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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 9:03 am


    Elyx and Ignite were both walking through the landforms once again, it seems the Ancient Ruins were calling out to them once again. This time, they had to save some survivors that have called out to them a few days again. Snail mail runs so fast it seems, Elyx and Ignite were able to make do with what they were given as they charged out towards the ruins to look once again. The last time they went to the ruins, Elyx and Ignite caused a whole landslide to happen, they had to protect an orphan magician in which they had to hurt a little in order to save their life, and they found the artifact that would cause huge devastation if it were to get into the wrong hands. It seems we can never get into enough trouble Ignite. But at least we have something to do, this is going to be fun! Elyx said as he continued to run forward, he seemed to have a huge recovery from the last job that they went on.. Guarding a shop and driving people away from it forever, at least, certain people.

    Wait up! Not fair! I want to solve this thing too! I'm a detective! Ignite exclaimed, but she certainly proved that last time on their even had a job similar to this, she was still just a Baby. Myra seemed to have a lot of it covered, he didn't have to do all of the work, it's not like Sherlock and Watson, it was more like Kudo and Hattori. This time, Myra was not here to help him out with the job, poor Elyx was on his own provided Ignite didn't count. The boy has yet to confirm if she did or she did not. All right detective Ignite, you are going to prove yourself today. We have to kill some sort of Tyrant... Thing... Elyx said as they continued to walk forward.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 9:22 am

    Elyx and Ignite made it to the ruins, and it was the bloody mess that one would expect after a war. A wooden door remained in the front of the ruin doors, and everything else looked like it was supposed to be. All of this blood though, it was such a nasty sight and smell. These two both had their eyes opened up wide as they looked around. Elyx... Is that what I think it is? Ignite asked, trying to deny it. Maybe there was some sort of other liquid that just so happened to be red, but Elyx was not going to be in denial about this one. He looked back to Ignite and nodded his head. It's exactly what it looks and smells like Ignite. These are definitely the bodies of humans, but why they are just lying down on the ground is way beyond me. Elyx said as he looked around, there was something that struck him as odd. If war were to have happened around here, shouldn't there be at least a few bodies around here? It's not like all of those bodies would be dragged away, too much blood showed how many people were here, and bringing ALL of the dead bodies were not needed to get out of there.

    Hey Elyx! There is no way in here except through the door. No holes or anything, should we open it? Ignite explained as she was looking around it. The fact that no bodies were lying on the ground unnerved the boy, he didn't want to open the door without the door being scanned. Not yet Ignite, I want to scan it with Wind Lerale Eye to get the traps disarmed before we actually get in. We don't want to be like the people who own this blood... Or used to to say the least. Elyx explained as he walked up to the door and began his recon.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 9:30 am

    All right, it seems to be safe to enter, it won't kill us instantly... But I sense something strong in there. Stay by me, we might need to use my armor to protect us from a surprise attack too far for me to detect. Elyx explained as he pulled in Ignite to his side so that she could remain by his side when he used the armors effect. The armor created a barrier that was designed for him alone, but anything inside of it was protected in all honesty provided anything were to enter with him. He locked his Arm brackets tightly so that they would not accidentally fall of and shatter right in front of him. If that happened in battle, he knew that he would be dog chow instantly. It was also a resistant to negative effects and even some elements. If he can't block attacks, he has almost no other way of healing himself. Calm Meadows was an option, but whatever was in there seemed too strong to give him a break to change into such a weak healer form. There would be no benefit in doing so. To play this game, he was going to have to play by taking as little damage as he could. Same applied for his mental state.

