Fairy Tail RP

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    Deliver My Letter! ( Mission/Solo )


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Deliver My Letter! ( Mission/Solo ) Empty Deliver My Letter! ( Mission/Solo )

    Post by Katarina 19th July 2015, 2:10 pm

    Job: Deliver My Letter!
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: Must be done under 10 posts. 500 words total. This increases by two posts and 200 words per extra mage.
    Job Requirements: Deliver the love letter.
    Job Location: Magnolia Town.
    Job Description:
    There's this man in Magnolia who wishes to send a letter to one of the most popular celebrities in Fiore, who seems to be his childhood friend and love interest, and surprisingly, that celebrity is heading to Magnolia Town. You must get through many fans and enter the backstage if you want this to happen. Just don't get caught by security, or else you won't be able to give the letter.
    Reward: 600 Jewels



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eagle Vision
    Position : None
    Posts : 185
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Deliver My Letter! ( Mission/Solo ) Empty Re: Deliver My Letter! ( Mission/Solo )

    Post by Katarina 19th July 2015, 2:11 pm

    Irene laughed derisively at the words on the job request she had been handed an hour ago by a young man who seemed to be quite unsure of himself. Apparently she had to deliver a love letter, which was somewhat pathetic to be honest-- if the man required a mage to do something like this and didn’t have the guts to admit his love by word of mouth, it probably wasn’t very strong. However, her opinion changed slightly from annoyance to pity when she realized that the man’s love interest was a celebrity. That was why a mage was required to deliver the letter, because most likely there was heavy security during the star’s tours around Fiore. The idol group was supposed to stop here in Magnolia Town sometime soon, and Irene nodded to herself. She would have to be prepared at any moment to rush out and deliver a love letter to this woman mentioned in the job request.

    Upon nearing the theater, Irene began to make her strides less lengthy and quick, relaxing her pace to that of the other fans. Quite presently a group of people began to conglomerate, blocking up the roads and allowing her access to places she normally wouldn’t have been allowed to be in. Under the cover of being a fan, Irene was able to get up so close to the stage that she could see the pupils in the lead vocalist’s dark chocolate eyes, and she could read the name scrawled across her headband in sparkly silver letters: Olivia Starr. Nodding to herself, the girl tracked her movements as soon as the idol finished her song and walked off the stage, skulking into the shadows and merging with the darkness. The raven haired mage was able to follow the celebrity to her trailer nearby, and slipped inside the left-open door before the it fell closed. Blinking at the sudden change from the outside sun and shadows to blinding, fluorescent light, it took Irene a little while to realize that she was standing smack dab in the middle of the trailer, Olivia gaping at her in surprise.

    Internally groaning, Irene tossed the letter at the woman’s face and rushed back outside, darting into the shadows and slinking away before an alarm could be called. She was just fleeing away from the entire area when a hand grabbed the girl by her left wrist, slipping an envelope into her hand. Once the raven haired mage had managed to put a decent amount of distance between herself and the outdoor theater, she tore open the envelope to reveal her reward and strode home, a slight smile on her face.


      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am