, and one who seemed to be a scholar, she was quite fit from all the time she spent exploring the wilderness and wandering from place to place, fleeing from danger, and so on.

    She slowed down once they were actually into the village, though they were still on the outskirts. The two came upon a small house. The lights inside were still on. Almyra took her hood off, beaming from ear to ear, her eyes sparking in the light from the windows as she knocked on the door. There was nothing for a moment, but then the door opened to reveal another woman, about two inches taller than Almyra. She had a rather confused look on her face, wondering who could be visiting at this hour, though it quickly turned to one of joy as she saw her sister.

    "Timmyyyyyyyy!" With a joyful squeal, Almyra rushed in, embracing her sister lovingly, sending the woman staggering back into the house, but supporting her enough that she didn't fall down. "Almyra..." She spoke in the native language of Desierto, saying it was wonderful to see Almy again before she noticed Niyol and turned her attention to him. She spoke aloud in Fiore English now, "And who is this?" She asked, her manner of speech slightly accented. She was clearly asking Niyol, since Almyra was too busy hugging her to respond.


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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 6th January 2016, 12:52 am

    iyol bowed politely, speaking in the land's native tongue. His sentences were somewhat rough, letting others know he only had an absolute basic knowledge of the language. "I am Niyol... a comrade." he said straining the pronunciation. He wanted to show that while he was an outlander in this part of the world, he would do his best to respect the customs. "I apologize for my mispronunciations my lady." he said using Fiore's language. In truth, neither language he was good at... even though he was from Fiore, that language wasn't his own. "I was tasked with ensuring Lady Almyra's safety, I shall not intrude on your home." he said calmly, giving another bow before turning around to leave. If he would be invited inside, he would graciously accept and enter.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Post by Almyra Bys 6th January 2016, 9:33 pm

    "I see," She said in whichever language Niyol seemed more comfortable with. "And I don't take any offense from your troubles with our language. The fact that you knew it at all is a pleasant surprise. Please, come in, any friend of Almyra's is a friend of mine." She gently pushed Almy off enough such that she could gesture for Niyol to come in. As the man was able to see her movements more, he would notice that they seemed unnatural, as though she were a puppet of sorts, being moved by external forces rather than moving herself. "Thank you for keeping her safe. Besides, I rarely have the chance to entertain guests."

    The two sisters would lead Niyol into the house, where Timara would have Almy and Niyol seated in a small living room while she prepared some food for them: some well-prepared goat meat with assorted rice, lentils, and other vegetables. She carried the dishes out and placed them on a small coffee table in front of them with the same unnatural movements. The more one watched, the more it became obvious that something outside of her body was moving her, though Almyra didn't seem to mind it, and other than a large amount of magic being used, Niyol would be unable to sense anything out of the ordinary going on with her. "Why don't you tell us about your adventures, Almyra?" She asked, to which Almy happily obliged, talking about her various wanderings in Fiore, most of it in the wilderness. She described the various sights she had seen, new things she had tried, people she had met. She only briefly touched on Magnolia, since it wasn't very fun or happy, just needless violence. It took her quite a bit of time to relay all this information, and she was looking quite sleepy by the time she was done.

    Timara turned to Niyol. "How about you, Niyol. Is there anything you wish to tell us about yourself, or about any adventures you've gone on, any news from other parts of the world?" Her eyes were lit with a burning curiosity. It was clear she had never been out to explore on her own, despite being a powerful mage.


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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 7th January 2016, 7:41 pm

    iyol took the kind invitation, turning around and walking into the house while ignoring the woman's movements. His natural source of power was the decaying souls of the dead, making it so normal mages were unable to sense how strong he was. At the same time, Niyol was unable to track other mages as they mostly used a power called ethernano to fuel their magic. This was the reason he was unable to sense what manner of magic the woman was using to keep her body mobile. However, Niyol was able to see her soul... it was frail, weak, and ready to leave. He said nothing of it, as he assumed that both the she-mages already knew it.

    Niyol sat at the table in the living room and remained silent up until a hot meal hit the table. He graciously thanked his kind hostess and began eating. While the meal was ate, Niyol listened in on Almyra's stories of adventure. Her tales of survival and even the painful memory of the priory disaster in magnolia. And then... it came time for Niyol to speak. His hostess had directly asked him of his adventures, though he didn't exactly enjoy altering the truth like he did in the last town.