    All right, I'll follow. Lead us in Elyx. Ignite said as she walked by his side. The two of them opened up the door and looked at the dark swirl inside of it. The swirl wasn't a trap itself, it was time to see what caused such a genocide. Hopefully they were not too late to answer the cry for help they received. Their clients... It's not just for the money now. It was getting creepy. Hang on tight Ignite. We're now walking in. Elyx announced as the two of them went in, and instantly, Elyx's head began to hurt and he lost all of his vision. Now he was scared, but it was too late now. The last thing Elyx heard was the door slamming, whatever he got himself into, it was now time to fight.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 9:40 am

    The way Elyx and Ignite woke up was by meeting the rough ground below them. The two of them woke up at the same time it seemed, just what they needed... On the plus side, they didn't have to wake each other up. The world around them looked very dark, as in very chaotic. The things around them looked so weird, what the hell was going on? Ignite was ready to burn everything with her fire, not one thing in here she liked. But before she could do anything, she pulled on a chain on her left hand. Elyx felt a tug in his right chain, and he looked down to see that there was something that should not be there in the first place. A dark metal chain holding them together, meaning that they really didn't have much free will to fight. It instantly shut down Elyx in combat, if he could only get his pick, he might be able to unlock the chain. Ignite in the meantime seemed to have no trouble with her magic, another advantage to being a castor instead of being a holder.

    Hmph! This chain is not letting us get too far... And it was placed on purpose. Someone here is out to get us Ignite, keep alert. The boy said the She Phoenix, who nodded her head as she looked back down to the chain. Meanwhile, Elyx tried to get his left hand into his right pocket so that they were able to get a pick. It was going to be a matter of survival before they can get the pick off, the two of them could fight freely from that point on. Damn it! Elyx, brace yourself, it seems we are not alone in this world... Well, I knew they were here, but one noticed that we exist. Brace for impact! Ignite said as she put out her right arm with a ball of fire inside of it.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 9:41 am


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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by NPC 12th June 2015, 9:41 am

    The member 'Elyx Reiaki' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Boss
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 9:56 am

    Heh heh heh... More Lunch... The Tyrant said, and from there, he pulled out a giant pair of claws so thin, they might as well try to slice up the earth. Good thing this thing was not on earth... But neither were there. Now Elyx and Ignite were going to have to get out of this, but with Elyxs limited speed and the cuffs, it does not seem like he would be getting out of here very soon. Ignite still seemed ready to lash out on the Tyrant, but the cuffs were still a problem. Damn it, damn it, damn it, get these damn cuffs off! The pick isn't working! Elyx exclaimed angrily as he looked back up to the dark tyrant, who smiled coldly. His face wasn't showing, the darkness too much for Elyx to see through. Oh... That little thing? Heh... I'll help you. The man said as he quickly sliced down onto the defensless duo, Elyx ready to take a fatal hit.

    But... Elyx was surprised when he felt nothing. The attack didn't even get close to him or Ignite, but the chain was suddenly broken. What!? Are you with the Rune Knights? Elyx asked, figuring this man may be good since he just freed a Rising Star and his partner. The dark man just laughed like a hyena, it seems that was not going to be the case. A Rune Knight!? One of them... You are too stupid. Raise your blade up lunch boy, you're going to end up just like them! The man exclaimed as he dashed towards Elyx quickly, much quicker than any speed Elyx ever had to deal with. It matched Elyx's exactly... This was going to be a rough battle. Wha!? The boy exclaimed as he placed his blade up, ready to block the fast attack. This was not going to have a good result, or so it seemed. Devastation Treasure then activated, saving his life just in time.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 10:12 am

    His gazer shot him into a world in which he was able to see what the attack was going to be and what would happen to Elyx if he just stood there and took the attack. The boy had claws pierced through his stomach and lifted into the air. Instant death, the attacker struck the heart and possibly a few arteries as well. The boy shuttered as he looked at his clones limp body, but he knew how to avoid the attack just in time and go in for a good counter attack. The real world hit him again, and Ignite squealed at the sudden speed, but Elyx had this covered. He quickly used his Armors effect, Leviathan Iris Armor to block out the attack with his shield. The claws scratched the surface, but they were unable to break in. What!? The tyrant exclaimed with much disapproval, trying to get into the dome the most he could, but he was unable to do the trick. The attacks made Eyx laugh, the futile scratches vs his shield. This shield was being damaged, sure, but it was not going anywhere for a long time at this rate. Elyx in the meantime properly adjusted his Knight Iris before he jumped at the Tyrant.

