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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 30th June 2015, 12:42 pm

    Job Description :


    "How annoying." He thought with a look to match. Annoyed that his peaceful day that was supposed to be spent drinking wine and napping, had instead turned into him marching through a desert in order to clean up someone else's mess. The only somewhat amusing part to the whole scenario was that the Rune Knights, the law enforcement of Fiore, couldn't handle such a simple little thing. "How pathetic. No wonder guilds like Savage Skull and Basilisk Fang just do whatever they want. The police can't even handle a simple excavation sight." Which lead to the survivors calling upon any willing mage that would help.

    After sometime walking, Gil finally came upon the ruins. An old structure, placed in the middle of nowhere, half of it seemed ready to collapse upon a moments notice. "I'm sure this was once a grand place worthy of someone like myself." He mused, envisioning what the ancient ruins might have been like centuries before. Kicking the dust up from the road with his boots, Gil ventured closer to the ruins.


    His nose crinkled as a new sight came into his crimson eyed view. Blood was scattered across the ground, most of it having dried in the sun by now. Weapons lay here and there some broken and others still functional. Yet despite the disorder there was not a single body in sight. It might have been worrisome to anyone else other than Gil. "It stinks. Must be Rune Knight blood or maybe just the peasants that were here before them." He maneuvered around the blood stains, not wanting to dirty himself or rather his shoes. Nearing the entrance to the ruins he paused simply gazing into the darkness of the eerie structure. "Come on out! You're not going to make a King come and get you!" He called forth, boisterous voice echoing down into the ruins. Standing there, one hand slicking through his blonde mane, brushing any stray strands away from the crimson insignia on the back of his neck, the golden man stood out like a sore thumb in the otherwise barren landscape.



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 30th June 2015, 2:10 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    "Ruins! Perfect!" she said to herself while looking at a job on the board that belonged to her new home: Tartarus. As she read it, she wondered what had happened to the group of incompetent moro- Rune Knights that had been sent to handle the situation. Must be pretty bad, whatever it is, if an assault team couldn't handle it. It's a good thing that they couldn't hold a candle to guild mages she thought before heading out. It wasn't very often that she made trips to the ancient ruins, as she hardly got the chance, but now that a job was in the same location, the time mage had the perfect excuse. Wonder what could have happened... she pondered, leaving the guild and making her way towards the Ancient Ruins.

    Actually, this might be a good time to practice traveling. It was a great idea! One she had been meaning to try out, and now was that time. Within seconds, a magic rune appeared below her and she was gone. Just like that. From the front of the guild to the forest, she had traveled forward in her current timeline which happened to be relatively linear. When she arrived, the sun blinded her and a pain in her skull made the girl immediately regret her action. Well at least it worked she thought while putting her right hand on the side of her head, clasping it within her extremities lest she forgo instinct. "I'm guessing you're also here for the job, stranger?" she said to the man standing near the entrance.

    By this point she was still blinded by the sun, but once that effect wore off she'd take notice of the sanguine soaked soil and the variety of weapons that were now the only evidence of a battle that took place. Ominous




    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
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    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500

    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 30th June 2015, 3:11 pm


    The man seemed startled as a feminine voice suddenly spoke out. Disregarding the fact that he gave a slight jump, perhaps half expecting to get attacked by something rather than interrogated by a strange woman, Gil turned his crimson gaze to the source of the noise. There perhaps just a few feet behind him stood a woman, light skin, striking blue eyes, and ink black hair. He simply stared at her, not out of awe or observation, but rather evaluation. Was she worth his time? Should he waste a breath of air upon her? "Hmmmm." He hummed in thought, straightening out his already perfect posture, doing his best to look and be above the mysterious woman who appeared out of nowhere.

    "She's awfully tall." He noted, standing only a few inches above her. Crossing his arms over his broad chest, the man's expression showed complete and utter boredom, as if her presence did not startle or intrigue a man such as himself. Though of course, that was completely wrong, he was as curious as a cat but he'd never let anyone know that they had his utmost attention. "Yes I'm here for the job." He began, slicking his hand through blonde mane once more, a habit of sorts, "I'm assuming you are as well but since I'm here you can go ahead and leave. I'm more than enough for this." He was smug about it but every word that poured forth from his lips, were words that he seemed to believe. He wasn't even trying to impress her, he was simply asserting himself, blind to the woman's power and blind to the seriousness of the job. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a job to do..." He turned his back to the woman, to face the entrance of the ruins.

    Which left the bright red mark of Tartarus upon the back of his neck visible, placed there so the world could know who he was and what guild he was a part of. Placed upon the back of his neck so that he knew he himself came before his guild, and that was why it was on the back.



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 30th June 2015, 10:15 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    "I'm coming. I didn't give myself a headache so I could get sent away" she said, still holding her head while her vision adjusted to the sudden change in light level. Traveling like that probably had adverse side effects when it came to reality as a whole, but she didn't know it for sure. She had her suspicions, but how bad could it possibly be. How much sway could one human being really have on reality as she perceived it. When she rationalized it, not much at all, so it was okay to do the occasional time travel out of convenience. Then again, she had only just gotten strong enough to do things like that, and even then it gave her a tremendous headache, leading her to wonder if it was even worth it.

