Fairy Tail RP

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    Priestess of the Primal Seas.


    Lineage : Curse of the Demon Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 191
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Sapphire 9th October 2015, 11:29 am

    The day had been one where she could not help but want rain from the blistering heat of the mountains to the fact that everything there was rather hostile some soothing rain would help her beyond anything. As she channeled her emotions the clouds slowly gathered and soon thunder could be heard as it rumbled and rolled through the air each crack of thunder booming loud and clear to all who could hear. But yet why was this girl who was no taller than an average woman and clothed in nothing but a fancy swimsuit she herself had designed. The answer to her was very simple, to join a guild. Yet even so the adventure had taken it’s toll on her from having swam from the edge of the primal seas to Fiore was no easy feat she ended up sleeping at the bottom of a few shallower areas in oceans to get some rest and yet when she was supposed to arrive on the 30th of LAST month her sleeping had delayed it to the point where it was now the 30th of NEXT month.

    “Geez I hope I get there soon . . . I have been getting less sleep due to this journey. . .Why did I have to get this quest. . .”

    What most did not know was that she after being with a ex-criminal guild became a priestess to a cult that worshiped a being capable of controlling all forms of water. It was this being that gave her the quest to become stronger as the being needed a vassal to spread it’s will around Fiore but it needed one with power. So while other priestess were sent to other guild one even getting to go to a port side town (Lucky bastards) she was stuck with a mountain based guild.

    “Okay think where is it again. . .”

    Sadly for her the idea of “Mountain Guild” was not going to help her find it as what most did not know was. . . She was directionally challenged. Unless she had a map with detailed directions she would in way way or another get lost along the way to her destination and it is through this that she ended up at a small village asking for directions. Once she had achieved her goal of knowing where in the name of god she was going the mass of rain had built into a full storm as more thunder cracked overhead and lightning could be seen striking in far off areas. It was when she reached the gate that her extreme exhaustion began to hit her like a ton of bricks.

    “N-No. . .Need to stay. . .Awake. . . Need to. . .Meet. . .Guild. . .Lead. . .”

    Soon she had fallen over a small pack on her back filled with foods and minor possessions tumbled down the path as she fell face first into a puddle of water something that would drown most but luckily for her water was just like air for her. As she slept the rain would grow heavier making the puddle larger as she dreamed of eating some amazing sweets and other foods her breathing soft and hard to see as she slept at the entrance to the Infinity Hydra guild.


    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Mellascyla

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 278
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Take Over Guardian Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Kariline 9th October 2015, 11:51 am

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Fate_stay_night_1137_zpsabupzqzm

    The rain was very pleasant as it splashed over her umbrella, the cooler air making her skin feel crisp. She knew it was gonna rain, as she had been watching the weather patterns the entire time she has been in the guild. So it was no surprise to her that while in the market of the Mountain Village, she would have to use the umbrella that she had carried. Well actually that was a lie. Haku carried it for her.
    Today he wore around his human form, and growled disgruntle like. Tyriel just shrugged her shoulders and continued her shopping.

    There was a new book store in today, and she wanted to pick up new things to add to the Library. She was best for this small task as her mind carried the entire capacity of Infinity Hydra's Library, so she was able to tell what they had or did not have.
    This time she picked up a few cook books. They didn't have very many, just a few on Midi cuisine. And while their Guild Master was respected, she was tired of eating Midi food all the time. They needed to find a new cook or maybe these new books would be enough inspiration; One could only eat enough noodles, and her figure was already looking a bit plump.
    With a sigh she purchased the cook books, handed them to Haku and turned back up to the guild.

    It was a silent walk, the only sound being the sound of shoes against the wet road. Ever since they had started living in the Guild, her pet and most dear friend Haku was angry and didn't say two words to her...

    She was about to confront the magical being when they walked up to the gate of the Guild and saw a young girl laying on the pavement.
    Her stuff was scattered here and there around her, obvious collapsed from fatigue.. Tyriel walked over to examine her.. she was... sleeping??

