Fairy Tail RP

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    Kaz Heartsoul


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kaz Heartsoul Empty Kaz Heartsoul

    Post by Kazix 19th January 2014, 9:29 am

    Name: Kaziri “Kaz” Heartsoul
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Birthday: August 11th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:

    Has a tail (Black fur)

    • Scars:

    • Right eyebrow (starts one inch below eye and scar mark ends just above eyebrow)
    • Chest (Claw marks from left shoulder to lower part of ribcage on right side)
    • Hand (Ring shaped, left hand, ring finger, small lettering Elocin, barely visible)

    Outside of battle, Kaz is thoughtful and generally takes as much time as he needs to make a decision. Patient and cunning, he plans his words and his movements to considerable effectiveness, and he does not stray from a plan once he has established one. Some people think of him as being incredibly stubborn, but he will listen to those he deems as friends with great respect. He considers himself very strongly willed.

    Loyalty and honor are two of the most important aspects to Kaz, and he follows a strict code of ethics, refusing to assault any enemy who is incapacitated or unfairly weakened. Due to his extreme sense of honor and loyalty, he also never backs out of a fight. He shows compassion for almost all of his enemies, and is willing to forgive people who are willing to admit their mistakes. When disrespected or faced with obvious hostility, he rarely ever returns the negativity, and often forgoes grudge-holding.

    He is always very kind, loving and protective of the people he considers friends. He also considers his friends and everyone in his Guild to be family. He is quite perceptive and understanding of his friend's feelings. He is also very generous, to a fault, often giving away the full amount of jewels received from a successful job to the less fortunate.

    He can often be found in strange and different positions around his apartment and the guild hall. These include being found hanging upside down from the rafters, or balancing on his head. These positions offer new perspectives and give better insight into his problems, and allow him to approach challenges with different mindsets. He spends a good portion of his time alone deep in thought, but has a group of close friends that mean the world to him. He shows little to no interest towards either sex, often this is due to his habit of disappearing into his own world. He has an affinity for hard cider, and is known to drink multiple kegs worth during brainstorming sessions.

    Due to the disappearance of his adopted father Emet, Kaz has trust issues, often putting up figurative walls. But those who do earn his trust are those he would willingly give his life for. If his friends are in danger, or have been hurt, his thoughtful approach is thrown to the winds, and an entirely different personality emerges. The same is true of innocents, should an enemy strike out at those without the power to defend themselves. This personality is one of quick actions, and rash decisions. His caution goes away, and is replaced by sheer brutal force of action.

    Understanding the nature of a soul allows Kaz to read people, and creatures auras. This allows him personal knowledge of an individual’s motivations, and a view of their needs and wants. Reading a person however is a very personal act, and aside from accidental viewings, he makes a point to never read an ally without permission. He must also be very careful as to the depth of a soul reading; for fear that something in the darkness may look back.

    In battle, Kaz keeps a thoughtful approach, reserving his strength and attacking with incredible focus. He picks his targets tactically before actually engaging, finding the most effective points to strike at. Energy is not wasted in his attacks, and his attacks causing innocent collateral damage is entirely unacceptable. Kaz is very proficient at hand to hand combat, targeting pressure points to effectively drop his enemies. He also prefers battles to be fought quickly, understanding the longer that a battle rages on, the harder the outcome is to predict.
    His tactical knowledge makes him an effective leader, giving orders quickly and to the best candidates. When it comes to taking orders, he has trouble; his natural tendency is to immediately question the tactics of someone else. When not in a leadership position he often follows his own plans anyways. However, in the case of a friend leading, or someone he respects, he throws his plans to the winds and follows requests to the letter


    • Armor – Armor reminds Kaz of Emet, his father, the way it moves brings back fond memories of his father. He keeps multiple suits of armor around his home, and rather enjoys traveling with armor requip companions.

    • Storms – “The Soul stirs heavy on a night full of clouds”. Kaz finds peaceful solace in storms; the chaotic environment mirrors the wars of the soul.

    • Cooking – Emet always enjoyed the spices the local market had in stock, and it always brought a smile to his face when Kaz would could for him.


    • Stars – Emet always spoke of the stars, “Most of them are memories” he said, “they have long since passed from this coil.” He always thought that always seemed so sad.