    The answer? Yes. Definitely. At least she thought so, and that's really what mattered. She expected the blood soaked soil and the decrepit stone that marked her location, but what she didn't expect was a man with the sun on his head and in his spirit. When he turned to enter, Lekuna saw the mark on his neck. It was clear as day and fresh in her memory. "Ah. We're both on the same boat then. I just joined the guild" she told him, following behind while remembering what Lyserg had warned her about. Must be one of those colorful characters that Tartarus is known for. Guess I'll just have to deal with it until I get more familiar with him.

    The time mage wasn't the best at gauging power, but in her experience, people who believed they were the strongest or didn't need help were the weakest, so she was already preparing to spot him in case he did anything stupid. They were guild mates, after all.




    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
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    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500

    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 8th July 2015, 6:23 pm


    "You can go wherever you want." He shrugged before adding, "Just not with me or within my sight or within my breathing space. I'd rather not have the air I breathe be contaminated but that might be a lost cause at this point with all this...." He made an extravagant sweep of his arm gesturing towards the bloodshed about them, "Filth." The word sounded venomous, filled with disgust and contempt. He could careless about the loss of human life, especially when it inconvenienced him in even the slightest possible way, like staining his shoes or befouling the air.

    His red gaze remained firmly planted ahead, searching into the eerie darkness of the ruins ahead. Yet he still made no move to enter the ruins, his visage showed no sign of fear but his actions said otherwise. On some inner level Gil had some sort of self-preservation but that was buried beneath layers of pride and ego. Two traits that had landed him in numerous sticky situations, two traits that if given enough time would eventually push the man into entering the ruins lest his pride be wounded. Luckily, it didn't take much to get Gil riled back up to life. "You just what!?" He spat, "You just joined the.....Guild!?" His expression showed complete disgust, and some sort of anger. Apparently, his own circumstances and view of the guild were not quite as chipper as this newcomer's.

    Stepping in closer, no sense of personal space unless he felt like his was being invaded, Gil once more eyed over this newcomer. "He brought another runt in?" He frowned leaning away after his inspection was complete, whatever he was looking for was clearly not found. "I have no idea why Lyserg keep bringing in more of you peasants. I alone should be enough for this disgrace of a guild." He huffed, in annoyance, slightly jealous. Sending one last glance towards the curious girl, one who's name he had not inquired nor planned on it he spoke out once more. "Fine I shall allow you to accompany me on a few conditions. Don't get in my way, Don't touch me without my permission, Listen to me and speak when commanded to." It seemed as if he honestly believed his demands were within reason, "Basically, don't be like Nai. He's an unpleasant character and if you haven't met him already consider yourself blessed." Seemingly finished he turned his back once more to the newest member of Tartarus. Taking the first step into the temple he paused once more,

    "If we're lucky you might even die in here! Wouldn't that just be grand?"



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
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    Experience : 1475

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    First Skill: Maid of Time
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 8th July 2015, 7:07 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    Lekuna blinked. It was astonishing, actually. To her at least. She had never, *ever*, met a man so insensitive and blind to the world beyond the end of his own nose. Astounding. How could a person be so... prideful she thought, her eyes fixated on his indomitable visage. He really believes everything he's saying. I've never met someone so genuine before she continued, her mind racing to try and think of how a person like this could ever have been raised. Sure, there were jerks, but him. Gil. He was absolutely, without a doubt, full of himself.

    When he gazed into the abyss, Lekuna assumed it did the same right back at him. As big as he spoke, it almost seemed like he was scared of going in. It was only natural, after all, though this man seemed like he was anything but natural. Who would willingly go into a filthy dark ruin adjacent to a completely macabre scene? Someone who was too curious for their own good and didn't even know what or when to fear what lied ahead. Despite his rude comments which really just baffled more than offended, she was more than eager to begin their descent into whatever catacombs that the crumbled temple had to reveal to them.

    While he listed the stipulations for their team up, she kind of zoned out and simply walked past him, who was uncomfortably close to her regardless. Even for a man he was tall, which she was sure only added to the fact that he believed he was above others, figuratively and literally. She'd play along to his little game for now, if only to forge some kind of relationship with such an interesting character such as he, though there was no rule about her walking into the temple first. Lekuna was way too excited to see what was inside and was way too interested in the man himself to pay attention to petty insults, so she quickly made her way inside and it seemed as though he began to follow.




    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
    C-Rank: 2
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    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500

    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 8th July 2015, 8:03 pm


    So concerned on listing off his stipulations, Gil almost didn't notice the woman stray away from him and towards the temple. It wasn't until she had taken that first fateful step in did he finally notice. She had just taken away a privilege, rather a right of his.  She just took it without so much as a word. He simply stood there for a moment almost flabbergasted, jaw dropped slightly, confusion in his crimson irises, and a well placed palm to his forehead. He stood like that until the anger set in. "Did you listen to a word I said?" He demanded as he stormed in after her, not hesitating in the slightest where he previously had. "I just said not to get in my way and last I checked walking right in front of me is getting in my way!" He growled but despite the fit he was throwing he made no move to pass her up.

