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    Magic of the 4th dimension


    Lineage : Chimera Blood
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    Completed Magic of the 4th dimension

    Post by Kafer 6th July 2016, 5:28 pm


    Primary Magic: 4th Dimension Magic
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you trained for goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description:  Xerex is able to use magic to access the 4th dimenson. This gives hm the ability to crete constructs out of dark matter, change the world around hm as well as use dark energy to power energy blasts.

    Xerex accesses the 4th dimension through the use of portals. The portals are small tears in the  fabric between ours and the 4th dimension. The constructs are a result of objects in our world being replicated in the 4th dimension. At lower ranks, the portals can only be close to Xerex ut they get further by 5 meters as he ranks up.

    Xerex powers require him to only create a portal meaning he can reuse certain ablities consecutively for no extra mp
    Xerex doesn't need to use his hands to cast his magic, the portals are open with his mind
    Portals are formless, and can fit any where

    Each portal has to be open separtely for each spell, and he can only have one open at lower levels
    Xerex cannot create portals through people, and he must be close to make them through walls
    Within the 4th dimension, Xerex uses his life force to manipulate the landscape and environment

    Lineage: Cursed Seal
    Description: Lucifer himself cursed a monk with the ability to seal away any object into an endless pit on the palm of his hand and spit out the objects at will. Only blood carried down from the great monk can utilize this seal.
    Ability: A small black hole is created at the palm of the user’s hand causing any object to be sucked towards it and damaging them. The pit is endless and can store any object.  It deals user-ranked damage spell damage(max S-rank) in a 20 meter range in front of the user in a cone. If this damage would reduce something to 0%HP or less, it sucks them into the void. If it does not reduce them to 0% HP or less,  it instead does half the damage and deals the other half directly to the user who cannot resist this damage in any way.  Automatically destroys non-magical items (and thus automatically sucks them up).
    If KOed or destroyed all items are shot out of a void from the user’s hand broken if items and unconscious if a living thing.
    Usage: Can be used two times per thread with a 4 post cooldown in between uses. The user is also dealt 10% of the HP in damage after use due to the strain put on their body.

    Unique Abilities:
    4d hole: Xerex opens a portal in front of him capable of absorbing 2 spells from the rank below him and one from his rank before closing. These attacks can the be sent back by Xerex. Can only be used twice per topic, 4 posts cooldown between uses.

    Xerex can passively see in the dark

    Xerex gains a passive 20% boost to speed because of being used to the high gravity in the 4th dimension

    Objects he destroys and people he ko float in the air

    Spell Template

    Name: 4d Spear
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Duration:1 post
    Cooldown:2 posts
    Description: Xerex opens a portal on his palms and lets out a spear of 4d energy that streches 7 meters towards enemy.
    Can dispel shields of his rank
    Can pierce through more than one human in range of the attack
    The attack can pierce directly through most metals
    This attack cannot be rediected by Xerex
    Shields two ranks above him send the spear back at him
    If it streches out of his range, it disperses
    If the attacks hit, he has to dispel it to move his arm

    Name: The 4D eye
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: Xerex opens a portal the size of his eye in front of his eye, connected to another portal through which he can look at everything within 30 meters

    Can allow him to see through walls
    The portal can be closed and reopened at no extra mp, but no other spells can be used while it open, and if he uses another one he has to use mp to reopen it

    The eye he uses for the technique becomes a blindspot
    Xerex can't hear while using the attack
    Xerex has to close the portals in order to move them

    Name: 4d gatling
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Xerex opens a portal that shoots out small spheres of dark energy that are each an inch around, at the speed of a bullet in a range of 20m
    The pellets shoot at in large groups that are hard to defend
    They move quickly,and can cause penetration

    They can only affect barriers two ranks below Xerex
    Cannot pierce stone or metal
    Metals harder than steel shatter the pellets

    Name: 4D Step
    Rank: D
    Type: Supportive
    Description: Xerex opens a portal steps into it, and can come out through another portal, letting him cross distances quickly and can stay in for a max of 3 posts. These portals can be a max of 15m away from each other, increasing by 15m every two tiers. Can be used twice before the cooldown takes effect

    Allows Xerex to cross distances quickly and stealthily
    While using this he is invulnerable
    His speed in increased 10 fold, making movement basically instant
    When he moves small ripples may indicate where he is
    he cannot touch people while using this move as he is in another dimension
    He cannot see into the regular dimension using this move
    He cant open portals to attack while in the 4th dimension, only one to come back

    Last edited by Xerex on 15th July 2016, 8:44 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

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    Completed Re: Magic of the 4th dimension

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 7th July 2016, 1:08 pm

    Hello Xerex! I'll be grading your magic today! All edits will be in -this color-

    Xerex wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Negative Magic
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: This magic allows Xerex to access the powers of the 4th dimension, allowing him to create blasts of dark energy, make negative constructs and even turn things negative causing them to be rejected by our world. The portals he creates are pure black as well as the energy within them

    Xerex uses his magic by opening 4D portals, allowing energy from the 4th dimension to come into ours. This energy can cause someone to be sucked into the 4th dimension, as well s remove or increase the effects of gravity on them


