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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]




    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 11th September 2013, 8:54 am

    After her job with Zenshin to protect the wealthy politician from being attacked and assassinated, they had took the same train to get back home. During the ride, they had begun a little conversation. Nothing big, rather the exact thing people called "small talk". The weather, the world and a lot of meaningless things that had no real substance came to word. But, Iana had felt relieved that she could talk like that. That she could speak freely about any little thought that came into her mind no matter how irrelevant it might have been. And even though the conversation truly was only "little" and Iana was very careful with her speech and voice and what exactly of her momentary and fleeting thoughts were pronounced towards Zenshin, she herself decided to accept the situation as "fun". At least for that moment, after the job had been finished. Relieved and sleepy, she had left part of her mind on the trainride with Zenshin. The result of the whole conversation was then, a meeting between the both of them. She had asked if they could discuss what kind of job he would accompany her on next. When going off, Zenshin had asked her where she lived. Recalling that Zenshin seemed quite serious about the comment that he did not want to be lied to, she didn't say anything. A mere "uhh.... In... IN THE EVENING" was thrown towards Zenshin that night. The little tiny bar would be their meeting place. The day was next week.

    During another quite spontaneous job that Meoru had driven her to do, she forgot all about the meeting. Thus, the little yellow note on which reminding words for the meeting were written, was the only thing that would make her remember it. It happened that the whole week, her head could stay clear. She would have surely messed up her mind about a sort of date with another human being. Meoru knew as well. But thus it happened that on the date in question, Iana's surprise was the only feeling about the meeting that popped up. There were no worries anymore, her thoughts could stay light as a feather. She would also finally be able to go back to Oak Town and have a chat with Ean. Deciding to spend more than just the time after the sunset with Ean, Iana had already arrived early, somewhere around 6 pm.

    As she walked through the historic town, it's wounds, scars and marks that the ancient past had left there on those very streets and buildings, out in the open for everyone to see if he just spent some time to take a closer look, invoked nostalgia within Iana. Her eyes knew the stone-covered alleys. She had taken a closer look during one point of her life already, and never forgot it. It was something burned into her very soul. During daytime, this town was truly a landmark for history and ancient times, but at night this rundown and rotting place gave birth to very weird creatures. Petty criminals, homeless people, prostitutes and drunkards. The general social low-class. It hurt Iana to walk on the pavement, but no matter how much her skin itched and her head shook while her heart skipped faster, her soul wouldn't let go. Every now and then she would return right here to take a look at all the things she left behind. All the monuments of her life, that seemed so little and torn in the eyes of others. They were here. The annual Moon Knight Festival, the old temple and the old house of royals at the highest point of Oak Town. Iana knew them, and that was it. It was one of the only things she would ever be sure of. This town was timeless, it never seemed to change. Nevertheless, it was an ever gloomy town that bared so many hurtful memories for Iana she would never let go. The countless times she had to run away from Rune Knights or shop owners, the many days that Ean had to grant her an asylum, the dozens of times Iana had to sell her body just for a place to sleep.

    A hiss resounded quietly but forcefully through her teeth. "Tch." The spit hit the ground. Iana's eyes traced the place before the bar. She had already been inside, talked with Ean and told him what was actually happening. She wanted to clear him up about all the things that were going on in her life, just as much as she wanted to know about the things happening in his life. It had been a good talk. A real conversation. The caliber that usually only Meoru was able to squeeze out of her on these very rare occasions. After having a drink or two with him, she went outside to wait. Her early arrival was also for reasons to secure that she wouldn't be coming timely to this appointment. And now Iana was sitting on the steps up to the inn since around 45 minutes watching the sky. The sun had set, it was getting late. Somewhere around 10-11 pm, plus or minus. She had rented a room in the inn for the night so she had a place to sleep. She was quite prepared for this day. Letting her eyes swoop up to the sky, she smiled. The corners of her lips showed a, despite being extremely tiny and almost seeming like a situationary relievedness, a sign of happiness.



    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 11th September 2013, 1:36 pm

    Zenshin, at least thought, that he got the same response from Iana that he gave, and actually enjoyed himself on the way back to his house. They had planned to meet in a rather peculiar town, the one of Oak. He had always respected the history of the ancient town and all of the secrets people had yet to discover, but on the surface, it was very "scummy". It was the place of living for the lower class, and thus, spawned petty crime such as muggings and robbery, nothing too serious. Oak Town wasn't big enough to have its own serious criminals, yet, but it would eventually get there and things would get real sticky.