    After a few more angry words, a curse or two tossed in there, Gil ceased his complaining. "Go ahead then take the lead. That way if anything comes it'll get you first and not me."A possible scenario that he sounded more than a little pleased about. He kept a steady glare upon the back of inky locks, at the least he had kept a steady dislike for the woman. It wasn't something that should be taken personally, everyone started off with dislike or even contempt until they earned his good graces. Following along after her, Gil was relatively silent after that save for the occasional huff of air to express his agitation or to simply grab her attention. If there was one thing he adored it was someone acknowledging his presence, and as of right now this woman seemed more fascinated with the temple than with him. Which was unacceptable to Gil. How could an inanimate, deteriorating structure hold more attention than a being such as himself? "Tch!" He grumbled louder, like a pouting child trying to gain its parents attention. It was hardly a job to the man at this point, or he had forgotten about the job in his quest to gain attention that he believed he deserved.



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 8th July 2015, 9:20 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    Lekuna said not a word to the brat behind her who was whining about not getting what he wanted. Her move was done with the knowledge that this would happen and she was glad it did. While he liked attention, she liked pushing the envelope. Getting a strong reaction from people from simple things such as taking the first step into a temple was amusing to her, to say the least. "Don't complain about obstacles in your path if you haven't begun to walk it, King" were the only words he spoke to him as she examined the walls of the temple. After the rather weak rationalization he made to justify walking behind her, Lekuna inspected on her right side. It was etched into the wall, though pieces had either worn through time or were flat out crumbled onto the floor they now padded along.

    "This won't do" she said, which echoed through the dark corridor. Following the echo fading, she closed her eyes and a magical circle appeared beneath her. Inside, a steel colored hourglass etched into the otherwise complex runic circle rotated at a slow speed in the counterclockwise direction. Then, the dust and debris began to rise up and fall back into place inside whatever part of the wall they fell off. The overgrowth receded and even torches were re-lit, showing them the mess of the corridor. More blood, though no bodies, just like outside. The hall was considerably taller than she believed and there were even rooms on either side of them, lots of rooms. Now, the temple was completely repaired, however it was the only thing that was how it was before. This particular ability of hers didn't affect the mages who have long since passed away. Much better Sure, she noticed the pouting of the grown man behind him, but she felt as though it wasn't the best time to give him her attention, there were many inscriptions to be memorized and gone through.




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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by NPC 8th July 2015, 9:20 pm

    The member 'Lekuna' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] NormalMonster
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 9th July 2015, 12:10 pm

    He was silent for a moment after her words but a smirk managed to ease its way onto his lips, a well practiced motion. "King?" He mused aloud, rolling the word off of his tongue. "You know I think I like you." He spoke after sometime, his smirk turning into an almost devilish grin. "If you keep calling me King I might even consider making you a servant. You're already better off than Nai. Keep at it." Once again his words were completely sincere, not meant to offend but rather were supposed to be almost flattering. Somewhat appeased the blonde fell silent, training his glare no longer on the woman but the surroundings. The inside of the temple was dim and bleak with numerous obstacles that were a pain to navigate around. Luckily, it seemed as if the woman who had stolen the lead was not a completely inadequate leader.


    Cat liked red irises, widened in surprise and curiosity as a magic circle appeared beneath her feet. It was strange and certainly more powerful than anything he could produce, not that the man would ever admit it aloud or consciously acknowledge it. The surroundings, obstacles, dirt, debris, it all moved back to where it had originally been long before they were there and perhaps even before the Rune Knight were as well. Once all movement had seemingly been completed, Gil gave a small clap accompanied with a light chuckle, "Yes much better than Nai. Truly, you'd make a splendid servant." It wasn't often that praise escaped Gil's lips. "Now that you've cleared the way I shall take the lead." He slipped past her with ease, not afraid to push if she got in the way. He hardly got a few steps in when a bark echoed down the corridors causing him to pause. The sound of running, paws hitting stone, echoed down and finally a dog came into view. "Wait." He muttered, holding a hand up, red eyes not once ceasing from canines approaching. "They might not listen but I can stall them at the least." It was hard to say what the dogs would do in response to him, it was an ability that he hardly ever practiced let alone found much use for.  


    His voice bellowed down the halls, a deep primal rumble, but it was still a clear cut command laced with magic or some ancient ability. It was enough to give the dogs pause, their running stopping some distance from them, their heads cocking to the sides as if in thought. Then they shook their heads, foam from the sides of their mouths hitting the floor, they pushed away the want to listen to the supposed Alpha and charged forward once more. "They're too strong for it to work." He sighed, "Kill them then."

    Last edited by Gil on 14th July 2015, 2:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 10th July 2015, 12:16 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    Gil seemed pleased with her work turning back the clock of this old structure and promptly took the lead, not that she cared too much, as Lekuna was too enthralled by the writing on the wall. This is a few thousand years old, who knew that such primitive people had things like writing. How interesting she thought happily as she examined the stone inscriptions. They were ubiquitous across the walls, leading her to wonder what it actually said. All she knew is how they were carved and what they look like, not what they meant. Although it was mildly inconvenient, it was also interesting. She wondered what kind of civilization made use of such a refined temple such as this one and why. Maybe they used it for live sacrifices? Maybe they used it for simply housing or storage? So many possibilities, so little actually known.

