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    Dirty Competition

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Dirty Competition Empty Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 26th July 2015, 1:32 am

    Original Post:

    Seikatsu was watching the events occurring in Crocus, as it entered a time of power thirst, and egotistical battles between two glorified primates. Yes, that time again, that one time where men and sometimes women take millions upon millions of jewel and throw it out the window for a few months of self glorification. The time being spoken of can only be described as the Crocus District 3 Leader Elections, and they were coming to the brutal part of the competition. Watching the fools talking, boasting and bragging on their ideals and boosting their already through the roof ego's further through the roof, so high they were nearing orbital heights, Seikatsu scoffed. 'Had those mortals wanted either to be their leader they would had already made it so.' Seikatsu thought to himself. However, this time of primitive leadership did in fact provide a opportunity most fortunate for Seikatsu. Seikatsu leaned forward on his chair while resting his head on his hands thinking about how both men were men of opportunity, just as Seikatsu was. Perhaps this was the only ideal either would need to employ a certain assassin into their ranks to create a small bit of fun for himself. Seikatsu walked over to his closet, keeping the mega screen lacrima television on to overhear the debates. He pulled out a set of herbs that he knew were highly toxic, and had an almost immediate reaction to humans. He took five blow darts, and tipped them with the juices of the paralytic substances and dipped the tips in some liquid rubber so they wouldn't poke him and paralyze himself. He then took three more darts and combined several herbs and plants that are known to create an extremely high euphoric feeling when introduced to the bloodstream. He also tipped these in the rubber, not wanting to feel stoned or in love while he's trying to get some serious work done.

    Lastly, Seikatsu packed a couple tubes of water, fifty feet of compressed rope, a few feet of blast cord and fuse, a lighter, and his pet Lisa of course. Seikatsu's maid had already prepared the Multi-Dimensional Matter Transporter for him, and Seikatsu picked up his emergency teleporter for when he finished, or if he got stuck in a wall again. He stepped through the Lacrima Screen and stepped onto a street in Crocus. 'So the new coordinates were more accurate... I'll be sure to pick that girl up something sweet as a reward...' Seikatsu said to himself. It wasn't long before the shadier looking candidate bumped into Seikatsu, literally, and realized that the wizard wearing a large tan, tattered cloak with the hood covering his face might actually be what he needed. Seikatsu felt a bit happy since his work of convincing one of the candidates to employ him was now cut entirely out of the picture. Seikatsu listened to Mr. Stone's 'problem' and told him he'd accept the job. Mr. Stone informed Seikatsu that there was another wizard who had taken the same job, and she'd be his partner if he would allow it. Seikatsu agreed, and waited for his new mysterious ally at a water fountain near the city's palace entrance.

    Wicked Witch of the West

    Moderator- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
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    Posts : 1274
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    Mentor : Ilyria the Fallen One
    Experience : 45400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geass Magic
    Second Skill: Nox Aeterna
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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 26th July 2015, 3:40 am

    Another day another job. She had to rake in more money if she was ever to repurchase her old tavern back and this mission seemed to fit her like a glove, after all sabotage and causing mayhem was her expertise. So there she was on this fine day on the streets of Crocus, out to meet her would be partner. At first she was reluctant to work with someone else given her present predicament, but then again only someone tainted would take on such a task so she figured it would not matter much. Through the busy streets Alleria made her way, making sure to blend in and not drawing attention to herself. But she found it hard when people keep on greeting and smiling at her, have the town's people always been like this or was she caught in a twilight zone where everyone was happy and friendly. None the less, she was courteous enough to return the favor, even though it was half meant and most of the time, fake.

    Finally she reached her destination, the towns city entrance. Here more people littered the area. Children were running on the wide fields of grass outside the city walls, a lot of teens were also there playing new ludicrous games on boards and wheels powered by lacryma and the worst are the couples seated near the fountain who are openly showing their affection for one another by rubbing nose, holding hands and hugging. She was so tempted to play her mind games on them just to see how true their love really is, but then she remembered that she was on the clock and time was of the essence. "Now to find my.." her thought were halted on their tracks, for she was just about to scan the surrounding when she happen to look not far from the fountain. "Yep that had to be him." she snickered silently. The man stood out like a sore thumb, I mean its broad daylight and he was wearing a hood, who does that right. Well then again he could just be a weirdo who has a thing for watching lovers doing sweet stuff together or a masochist who wants more pain by reliving old sweet memories he had shared with his ex on that very same spot.

    She had to make sure which one was he so after managing to control her giggles, Alleria made her way towards the man. Stood next to him and said "Mr. Stone sends his regards."


    Entrance Theme:

    Battle Theme:
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 26th July 2015, 5:16 am

    Seikatsu was staring at the ground, trying to figure his place in this world of humans as he normally did while waiting for something to happen when a strange female approached him. Seikatsu figured the woman to be fairly tall as her shadow was casting over him a fair distance. Seikatsu motioned his eyes to see if he could identify anything other than the fact that she was tall. Seikatsu saw her green hair that extended down to her back and a bit further, he'd noticed her legs were thin but feminine and she had curves despite being a bit on the thin side. Seikatsu heard the woman say that Mr. Stone sent his regards, and that was enough to confirm that she was indeed his partner. Seikatsu didn't shift much until that point, preferring to remain as still as a statue so as to not scare the children fluttering about the place. He stood up, being only a few inches taller than the woman, Seikatsu found his face being pretty close to hers. Considering he didn't particularly like the girl in that sense, Seikatsu took a step back and give the girl a quick look over to see if she was dead weight or not. She was fairly lanky, and her skin showed no signs of having been in battle, her hair didn't have any faults and she had a body that wouldn't quit. In other words, Seikatsu hated that she was his partner, but decided that she might not be the kind to enter a battle, after all, he knew a man who called upon spirits to do his bidding.