    "I have lived many lives. That of a young boy who lived happily, then lived miserable, and then that of an exiled boy who became an exiled man. I have survived many battles, and killed many people. I have helped some, but not nearly as many as I have killed. I live my days in service to those who have died, I grant them peace knowing their last will shall come to pass; but some are impossible for someone as weak as I to accomplish. That is my adventure, I apologize for a lack of detail my lady." he said with a solemn, somewhat depressed voice. His eyes seemed more dull, dead, and empty than normal, which was almost impossible to accomplish on its own. "If you will excuse me, I wish to retire for the night. Thank you for the meal, it was quite amazing." he said calmly while standing up.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by Almyra Bys 7th January 2016, 10:53 pm

    ((Almy/Tim theme))

    "I see. Well, thank you for sharing what you have. I wish you well in your future travels, Niyol. Thank you once more for escorting Almyra. I will show you to the guest room." She would lead Niyol to a small room with a bed. It wasn't much, but it was what she had for a guest room. The bed would be comfortable and the room was warm a rather nice temperature for sleeping. "Rest well, and feel free to stay as long as you wish." She said before she returned to the now nodding-off Almyra. She put a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing Almy to perk up and smile sleepily up at her sister before hugging her again. "I missed you."

    "I missed you, too. It's good to have you home. But it seems like it's time for you to get some sleep." She said, patting her younger sister's head. Almy whimpered a bit, wanting to stay up and spend more time with her sister, but she recognized that any attempts to fight sleeping would be useless. She would go to the restroom to clean herself up before returning and hugging her sister once more. Almyra would normally stay in the room Niyol was in, though not by her choice. Timara had said that she was old enough that she should sleep by herself, even though she preferred to do so near other people, preferably cuddling with them, so she was quite happy that Niyol was occupying the other bed, giving her an excuse to sleep in the same room as her sister. The two lie down in the same bed, Almyra clinging to her sister's arm.

    "Where's Tammy?" Tim asked Almy. "You need to make sure to take good care of her." Almy blinked, having forgotten her doll in her bag she quickly grabbed it before lying down again, once more taking hold of Timara's arm before dozing off. Before she went to sleep, she felt her sister give her a kiss on the head "Sleep well, Almy. I'll see you in the morning." She slept more soundly than she had in a long time of adventuring.

    The next morning, there was something wrong. Timara usually woke up fairly early and left Almy to sleep until late morning, but Almyra woke up still holding her sister's arm. She sat up and stretched before looking at her sleeping sister. "Timmy, you have to get up." She said, shaking her, still half asleep. Her sister didn't respond. Slowly waking up, Almyra looked at her sister's face. "Timara?"

    No... she's still asleep is all. She thought. "Timmyyy, you said you'd see me in the morning. It's almost noon." She whined, shaking the limp woman harder to no avail. Tears began to form in her eyes as she grabbed the body of her sister, hugging it tightly. "Timmy please!"


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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 8th January 2016, 8:03 pm

    iyol had been woken up when he sensed a nearby soul being tampered with. After heading to the room where his hostess, and partner were sleeping he saw one soul through the door and another that was much smaller than it should be. He'd already known the older of the two would die soon, but he hadn't known it would be within hours. For the moment, the soul mage would remain seated at the door to the sister's room. It was several hours of deep meditation later that he heard the voice filling with sadness as it pleaded with the corpse. Niyol's voice would be heard through the door "There is no reward in beckoning to the deceased lady Almyra. There are fewer magics that can return her to you." his voice wasn't sympathetic at all, but more nonchalant as he was used to it.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by Almyra Bys 8th January 2016, 9:20 pm

    Almyra heard Niyol's voice from across the door. It was only now that she was able to accept the truth: her sister was dead. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at the face of her deceased sister. "But... but you promised." She said, her voice barely even a whisper as she pressed her head up against Timara's shoulder. "You promised." She began to rock back and forth a bit, hugging Timara unable to do anything else as she was overcome with grief at losing the one person who mattered most to her in life. The one who had raised her after they were forced out on their own, who had taught her to embrace her magical nature, and the one who gave her her love of exploration and thirst for knowledge. The sound of her sobbing could easily be heard through the door. It may be a good idea for Niyol to inform someone in the village of Timara's death, since Almyra would seem to stricken with grief to do much other than curl up and cry.


