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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize


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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 25th August 2015, 9:28 am


    Thorn smirked softly the assassin job in her hands she read it slowly as she leaned against an old tree its dropping branches shaded her from the blistering sun. Looking out at the seanary this was the first time Thorn had been to Crocus. she found the lack of plant life disturbing but the ones they did have whispered in her head and she tilted her head sideways as she moved from her shadows. A soft breeze made her heir flow backwards as her eyes drifted over people walking past her.

    she was looking for an interesting party to help her with the job her smirk made her look evil this made people avoid her but still she stayed not afraid of attack in fact that is what she wished for. Some one to attack her would be the perfect reason to show her power off even how evil thorn could really be.

    Moving slowly Thorn went moving in between the crowd her eyes scanned each person in the crowd each she came across she could feel magic course through them but it was weak and not worth worrying about. Thor new there was magic users around the town but finding them in the crowd seemed to be a impossible task.

    Sighing softly thorn went back to her tree and smiled up at it "my dear friend please could you find someone of interest to join me on this job!" she asked her hand lay softly on the trunk.  closing her eyes thorn heard an old voice eco through her head saying he would try. Thorn waited by the tree for any new of someone new to be found for her to do consider a partner in crime.

    soon the tree told thorn of one person that was around one of the same power to her this made thorn intrested and she went in search


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 25th August 2015, 10:01 am

    A devilish grin bestowed the face of the gunblade slinging youth, having learned of his powers recently, and more so having honed the incorporation of a gun to his many years of sword play into use, had recently become a daily regiment, a test for Raiza to sharpen his skills to a fine tipped needle. Though how exactly was on a varied level. To him, limitations in an MMOgame was set. If he knew his range, it'd never go beyond that. Though this world wasn't bound by MMO laws, as he soon found that out.

    Click!. The trigger was pulled as he exhaled his breath, the ping of the final target was hit dead where Raiza aimed. No bullet drop, no special mechanics to calculate such as wind. only his steady breathing and aim. "one hundred and fifty meters" the words escaped his lips, finally reaching the conclusion that was his maximum range before accuracy was out the window, the bullets wouldn't be able to handle any further of a range, and it was to be expected after all. A Gunblade going 150meters in the first place would be rare, though thats his magic for you. Both bullets hit the target at the same time, ripping throuhg the training dummy's head he set up. No 'bang' from the gun as it was all magic.

    "damn... Why can't I get her out of my head...", it was true, he remembered it so clearly. Annora had so mercif--- no... He played part in it to. They both slaughtered the mice and wrecked the house. More so Raiza had set a bomb, while Annora killed two inno---. No... he stood by and let it happen, he was just as much to blame for it. He wasn't a good legal mage. Well... at least right now he was, he didn't get caught doing any harm, yet no doubt lives were lost in the giant gas explosion he left for the company that no doubt entered the house with a broken down door.

    Yes, coming to a conclusion in his mind. He worked together with that woman, together two lives if not more were killed in the end of the day. Did Raiza care? Slightly, but not in the ways most should ever think he would. Legal guilds never approached him, he didn't know many of existence, and a legal guild would just tie him down, possibly hurt him for being a demon. Yet... he so fluently got along with one mage that was of a dark guild already. Which one...? Dang... he forgot... no... they never told him.

    A sigh escaped his lips. "Well.. I am a sellsword, for the most part." he whispered to himself, rolling off of his stomach and onto his back, he laid there with his gunblade out on his chest watching the clouds. The target he set up was an easy one, at least he knew now his absolute range...at least for now. Though thats when he heard the crunch of the ground, he was laying on it after all, but he didn't have any enemies, maybe this was some pickpocket?, though he didn't feel like turning his head to learn who was approaching him. If they got too close without speaking, then maybe he'd just activate his lag switch and be suddenly standing up aiming a gun at their head. Though for now, he didn't, he just simply stayed right where he was, laying down.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 25th August 2015, 2:45 pm

    Thorn looked beside her as a target was shot looking ahead she could not quite see the person who had shot the target but she could seance them and the grass told her where the person was exactly and that it was a man. Smirking softly thorn adjusted her hair slightly and fixed her dress as she walked to the position where the man laid in the grass.

    gritting her teeth Thorn moved up on the man until he was insight "you realize that the grass dose not like being laid on and wish for you to get up!" her voice sounded distorted through gritted teeth but her words where still clear as day. Moving into view thorn smirked softly as she looked down at the man "cute boy but I wont hesitate to kill you if you do not move!" she stated lightly as she tilted her head.

    Thorn leaned down her hand moved over the crushed grass that he had flattened and they grew back to there normal healthy self's. smiling softly "there you are my friends!" she whispered softly to the grass, it seemed like she was talking to the floor or even to herself this made people avoid her for they thought she was crazy. Only thorn and a selected few others knew that she could talk to the plant life, that she was part plant.

    Sighing softly she looked back at the man "you should be a bit more careful around the plant life!" she stated lightly smirking softly her hand played with the grass lightly. "if you are not careful they might just fight back one day and kill you!" she stated lightly thorn moved to the pavement where she waited for the man to move to she wondered if he would hear her warning.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 25th August 2015, 3:13 pm

    Burn it...burn all of it to the fucking ground just because of this one woman decides to 'care for it' so much to threaten him. Was grass so important that he was lower than the dirt or grass? as if... besides she was stepping on the grass... Which only made Raiza think, if she can step on her 'friends' why couldn't he lay on it. Though not wanting to be in a position where he was literally at the disadvantage here, being laying down and on grass in which just by watching Thorn's actions, she healed the damaged grass, but more so what was wrong was she did it so effectively.

    'Grass manipulation is too vague or straight-forward, just from the thought of this, she must have grass based magic, perhaps it expands further than that since she can heal the grass. Then again, maybe she just can only heal and thats all.', a soft sigh of air escaped his mouth as he grabbed his robe and stood up, walking over to the pavement.