    • The magic from the 4th dimension can trap someone in it and they must have lots of magic power to escape

    • Because they are from a different dimension, 4D magic can change the gravity on a certain area

      Everything within 10m of a 4D portal feel effects such as lack of oxygen and increased gravity


    • Portals needed for the magic drain small amounts magic power every 3 three posts -You can remove the "every 3 posts" part. When you make actual portals, you can add that into the spells description and/or weakness.-

    • Increased exposure to his own portals will start to cause Xerex to lose health

    • Portals can only absorb and expel things under 5m (This number goes up by 5 at each rank) -Under 5 meters as in what? Please explain a little more.-

    • Within the 4th dimension, Xerex can't open portals, but he uses his own life force to change the landscape as if he were a god

    Lineage: Cursed Seal:
    Description: Lucifer himself cursed a monk with the ability to seal away any object into an endless pit on the palm of his hand and spit out the objects at will. Only blood carried down from the great monk can utilize this seal.
    Ability: A small black hole is created at the palm of the user’s hand causing any object to be sucked towards it and damaging them. The pit is endless and can store any object.  It deals user-ranked damage spell damage(max S-rank) in a 20 meter range in front of the user in a cone. If this damage would reduce something to 0%HP or less, it sucks them into the void. If it does not reduce them to 0% HP or less,  it instead does half the damage and deals the other half directly to the user who cannot resist this damage in any way.  Automatically destroys non-magical items (and thus automatically sucks them up).
    If KOed or destroyed all items are shot out of a void from the user’s hand broken if items and unconscious if a living thing.
    Usage: Can be used two times per thread with a 4 post cooldown in between uses. The user is also dealt 10% of the HP in damage after use due to the strain put on their body.
    Unique Abilities:

    • The 4th dimension magic causes object destroyed by it and people KOed by it to float in the air unaffected by gravity

    • Xerex is passively able to see in the dark due to his constant exposure to the lightlesS 4D

    • Xerex passively gains a boost to speed because the gravity on earth is less than that of the 4D -Please state the percentage you gain. I suggest to start at 20%-

    Spell Template

    Name: 4D Spear
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Xerex opens a small portal on his palms and blasts 4D energy from them at speed above that of  bullet. it appears as a spear protruding from his palm -You will need to state the proper spell speed and range. Consult this topic for further information.

    • This spell can cut through steel and stone

    • This spell will cut through barriers of d-rank but do not actually affect the mage within

    • This spell is very fast and difficult to dodge


    • This spell does not cover a wide area and cannot fully pierce humans

    • Barriers of above c-rank will reflect it back into the portal, causing Xerex to lose mp

    • Xerex must maintain the portal and cannot continue the attack once it reaches the target

    • the attack cannot extend past 6m -This is not a real weakness. Also, to note, you do not need 3 strengths and 4 weaknesses at minimum. You CAN go lower, so long as you still have one more weakness then you do strength.-

    Name: 4D Shot
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: Xerex opens a small portal on his palms and blasts 4D energy from them at speed above that of  bullet. It appears as a series of spheres  the size of baseballs -Limit the amount of shots you can do with this spell to 1. Also, as previously stated, add range and speed to the description and remove them from the strengths and weaknesses.-

    • This spell can be used on multiple opponents

    • It has range of up to 15m

    • This spell is very fast and difficult to dodge


    • This spell does not cover a wide area and cannot fully pierce humans

    • Barriers of above c-rank will reflect it back into the portal, causing Xerex to lose mp -Basic D rank shields will be able to block this spell too.-

    • Xerex must maintain the portal and cannot continue the attack once it reaches the target

    -You're missing the name to this spell-
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Xerex opens a small portal on his palms and blasts 4D energy from them at speed above that of  bullet. it appears as a spear protruding from his palm -Same thing applies to this as the others have. Follow instructions from the prior spells.-

    • This spell can cut through steel and stone

    • This spell will cut through barriers of d-rank but do not actually affect the mage within

    • This spell is very fast and difficult to dodge


    • This spell does not cover a wide area and cannot fully pierce humans

    • Barriers of above c-rank will reflect it back into the portal, causing Xerex to lose mp -Refer to the previous spell about this weakness.-

    • Xerex must maintain the portal and cannot continue the attack once it reaches the target

    -You're missing the name for this spell as well-
    Rank: D
    Type: Offensive
    Description: Xerex opens a small portal on his palms and blasts 4D energy from them at speed above that of  bullet. it appears as a spear protruding from his palm -Same thing applies to this as the others have. Follow instructions from the prior spells.-

    • This spell can cut through steel and stone

    • This spell will cut through barriers of d-rank but do not actually affect the mage within

    • This spell is very fast and difficult to dodge


    • This spell does not cover a wide area and cannot fully pierce humans

    • Barriers of above c-rank will reflect it back into the portal, causing Xerex to lose mp

    • Xerex must maintain the portal and cannot continue the attack once it reaches the target

    Please bump when edited. PM or if you have questions.


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    Completed Re: Magic of the 4th dimension

    Post by desirée 16th December 2017, 5:27 pm

    Magic of the 4th dimension XEibTrW


    Magic of the 4th dimension IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 6:30 pm