Fairy Tail RP

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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero)


    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
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    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Decayuss 11th November 2015, 12:32 pm

    Words: 588
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The city of Magnolia, home of the Fairy Tail Guild. Venturing off into this city was one of the most questionable moves made by the Nephalem in his endless journey. Out of all the locations and places in and out of Fiore he could have chosen, visiting Magnolia was seemingly the most pointless. There did not seem much for him to gain by visiting it, but in his own mind there was; some knowledge. He had only ever visited the city once or twice before, and even then he did not stay longer for more than a few hours. Thus, it seemed logical to him that a much more prolonged visit could entitle him to a larger understanding of the city's place within Fiore's country. Another thing that had engaged his interest was the new appointment of Fairy Tail's Guild Master. Though not confirming it for certain--quite yet anyway--there were rumors buzzing around that he easily picked up on like almost everything else. He had never met any of Fairy Tail's previous Guild Masters, as he had almost little to no interest in any other Guilds--especially after becoming a Guildless mage, but he figured that perhaps becoming acquainted or at least knowledgeable to them could work to an advantage towards himself in some way or another.

    Thus, draped in a ragged and torn black cloak as he had been in the past few weeks of his travels, the raven haired red-eyed Guildless Mage came fourth into the city of Magnolia. Sunlight straight above him in the midday sky, the city was seemingly booming with activity and people from all around, highly sociable and friendly. A person dressed in a black cloak seemed to be a shady figure from the side or behind, but one glance at his face would tell a person otherwise: seemingly clueless. His face was questioning his surroundings, and he appeared more lost than he had ever been. His unfamiliarity with the area had caused him to get lost quite easily, and though not a very social person at all, he was forced to ask around the city for the location of Fairy Tail's Guild Hall. Not seeking to really enter the Guild or join it for that matter, he figured that perhaps a single glance at it could be sufficient enough to learn a thing or two about it. Despite his appearance, no one was really alarmed or reluctant to give the location, for if he were some kind of intruder, they had the confidence that Fairy Tail could hold their own any day.

    "Heero Reyold". As he made his way to Magnolia's side of town that housed the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, the Nephalem stared up at the midday sky as he thought to himself out loud. "How peculiar... his name is Heero. But that last name...Reyold." Either he forgot it or deemed it unimportant, he could not tell exactly what, but there was a sense of familiarity to that last name that he could not quite put his finger on. "Where have I heard that last name before...?" Certainly it wasn't from Heero; he never met or heard of the guy until now, for that matter. Something people would consider shocking... but he didn't get around too much. Perhaps he could find out soon, and very soon at that. For he found himself nearing the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, to the point where it was coming into sight very soon of himself. "Time to see if he actually is a hero. Hahahah!"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Haru-senpai 11th November 2015, 8:14 pm

    As Heero stood outside of Fairy Tail; in his new Slayer clothes. He would be seen negotiating with a Councilman from the Magic Council itself. As two rune knights stood on either side of the Councilman; both he and Heero already seem irate with one another.

    "I told you, the medical bills have already been paid...."

    "Yes, they have. But there's still the matter of the property damages...."

    "I already told you, that place was nothing more than a black market whorehouse! Fairy Tail already paid that scumbags medical bills! I'll be damned if we pay for a brand new cathouse for him to sell women out of!"

    "But....Master Reyold, the Council is clear..."

    Heero would look at him as his eyes would glow Slayer Red briefly; and as the Rune Knights crossed their Rune Staffs in front of the Councilman. Heero would raise an eyebrow at them, as they immediately were intimidated into lowering their weapons; causing the Councilman to panic a bit more.

    "Well.....I suppose I don't really like the idea of a strip club that's just a front to sell girls into slavery...." the rune knights both looked surprised; as if it were the first time they'd seen this particular Councilman use his morals and not go by the book. "Perhaps....the Council will have to bring him up on charges instead of worrying about Fairy Tail covering his insurance."

    Heero would be wearing his usual outfit; black custom Slayer top with his purple scarf. White sash around his waist, in white pants and black combat boots. His right arm was bandaged around his forearm and only his fingers were visible on his hand; keeping the ancient magicks of Fairy Glitter hidden as the tattoo would be visible without the bandages.

    He would extend that same hand to the Councilman, deciding that he liked this ones style.

    "I didn't think it was possible for me to shake a Councilman's hand and actually mean it anymore..." the Councilman would actually shake Heero's hand back earnestly as a figure in a black hood approached the Guild Hall. Both of them would turn and look at the figure, before looking at one another. When they both realized that neither of them were expecting company, the Rune Knights would notice their expressions and step in front of the man making an "X" in front of Heero and the Councilman with their Rune Staffs.

    "No, no, stand down...damn yal are sharp." as he said this the rune knights obliged as Heero put one hand on his waist, waiting in silence for the man to say anything. If he didn't within 10 sconds; Heero would only say---"Silent type eh?" breaking said silence in true fashion.

    "Sir! He looks dangerous!!! Be careful!!!" one of the Rune Knights shouted from behind Heero as the Slayer waved them off with a hand in 'yeah yeah' fashion as he stepped closer. A shot of Heero standing across from Decayuss with his arms crossed was shown.

    "Hey you kind of look like that Nephalem who......took over my sisters Guild after Zeno, and then she quit.....the 3rd Master of Eclipse Soul.....I remember, his name was an emotion or adjective or something......Distance? Doubt? ...Deniel?" an empty thought bubble would pop up above Heero's head as he wondered if he was placing the right looks. He thought he was, as even a withdrawn Guildmaster like him--as leader of one of the most famous Legal Guilds would've had a few pictures in the paper here and there.

    "Tell me...if that's true. Where is my sister now?"

    "Yes, the Council and Rune Knights have also been curious as to miss Reyold's location, we need to bring her in for questioni----" no sooner did he utter another word did a KABLAM! go off as Heero turned around and punched the Rune Knight, knocking him out cold as he slid and hit the ground, already unconscious long before he slid to a halt. The chairman yelled at Heero before a dark look overcame the Slayer.

    "Any warrants, any information you guys have or want about my sister...you don't want it anymore...understood?" the Councilman would nod frantically as he and the other Rune Knight went and scooped the knocked out Rune Knight off the ground and made their way out of Magnolia post haste.

    Heero would then turn back to Decayuss and ask him to lower his hood. When he did, Heero's Demon Slayer senses started to go wild!. Briefly, the black markings like Gray appeared on his face, before Heero suppressed them--as his body naturally sensed a Demon nearby and wanted to go into Slayer mode. He didn't ask Decayuss about anything, but he also could sense a ton of holy energy raging within him. Maybe he really was a Nephalem like in the story books. A Devil with the spirit of an angel. An unholy union if anything; he wondered about Decayuss parents. Perhaps godly beings whose son had to walk Earthland as a powerful wizard.