    You made quite the entrance, and I'm glad you took off the shackles, but you probably were the one who put the chain there in the first place, and for that, you're going down! The boy exclaimed as he jumped at the tyrant, who was swift enough to try to block the attack. The block would have been successful if Knight Iris did not use its effect, and it got past the enemies claws and struck at the shoulder. The boy smirked while the tyrant snarled. Hmph! Strong one lunch boy, you might get to die with a little bit of respect. I might make you my second hand man.

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 10:33 am

    Heh, I'm not even starting to play. I am not going to be your puppet, so put up your blade and fight me! Elyx exclaimed as he ran once again towards the Tyrant once again, and the both of Knight Iris and claws spun around, dancing as much metal clinged onto each other, the blade not getting a chance to use its effect. The boy suddenly took a quick slash to the face, once claw just barely making it, revealing a scratch with average amounts of blood coming out of his face. Elyx continued to battle his way through, ignoring the stinging pain on his face as his blade continued to spin. The both of them were fast and very well of each others moves, it was like they were fighting their own parallel mirrors. The boy finally landed a hit strong enough to cause the Tyrant to just slightly stumbled backwards. Got you! Elyx exclaimed as he jumped into the air and slashed his blade downwards, but the enemy all of a sudden disappeared. Wind Lerale Eye warned him quick enough to slash to the side behind him, and the tyrant took a hit to the stomach as he stumbled backwards.

    Argh! You annoying little brat! I'll rip out your throat for that one! The tyrant exclaimed loudly as he put his claws out once again. It was useless for him though, to get to the boy completely, you had to see past all his equipment, which kept very good care of every weakness corner. Elyx was very well prepared for this battle, though if they kept on exchanging damage in this fight, the boy would JUST, just win the battle bit a little bit. That would be good and possibly get rid of the source of all of the trouble.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 10:52 am

    Hmph! You are going to leave me out huh? You better not! Ignite exclaimed as a giant pillar of fire appeared right below the tyrant, who quickly zipped backwards, but the she Phoenix wasn't done, more pillars of fire were appearing right below the tyrant, all of them being dodged as if the pillars were nothing to fear. They most certainly packed a punch, but the tyrant knew how to get rid of all of them. He the zipped quickly towards Ignite and gripped her clothing with his claws, letting gravity take course as the She Phoenix was being lowered onto the sharp claws, but Elyx was angered by this. He has yet to teach the She Phoenix about lust, and this tyrant was showing plenty of it. Ignite screamed as she struggled to get out, and Elyx had enough of this. He pulled out his Violin slowly, his hair covering his face instantly and he put the bow on the string. Let her go... Elyx said as he ran, playing the Violin as he did so without even a single note being missed. A giant hurl of wind sshot at the man, who disappeared when impact was almost made.

    Elyx however knew where the man was and struck him in the stomach again with the wind from his Violin, allowing him to push the man away from boy and sending him flying once again. Then his Violin triggered as a spell had been activated, it was the spell that will ensure the tyrants defeat in this fight. For perving on Ignite while trying to kill her at the same time, that was such an evil and unforgivable act that he had carried out. Prepare to die you stupid asswipe! Elyx exclaimed as the light began to swarm his body, Stealth Claws ready to reveal itself.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 11:20 am

    The anger of Stealth Claws in this case was great, Elyx has never been so mad at anyone except for the tribe of Shadelle in his life. The boy felt his clothes dissolve into the air as he placed his sword back in its sheathe once again. The items around him dissolved as well and replaced with with more modern clothing, or what the future world would consider modern. To the present day, it would be either odd or amazing depending on the person who looks at it. All right... Ignite... This is for you! Wind Lerale... Boost... STEALTH CLAWS!!! Elyx exclaimed as his body shattered into pieces of light once again,and finally, the boy returned back onto his feet once again, delicately like an angel. He looked back to the She Phoenix before he snarled angrily. That was awful, what you did there, what the hell made you think you could have done something like that!? The boy exclaimed as his body began to float fast towards the enemy, faster than he could run since Elyx gained another boost in speed.