    "Yeah sure, whatever lady. Dont think I wont hesitate to add a 3rd kill in this week for acting like I'm nothing but dirt under the grass", still holding his gunblade to the side while on the pavement meant he was on guard but his ice cold stare showed he had a new resolve. After the incident with Annora, he had truly learned that he didn't belong on the good side. THen again, Raiza didn't even count the crazy miner or his lackies that he killed, since well... that was prior to Annora and he was doing a job meant to kill them. Hired by the guards of that town. This woman before him wasn't like that though. An innocent, maybe crazed woman, though her evil smile made him realize she wasn't exactly 'good' herself, then that was just a theory at least.

    One thing that bothered him was the entire ordeal of why she was even here "You didn't just walk all this way here to tell me to get off the grass though. So what gives?" half tempted to coat his weapon in a blazing exposive power, just because logic told him if she got mad about him laying on the grass...what about setting the nearby forest on fire. It was a thought, but just a thought at that, nothing more than justa cold stare, waiting for an answer as he casually tilted his blade by turning his wrist just so a quick draw could happen as to send a few magic rounds into the lady's chest if she so much acted like they were about to attack him. 'step closer with the intent to harm and I've already got an attack charging just for you...'

    Even going so far as to place his finger on the trigger of the gun, trying to look intimidating but something threw him off balance with this woman. She had zero hesitation in her words, but Raiza had some in his. He wasn't used to being like this yet, and truthfully he didn't know how to handle this. The woman before him, just by his guess was a illegal guild member...just like that one woman. Whom he teamed up with and watched kill two innocent lives. This woman was different in that Raiza didn't get paired up with her for something, and now it may be him that would be attacked. Sweat dripped from his face, trying to remain calm.



    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 25th August 2015, 3:54 pm

    Thorn narrowed her eyes at the man, someone not caring about the nature that preserves his life that annoyed thorn her hands curled into a ball her nails dug into her pams. The nails coursed her skin to part and a white substance dripped to the floor, Unlike normal people Thorns blood was not atturly blood it was sap like what one would get from a tree.

    her head moved in a around in a irritated manner as went in close to the man as he got to the pavement "only a third kill I dont think your worth killing me I have done so many more kills you would not even be a blip on my radar" she hissed sharply smirking widely her breathing harsh and she straightened her body getting to her full height.

    her hand moved close to him but she toke control of her actions and stepped away slightly "I cam because the plants asked for my help, I always wish to help my kin when they need me!" she stated lightly her eyes moved over the grass area she then looked over the man in front of her her eyes narrowed again "and you where chosen by the old tree to help me if you wish!" she stated softly her demener softening as she moved further away.

    "I am here for a job and you seem capable and I hate doing a job all-own also my guild master wishes for us to mix with others in the land other than out own that is!" Thorn said softly she shifted her wait from side to side and she spoke not wishing to be still at that moment. Thorn smirked lightly as she looked back at the man "I think you would be perfect to have some fun with!" she stated lightly.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 25th August 2015, 4:17 pm

    'Thud thud'... Whats that sound? Raiza couldn't even put his tongue on it. His finger twitched reaching for the trigger he stared at the woman before him. So many kills... he'd not even be a blimp? How many kills did this woman perform? How many lives lost to such a vile lady. Raiza winced at the words, hearing the sounds once againd 'thud thud', this time he realized it. It was his heart beating harder, how could he not realize the sound pulsing from his own chest coursing through his blood as he tried to lift his gun up to shoot the woman in front of him. Everything about him told him to 'shoot', take her out before she tries to kill you. Yet she had so much more practice, he would be just a walk in the park, right? Was he even worth killing... what about her? What right did he have to think about killing such a woman.

    Thats when it hit him. She definatly was in the illegal guild. So which one? He read about them because the magic counsel has scrolls on them, any mage can access the library and read up on the 'wanted' guilds. As those guilds brought in murder and death. "Tartarus? Savage Skull?Basilisk Fang? Which one?" he questioned, finally bringing up courage to raise his gunblade but a noticed shaking of the hand still occurred, even stepping back a bit. He was just that intimidated by her, at least right now he was.

    "What job, why me? If you're illegal I know its not a fancy job of picking fucking flowers or helping someone. So.. its a dirty job no doubt? Not a first...but it would be my intentional first" his words would hint that he did a bad job before, but it wasn't planned out to be bad. This would be his planned first bad if he did go along. Though another hint was... he didn't decline it even though he knew the answer.

    "I'm a guildless sell sword lady. An evil job would put me on the brink of a run, I dont exactly have places to hide you know... unlike you. So why go to me. I could have been a runeknight for all you know! Yeah! I'm so a runeknight or a legal guild member, you can't lie. What if I was one?" though it was obvious he was not a legal guild member or a rune knight, he was as he said 'guildless' and a sell sword at that. Though he wasn't ready to openly admit he was going dark. Though he knew he was headed down that path. Was this job going to be the one that finally pushed him to that edge?

    "I'm ready to die if you come at me. Make sure you are ready too. These bullets are charged with high explosive caliber magic rounds. Upon reaching their target they explode. This means we will both die. at this range. I suggest you tell me why I should even trust you." it was a lie... he lost his charge since he lost his focus on activating the spell, but as he did, he lowered his gun sighing. "Pathetic... I can't even defend myself" he openly spoke, knowing he was beaten in intimidation, and well.. he had his pride but he knew it was for nothing, at least go out like a man and let the obvious victor have a quick kill right?

    post 5/25

    -Charge lost as I didn't activate the spell this post


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 25th August 2015, 4:54 pm

    Thorn laughed softly as she watched this man battle with himself his question did not fall on deaths ear but Thorn did think twice before telling him from where she came from "I am from Savage Skull you obviously have heard of us or you would not be shaking in your boots right now!" she hissed enjoying the moment.  This was before the mood was spoilt and he raised his weapon at her.

