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    Afternoon Freakout


    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
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    Posts : 394
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
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    Afternoon Freakout Empty Afternoon Freakout

    Post by SlayerMathis Sat 17 Aug - 18:01

    The Paragon of Virtue

    Oak Town had always been interesting to Jin. The history certainly was fantastic, and he found everything interesting in terms of learning. That said, he was not here to sight-see. He had a mission, and a hectic one at that. Some wizard, or rather, a few wizards wandering into town every now and again and attacking others without quarter. The Bringer of Death, as he was wont to do, called for their heads. The Paragon, however, wished for a better, more peaceful solution. The two, as always, were at odds. Jin sighed nonetheless. The request notice had mentioned that the mages would regularly show up at 12:30, but they would occasionally show up at other times to be unpredictable. Jin thought to wait for them at the time they always showed up at, but he nonetheless figured that he could arrive to Oak Town early and investigate around.

    He arrived three hours prior to the usual time that the insane wizards would show up, getting in some early morning shopping and learning what he could about the town. It was far from perfect, but Oak Town was quiet enough. Every person he passed he examined to see if any of the wizards were hiding amongst the people, but it did not seem to be so. The town seemed unusually busy for such an early morning, though he considered that it could absolutely be due to people wanting to get their daily shopping in before the daily attack occurred on the town.

    This early in the morning, there seemed to be absolutely nothing wrong with the town. People were shopping, birds were chirping, cafes were filled, and nothing seemed to be wrong on a quick examination. Of course, looking closely, that sentiment changed. A fakeness seemed to be set over the town, there were marks of destruction lightly hidden or simply ignored, guards seemed more on edge, not all was well.

    Of course, the most glaring difference of the lot was the people filing out of the market almost in unison as the time approached 12:30. Market stalls closed, cafes emptied, residents whispered to tourists as they shuffled out of the marketplace, even some of the experienced-looking guards left as the bells tolled noon. What had, just fifteen minutes prior, been a bustling, lively town market was now completely barren. An eerie silence settled over the marketplace. Only Jin and two guards remained. The two guards spoke to each other casually, ignoring Jin aside from a quick glance and a shrug. They did not seem to care that Jin was there, or they simply did not wish to mention anything because of the scythe on his back. All of a sudden, one of the guards sighed and motioned for his coworker to stand at attention. Jin turned towards the entrance to the town, seeing the wizards who were accosting the town.

    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 394
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
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    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
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    Afternoon Freakout Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout

    Post by SlayerMathis Sat 17 Aug - 18:02

    Roll for monsters. It's an old job, so it's a bit different how it works, so I'll just roll 3 die and work from there.

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    Afternoon Freakout Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout

    Post by NPC Sat 17 Aug - 18:02

    The member 'SlayerMathis_' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Afternoon Freakout NXDHjfc Afternoon Freakout NXDHjfc Afternoon Freakout R2fEWNz

    Mythical VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Magic Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Bladesmaster
    Position : None
    Posts : 394
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 300
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 658,820

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blade Summoning
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    Afternoon Freakout Empty Re: Afternoon Freakout

    Post by SlayerMathis Sun 18 Aug - 20:27

    A posse of wizards marched into the town square, helmed by two strangely similarly-dressed wizards, all wearing light blue robes that covered their faces.

    "Hey, Michael, there's a strong-looking wizard." the woman in light blue robes whispered loudly.

    "Someone's accepted the request?" the robed man "whispered" back.

    "I guess? Now what?"

    "I got this, I got this!" The man coughed, clearing his throat. "Foolish mortal! You have entered my domain, and thus you shall fall like the fool that you are! I am Michael-" he coughed once again. "I am...uh...Grand...emblem...yes, I am Grandemblem, the fearsome wizard! Bend your knees in reverence to me! For I am Grandemblem, and not some foolish mortal named Michael or any sort of foolish mortal name like that! Hahaha! And this is my assistant, Mikayla-" he coughed again. "Grand...emblem....ina...Yes! Grandemblemina, and not a mortal woman name Mikayla who totally isn't my sister or anything foolish like that! We are the commanders of the Grandembleminaiters, and we are the masters of this foolish 'Oak Town.' Bend your knee in reverence! Foolish mortal and your foolish way!"

    Great, he's an absolute joke. Can I just-

    No. Jin sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, Grandemblem and Grandemblemina, I'm being paid to make sure you stop harassing this town, so if you want to just leave, we can not have to resort to violence."