    Finding the small, run down bar that Adele had described quite vaguely, he stared up at the name. A decrepit wooden sign swinging on a rusty metal bar had the words "Old Beauty" on it, not such a fitting name... he thought while opening the squeaky door. He saw the back of her head, she was sitting on a stool right in front of the bartender, who was passing her a small shot glass. It was nothing like his clean, sleek bar that he had back in Eclipse Soul, but this would do. Being an ex-bartender, he had his own, special, set of drinks that many couldn't handle due to the sheer strength of them.

    He would let the man do his job, however, and ask if he had anything that was a bit "over the norm". Checking the clock to his right, he had sat down just as the clock struck six o' clock, being the overly punctual kind of person that he was, wouldn't want to keep a lady waiting he thought while looking towards her. "You seem to be looking as great as... urm" he said before trailing off getting lost in his thoughts. Zen still hadn't gotten rid of the slightly socially awkward trait he had, stemming from the fact that he thinks way too much. "Oh, sorry about that. As ever is what I meant to say" he said before looking towards the man working behind the counter, asking him for the strongest shot he had.

    He himself looked like quite the lightweight, contrary to what he actually was, which caused a strange look to fall upon the man's face before being handed a drink with an opaque, black liquid inside. "I ain't responsible if you burn yer tongue off wit that there drink. Jus' remember what you asked for" he said, warning Zenshin of the sheer strength of the drink. Nothing like a strong drink to start off the night he said, tilting his head back and tossing the liquid down his throat. Ahh, that guy wasn't kidding. This is really strong stuff. he said, feeling the scorching of his throat. "Nice drink you have here, really gave me a surprise" he said with a grin, complimenting the bartender. It had been quite a while since a drink had left this effect with him.


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
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    Event Experience: 57,562.5
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    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 13th November 2013, 1:16 am

    Iana was quite startled when Zenshin popped up behind her. In a sudden reaction that threw her mind out of a thought process, she pronounced a unusually clear and straight-spoken "Hu- haiiiirrgg" Along with that her body jolted forward a short distance and bent over the counter. The compliment he gave seemed somewhat ironic and had put her off even more. Biting her lip, Iana turned to Zenshin. Seeing that he had ordered a quick drink she turned away. In cacquainted nial of why she had done this, her seat was positioned perfectly angled to look into a mirror that hung on a wall of the small bar. Her hair was not as messy as it had been normally in the last couple of days and she had gotten rnough sleep. The interpretation that he had never liked how she looked stuck in her head irrebukeably. Iana shook her head slightly and turned back to Zenshin.

    Smelling the kind of drink he had just ordered Iana snickered a bit. That he was a drinker had never gotten to her. "Weelll... what a liver. Wouldn't have thought you'd gulp that down so easily. That's something for the kind of folk from around here." She spoke as her finger pointed to a table with three guys and a woman. Two of which were sleeping while the third was playing cards with himself and the woman watching drunkily. "I'll just have a beer." She said happily. Within point zero seconds it was already standing next to her. Drinking half of it in one go she put it down and turned to Zenshin with a straight face. "So Mister.... how are ya? And I don't need an adjective as a response. Whip it out. Anything on your mind?" A somewhat cynical and for her usual undertone accompanied her words. She wasn't really good with the superficial smalltalk that wasted the time of people oh so often. She actively hated smalltalk and did a lot to avoid having to communicate with most anyone on that basis.

    Taking another sip, she traced Zenshin's face. Iana felt that she had known him for longer than she thought. But for a guy, he did have quite the pretty face. Prettier than most girls, probably prettier than her own. With a sigh Iana decided to just enjoy the time with this easy dude. Her first impression had been an open guy who's bound to have a ton of friends. Guys like those were quite attractive and easy to be with, but as hope was an illusion to her, Iana quickly discarded the idea of being any closer than acquainted with him.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 13th November 2013, 5:06 pm

    Run down bars like these in who knows where always give me a run for my money he thought blissfully while waving the bartender down for two more, much to the old man's surprise. Reluctantly, the octogenarian passed him two more transparent glasses with equally see through liquid which tinted the glass a tar-ish black color.

    "So Mister.... how are ya? And I don't need an adjective as a response. Whip it out. Anything on your mind?" she told him with a different kind of tone to it, a kind that told him that she was uncomfortable with just "chatting", even when she was getting straight to the point.