    Nai, huh? Must be another member of the guild. she thought as he kept going on with nonsense. Something about her making some kind of better servant than he. At least he liked her enough to not be as rude as he was when they initially met. Unfortunately for her, she didn't quite know his name yet, so she'd stick to calling him something he'd like to hear. Something that he believed he was. That's when she heard... an animal running? More than one? When they came into the line of sight of the mages whom were tasked with investigating the ruins, she immediately took notice that it wasn't men that blocked their way, it was beasts.

    Upon making contact, Gil's voice boomed across the walls of the newly refurbished quartz walls and stopped the strange looking dogs dead in their tracks. Is this is magic? Quite powerful. Just from that she was able to gauge more or less how powerful he was. Well, not just that, she could also feel his strength. It was like an aura he had about him that had nothing to do with his actual presence, just his magical capabilities. "Too strong for a king? Nonsense. They must be hard of hearing." she said before pulling her hammer out of the pocket she kept her weapons in. Some would be curious as to why she'd feed the ego of someone so narcissistic. The answer was simple, she liked him. Although he was a brat that was enraptured with himself, he spoke what was on his mind, regardless of what people thought. He wasn't fake and she could respect that a lot, so she'd play along.

    A flame engulfed her arm as she activated a newly developed spell of hers where she unlocked the potential of her weapons back from when they were in their prime. She walked up next to Gil as they rushed towards them and swung her hammer down, causing the vibrant flames to burst forward, small sparks bouncing off the body as it overtook the two creatures and held them in place.



    MP: 95% (10% Natural Regen - 15% B-Rank Spell [Potential])


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    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500

    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 12th July 2015, 10:32 am

    At her words, a smile couldn't help but twitch up at the corners of his mouth. Sliding his fingers through his blonde mane the man kept a watchful eye on both the dogs and the woman as she strolled forward till she was next to him. Not in front of but next to him, something that he was content with. It meant that she wasn't trying to surpass him, instead she was beside him and while some might view that as making them equal, it was anything but that within his head. After all, he was simply allowing her to be there.....

    He watched with mild interest as the woman produced a hammer out of her pocket. The hammer itself didn't catch much of his interest until bother her arm and hammer were aglow with flames. A single golden brow raised itself in surprise watching as the woman raised the hammer, and brought it back down in a swift stroke, sparks and flame sent flying forward at the hounds. Watching for a moment the golden man seemed to chew over whether or not join in but the flames and sparks seemed to do enough to the hounds, their whimpers filling his ears, causing a frown of distaste to form upon his visage. He hated dealing with mutts, their whimpers reminding him of times long past. "Well," Another slow clap of applause for the dark haired woman, "Your strength is unexpected to say the least. You're a lot more useful than you appear. Where on earth did Lyserg manage to pick you up?" It was more of a rhetorical question than anything, a simple musing as to where he might also find someone just as useful. Moving forward once more dancing just out of reach of the flaming dogs, one of them showing some sign of life, Gil sighed giving it a harsh kick. The flames nipped at his pants but luckily he was just quick enough to not catch fire, but still feel the heat of the flames. "Let's see where these mutts came from shall we?" He inquired while averting his gaze from the dog that he kicked into the other, the flames still going strong, the scent making his nose wrinkle.

    Last edited by Gil on 28th September 2015, 4:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
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    Posts : 207
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 14th July 2015, 1:26 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    Wow Hephaestus, you sure had a pretty strong grasp of fire magic she thought while observing the dogs nearly complete incineration. One of them seemed to still be kicking, much to her surprise, only to be finished off by a kick from King. Another surprise, he actually complimented her, a complete one hundred and eighty from how he was acting towards her outside of the ruins. Uh oh! she thought, as if he touched the fire it may or may not stick to him. She wasn't quite sure how it worked yet, but if she had to bet, she'd make sure that the flames would stay as far away from him as possible. Right before his foot was about to collide, she'd tilt the hammer sideways, pulling the fire away from his foot before calling it back to her arm.

    It didn't seem like it was going anywhere for a while, lucky enough, so Lekuna listened to the handsome man in front. Seemingly, he was curious as to where those beasts came from. So was she, thus being more than happy to investigate the source of what was now piles of smelly ash. The pungent smell emanated from the dust and filled the hallway, most likely spreading farther along the corridors of the temple. Still, it was better than having to deal with abhorrent monstrosities whose chances of infecting whatever they bit was dubious at best in Lekuna's mind. Again, she followed behind the man who was only a little taller than she was, admiring the fine craftsmanship of the runic carvings inside of the wall. So clean and sleek. I should travel back there some time to meet the authors of such fine looking writing she thought, enraptured even still by everything carved around her. In the back of her mind, however, there was a lingering doubt that whatever was going on here was bigger than a few repulsive "dogs", though what she had no idea.




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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 14th July 2015, 5:01 pm

    With the scent of burning mutts still in his nose, Gil huffed and turned on his heel. The dogs didn't give much insight as to what might have occurred here, unless the Rune Knights had become so weak that a few rabid dogs could take them down. That thought alone almost made him smile, despite the fact that he easily could have been in the same boat as them. Continuing on through the temple seemingly without a care in the world, he lead the way careful to avoid the occasional blood spatter across the stone floors. It wasn't very becoming of someone such as himself getting commoners blood upon even something as insignificant as his boots. Still, no matter how far the pair traveled into the ruins, blood and battle seemed to be everywhere, and even though they were far from the burnt corpses of the rabid dogs, the scent of decay still filled the air.


