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    Getting Your Hands Dirty [ Job / Solo ]


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 11
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 50

    Getting Your Hands Dirty [ Job / Solo ] Empty Getting Your Hands Dirty [ Job / Solo ]

    Post by lana 16th June 2023, 1:10 pm


    The sun baked the coastal town of Hargeon. The streets bustling with tourists mixed with friendly, familiar faces that've known each other for years. Among them, taking in the fresh air of the sea was the story's protagonist Lana Bellum; stretching her arms upward with an audible groan, followed by a sigh of relief following their release. "Ahh!~ As my father would say, "Another day, another jewel."", as her arms fall to her side, they bend slightly; placing her hands on her hips. "Yup!", she nodded, "It's time to make some money"! As citizens walked past her, her eyes gazed at the sun then to the sea surrounding them. "The water's beautiful today...", with a "mhmph" of assurance, she set back off toward her destination and her reason for coming to such a beautiful town. 

    Some few days ago, Lana happened upon a quest requesting an adventurer to aid a farmer with tending to his crops. Specifically, to plant seeds he's unable to plant himself.-- An easy task! And for 5,000 jewels no less? This was a steal! She accepted without hesitation. Flash forward to the current time, and Lana is nearby the farm, taking in the sights of Hargeon Town. 

    "Uuuwah! Everything is so pretty and sparkly! I want to just stare at it forever!" Almost dancing with every step, she hopped and skipped her way to the farm; the farmer awaiting her at the gate. "Are you the adventurer who accepted my request?" He asked firmly. In response, Lana responded with a salute. "Yup! That's me! Lana Bellum, Wizard for Hire"! Extending her arm, she motioned to shake the farmer's hand which he responded with in kind. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Parum Foster.", pivoting toward the farm, he looked back at Lana and motioned her forward. "Come, let me take you to my garden". 

    The walk to the garden was brief. With Parum going over the proper techniques to plant the seeds while they did so. As they arrived, Lana glossed over the rules one more time before getting to work; pushing up her non-existent sleeves and getting down to the soil.

    "Alright, seeds. It's time for bed. Ready to be tucked in"?

    One after another, the seeds were planted and packed firmly with fresh soil. Once she was done, she made use of her water magic to personally water the plants, free of charge! After all, she could've brought a water bucket with normal, non-magical water. Surely this deserved a tip, no? She grinned from ear to ear at this thought. 

    "Alright, sir"! Standing up, with dirt now blanketing her clothes overall, she began dusting and brushing herself off. "That's the seeds planted, and watered, free of charge"! Clapping his hands together, he offered an impressed smile and laugh before reaching into his pockets and handing her the jewels. "Th- That's it? No tip?", he frowned, "I could always pay you nothing you know! Gosh, you kids are so ungrateful"! Storming off, the farmer returned to his house in a huff; slamming the door behind him. "Well, I suppose he's right about that." Taking a peek at the small purse of jewels, she grinned like a gremlin and began the trek home. 

    "Ooh, maybe I'll buy some seafood on the way". 

    WC: 548
    GOAL: 500


    Getting Your Hands Dirty [ Job / Solo ] AoM40CL

      Current date/time is 7th November 2024, 3:46 pm