    Seikatsu wasn't sure if she'd seen anything of his face when he was a few inches from her, it wouldn't surprise him if she had. Now, he was far enough away that the shadow cast by the hood covered all but his mouth and chin, and showed a bit of his neck. Seikatsu bowed to the woman slightly with no expression on the little bit of his face that was visible. "I am Seikatsu." Seikatsu said calmly, the lack of emotion behind the words weren't enough to make him feel uncomfortable. Seikatsu stepped closer and placed his mouth closer to her ear, so the other couples wouldn't overhear while resting a hand on her hip so it looked convincing from the outside world. "You were followed." Seikatsu whispered to the woman, and pulled back with a smile on his face, acting as if he said something scandalous to the woman. "Catch me if you can!" Seikatsu exclaimed playfully, and began running off in hopes the woman would follow him to a place with less people pretending to be couples.

    Wicked Witch of the West

    Moderator- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 1274
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ilyria the Fallen One
    Experience : 45400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geass Magic
    Second Skill: Nox Aeterna
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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 26th July 2015, 10:30 pm

    Alleria was a bit surprised when her partner leaned in and told her that she was tailed, either the one following her was really good in concealing his magic presence or he did not posses any. She was also stunned when he started running away after saying catch me if you can, it took her a bit to process that what he said was probably a code and he wanted to lure her away from the rest of the crowd. Shrugging her shoulder she shouted "Im coming to get you hubbey!" then started to run after her hooded partner who already had a head start and was probably 5 meter away from her.

    Alleria ran after her partner, further and further they ran, until there were less and less people and more and more vegetation. "Darling wait for me!" she shouted again at Seikatsu who was now but a few meters away. She still can pinpoint the person following her, or if there were any at all to begin with. What if her partner was luring her away so he can test her? Well that would be a first but it never really occurred to her before. This was the first time that such a though crossed her mind. Come to think of it, something about this guy seemed off. He could be a darkie himself, for at the brief moment that they got close to each other, she was reminded of someone or something..."Yes that could be it, he reeked of war." Everything happened so fast, first thing she was running, then next thing she knew was her face was down on the ground. That's what one gets when doing two things at the same time.

    She sat up and tried to dust herself up, they were already far from the entrance. The only people there now were her and him, and assuming the spy continued to follow her then it would be three. The trees and dense vegetation growing underneath it acted like a curtain, hiding them the sight of who ever might happen to pass by, if there were even others who got this far from the entrance. Once she freed her clothes from dirt and grass, she looked up to see how her partner was doing. She still cant shake off the feeling she had earlier, it was the stink of war and not the one that she was accustomed too. It was the dirty and gritty part of war, the part that comes after she had pitted nations against nation, rulers versus rulers and even household against each other. She shook her head again, this was turning to be an off day for her, getting lost in her own thoughts too often.

    Still wanting to keep the facade going on of the sake of catching who ever was tailing her she called out "Darling! I fell down, wont you please help me get up."


    Entrance Theme:

    Battle Theme:
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 27th July 2015, 12:44 am

    Seikatsu rolled to the side and jumped upwards into a tree, using quick foot work to push himself up the trunk and onto an overhanging branch that was covered in leaves, concealing his location. He heard as his partner had fallen, and called for his aid doing her best to play the part. 'I should probably tell her it's pointless, but it's so bad I can't let her stop now...' Seikatsu thought to himself, while holding back laughter. Seikatsu gently crept along the branch, getting himself into position to take down the two people who'd been following him and his new found ally. A male and female emerged from the bushes, the male screaming "There's one of em!" while pointing to Alleria. Seikatsu jumped out from the branch, landing on the female 'lover's' shoulders while spinning and gripping her head. He heard a very distinct, very welcomed snapping sound as the woman gained the ability to turn her head 270 degrees around, almost like an owl! Seikatsu broke the fall caused by the woman's corpse collapsing by entering a commando roll upon hitting the ground. He quickly sprung back and slammed the male in his testicles, and then gave a few quick firm taps to the man's torso, chest, and a chop to the neck. While the bewildered man was choking, Seikatsu spun around and hooked his foot on the man's ankles and pulled back causing the male lover to fall over. He then got on the man's back and pulled out his Thorn of Betrayal, placing the white blade of the black sword against lover boy's neck saying "State your business friend, and a reason for me to let you live." with a cold voice, not actually caring that he killed someone a second ago. "I-I-I-I'm sorry man, I was told to keep an eye on you guys. Look I won't tell anyone abo-" the man's plea was cut short by the spewing of the blood coming from the gash in his neck. Seikatsu quickly pulled the two bodies into the bush, and covered them with some extra leaves to ensure they looked as natural as possible. The bodies were hidden so well, you'd have to be right next to them to even see a silhouette, so Seikatsu was happy with it.

    "My apologies mi' lady. I gave use away by foolishly introducing myself, had I simply acted as if we were already lovers that could have been prevented." Seikatsu said with an emotionless voice. "As I now have a partner, I'll inform you that I don't care for your name, or how you aid in this venture but I'll tell you what I shall do to contribute." Seikatsu said, the lack of emotion in his voice was quite distinct. "I was told the do-gooder has a son and daughter that are roughly around 16 and 17 respectively. I shall corrupt the daughter, and spread incriminating photographs of her, as well as trick the boy into doing a few ill deeds. I thank you for your assistance ahead of time." Seikatsu said coldly before giving a quick courteous bow and running off again, leaving Alleria to plan her own bit of amusement from this little chore.

    Wicked Witch of the West

    Moderator- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 1274
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ilyria the Fallen One
    Experience : 45400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geass Magic
    Second Skill: Nox Aeterna
    Third Skill:

    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 29th July 2015, 12:08 am

    Fingers tapped at the wooden desk at of Mr. Goodwill's office. The slow non sequential rhythm suggests that the owner of those fingers were either bored or losing her patience. The woman in charge of the interview just sat there motionless, trying to ignore the dead giveaway that the interviewee was restless. She looked like she was in her forties, the grey hair bound in a bun and the semi formal light grey suit suggests that the woman was all about orderliness and discipline. The interviewee on the other hand wore a very flimsy dress, baring almost all of that which is meant to be hidden. She wore glasses but they weren't prescription glasses, they are one of those generic eyewear that makes you look shiek and intelligent. And the perfume, it was so strong that it would make anyone nauseous. She was dressed to impress but it seems she was failing miserably. "How long do we have to wait before they make a pick?" the girl said. "We've been here like for over an hour already. And where is the other girl, how come she doesnt have to wait here like us?" The woman didnt even bother to reply, she just stared at the girl and resume doing what ever she was doing.