    "The job is an assassin Job one that is not to bad, as to why I have come to you well your power is similar to mine and you seem like fun if just a bit intimidated!" she stated lightly as she moved closer her hand gripped the gun he had pointed to her and pointed it away from her, pressing her slender body against his "you are also quite hansom and I need company so why not you?" she asked lightly her lips where inches from his ear.

    "yes you are are Guileless I know that already and I don't care, I dont hide ever not even from anyone in the Rune Knights are lazy they have not court anyone in quite some time so I think your safe" she answered softly smiling.

    "you are right to not trust me I am evil after all but bad girls are so much more fun to go on jobs with they care less, if you wish to kill me then do it, my life would live on in the plant life they would keep my memory alive!" thorn stated softly her head tilted slightly.

    The sound of his defeat made thorn sigh softly "ow grow a pear will you, you won't get anywhere with that attitude!" she hissed lightly her teeth gripped together thorn letting his weapon go but she stayed close to him just encase.

    Last edited by Thorn on 26th August 2015, 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 25th August 2015, 5:45 pm

    An assassin job huh. He knew it was going to be a dark mission, but an assassin mission? Here in the capital of Fiore? Crocus was heavily guarded, no doubt by the hundreds of guards. An assassin job that required more than just one mage, no doubt meant they were going to kill someone of more popularity than the common squabble of the lands.

    "You're half right lady. I heard of the three dark guilds. Though not of what they truly are or have done. I guess since you trusted me, and no doubt could have killed me, I'll install something to you, okay? I quiver not from fear, but from anticipation and confusion. I've only killed once willingly, and that was a job to kill a bounty on some mad man that killed a few guards. The other two I mentioned... a partner whose name I dont even know...and whose dark guild I have no clue what it is. They were the ones that killed, but I could have stopped them, yet I didn't. I'm truly going down this path, I was just unsure if I was ready to or not."

    A depressed sigh escaped his lips, keeping his gunblade at his side "The fact is as I said. I'm not so much afraid of the guild you're in, cause I had no clue which. Nor truly of you. I'm more afraid of why I couldn't even fucking pull the trigger just now" Annoyed hed winced from the statement he just said. Great... looking like a pathetic weakling.

    "So who is the target, and what happens after i kill the target huh? You flee to your guild deep in what ever land it is, and I'm on the run for the rest of my life for attacking a high priority target. Assassination jobs that require more than just you must mean the job itself is either dangerous or the target is of high value, hence...you'd need a second. But there is backlash to that you know. As in I'd be straight up just your scapegoat. I guess thats my use in this world though..." feeling annoyed as he looked down at his gunblade, his MMO H.U.D displaying in his eyes though he looked at the vitals of his body. Something was odd, his heart wasn't racing anymore. Why?

    He felt content with this woman, confessing and finally understanding something. This was his path, a dark diluted with confusion path. Tightening the grip on his gunblade he thought to himself. "Okay, I accept. Just hand me the job details, I want to know everything before I go in. Plus we need to plan. Do you know the target's current location? Any pattern behaviors? What about tasks? Are they going to be doing anything drastic today, when and where?"

    There were a number of targets he could think of in the capital, such as the king. OH god... that'd be a bitch to pull off, but he doubted such a target would happen. Not even the dark guilds wanted to provoke entire nations at a time like that. The entire thought process of a coup' like that meant more than just two people to do such a thing. However now came another thought. The target definatly had to be important even by a small degree but who... who? Raiza had no clue and even if he heard the right name, it didn't mean he'd know who they were exactly, it was just that, because he had to figure out exactly how and where. If they were in private the death could be swift, use his invisibility hack technique, creep in and get a silent kill. Though if it was public, he'd have to go loud and proud, perhaps use a form of artillery fire.

    'I can fire my gun six times per reload. Each fire shoots two rounds, one per barrel for a total of twelve shots, but up to six targets before reload happens fairly quickly. My duplication glitch technique lets me double that by duel wielding. Each bullet is about 1/4th the strength of a C-class spell of the world so I'm not going to be able to do much more than about four C-class spells at one burst, though... the target wont need more than a couple shots. I can infuse my bullets with my demon arm, and my elemental change to super charge it. Perhaps even charge my spells for added effect. I worry I will not have enough at the end of this though. So... what to do what to do' His thoughts raced before him, trying to figure out the unknowns before Thorn even responded to him.

    Almost thinking as if he had the thoughts planned out, he figured a few things out. If this woman could work with plants, did that mean all plant magic? What about team work? If she had to come all the way to him, that meant he had her beat in long range, which was cool for him, it gave him the opportune moment to easily say he'd be the one to pull the trigger and get the kill, while they teamed up to escape any guards. A kill in the capital was going to be hard no matter what after all. So why not go extreme. Maybe he could use a plant element. No... doubtful, cause he had no experiance with the element. Electric element sounded good since the guards used metal armor, an electrical bullet could easily tear through their armor. Though explosive also sounded the best. Destroy buildings or create pot holes in the ground, stopping guards from the chase, or dispatching groups at a time. Everything in his mind lead up to one other thing. What was this woman's true ability? How could they team together.



    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 26th August 2015, 3:00 am

    thorn laughed softly she smiled lightly "the job is as follows, Gregor Cassel an upcoming politician who's campagne show him as a voice of the masses, a supporter of the poor and the working class is gaining a lot of influence lately. So much that he has become quite nuisance to those who of greater wealth and positions. And now that his following grows larger with the day there are people who fear the moment he gains enough votes to be part of the Council. Afraid of the changes it will bring, to their own lifestyle.

