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    Magic Stuff

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Magic Stuff Empty Magic Stuff

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 19th August 2015, 4:28 am

    Soooo recently I had an issue where on my alt, her magic was nearly pulled because it was labeled as Requip, but was blatantly caster...
    And then more important issue was where in cbox someone asked me if Requip was caster or holder, and I was left going "uuhh..... I really don't know..."

    Magic Rules: Requip wrote:This form of magic is based on the usage, summoning and/or creation of many different magical items, weapons and armor that are pulled from and stored in a magical pocket space. The items, weapons and armor a Requip mage uses are listed as spells. They are limited to 4 types of spells:
    Support: (mostly lower rank, but not necessarily. Spells that enhance the user's physical abilities and his or her handling of the weapons and armor. Levitation, for example.)
    Spell Armor: (the rank can vary, the higher the rank the better the spell armor. Spell armor can hold 1 passive ability and 1 active ability equal to its rank.)
    Spell Weapon: (Requipers have a large arsenal of weapons, the power depends on the rank of the spell slot. Spell weapons can hold 1 passive ability and 1 active ability.) -
    Special (the rank can vary, the higher the rank the more powerful the spell. A Special type of spell allows the Requiper to cast a qpell through a specific weapon or amor, or even combine multiple weapons with a specific armor into one unique offensive or defensive spell.)

    Note: Whilst it costs MP to summon up a weapon or armor the abilities attached to that armor/weapon (the 1 passive and 1 active) do not cost any MP


    So, this is a copy of what we have on the rules. It sounds like Requip magic is holder when casted through the weapon, but it doesn't establish that it has to be holder. However, we don't require any items to cast the initial spell for making the weapon. I'd like to request it to be specified that we are obligated to be holder wizards, and that all spells must be requips if the wizard is labeled as a requipper.

    Next: In the chatbox, it was discussed that a requip that's a signature would have no active or passive ability. It was argued by the player I was talking to that it isn't in the rules. My argument was pulled from my alt, since I had a 100% answer to the fact that they can't have any abilities. But thinking of this a few minutes later, I realized I know a summon wizard with a summon that does have and active effect and is in fact his signature. So shouldn't a requip wizard be allowed to have a requip with either a passive or an active?

    Side note: Thanks for adding https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t8369-hp-magic-and-damage-rules
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Magic Stuff Empty Re: Magic Stuff

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 19th August 2015, 5:41 am

    From my understanding:

    Requip is technically caster and holder.

    The actually 'requipping' is technically caster and the weapon/armor usage is holder.

    Requippers can also have 'extra' abilities such as support.

    As for the signature spells...currently signatures are only allowed one effect. As such summoning the weapon is that single effect, this is the same for summons. Or it should be anyway.


    Magic Stuff Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Magic Stuff Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Magic Stuff Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Devil's Advocate

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    Magic Stuff Empty Re: Magic Stuff

    Post by Cirven 19th August 2015, 7:12 am

    The rule in the past that was unwritten with requip/TO/sm sig spells was the summoning was the summoning was not an effect and they recieved only one effect meaning they only got a passive or a active but not both. I remember Aayla's TO sig was ruled that way.


    Magic Stuff LxcTBIi
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    Magic Stuff Empty Re: Magic Stuff

    Post by Eris 19th August 2015, 7:21 am

    Technically the summoning IS the effect and what the summon itself could do is not part of the magic to summon the entity itself.   Otherwise it isn't really a summon,  just a creation.


    Magic Stuff NvVyM98

    Magic Stuff CkggyrF

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    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Magic Stuff Empty Re: Magic Stuff

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 19th August 2015, 8:00 am

    I'll have to look into this.


    Magic Stuff Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Magic Stuff Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Magic Stuff Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Magic Stuff Empty Re: Magic Stuff

    Post by Cirven 19th August 2015, 9:52 am

    I'm just going off what I was told in the past by the person who made all the rules here(but never finished them lol).

    I see sig spells as pretty worthless for requip/TO/summoning magic if all the sig spell could do was just summon something.


    Magic Stuff LxcTBIi
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