    Oh so many things, but that would take way too long to explain to her, especially in an atmosphere like this. I guess this is best time to ask her about it, since there's really nothing else I want to know right now he thought, downing the second drink and squeezing his eyes tightly for a moment while shaking his head. After that initial effect wore off, he looked at her and said, "Please, call me Zenshin, or Zen, whichever you prefer. And oh, there's a lot on my mind all the time, but one of the more prominent thoughts is whatever it is you're hiding from me. That, and the fact that this is quite a run down place of such an ancient city." For the last part of that sentence, he leaned in a bit, not wanting to cause a fight with some of the undesirables that were littered around the bar. Zenshin then picked up the third glass of the liquid and thought to himself, down the hatch. Another tight clenching of his eyes and shudder later he looked back at her. "That's enough of those for me. Looks like three's my limit" he said with a smile on his face, taking some jewels from his pocket and putting them on the counter, the money quickly being taken by the bartender. "What about you?"


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
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    Event Experience: 57,562.5
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    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 14th November 2013, 9:15 am

    Iana had to giggle when Zenshin was talking. It was an unaudible snicker of the soul though. Despite him being stuck up, it had a kind of naivety around itself. Something she found unexpectedly.... appealing. He was a nice guy, definitely. Iana's rather peculiar problem of being reluctant to talk to people using their names didn't have to be spoken out since it wasn't that much of importance anyway. The usual situation would see her not caring to appear appealing to her conversational partner, but right now it was different. She would be unexpectedly careful in her choice of words.

    Throwing the usual 'there's a lot on my mind' phrase made her breathe out a reluctantly accepting sigh. She was definitely dissatisfied and knew she would insist further, because she didn't like when people simply put that in front of them to drive someone away. Iana knew how hard it was to actually speak out your own and deepest thoughts, but since she started doing it, her talent for pissing people off seemed to surface. And then there was her sort of unspoken situation she was in. But knowing herself, she'd just throw it out there anyway. It had to be said once, at least for herself. Not for the fox or Zenshin, just for herself. Honestly, satisfaction spread as she started speaking it out. "Haa.... well... to make it short: I grew up here. Right here, I spent quite some time in this bar." Iana said, smiling at Zenshin, knowing how that would seem. "Yeah.... anyway... about the thing I told you before. During the mission I lied to you, not that you didn't notice. But it's sort of something I myself don't completely understand." Stretching her arms she placed her elbow on the counter and rested her head on her hand facing Zenshin. "Ya see.... I'm not a real mage. I can use magic and all.... but it's not mine. To create an image, think of a.... living lacrima that grants me power and gives me knowledge how to use it. Or a living being that is a lacrima. It's weird and I don't get it myself. But basically the magic I use is not my own... I can communicate with that thing inside me, that's whom I was talking to before we met." Iana's face had turned somewhat expressionless. She knew all too well how that had to sound. Running away from that fact ever since she got to be a mage, her life had been built around the power of someone else.

    Holding up her hand in front of her face to show Zenshin her nails, she added a grin to reveal her pointed incisior teeth. "I don't remember exactly when it started... I was around 9, maybe ten. But the nails, teeth, hair and eye color... those are all not mine. I did have red hair, but ever since I kind of started being a mage it turned vibrant. And my eyes are actually green...." Not knowing how Zenshin would react, she closed her eyes. Unaccepting of that fact herself, she had just spoken out the fact that her whole life built around. In the future, it would be a lot easier avoiding this. Definitely.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 16th November 2013, 9:31 am

    "Oh, okay." he said blantly, as there really much of anything else coming to his brain right now except processing that story. I don't like pushing to hear people's private stories, but I just can't stay away from something I don't know he thought while placing his leg on the wall under the counter and leaning a bit back in his stool. "How about I share my own story with you. It was before I joined my ex-guild, Eclipse Soul, back when I was still confused about my standing with my particular "side" in the guild world. Well, I was a much weaker mage back then and I met with another mage that was joining the same guild, so we scaled the phoenix mountains together. When we were just about there, a massive monster appeared, but instead of helping me kill it, she ran, leaving me in the red snow with a massive spiked rod stuck through me. I thought I was dead, but since we were already so close to the guild hall, the guild master must have "sensed" me, I guess, and came to my aid. I stayed in the guild for quite a long time, a year, if I'm not mistaken, and the gesture of another mage made me realize that I didn't belong in a borderline guild, I belonged in a legal guild." he told her, leaning a bit farther back in the chair.