    It was going to be a Claw vs Claw battle, the two of them clinging heavily, but the anger and the boost in speed made Elyx just a little bit faster within every impact. Eventually, both parues struck each other in the face with a different reaction each to the blows. Elyx moved his head back in place like a lion who took a hit, but the tyrant jolted back heavily from the blow before he clumsily continued to attack. I'm not done with you! The boy exclaimed as he kick kicked the man against the wall, but he got revenge quickly by using a Thorns effect, making Elyx take the same amount of damage. The boy spun back in shock, but put his claws back up, ready for more.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 11:36 am

    Elyx placed his claws back up and spin his way towards the man, who snarled yet smirked at the same time. This would be Elyx's first true rival in a fight, the boy was going all out in a fight and was still somehow losing some blood. Whoever this man was deserved to be a dark king, but not a king. It was now up to Elyx to dethrone thr tyrant from the throne he sat on. In this world, it seems like it was just chaos, chaotic thoughts came true in this place. Talk about the most abusive of dark dreams as well, the way Ignite was grabbed, humiliated and tortured before a terrible death. That was uncalled for on every level, but that was how a villain worked. Regardless, Elyx felt that if that is what a villain had to do in order to become one, none deserve to live.

    The boy and the tyrant spun in a flurry of claws once again. The boy this time used a secret step technique to dash a line quickly as he continue his assault on the tyrant and finally, land a strike on the back. The flurry ended quickly with that strike before the Tyrant disappeared again. Elyx knew what to do, but the attack was not coming from behind. The boy sensed the magic attack coming from the top, and he quickly rolled out of the way in the air to make sure he did not take that heavy claw hit. The both of them looked at each other with a snarl and an angered facial expression each. They were not longer doing this for sport, and maybe the tyrant was not doing it for sport in the first place. There was no fun in this battle anymore, just a thirst for bloodshed.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 11:47 am

    Hmph, it looks like Stealth Claws won't be lasting much longer... But I'm still going to kick your ass while I still can in this form and any other form after the fact! Elyx exclaimed as he zipped once again at the tyrant before him. Stealth Claws snarled angrily towards the enemy before him, Elyx was no longer playing any games. The two of them danced once again. Elyx noticed that within each impact, his claws were being scratched heavily, the damage being done on his weapons as opposed to the opponents. How the hell can weapons even be that sharp? Elyx was so sure that his claws were the sharpest in the market, they cut through molecules easily! Regardless of any explanation, the boy still had a fight to carry out, and the man before him was not making this anywhere easy. At least he looked defeated a little, damage was slowly being done.

    Elyx zipped back towards the tyrant, who looked ready. From here, he remembered the training system Kakuma prepared the violinist for, the Cassie project allowing him to use reaction commands to destroy this beast without taking any damage. Elyx gripped his hands onto the reaction command symbol, and from there he began an assault. The boy first jumped onto the head of the clawing enemy, who almost took out Elyx's whole foot. From there, he placed his claws downwards onto the tyrant as he dove down. The tyrant tried to leave a message with the blow, but Elyx spun sideways to avoid the attack as he delivered his attack to counter the opponents. The head of the Tyrant gashed out a huge amount of blood. Success has been shown behind the power of Stealth Claws, but that was going to have to be the last blow inflicted by the beast, Elyx must return.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

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    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 12:04 pm

    I'm not done with you yet. Elyx snarled as his body shattered in pieces of light before those pieces of light returned the boy back into his original clothing. The two of them continued to fight once the boy returned with Knight Iris back in his palm. This time, Elyx was focusing on letting his armor get hit, the more he did that, the more it's effect activated. The claws were not able to scratched through his armor it seemed, so for the attacks to only heal him was perfect. The cut on is face was soon healed completely, Elyx was back to full health again before he finally blocked an attack with Knight Iris. What the hell happened to your wounds! You look too damn clean! Shit! The man exclaimed as his claws glowed once again, Elyx's blood was on it, but that blood that was once flowing out was no longer there for anyone to see. Now why the hell would I tell you such classified information. We're enemies! So stop crying like the little ass you are and faced me like a man! The boy exclaimed as he sliced the tyrants face from the side.