    "I'm sorry about that man.....hey? Down for some soda or beer?" Heero secretly wanted to train with the guy to feel a Nephalem's power for himself--but they had plenty of time for that if he was who he thought he was. The legendary wizard who had saved Fiore multiple times; smiled back at the wandering Nephalem briefly before nodding for him to follow him inside Fairy Tail.

    Once they were in, the usual mixture of regular humans and other species from all over Earthland trying to get their Job Requests fulfilled by Fairy Tail was shown; mixed in with the Fairy Tail wizards brawling and drinking themselves. Heero would lead Decayuss to the stage; Heero usually sat right on the front of it, so he hoped up on it. Motioning for Decayuss to park it next to him.

    He didn't look so out of whack in here, since there were also other travelers with cloaks and hoods on who had come from afar to Fairy Tail for one reason or another. A bunch of hot chicks walked right up to the stage, and asked if there was anything they could get Heero and his friend.

    "I'll have what he's having...." Heero would point a thumb sideways at Decayuss as the three Fairy Tail wizards, each with impressive bodies for young ladies, and even more impressive racks; would ask Decayuss what he wanted to drink and then scurry off to fetch it. "So......what drew you to the open road?" there were still so many wonders that he himself hadn't even seen around Earthland, so it was a bit of a rhetorical question but he'd found that most times, everyone had their own reasons.


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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Rose


    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
    Position : None
    Posts : 1836
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Decayuss 11th November 2015, 10:41 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Walking by himself for several more moments, the first kind of contact with Fairy Tail was about to be made by the Nephalem; certainly one he would never forget. No doubt his cloaked figure was shady, but he did not suspect it would be to the point where he would feel threatened for a moment. Spotting several strangers--two of them looking as if they were Rune Knights, he naturally made his way over to them to see if he could ask for any assistance needed. Instead he swiftly found himself met with weapons, forming an X right in front of him. Ceasing in his tracks, the hooded Nephalem gave a brief scowl at the two figures before they were ordered to retract their weapons. Given about ten seconds to say something, the hooded figure said nothing. Right now he did not know exactly what happened and why, and he felt the need for answers before he even spoke a word. Thus, all he had given Heero, the Chairman, and the two Rune Knights was a frown of red eyes beneath his cloak. Commented to be the silent type, the Nephalem saw no reason to protest, and instead kept silent and still.

    What was unexpected, and finally got him to break the silence, was the fact that the blue haired one had guessed who he was. And in return, Deniel had taken a guess as well. This must be Heero... the thought occurred to him abruptly, and there seemed to be no doubt about it. With the silence breaking, so did the frown beneath his hood as he at last spoke. "You are correct." He briefly stated. The questioning about his sister had also gotten Deniel to recognize why he knew of Heero's last name: Alye. Remembering that she once told him her last name upon entering, it appeared as though the two were siblings...how peculiar. Ready to answer him in a flash, it seemed as though Fairy Tail's Guild Master was not keen on letting the Council know as well. He also appeared to be very...open about defying their will. Something that Deniel could very easily consider a bold move. Smirking in amusement beneath his hood, but also wondering if he would be caught in the middle of some kind of trouble, he watched as the Council member and Rune Knights scurried off, leaving Deniel and Heero behind. Staring at them for a moment, he would look back at Heero and nod as he removed his hood.

    His jet black hair came into view, and the rest of his almost-pale face, and the moment it did it seemed as though Heero was struggling with something. "So...rumors are true..." The Nephalem commented as he saw the marks appear on Heero's face, "The Hero of Magnolia possesses the power to slay a Devil." "The Hero of Magnolia" was something that Deniel had occasionally heard, and was the only form of identity he could match to Heero before now.

    Being offered entrance to Fairy Tail's Guild Hall, he simply could not resist. A smirk growing across his face, he nodded; "Sure. I'd love some."

    Fairy Tail's Guild Hall was certainly...interesting, to say the least. There were all kinds of Earthland species, all interacting, brawling, drinking, and speaking with each other. There were certainly more members than he had last remembered in Eclipse Soul, though that was fortunate. This many people had made him feel uncomfortable. No longer seeing the need to conceal his body, the Nephalem's cloak was opened up by his arms on the inside, revealing the steel grey shirt he wore underneath and cropped jet black trousers. Sitting beside Heero as his red eyes scanned the Guild Hall around him, he felt a tad bit uncomfortable. Certainly he did not expect it to by like this, but at the very least he found the company of Heero to be reassuring, for whatever reason. Accepting the offer of beer--not seeing the harm in drinking a little--he responded to Heero. "A journey of self discovery, I suppose." Deniel responded to Heero almost immediately. "Figure anything about myself, and about the world. Along the way I've also hoped to make new friends and Alliances. I'm not in a Guild anymore, but I do seek to ally myself with as my Legal Guilds as possible. And the Magic Council."

    Thinking a little bit more, and giving Heero the chance to respond to himself, he continued on briefly to something else that was mentioned earlier. "About your sister...I don't know where she is. She is alive, and well. That I know. But shortly after returning to Eclipse Soul she...vanished again. I haven't the faintest idea where or why, but I do know she is alive." The girls returned with their drinks, to which Deniel very quickly snatched up and drank down in a flash. Attempting to change the subject, he was very curious about Heero; surprisingly enough he knew almost nothing about him.

    "I don't know much about you or Fairy Tail, sorry to say. But I'm curious. Which number Guild Master are you? And how are the people around here?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Haru-senpai 12th November 2015, 2:59 pm

    Heero looked amazed when Decayuss said he didn't know much about Fairy Tail. Heero honestly didn't know where to begin from that point on, he merely leaned on the stage with his arms crossed as a shot from above and sideways was shown of him next to Decayuss in the packed Guild halls.  

    "Let's see......our 1st Guildmaster, Leonard. Found a scroll, an ancient scroll in a language that no one could read...he traveled the world; and eventually in Seven found some real fairies." he would move his hand slightly while he was talking. "Turns out is was their language---and the tale on the scroll depicted a group of ancient human wizards who had a pact with the Fairies. One would keep the other safe, and vice-versa. This group of mages was called Fairy Tail."

    Heero panned his hand out in front of himself.