    Suddenly a man came out of the door, he looked like he was in his thirties, well brushed hair, black suite and white tie , black slacks and black leather shoes. The man came closer to the older woman and whispered something into her ears. The old woman's facial features seemed to have shifted, even if it was barely noticeable, the sides of her lips curled up to a smile as she said "Im sorry miss but we wont be needing your services. Thank you for coming, there will be a complementary basket on the way out." The girl tried to protest but it was futile, two other men dressed the same as the one that came out off the door approached her and escorted her out.

    "Hey where is the other applicant?" the man in the suit asked.

    "Oh she just went to the bathroom. Though I think it was just an excuse to get away from that other applicant...she was rather displeasing." Both of them erupted into laughter at the old woman's comment.

    Meanwhile a girl with green hair stared into the bathroom's mirror. It had been days but she still remembered it like it was yesterday. Her partner after slaughtering the spies divulged his plans on how to destroy Mr. Goodwill's credibility. She still wonders how a tenacious man could have evaded Harrigan's eyes. They could use a guy like him in their guild. A soft tap on the restroom's door brought her out of her musings. She  hurriedly washed her face then got out of the room, she was greeted by the sight of the man in black suit. "Congratulations miss, your hired."


    Entrance Theme:

    Battle Theme:
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th July 2015, 4:00 am

    From the point where Seikatsu split with his partner in crime, Alleria, he went to do a bit of scouting around town. First thing was that he needed to find current, up to date photos of Mr. Goodwill's children, and he had to figure a way to exploit the two of them doing something that truly screams that Mr. Goodwill is a horrible parent. Seikatsu walked into a store and began perusing through magazines and newspaper articles, looking through the different sections for one that's politically based and much to his surprise there wasn't a single one. Seikatsu went to a different location over and over, repeating his action, and by definition being insane by expecting to actually find something. It wasn't until mid day when Seikatsu overheard some women snickering while pointing to a young girl who was reading a book quietly in the shade of a tree. Seikatsu overheard the words 'Goodwill' and 'Daughter' using in their sentence and walked over to them. "Pardon me, I truly did not intend to eavesdrop on such pretty young women such as yourselves, but might I've noticed you both mentioned that other young lady over there is Mr. Goodwill's daughter. Or has my ears been tricked by your beauty?" Seikatsu said with an earnest sounding voice, causing the two old women to blush. One of the women straightened herself and realigned her clothes before addressing Seikatsu. "Well yes dearie, that girl is in face Adriana Goodwill in the flesh. It's been many a year since I'd seen the girl leave her home." the old lady said in a high pitched annoying voice. "I see..." Seikatsu said in his soft voice before walking off, hearing the decreasing volume of old women snickering in his background.

    Now that he'd committed to memory the name and exact image of Mr. Goodwill's baby girl, Seikatsu decided to find out who the son was. After that, he could find a sort of way to get in close with the two of them, and maybe influence them slightly. Seikatsu had a quick shiver run down his spine at the realization that what he was doing, was exactly what a demon did, the concept alone of him being demon like was enough to make him want to stop. It was considerably easier to find the son of goodwill, looked like the kid decided to choose the rebel life and hang out with some miscellaneous gangsters and learn the trade of being cool. Seikatsu found that out when the kid was spotted going in an alleyway and a group of body guards turned him away saying they don't need no Goodwills snooping around their turf. He followed the kid and realized from his walk and tone of voice as the kid muttered to himself, he wanted to hang with the bad boys.

    Wicked Witch of the West

    Moderator- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 1274
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ilyria the Fallen One
    Experience : 45400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geass Magic
    Second Skill: Nox Aeterna
    Third Skill:

    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 31st July 2015, 9:19 pm

    Just as planned, Alleria managed to land the job as Mr. Goodwill's assistant. Since her partner decidedly made it his mission to target the man's son and daughter, she had no choice but to take a different route in destroying Goodman's reputation, beside manipulating people was her specialty so this would be fun, or so she thought. But ever since she had worked for him, she had not had the chance to approach him personally. In her time table, she was suppose to be all over him by now, but as it turns out her job description was not as personal assistant but assistant of an assistant. So everyday she had to answer to Mrs. Weatherbee and the head security Mr. Anderson and do what ever errant it was that they needed done which ranged from getting coffee for Mr. Goodwill and his staff, filing mountain of paper works and even getting their dry cleaning. She was in every sense a slave to a slave.

    But in some way it worked to her advantage, for things that go trough the two head assistants also go trough her, which allowed her to have an intimate knowledge of Mr. Goodwill's daily and weekly routine. Also with each passing day, chance encounters with Mr. and Mrs. Goodwill was becoming more and more frequent, allowing her to earn their trust little by little. So when the right time comes, she can worm her way in  and destroy their marriage from the inside out. But till then, she have to suffer the monotonous daily task of being the assistant of an assistant, and the advances of another assistant Gabe.

    "So Ally, what are you doing this weekend?" said the man.

    "Uh same as you are, working my ass off for out workaholic boss." came her nasally reply.

    "I know, but were going to the Rose Garden, and boss will just be giving a speech and we wont be needed for like an hour. Maybe you would wanna stroll around with me." the man spoke again brimming with over confidence.

    "Don't you have to be at some place right now?" she said as she gestured the huge stack of papers tied up in string.

    "Oh right, see you later, gator." the man said as he grabbed the pile and towed them away to the next room leaving Alleria stare at the man's retreating form. Well to be fair, Jeff wasn't all that bad. Mid twenties, nice facial features, positive out look in life and over flowing with confidence and that nice bod. She swears, Mrs. Weatherbee has the hots for him. But he still doesnt come close to her... She shook her head and thought "This isnt the time to day dream, I have a mission to do and anyone willing to be my pawn is welcome to join me."