    Her eyebrow twitched. She was unsure of how to take care of this... So she started to gather all her things, taking down her umbrella so her hair and kimono was no getting wet. " I swear, if i get sick from this..." She grunted to herself.. After she had all the girls things, Haku picked her up, carrying her like a princess up to the guild doors. Even though he appeared like just a man, Haku was strong. So this was no hard task for him, quite simple really..

    After opening the doors, they headed into the tavern where Haku set her down on a padded bench, in one of the secluded rooms. Tyriel pulled her long hair over her shoulder and began to ring it out.

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Ardere Kasai 9th October 2015, 2:02 pm

    Tap. Tap. Boots tapping against the wooden floors in the guild, as it's master Ardere flipped through the pages of a book. Walking down the stairs from the second floor, he had come down to check up on things as he usually did. It was often he found himself wrapped up in a good book when doing so, but he had taken a break between missions to see how everyone was. The guild had begun to get settle in over the past week, and things were looking up. As he arrived on the first floor, he did not notice many people other than some in the booths and the bartender wiping off glasses. Most of the members were upstairs training or actually off on missions, they were quite the busy guild these days. Luckily he could always count on Tyriel to stick around and hold down the fort when he needed it. But today it seemed they would be having a visitor, as he smelled a new scent and heard new foot steps ascending the stairs to the hall. He assumed it was a new member, but for some reason the step stopped right before the entrance to the hall. Arching a brow, he closed to book and sat it upon the bar. Leisurely making his way over to the door, he opened it to find a young woman sleeping in front of the door. Oh my. She must have passed out due to exhaustion, and likely needed some help.

    Fortunately Tyriel and her companion made their arrival known, and were good to assist. Heya Tyriel, bring her right in here. Allowing the purple haired woman's companion to carry the young blue haired girl into the hall, he sat her down in one of the private booths. Scratching his head, the guild master let out a slight sigh. We always seem to find the odd ones don't we. Getting a glass of water, he sat it down in front of the young woman before moving her should a bit in an attempt to wake her up. Miss? You alright there? Wakey wakey? Curling his lip, he doubted this attempt would work if she was that exhausted. Hopefully they could get her to awake sooner rather than later, as they had no idea who she actually was. Running pale fingers through his hair, Ardere decided it was in their best interests to just let her rest for a bit.
    @Sleepy Lady @Tyriel

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Priestess of the Primal Seas. FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    Lineage : Curse of the Demon Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 191
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

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    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Sapphire 9th October 2015, 3:41 pm

    The dream slowly began to collapse around her as fear and terror took place the lights and happy tones of the world around her drowned back into the dark colorless whites of the old kitchen her mother forced her to practice. “You will bring us into high society!” A mantra she spoke over and over and over using her since she was old enough to think as a tool to gain herself a pass into high society. Yet with all that the woman was a monster mercilessly training her to be “perfect” and beating her or worse things if she did not meet those ideas to the point where she herself never realized how broken she was. Yet with all that with how trained she became and how broken she was when the time came to her surprise she ran. And just as she began to see the smiles of the convent at the border of the seas the dream melted and the faces of two unknown people were above her as her initial panic set in her sclera turning black as the water from the rain touched her and she jumped up without warning and put her back to the wall of the bar.

    “WHO ARE YOU??”

    The panic was great in her mind as the last she remembered was falling asleep on the steps of the guild she had been sent to and yet she knew the face of the man here as familiar.

    “Are you. . .”

    With a quick dig into her memory she had realized her great mistake as this man was the guild leader of Infinity Hydra the guild she was here to join Ardere Kasai. With a quick move her eyes changed back to normal the silver color and smile she normally held back in place.

    “S-Sorry! I panicked because I was having a nightmare! Please my name is Szeras Scindo I was sent here to join this guild by the Priests of the Primal Sea.”