    Because of this a handful of people have decided that Gregor needs to be dealt with in the form of an assassination. But knowing that they couldn't do this themselves they turned towards the dark guilds of Fiore and are willing to pay a handsome fee to anyone who is willing to take up this job. However there is one condition, Gregor's death must not show any connection to them. Nor does it need to look like an accident. That would raise to much questions, and would start rumors that could damage the clients reputations. So in order to divert the attention from them you have to kill Gregor in public and claim the kill openly for My guild.!"
    she stated quoting the flyer itself she then handed him the leaflet

    "before we start i need your name, Mine is thorn!" she said softly, lissoning to all his questions her head spun lightly, "I will do the kill then I wont run back to my guild though I will then kill anyone who tries to get in my way!" she stated lightly not caring about how she sounded. thorn looked into the town thinking for a moment "as for movements and other stuff I can find that out with ease through my friends that is!" she said with a smile feeling happy this man would join her.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 26th August 2015, 3:43 am

    'Gregor Cassel' The name rung a bell but only so vaguely that he couldn't recall them too well. Sure, as a sellsword he heard of many politician names before, but this one he only heard through whispers of the wind. Apparently his life was attempted on before, and as such he had guards typically around him. Knowing this Raiza thought it defiantly would be best to use high explosive rounds in his assault. Perhaps a public detonation of the man's head would be enough to show the citizens Raiza meant business, though what about the guards? It was defiantly a problem, Raiza already knew the vague power of the capital's guards. It wasn't the weakest nor the strongest. Yet he didn't have an exact clue.

    "Names are pointless Thorn. Besides... you're part of a dark guild, I dont have a home after this job since we need to do this in public. I dont need you ratting my name to the guild to shut me up about you. So you wont need my name. Not yet at least." confused why Thorn even needed his name, but also wary of it. The unknown was what killed people, and a name was all she needed to tell to start searching him down after the assassination was done. After all, in Raiza's mind, he didn't have the protection of the guild like Thorn did, and truth be told, he didn't stay alive being stupid either.

    Holding out his hand, extending it, Raiza felt the warmth of his pet emerging from his soul. A wisp, a creature that typically found home in deep forests and used the woodlands to protect itself, they were small, not too easily found, and more so, a perfect espionage spy. Though you can see Raiza was still getting used to his pet as he tried to pat the creature on the head before it lowered itself with a 'hmmm' sound.

    "Hey Little one, may I get a little favor from you? When we're ready I'd like you to be able to be my eyes for me alright?", he sounded a bit more nice, but still rough as he held his hand out only for the wisp to big circling him, and out of confusion began to circle Thorn too, as if looking at them trying to understand them. The wisp would oddly enough try to perch itself near Thorn's left shouler 'GREAAAAAT its okay with her..... son of a bitch.... come on wispy... thats annoying, she'll prob swat at you, was Raiza's thoughts but ignoring it for the most part, he began to look away.

    "Thorn, I need a location, and movements. You say I'm new at this, so let me get the kill shot. Dont worry I'll claim to be from your guild. I'm used to being like this though. You have a home with them, I'm alone, so I can divert their attention if you wish. Though I have no clue on what your powers truly are. I assume plant based cause you talk to plants. While I can easily take out the politician's guards. Its obvious they'll have som. I heard the name before. We're not the first to attempt his life after all." Thinking to himself, he began to cycle various tactics and combinations he could try. Get in close with his invisibility hack, kill, and use lag switch to get that 1.5 seconds momentum delay as they tried to get away after proclaiming the kill for savage skull. No... it had to be bigger.

    How about a clear and open massacre of the man, and shots fired at the guards too? Wipe out a portion of guards as well as any pursuers. Lay destruction so much that savage skull would actually see raiza as a threat! Yeah! that could work...make them scared so Raiza didn't have to be on the run from savage skull after this job was done. Thats a thought...defiantly a thought. One thought he no doubt could easily get behind. Though why he was trying to moralize and vote on his own thoughts within his head was a different story all together, Crazy he must be, crazy I tell you!

    Something else came to mind, it would consume... a lot of mana and put that one technique out of commission for a good while, he knew the cooldown rate of his elemental technique was slightly big, his H.U.D told him that much, so he thought of chain spelling it with his duplication glitch. That alone offered a nice... idea to do. Have two gunblades with explosive rounds, each round to cause roughly 7foot range explosion, and two of them were fired at one trigger pull. Six trigger pulls(12 rounds) per gun, meant he had a total of 24 shots if he summoned up a second gun. Explosives would mean the two rounds would feed from each other and make no doubt a muuch bigger explosion. Guards would be more intending to take the lives of innocents into account than to pursue either Raiza or Thorn. Then once the explosive power ran out, he knew the chain itself would cause the attacks to be fairly well limited, then again, he had his partial transformation, it was a decent thing, able to tranform one arm, and infuse demonic energy. That'd be his last line of support, allowing the couple to escape if needed.

    The only thing that remained was he had no idea exactly what Thorn could do. Various plans could be altered depending on how she could even add to this assault. He didn't even begin to realize what kind of shit she could pull with plants, if they let her know where he was, that means she had range control, so obviously... one other thing came to mind, she killed a lot, so maybe killer plants? Poison maybe? Ideas ideas...



    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 26th August 2015, 4:36 am

    Thorn smiled lightly her head tilted before shacking her head lightly she looked at a tree close by and smiled lightly, She looked at peace with the world and sighing softly she looked back at the man "If i was to do that I would be braking my own rule I never turn against an alie no matter what guild they are from, if they help me out i never turn against them. I need your name for the job so I know who to call for if i need you!" she stated moving around the man looking him up an down.

    she stopped when she sore the wisp a first in her lift time she had heard of the creatures but they where stuff of legends to her so seeing one was a shock and when it landed on her shoulder she turned her head to look at the thing properly "hello there, it is a pleasher to meet you!" she whispered softly not wanting to make sudden movements with the wisp on her shoulder.