    Another arrogant huff and the man stopped in his tracks. A crossroads, the two could either go left or go right. A glance to the left showed more bloodshed, and a glance to the right showed a clean path. Without so much as a second thought or even a word, the blonde proceeded on the path to the right. Boots clicking against the stone corridor, crimson irises glancing about at the walls with only mild interest, the blonde paused once more. He had the rather inconsiderate habit of suddenly stopping without so much as a word. Worst of all he was clearly the type he would be upset if someone bumped into him, regardless of whether or not it was his fault. "Do you hear that?" He inquired, head cocking to the side as he strained to hear the faint sound echoing from down the corridor. A faint breeze whisked through, torches flickering for a moment casting larger than normal shadows upon the ancient walls. There certainly was a noise from far down the hall, faint but it was there, like a chilling whisper.


    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by NPC 14th July 2015, 5:01 pm

    The member 'Gil' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 17th July 2015, 8:17 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    Oh? So my hammer is now in the hands of you? How interesting a voice came into her mind which didn't belong to her. Your hammer? Hephaestus? Lekuna immediately thought, responding to the intruder. Hm? Yes, of course. Who else would claim such a magnificent piece of craftsmanship. I'm glad to see that my hammer is blazing in the hands of a capable mage as opposed to fading away under a pile of rocks, so I must thank you. Wow, I thought you'd be better, frankly. No offense to you, but I would have thought that you'd hate mages since that one mage you kind of blow up your home. Ah, it's fine. I was a mage myself, you know. I put my spirit in my hammer and I hoped that someone worthy would dig it out of the rubble, and to my surprise, someone did. Now my goal is to guide and help you, Lekuna. I owe you at least that much he told her. The whole time this conversation was going on, the time mage was kind of on autopilot, stopping juuuust before bumping into King, who was staring off into the distance. Well, okay. Thank you! she was confused, not knowing what he was being so thankful for, but hey, an old fire spirit to guide her seemed pretty helpful.

    The only downside to this is that I'm always going to inhabit a bit of your mind. Using this spell for the first time unlocked the potential of my hammer, as well as my spirit, and there's no closing that link. Just keep it in mind, hahaha!. Great, I'll never be alone... she thought sarcastically, sighing before realizing he probably heard her inflection as well as what she had said. "I hear it, doesn't sound good" she said aloud, the sound of snarling and growling bouncing off the walls around them. The corridor was only big enough for two dogs, though there were four coming from the hall behind, the one coated in blood. Two came from around the corner of the hall they were in. "Time to show me what you've got, King. It would be boring if it was just me fighting, besides, you'd make quicker work of them than I"




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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 20th July 2015, 6:19 pm

    I'm the one that you wanted
    I'm your
    - @Lekuna -

    - 304 Words -

    - The very best -
    The growls and snarly echoed around them, "Surrounded us. They're a lot smarter than they let on." He mused aloud listening to the snarly trying to decipher them. They were rabid, hardly making any sense, but Gil wasn't a complete idiot. "Interesting." Tucking away that information for safekeeping, Gil backed up till his back met with Lekuna. It was only then that he heard Lekuna's words, and as usual she made him grin. "As usual you're quite right." His hand snaked its way through his hair as he eyed the two dogs at the end of the unbloodied hallway. They hadn't broken out into a run just yet, instead they inched their ways forward, low growls ripping through decayed vocal chords, the dogs behind them doing the same. "Very clever beasts." He chimed again, they wanted to corner them making sure they had little to no room before making the attack.

    Words escaped Gil's lips, quietly so that only he and perhaps the dogs could hear, it was just a silent chant to summon a particular beast. A golden light flashed before the equally golden man, and as if building itself up out of gold dust, a creature stood before Gil. Bone white leather stretched across protruding bones, the creature was skinny, it's wings on either side of its body gave a small flap, a screech escaping its lips. "Wyvern." Gil sighed, the dragon like creature giving another screech as the two dogs closest to him let out snarls of their own. The white creature's head looked like a snake read to strike, it's claws creating slight clicks on the stone floor as it edged its way forward, and it's long tail, a deadly sharp tip at the end swished from side to side like a cat's.

    "Go on. What are you waiting for?"



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 21st July 2015, 7:27 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    Let's do it, then she thought, turning a hundred eighty degrees. "I'll take the ones behind". Although she was curious about the creature that King had just summoned, there were more pressing matters at hand. So he has some kind of summoning magic then? Interesting, interesting and fitting Someone so full of themselves controlling minions, to be expected. Now, with Hephaestus' blessing, she brought her hammer down and a wave of flames with it. The flames glowed brighter than they did before, a deep crimson overtaking them than simply 'normal' looking fire. It crawled along the walls and made its way towards the scared dogs, who were backing up the second they felt the heat from the floor, ceiling, and walls coming towards them and getting hotter all the while.