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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 9th January 2016, 12:38 am

    iyol sighed as he heard the sobbing, questioning why it is that humans, himself included, were so taken back when people died. They don't cry when they're eating meat, or killing a plant for vegetables, or herbs, or kill someone who was potentially dangerous. Nor did they grieve when performing missions after they've slaughtered entire buildings of people. Niyol stood up, keeping the door closed and he placed a hand out. "Come forth... Timara Bys." he said softly so as to not let Almyra remember he had that power. The dead woman's soul manifested, Niyol immediately placing a finger over his lips telling her to stay quite. He walked down to the living room, gesturing the soul to follow, not that she had a choice since all souls bend to Niyol's will when he's the one who calls them. But she followed without the need for such things to be used, as many of them normally did. "I am Niyol, the Guardian of Souls. I hold the title of Chief to the Tribe of Souls, as such it is my sole duty to bring peace to you. Tell me your will, and let it be manifest. But know that I am but a mortal, and not all wishes are so easily granted." Niyol said with a calm, emotionless tone. The soul of Timara gave three very simple requests, the first was for her village to be notified of her passing. The second was to have Almyra know she wishes for her to continue traveling, and learning. The third, was a personal request for Niyol to see to it that Almyra returned to Fiore safely after the funeral. Niyol gave a calm bow, saying "Be at peace benevolent  soul. Your will has been recorded across the bonds of life and death, and even if it brings me death I shall grant your wishes." he said calmly, sending the soul off.

    After an hour, Niyol had alerted on of the others and asked them to oversee some of the steps for a funeral as he was unsure with this lands' customs. After that time had passed, he entered Timara's room noting that her sister was still clinging to the corpse. Niyol didn't want to mistreat the body, so he used his white blade to create a small platform below the woman that got slightly thicker as it raised the corpse off the bed. Several parts of the platform would raise up, turning into small tendrils that would move Almyra from the corpse without causing harm. The platform then floated out the room, and then out of the house entirely.

    After three long, hard days of toil; the funeral had been prepared. The village had all attended, whether on their own will, or because Niyol gave them a reason to. Niyol stood outside the building as he had no reasons to be part of it. He wasn't part of this tribe, he was the outlander in this place, as such by his people's customs he had no rights to partake in this funeral. Nor would he want to... it was strange, to stand around a corpse and cry. His people danced around a burning body and celebrated the person's life.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Post by Almyra Bys 9th January 2016, 1:25 pm

    During the three days preparation for the funeral, Almyra would be locked away by herself, though she was not grieving. She was studying. She could fix this. Her sister's death was simply an act of entropy, an act of her body becoming too chaotic. She could reverse the chaos, restore enough order to allow her sister to live once more. She didn't sleep, nor did she eat. All there was time for was studying.

    Niyol would find himself rather unwelcome at the funeral, had he not chosen to stay away, he would have been forced away. Not only was he an outsider, but through his means of transporting Timara's body, had revealed himself as a mage to the others. Timara was only accepted in life due to her usefulness to the village, and Almyra was only welcomed through her close relations to the woman. Though he would probably notice that Almyra was not present at the funeral, that is until about halfway through. Her sister's body had not yet been lowered into the ground when she came rushing forward, her eyes aglow with her magic. "Stop!" She cried out in her native tongue, her voice shrill and desperate as she ran. One of the men, the sole guard of the village turned to meet her. "What are you doing with that foul magic? Stop this at once and you may come forward."
    "I can bring her back!" She answered, trying to rush past him.
    "You will not desecrate her corpse with magic!" He shouted, reaching for her as she ran past, grabbing hold of her arm and pulling her back. Almyra twisted around, putting a hand on his chest to push him away, but as she was already making heavy use of her magic, she could not stop herself from hitting him with entropic magic as she did so. The man let out a cry of pain as the skin and flesh on his chest was partially ripped apart and rotted away by the magic, his shirt turning to dust in the area and beginning to rot away to nothing. He staggered backwards as Almyra ran away. He quickly recovered and ran after her, tackling her. The air was knocked from her lungs as she hit the ground. Her face impacted the sand, which dug into her eyes painfully. She coughed and sputtered for breath as she was held down by the guard. "Please!" She rasped out. "I can bring her back..." Tears came to her eyes now, from a mixture of pain, grief, and frustration as she desperately struggled against the stronger man to break free and try to revive her sister as the sand scratched away at her eyes.