    "Although, after a few thousand years. This group of buddy buddy wizards fell apart, Acnologia flying the skies, Zeref...all types of sh** happened back then I'd wager. But the Fairies never heard from those wizards again.....they ended up reading Leonard the whole scroll, and inspired him to refound the ancient principals of Fairy Tail in what we call nowadays; as a Guild. Right after that...a certain young man had been abandoned in the spooky forest by a giant Golden Dragon." he pointed a thumb at himself and chuckled.

    "Leonard just so happened to be passing through...saved me from homelesness or who knows what, brought me here when I was just 10. I'll always owe him for that." a shot of Heero looking to Decayuss as he asked was shown. "I'm the 5th Master by the way."

    "Well, the people here? The best kind." he would smile. "Those who could rip your face off with their very next move after a battle---but decide not too. The type who would fight to their last for those they care for." he smiled to himself. "The type to never kick you while you're down, but definitely the type to knock you down...hard."

    As a group of girls walked by, Heero would get a sweatdrop over his head.

    "And there's always the Ladies of Fairy Tail...." Heero would sparkle comically like Armstrong with his hands on his hips briefly.

    "Never back down from a challenge, break all the bones in your opponents body but don't kill them, always do what's right even if it means going beyond the laws approval.......these are values that Fairy Tail hold dear."

    Suddenly, there was an orange cat ahead of them who was arguing with a group of wizards. This was Heero's Exceed, Garfield.

    "What do you mean he's not a member? Then why would he be here?!"

    "Any number of reasons, and we're not here to argue with a cat. Look....we followed him all the way from the Phoenix Mountains, and watched him walk through the front door with Gold Salamander....we know he's here....where is Decayuss."

    "W-wha? If he's visiting Heero then you don't have any business messing around here!"

    Furrowing his eyebrow as he realized that these individuals were lookig for Decayuss for one reason or another, Heero stood up from his lean on the stage but before he could jump into action his cat would. The cat would in a flash of light and glitter have white wings upon it's back and head upward; grabbing one cloaked figure by the neck with his tail; gripping with A-Ranked strength. The other he would headbutt on his way up, hitting him underneath the chin.

    As the orange Exceed flew up, he would fling the guy up into the ceiling and let him drop 40 feet; breaking who knew what upon impact. Using his Shrink ability, the orange Exceed would drop down to Ant Man size and down into the shirt of the other cloaked figure. Comical bashes from inside of his cloak went off as eventually Garfield knocked him out, and unshrank himself flipping backward once as the two cloaked figures fell on top of one another.

    "........" a shot of Heero walking up alongside Decayuss was shown, as the camera was below them with Garfield the Exceed in the middle looking down on the knocked out individuals with hoods on.

    "Hey these guys were askin' a buncha questions about your friend! So I jacked em!" Garfield said with his hands on his hips and a swish of his tail.

    "....Any idea who these guys could be? If they followed you all the way from west Fiore....the Phoenix Mountains ain't exactly around the corner....they must've been following you all around Fiore before you came here."


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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Rose


    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
    Position : None
    Posts : 1836
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Decayuss 12th November 2015, 8:51 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Listening intently to the story Heero told him, the Nephalem had never been more curious. Their guild dated back all the way to the time of Zeref? Even before that? Zeref was not something that he knew much about--just like the rest of the world and the stories surrounding Fiore--but he did know that it was at least four hundred years ago. And what Heero said next said that the Guild was several thousand years old. "That's very interesting, indeed..." Deniel muttered beneath his breath, not interrupting Heero but still commenting about the entire story.

    Guild Master Number 5, he was...Fairy Tail certainly had been through a lot more than Eclipse Soul's. As far as Deniel knew, he was the very second, unless someone preceded Zeno which he did not know of. The title of "Guild Master" was something that Deniel missed dearly, for just a wandering Guildless person did not seem so grand in comparison. Regardless, he made his decision, and he had to go with it. The rules and nature of Fairy Tail certainly had both similarities and differences to that of Eclipse Soul--and Deniel himself. Though not necessarily in a bad way. The only rule he would not be able to adapt to was the lack of killing an opponent. That was something that he had adjusted to for as long as he could remember fighting and winning. Of course, he never expressed that. He merely said: "Sounds very enticing! Got a lively bunch here!" Raising his drink up in approval, Deniel quickly bent himself backwards as he downed the rest of the drink in one movement. Satisfied with a nice sigh of approval, he let go of his mug and was about to say something joyous, until he noticed the relatively serious atmosphere that had quickly developed.

    Staring in the same direction that Heero was, he noticed a strange.... cat--most likely an exceed--attempting to hold off a trio of hooded and cloaked figures. Claiming that they followed "him" here all the way to Phoenix Mountains, it was fairly obvious that they were referring to Deniel. Who they were, he did not know. Standing up just as Heero did, ready to defend himself, an unexpected turn of events occurred when the cat single-handedly defeated all three of them. Walking alongside Heero to them, Deniel brushed himself past both Heero and Garfield to one of the knocked out bodies. Removing his hood from over his head, the face was certainly not familiar. Observing any part of the body that he could for a Guild Mark, he couldn't find that either. "I haven't got the slightest clue who they are." Deniel stated before standing up and looking back down at them. "Most likely assassins or something. Fortunate your Exceed took care of them instead of me; else you'd have corpses rather than knocked out bodies. Still, I suspect that this isn't the last of them. It's probably best that we move away from the Guild or something. I know you and them could probably handle the bunch...but I wouldn't want to display any power here. You'd love to see the power of a Nephalem, wouldn't you? Or an angel? Perhaps a Devil?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Haru-senpai 12th November 2015, 9:10 pm

    Heero noticed a change in Deniel's features when Heero mentioned the part about not killing opponents. Yet, he could tell that this was more out of habit than Deniel actually meaning it. As they stood over the bodies, Deniel removed the hood of the men as Heero wondered for a moment if he would recognize them. When he said that he didn't Heero looked slightly worried.

    "Hm, you sure must've pissed a few people off during your travels...." he chuckled to himself, as Garfield would turn around and shrug at them both, swishing his tail. As soon as Deniel recommended they leave the Guild to try and draw this group out further as he suspected there were more, Heero would cross his arms and give a firm up and down nod.

    "Oi, Master we're gonna toss these shits out into the street!"
    "Yeah the bastards!"

    "Heh, see if I care." Heero commented once, and nodded to the side while looking at Deniel, signaling them to leave. However as soon as they did take a single step---something happened.

    The men would actually float up. As members of Fairy Tail, including Heero surrounded them in a large circle. In one more moment with a loud twoooosh!, wings were sprouted large, white wings.

    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Garfield screamed at the top of his lungs grabbing his face, as the mens hoods dropped. They looked normal, except white lines cracking on their face appeared; as did Halos above their head.