    Last edited by Alleria on 1st August 2015, 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total


    Entrance Theme:

    Battle Theme:
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 31st July 2015, 10:21 pm

    Seikatsu was watching as the girl who was sitting under a tree from a small distance. He was atop a very bushy tree, peeking through a minuscule gap between a pair of the leaves, so his view of her was limited to just her. The girl had looked at her wrist and began frantically putting away the other books she had strewn about the floor, and got moving with haste. Seikatsu waited a minute or two before jumping from the tree's top, landing on a forwards commando roll to break his fall. Seikatsu saw the girl was a ways ahead of her, and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Activating his Wings of The Reaper ability, Seikatsu took to the skies and flew so high no one would be able to tell that what was above them was a human. Seikatsu saw nothing but super tiny black dots riddling the floor, but he could guess from where he saw Goodman's little girl, and the direction she was heading, which of them was her. Seikatsu stayed at his height, squinting to focus on the girl, and then remembered that he was a shaman of the tribe of souls, mother nature would spy on her for him.

    Seikatsu calmed himself, linking his mind and body to the world around him. His eyes closed, unable to see through the eyes of a mortal, he began feeling with the force of an immortal, the one known as the mother, the world itself became his nose, his ears, his flesh, and his tongue. Seikatsu began feeling the wind blowing through the girl's skirt, hearing as it fluttered around at the tips and swayed with her hips as she took each step. He smelled the sweet perfume she was wearing, the scent of chocolate filled his nose as he focused on that scent alone. He tasted the crumbs of bread she had spilled in her purse, a small handbag hanging from her back. Seikatsu learned a great deal from this single moment. The girl enjoyed chocolate, and her favourite form of food was carbohydrates. Seikatsu slowly flew above her, keeping an eye out for anything that would get him in with the girl. He needed to find something that would catch the frail looking girl's attention, and put him in a position of affection with the girl. Seikatsu sensed nothing in the girl's immediate vicinity that could be used to his advantage, but he continued trying to pick something up. Worst case scenario, he'll set it up himself.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 97% (-5% for D rank spell, +2% MP Regen)

    Wings of The reaper:
    Meditative State:

    Wicked Witch of the West

    Moderator- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 1274
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ilyria the Fallen One
    Experience : 45400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geass Magic
    Second Skill: Nox Aeterna
    Third Skill:

    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 1st August 2015, 12:40 am

    Everyone was exhausted yet somehow everyone was happy, the rally held at the Rose garden was a great success. The turnout of attendees was over a thousand and that was just a teaser, what if it was the real thing. It was a good sign that the people look up to him and believe in him, good for the poll exits. Mr. Goodwill was in high spirits and as such invited everyone to a little celebration at their manor. Of course Alleria saw this as a window to start her little experiment. "And remember to bring your plus one alright." reminded Mr. Goodwill before he left with hew wife.

    "So Ally, will you be my plus one?" said the dark haired man.

    "You know Jeff, most inter-office romance always ends up badly, so to save us both the awkwardness of the aftermath, no." Of course Alleria wanted to go with the guy, she was just testing his perseverance.

    "Dont give me that bull crap. We wont know until we try. Besides if doesn't work out I promise I wont be weird about it." he said with a lopsided grin.

    "Fine,besides it will just be a one time deal." came her reply.

    "That's what they all say." said Mrs. Weatherbee who was secretly  eavesdropping on the conversation. In response, the rest of the members broke out into fits of laughter and causing the two to turn as red as apples. " Alright, you had your fun, now back to work!" the old lady spoke, reminding everyone that they were still on the clock.  The rest of the staff members scurry on back to their designated areas save from two.

    Gabe was the first one to break the odd silence "Sorry to put you on a tight spot."  

    "Im the ice princess remember, stuff like that dont bother me. Besides if I take things seriously I might end up my Mrs. Weatherbee." Though she tried to hide it using her calm demeanor, the pink blush on her face told more than she led on and Gabe saw right trough it.

    "Look as you've said its just one time so if it doesn't work out I wont be a sore loser and stalk you or even alienate you." the young man said.

    There was sincerity in his voice, and Alleria didnt like it. She couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with her. Could it be? Our dark mage's heart had finally thawed?


    Entrance Theme:

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    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 1st August 2015, 7:13 pm

    At last Seikatsu's opportunity had come. He had picked up the smell of a dangerous combination. Alcohol, male sweat, and the smell of clothes that obviously needed to be washed. This meant one thing, and one thing alone; alleyway thugs who were drunk. Seikatsu flew in circles over the girl, waiting for his moment, knowing that the guys in the alley wouldn't hesitate to try and have their way with the girl. The booze would ensure that all bad idea that shouldn't be done, were seen as very good ideas that are well worth any risk. Like clock work three men approached the girl, who tried to back away but was blocked off. One man had his arm stretched to the side of her, keeping her pinned against the wall of the alley in a terrified state. Seikatsu dropped behind the men and rammed his knee into the back of one, causing him to slip a disk and fall to his knees in pain. The other man pulled a blade on Seikatsu, but was no match for the quick chop to the throat that was delivered by the soul wizard. The third man had his knife ready, but after seeing Seikatsu's eyes and felt the reaper was coming for him before his time, the man dropped the knife and ran away. Seikatsu pulled his hood, revealing eyes that he was forcing emotion to come through. "Ummm. A-are you alright miss?" Seikatsu said, his voice soft and caring. The girl came off the wall and gave Seikatsu a thank you hug, but stopped when she was about to pull away due to being caught in Seikatsu's soft, purple, glistening eyes. "I... I'm... uh... I'm sorry, w-what did you ask again?" the girl said with her face turning red. Seikatsu noticed her hands were still on his shoulders, and he took a step back forcing himself to blush. "I- I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to keep hugging y-" "-no, no. It- It was my fault I... I... oh my... It's warm out here." the girl said interrupting Seikatsu while playing with her bangs by twirling a few strands around her finger, and avoiding eye contact. "I promise you, I'm not trying to flirt, but since it's hot should we find somewhere cool to hang out at? Perhaps somewhere with books, or even some sweets?" Seikatsu asked sheepishly, feeling disgust in having to act like a damned human. "I- I'd like that... I'm Charlotte. Charlotte Goodwill" the girl said as she hooked her arm into his, blushing all the while. "I'll follow your lead then. I'm actually new to the town, my name's Loyin." Seikatsu said, giving her a false name that he pulled out of his ass. During the short walk to the library that the girl wanted to go to, she had invited Seikatsu to come to some celebration with her and her family. She told him his attire was sub-par, but her dad would never let that get in the way of repaying someone who'd saved the life of her or her brother. Seikatsu pretended to not care for the information, and began a conversation about her and her family upon her mentioning she had a sibling. From that point, it was all smooth sailing as the girl turned out to be ridiculously sweet and caring, and loved her family. So talking about them was a pleasure for her, something Seikatsu had to bear with for the time being...