    She held up a letter in her care that would tell Ardere that she was there to help them as best she can and also that she is supposed to have been there a month before hand as she smiled and looked outside squeaking as the rain had grown a bit too heavy for nature to be the cause.

    “A-Ah one moment!”

    With a dash she would run outside and calm herself the water pouring down onto her and falling down every curve of her skin tight clothing as every indent could be seen along with every twitch of movement in the wrinkles and creases of the clothing itself as she began to calm herself and with that the rain did too. After a moment of calming herself the rain would slowly clear until the sun peeked through the clouds once more.

    “I hope you do not mind having me here!”

    With a quick eye movement her looks turned to the woman sitting beside Ardere as she smiled softly at her with a warm sincerity behind it as she walked over to her bag and pulled out some food that looked as if a chef from one of those professional shops had made it eating it with a small smiled and rubbing her belly as she did having been heavily hungry due to her nap.


    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Mellascyla
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 9th October 2015, 4:41 pm

    Chapter 2:
    Incoming Tides
    Priestess of the Primal Seas. 261f2ic

    Baal could be seen with a pint in his hand, sitting casually at the bar.  The smell of this planet's alcohol was quite intoxicated to say the least.  While the drinks here paled in comparison to the drinks of his homeland, these did well enough.  Baal brought his own drinks from time-to-time from his own personal stash, but drinking what the guild had was an easy way to save up his reserves for a rainy day.  Well, today was an exception however.  Baal's next drink was interrupted by the beautiful librarian bringing in a girl; both sopping wet.  

    Placing his drink down for a moment, he turned his head to get a better look at the two and to figure out what was going on.  And then enters the leader.  Once the leader has entered, things seem to follow.  From Baal's observations, a mixed bag of good and bad things happen whenever Ardere is around.  What is certain, however, whatever happens is quite entertaining.  

    But while others were off training and doing missions, what was Baal doing?  Well, his weapon is sitting in the shop and he needs his weapon in order to be relatively useful in combat.  His brand of magic doesn't lend itself to point and nuke like most mages want to.  No, Baal's magic is more strategic in fashion and requires the use of his blade.  Well, while the weapon is in the shop being made, all he could do is sit and wait.  Well, sitting and waiting consisted of drinking and reading.  

    Baal couldn't see what was happening, nor did he know how to fix the situation due to his limited medical knowledge.  Clearing his throat, he slammed the rest of the pint down his throat and placed the glass upon the bartop with a slight hand-gesture to the barkeep to keep his tab open.  He wiped his mouth and floated his way towards the booth, keeping his distance from the leader, the sexy librarian and her companion, and the stranger with blue hair and bikini.  Kind of strange apparel for someone on a day-to-day basis.  Perhaps this person was out swimming?  But where?  They lived on a mountain.  So many questions; must need to be answered later.

    When the girl awoke, she seemed to bounce around everywhere.  After her bouncing around, she pleaded to join the guild.  A single brow was raised by Baal for a moment and the man cleared his throat.  "Well, I don't think anyone here would mind, right boss?" the man stated before placing his left hand upon his hip and tilted his head to the side for a moment.  After that brief moment, he uprighted his head for a moment, noticing the two of them (Szeras and Tyriel) still soaking wet.  Two towels seemed to float from the bar towards the two women.  No, these aren't ghosts doing Baal's bidding, but that would be funny at this point in time right?

    "Here, dry off, you two."

    OOC:  Topic Entered


    Priestess of the Primal Seas. BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 278
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Take Over Guardian Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Kariline 9th October 2015, 8:19 pm

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Fate_stay_night_1137_zpsabupzqzm

    Sure as hell it didn't take very long for people to begin to swarm around the scene. Tyriel waved off her companion, sending him back skulking up the stairs to her room. She didn't need any negative emotion around right now. Then the woman stood beside the girl, watching her eyes run back and forth from her head.
    Then suddenly they opened and she frantically stammered that she wished to join the guild. After she managed to nearly kick Tyriel in the face from leaping away.
    Now that she recalled, the way she moved was rather fluid like.