    "I will make the final kill to this man and I will take glory for my own guild we do not need you to say you are with us or to take the attention away from us we are able to take anyone on if the need arises, you are here for my escape root!" Thorn hissed in anger she needed no man to protect her or her guilds reputation.

    looking back at the tree close by she closed her eyes softly "friends I need you now to help me tell me everything you know of my target and his guards!" she whispered softly the vision of her answer and she smiled lightly "there is a banquet tonight in the targets honer we can get to him there along with his guard!" she stated lightly laughing at something the tree said about the man.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 26th August 2015, 6:11 am

    "tsch", Raiza gave off an unimpressed sound, looking at the city from the hill they were on. Even to the point he still needed more information. Obviously if it was a banquet then he needed to know 'where' this wasn't something you just 'skipped' details of.

    "You're a dark guild member, you think I can trust that I'm truly an ally? Tell you what. Prove to me I'd be in no danger from your damn guild, how would I be considered an ally and not someone that just needed to be shut up down the line. Do that and I may give you my name" , obviously annoyed he snapped his fingers and the wisp came to him. "Little wisp, my friend please go and scry for me okay?", though the wisp seemed to not do much almost as if communicating silently, only a nod was given in return before his stare became cold as he looked back to Thorn while the wisp went into the ground, phasing through it and heading off somewhere else as if it was going to go setup somewhere.

    "look I know these streets decently due to being a sellsword, most of my jobs were to protect cart merchants, pickpockets typically hit them and I learned the streets. My long range is far more effective to pick off targets before they get close. Yes my close range is superior as for years I trained with a sword, but you heard the old Adage... dont bring a knife to a gun fight. So I need you to tell me how many guards, where the banquet will be at, and about what class of strength they are. Give me details, do you know if they have hired any magic guards as mages yet? Anything? Details on a mission help your support out so I know what magic rounds to use, as well as if I need to prepare anything else. I can also tell you the possible escape route to use."

    It was semi-true. He knew 'some' of the city's layout, such as using the main street would be no doubt the best route to take. Yes it meant a straight run way, and more so... there were other key factors in this. The main street meant a lot of people.  A lot of people meant that the guards couldn't just 'run through them' like Thorn could. Second, more people meant innocent lives. Innocent lives mean that if Raiza was using explosive or acid elemental rounds, then the guards may think twice about trying to follow them, especially since if they did follow. They'd be the target, which meant lives near them would be lost, which could cause more chaos. However, if Raiza had Thorn take a back route through ally ways. She could be caught by an ambush that Raiza might not be able to see but it'd also mean more one on one combat because of the ally ways being fairly narrow while the main streets were much bigger.

    In total, Raiza counted three main streets he could use. The biggest being from the gates. However the gates typically had guards near it, and the moment he fired into the city, then the gate guards would head towards him, making it hard. He'd need to assassinate those guards first, obviously causing some rather attention at the gate. The second thought was...how was Thorn to get outside of the walls of the city, There was a few hills he could use for sniper fire but at the same time, damn, he only had a 150meter range. Effectively only for mid Assault range right now. Compared to shooter mmo games, he was going assault rifle range, and not top range of them either. Maybe when he advances he could easily go further ranges, but for now... no.

    The other thought he had was to tag along, travel with and meet up half way since sniping targets was not going to be viable. Then again... he thought of something else. His shots were not accurate past 150meters, but what if he didn't need accuracy until then? His shots didn't 'vaporize' in the air, no they kept flying still, but they began to swerve past that control, as if Raiza had no more magic control over the straight line projector they possessed. So going down a path that if a bullet strayed off, it could hit innocents, or buildings, and provide more cover fire to show the guards he meant business, that would be ideal... yes.

    "I've thought it out... I think the best route may be down the center, get to the main street and my range is 150meters. I can use a nearby hill, or the wall if I can scale it to provide distance support. Past 150 meters my bullets will begin to swerve unaccurately and become a problem...but I can use explosive rounds, just if you see a bullet, then dodge. Though I'll be shooting behind you, not in front. Unless guards try to block your path that is. Once you're within 150meters range of me, my shots will be far more accurate and will hit their mark, or narrowly miss. Within 100meters I will hit every time, and when you're within 50meters I'll meet up with you and try to go close range as we flee into the nearby forest. By then I'll possibly have expended a lot of my mana. I assume you'd have the advantage and we can ride on your techniques while I use mine to cover us for as best as I can. Sound good?"

    The entire strategy in theory sounded like it could work. The only thing he left out was the fact he'd be no doubt firing about twelve rounds in a burst, maybe 24 if he chose to duplicate his own gun. He also had various methods of attack, and one of the methods he'd actually have to use to get near the city walls. Though his biggest aspect was going to ensure his ally had a burst of time to get the hell out of dodge. Lag switch worked in a special way that he knew chaining it would be fairly effective.



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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 28th August 2015, 3:39 pm

    Thorn sighed softly her hand griped the mans wrist and looked him dead in the eyes "I have no way to prove that you can trust me but I will never harm an Allie!" she stated shore of her self her grip was light and easerly escapeable. "as for my guild they will know nothing about you so how can they come and get you as long as you dont stab me in the back they will leave you be, Or you could just join the guild and there would be no threat!" she stated lightly shrugging lightly as she released his wrist she smirked at the floor she wondered what this mans response would be.

    shacking her head lightly looking at the wisp "you dont have to be mad at her or him it was being friendly!" she said sharply hissing slightly. thorn smirked lightly "i know the town like the back of my and without even being down there" she stated lightly looking back down at the village "see that church there with the bell tower?" she asked softly pointing to where she was talking about "if you go to up there its about 150 feet from the targets and they have quite a bit to climb to get to you!" she stated making her idea known "ever way lets get started!" she stated lightly walking off down the hill into the town.

    walking through the town she went in search for the main hall where Gregor Cassel was meant to be talking to a group about well she was not shore what it was about but it was the best play for the murder. smirking lightly Thorn wondered for a bit the talk was not for another hour so she searched for any guards she could tulture for information.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 28th August 2015, 9:33 pm

    His heart thumped fairly hard the moment Thorn grabbed his wrist so suddenly and unprovoked, the speech was mild, but the true impact was far greater than what he originally expected. In fact, the words she spoke didn't just dig deep into his mind but they stung. Stung in a way he could not understand. 'Just join the guild? did she just invite me to join the savage skull without even knowing my skill? I've heard rumors of all three dark guilds being powerful, more so I've never once heard of such a thing happening, in any mmo... the dark alliances are typically hard core killers, well... I guess I will be someday too, but... such an invite like that... gotta be a catch. Wait... am I even considdering it!' , his mind was racing the thoughts and before Thorn released his hand, he activated his ring's power, the runic letters would glow as it infused its strange power onto Thorn, though what it would do would be knowledge to Raiza, as he knew why he activated it as well.