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 6th August 2015, 12:06 am

    Alleria cant quite remember the events that lead to this, but here she was, sleeping on an unfamiliar bed with firm yet gentle arms wrapped around her waist. Her first instinct was to get up rain some pain on the owner of those strong lean arms, but her resolve melted away when she saw the sleeping form next to her. As if mocking her, the golden rays of the sun slipping through the partially closed window shone on the person next to her. Instinctively her hand reached out to clear the wisp of hair that strayed too near next to two closed eyes. it was him, but how? She thought hard to remember but the throbbing pain in her head made it hard. Why was her head aching anyway...unless she was drunk. Yeah that's right, she had been drinking prior the night before. "The party!" Fragments of memories began come back one by one.

    As promised, Mr. Goodman threw a party in gratitude for the success of their little dry run their rally. All the staff were invited, and as such, Alleria was also invited. Her plus one being Gabe, the intern lobbyist that also worked as staff for the politician's office. Together they arrived at the politicians house, she did request that he pick her up after all. The security around the compound was tight, guards roamed the grounds round the clock and perimeter guards stationed at the four corners of the compound made it hard for anyone to break in. She also noticed surveillance lacryma every where. "Interesting..."

    "Hey Ally lets go inside before they eat up all the good food." She looked at the guy calling her, the usually unruly black hair was now tame, the generic cream colored long sleeve was replaced by a really sleek black suit but the usually joking yet charming face was still there. She knew she shouldn't be mixing pleasure with business but she couldn't help it,  what do you think the wolf would do if the sheep was the one who willingly presented itself to it. She needed him as an excuse, but that was a lie, she needed him for something else, an emotion that she only reserved for one person and vowed to purge from her personality. "Its ok, this is just for show, none of this is real." she repeated over and over her head.

    She was brought back to reality when the sleeping figure next to her stirred and stretched his arms out bumping the tabletop next to the bed, causing an item to drop on the carpeted room.  It shone when the light struck it, "What do we have here?" she said as she reached to pick out the object that fell down. It was a crystal, no a lacryma, not just any lacryma, a lacryma that stored images recorded trough the surveillance lacryma at the Goodman's place. Things were getting interesting...only if she remembered it all.


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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 15th August 2015, 6:08 am

    Seikatsu continued his conversation with Charlotte, she seemed to enjoy talking about her family as much as she liked talking about books. Her favourite books were philosophy, mainly ones about the human condition and how humans are by far the most savage animals. She aspired to be a philosopher herself, but lacked the attention span to come up with philosophies herself. After an hour of Seikatsu pretending to actually care for what she was saying, she asked "If you don't mind... how did you know I was in danger back there? I never saw you in the alley, and you weren't on the street..." with a sweet, yet inquisitive voice. Seikatsu smiled, his normally dull eyes now brimming with emotion. "I may not look it, but I'm a pretty badass wizard in my own respects. I was flying overhead using my magic wings and saw you were in trouble. It didn't take more than a couple seconds for me to fall and help." he said with a hint of bravado in his voice. Even this was a lie however, as Seikatsu knew he wasn't even in the top five hundred for being a decent wizard. "Oh! Really? What guild are you from?!" she asked, feeling excited to have been in the presence of a strong wizard. 'Shit. Didn't think this far ahead...' Seikatsu thought, his gaze shifting to the side. He saw a woman cleaning her plate of whatever was on it, sitting next to a fish tank and went with the idea. "Sclate Pale." he said with a joyous voice, having taken the words Plate and Scale and swapped a few letters. "We're a small time guild, but all of us are pretty good at magic. Nowhere near the saints, but we'd at least last a half a second against em!" he added, joking around. Charlotte laughed at his joke, her face turning red as she asked for her wizard-hero to take her up. Seikatsu set down his book, one he'd arbitrarily picked up to make it look like he was an avid reader and he went outside. His cloak erupted open as a pair of large, feathery black wings erupted from inside it. Kneeling down a little, he told Charlotte to get on while smiling. She nervously got on his back, wrapping her arms around Seikatsu's neck and latching on with her legs. It took a couple flaps to get off the floor due to the added weight, but after that they were getting some distance from the ground. A few more moments later, Seikatsu had picked up some speed and began soaring to the clouds. Charlotte was screaming at the top of her lungs, as it was her first time flying and she wasn't exactly being strapped up with the most reliable safety equipment.

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 20th August 2015, 8:11 am

    Alleria extracted herself from the bed. Carefully, she dislodged the arm coiled around her waist and the feet resting on her leg. The little piece of lacyrma she held in her hand intrigued her and she wants to find out what it contained. Once she was clear of the bed, Alleria made her way to the bathroom and gently locked the door. "Ok now to find out what's inside of you." she softly spoke under her breath as she stared at the tiny crystal at the palm of her hand. There was a slight pause as Alleria stared and stared at the tiny contraption she held in her hand. "How do I even work this thing?" She tried to squeeze it, rub it, breath on it and even bite it, but the lacryma just wont respond. "Maybe this will work." She began to release her magic and let it flow trough her hand, then focused it on the lacryma which sat at her palm. Slowly it began to glow, dim at first then it began to glow brighter and brighter, even after she cut off the flow of magic from her hand, it still continued to glow. Then suddenly, it released a focused ray of light. Startled, she accidentally dropped it, where it rolled on the bathroom's floor. It only cased its motion after it hit the wall.