    ".........." Heero was literally speechless, as he took a step back from the two angels who began to glow brightly.

    "Deniel, son of the Angel of Iceburg. You and this one, are two of the strongest wizards on this planet....yes?" the angels went on to explain how Demons had been breaking into the realm of light at an alarming rate; and how they'd merely come to warn Deniel that his mother had been trying to contact him once more when they were attacked by the cat.

    With a sweatdrop over his head; Garfield appeared on Heero's shoulder with his ears dipping back downward behind his head to show that he knew he'd messed up. He didn't know he'd been...attacking three angels.

    "Sorry about that!" he raised a paw and sparkled briefly on Heero's shoulder, still peeking over it slightly. The angels shook their heads and smiled at him, knowing he meant no harm.

    "It is fine, feline of Edolas....we merely mean to reach some with the capability to seek out a tear in the Realms and put an end to it......we are still trying to locate the rip in the Realms...once we do, we shall find you two again....and this time; hopefully not be attacked by such an...adorable little warrrior cat." with that, all three angels would bow at the same time which was unnerving; before they would disappear in a burst of white light and feathers that swayed and hit the ground.


    And then almost everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild would pass out as they all exhaled swiftly.

    "A tear in the Realms......what could've caused such a thing..." Heero knew that Heaven, Earth, and Hell were all divided by dimensional forces beyond comprehension. What could've caused them to weaken? Perhaps.....Deniel himself growing more powerful within one of the three realms caused the barrier itself to weaken. It was only a theory, but perhaps he'd learn more later.

    "And they don't even know where the tear in the Realms is yet......Aye." Garfield put a paw up to his chin and began to think while swishing his tail. "Hey, Deniel....you're half and half right?! Anyway you could sense this kinda rip in dimensions and what not?!" the Exceed asked as almost the entire Guild turned to Deniel.


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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Rose


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    The Nephilim

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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Decayuss 14th November 2015, 12:04 am

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    "Only I didn't..." Deniel responded to Heero, but also contemplated it himself. He hadn't made any enemies during his travels, surely. He mostly kept to himself. These individuals most likely enemies made long ago--if they were enemies at all. Turing his back away from them and starting to think on it himself, he took a few steps away until he heard the unified gasp of the Fairy Tail guild. Turning around in alarm with his hand right hand reaching for the left side of his waist, as if a weapon for there--which there was not--, the Nephalem stared up to see what were....angels! Surprisingly enough the Nephalem never bore witness to these creatures, for the only one he had ever met--and killed--was his mother Arianna the White Angel. His guard had dropped dramatically, no longer having his hand near his waist, and he listened to them intently. It was curious that they referred to her as the "Angel of Iceburg". Deniel knew his mother well, and knew that her official title was "The White Angel", Iceburg was never mentioned... Not to mention those other Angels and Gods in Heaven never knew of her presence in Iceberg. The Icecrown Citadel was her darkest secret. Something was not right. The Nephalem knew immediately that this was all a trick, but chose not to show it. He acted as if he were listening intently, when in reality he found himself deep within his mind.


    What?! What is it?

    Any idea who these guys are?

    Not the faintest idea, Deniel. They don't know I'm dead...rude.

    Indeed, they don't. I smell a trap.

    Be careful, Deniel. These are not angels.

    Concluding the conversation in his mind with his mother, the Nephalem finished just as the three "angels" had as well. In a single flash of light all of them were off, leaving the Fairy Tail Guild alone along with Deniel. He turned away, momentarily, to face the Guild, and felt all eyes on him. "I am. Though I still have much to learn about dimensions, and the realms of Heaven and Hell. And if there are more out there. I cannot sense such things; I have never ventured beyond Earthland aside from Edolas. Though I do have an idea about what to do."

    Turning his back to the crowd once more, the Nephalem's left arm extended out from its cloak, holding its palm open as if for an object to appear. From out of his shoulders, just at the gaps in his neck, came a swift gust of black mist straight into his palm. The mist morphed into a shape similar to a rod, before suddenly materializing and solidifying itself. In the hand of the Nephalem was now a jet black sheathed katana with a white hilt wrapped with gauze. Holding on to the blade with his right hand, and swiftly drawing it, Deniel created a cut across the air right in front of him. A moment of silence passed, and nothing happened. He spun the blade around in his hand, and sheathed it back inside of the scabbard. The moment the "Click" connected, and the blade was secured, a cut within the air appeared. Tearing open the very fabric of space and time right before them, a dimensional rift into blackness formed right in front of Deniel. Opening up like a tear in something, before the Fairy Tail Guild Hall was a small entrance into nothingness.

    "A dimensional gap, I'm assuming..." Deniel began, as he held his hand out and put it through. "I suppose I'll call it Purgatory." Deniel stepped into the gap created, looking at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and Heero behind him. "I'm assuming you're coming with me. Let's go. I'd rather see what this is all about as soon as I can."

    After Heero entered, the gap behind them closed, and they were not in the dimensional gap. Though it seemed like there was nothingness, there was still ground to walk on, though they could not see even that. Deniel took a few hesitant steps forward before turning it into a full on sprint ahead of himself. He began to run, swiftly as to get out of the seemingly infinite place. There were no walls, no objects, no ceiling, and no floor. Yet they walked and ran as if there were a floor, and there were echoes in their steps as if there were a ceiling.

    Far ahead of them, almost like the end of the tunnel, was a light. And when Deniel and Heero exited the dimension into the light, it seemed as though they were in Heaven, Paradise. Except one thing was off. As they were greeted by "Angels", the Nephalem took a quick whiff of the air, which carried the stench of deception and..."Fire...I smell fire."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Haru-senpai 14th November 2015, 5:16 pm

    As Heero stepped forward towards the gateway after Deniel had flashed his blade through the air; and sheathed it. The moment his blade clinked! back into place; what sounded like a jet exploded in the middle of the room and stabilized into a black portal. As the entire screen would shake for a moment.

    Garfield hopped onto his shoulder as several Guildmembers yelled.

    "Be careful Master!"
    "Don't worry, I've already scanned his type of Magic, we'll be able to open up another portal with like 1,000 Lacrima...even though we don't have that many...just how much Magic Power did he use to open that portal anyway...it's off the charts."

    Nodding to his Guildmates, he would step through the portal as he and Deniel's clothes still had color even in the darkness. Garfield was also still bright orange.

    "This is...some kinda space between?" the orange Exceed on Heero's shoulder swished his tail and raised a hand to his chin in thought. As a light at the end of the tunnel revealed itself to them, whether by fate or by chance. He and Deniel took off running towards it.