    'There....I'll take some of your pain from your endeavors', the ring had activated the ability in which when Thorn took damage or was hurt, it would only be half as effective as Raiza would endure the other half of the pain. A trick he came up with to help an ally out in the time of need or the time in which this would be the most effective in any matter.

    "Good, I can take a shot easily triple that range if needed, though I don't need a sniper tower Thorn, I've got close range too. What route will you take to get out of the city? We both need to cooperate to get out alive. This is the capital after all", the final statements before he too headed off, of course after the reply was given.

    Truth was, he didn't even know how well prepared he was required to be for such a job like this. Looking over his various equipment, he would adjust his carrying strap for the poisoned throwing knives as well as adjusted his belt loop for the blood blade on his right hip, since he holstered his gunblade, which happened to be his holder item onto his left hip. His shield would be placed upon his back and his robe went over his body to conceal the weaponry as he entered the city, no turning back now. This time he was going in as a villain, and he much intended to scour out his own preparation as well. No need to do this the hard way if one would be able to do this a much more... 'effective' measure.

    Which meant once he got to the church he looked around. Counting more than ten obvious guards(the rolls we'll do later), he made note of the numbers, at least triple the anticipated amount, just from what looked like common foot soldiers alone had actually been strategically placed near and around the building that the target was going be killed by thorn was at. 'perfect... this is a highly crowded area actually..., so i can use that to my home field advantage, and with Thorn not realizing what I've done, she wont be reckless, but if she slips up at all, we'll at least make it out better'



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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 31st August 2015, 3:30 pm

    Before thorn entered the town she move to a quiet ally leading out into a forest and she smiled softly "through here would be our best bet I can get the exit block for a while after we are through giving us some time to get away but we have to move fast once through my magic wont last that long!" she stated softly before smiling lightly she started to like the man with no name "well I thought you would be safer up there than down here with me!" Thorn explained as she continued to move her jacket hiding the guild mark of savage skull this would be until they started to attack.

    Thorn laughed softly as she looked at the man again "as you wont give me your name I will just have to call you sponge bob!" She sated her laugher increased as she thought of the silliest name she could she hoped it would intise the man into giving he real name !or even Packtric!" Thorn continued to laugh, some people did look there way but most just smiled and carried on she did however hear one elderly lady "Ow look at that couple she looks so happy I wonder if there married!" the old lady had muttered this but the plants told her what she had said and thorn just had to laugh again unshore whether she should relay the comment to the man she was with.

    Thorn decided she would the comment was quite funny and she thought it might make him laugh "people think we are a couple the even wonder if we are married how funny things are with normal people!" she stated softly smiling widely she was showing her softer side one not many people got to see if at all.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 31st August 2015, 4:45 pm

    Nodding his head about the alleyway, Raiza began to take note of what surrounded the area, nice tight area meant his explosive rounds would do wonders, but at that rate, he wondered about a contingency plan had anything gone wrong.  "Sorry, but I'm actually better close range, much more years dedicated to sword fighting or close range combat. I'm just very effective long range too.", trying to think of a reason why he even with-held his name after Thorn's little display of an invitation, Raiza stared forward almost wanting to dig at himself for it right now, especially since Thorn was kind, in her own way, he didn't mind being her partner on the job right now, and more so. Looked like he'd be heading towards the spooky forest again sometime soon.

    "Raiza...the name is Raiza" he finally spoke up, sighing a bit, his words sounded cold as if he was signing his own death warrant to Thorn. Though as they kept walking forward, getting closer and closer to the target's location, though when a certain little 'married' comment was sent her way, Raiza almost lost his stride, if one paid close attention, the youth would have actually hesitated with finishing the step he was taking, the hesitation wouldn't take much longer than a fraction of a single second, just enough to stop him ever so slightly before he continued, this time looking forward and not trying to gaze at Thorn.

    Though his cheeks barely turned a shade towards red from the comment, he still yet began to part his lips to speak, but instead raised up and arm to cover his mouth before coughing. "O-on to another subject....Thorn, I'll accept that invitation of yours, after this job, we'll go talk to your guild leader", his obvious change of subject was due to embarrassment, but at the same time, he just finally said he'd even consider a guild...no he did more than consider one just now, his words showed a new sense of pride begin to take over, almost as if he was striking an ego from his mind, and adding a new pride trait to him. something around the lines of 'loyalty'. Be it a dark evil guild or not, Raiza understood exactly what was needed. "I'll go in, and when you take him out, I'll begin my assault on the guards as well." he already knew all the general guards for the man would be near, but what Raiza knew would happen would be the fact reinforcements from the capital's guard pool would be rushing the spot fairly quickly.