    Once it did, the ray of light came out again and continued to shine until it hit the shower curtains. The tip of the ray began to widen, it gained height and width, till it was approximately fifteen by thirty inches wide. Slowly images began to emerge, fuzzy and colorless at first, until it became clearer and colored. She recognized it as part of her memory came back. It was the wine cellar. Well it was quite obvious with all the bottles stacked up on the wall along with barrels upon barrels of wine. She partly remembered hearing one of the staff crack a joke about Mr. Goodman having a installed a surveillance lacryma because bottles keep disappearing every once in a while. "So what's so important about this?" she grumbled as she kept on staring at the screen that showed nothing but the same scene over and over again. Annoyed, she walked to right ready to smash it into pieces when two figures began to appear on the screen. It was a man and a woman, she didnt recognize it at first but upon second glance she realized she knew the girl. She recognized that dress and that hair all too well, it was her. But who was the man with her? She was shocked when she caught a glimpse of the man's face.


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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 26th August 2015, 6:56 am

    Seikatsu took Charlotte up to the clouds, stopping his ascent when the girl was just far enough away to touch the fluffy white bundles. She reached out at them with wonder and amazement in her eyes as Charlotte had never once thought she'd touch the sky. Seikatsu rolled over, causing the girl to panic and quickly switch from reaching to the clouds, to holding onto him while releasing a quick squeak. Seikatsu gave a slight laugh as he'd successfully surprised her, and he began descending. Charlotte pointed to a rather luxurious house and told Seikatsu that's where she lived, and asked him to land there. He did as told, gently coming to a stop along the long, cobblestone walkway leading from her mailbox to the front door. "So... um... my dad's at his business party, and... I... um... W-would you like to come inside?" Charlotte said with a red face while standing pigeon toed, and holding her hands. Seikatsu stood in place, thinking about the consequences of his actions to come, but figured that he was gonna burn for 90% of his life's work as is, adding another foul deed was fine. The inside of the mansion was... amazing to say the least. There were chandeliers made of gold, and fine busts lining the entry way. Fantastic paintings adorned the main hall, and a large set of stairs that split off into two directions lay before him. Charlotte quickly grabbed Seikatsu's hand and began pulling him up the stairs. The seemingly innocent girl had a slightly... devilish look on her face as she said "Quickly, before any of the servant see you!" with a soft, worried voice. Her tone implied this was the first time she'd brought home a man who wasn't one of her little friends from school, and the man was going to be her dirty little secret. She pulled him down the halls, taking the soul wizard to what he'd assumed was the other wing of the estate, and shoved him through a door. 'Such an innocent child, but she'd got a bit of spice to her...' Seikatsu thought to himself as he 'tripped' over a rug and landed on his ass. She quickly closed the door, turning around with a surprised expression and made her way to Seikatsu. She sat over top him with his legs between her own, and gave him a gentle hug while apologizing for being so pushy. A voice was heard through the door, calling for the girl and asking who she was talking to. She got off Seikatsu and gently slipped through the door to get rid of the suspicious servant. Meanwhile, Seikatsu placed a series of camera lacrima around the room, making sure he could get 3 different angles for his little... deed.

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 29th August 2015, 11:22 pm

    Memories from the previous night came rushing back. Everyone was busy dancing to the song of a lively band, among them was their host and hostess. Alleria noticed that as they dance, Mr. Goodwill would casually steal feels from the females dancing around. Of course the floor was packed and it was inevitable that bodies might grind against another while dancing, but somehow the way that he did it seemed like it was well timed and precise. She knew Mr. Goodwill was too good to be true, deep down he had to have some kind of dirt, something that he hid from the rest of the world. All she now was a little nudge and wait for him to finally show his true colors. Feigning exhaustion she told her date "Hey Gabe, feeling bit parched. Would you be a dear and get me something to drink?" The man just gave her a thumbs up and marched towards the bar. As if on cue, Mrs. Goodwill also excused herself and made a beeline towards the bar, presumable to get herself a drink or two.

    Seeing that her target was alone, she inched her way towards him, cutting through the throng of dancing bodies on the dance floor. When she was behind him, she made sure that her behind pressed against his, and gave him a gentle shove. "Ompp, im sorry." she said as she turned around to face the guy she just bumped. Then feigning shock she said "Oh Mr. Goodwill, I didnt knew it was you." The two stopped dancing as the two exchange apologies. "Im really sorry. By the way, where is the Mrs. Goodwill?"   Mr. Goodwill made a gesture towards the bar and said "I think she git thirsty." Her eyes widened at what she saw, that tramp was getting all touchy feeling with her date. "And your ok with that?" she asked.  The man could tell that she was enraged at the scene she just saw so she drew his face close to her ear and said "Want to get back at him? I know a place." With anger clouding her judgement, she gave him a nod, besides, it was killing two birds with one stone. The man then leaned again and said, il going first, meet me at the stairway by the east wing. And with the the man took his leave. With one final glance at her supposed date, she soon took leave of the dance floor to meet with the well esteem politician, unaware that the object of her affection saw her storming off the dance floor.


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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 19th September 2015, 5:51 pm

    Charlotte re-entered the room and leaned against the door. She exhaled a sigh of relief while pressing her hand to her heart to stops its pounding. "I thought she'd never leave." the innocent seeming girl said after a few moments. Seikatsu forced himself to act as though he had good intentions, asking "Are you sure we should be doing this?" with a concerned voice as he stood in the middle of the room. Charlotte quickly walked to Seikatsu, grabbing his hands and clasping them inside her own. Her eyes were glistening behind her glasses as she stared into his own. "No. But that's what makes it so exciting!" she said with a half excited, half scared voice. She then shoved Seikatsu, forcing him to the bed where she sat with her legs straddled over his pelvis. "Wh-wha!?" Seikatsu said out of surprise, this was probably the only thing he wasn't faking. The girl rested her hands on Seikatsu's chest for a second, enough time for him to see just how scared she was. Her hands were trembling, and he could feel her weakness flowing through her as she resolved herself to what was about to happen. "This... It's my first time, so be gentle please. I- I'm gonna need you to take the lead." Charlotte admitted as she let herself fall onto Seikatsu's chest, too afraid to even remove her coat.

