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    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13


    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 3rd April 2015, 6:48 pm

    Job Title: Wanted: Jacob Goodnight
    Rank: D
    Player Requirements: One mage, any rank, at least ten posts long, 100 words each.
    Job Requirements: Capture or kill the wanted killer, Jacob Goodnight.
    Job Location: Hargeon Town, lower docks
    Job Description: There has recently been a string of murders in the lower docks of Hargeon Town. The town guard launched a sting operation and lost one of their own, proving that the killer was one Jacob Goodnight, a local miner who was always a bit off. The guard has issued a bounty for Jacob, asking he be brought in, or down, before he can kill again.

    Boss: Jacon Goodnight.

    Standing at six and a half feet tall and over three hundred and fifty pounds, Jacob goodnight is a former miner from Hargeon. His father was a butcher, and Jacob has taken up the tools of his fathers trade for his killing, a large meat cleaver, a carving knife, and a nasty meat hook on a chain to be precise. He has no magic but is incredibly strong, frighteningly brutal, and worst of all, smarter than many give him credit for.

    Reward: 2000 jewels for alive, 1000 for dead, as well as the gratitude of the town guard.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:00 am

    It had been early in the morning when he found the job and met up with the guard. It appeared that a miner in the town had had enough. According to the job description it was a man named Jacob Goodnight, a giant beast of a man who had never been quite right in the head. The ex-miner had been murdering several people for seemingly no reason other than the appeal death offered. It wasn't going to be easy to bring the man down with out violence and that was surely what Jacob wanted. In physical combat the murderer had an advantage, after all Ray wasnt particularly big and was still young. On thenothernhand Ray had something the larger man didn't, or at least he hoped he didn't. Magic and its use would be what filled the gap between the two men, surely that was more than enough to bring down some crazed miner.


    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:15 am

    Ray gathered up a few documents from the guard before heading to the library to see what he could dig up on his target, he liked to be prepared after all. A few hours later he was seated at a table with several books on family origins and such. The books were seperatedinto two piles, the taller one on his rightside were the ones he had already read through, while the smaller stack on his left were the unopened books. He closed the book before him with a sigh and place it on the top of the right stack before cracking open a new one on the left. After awhile he sat up at the list of family members for a certain "Goodnight Family" the last entry on the tree was the birth of a Jacob Goodnight. A bring crossed his face as he quickly took in the information he could. He learned of abuses that went on in the house hold as well as the father of Jacob's past profession as a butcher. Comparing the information he found with the notes given by the guard it seemed that the man wasn't magically inclined but was rather a brute with his fathers butcher tools. It wasn't a lot to go on but it seemed like the most he would be able to learn here.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:20 am

    It was getting dark out now and Ray had already narrowed down his search vicinity quite well as he stood outside of the inn biting into a piece of fruit. If he was right then Jacob would be making an appearance here. The air begin to get a bit coll so Ray wandered inside the small building and perched himself in a corner where he waited.

    He dreamt of his collection that was hidden away, yearning to expand it further. Suddenly a mouth appeared on one of the books and it let out the scream of a terrified woman, jolting him out of his slumber as he turned his head quickly. The woman screamed again and Ray jumped to his feet, how could he have fallen asleep?! He quickly found the door that the shrieks had come from and kicked it open rushing in. Hopefully it wasn't too late to save the woman.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:26 am

    There was a moment of silence as he quickly scanned the room his body tensed as he saw something coming at him out of the corner of his eye. He ducked as the object swung just over head, then lunged and tackled the culprit. There was a moan that didn't sound like a behemoth man with amurderous streak, and Ray looked down.

    Underneath his body was the body of a well endowed young woman wrapped in a towel that was surprisingly still wrapped around her body. Her eyes were closed and her hair and skin were still wet from bathing. Rays eyes widened as he leapt off the woman and began apologizing. He helped her up quickly "I-Im so sorry! I-". The woman soon began to cry, only making Ray feel more awkward. " I'm too pretty to be taken like this!" She wailed as she sobbed, the heaving of her chest causing the towel to fall from her body.

    Rays eyes widened and his face turned red, the woman met his eyes with a notified expression before letting out another shriek.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:35 am

    About half an hour later the woman was seated on her bed, her face still red and the towel wrapped tightly around her was clutched in her hands to keep it from falling again. They had talked things out and though she was still weary of his presence her suspicion of his dastardly deeds was greatly lowered. "I heard you scream and I thought you were being attacked." He had explained, it had taken quite some time to get her to believe him until she acknowledged the fact she had screamed before he was ever in the room. "Oh the mouse!" She exclaimed as she pointed over to a corner.

    It didn't take long for her to guilt him into removing the vermin from her presence. Talks of how he had barged in her room, kicked down her door, "touched her innapropriately" and seen her undressed against her will. After she delivered her list of things he had done wrong she claimed he could be forgiven if the rodent was dealt with. This was child's work but he felt bad about what had happened and decided to comply.

