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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
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    Age : 27
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    Experience : 600

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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by Chaostothemax 18th September 2014, 9:55 am

    Job Information:
    Alexei stood on a small cliff overlooking the ruined city, his softly glowing Soul Gaze searching for signs of other people in the rubble below. The midday sun beat upon his back, but he wasn't focused on that right now; his deactivated Brightshade Cloak kept most of the sun off, and since becoming the Light God Slayer, he found that sunlight was no longer nearly as harsh to him as it had been before. For now, the priority was scouting; any knowledge he could gather about the ruins, their inhabitants both human and animal, and the surrounding environment would make this job easier.

    A soft whooshing sound behind him alerted Alexei to Blane's return. He had sent the light elemental out on a scouting mission, to find anything that might be out of reach of his Soul Gaze. "What did you find?" Alexei asked his companion, not bothering with any formalities. "Not much," Blane admitted, shrugging. "Found a campground that looks like it could be our target's, but they've barely got a skeleton crew there. The main force must be on an underground expedition."
    "Figures," Alexei muttered, moving away from the cliff and lying down to bask in the sun. "I suppose we'll wait for the others to get here."
    "That reminds me," Blane responded, "Who are these 'others'? You usually prefer working alone, I know, so why did you go out of your way to recruit not one, but two other people for the mission?"
    "I may prefer working alone, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid," Alexei retorted. "I know when I'm outgunned. Harper Goldenshine is an infamous wizard. It'll take more than just us to take him down. So I recruited some extra help." He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, eating the sunlight so that he would be fully charged for this mission. "My only concern is that they might not be able to pull their weight," Alexei continued between gulps of light. "If that happens, we might have problems." Blane didn't respond, instead choosing to take a seat beside Alexei. And there the two waited for their partners to arrive.


    XP Stuff:

    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

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    Age : 28
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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty Re: The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by Yvonne 18th September 2014, 10:23 am

    Raven was unusually happy that day. The reasons were obvious to the red eyed girl and black coated Kuroe though. Ravens was finally going on a mission after a long while of not doing anything except sing and perform in many cities. So, when the request actually reached her, she was elated and even went ahead without thinking it through. On the way, she took her time in reading the request in detail as a frown marred her beautiful face. She wasn’t oblivious to the name Harper Goldenshine. In fact, in her line of work outside the singing bit, she had many times about him and every time she does hear the name, a warning follows.

    “Well…we know why the guy called for help…” she mumbled, still looking through the piece of paper as she flew towards her destination with Kuroe right beside her in his normal raven form. “This is no joke, Raven,” Kuroe scolded, now flying in front of her. “That guy is stronger than you…you will have to be careful” he said. “I know, Kuroe…I’m not so weak,” she said with a small smile. “Aside from all that, you know someone’s gonna be very mad when we get back…” she trailed off thinking about her manager whom she didn’t even mention her disappearance to. She was gonna get an earful from him later for sure.

    Sighing, she nodded as a sign of saying she understood as her eyes zeroed in on a red haired guy standing above a cliff looking down at the ruins. Though his companion drew her attention first, Raven slowly flew done after Kuroe, landing a few feet away from the boy she was supposed to meet. Looking around, she guessed that she was the second to arrive which left one more person to get there before they began the mission.

    “Uh hey…Raven here”.


    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur QoRmBvD

    VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 79
    Cosmic Coins : 90
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Empty vacuums of space
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty Re: The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by Hodor 18th September 2014, 10:45 am

    A Small bush could be seen moving behind Raven and from the bush you would hear a feint voice saying with a quite scary and psychotic tone : "Hehe, I'm such a genious, i think i'm gona be lucky this time hehe, i've been recruited for this job hehe... And now a young lady has come here to help us Mweheh, i think i'll dissect her after this job is over." Then another voice could be heard just the opposite; a deep and extremely intimidating voice could be heard saying "Hey comeon now, don't go dissecting your temporary allies." After talking to each other Suddenly a man Appeared from the bush, dressed in a White scientist coat with a sword on his back, the sword that seemed to have been the deeper voiced one as it was extremely dark and heavy looking and they they might actually see that the sword was moving by it self on his back. The man Introduced himself and Thordur and he said he had been recruited for this job by some weird fellow. Thordur then went on and asked with giggling insanity look in his eyes "So you peeps ready to murder some Orphans, Anyway what's the status and i heard we were going after some treasure thiefs so is that correct?" After saying that he would stick his tongue while laughing like an insane psycho. Thordur also mentioned that he had brought a Scalpel and if possible he would like to dissect  some of those deadbeats they would kill or maybe if someone got a buckshell something tiny inside them like half broken/shattered pellets, If he would be denied this he would simply face it and put the Scalpel into his pocket and act as if nothing happened And ask them to simply forget what he said, after that he would suggest they started moving if they're finished.