    The following morning, Seikatsu woke up feeling the blankets against his bare body. He looked in the direction a strange pressure was felt, and saw the young girl with an arm over his chest, and one leg still over his own. Seikatsu felt no remorse for what he did, the girl was far too vulnerable, had she been from his tribe she would have known this were a trick. The soul wizard converted his being into that of a soul, taking on his Ethereal Form and allowing himself to float upwards. The girl's arm and legs fell through his ghost-like body and landed on the sheets below. Seikatsu undid his conversion and placed his clothes back on as quietly as possible. He glanced back and saw the girl was still asleep, and then grabbed his video lacrima from their hiding spots. After that, he opened the window to Charlotte's room, expanded his wings and took off without looking back. He had his lewd photos of Goodwill's daughter, and now he'd have to find a way to knock down his son. Almost immediately as he began contemplating how, Seikatsu spotted the brat walking into a dark alley behind some old guy. A slight smile went on his face as the winged wizard landed on a roof and began watching. The boy grabbed the old man by the collar and began spewing some nonsense about him being sorry, about him needing to do it to get in with a certain group. Seikatsu immediately began recording as he watched the boy beat the life out of the old man. When the kid was done, he ran away as fast as possible, crying from his foul deed.

    ((OOC: So sorry it took me so long, I didn't even know it was my turn. O_O))

    Wicked Witch of the West

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 26th September 2015, 5:40 am

    Alleria moved back to the room where Gabe was sleeping, she smiled when he tossed letting the blanket that draped over his chest fall down on to the floor. What can she say, he really was packing...a six pack abs. Gabe must have been cold for shivered then curled a little bit to his left. Alleria moved closer to the bed with the intent of picking up the blanket and covering the poor man when she noticed the purple bruise on his side. She was confused how he got, was she that rough that he left him bruises, it can't be her. "Right, he came after us." Her face lightened a little as she remembered another fragment of what transpired last night.

    After she and Mr. Goodman left the dance floor, the politician led her to the wince cellar. Of course she knew that there were surveillance lacryma all around the house, even at the wine cellar, so while at the dance floor, she egged on Mr. Goodman to take her to a secluded spot, a cool damp place, hence the wine cellar. This was part of her plan after all, infiltrate Mr. Goodman's convoy, learn their schedules and spy on them. Of course she had Rikugo doing all the spy work, he was the only one who can go almost anywhere without being seen. The second part of her plan was to have Gabe distract Mrs. Goodman, she knew the old crone still had some fight in her and that a man like Gabe can bring out the cougar in her, Gabe reminded her of her husband when he was still young and idealistic and quite charming. But she didn't count on him falling for her, it seems her pawn left his tile and chased after his queen before the queen could declare checkmate. A fist fight broke out between the young man and the politician, the young man winning at fight but as the security came, it was pretty much one sided from there. The disgruntled politician fired them then and there and his chief security even threatened them if they ever step back to the office. To minimize the scandal Gabe and Alleria got escorted out of the house trough the backdoor. It was game over for Alleria, she had no was of worming her way back into the politicians good graces and election was almost upon them. Or was it? For the security that escorted them out of the house slipped something into her pocket. "Well done Riku, remind me to give you a bonus next time." It was Rikugo possessing the body of a guard. The security winked at her before shoving them out the door and yelled "And don't let me ever see you faces again you hear me?!"


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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 27th September 2015, 7:29 pm

    Seikatsu was able to kill two birds with one stone, having caught proof that Charlotte wasn't innocent and sweet like her father wants her to be, and also proving that her brother was about as nice as any other juvenile delinquent in any other town. He made his way over to the black market, the slums of Crocus where nothing but the worst kinds of people would be waiting. There, he met up with 'an old friend' of his and arranged to have copies of the lacrima placed all over town, allowing the citizens to know the kind of children Mr. and Mrs. Goodwill were raising. The man however, had a personal request for Seikatsu that entailed taking care of a certain problem for him. "I got a guy. A shady sortsa' guy who bin duckin' an' dodgin' me since the past week. Gave the 'lil shit a piece-a' gold he was s'pose ta bring to a buyer and bring me back the cash. Neva seen him since." the man explained to Seikatsu while giving him a small drawn picture of the man. "The drawin's a exact look-alike to him. Less he changed his hair in the pass' week." he added. "I'll take care of it. You get to work on spreading those lacrima." Seikatsu said as he turned away, walking to be rid of his 'associate`s' little problem. Seikatsu didn't have to go too far before he found his target. The little weasel was strolling through the rich side of Crocus wearing a rather elegant robe, likely bought with his profits, with a smug expression on his face. Seikatsu walked up, bumping into him on purpose. "You foul cretin, how dare you assau-" The man began speaking, but Seikatsu quickly grabbed his mouth and pulled him into the large tan cloak he wore. From there, Seikatsu kept holding the man's mouth and nose as he screamed for dear life. He looked around, a slight smile went on his face as he felt the body go limp and slip from his hands to the floor. The soul mage took the near dead man and threw him over his shoulder and began walking back to the slums. "Serves you right for walking about in a deserted street with a bounty on your hands." Seikatsu said in a low voice as he walked away. Upon arriving at his 'old friend' Seikatsu gave him the target, who the shady fellow confirmed was the right one. They shook hands on the agreement.

    The next morning, there were two lacrima next to each other in very key locations around Crocus. One set was in the slums, another in the entrance to the town. There was several pairs set up in the busiest parts of town, where all the political figures would gather. There was even a pair in the voting booths that were set up a bit of time prior to the elections. The contents of the lacrima? One was a very well put together video of Mr. Goodwill's daughter and Seikatsu's special night, showing the town just how 'innocent' the girl was. The next, was a video of Mr. Goodwill's son beating the life out of a helpless old man in a deserted, dark alley without hesitation. Seikatsu decided he'd wait at the fountain for however many more days it would take for his partner to be finished. All the meanwhile he'd be eating a strange, fish shaped pastry called Taiyaki.

    Wicked Witch of the West

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 29th September 2015, 1:02 am

    Alleria had just finished making preparations for her meeting with her partner when a loud banging almost broke her apartment's door.

    "Mistress, it's me Riku, Open up!"

    Alleria hurried to the door before the banging awakened the sleeping man on her bed. She opened the door to let the security aide that Rikugo was possessing then asked
    "Whatdo you want?! Im about to meet with Seikatsu."