    Cocking her hip to the side Tyriel listened to what she had to say and tucked her arms underneath her breasts naturally. This was a curious one. But none the less she needed to be added to the mountain of paperwork that she had to do. But just at the time Tyriel wanted to ask questions, the girl was hopping again, and this time she moved outside. Why didn't she protect against this?.. But it seemed it wasn't needed as she very obviously quelled the storm. Interesting.
    With a heavy sigh, Tyriel glanced to the side and saw a towel being brought to her mysteriously. She grinned, took it and pushed her halfway dry hair back behind her and begun to open up her kimono slightly. It hung around her shoulder and then taking the towel and patting her chest dry Tyriel begun to walk away.
    " I need a Bath. " She said but first she walked back to where she had put all her things.

    " I am sure Master Ardere here will be willing to make sure Kiku gets you situated in a empty room. Here are all your things... I will be back by later to get information. "  

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Ardere Kasai 9th October 2015, 8:49 pm

    Folding his arms, Ardere let out a slight sigh. It sure was a predicament to decide what to do with the young lady, but sure enough she would make that decision on her own. Popping up, he was surprised to see the amount of life in someone who had just been sleeping outside on the floor. It was not long before she had figured out his identity and handed him a letter. Yes I am Ardere, nice to meet you. Reading the letter, he nodded. It was not often that he received such formal letters to have someone join the guild, be he certainly did not mind it. Infinity Hydra seemed to have a good set of members, and they were still growing. It was a dream come true to see it flourish this much, but he kept his calm quite well. Looking to Baal who had just arrived, and Tyriel he shrugged. I don't see a problem with it. Welcome to Inf- Blinking a bit, the young girl ran outside and then back in quickly. Judging by her background and running out into the rain, he imagined she was a water mage of sorts. It would be his counter in terms of elements, but he did not mind it. Anyone who came all that way to join his guild was quite welcome, even if they were strange.

    Smiling a bit at the young blue haired girl, he flipped the cloak covering his leather Samurai armor back behind his shoulders. Placing his leather covered hands on his hips, he arched a brow. Well, it's certainly nice to have you here. If you need anything just ask Tyriel or I, as I'm the master and she's my only current ace. But if you're just in the bar, Kiku the bartender can help as well. Please feel free to make yourself at home, and you'd probably want to get something to eat from the bar. Walking over to the bar, he sat down. Gesturing to the young girl to come over, he spoke some words to the man tending the place. Get her something good to eat, she's traveled a long way. And if she falls asleep, just let her be. Thanks. Hoping she would not mind, he returned to his book while staying at the bar to make sure she was alright.

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Priestess of the Primal Seas. FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Dragon King
    Position : None
    Posts : 387
    Guild : Junaar
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Herself
    Experience : 2,800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Apocalypse Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Infernal Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by DragonPantsu 9th October 2015, 9:04 pm

    Ignore this I'm just being bored will delete in the morning


    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

    Magic  Vault of Shinies

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 86
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 631.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by MorpheusDavol 9th October 2015, 10:54 pm

    Enter; Leader of the Vanguard!

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Tumblr_inline_nc2izgGRa11t1nybi

    Returning from a job was usually a very quiet event from Hayden but he had recently took one alone to escape from the loudness of the world; particularly that of his guild and team. It wasn't that he did not care for them but even he needed rest and relaxation from it all and that was going into combat by himself and gaining a few new scars. The man had proved his worth rising to the rank of C within a week from the amount of jobs he took causing him to get to his current rank; his magic a very destructive caster type led to him not wanting to endanger his allies. Yet, as he pushed open the doors of his guild hall to be greeted by a strange site- his new team member next to the guild leader talking to some girl.