    There were very few who knew this story. The handful of mages left in his old guild, and maybe his current guild master. Other than that, she was the first to know it. Though, as far as his past goes, that was as far back as he wanted to share, as the training in the brutal tundras literally sculpted him into the kind of person he is today. "And now. I'm stuck in the middle of this Fiore political machine" he said with an audible sigh before hearing some yell in his general direction followed by the sound of wind breaking. In a swift motion, he removed his leg from the wall, causing the stool to fall back to its original position and turned the upper half of his body enough to see a bit behind him while at the same time bringing his opened right hand to catch whatever it was being thrown at him. Of course, it was a beer bottle thrown by one of the drunken patrons of the old bar, empty, obviously. "Really rough neighborhood." he said to Iana before putting the bottle down on the counter.

    Zen really wasn't one for "revenge" or "getting back" at people unless they tried to kill him, and this guy wasn't even aware of what he was doing. Still, he got a bottle thrown at him, so he turned back to the guy and told him "Get out of here". This was said when he was looking the old guy right in his eyes, he wasn't asking, or at least that was the kind of look he gave. This man didn't hesitate to slowly stumble his way out of the establishment. "Is there anything more you know about the fox?" he said, putting a name to the thing she described inside her. Claws, feline eyes, vibrant hair, a fox was the first thing that came to mind.


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
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    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 17th November 2013, 3:27 pm

    Taking several sips of her beer she listened to Zenshin. He had just started talking. Quite quick for someone who seemed so distant. She couldn't help but be happy. Iana's smile didn't surface though and her face stayed as straight as ever. And he had dropped the words "Eclipse Soul". He'd been in the guild Iana had been in as well. That was quite a coincidence. The term borderline guild seemed twisty to her though. The members were certainly not evil at all and just flurried life and pride through their being. It had been interesting, but since that time in the guild was over Iana hadn't thought back at all. It was a time where she had just come out of the street life and wanted to earn some real money. That guild seemed chaotic enough for her to slip in unnoticed and just secure her existence for a bit longer. But sooner or later the dissatisfaction of life had taken over and she didn't do any jobs. Realizing that her attitude had caused all potential friends to back off and her inactiveness wasn't welcomed in such a lively guild, she left out of free will. And shortly after, Night Parade had been her next goal. A lazy guild that didn't really care for anything. It had few members and nobody really did anything, something she greeted quite a bit.

    Iana wanted to comment on Zenshin's story. Just as she wanted to start talking about Eclipse Soul, she noticed the bottle being thrown and Zenshin turning around point zero seconds later. He swiftly caught the bottle and gallantly placed it on the counter. "Really rough neighborhood." Iana held her breath, wanting to tell him not to start any trouble. But before her words reached him he already took action. Wait Zenshin do-" "Get out of here" Softly breathing out her cheeks turned a bit red. That was surely something she hadn't expected. His straight and forceful words weighed heavy on the room. Everybody in the bar had turned around and stared straight at him. Iana just as much. Ean, the bartender, raised his eyebrows while he was just cleaning a glass and nearly let it drop because of what had just happened. "Is there anything more you know about the fox?" Nonchalantly continuing the talk, Iana gazed at him somewhat dazzled and with a confused expression. What just happened was extremely unusual around this place.

    People here weren't exactly personalities. Most of them losers acting on impulses to at least feel something. Fighting, vulgarity and crime were daily and the only way these people were able to express themselves. It was the outlet they needed. None of them listened to each other and just did things they wanted to. But what had just happened was someone listened to the words of somebody else. It wasn't his appearance, the way he said it or why he said it. Not his face, not his look or pose. It was Zenshin as a whole that was able to influence these people. And naturally, Iana was still one of them.

    The look she gave him was a mix of admiration, respect and attention. Quickly shaking it off she downed the beer and tried to pick up the conversation again. "I- I... the- the fox.... yeah..." The words wouldn't come out until Iana squeezed them out of her throat."His name is Meoru!" She said somewhat loud. Iana spoke like the cork of a wine bottle had finally popped out in her vocal chords. "His name is Meoru...." She repeated in a bit quieter. "He's.... he's really old. And he can usually read all my thoughts.... and I can read his.... he has complete freedom over reading my spirit and mind. He can also enter my subconscious or something like that to make himself unnoticed. He's wise.... a bit self-centered." Looking over to Zenshin she was starting to lose her blush. Pointing her finger to Ean he instantly came over with another beer and placed it on the counter. "You really want to hear all this?" She said taking another sip of her beer. "I was in Eclipse Soul as well, ya know." She softly spat out. Since he spoke about it, Iana wanted to adress it as well. "Not anymore though." She said with a light snicker, looking into his eyes.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 17th November 2013, 5:18 pm