    • Bullies – Those who prey on the weak disgust Kaz. Power is privilege, and he believes that those with power should help those without.

    • Heights – While not particularly afraid of heights, Kaz has an incredibly dislike for them. An incredibly unsettling feeling comes from being up high.


    • Reuniting with his Father - His father Emet disappeared thirteen years ago, and he hasn’t seen him since. But every so often he hears rumors of a large lumbering man of stone who wanders through villages helping people and taking on jobs no other wizards could handle.

    • Honor – An incredibly strong sense of honor means that Kaz will not back down from a job he has accepted. His honor also means that he is thoroughly against cheating, or taking the easy way out of something.

    • Loyalty – Friends are not something Kaz easily accepts, but those he does welcome into his inner circle are friends to the end.


    • Death – Raised by an ageless golem, he has long feared his own mortality. The idea that his father will most likely have to bury him stirs terror in his heart.

    • Misuse of Magic – Emet taught Kaz the power of magic, and the consequences of its misuse. Having seen first-hand the consequences, he is terrified of the perversion of magic.

    • Betrayal – An incredible small amount of people are trusted by him. And for someone he lets in to betray him, would destroy him.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 205 lbs
    Hair: Black, Very long
    Eyes: Purple
    Skin Tone: Medium Tone (Tan)

    Physical: Kaz is a tall, well muscled man with slender features, he however has quite wide shoulders. He is considered to be handsome by most, though not all. He often wears loose fitting clothes that hide his features as to not distract his friends. He has longer black hair, which he sometimes ties up or braids to keep out of his face. He also has a tail, roughly equal in length to his height, which in combat wraps around his waist like a belt.


    Leather Bomber Jacket – Very Dark Blue/Black
    Tank Top – Black
    Jeans - Black with Blue Pin Stripes
    Combat Boots - Electric Blue
    Gauntlet (Left Hand) - Blue
    Gauntlet (Right Hand) – Black
    Aviator Glasses


    Guild: Guildless
    Rank: D


    Kaz Heartsoul 20ix73o
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Kaz Heartsoul Empty Re: Kaz Heartsoul

    Post by Godlike Frederik 19th January 2014, 10:31 am




    The Windrider

    The Windrider

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- God Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Best GFX Artist Award- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 978
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Self-Taught
    Experience : 337500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Storm Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Healing Magic
    Third Skill:

    Kaz Heartsoul Empty Re: Kaz Heartsoul

    Post by Alye 19th January 2014, 10:32 am

    Kazix wrote:Name: Kaziri “Kaz” Heartsoul
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Birthday: August 11th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:

    Has a tail (Black fur)

    • Scars:

    • Right eyebrow (starts one inch below eye and scar mark ends just above eyebrow)
    • Chest (Claw marks from left shoulder to lower part of ribcage on right side)
    • Hand (Ring shaped, left hand, ring finger, small lettering Elocin, barely visible)

    Outside of battle, Kaz is thoughtful and generally takes as much time as he needs to make a decision. Patient and cunning, he plans his words and his movements to considerable effectiveness, and he does not stray from a plan once he has established one. Some people think of him as being incredibly stubborn, but he will listen to those he deems as friends with great respect. He considers himself very strongly willed.

    Loyalty and honor are two of the most important aspects to Kaz, and he follows a strict code of ethics, refusing to assault any enemy who is incapacitated or unfairly weakened. Due to his extreme sense of honor and loyalty, he also never backs out of a fight. He shows compassion for almost all of his enemies, and is willing to forgive people who are willing to admit their mistakes. When disrespected or faced with obvious hostility, he rarely ever returns the negativity, and often forgoes grudge-holding.

    He is always very kind, loving and protective of the people he considers friends. He also considers his friends and everyone in his Guild to be family. He is quite perceptive and understanding of his friend's feelings. He is also very generous, to a fault, often giving away the full amount of jewels received from a successful job to the less fortunate.

    He can often be found in strange and different positions around his apartment and the guild hall. These include being found hanging upside down from the rafters, or balancing on his head. These positions offer new perspectives and give better insight into his problems, and allow him to approach challenges with different mindsets. He spends a good portion of his time alone deep in thought, but has a group of close friends that mean the world to him. He shows little to no interest towards either sex, often this is due to his habit of disappearing into his own world. He has an affinity for hard cider, and is known to drink multiple kegs worth during brainstorming sessions.