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    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 9th January 2016, 6:38 pm

    iyol still had a duty to protect the little pest as she flew past him and got moshed by the village guard. With her distraction in play, her went ahead and walked into the funeral while drawing his white katana. "Stand." he said calmly, the blade then evaporated. The air became frigid, the desert heat nullified as twelve pure white pillars rose from the ground in the formation of the numbers on a clock. The room became dark blue, the sand appearing to ripple as though the pillars were in water. "Dance... Tamashī Reitōko." he said calmly, the entire room turning to the man with fear in their eyes. An immense blast of white powder erupted as the pillars disappeared, all forming a single pillar around him. He made a step forward while making a punching motion. A small, insignificant section of the white flurry concentrated around Niyol flew out in the form of a fist, slamming into the guard so hard he flew off of Almyra. "No hard feelings vigilant guardian of these people, but I too have been entrusted to guard something." he said calmly as a small window opened up in the pillar of metallic powder. The guard trembled slightly while trying to stand. "There is no need to defend your people, for I am not here for them." he said as the white cloud hovered over the small woman. "I have been told I may use the deceased woman's residence as a temporary home. If I find it missing when I return, this village will find itself facing a force without compare to lady Timara's magic prowess. I assure you, I am more than able to match the gods of this land." he said coldly, the guard nodded and promised the house will be preserved. The town's leader ordered Niyol to leave, too afraid to try and approached the powder that engulfed him. "You will swear on your soul, and the souls of all who enter and exit this village that once I depart, you will treat Timara's home with greater respect than you wish for yourselves. You will welcome all mages, and bury your negative feelings towards them. Do we have an accord?" he said calmly, giving no emotion. Relucatantly, knowing he was powerless in this situation, the leader agreed.

    The white wave crashed down on Almyra, locking her arms and legs in a metallic prison and lifting her off the ground. Niyol and his sword exited the funeral, though, he had left a very small emissary to ensure the promise was kept safe. The spirit of a fly that he'd killed quite some time ago, no matter how hard they tried they'd never catch it. As for Almyra, Niyol tossed her across the path between the funeral site and some buildings. "Have you no respect mortal!?" he shouted, the ground had a slight tremor as the words came out. "Lady Timara died because she permitted herself to do so! She did not intend on lingering in this plane for eternity you fool!" he shouted while approaching her. The white powder would lift Alymra from the ground, slamming her, and pinning her to the wall. "Stand tall, stand proud that you are a wizard and know that this is not your true home. Your home is wherever you damn well feel it to be, and now that you have no one to welcome you here you would be best to make a new home. Your sister asked me for three things. The first was to ensure that you continue to travel. The second was to ensure you return to Fiore safely. Your sister's will is for you to make your own like foolish woman, not attempt a resurrection that would inevitably fail. Bear in mind, that woman was embalmed, she has no organs to sustain her own life." he said with a highly angered, scolding voice.

    The powder disappeared, and his katana reformed. "I'll permit you twelve hours. TWELVE HOURS to get your belongings, and meet me at the front gate. If you are late, I will personally come get you." he said sternly, turning around and walking away. Niyol's expression changed to sadness, even he knew the pains of losing someone he loved and knew that Almyra was feeling the same. But for now, even if Almyra hated him, he would have to keep a strong composure... being supportive would cause attachment on his end, and Niyol didn't want any extra friends.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Almyra Bys 9th January 2016, 7:31 pm

    Almyra didn't even try to resist Niyol's assault. She knew she wasn't strong enough to take him on, but there was nothing he could do to stop her in the long run. She would bring Timara back. Her embalming would only make it easier as time would affect the body less, allowing her to come back when she was more powerful. But... no Niyol was right. It wouldn't be right to bring her sister back, even though Almy knew it wouldn't be her choice to die without seeing the world. She would continue to wander, it's what Timara would have wanted. She might find some way, a better way to bring her back than with chaos theory.

    Niyol let her down and she walked off to the house without a word. She wouldn't need twelve hours to prepare. With Niyol ensuring the house would remain safe despite the absence of residents, she didn't have to worry about locking everything up. She would gather her things and collect what food would last during her travels, leaving the little that was left out for the creatures of the desert. Within an hour or two, she walked up to Niyol, silently pressing her head against his shoulder, ready to leave.


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    Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chains of Fate [Almyra Bys C Rank Exam/Niyol & Almyra Bys/Private]

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 9th January 2016, 7:42 pm

    nly a couple hours later had the soul mage felt something tap his shoulder. The head of the girl rested there, he could feel her emotions radiating to the world around him. He let out a sigh and said "The chains of fate bind us all..." under his breath. He summoned his scorpion and had the two ride it back to the port. Niyol had left the ship before it got within a mile of Hargeon, leaving Almyra to ponder her new experiences.

    ((You are now C Rank))


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

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