    "He's.... he's really old. And he can usually read all my thoughts.... and I can read his.... he has complete freedom over reading my spirit and mind. He can also enter my subconscious or something like that to make himself unnoticed. He's wise.... a bit self-centered." she said to him, apparently a bit nervous. "You're right, we don't have to be talking about this right now." he said playfully while waving his hand around in the air awkwardly. Yes, I'm very interested, but oh well where the kinda thoughts going through his head.

    What he didn't know was that his date was in his old guild at one point, which was quite interesting, but he didn't feel like talking about that, so he'd subtlely change the subject. "So which guild are you in now? Since you said you used to be in Eclipse? Must mean you're in another guild" The fact that she was more awkward in speech than him gave him a bit of confidence, so he listened to her talk whilist looking into her bright yellow eyes.

    He couldn't quite place it, but throughout the whole talk with the wonderful woman facing him, he had a churning feeling in his stomach that he couldn't quite place it. What he did know is that of all the lovely ladies he'd met up to this point, this was the only one he bothered to meet up with after the job was done, and he was happy he did. Meoru... Fascinating that the source of her power is a sentient spirit that can make its prescence known and communicate with its host... Hm...


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
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    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 19th November 2013, 1:54 pm

    Iana had to catch her breath as Zenshin seemed somewhat down and dissapointed in changing the subject. Additionally, it wasn't that she didn't want to talk about Meoru, it was that she couldn't because Iana had so little idea about magic that it was ridiculous. She angled her eyebrows forming an indicated triangle on her forehead. Shaking her head she didn't want him to drift off from stuff he wanted to know more about. Especially if that subject was somewhat linked to her. "Nononono.... we can talk about it. But I'll be.. honest.." Iana blushed and looked away a bit when she mumbled her words just enough that they would be understandable but would still give her the sense of false security she needed right now. "I'm.... no good with knowledge... I never got educated in anything.." Turning his head to her she noticed her unusually desperant craving for justification. It was Iana's nature to never care what others thought about her. There had been people, surely, but in the end it was an all new experience everytime to want to look good in front of someone.

    Ya see.... I have no idea about magic and all that stuff. Meoru.... taught me the stuff I know but my own knowledge is so little that it's practically nothing." She was sure to look like an idiot saying this, but if he wanted to know more about it then she would need his help. "You... seem really smart... so... what can you tell me about magic? I can tell you what Meoru said and maybe it'll make sense." It was an extremely vague idea she had right there, but it was better than just saying nothing at all. At that it could turn out to help her own search for understanding herself a bit better while getting to know someone on a deeper level. Someone who was a bit better than the rest of scum living in this wretched continent.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 19th November 2013, 4:22 pm

    "Nononono.... we can talk about it. But I'll be.. honest.." she said, jumping back to talking about her magic, and Meoru. Did she just dodge my question about her guild? That must be it. Now that I think about it, she hasn't told me her guild... he thought, dread taking his body in its hold. Please... I hope you aren't a dark guilder... he thought afterwards, his cheery look still on his face, quite contrary to his actual feelings. "I'm.... no good with knowledge... I never got educated in anything.." she said, which made him a bit sad, in a way. "You know, it's never too late to teach yourself..." he said, trailing off onto memory lane. All that time he spent in solidarity, burying himself in every book on that small bookcase for those years training in that barren field of frost. "You... seem really smart... so... what can you tell me about magic? I can tell you what Meoru said and maybe it'll make sense." she finally finished, wanting to hear what he knew about magic.

    Though, his knowledge wasn't to share with her, it was to be written down and passed on to his future children. Quite a problem he had now, but he eventually convinced himself to tell her, almost out of pity for the type of environment she was raised in and which sculpted her. "Magic, depending on who you ask, has different meanings. Mine, however, explains it like this. Magic stems from magical energy, an untapped and unlimited energy that exists within everyone. Three ways of tapping into it are learning how to use magic through study, sheer willpower and desire to use it, or to have it explode within you like a bomb at desperate times. There are more ways, but I told you the main three. I learned my magic through all three ways at once. Sheer willpower, self teaching after a tragic event, and it exploded out of me during the tragic event... Anyways, that's just me scratching the surface and I'm sure I've already lost you. Though, I'm genuinely curious, what guild 'are' you in?" he said, pushing for an answer.