    Due to the disappearance of his adopted father Emet, Kaz has trust issues, often putting up figurative walls. But those who do earn his trust are those he would willingly give his life for. If his friends are in danger, or have been hurt, his thoughtful approach is thrown to the winds, and an entirely different personality emerges. The same is true of innocents, should an enemy strike out at those without the power to defend themselves. This personality is one of quick actions, and rash decisions. His caution goes away, and is replaced by sheer brutal force of action.

    Understanding the nature of a soul allows Kaz to read people, and creatures auras. This allows him personal knowledge of an individual’s motivations, and a view of their needs and wants. Reading a person however is a very personal act, and aside from accidental viewings, he makes a point to never read an ally without permission. He must also be very careful as to the depth of a soul reading; for fear that something in the darkness may look back.

    In battle, Kaz keeps a thoughtful approach, reserving his strength and attacking with incredible focus. He picks his targets tactically before actually engaging, finding the most effective points to strike at. Energy is not wasted in his attacks, and his attacks causing innocent collateral damage is entirely unacceptable. Kaz is very proficient at hand to hand combat, targeting pressure points to effectively drop his enemies. He also prefers battles to be fought quickly, understanding the longer that a battle rages on, the harder the outcome is to predict.
    His tactical knowledge makes him an effective leader, giving orders quickly and to the best candidates. When it comes to taking orders, he has trouble; his natural tendency is to immediately question the tactics of someone else. When not in a leadership position he often follows his own plans anyways. However, in the case of a friend leading, or someone he respects, he throws his plans to the winds and follows requests to the letter


    • Armor – Armor reminds Kaz of Emet, his father, the way it moves brings back fond memories of his father. He keeps multiple suits of armor around his home, and rather enjoys traveling with armor requip companions.

    • Storms – “The Soul stirs heavy on a night full of clouds”. Kaz finds peaceful solace in storms; the chaotic environment mirrors the wars of the soul.

    • Cooking – Emet always enjoyed the spices the local market had in stock, and it always brought a smile to his face when Kaz would could for him.


    • Stars – Emet always spoke of the stars, “Most of them are memories” he said, “they have long since passed from this coil.” He always thought that always seemed so sad.

    • Bullies – Those who prey on the weak disgust Kaz. Power is privilege, and he believes that those with power should help those without.

    • Heights – While not particularly afraid of heights, Kaz has an incredibly dislike for them. An incredibly unsettling feeling comes from being up high.


    • Reuniting with his Father - His father Emet disappeared thirteen years ago, and he hasn’t seen him since. But every so often he hears rumors of a large lumbering man of stone who wanders through villages helping people and taking on jobs no other wizards could handle.

    • Honor – An incredibly strong sense of honor means that Kaz will not back down from a job he has accepted. His honor also means that he is thoroughly against cheating, or taking the easy way out of something.

    • Loyalty – Friends are not something Kaz easily accepts, but those he does welcome into his inner circle are friends to the end.


    • Death – Raised by an ageless golem, he has long feared his own mortality. The idea that his father will most likely have to bury him stirs terror in his heart.

    • Misuse of Magic – Emet taught Kaz the power of magic, and the consequences of its misuse. Having seen first-hand the consequences, he is terrified of the perversion of magic.

    • Betrayal – An incredible small amount of people are trusted by him. And for someone he lets in to betray him, would destroy him.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'
    Weight: 205 lbs
    Hair: Black, Very long
    Eyes: Purple
    Skin Tone: Medium Tone (Tan)

    Physical: Kaz is a tall, well muscled man with slender features, he however has quite wide shoulders. He is considered to be handsome by most, though not all. He often wears loose fitting clothes that hide his features as to not distract his friends. He has longer black hair, which he sometimes ties up or braids to keep out of his face. He also has a tail, roughly equal in length to his height, which in combat wraps around his waist like a belt.


    Leather Bomber Jacket – Very Dark Blue/Black
    Tank Top – Black
    Jeans - Black with Blue Pin Stripes
    Combat Boots - Electric Blue
    Gauntlet (Left Hand) - Blue
    Gauntlet (Right Hand) – Black
    Aviator Glasses


    Guild: Guildless
    Rank: D

    Kaz Heartsoul 8dfvno9

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:12 pm