    It didn't take long before the young man had captured the rodent by the tail and held it dangling curiously looking around. Another scream from the woman and he decided to discard the creature. He opened the window and tossed it out into the air, not too concerned with its well being. He shut the window and turned around in time to be caught up in a tight embrace, the woman's arms pulling his head down and smothering him in her cleavage.

    "Oh thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't arrived! I'm so grateful for a young hero like you." She went on and on, her chest robbing him of more and more oxygen each second. He quickly tore away from her and hurried out of the room his face red, partially from embarrassment and partially from the need of air.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:42 am

    As he stepped out of the inn he took in a deep breath. His nose was filled with various scents. He could still smell the woman's soap, as well as the warmer area where his face had been crammed. He could smell salty ocean air and food from a few shops and restaurants. The smell of sailors covered in salt and sweat, as well as the dinners being prepared by the fishermens wives.

    Finally he smelled something less pleasant, it smelled of pennies, sharp and metallic. The smell was powerful, powerful enough to warrant investigation. Ray searched around for awhile before he located what the source was. Stuffed into a large barrel were the dismembered portions of a man. Ray gagged and stepped back as he looked around the area. He squinted into the night near the lower docks and spotted a large shadow skulking away.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:49 am

    It seemed obvious who the shadow was so he quickly pursued the culprit. The figure stepped under a light and there before Ray stood a large man with no hair and an ugly mug. On his face was spattered blood and thin pieces of man. Gripped in one hand the large man held a meat cleaver, wrapped around the other was a chain with a meat hook attached to the end of it.

    Ray inhaled deeply before stepping out in front of the man, no reason he shouldn't at least try to talk first. "Hey there, Jacob." He called and the large man spun around. He grinned sadistically before grumbling, "Well hello, little pig." The mans voice made Rays skin crawl and his muscles tense. "I prefer to go by Ray-" he was cut off as he quickly jumped to the side to avoid the meat hook and chain combination. The hook sank into the wooden dock and tore back out, flying to its master. It didn't look like he wanted to talk.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 7:56 am

    Ray shrugged his shoulders, he had already figured out how to beat the man. He did more than read about the mans father in his time preparing and had already devised a plan. He ran up to the man and punched him square in the jaw, yet it didn't seem to affect him. Ray was quickly snatched up in Jacobs hands where the man held him eagerly. Jacob smiled triumphantly all these puny people made such pathetic attempts to fight him back.

    Suddenly Rays foot dug in deep between Jacobs legs, striking hisnsweet spot. Getting captured wasn't really an accident. Jacob cringed and dropped Ray as he gripped his groin and gasped in pain. "Why you...." He groaned as he looked up.

    However just as he looked up the word "Boundary" faded away in its glowing text before walls of magic energy rose up all around him forming a box that trapped the man. Ray smirked and Jacob grew angrier "What is this?" He demanded as he pressed a hand against the invisible barrier. A moment later Jacob punched it hard, to no avail. Ray couldn't help but laugh at his good work, only further angering the man. All that was left was to bring the guards to collect their prize.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 8:02 am

    "Well I'll be back with the guards so they can take you away." Ray chimed as he turned to walk away. This had gone better than he hoped, of course there was the matter of the man who had already been killed before Ray could arrive to save him. Still things could have gone far worse and the murderer was now captured, that's all that mattered.

    "I'll crush all the guards, then I'll crush you!" Jacob roared as he punched the wall again and again, not gaining anything from it. "In that case, you gave me an idea. Thanks for helping out." He said entertained as he wrote "Tired" with one hand and "Anger" with the other. The words pulsed on the man and his rage grew even more.

    "I'll rip out your guts and chop you up! Then I'll feed you to your mother before I chop her up and feed her to your father! Then I'll chop him up too!" The mans rage was growing by the second. He now viciously attacked the barrier, too angry to aknowledge that it was doing iphim no good/ in fact it was hindering him, the other spell would drain his energy at a much greater rate, meaning that he was simply exhausting himself more and more as he angrily attacked the wall.

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
    Position : None
    Posts : 63
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13 Empty Re: Wanted Jacob Goodnight - kingray13

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 8:08 am

    Ray laughed as he walked away, partially because the man was so enraged that he was spitting out pointless threats, and partially because he was about to be paid quite well for retrieving the target alive. It didn't take long for Ray to lead the guards to the dock where he had trapped the man. The n guards came armed in force, not sure they could believe a teenager had defeated the man.

    When they arrived the barrier was still in place but the large murderous man was laying on the ground panting. It was clear that he had pounded on the wall vigorously until every bit of energy was sapped from his body, just as Ray had hoped. He held a hand out to the leader of the guards and smiled. "There I captured him alive. I belivpeve that was the terms of getting a bonus." He said confidently.

    The guard smirked and placed a pouch full of jewels into Rays hand and nodded. "We thank you for your service. We will contact you again if we are in need of your help.". Ray took the pouch and quickly headed away from them all, like hell he was doing this again. Between the woman embarrassing him and calling him a pervert and having to hold up a performance before that giant of a man, he had enough law enforcement work for awhile.

      Current date/time is 11th September 2024, 9:09 am