    How the hell am I losing to a piece of shit like you!? Time for you to rot in hell boy! The tyrant exclaimed as the man cloned himself to surround Elyx. The boy pulled out his Violin, ready to counter the attack coming with his own defense ready to brace for the incoming attack. I'm going to show you a Wind Lerale Magic trick! Ignite! Hold on Tight! This man and his boyfriends are going to face a storm... Or drift if you will Elyx exclaimed as the men all charged to him, the biggest mistake they could do when they were going to fight a Wind Lerale Cyclone. Elyx had doubt that they were able to break through on their own they have all sealed their fates.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

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    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 12:17 pm

    The one thing about Elyx that anyone should know about him is that he fights with speed and awareness when he had nothing else to rely on. The speed is to make sure he had the ability to dodge attacks. This means he was very well capable of dodging attacks that were devastating if he needed to. This meant that they were going to have to do a lot in order to escape his range of ground that he was able to cover in a small amount of time. This however would serve to be useless if he could not see the attack coming. That is when awareness comes in, in which he is able to see attacks coming. The more of it he had, the more deduction skills he had and the more distance he is able to see attacks coming from. One of these two things alone would cause a lot of trouble for him, but the both of them together would cause a lot of trouble for his opponents.

    Elyx placed his Wind Lerale Violin up against his neck and placed the bow on the string as he began to pitch up the high notes. The both spun as the men ran to him, both of them playing and running at 60 MPH, full speed of how they are able to carry out their actions. Elyxs quick moment ended faster than the men could get to them, and soon, they all ended up running into a wall of wind. When they all took a hit from the wall, they all began to shoot back into each other until they were all once person. It was another hit altogether, clones were not going to help him out either. The Tyrant was getting low on health, it would only be a matter of time before Elyx killed him.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

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    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 12:35 pm

    The tyrant stumbled, now a little bit of fear showing in his eyes. Elyx could not believe that he was the dominant one out of the two of them. To think that he had found someone other than Ignite that would be equal in power as the boy, but instead, it came down to this. Six hits vs what used to be four, but now reduced back down to zero. The boy now had a new strategy in order to beat this man, and it did not involve much work on the boys end. If he took too much damage, all he had to do was make his armor take heavy blows and recover his health that way. Calm Meadows did not need to be used for this fight, and the less damage that was aimed for his face, the more that he could feet. The amount of energy was not even being put down the slightest bit.

    The two of them continued to dance a dance with claws against the sword. Once again, Elyx got the upper hand since his opponent was tired from the battle so much as it is. This allows him to pull away from a tired attack before jumping up at him before slicing Knight Iris at the head once again. Seven devastating hits, the attacks were wearing out his opponent. Elyx could feel his body burning, but that was the most that was affecting him. His enemy was still up, acting like this was too much for him. Still, he was not begging for mercy, so Elyx was not going to ease the pain either until the man was either dead or knocked out. He was no better than a monster, he might as well share the same fate as all of the ones Elyx has slained already.
    King Elyx

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    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 1:10 pm

    Hmph! Talk about weak, I should end your life right now! Elyx exclaimed as he put his blade at the throat of the Tyrant, causing the two of them to have a moment of silent. The man just snickered, and the boy snarled as it happened. The two of them were there in silence, but then the boy realized why his plan wouldn't work, so he released the hold before the man could do anything. Heh, smart boy. Teleportation is a real pain in the ass... For you that it. It sucks to be you! The tyrant exclaimed as he laughed a little bit, Elyx snarled as the man did not show any mercy behind his words. The two of them were going to spar once again, but the man did not seem as tired this time, was there some sort of plan to this? The boy then realized that the man was missing, this man was causing Elyx to lose all sense of logic. But he had one thing that would help him, if Elyx believed he knew what this move was, he was able to counter this attack that this man was trying to carry out.