    'Vwoom, Vwoom' the sound of two people jumping out of a portal was heard. as what looked like a greek kingom complete with the golden pearly gates ahead of them; Heero would look around. Recognizing this as the realm of Paradise, the Elysian Fields in Greek terms, or Heaven in Christianity. Amazed because he'd never been here, but more so because Deniel had discovered the ability to open a portal here. He'd be a useful friend to have.

    Heero could summon spirits with Milky Way, but not come directly to heaven or hell by his own power. Or at least he hadn't figured out how too yet. Perhaps it was Deniel's sword that possessed the capability. With a sweatdrop, Heero figured he'd figure it out later as he took one step forward.

    A shot of Heero's foot hitting a cloud was shown as it whirled all around him...his first step into heaven.

    Trembling with both fear and emotion, Heero shook as he realized...he shouldn't be here. It was.......beyond his imagination. Gathering his focus as he realized this was a chance to see his parents again if he could find them. But.....fire? In Paradise? Something was wrong.

    Heero also knew that the Angels were usually very charming, funny, and friendly, yet...he hadn't seen any yet. Were they under attack?

    "Let's go." Heero said as he'd made friends with the angel named Hermies, or Gabriel depending on the tale hoping that he was still safe up here. Heero would leap off of the various houses of gold, kicking off of clouds as well and following the smell of smoke. With his Slayer senses it was easy. Since he was moving from rooftop to glittering rooftop in Heaven at insane speeds; he felt like Deniel could keep up, since his Magic Power was equal too Heero's own. The two would move like something out of Naruto and Dragonball Z with such speed that the clouds actually whirled around Deniel and Heero in heaven.

    They eventually saw a large, large, LARGE tree up ahead---and it was burning.

    "Yggdrassil? I've only read about it in books......" Garfield said, swishing his tail from Heero's shoulder as he skipped off of clouds.

    Although the tree was HUGE, it was still a mile away. It was that big. When they started getting closer to the burning Tree of Life; the size of New York itself as a tree standing alone; Heero started to sense something---something off.


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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Rose


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    The Nephilim

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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Decayuss 14th November 2015, 9:18 pm

    Words: 744
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Something was off, there was no doubt about it. Though Deniel could never quite place his finger on what exactly it was. Even his mother could not suspect that there was anything out of the ordinary. As Deniel followed just behind Heero, with a few meters separating the two as he ran, he once again spoke to her about it within his mind.

    Mother...is this--

    A section I have never visited, but yes.

    But then...what exactly is wrong?

    I don't know, Deniel. But be careful.

    Concluding the thoughts with his mother for now, Deniel focused back on what was ahead of them. And then Heero and himself found the source of the burning scent. An enormous tree ahead of them--in which Heero called Yggdrasil. An interesting name, something that Deniel had never heard of before. He wondered why he and Heero were brought to this place; of course Deniel was the one that opened up the portal, but he had no idea where exactly he would end up. Something probably guided them here... but for what reason? "Something isn't right." Deniel said to himself and to Heero, and although they could have started to near the tree in a matter of minutes with their speed, something caused him to halt. Of course it was his own will, but there was something about the tree that caused Deniel to stop in his tracks.

    His heels sliding on the clouds, he stopped and stared with narrow eyes at the suspicious tree. "Why...why here?"

    "We can answer that." Behind Deniel and Heero boomed a mighty and strong voice, lowering itself down to their level. As Deniel suddenly turned around, he saw before him, he saw six...angels! Not hooded like the ones that they met back at the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, these angels were all covered in armor just like warriors. There were two of them in the front, and four in the back, two for each side. The four in the back seemed to have armor that was all the same color and shape, as well as the same weapons. Grey armor with white capes and feathered wings sticking out of their backs, wielding spears. The two in the front seemed to have bigger stature, and much thicker armor. On each of their backs were four wings, rather than two, and each were crowned with halos atop their helmets. The one on the left had armor of a dark blue shade in some areas, and his choice of weapon was a two handed broadsword. The right one had much more orange looking shades in areas, and on his back was a very large two handed hammer--a hammer of justice. The one in the blue stepped forward.

    "Deniel Decayuss Thormun, your power has grown far beyond that of any other Nephalem in history. Your very existence could threaten your world, and any other's."

    "Heero Reyold, you have grown far too strong to be considered a mortal man. You cannot be allowed to exist."

    "Therefore, to make sure neither of your lives are completely wasted, we will kill you both and feed your blood to the world tree!"

    Both of them drew their weapons, and so did their guards behind them. Deniel stood still momentarily, gazing at all six of them without a movement. There was a fierce look in his eyes, before he proclaimed, "Very well!" Deniel reached for the neck portion of his cloak, and threw the whole thing up straight into the sky. His clothes underneath were completely revealed, and in his hand he held on to the katana in which he used to cut the dimension to this open again. The red eyes of Deniel flared blue, as an ominous blue glow suddenly surrounded his body.

    In just a few moments, the glow surrounding Deniel morphed itself into a white armor. Covering his entire body from head to toe, with blue orbs on several locations of his limbs, and black softer portions that allowed his limbs to be moved, he awakened as the White Angel. Golden lenses in front of his eyes flared, as if activating itself. There were two katanas instead of one, and this time they were white, with one of each on Deniel's waist area. He drew the both of them, and pointed each of them at the one in the more bluish armor, challenging him first. "Come and get me! I'll show you the true power of the White Angel!"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Haru-senpai 15th November 2015, 2:19 pm

    As they stood at the base of the World Tree; one could look left to right--and would not see the end of it. It stretched endlessly into the clouds. Heero stared up at it, quite frankly amazed. He could read about this very tree in books forever after this moment, but never would he be able to duplicate how he felt right now. As clouds wisped in all directions on each branch--he admired it closing his eyes and inhaling the literal, heavenly air. He couldn't help but to breath it in as a Sky Slayer---and as it went into his nose and mouth---he felt his Magic Power raise like nothing he'd felt before---even his Magic Power itself began to feel different.

    Perhaps it was because his Demon Slayer magick was a holy magic; he had no idea. As he opened his eyes after inhaling though; it seemed they had company.

    Wing beats, several of them hit the air with a sound like moving wind as Heero immediately turned around, Garfield on his shoulder. Greeted by six angels, four in the back with spears and in silver; two in the front. One had a greatsword, the other with a giant warhammer. Garfield would wave at them from Heero's shoulder before dipping down and realizing they weren't here for a meet, greet and, chat.

    As Decayuss and Heero listened to them, Heero furrowed his brow.

    "Hey! What! I've done nothing but good down there!!! I thought this was supposed to be Heaven!!!" Heero got a sweatdrop over his head and took a step back balling up his fists in shock. "Wait a minute......Deniel, I have a feeling this is a rogue squadron of Angels---the other ones probably won't be to happy about this."