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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 26th November 2013, 1:55 pm

    Iana simply sighed at Zenshin's comment. It came across exactly as she had predicted. And as he began to talk, she could feel the sense of pity coming out of his mouth. It did hurt her quite deeply. Her pride was too big for her not to take account of it and feel inferior. But next to that, magic seemed to be less understood by most mages than she originally thought. Her assumption was for him to have an extremely detailed explanation about magic's nature and origin, meaning and limits. Zenshin had told her most all the things Iana had heard from Meoru over the years, just summarized and rephrased. But maybe HE would answer some questions the fox would never. Just as she was about to go and ask he startled her with a follow-up question. A question that made her nervous. Without showing it on the outside, she could feel her heart rate rising and sweat forming on her forehead and neck.

    As only the sound of a stagnant voice came out of her throat, all of her questions about magic were forgotten. Her mind felt like it had just been shaken through really hard. None of her thoughts would form clearly and none of which she tried to say would actually come out. "Zenshin...." Was all she whispered out, accompanied by an awkward smile and a stuttering laugh. Iana didn't want to lie to him. She wasn't comfortable with even just not telling him the truth. Knowing how his image of her already looked she didn't want to mess it up any more. Lowering her head and looking at the ground she had a slight spasm of insecurity and started mumbling. "The... name.. is Night Parade..... it's not legal...." Knowing that it would probably all be over quite quickly, her hope hadn't let go. Looking back up at Zenshin her face falsely sparkled trying to assess what he was thinking. Desperate eyes stared at him. "I'm... in an illegal guild, Zenshin...." Iana knew how she looked right now. A street whore in a dark guild. Not a person to be with. But forcing her smile to cover her insecurity, she was ready to accept anything that would come up. It wouldn't be any different from up until now anyway. Iana felt no contempt towards the possible future. Just for herself.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 27th November 2013, 10:12 am

    "Zenshin...." she said, he already knew what was coming. The... name.. is Night Parade..... it's not legal.... a dark guild, he knew it, but not too many details. He was always more focused on the dark guild run by the mage that he let get away on the orders of his former, and now "mia" guild master. This presented a problem, as he was a shining star in the side of the legal mages, and if anyone knew that he was going out with some dark mage, it could get ugly. She also didn't really seem like the kind of person who went out on mass killing sprees out of boredom, or plotted to cause chaos in every inch of Fiore, so he made an offer to her after thinking and silence for about five straight minutes. Adele hadn't done anything too noteworthy in the dark mage world yet, like run a guild of them or something more sinister, like take down a city, so she could still be saved from a life like that, hopefully. "That... that really complicates things Iana" he said, disappointment clear in his voice.

    "I really like you, quite frankly, so that's the reason I'm still sitting here instead of knocking you out and dragging you to the Rune Knights HQ. That, and it would be hard to explain to a train operator. So here's my offer to get you out of that kind of life. Come back with me to Sabertooth, join our guild and never speak about the illegal side of your past to anyone else, because I'm sure they won't be as forgiving..." he said, trying not to imagine what would be done to her by the self righteous type of people. "Of course, there's a second option. We meet very privately and in fear of being found out. If and when they do, I'll be crucified by the Magic Council and we'd both be hunted down like rabid dogs for the rest of our lives. The final option is the one that I want to avoid at all costs, which is I walk out that door right now and never see you again..." he said, his voice going from disappointed to simply sad. He hated putting this kind of pressure on her on their first time going out, but this was a much more desperate time than he could imagine it turning out to be.


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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 3rd December 2013, 1:58 pm

    The break of silence before Zenshin started talking again felt like an eternity. The pit in Iana's stomach grew wider and bigger. It expanded damp and bottomless into rummaging feelings of despair and self-hate. And then Zenshin started talking and oh, how the tone cut deep in Iana's mind. It fractured all sense of confidence she had around Zenshin. She was certainly an emotionally expressive type of person, but in situations like these her obligatory feeling of duty not to make Zenshin feel bad for the situation strengthened her, holding back the tears. There was little to no anger in her eyes, the usual aggression had vanished. It was all gone, just an endless hole of wanting to sink into the floor, forget everything up until now and just crawl into a bed and wrap up in blankets. It was that desperate feeling of having failed yourself and another person. A person she didn't even know at all, but a person she wanted to know more which made it all the more unbearable.