    Grandemblem laughed. "You fear me! Haha! I shall not listen to your petty demands! Grandembleminaiters, attack!"

    Three wizards wearing poorly-painted robes came forwards, though one seemed noticeably sleepier than the rest. Grandemblem ordered them to attack, and the two comparatively energetic ones rushed forwards while the tired one yawned. One of the rushing ones had his fists wrapped in fire, and the other fired a thin stream of fire. Jin raised a Shadow Shield, repelling the stream of fire as the second one charged in ever closer. When the charger had reached Jin, he dodged out of the way of the weak punches, dancing around both the charger's feeble attempts to hit him as well as the second mage's weak streams of fire and the third one's occasional weak fireball that came his way. Finally, Jin decided to stop toying with the incompetent bandits, launching Shadow Spears into the two that were close to him, knocking them down instantly. He turned towards the lazy wizard, who simply blinked before turning around and walking away, his disinterest clear.

    "Hey, Michael, he's a bit on the tough side," the woman whispered.

    "It's Grandemblem!" he hissed back. He cleared his throat, as he seemed wont to do. "It seems as though I've gotten a thorough examination of your true power, O mortal! Now you face the great dread wizards, Grandemblem and Grandemblina!"

    The woman rolled her eyes, firing a series of fireballs that traveled much quicker than Jin was expecting. He hurriedly rose up a Shadow Shield to protect himself from the fireballs his way, the last one shattering the shield and causing Jin to jump back. As eccentric and strange as these two were, they certainly were no slouches when it came to combat. The man placed his hands on the ground, raising pillars of fire in a line towards Jin. He rolled out of the way, a tendril of fire lashing out from one of the pillars to strike him, sending him flying against a nearby building. Jin realized that facing one of them would have been a difficult task, let alone both at the same time. They were much too powerful to have any of the assistance from the Bringer of Death to help, even if he was willing to surrender power to the Bringer of Death.

    He smirked to himself as he rose from the rubble, taking a direct hit from a fireball from the woman wizard. Despite the pain, he used the mask of smoke to focus in on the Aspect of the Maw of Shadow, firing up both a Shadow Rush and Heart Eater to boost his physical prowess. The two fire wizards seemed to be long-range specialists, and he had hoped engaging one in hand-to-hand combat would cause the other to hesitate to fight. He dashed out of the smoke, being immediately lit ablaze from one of the pillars. Once again, he fought through the pain, sprinting out of the fire to deliver a punch to the male wizard. He went flying, crashing into a nearby fruit stall. Jin refused to let up, closing the distance in a moment to deliver more punches to the downed Grandemblem. Many of the punches were met with slashes of fire, repelling the shadows, though not the fists themselves. In the hectic moments, Jin had forgotten about the other wizard, though was reminded quickly by a large explosion of fire engulfing both Jin and Grandemblem. Jin rolled out of the fire, putting himself out as he set a hand on the ground, looking at Grandemblemina. She had a look of utter disinterest, glaring at Grandemblem, who was thoroughly unconscious.

    "Seems a bit harsh to do to your comrade, no?"

    "Sorry, my brother is an idiot. I thought that I might as well take care of business with him while still doing damage to you."

    "You seem sane, at least. Why are you attacking the town?"

    She shrugged. "They're my orders. I just listen to what they tell me to do."


    "My bosses. Can't say any more than that. Very classified information, you see. Not even my idiot brother knew about them. He just thought it was for a quick buck, same as those three he sent to you. The rest of them follow me and me alone."

    Jin rolled his eyes in disgust, not wasting another moment talking to her. He dashed to her, coming upon her in an instant, shocking her with his speed of movement. He delivered a punch to her gut, switching his Focus to the Aspect of the World Eater, firing a barrage of both Shadow Spears and Daggers towards her. She blocked each one with either a fireball or slashes of fire. As she regained her footing she once again fired away strings of fireballs, Jin countering once again with his shadows. The two were almost perfectly evenly matched, no ground being gained or lost on either side. Finally, Jin fired a curved shot of a weakened Soul Fire, which crashed against her. While the damage was far lessened due to the opposing Focus, it was enough to deter her concentration, allowing Jin to gain ground. Eventually, her stream of fireballs let up, and she was pelted with a series of sharp shadows, sending her collapsing to the ground. As she fell, her posse retreated, leaving the town all but desolate. Jin sighed, dropping down to sit on the cobblestone streets. He sighed, satisfied at another job well done.

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      Current date/time is Fri 26 Jul - 21:24