    As Deniel pointed his katana at the group of angels, toward the dark armored angel with four wings, Heero would look toward the other with four wings and a warhammer.

    After a long silence; everyone burst into motion. The four angels with spears flying around the two archangels like a fan and convering on Heero and Deniel's position. With a noise like tsssst! the clouds would twist up after Heero as he moved insanely fast from his location; actually landing with one foot on all four of their spears, stomping them downward and surprising all four angels. Using the four spears like a trampoline; Heero would leap upward into an amazing backflip in true air bender style; he would gather a huge gale force wind on his leg and kick downward.

    Sky Devil's Talon, exploded as a huge gust of wind whipped them around battering them into one another before exploding in a fifty foot gale of wind that sent feathers and armor flying everywhere. Within one second of this explosion; Heero came flying through the wind his scarf trailing behind him as the angel with the great hammer reacted with a single flap of his wings forward.

    Their fists met, creating a huge shockwave backward, as their clothes and wings leapt up respectively as they met. A kick from Heero parried, a backhand from the angel; ducked. A haymaker from both, eating it in the face as they danced around at above the speed of sound---explosions popping up everywhere like Dragonball Z as the clouds kicked in the various locations they appeared trading blows.

    The angel would reappear with a footplant, it's golden armor glinting in the light as it reached back and like Thor undid it's hammer from it's holster and flung it at Heero. It whirled through the air sideways at over 100MPH as Heero leapt over the hammer; to his surprise it flipped mid-air and came slamming down on his back--redirecting itself. The angel then called the hammer back to his hand mid-step forward and tried to bring it down on Heero who was still rising.

    Sky Devil's Hurricane Fist a literal rocket of wind that sent Heero forward through the clouds again went off as he was shot like a bullet forward; carrying the angel forward as it sounded like a two year old was banging on a trash can so many hits rang out from Heero's fists into the armor of the golden armored angel. His helmet literally battered around left to right on Heero's fists as the Slayer would cock one final hand back into a fist at his side--raising into an uppercut of wind that was shown as the camera zoomed out---a huge net of wind exploding and rushing down the various alleyways of paradises golden buildings; the branches and leaves on Yggdrassil actually shaking and rustling in the wind a bit.

    A slow-mo of the angel being uppercutted as the net of wind exploded beneath his chin was shown as he went flying upward and back; twisting on wind before plummeting downward; righting himself, and landing with a flap of his wings---his armored cracked and breaking off; the man he was before he was an angel visible now as various golden pieces of armor fell off and hit the clouds.

    "Tscch.......that a human could be this powerful......this is not going to work according to our plans at this rate Gabriel!!!" the other angel called back frustrated.

    "Just stay focused Michael!!!" he yelled back as he continued to try and assault Deniel with his greatsword. Heero wondered why these two had planned to set them up. Possibly to bring the glory back to the High Heavens by having the world tree blossom like never before---with the blood of the strongest Nephalem and wizard; who knows how the tree would react if watered with it. Not willing to allow that to happen, Heero called out to the battered angel, Michael.

    "Stop this stuff, you guys are supposed to be the good guys!" he said raising a fist as Michael ignored him and zig zagged around; almost too fast to see, delivering an up to down crushing blow on Heero with his hammer---but to his surprise. Heero had actually caught the hammer with two hands, and was gritting an intense slayer grin from under it.

    "I-Impossible! This is impossible!" he said as he added more pressure downward, but to no avail as Heero actually shapeshifted into an elephant with a snap! and stepped downward onto the surprised angel; crushing and battering him into his own armor as he passed out. The other angels with the spears had recovered a bit; their healing factor impressive as Heero looked surprised that they were getting up again as he shapeshifted back into himself.

    Before he could attack them himself however, a certain orange cat came flying in at 200MPH from behind one of them at Max Speed! barreling with his fists out he actually pinned one into Yggdrassil with a superman dive that caused the angel to pass out from shock and pain; the other remaining three looked around surprised as Garfield continued to divebomb attack them from every direction; wanting to have them to himself while Heero and Deniel took care of the archangels. With his archangel down for now; and Garfield keeping the other angels occupied; Heero took this time to spin on his heel rocket forward at a run toward Deniel and his opponent.

    Like Sonic the Hedgehog passing; Heero would blur by in a wave of clouds and snatch the greatsword right from the angels hands with H-Ranked strength; leaving him wide open at the worst possible so Deniel could knock him silly. Heero himself would run up the world tree and backflip off of it; calling out to Garfield as he would cartwheel in slow-mo in the air---chucking the archangels greatsword down into the crowd of angels Garfield was harassing. It built up holy enegries on the way down and exploded on the remaining three angels in a flash of golden light.

    "Finish him Deniel! Show them what happens when Heaven and Hell's son returns!" Heero said as he stomped downward on the face of the angel who he'd defeated; golden cracks in the angels skin enraged as he looked back up at Heero; his blonde hair and blue eyes furious. "Why would the angels of Paradise turn on us......TALK!" Heero twisted his foot on the angels throat as the beings four wings twitched in pain. He relented, as Heero continued to stand over him and interrogate. He knew something was wrong; because he didn't see any other angels. Usually there would be hundreds of thousands flying around in Heaven or Paradise, surrounding Yggdrassil itself especially. Where were the other angels?


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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Rose


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    The Nephilim

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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Decayuss 16th November 2015, 8:45 pm

    Words: 823
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    There was a moment of silence...and then the fight began. Deniel took a much more head-first approach straight into the midst of it, taking on three of them at the same time. As the fight became a sudden surge of chaos, Deniel kept his focus on the one with the blue armor, as Heero seemed to be fine with the one wielding the war hammer. Wielding his twin white katanas with excessive skill and accuracy, he managed to cut down the weaker foes in a matter of seconds, slicing through their armor and then hitting them with the back of the blades so that he may work towards beating them up and knocking them out rather than cutting them and killing them.

    There was a surge of flame-like blue energy on the blades of the White Angel, quickly manifesting themselves into orbs on the very tips of the blades. Aiming his two blades straight at the incapacitated weaker angels, the two orbs launched themselves straight for the at enormous speeds, hitting them in less then a second. And as they came into contact with the two angels, the orbs each detonated in enormous spherical explosions that generated a storm of wind and clouds with the mere force of its detonation. A blue glow enveloped the whole battlefield as they exploded, and briefly outshone the glow of the burning tree of Yggdrasil. As the light and energy from these detonating orbs faded, the bodies of the two angels he defeated were bruised and crisped, knocked out but certainly not dead.