    [word count 315


    I hear...
    My victim's screams as they feed my insanity.
    I see...
    The victim as they lie on the table, staining their clothes and hair in a cardinal pool of blood.
    I taste...
    The rush of insanity as it holds me in its relentless grasp and pushes me to cut my victim's flesh till they cease their screaming.
    I smell...
    The smoldering of the blood that slowly bakes and dries in the intense lights overhead.
    I feel...
    Like this one victim will be enough, and I must continue to kill to feed this blood lust welling up inside of me.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 223
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 600

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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty Re: The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by Chaostothemax 18th September 2014, 8:48 pm

    Alexei sat up lazily at Raven's arrival, staring at her blankly. Blane gave the white-haired girl a smile, but didn't speak. "So you're Raven," Alexei said simply, looking her up and down and gauging her with his softly glowing Soul Gaze. Her scale was about average; a bit more tilted towards good, perhaps, but not to the point of zealotry. "I'm Alexei," he continued, "and my...companion sitting here grinning like a fool is Blane." Blane raised his hand and waved slightly as he was introduced, but remained silent still. Alexei didn't bother with formalities beyond introductions; while knowing names would be useful for formulating strategies, there was no real need for any of them to know about each other beyond that.

    His thoughts were interrupted by two voices, one higher-pitched and one lower, followed by his second partner's reveal. "So, you must be Thordur. I'll assume you heard us introduce ourselves, since I don't know how long you were hiding there." He stood up fully, gazing at Thordur as he did so. The rumors he had heard about him were right; his scale was tilted drastically towards darkness, and was twisted in the normal way that insanity twisted a scale. He and Raven were almost complete opposites, which was fine; Alexei had no doubt that he would be able to mediate between them long enough for the mission to end. "I'll cut right to the chase," he began, trying to catch both members' attention. "Our mission is to defeat the rival group of treasure hunters led by Harper Goldenshine, and find the treasure ourselves. As long as one of you doesn't wander off in the middle of a fight to do god-knows-what, you can do whatever you please. Thordur, feel free to dissect them as long as it doesn't distract from the mission, and at the very least, don't try to dissect one of us before the mission ends." He turned to Raven, his face still mostly blank. "Same goes for you. Thordur might be frightening, but I have reason to believe he's reliable, at least until the mission ends. After that...well, watch yourself." Alexei stretched a bit, breaking into a small grin. "That will be all. Any questions, or do we want to head out?"


    XP Stuff:

    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Infinity Crown
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    Age : 28
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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty Re: The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by Yvonne 18th September 2014, 11:54 pm

    Raven smiled back at Blaine and returned the wave when they were introduced, nodding at Alexei with a small smile as well. Kuroe simply stared at the pair before coming up to rest on Raven’s shoulder with a “whatever” look on his face. “This is Kuroe by the way,” she was in the middle of introducing her partner when a strange noise pulled her attention behind her. “This is our third member?” she felt the words escape her even before she could stop herself.

    She could say the guy was somewhere between 9.5 and 10 for insanity on a scale of ten. Fortunately, Raven had dealt with many of his type before. Heck…many of her species were this type when the balance her father kept crumbled down to the ground that day. Sighing, she shook her head intentionally ignoring the small nudges that Kuroe made. She could tell he was already glaring at Thordur. Apparently, he was going to keep an eye on him for her.

    “Looks like a mad scientist and I don’t care what you want to do. That is as long as you leave me alone till we get this over with. After that? Well, give it your best shot I guess,” she shrugged, pushing her hands inside her jeans pocket before turning towards Alexei again. The white loose shirt she wore rather carelessly ruffled in the cold wind as she walked towards the edge of the cliff to look down at the old ruins. “So that’s where we have to go, right? We should head out already...” she said, spreading her wings, levitating in the air so that the other two would get moving already. “I know Alexei said this before but if we want to get out of this place alive, it really would be wise if we stick together,” she eyed Thordur as she finished her sentence. If anyone was going to go off the path of their plan, she knew it would be him. Okay so she might have been bluffing about the getting out of there alive part. But, this mission was not going to be a walk in the park for them either.