    Her eyes avoided looking into his face. They were focused on the glass in front of her, her frizzy hair falling on both sides of her face, creating a curtain for nobody to look through. Her hands clasped tightly and her usually laid back body posture crammed into a straight and tense figure sitting on a high stool. When Zenshin said that he did like her a small smile swooshed over her face. It was inevitable, she didn't know what exactly she had thought meeting up with him. It was a certainly stupid idea, and after realizing that Zenshin really did have a job in the Magic Council it seemed all the more stupid to her. Three possibilities, eh? That's all she had left. It seemed no matter what she thought, it ended up all the same. She could straight up leave here and never even take one look back to the life she would be running away from. That was the only option that would turn out to be positive for Zenshin. She knew she would be too big of an egoist to make it though. It was obvious that she wasn't strong enough to make it. Halfway through she would certainly turn back, and she knew that she would. It would end up with her returning here to her old life, just like always. They could meet up in secret, a member of a dark guild was no person to be with, obviously. She didn't want to have the responsibility of potentially destroying a man's life just for her. Iana would never be able to cope with that. And the third option.... it seemed like the only one that would end up better for the both of them. She had been sitting there saying nothing for a few minutes now. Just thinking what to do. And then she raised her head, tilting it towards Zenshin looking him in the eyes. Her pointy teeth bit her lip.

    "Zenshin..... I'm sorry first of all. But as you point it out, I would never be able to cope seeing you under those circumstances." A false smile covered up the cramps she was feeling in her chest. "I.. am... your everyday criminal as you would picture her. And I can't hide what I am away from you, I just can't do that. But there's one thing I will propose." Taking in a deep breath Iana clasped her shivering voice. "If I... leave that dark guild, would it still be bad? I can do that...." Before Zenshin could say anything to her, her eyes met his. "I don't want you to leave....."


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 3rd December 2013, 4:57 pm

    Zenshin simply sat there and watched as there woman next to him took the time to think of his three proposals, the only options that he could see currently. Right now, it seemed like they were the only two people on the planet. Everyone else was tuned out due to the amount of focus and nervousness that was plaguing him right now. The only noise he heard was the sound of his heartbeat which was pumping too fast against the inside of his chest. He felt as though it would burst out any second. All he could do was stare at the side of her turned head as she simply looked down at her empty glass.

    He imagined her getting up and leaving followed by him standing up and grabbing her shoulder, he couldn't do it. Even though he said there was three possibilities, he really meant two. There was no way he could let her leave, not now, not after he had confirmed that he had feelings towards the girl he'd only met once or twice by this point. No, not now, but judging by the fact that she hadn't gotten up and left yet meant that she was going to pick one of the two other options, giving him some relief in at least that sense.
    "Zenshin..... I'm sorry first of all. But as you point it out, I would never be able to cope seeing you under those circumstances. I.. am... your everyday criminal as you would picture her. And I can't hide what I am away from you, I just can't do that. But there's one thing I will propose. If I... leave that dark guild, would it still be bad? I can do that... I don't want you to leave..."
    she said, nervously looking him in the eyes.

    He slid his right arm over the counter slowly, touching her tense hand that was nearly about to break the glass in front oh her in an attempt to comfort and calm her down. Zen looked at her seriously for a moment after hearing her commenting herself in such a crude way."You have nothing to apologize for Iana, nor are you some 'common criminal', as you try to make yourself out to be. If you were one of them, I wouldn't have ever given you a second glance, let alone trying to stay with you after everything I've seen and heard. Believe me... It would be best if you could come back with me and join my guild, it'll be much safer if no one knew that you were or are a dark mage. It's also good thing you don't want me to leave... he began, leaning in a bit closer to her while grabbing her hand with his. "Because regardless of your next choice, I don't plan on going anywhere... " he said at a volume as low and as soft as the wind's cool breeze. He meant what he said and said what he meant, and it looked like there was some hope for them after all. It was all very illogical, but he felt as though he would take out an army of men if he had to, which might very well be the case if she didn't agree to throw away her past and join him in Sabertooth.