    Before he could even be satisfied with himself at his knock out, he swiftly parried the greatsword of the angel using both of his katanas. He turned to face them, and both of them got into a massive fight using their blades. With each cut shaping the clouds and generating gusts of wind from the sheer force of them, they seemed to be equally matched. Deniel's twin blades were swift and true, but the wielding of the broadsword by the angel seemed to be equivalent. "Innocence!" In between one of the parries made by Deniel, he charged up Holy Energy on both of his blades, and then the next cut unleashed by it also gave way to an enormous crescent shaped cut made of the same blue energy from the explosion. Dodging the first three, there were still more, and the angel was eventually hit by one. So powerful was the force of his blade and its crescent slash that the angel was sent barreling backwards. Chasing after him and having their swords collide with each other once more, Deniel, underneath his helmet, gave out a snarl of frustration. His opponent was tough, and it would possibly take him quite a while to beat him unless he tried his absolute hardest.

    Though from out of no where, Heero gave him assistance by snatching away the greatsword of his opponent, giving Deniel a clear opening. "Take this!" Unleashing a combination of slashes upon the angel in front of him, Deniel successfully managed to pierce through his armor and cause the parts in which his swords collided with to be ripped to pieces like cutting through butter, while only lightly harming the individual underneath. Sending him flying with a jab of his sword, Deniel quickly chased after him, until actually catching up to him and slamming him down on the ground before he actually fell to natural gravity. He had his sword right at his throat, coated in Holy Energy so that it could decapitate him at a moment's notice. "You heard Heero... talk."

    Looking up at Deniel, with one part of his helmet shattered and cracked so his blue eyes showed underneath and a bit of his blonde hair spilled out...he answered him. "The world tree...." he began, "Is dying." Deniel's sword did not budge one bit. In fact, he brought the blade closer to his throat so that he may be threatened to say more. "It is perhaps the works of Hell. But...something is draining the power of the world tree. Much more so than that Dragon ever did. He never posed a threat. But this...this is causing it to die. And one way we could bring it back would be by spilling your blood on it..." Deniel began to ponder it a bit more, but he did not move his blade. In fact, he further questioned him.

    "If you know what the source is, why not stop it?"

    "A full scale invasion would never work..." the Angel Heero had by the throat answered, though struggled with the pressure. "It could threaten the very existence of us all. That is why neither side has done so. We both know the dangers. It is why our war is fought on a small scale..."

    Thinking further on it, Deniel slowly started to retract the blade away from the angel's throat. "Heero, you thinking what I'm thinking?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st November 2015, 12:41 pm

    As Heero watched Deniel fell the angel against him; he smirked a bit. Marveling at the moment the angel was struck down by the ex-Guildmaster. As Deniel flipped his blade onto the angel's throat; holding it threatningly as it seemed to shine briefly with holy energy; Heero would wait for an explanation.

    And he simply could not believe his ears when he heard it. The crackling of Yggdrasil burning was all that was heard as Heero stood with his foot on the angel Michael's throat and Deniel held his sword in similar fashion upon Gabriel.

    For awhile; all that was heard was silence. As Deniel finally looked over to Heero and asked one question.

    "I'm pretty sure I am."

    With an echoed sentiment from the orange cat on his shoulder; Heero stepped back off of Michael's throat and held a hand out to him. Surprising the angel; but filling him with joy, as he was most likely a being of pure love as most angels were he accepted Heero's hand up and pulled himself to his feet. Although he was as large as Elfman; he didn't make any attempts to throw Heero off balance or trick him. Merely shook a large golden gauntlet'd hand with the Fairy Tail wizard.

    "Apologies, master Reyold. I never would've done such a thing if I didn't think it was necessary." he could literally see the regret on the archangels face; as the shame of his actions seemed to cause him to question his position as an angel, and a being of good nature. Heero merely shook his head as they continued their handshake.

    "Look..if I've read right about that bigass tree behind us; all of the multiverse is connected there, every possible future and past upon it's branches right?" Michael looked surprised that Heero knew a thing or two. Their research on him had concluded that he was arrogant and airheaded; this was a thorough surprise to both Michael and Gabriel. "So.....I understand, it's your job as Angels to protect it right?"

    As soon as Heero said these words, what seemed like the entire skies would fill with angels who descended upon their location like birds.

    One by one, they formed a circle around Gabriel, Deniel, Heero, and Michael. The angels would all kneel in a great circle around the two archangels and wizards; as one angel. Dressed in all red, and similar to a warrior; would step forward hand resting on a longsword in his sheath.

    "Ah...Raphael." Michael said, his expression looking peaceful until he noticed the look on Raphael's face as the third Archangel approached them.

    "You weren't supposed to try to harm them...if you knew anything of this one, all you had to do was ask him. Isn't that right?" Raphael had pointed at Heero, and then made eye contact with him. Unlike Gabriel and Michael, he had dark black hair, and his eyes were a soft red. With confirmation, Heero nodded to Raphael.

    Both Gabriel and Michael got a comical shocked anime look on their faces; forgetting that Heero was extremely selfless, and would mow someone's lawn for free. Feeling chastised and foolish, the other two archangels stepped aside for the third as he walked forward before Heero and Deniel.

    Motioning to both of them too approach; he drew his longsword, which shone and sung as it left it's sheath.

    With a nod, Heero would hold out his forearm. A single slice, as the legendary wizard's blood covered the blade. He would do the same to Deniel if he so let him; with a smile, Raphael would then fly off like a sonic boom, flying around the world tree so fast that Heero and Deniel's blood would hang like string around the world tree from Raphael's loops.

    Eventually, the tree itself began to shine as Raphael flew in loops and eventually; all of the blood would fall onto the tree like rain, as it seemed to shine happily---flames disappearing throughout it.

    "Amazing.....even an angel blood doesn't make the tree respond in this manner......." Michael marveled at what the blood of the strongest Nephalem, and strongest wizard could do to the world tree. Gabriel walked up and smiled.

    "It appears we went about this all wrong....my apologies my brother." he would pound a fist over his chest, and refer to Deniel as brother; causing all the other angels to look up, some mumbling in distaste at this as Gabriel merely looked over his shoulder at them; and caused them to fall to silence. "Angels such as you would judge one another? Judge not lest ye be judged, as angels; you should be ashamed at yourselves for such tones under your breath, Deniel did not choose to be born as he is. Yggdrasil did. You angels...who lived such lives of peace and did your best for everyone on Earthland....would judge one another such as this?"

    Gabriel would show his position as messenger of the Gods, he was known by many names. Hermes being one of them---as the other angels snapped out of it and rose to their feet, each greeting Deniel as a brother.