    He held his satchel over his shoulder look at the scene with furrowed brows as he tried to figure out what was going on, but he soon opted to quietly walk by the whole scene briefly stopping next to Baal. "Your trial for the Vanguard will be soon, walk strong brother." He told him looking at the guild leader with a respectful nod to his boss and the man he pledged to follow despite what may come of it. He was afterall the founder of the guild Hayden had pledged his life and sword to- despite rarely meeting or seeing him he already had a respect. As for the well girl he simply shifted his eyes to them for a moment before nodding at them as well although more quickly; that was good enough. He'd lift his hand to pat Baal shoulder before heading to the bar to take a seat- he had duties as the bouncer to resume.

    Even though themselves had arrived at the bar Hayden had dropped his bag to the floor with a yawn flexing his shoulders slightly to loosen up the tense muscles. He was wearing his robes rather than his battle armor that revealed the assortment of scars that adorned the flesh of the swordsman. Each scar had a story but his signature scars was the one running deep across his nose and the deep straight line that ran across his pectoral muscles which was proudly on display as he tapped the bar twice waiting for his usual of straight ale. He needed some time to relax and he wasn't about to walk all the way to his room.

    Hayden wondered how known his little team was by now consisting of himself and Rohma with Baal as a trial member after expressing interest. They had a success record so far and he along with Rohma was scheduled to be taking a C rank together to liberate some slaves and bring some slavers to justice. Tyrants. They came in all shapes and sizes but no matter how they looked or where they was the Vanguard would be there to bring them down. Hard.

    His Decree has Concluded; Exit


    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Easy-modo_zps6vsri8ro
    ~ Vanguard ~
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Priestess of the Primal Seas. Empty Re: Priestess of the Primal Seas.

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 11th October 2015, 11:42 pm

    Chapter 2:
    Incoming Tides

    Even Aliens Get Nose Bleeds
    Even gray men can get excited.  A blush came over Baal's face as he watched Tyriel begin to dry off for a moment.  Her kimono opened up for a brief moment before he caught his eyes wandering to where they shouldn't.  Upon discovering his folly, he cleared his throat and turned his head away.  Whether she did this intentionally or not, Baal wouldn't know.  What was certain was the fact that his face and even his ears turned red with heat coming from his flesh.

    Baal is now pondering whether or not to do that more often.  His emotions were in a swirl.  He hasn't felt like this in a while.  Well, a while for him could be a lifetime for most humans.  Baal was simply too busy for the past several years with trying to keep food in his stomach to worry about things like women.  But just mere days after he joined the guild, he already took a liking to one particular individual in the guild.  

    Yes...  Baal has taken a fancy for the secretary.

    Baal cleared his throat once again, turning his eyes to look at her only to notice her dress was still spread open just slightly enough to tease him causing him to quickly dart his eyes away.  To some, it might be cute/adorable to witness.  A man, who is generally cool and composed (except when alcohol is involved), to be flustered like this is certainly a sight to behold.  

    His attention, however, was pulled away when one of his brothers of the Vanguard appeared.  Being ripped from his feeling of euphoria with a single question may or may not be for Baal's well-being.  Clearing his throat and focusing his attention on his Vanguard brother, he nodded his head.  "Yes, you are correct.  I do, however, await my weapon's arrival.  So please be patient, brother," he said with a nod.  The redness still obvious upon his cheek and the tips of his ears.  

    A pat on his shoulders was good enough to assist in evening out his feelings at the moment.  He watched Hayden walk to the bar, only to take a quick peak back at Tyriel for a brief moment.  She was a busy woman so he couldn't interrupt her work.  As much as he would like to walk up to her and talk to her, that wouldn't be a good first-impression for the new member of the guild.  

    Baal cleared his throat and looked towards the little water nymph that wishes for entrance in the guild.  "If you need anything, feel free to ask any of your guildmates.  I'm certain we will do whatever we can to assist you," Baal said with a smile upon his face.  While the new recruit is cute, they all pale in comparison to the raw beauty that was Tyriel.  Yes, give Baal a nice tall glass.  This man is thirsty.  That and he could use some alcohol.

    OOC Notes:


    Priestess of the Primal Seas. BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

      Current date/time is 31st May 2024, 7:46 pm