    For some reason, they seemed susceptible to fire. Not only that, but they smelled rotten... Could this be some kind of necromancy? she thought. It was a safe assumption, she felt. The rotted flesh caught fire more easily and gave off a certain smell. "I believe a necromancer is behind this, King." the mage told her partner, informing him of her current thoughts. Another swing, then the fire consumed the two dogs closest to the wave heading towards them. Howling and whimpers filled the hallway as the flesh melted off their bones and eventually turned into a pile of ash. Rotten, disgusting It was a smell that had filled her nose before, and it was one that she didn't particularly enjoy. Burning, rotten flesh. Alone they would be nearly too much to take, but together, they made her nearly gag and forced her hand over her nose.

    I hope his creature can take out these dogs in a lot less odorous way. I don't think I can take much more of this stench




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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 28th July 2015, 12:48 pm

    I'm the one that you wanted
    I'm your
    - @Lekuna -

    - 397 Words -

    - The very best -
    The ivory scaled creature edged forwards towards the dogs that moved backwards as the Wyvern got closer. It seemed like the creatures still managed to realize just where they were on the food chain, and just where the Wyvern stood on it. Still, the summoned creature was faster than the decaying dogs that were torn between the fight and flight response. One didn't back away fast enough and the ivory Wyvern took its opportunity to snap at the paws of canine. A high yelp from the dog and it pulled away from the poison tipped jaws of Gil's summon, careful to not put any weight on its injured leg, though there was now a sickening burning feeling on the wound.

    "What are you doing? I'd rather not wait for the poison to kill them off. Go on. Eat up."

    Impatient as usual Gil ordered and the creature summoned simply followed. Another screech had the dogs backing up further but the Wyvern dug its claws into the stone of the hall before launching itself forward. It pounced atop the already injured one, claws and soon jaws digging into the dog. The other one at the least attempted to help but a long white tail soon slammed itself into the canine knocking it back into the wall with a whimper. Approaching the twitching dog against the wall, Gil was surprised to find the the thing trying to get back up. "What a disgusting little creature you are." He mused aloud, pressing a boot down to hold the struggling creature in place, "Hurry up now. Finish it." A yawn escaped his lips as if he was bored, his tone towards the Wyvern was like how a master might talk to its dog. The creature followed his order, leaving the half-eaten dog behind to come and snap up the remaining dog.


    An almost gentle coo escaped Gil's lips while the Wyvern made a quick meal out of the hound he held down. The creature licking its muzzle, moved its head allowing the regal man access to scratch at the scales on its neck. It was only at this point that Gil finally spoke to Lekuna, "Perhaps. I think I have an idea as to what had happened here. These dogs may have been rabid and decaying but I could still pick out a bit of what they had to say."



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 1st August 2015, 3:06 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    It didn't appear as though Gil's creatures had any trouble dispatching of the dogs. He had impressive strength and she couldn't wait to see how it developed, though for now he was just an egotistic mage who couldn't back up his own claims of immense strength. Those things are brutal. Merciless, most likely taking on the personality traits of their master. "Oh? What did they say?" she posed. Not only could he converse with these creatures, but he was able to do it when their jaws were a gently breeze from falling right off their hinges. Now that was a feat befitting a true monarch. Although Lekuna was sure that they probably said something along the lines of turning them into food, King seemed to think that whatever they said was important. A king of beasts? I haven't seen someone like that in a very, very long time he chimed in, sounding impressed with the man.

    Oh? Why is that? she responded to the voice in her head, only to receive an immediate answer. The willpower required to command and take monstrosities is colossal. Not many posses such strength of personality. His attitude is forgivable when his will is strong enough to command mindless monsters. Very surprising indeed. That answered the question to what his magic was, and planted quite an intriguing thought in her mind. For all his talk, it appeared as though King did have something special about him. I suppose he's not all talk, after all. They still needed to find out the source of all these pathetic beasts, lest they get swarmed when her power wears off. It was close, though there was still a little bit of time left. Keeping up such strength was taxing, but not nearly as taxing as getting bitten by a festering, rabid, undead animal.




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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 6th August 2015, 7:07 pm

    I'm the one that you wanted
    I'm your
    - @Lekuna -

    - 364 Words -

    - The very best -
    The ivory scaled creature licked its muzzle of any stray bits and pieces that might have fallen there, a large lump still travelling down its almost snake like throat. After giving the Wyvern one last scratch on beneath its chin, it disappeared fading into stray bits of golden mana that eventually dissipated into the air. Now that the creature had returned to wherever Gil had originally summoned it from he turned his full attention to Lekuna. "A necromancer could be the likely cause of this....Or rather is what started this whole thing." He began hand slicking his hair back out of habit as he thought. Though his actions and words often time seemed stupid when it came down to it Gil could be rather intelligent if he put his ego aside. "Unfortunately, the rabid mutts didn't say much about what had necessarily created them. There was the usual bit about eating us, as if they could, but..." He turned his back to the time mage gazing down the hall for a moment half-expecting another pair of mutts to come dashing down from the darkness. "It appears to be some sort of virus...The rest was a jumbled up mess but I think there's something down this hall." It was a miracle that he was able to get any information from the undead dogs.

    "I'd rather avoid any more of the creatures if possible." He mused aloud as he took a step forward, careful to avoid any bloodshed on the ground, or any carcasses they might come upon. "My Wyvern has had its filled of rotten meat for the day and I'm sure that hammer of yours isn't going to last forever." He explained sounding almost disappointed in her as he strolled down the corridor, muscles tense, ears constantly listening for another set of paws to come running towards them. Crimson orbs glanced over the runes upon the walls as he lead them deeper into the ruins, "You wouldn't happen to be able to read these?" He inquired, perhaps there might have been some sort of answer there. One that he could not decipher but would never allow his guild mate to know that.