    Elyx placed out the Rose Petal Orb, and soon enough, the illusion spell was lifted. Invisibility, or so it seemed, camoflague was another pain in the ass. Time for you to die! Elyx exclaimed, the man surprised, he was so close, but only for that lack of distance to haunt him as the Knight Iris met his face. None of the dark magic tricks were helping him out, Elyx had a counter for each one of them. At this rate, the man won't last much longer. That was hit number eight of Elyx's full strength. Heh... You look stupid with your hopes up, you know that?
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

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    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 5:44 pm

    Look whose talking. I'm winning and you talk like you can actually win. Look at you! You can barely stand up without gripping the walls for support! Elyx exclaimed, the truth being stuff down the Tyrants throat forcefully, but what could the tyrant do except laugh even more. That was enough for Elyx to slam him blade against the stomach of the enemy, knocking out blood from his mouth. The Tyrant had a sly slime on his face as he quickly uppercut sliced the boy, causing him to stumble back with blood knocked from his chin, he was lucky to not even lose a tooth in the end of that dispute. Elyx snarled as he looked up to the enemy, who ran towards Elyx, leaving a terrible trail of blood behind him. The boy blocked the attack of the sharp claws quickly before he returned a counterslice, surprisingly another block as well. The two of them were dancing strongly.

    You have sealed your fate! Prepare to die! Elyx exclaimed as he snarled at the Tyrant of this world, it seems Elyx was going to be crowned after this hit. The boy looked down at his blade and smiled. It was time to finish this battle. He looked towards his enemy and remembered that he was charging at the tyrant. Lets go! With that, the sword of them crossed their weapons and a giant rumble occurred before they both stood still in the opposite side of where their opponents used to stand. The sound of liquid blood was heard upon impact, one of them was going to fall onto their knees. Elyx looked down at the ground with his eyes closed, the boy did not seem like he had a scratch. The same could be told about the tyrant however, who had his eyes closed and his body frozen in place. One of them was waiting for the other to fall to the ground before they turned around.
    King Elyx

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    Post by King Elyx 12th June 2015, 6:02 pm

    I have a wound on my face... How about you? Elyx asked as there was blood coming down his right cheek, but nothing too fatal at all for him to handle. The Tyrant in the meantime fell onto the ground, his body completely limp and his face empty and hollow, no expression was shown. If he had a beating heart, it would seem like he was just taking a nap, but this shows that he has not been able to even breathe. To confirm it, Elyx stabbed his Knight Iris blade through the back of the man, the body was no longer working, liquid blood was coming out as easily as water. Not even a little bit thick like blood, there was no way that the tyrant of this world was able to live if his body couldn't work. It looks like I win... The boy said as he looked to Ignite, who was laying on the ground, a bit of blood on her.

    Elyx walked up to the She Phoenix and put out his hand to help her back up onto her feet. Are you all right Ignite? I know you don't understand what just happened, but I did that for a very good reason you know. The boy explained as he looked back down to the ground. He pulled Ignite back up and they both began to walk, the She Phoenix nodding her head to show that she understood, or at least she tried to. But you get it right? Maybe you might explain it to me someday? Ignite asked as she tilted her head to the side. The violinist laughed at the question with good humor, it was nice to see that there was some innocence left in Ignite. He hoped that she would never change, but first, they needed to make sure they had at least a few more years to live. Don't worry Ignite, I'll explain it to you and you will not like what I have to say, but it's the truth. But for now, if you want the answer, how about we get the hell out of here? Elyx suggested, and the both of them began to walk.
    King Elyx

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    Post by King Elyx 13th June 2015, 10:34 am

    Hey Elyx, how about after this we go to our client. You know, the one with the free food for life thing? Ignite asked with hope in her tone of voice. The boy was not too hungry to admit anything, but he understood what she meant. The She Phoenix was thinking long term, as to waiting on the meals in here. It seems neither of them could eat anything until they find and exit, and that was exactly what they were going to do. That is a very good idea, I personally don't like the idea of eating anything that comes from... Here... Talk about nasty. It would be just the two of us getting free meals. Elyx explained as he smiled happily, only for the music in the background to cut off by a big booming voice of the one person her did not want to hear from. The boy did not even know it was possible to hear that voice once again, but it was there, and when Elyx turned around, the horror was only beginning again. The Tyrant took on another form it seemed, lightening the load a little bit, but exposing a nasty looking metal heart in its chest.