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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by NPC 4th September 2015, 12:37 pm

    The member 'Thorn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize NormalMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize WeakMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize NormalMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize WeakMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize StrongMonster

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 4th September 2015, 1:09 pm

    thorn smiled lightly as she turned the corner shrugging her shoulders lightly "what ever suits you best!" she stated lightly as she kicked a pebble across the floor she laughed lightly finally she had the mans name and here she was thinking she would have to talture him for it "Raize, nice name!" she said softly.

    thorn moved slowly and with ease she did not wish to draw attention to herself to soon in the game but things never really turn out how they are wanted to. Laughing loudly thorn placed her hand on his shoulder "ow dear gone all shy don't worry about it I am a taken woman any way! she stated before before removing her hand "It was more a serjestion than a invertation but I think you will fit in ok!" she stated lightly her eyes scanned the passers by there eyes seemed to stear at thorn more and more when she looked down thorn noticed her jacket had come undone slightly showing her guild mark. "crap! um change of plan we may have to fight our way in too!" she stated pointing to five men as they came running at them two seemed to be scared the others looked braver but still had there hands shaking slightly "you two need to come with us!" one stated his voice deep and low.

    thorn smiled softly and shock her head "sorry cant do that have a job to do you see and i don't plan on going anywhere till its done!" she stated her hand moved and in an instant a root parsed through the two that seemed to want to run away there faced turned white as blood spilled from the wounds. Thorn laughed crawly as she tilted her head the roots moved back in the direction they once came from she smile widened and thorn laughed again as she watched the two men shake and die infrount of her she then looked at the other men and wondered what they where going to do to her now.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 4th September 2015, 1:54 pm

    His slight red face turned back to more serious when he was noticing more and more people staring at them, it was almost apparent that something was going on. The sheer fact anyone was looking at them any different than before struck a curious gaze from Raiza. Even the number of guards began to steadily increase. Ten weaker guards around Gregor, they all seemed to be somewhat alert, while the people around Raiza and Thorn were spreading out. 'shit a trap? no... whats going on?'

    Though it was no doubt by now apparent when Thorn said they'd have to fight their way out did Raiza understand. "Then you survive... i'll go finish the job", a soft snicker on his face, as he tapped Thorn's shoulder pain linking to her so if she got hurt, he'd recieve half the damage just to cut down on her pain and wounds. 'now... invisibility hack!' the crude smile on the youth's face began to shift as his entire body slithered into an invisibility while Thorn took on the guards, though yeah he had to do this fast or she'd be in trouble, Raiza made his way through the crowd, this was the perk of his versatility. Even now, though he couldn't use spells that didn't stop Raiza from firmly using his weaponry.

    Raiza only vaguely watched Thorn's magic kill a couple of the guards that were trying to surround them. The last guards standing was a commander of some kind just by the way they looked. The other two were semi-as heavy looking, these were no doubt the famed suppression squadrons, they typically were highly defensive though with that much defense came a lot of slowness, and thats where they would falter fairly hard. Raiza was already invisible, running his blade through the neck of one of the suppression guards while the other did notice this it was too late before the second guard had been killed leaving just the commander "deal with him, teach him the terror of the Savage Skull"

    His words by the time they escaped his lips he was gone once again, turning use of his invisibility as he began to slice through any innocent that stood in his way, he wasn't interested in guards as much as he was interested in heading towards a fleeing Gregor whom was trying to escape, all ten of his weak guards were near by, unable to even see Raiza whom slipped past and would grab Gregor, spinning him around as Raiza turned back to being able to be seen, his gun blade's blade was cleanly pressed violently against Gregor's neck, looking at the ten guards that were much too hesitant in wanting to charge forward in fear the one they were guarding would be killed off, after all, no Gregor no pay right?.

    "So, mr. Gregor, do you know how badly you pissed Savage Skull off yet?"
    , well Thorn did say the guild had to be 'known' to do this, right? Raiza was simply playing the part in making sure the guards understood, but his face held a colder stare as his blade inched to the side slightly making a cut in Gregor's neck. "I suppose you should call your commander soon, or else you die, cause I wish to talk with him". It was all a ruse that way Thorn could get a back attack on the commander after all.



    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 6th September 2015, 10:47 am

    Thorn tilted her head slightly her grin wide as she removed her jacket "pointless portending I am normal and time to embrace my madness!" she stated lightly stretching her arms out infrount of her interlocking her fingers they cracked lightly.

    looking around thorn Sighed lightly "not much of a team player is he!" she stated lightly shrugging her shoulders sighing softly shaking her head. "I hope none of you can see through darkness!" she stated lightly. Thorn opened her mouth and a black smoke started to flow out so think and fast.

    The smoke covered the men quickly and the effects started to take affect soon after she could hear the coughing of the men and she smiled walking through the smoke her vision unlike the mans was not obstructed, Thorn smirked as she walked up to one of the strongest men in the group and steal his sword before backing away for a moment as he flailed around in confusion trying to control the coughing but the men where not finding it easy. Taking slow flowing movements Thorn used the sword and started carving away but the end of it the men where crying in pain and the savage skull symbol was carved into the skin of the men Smirking softly Thorn went off in search of Raiza and there target.

    Walking into the main building she laughed lightly her hand curled around Raiza's shoulder and tightened lightly she then moved over to Gregor her hand toke Raiza's weapon and moved it away for his neck "I do apology's for my friend here he is so dramatic!" she stated lightly sitting on the mans lap "but I do admit we do need you to call your commander!" she said lightly her lips by his ears she winked at Raiza playfully smiling softly wondering why he had ran off he did not know her magic so for all he knew she could of been in big trouble by just leaving her there.


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 6th September 2015, 11:04 am

    (place holder for rolls) here is 10/15 rolls needed


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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by NPC 6th September 2015, 11:04 am

    The member 'Raiza' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize NormalMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize NormalMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize NormalMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize WeakMonster Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize NormalMonster

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 6th September 2015, 11:18 am

    Knowing full well Thorn was protected because he had put his own protection up around her, he still heard the comment that was made since he didn't vanish so much as he had gone invisible, so to hear that he wasn't a team player kind of annoyed him. If she really thought he wasn't a team player, why the hell would he go in with her instead of sniping from the bell tower from outside?. Then again, if Thorn didn't realize it yet, all the guards that by default surrounded the target were in aggonizing pain or death. Either limp on the floor or slowly bleeding out as the poison was working through their veins slowly rotting at their flesh and causing even more immense pain. The screams of a few guards were muffled into groans of death as those that were not dead, had been killed through the long enduring suffering that they had just needed to put up with.