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Lekuna 8th August 2015, 7:10 pm

    So Many Branches
    each different but all the same
    One day they will become one

    Lekuna was slightly taken aback, though no expression or action of hers would give that away. Simply her thoughts would tell of her surprise at King's actions. He actually managed to get useful, relevant information through communion with those rabid, half dead abominations. His wyvern was gone now, and he was right about one other thing, that her hammer was not going to last very much longer. Then, there it was. The brilliant flames that made her arm their anchor slowly went down, embers falling off. Her hammer was not back to where it was before, merely a blunt object for fending off enemies she wished not to kill.

    Even in this intense moment of uncertainty and battle, King still manged to find a way to show his gleaming personality to her. Admirable she thought, smiling as she saw him carefully ballet his way around the stains of blood and ash. King would never compromise, even when he was at risk of being infected or torn apart. I guess the thought that he may be ravaged hadn't even crossed his mind. He does have the ego of a king, after all she thought while following.

    "Let's see. The runes on the walls seem to be repeating themselves. I'm sure you get the implications" Not wanting to insult King's intelligence, she got straight to it. Studying up with all of those books in her new home seemed to definitely pay off, as she was able to decode the carvings within a few minutes. Unsurprisingly, it seemed to be some kind of message to whomever would read it aside from the author. "It's a warning not to open any doors within the temple. Something about how they angered their deities and this infection is their punishment. I still suspect some kind of necromancy. It's more probable than gods interfering with this tribe. If it is, the work of a necromancer that is, then they must be very old, and by connection, powerful."




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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 18th August 2015, 5:24 pm

    I'm the one that you wanted
    I'm your
    - @Lekuna -

    - 381 Words -

    - The very best -
    "Naturally, of course." He replied, believing the lie the moment he told it. He did not fumble over his words, his gaze remained head fast, and his heart remained with its consistent strong beating. Gil Vessalius was quite possibly the best liar. How could he not be the best? While, Gil believed he was the best at all things this unfortunately was not a case of his ego talking. Gil was a great liar simply because he believed in his lies therefore in his own twisted way, he was not telling a lie. Fully prepared to "translate" the writing upon the walls Gil leaned in closer to the time mage as she read over what seemed to be nothing more than scribbles to him.

    When it came to personal space, there was no such thing when it came to him. Well, there was seeing as Gil had his own very large personal space bubble. He had once turned his summons on a man because he was blocking Gil's view. However, other's personal space? Well, he disregarded others and their comfort zones completely. They ought to have felt graced by his presence, and should have treasured the very air in which they might gain a chance to share with him. Still, Gil was particularly and no doubt uncomfortably close to the time mage. Enough so that he had leaned into her, chin resting atop her head of inky black locks. He had grown bored of looking at the scribbles though it had only been a minute or two, and he was bored of being in the dreary temple with the rotten smell. Much like any King, Gil was not pleasant when bored but he had found a way to entertain himself. What better form of entertainment was there to tease the time mage?

    "Gods? A necromancer?" He sneered head still resting atop her own, "Hardly things to worry about." He finally took a step away from the mage still looking for some sort of reaction from her. Hopefully, she hadn't caught on to his little game yet. If Lekuna was lucky he might grow bored of it or this would be a one time thing. Unless, of course Lekuna proved to be amusing then Gil would most certainly tease her more often.



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by Simba 15th November 2015, 12:34 am

    Above the timeworn remains of underground mysteries and treasures; lingered a figure within the height of sky. Golden-clad arms curled idly against the chest, tattered paper harborded loosely between lanky fingers. Crimson red wandered over the orderly printed words, brow arched downward in a flag of irritation. With a toss, the freedom of paper swayed down; left and right, in an orderly cycle till it hit the skin of the earth. Dropping the distance between ground, bare feet landed against the jaded ruin floor, chalky by the dust of sand. Lengthed raven strands hung low against a bare back, nearly grazing the heels of his feet as he ambled casually into the dimly lit labyrinth of riches. "Hello! Is anyone here!?" with his boisterous voice calling out, the only response he recieved was an echo; fading gradually into the depths of the long narrow halls, reeking with the stench of death. His nose scrunched up in a evident expression of disgust, standing there in the desolated opening; pondering the misplaced company that were to originally wait. A sigh brushed past his lips, outer rim of the eye; swept faintly by maroon sealed briefly. "Tch, how annoying. Guess I better go look for them." fore-arms spanned to the back of his skull, pursuing into the beginning of what would surely become a maze.