    [color=#ff0033]I'll pay for a meal if it means I can join you... Heh...ant said. Ignites eyes shot wide open, not yet ready to fight it seems. She spun herself right behind Elyx with her hands on his shoulders, half like a guardian, half like a shield. [color=#0033ff]Hmph, came back from the dead for some more huh... Fine then! Another duel it shall be! The boy exclaimed, and the tyrant let out a competitive smile on his face. Something about this new power was off, way different than what Elyx dealt with from the previous battle. You're going to fall hard! You haven't felt pain yet.
    King Elyx

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    Post by King Elyx 13th June 2015, 11:24 am

    Elyx... No... Let me take him on. If I can't face him now, I'll never become good enough. Ignite said as a fire began to ignite around both the violinist and the She Phoenix, did she seriously mean it? The boy shifted his eyes to the side so that his light brown eyes can see if that was really Ignite or an illusion. It was Ignite all right, but one second she seemed like she couldn't fight him, but now the next second she was willing to fight. Ignite, you don't know what he want to do to you. I can not let you fight him. The boy said, but Ignite was not going to give up that easily. Elyx expected as such. Elyx, I know I can fight whatever this lust thing is. I know what could happen to me if I do this, just let me fight him! Whatever will happen to me will not be your fault! The She Phoenix exclaimed, and the boy looked at her with his eyes hollowed out in shock. His lips lipped out the word "Ignite", but he did not even let any of his voice come out.

    The boy stepped back as Ignite stepped forward, and the tyrant smirked as his claws shined heavily. Ignite snarled as the ring of fire began to grow and spread, the arena was being changed to her suiting and advantage. Do your best Ignite... Don't make me regret this. Elyx said, and Ignite turned her head over her shoulder with a neutral face. You have taught me well enough to take on this fool. The She Phoenix said as she put her palms into the air, a giant fire dome surrounding her. In the inside, two yellow eyes glowed. Time for you to die you lustful dumbass...
    King Elyx

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    Post by King Elyx 13th June 2015, 12:08 pm

    Hmph, you can only hope to try! The man exclaimed as he zipped through the fire dome, and after a few seconds, a fireball and a dark ball of energy were caught in the air, hitting each other. Elyx used his Wind Lerale Eye vision to notice that Ignite was actually flying in the air with a fire pair of wings on her back while she used two balls of fire as if they were weapons. Her speeds excelled Elyx's by a lot in this state, but the tyrant seemed to also have her number. Teleportation was being used sometimes, but the She Phoenix was actually having no problem with keeping up. Wow... How long has she been hiding this from me. It's like she is a completely different fighter... I'd be scared to have her as an opponent. Elyx said as he continued to watch. All of a sudden, the man was shot away like a meteor, but Ignite stopped in her place for a moment, seemingly a few hits on her body as well. She had a smirk on her face as her arms were crossed. Got you... And that's only the beginning! Ignite exclaimed as she zipped towards the tyrant like a meteorite once again. When she made impact to kick the tyrant, the tyrant teleported out of the way and appeared behind her, kicking her in his place to the ground.

    Heh... The tyrant said as Ignite hit the ground the impact mixed with fire caused an explosion on the ground. Elyx quickly ran towards Ignite to check her condition and confirm if he needed to save her using his Calm Meadows. When he was halfway there, the She Phoenix suddenly fly back towards the tyrant, at this rate, they will just about kill each other. Ignite did some good by striking the heart.
    King Elyx

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    Post by King Elyx 13th June 2015, 1:24 pm

    The boy looked at the two of them continue the battle and could do nothing but watch. To see Ignite taking the damage she was pained him, it was much heavier than the damage that the tyrant was taking. At this rate, she might end up passing out due to exhaustion. On the plus side, he was there for her when things got way too heavy and out of control. The two of them continued to spar, and a bit of wind would knock some wind towards Elyx as he was just standing below them, looking up with hopes that the She Phoenix would win the battle, but the way things were going, she was losing this battle heavily. It was due to the defense of the two, Ignite always focused her attacks to be reckless but hard hitting, and never really focused on taking hits that could do just as much damage damage.