    For awhile; they would all socialize at the base of Yggdrasil, until a certain orange cat would speak up from Heero's shoulder.

    "Hey! This is all well and good, but I'm sure Deniel and Heero's blood isn't permanent fertilizer! We need to make sure whatever or whoever came out of hell to come and poison Yggdrasil can't do so again right?" the angels looked surprised that the cat would speak, brave enough too anyhow, among such copmany; although they smiled at the cat due to him being adorable and them having lived as humans before being angels. A female angel even walked up to Heero and began to scratch Garfield behind the neck---sending him into a fit of purrs.

    "There's only one archangel with access to both heaven and hell.......Lucifer. But the creator and Yggdrasil both cast him out long ago near the beginning of time. He is half demon now...like you." Michael would nod to Deniel. "However....Lucifer held power such as yours eons ago, as an archangel---and he is more powerful than all of us angels here combined.....closer in power to the two of you. Together you may be able too..." however, Raphael went up in a roar.

    "You're not seriously considering sending a Nephalem with no allegience to the Heavens, and a wizard who's known to cause either chaos or peace wherever he goes straight into the Nine Hells to confront Lucifer?! They'd be lucky to make it past floor number two! Let alone down to the ninth floor to his throne." Raphel cut Michael off as the angels began to argue amongst one another.

    Some thought that Heero and Deniel were even stronger than Lucifer, and listed their feats that they'd seen from the heavens down on Earthland. Others thought that although they were stronger than any archangel; they still would not be a match for Lucifer himself.

    Heero merely stood with his arms crossed; as the camera was shown behind he and Deniel. An anime sweatdrop would most likely drop over both of their heads, and Garfield's as they watched the angels continue to bicker amongst one another.


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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Rose


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    Venturing Off (Private/Heero) Empty Re: Venturing Off (Private/Heero)

    Post by Decayuss 24th November 2015, 5:19 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Raising his blade up away from Gabriel's neck, and letting the Holy Energy fade away in the wind as if they were specks of dust attached to his sword, he sheathed both of his katanas and figured the fight to be over. Just as Heero assisted Michael in standing up, Deniel gave Gabriel a helping hand. Since the battle had been over, Deniel's helmet manually removed itself by contracting into smaller pieces before storing itself inside of the neck area of its armor. Underneath his helmet, Deniel's skin was much more pale than it had been before, complete with white hair and glowing blue eyes. "Sorry, Deniel...but a wonderful fight!" The two bumped fists with each other, having their armors clash together upon doing so.

    Shortly after, Deniel crossed his arms and observed the following events before him unfold, with the two of them being surrounded by a swarm of angels, some wearing armor while others not. In any other scenario his hands would have started to reach for his katanas once more, though angels weren't really prone to lie, so he was able to trust them in knowing they wouldn't gang up on him or Heero. A third archangel...whose name was Raphael. How interesting. He offered his sword for both Deniel and Heero to draw their blood on, and willing to still compromise and still give them what they wanted, Deniel nodded. Holding out one of his arms, his armor temporarily deconstructed itself in the area in which he would be cut, since attempting to cut through his armor would prove to be quite an arduous task. Once enough blood had been drawn, his armor reconstructed itself around his arm area, with himself looking as though nothing had happened before.

    He crossed his arms over his chest once again, and observed the result of the World Tree's reaction to both his blood and Heero's. It was quite a miraculous and astounding sight, enough for Deniel to give it a pair of wide eyes and an impressed nod. Gabriel even went as far as to calling Deniel brother, something he wasn't really sure about reacting to. He never really associated himself among the divine, whether it be angels or demons. He always considered himself a mortal, and lived within mortal men. Just....having the power of the divine. He was so conflicted with his thought that the next few moments of murmurs with the angels was ones that he was unable to pay attention to. A self-reflective moment came upon him, as his surroundings seemingly became mere shadows within his own mind. Was he a mortal? A divine? Something in between?

    Snapping himself back into the threads of reality, the topic of them once again needing the blood of Deniel and Heero once again came to the field. It was an interesting question, not to mention Deniel wondered exactly what caused this in the first place. Obviously Hell was to blame, but Deniel had his doubts that something came here directly to poison it. Almost if...

    "Brothers!" Deniel's voice triumphed over all arguing angels, and suddenly the arguments ceased. All eyes were suddenly on the White Angel, who gazed around him in every direction before speaking once more. "We all know someone or something from Hell is to blame. However, I have my doubts that Lucifer himself would risk coming here to poison the world tree. Though I do have a solution: a machine of some kind. An intention. Or...perhaps a spell. Regardless of what it is, they must have figured out something down there that could remotely drain the power of the World Tree. So unless Heero and I go down there now...this will just happen again." There were whispers among them once again, and the three archangels stepped forward to them. "Are you certain about this? If you descend into Hell and take on Lucifer, there is no guarantee you will ever return. It will only be the both of you."

    Only nodding, the White Angel also shrugged. "He is much older than Heero and I. There is no doubt that he's stronger. Perhaps even the two of us combined would only have a chance of greatly weakening him...I'm not entirely sure about killing him. Though  I don't think that we need to defeat him." There were even more whispers among them. "Then what it is you plan to do." Looking at Heero for a moment, Deniel stared back at the angels and cracked his knuckles from underneath his armor. "Hold him off long enough to smash his little thing that's draining this World Tree into a million pieces."

    "What about getting there? We have no way to offer."

    Deniel turned his back to all of them, and began to walk away several paces. "You said it yourself: Lucifer is like me. So...I guess it's worth a shot." Deniel took both of his sheathed katanas, with their scabbards, off from their secure spots at his waist. He held both of them in front of him by the hilt, and suddenly both of them began to glow a dark red color. Opposite of their sky blue glow earlier, he merged both blades together within his hands, and the next moment he was carrying an enormous demonic broadsword, with flesh covering the metal that was not a part of the sharp end of the blade. An angel wielding a demonic sword...it was quite a sight to behold, or even disgust to some. "Now then...let's go to Hell!" Holding up the monstrous broadsword just above his head, the White Angel brought it crashing down as far as he could, and as he did so, there was a tearing sound. Cutting between the fabric of space, time, and dimensions, the sword he called Armageddon backed with his angelic and demonic power managed to cut a temporary hole in the dimensional gap, one that was similar to the one earlier, but would lead to a different location. Far beyond this dimensional gap was the fiery domain known as Hell. The Inferno. Or anything that a person could call it...

    Stepping in to the gap, the White Angel beckoned Heero to follow. "Let's kick some ass."
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