    Alleria shivered at the thought that he would do to her if she was ever late for their meeting. Riku took something out of his pocket and then gave it to Alleria. She was confused so she asked.

    "A lacryma vision?"

    The summon nodded and told her to play it, and she did, and when she did, what she saw blew her mind. Alleria was speechless, she had no idea that her partner in crime had it in him all along. Seikatsu was no eye candy, but it seems the guy had some secret move. That or the girl was just into bad boys. Alleria snickered at the thought of Seikatsu bagging little miss perfect and recording it in lacryma vision.

    "Maybe he had the power of mind control as well. Who knew we had the same plan all along? Oh crap the plan!"

    She cursed as she remembered the time.

    "Hey Riku, do me a favor, stay here for a little while ok? I have to run some errands and I dont think Gabe is going to wake up anytime soon. Just explain that were on undercover mission ok?"

    And with that the green haired mage set off to their designated meeting place, unaware that her minion was tailed by the head security. He along with a handful of well suited men were watching from an apartment just adjacent to her apartment. "It seems the little lass is gone, we'll just have to settle for the traitor and that pencil pusher. Move out!"

    Moments later a rather sweaty and tire young woman arrived at the same place that she and Seikatsu had first met. And like before, the man enjoyed his solitude. The lady killer, figuratively and literally, sitting by the fountain and munching on something, a bread that was shaped like a fish. Alleria approached the man and teased him.

    "That was some work you did on those two kids, you really brought out their wild side."

    She paused as she took something out of her pocket and handed it to him. "You can say that's the coup de grace, I made a copies of that and anonymously tipped the papers about it. We'll be seeing it on all newspaper stands tomorrow."

    There was a pause, she knew that their partnership was almost at an end. "So where do you think we\ll get a hold of our contractors?"


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    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 30th September 2015, 12:00 am

    Seikatsu took the paper from Alleria, a new report on the beating of the old man as well as the footage of him and Charlotte. He handed the page back, not caring to know the details that he already knew. "My soul be damned to the burnpits in the netherworld... long before my deeds in this town." Seikatsu said in a soft voice. The shadows from his hood masking all but his mouth as he spoke, the same as it always did. Seikatsu took a bite of his Taiyaki, enjoying the small sweet treat as it was rare enough for him to do so. He stood up and followed his accomplice to a nearby bar where the two began taking more in depth of their assignments. Upon walking in, the bartender gave Seikatsu a sharp look, as if he had business with the soul mage. 'So where do you think well get a hold of our contractors?' his ally asked.
    "Nowhere." Seikatsu said, shortly before the barkeep walked up. "What kin' I get fer ye too birdies?" the large man said with a strong, Irish accent. "I'll take the check. The lady can have whatever she wants." Seikatsu said while pulling his hood off. Upon doing so, a large, glowing mark was revealed on his cheek. The mark glowed a slight crimson color, and had black bits moving about inside it. The mark had a line that trailed off behind his jawline, and then going behind his neck and down to his back. He placed his hand on the counter, showing a demon shaped scar on his hand glowing in the same fashion. "Most likely, we'll never hear from our contractors again." Seikatsu said softly, making sure no one else overheard their conversation. The bartender walked over and placed a letter on Seikatsu's hand, covering the glowing mark. "Ehhh... our 'mutual friend' left ye's a parcel. Seal's not brooken so ye's know I din't take a peek." he said softly, sliding a pair of shot glasses with some amber liquid in them to the two wizards. "He also paid yer bill, so drink yerselves stupid." the man added with a jolly tone. Seikatsu slid the glass forward, his eyes dull, dark purple, and very much dead and empty looking. "I don't drink." he said with a blank voice. The letter was opened slowly, it read 'rednu eht ridebg ta sonom' thiehg' but wasn't even enough to phase Seikatsu, the letters were simply arranged strangely but the words were in the right places. Decoding it was simply a matter of knowing the amount of words with the same letters in each spot, in other words 'Under the bridge at moon's height' was the code. He crumpled the page up and stood, turning around. "Your payment will be under the bridge within a day's time." he said and walked out of the bar.

    Wicked Witch of the West

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Alleria 1st October 2015, 2:51 am

    Alleria was enjoying the steak and red wine that the bartender gave her, when her partner just suddenly stood up and left.
    "Oh ok, just going to storm off while I am eating..." she mumbled softly so the bartender who had been eyeing her would not hear.

    "What the hell are you looking at? Don't you have like other people to serve or something." she growled at the man.

    The man just smirked at her, unaware that he left a small folded  piece of paper. Alleria looked at the silver fork in her hand and the well done steak on her plate. "I sure am going to miss that guy, the days we spent together running at the park, the way he killed those stooges for tailing us and for that time that he just stormed off while I was enjoying my meal....wait that was today. " Who was she kidding, she barely knew the guy, thought she had great respect for him for being able to do great feats in and out of battle. It was then she noticed the small piece of paper, it was folded neatly right next to her glass coaster. She looked at it and smiled, it was the check for the job. No wonder her partner went off so soon. "I  guess I better be heading back...right after I finish my meal."

    After a few minutes, Alleria arrived at her apartment. Though something didn't quite seem right, the door was slightly open. There was fear in the dark mage's eyes as she came rushing inside her apartment. The whole room was a mess, Riku or the man that he took over was lying in a pool of his own blood, his eyes were already blank. It was then that her summon materialized.

    "Mistress im so sorry, the human is... he is..."

    Alleria rushed to her bedroom, and just as she had feared, the young lobbyist was down on the floor covered in his own blood. She rushed to his side then clutched wrist to feel for an pulse. It was faint but it was there, a weak slow beating. The man's ayes opened as drops of water dropped down his cheeks. The green haired mage drew her face to his as she cried.

    "Im sorry I got you into this mess."

    The mark on her head was glowing when she then touched her lips to his, then she whispered into his ears.

    "Do you want to make a contract with me?"


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    Grand Duelist

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    Dirty Competition Empty Re: Dirty Competition

    Post by Hikachu 3rd October 2015, 7:34 am

    Dirty Competition YdROJZD


    Dirty Competition JhB4MAf

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