    Elyx placed his blade slowly from the sheathe to brace himself for the worst. Ignite suddenly hit the dark ball of energy a few feet away from her, the attack showing successful results in cutting the Tyrant open once again, but that was all it did before the tyrant got back and returned the favor, knocking Ignite towards the floor and heavily damaged her. The She Phoenix landed on her feet, giving Elyx a good view of how her current conditions were, and they could not have looked any further critical. The violinist tried to get to her to treat her wounds, but the She Phoenix did not even bat an eye as she flew towards her opponent once again as a flaming ball of fire, the two of them clashing excessively once again. The violinist was left to worry about the She Phoenix and if she was able to survive this on her own. He had heavy amounts of doubt.
    King Elyx

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 13th June 2015, 1:29 pm

    The two of them continued to dance in circles as Elyx just watched, they both were flying and taking good blows at each other, the fire seeming to be losing some points, but regaining. The dark energy remained as strong as ever as it flew and continued to attack. The Tyrant was having the upper hand in this battle. Ignite... The boy said as he pulled out Knight Iris. All of a sudden, a giant explosion occurred upon impact that seemed like nothing different was going to happen. The explosion knocked the dark ball a few feet back while the fire ball was still in the position. When their energy was released for a moment, the two of them had a few scars, Ignite looking like she could use a nap, too much blood being lost. The Tyrant had a few cuts only, but that was about it. Elyx had enough of this and pulled out Knight Iris before jumping into the air to attack, Ignite flying to the ground as she took a rest, her eyes tired and her body aching. The Tyrant then disappeared into the air all of a sudden and smacked Elyx to the side with the claws, knocking out some blood from the boys face and sending him flying to the ground. Elyx recovered and maintained his balance by placing his palm onto the ground and rolling onto his feet. The boy snarled as he looked back to see his opponent, now he saw why Ignite had a hard time dealing with him. The enemy was much stronger than before... But the damage he takes is very much the same if one can aim for the heart and strike it. That was going to be the plan, but how was he going to do it? Elyx had no way of flying, and Mr. Angel was not here to help him out with that problem either. Ha! What's the matter, can't take the heat!? The man exclaimed as he pointed his finger and laughed, that just drew the final straw.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Outbreak! (Solo/Job) Empty Re: Outbreak! (Solo/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 13th June 2015, 1:42 pm

    Elyx snarled angrily as his opponent taunted the two of them, a cute little pun left behind to add insult towards injury, but Elyx was nowhere near weaker than he was before. With his armor, he would be able to pound a few hits into it before he gains his health and can recover his strength. The problem here is how he would be able to get up there, that was not a fight he could win or even land a successful hit in due to the fact that he could just teleport out of the way and easily counter like he just demonstrated earlier. Therefore, he was going to have to use magic. The boy put Knight Iris back in it's sheathe and put out both of his palms. Two balls of magic light were formed in each hand, the left one shattering into a violin itself, and the right one shattering and materiallizing itself into a Violin bow.

    Stealth claws, Swift Paws, Calm Meadows. None of them could help out Elyx here, but there was one spell Elyx can use to knock the Tyrant out of the sky. Elyx quickly played his Violin to the tune of Phantom, and soon, a giant spinning blade of wind appeared. It was his next ultimate spell, never has he used it. A blade of wind that can cut like a sword, talk about deadly. The boy shot the chain towards the tyrant, who teleported out of the way, but Elyx saw where the teleportation unit would end up and took a quick upper strike to send the Tyrant flying down to the ground. The chain spun wildly after that, as if celebrating its successful hit on the target. The tyrant quickly disappeared when he was about to hit the ground before remaining in the air, not noticing that Elyx still had his spell running.

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 3:36 am