    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur QoRmBvD

    VIP- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 79
    Cosmic Coins : 90
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Mentor : Empty vacuums of space
    Experience : 350

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    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty Re: The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by Hodor 19th September 2014, 8:09 am

    Thordur said with a scrubingly evil look in his eyes and a insane person tone: "Who are you called a mad scientist missy?!.... I'll be damned if i ever get called a mad scientist so don't you dare call me that, You see.... i'm actually a sadomasochist; now sweety, enough of this jib jab jubbiersh jarsh and lets get on with the job." Thordur soon turned his head 180° and seemed to be talking to to someone, but upon further notice it seemed that the sword was talking and said with an extremely deep voice which seemed identical to the voice earlier: "Come insanity healer... lets go kill some weird mushrooms and maybe we'll eat some, or maybe i'll even eat some even though i can't eat mwahahaha." they both bursted into laughted when the sword said he couldn't eat mushrooms or food or something, the laughing point would have seemed a bit confusing for everyone else that was watching them since they were actually talking to a sword that was talking about eating and laughing, most sword shouldn't even be able to talk let alone have feelings. You would probably think that you're gona go insane on this journey and join Thordur in insanity 911. Thordur however was bursting of laughter and almost tripped on the floor barely loosing his balance for a moment before he fell on the hedgehog lurking beneath him waiting for him to trip. He noticed they were probably already leaving him behind so he hurried to them only to find the Raven floating in the air and god knows how she's able to do that while Thordur was somewhat saying with a beat"HEAD OUT DUNDUN DUN....HEAD OUT DUNDUN DUN....HEAD OUT DUNDUN DUN...." While waiting for Alexei to tell them that they were finally heading out after everything happed which includes Thordur almost falling on a hedgehog.


    I hear...
    My victim's screams as they feed my insanity.
    I see...
    The victim as they lie on the table, staining their clothes and hair in a cardinal pool of blood.
    I taste...
    The rush of insanity as it holds me in its relentless grasp and pushes me to cut my victim's flesh till they cease their screaming.
    I smell...
    The smoldering of the blood that slowly bakes and dries in the intense lights overhead.
    I feel...
    Like this one victim will be enough, and I must continue to kill to feed this blood lust welling up inside of me.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 223
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 600

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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty Re: The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by Chaostothemax 29th September 2014, 2:13 pm

    Alexei listened somewhat patiently to his two new companions, arching an eyebrow slightly when Raven took to the air. "I didn't think your name was literal," he said idly, stretching his arms and legs in preparation as he spoke. "Anyway, Blane said that he had found what looked to be one of their encampments during some preliminary scouting. He said that there was only a skeleton crew there, but they might have returned in the time that we were waiting; be prepared for a difficult fight, just in case." The Light God Slayer then turned to Blane, his face still serious. "Lead the way."

    A mysterious smile grew on Blane's face as he turned in the direction of the encampment he found. "Very well," he said lightly. "Onwards to adventure!" He began walking quickly in the direction of the encampment, Alexei following closely behind. Blane checked behind him once to make sure that the others were following him before speeding up to a sprinting pace. Alexei's Brightshade cloak turned a bright shade of white as he sped up and kept up easily with the light elemental.

    As they ran, Alexei's mind turned to the most natural thing: Pondering his new companions. Truth be told, he didn't quite trust either of them as of yet. Thordur seemed very likely to stray off the path of the mission; Alexei would have to keep an eye on him. At least he was readable, though, unlike Raven. Alexei couldn't tell what she was thinking, which was unnerving; he was usually very good at reading people, so anybody as hard to understand as her was a source of suspicion. At the same time, however, he had to place his trust in both of them for the time being; without trust, this mission had a very high chance of falling apart.

    Alexei brought his thoughts to a close as the encampment came into view. Blane went for a patch of greenery next to the encampment, likely hoping to get the drop on whoever was there. Alexei smiled; at least there was one person he could trust, as obnoxious as he could be sometimes. He followed Blane into the shrubs, motioning for his companions to do the same; as he settled into the greenery, he kept an eye out for anybody in the encampment.

    Last edited by Chaostothemax on 29th September 2014, 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur Empty Re: The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur

    Post by NPC 29th September 2014, 2:13 pm

    The member 'Chaostothemax' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    The Hunter (Alexei, Raven, and Thordur WeakMonster

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