    Releasing his grip on Gregor as Thorn was pushing the blade from his neck, the small cut that was left behind trinkled down his blade as he stepped away. "Hope you didn't break that barrier I put over you when I left you to finish the trash at the entrance. No matter even if you did, I'd of felt it", obviously spoken in a harsh cold way to show that he was indeed a team player, just you dont always get to see how he was a team player. Then again would it truly have made any difference if he stayed? No, because no doubt Gregor would have gotten away among all the chaos had he not split up with Thorn. The entire ordeal was to ensure the capture and soon to kill mr. Gregor. Though the wink sent his way indicated Thorn was going along with his plan. Though regardless if she was or not, Gregor was by all rights, her kill. Not his own, and thus that may be the reason to why she had wanted to take over like that. It was no trouble, Raiza's job here was to kill off the guards anyways, not kill the target. That was Thorn's job, and as such, Raiza respected that wish.

    By now though Raiza' flicked his blade to the side to clear some of the blood before holding it by his hip, waiting for Thorn's next action. Just part of the ordeal was that now a waiting game to see exactly how the man wanted to play his last bits of life out.

    "Why should the Guard commander come for worms like you two? Realize the suppression squad is coming?"

    That was enough of a hint to Raiza to get ready once again. No doubt from the knocking and bargin outside the building, it sounded as if they were getting surrounded by a number of guards. Then again had Raiza and Thorn not paid attention, they killed one commander. No doubt that commander was only one of the few that were around. If they encountered any more or not that was another thing. Though right now unless they started to act fact shit wouldn't go down as Raiza wanted it to.

    "Thorn, you deal with Gregor as you please. I dont think me protecting you with a barrier spell will be enough this time around..."his concern from the loud thuds from outside made him worry exactly how many were around them?  With the possibility to go invisible to go check and assassinate the guards out the window, mainly due to he didn't want Thorn to think he was leaving her again. Though is such the pity that his magic is sometimes much too concealed to even understand it like anything else.

    "though now is the time I'll stop being so assassin like, and take them by the screams if they want to play rough", holding his gunblade out, a noticeable change in energy began to form around the blade itself   and the barrels as well. The energy began to become highly condensed to the point any mage could see it was explosive magic to a rather high degree, and it was charging still, not ready to use until Raiza saw forth and fit that it was.

    Though once it was, he smiled and looked out the first door into the main lobby, it was still empty but no doubt guards were getting ready to enter that lobby. Since the team and Gregor was in the second room, this gave Raiza an entire room to shoot across before the explosives would be getting too close to deal with. Even such, he didn't waste any time keeping a gaze at the door, noticing not one but four suppression guards near by. "Tsch... we're surrounded, and I dont think my protective magic over us will be enough Thorn", not particularly caring if Gregor heard him or not, after all... he'd be dead soon anyways.



    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Thorn 7th September 2015, 7:58 am

    Thorn smiled softly as she continued to sit on the man her mind thought for a moment at Raiza's words, she cross her right leg over the other her hand moved down Gregor's face her nails cut his skill slightly and she licked where the blood dripped down his face. Her eyes never left Raiza she wondered if she had got him wrong she wondered if he atturly was a team player just not the normal sort of team player. She wondered if she had got everything wrong about Raiza but that did not mean she forgave him snapping at her, Moving her hand over Gregor's hands a root tided tightly around his wrists and his feet keeping him still. Thorn then stood and walked over to Raiza her hand shot to his throat and she tightened "you never speak to me like that A spell or a cast to help the person is not the same as fighting by there side!" she hissed her spear hand grabbed her staff at the same time she released Raiza.

    moving away from Raize she placed her staff standing on the floor and stepped back as friend came to life and turn into a tree of human form. Thorn then whistled as a tiger cub cam over to her she whispered something to him quickly and it turned into a large sap tiger looking at them thorn smiled them nodded lightly "ok you two please make shore no one comes in." she stated lightly turning back to Raiza as the two walked away she smiled lightly "they will take care of the people out side for a while now you can stay and help me with this guy" she said lightly smirking her hand glided over Raiza's shoulder before she moved back to this man "you call him or i will!" thorn said lightly


    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize S6Eaz9K

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize Empty Re: Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize

    Post by Raiza 7th September 2015, 11:12 am

    Though he was still too concerned with the outside forces surrounding them, Raiza was suddenly grabbed by the neck without hesitation, unable to even realize what happened until he looked over. Right...how could he forget, he was dealing with a savage skull member after all, someone that could have killed him already, so why did he dare to snap at her even remotely so. "It is enough when you realize I'd be taking the damage for you. Go ahead, cut yourself and you'll find I receive a wound too. "Raiza responded with a hastened look towards her, his eyes not even batting away even as he was released from Thorn's grasp he sighed. So much for good team work right? Though he didn't truly care any more at this point, but rather he did start to be concerned if all this was even a good idea still.

    Watching Thorn summon up her own creations to fight with, Raiza held his hand up and smiled "System command Grant player Companion", his words escaped his lips just as fast as a figure began to materialize out of thin air. It was a large bulky knight like figure. Full Knight armor, a kite shield and a long sword. They began to walk forward a bit as Raiza pointed towards the door "Do as Thorn's friends do", once that was completed the knight began to walk towards the door and guard the entrance to prevent anyone from bursting in through that way so easily.

    "Thorn we'll talk after this mission" he scoffed in a disappointed way that he was assaulted so easily. Already he turned his gaze to Gregor. "Looks like Gregor is not even going to do as you say"

    This was confirmed when the man spat in Thorn and Raiza's direction trying to hit them. "fucking scum. You'll be hung for this" his words only full of irritation and though some fear existed, it wasn't enough to make him betray anyone by calling for them. It was almost too good guy like after all. Damn wannabe heros.



    Assassination contract: Gregor Cassel between thorn and raize YdfXSKP

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