    Lateness was inevitable with the Magi. Awakening from slumber much later than usual, curiousity of a seemingly five year old spirit, had discovered the job sheet crumpled upon the desolated entrance of their castle-like guild. Not informed by the fact a certain blonde idiot had claimed this job for himself, Nai paced casually into the expanse like he owned the place. Ancient markings carved roughly into the stone walls, not crucial enough to grasp his heed. It seemed all this one cared for was the amusement in ones reactions, and battle. Despite his dreadful disadvantage in physical strength, he was the master when it came to tossing about death. "Hm?" after a few minutes of simply walking, he felt the presence of somebody a few feet ahead of him. Blood tinted orbs peered up at the figure, gathering the image of this stranger gradually into his mind till he was left at an absolute blank. "Huh? I think I'm hallucinating.. or perhaps, dreaming? There's no way thats him." speaking aloud, he approached the blonde, convincing himself it to be one of the Rune Knights. But, as he stood nearly a few centimetres away, it was very clear to him that this was indeed no Knight of the council. "What the hell are you doing here!?" with a roar of contempt that seemed to shake the ruins, Nai took a step back, one isolated bead of sweat forming along the temple of his head.
    Burning Brighter Than a fire in the sky, oh how i wish my life would shine.



    Main Theme / Approaching:
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    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Empty Re: Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna]

    Post by King Gil 10th February 2016, 12:04 pm

    I'm the one that you wanted
    I'm your
    - @Lekuna -

    - N/A Words -

    - The very best -

    With his pointed chin rating upon the crown of dark hair, Gil had no doubt that the young woman was uncomfortable or would have been if she was focused upon him. Instead she seemed more interested in pointless scribbles upon an ancient wall. This would have or rather it did irritate him but the male didn't get a chance to voice his irritation to her. No instead he watched as her pale hands reached out and brushed along the wall, tracing the tunes that were carved there centuries before. At first there was no visible change in either the girl or her subject of interest, but then her fingers came into contact with an odd groove, some curious rune with an almost ominous feel, and suddenly, the woman was gone. There was no flash of light or thunder striking off in the distance, there was only an eerie sort of silence as Gil stood there stunned. He knew the ruins had magic in them, any capable Mage could feel it upon entering but he never suspected that it had such functioning magic in the walls still. He hadn't the faintest idea as to what sort of spell might have ensnared the time Mage but he wasn't going to find out for himself. His own sense of self-preservation was too strong. He briefly thought that time Mage could have been teleported elsewhere in the ruins so he turned from side to side half expecting her to be just down the hall. Only it appeared to be just him, and that was unnerving to say the least.

    The eerie silence was broken by an ominous call. Both the voice and words having been distorted from traveling down the expanse of the tunnels so that the familiarity of it was gone, and it's simple question was jumbled up into a deathly moan. "The hell?" He looked towards where the sound had come from, and then back the other way before he came to a sudden realization, which way did he enter the ruins by? Fear and panic waere hardly kingly emotions and thus Gil swallowed them down. He didn't dare move in either direction just yet, less he risk wandering deeper into the ruins or running into more undead abominations. Just as he was considering touching the same time as Lekuna, might as well try and to find the pesky time Mage who seemed to be a favorite of Lyserg, a sudden voice caught his attention. If he thought he was having a bad dream before then it had finally turned into a nightmare as Gil turned to greet an all too familiar face. Blood red eyes that promised death met feline like ruby gems, "The same could be asked of you." He growled, irritated that of all the people who showed up within the ruins it was his least favorite. Still, it was better than being alone; not that he would ever admit that aloud or to himself.


    Crimson irises cast themselves down the hall towards the source of the ominous noise. It echoed down the halls, far past where both Gil and Nai stood. Gil's jaw clenched as he tried to peer down the hall, looking for some sort of sign in the shadows. There was nothing for a moment or two, just pitch black. Then within the darkness itself, there was a movement, and more importantly a feeling that sent a cold chill down his spine. Cold sweat rolled down the side of his head. Most would describe Gil as an irrational man, pride often times blinding him. Death was bound to come quickly to Gil, if his mouth didn't drag death to him, then his arrogant actions would. However, sometimes even Gil Vessalius was capable of seeing danger, and realizing that he was no match for it. At least not right now. That danger would be twisted in his head, how could he consciously acknowledge that something had surpassed him? He couldn't, it would destroy his image, instead the situation would need to be twisted to allow for him to continue to function as his usual self.

    "These things are a waste of my time."

    Not their time, but his time. They had more or less figured out what was going on within the ruins, or rather they had figured out what had happened to the previous residents. They weren't hired to take care of the problem, just figure out what the problem itself was. "It's time we leave." He cast one last glance back down the hall, as if looking for someone. Lekuna was nowhere in sight, and he could not sense the quiet woman. Whatever had happened to her, Gil did not know, nor did he care enough to stay and find out. Lyserg was likely to be very displeased at this turn of events, Gil was no idiot, it was clear that the two time wizards held a bond of sorts. The blonde was by no means the guild masters favorite, but Lekuna was a far more likeable character to Lyserg. He was going to receive one hell of a backlash for losing track of the guild masters favorite, something that displeased Gil to no end. Losing Nai as well would only create more trouble for Gil, and that was not a hassle he wanted to deal with. With a deep sigh, Gil turned his attention to Nai, he really disliked the male but... He was in no mood to deal with Lyserg's wrath. Not wasting a moment, Gil none too gently slung Nai over his shoulder much like how one would a sack of potatoes, they were both probably about the same weight consider Nai's size. Regardless of if Nai would protest, or flail, Gil was quickly making his way out of the ruins,

    "Let's get back then. We wouldn't guild master dearest to be worried about us."



    Outbreak! [Job/Lekuna] Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:34 pm