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    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
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    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by Pein 23rd September 2015, 11:53 am

    Job Info:


    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by Pein 23rd September 2015, 12:20 pm

    Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance,
    Nagato Namikaze, God's Darkest Angel
    NOTES: @NagatoNamikaze,@RuneKnights

    The mage was wearing a dark cloak that obscured not only his outfit, but had the hood up that covered his face. He was hidden among the intimate crowd in Oak Town; blending in with the sounds of a lively town square. He blended in with the shadows cast by the morning sun and the busy crowds. He was a master in disguise, not being noticed by any normal townsfolk.

    It did not take long for Nagato however to find his targets. They were not visible however, but he sensed their aura and killing instinct from what can be described as a mile away. Whoever was causing the problems in Oak Town not only have obscured their body, but have plans that detail death, and chaos. Their auras seem to be constantly moving, never staying still and always drifting from one spot to the other.

    However, he smirked under his hood. Finally, he would be able to fight. It took some time, but Nagato finally gained enough Rune Knight rep to tackle down the big linemen of missions that included a strong possibility of death. They gave him thrill, they awoke a different personality in him. Yes he had killed in the past, but now his powers will be used for great things such as protecting innocent civilians. They job listing had detailed the dark group of wizards power and Nagato couldn't help but grab it. Cracking his knuckles and neck, he focused on the deathly aura all around him, waiting for the enemy to make a move.


    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by Pein 23rd September 2015, 12:22 pm

    Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance

    The sound of an explosion broke the mage from his thoughts. Screams instantly filled the air, as civilians ran away from the chaos and children cried. As the smoke cleared, Nagato could make out a group of wizards, all wearing red colored clothing with chains placed on their shirt and pants sleeves. The middle one, the one who broadcasted the most magical power of the group, wore a long blue coat with red runic markings on it. He had face length blue hair that swept around his face, with a deranged look and a constant toothy smile that just seemed to scream, "I'm insane." He looked out crackling at the mischief and chaos he had caused.

    "Fools! Bow down before the powerful Exodius! You shall all be exterminated by my group of devilish and powerful beings. We shall bring hell onto earth. Cucucu..." Exodius yelled, raising his fist and crackling some more.

    In an instant, a mage appeared in front of him, face covered by a hood. Exodius eyes shot out wide, before the crackling of lightning replaced the sounds of the civilians screaming. Nagato flowed black lightning from his body, as the AOE spell shocked the group of 'demons'. They were surprised at his arrival, creating zero time for a defense or counter to the lightning discharged from their mysterious foe.

    As their bodies went stiff, Nagato back flipped away from his enemies. Pulling down his hood, he revealed to his opponents who would be stopping their attacks. "Nagato Namikaze, Rune Knight. I was hired to stop you guys from causing anymore trouble in this town. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be-" He began to say, before a fist connected with his face. A knee to the stomach followed, causing blood to fly from Nagato's mouth. A pair of hands grabbed his head, but there was no head to grab! Confused, the dark wizard backed up, and Nagato's head came back into vision.

    "What you never have saw a lightning wizard before?" He said comically, wiping the blood off the side of his mouth.

    Nagato HP: 190 HP
    Nagato MP: 85% MP
    Enemies: 12 Cocky Fire Wizards, Exodius the Insane Fire-Make Wizards
    Spells Used: Black Current Unleashed, Kuropansa's Lightning Body
    Black Current Unleashed Cooldown: 4 Posts

    @NagatoNamikaze | words | notes


    Last edited by Pein on 23rd September 2015, 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by NPC 23rd September 2015, 12:22 pm

    The member 'Pein' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] NormalMonster Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] StrongMonster Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] NormalMonster Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] NormalMonster Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] NormalMonster

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by Pein 23rd September 2015, 12:49 pm

    Change is impossible in this fog of ignorance

    Charging magical energy in his hand, Exodius fired a fire ball at a group of civilians. He must have been focusing on something else however, as the spell flew wide right. Staring blankly at his enemy, Nagato laughed at the misfortune. Grumbling Exodius yelled, "What exactly is so funny you scum!"

    Shrugging it off Nagato returned to the Cocky Fire Wizard in front of him. Reaching out, Nagato grabbed his neck and yanked towards him. Lifting the surprisingly light wizard up, Nagato slammed him into the ground. He threw four punches that connected at his face, causing blood to began to leek from his nose. While the Wizard had to have been fast, Nagato was faster. Lifting his right hand up, crackling began to be heard as black lightning covered the fist. Striking down, the lightning hand pierced the wizard below him in the stomach, and blood flew out of his mouth. Two of the wizard's companions ran toward Nagato, and his arms were grabbed. They lifted the mage up, and slammed him into the ground causing a painful groan to escape from his lips. The lifted him up again, looking to slam him down once more, but the mage had 'teleported' away. Confused, they looked around for their target. The mage was up on the roof above them. Pulling his left arm in front of him, Nagato pulled back his right hand. Releasing the magical power from his right hand, a black lightning arrow shot out, connecting with one of the cocky wizards. Jumping down from the roof, Nagato let out a scream as a large claymore materialized in his left hand. His right hand became succumbed in black lightning, as he descended at a fast speed toward the three cocky wizards. The lightning technique connected with the one previously hit with the arrow, damaging in the same spot as blood flew out of his mouth. Letting out another scream, the sword in his left hand went up and stabbed the same wizard. He fell limply to the ground, defeated. Swinging the sword down, Nagato stabbed the wizard he had first immobilized, defeating him also. The last of the three Cocky Wizards angrily stared at the man who defeated his companions.

    Nagato HP: 180 HP
    Nagato MP: 65% MP
    Enemies: 10 Cocky Fire Wizards, Exodius the Insane Fire-Make Wizards
    Spells Used: Lightning Teleportation, Lightning Arrow, Lineage Ability
    Lineage Berserker Claymore Duration: 3 Posts
    Black Current Unleashed Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Lightning Arrow Cooldown: 3 posts

    @NagatoNamikaze | words | notes


    Last edited by Pein on 23rd September 2015, 1:37 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by NPC 23rd September 2015, 12:49 pm

    The member 'Pein' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Miss

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by Pein 4th October 2015, 2:29 pm



    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo]

    Post by NPC 4th October 2015, 2:29 pm

    The member 'Pein' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout [Nagato, Solo] Attack

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:25 pm