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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 4th December 2013, 1:28 pm

    Zenshin's words seemed delusional in front of Iana's destructive mentality. Yet, she couldn't help but smile when Zenshin closed in on her and held her hand. Usually she wouldn't let people do this, no matter how close. But right now she needed comfort, despite her feeling embarassed and weak. It hurt thinking about having to start over. Simply because the picture it gave Iana gave her something impossible to do. Not for her. Iana was confident in only the fact that she was too weak for such a task. Somehow, the resolve was there though. Iana didn't want to leave all this, but maybe it was worth a try. She and her life were a mess away. And maybe putting her mind miles away from all that would be worth a shot. Empty yourself and refill in a way that would calm you down. Katharsis. Meoru had often spoken of a similiar concept and she found it funny that his influence kicked in at this exact time. Slowly looking at Zenshin tilting her head she took an unaudible yet visible breath as her lips split open just slightly.

    "I.... don't fit in your world Zenshin. No matter how much I try to ignore the fact... but I'm straight from the gutter. It's difficult enough to keep my words straight. My temperament is out of control and I'm not a nice person to be around." She snickered slightly, this time it was even real. "It's not that I wouldn't.... do that for you. But we barely know each other and there are things you.... as a person from.... the good side of the world wouldn't appreciate of me." It was hard to give in to Zenshin. Iana was reluctant, yet another side of her wanted to pull her in. Most likely her trust-complex prevented her from acting on impulse and let her overthink this a dozen times in the past 5 minutes.

    In the end, Iana didn't want to leave herself behind. She felt torn that she couldn't do it, but her mind was being shredded apart by the thought of abandoning who she was and starting over - again - . Everywhere she went, was and would go she - Adele Iana Heidis - needed to recreate herself from the very scratch to fit in. Somewhere the unwilling feeling rested that would tear her mind apart at the thought of abandoning all possibility of finding herself in the mess that had piled up in her heart and mind over the years. She jolted her head away and the usual aggressive expression marked her face. "Fuck..." she whispered quietly turning her head back to Zenshin. "I... just.... can't do it." Slapping one of her palms against her forehead, she raised her voice. "Dammit Zenshin, you barely know me! How can you say such things... I've murdered, and whored around, and I've done drugs and just so many things that not even I think I'm sane anymore. My life is just a big pile of dogshit! And somewhere in that pile of crap is what I would like to call myself. That is who I am, how the heck do you think you could ever accept that? How do you think I could ever erase that? I'm not some.... kind of magician...." Gesturing around and distancing herself from Zenshin, her mind had flailed around like a whiny child. It absolutely didn't go fit in her head how this dude in front of her had managed to make her question herself to the point of realizing her own existence. It was a wonder to her that she was able to phrase, for the first time, who she thought she was. And in the past few seconds Iana had loudly thrown exactly that at the head of an extremely noble person who was the first person in felt decades she had shown the slightest bit of interestest in. Iana slammed her own head against the table and with a loud 'thunk' she groaned through the bar.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 4th December 2013, 2:19 pm

    "I.... don't fit in your world Zenshin. No matter how much I try to ignore the fact... but I'm straight from the gutter. It's difficult enough to keep my words straight. My temperament is out of control and I'm not a nice person to be around. It's not that I wouldn't.... do that for you. But we barely know each other and there are things you.... as a person from.... the good side of the world wouldn't appreciate of me." she said, visibly torn between what to do at the moment. "It's not for me, Iana, it's for your safety. But I'm not forcing you to do anything, that's a choice for you to make." he said, tightening his grip of her hand. "Dammit Zenshin, you barely know me! How can you say such things... I've murdered, and whored around, and I've done drugs and just so many things that not even I think I'm sane anymore. My life is just a big pile of dogshit! And somewhere in that pile of crap is what I would like to call myself. That is who I am, how the heck do you think you could ever accept that? How do you think I could ever erase that? I'm not some.... kind of magician...." she snapped at him, followed by some more self loathing.

    Though, he remained calm. Two people yelling in a bar would attract too much attention and he really wanted to keep that to a minimum. Not only that, but he was way too patient for something like this to even irk him. He sighed at the girl who was face down and let go of her hand. Zen then took it and raised it so that she'd be sitting with her head up once again. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he began again "Iana! I don't care what it is you've done, and don't ever. Ever! Talk about yourself like that again. You're far better than you give yourself credit for because you've given up. You think it doesn't matter anymore because you've given up. Well that's wrong. Even though you can't erase it, you can make up for it in your future actions. As long as you're alive, it's not too late to climb out of the 'pile of crap', so please, take my hand and let me help you out" he said out of pure instinct, raising his voice only a very slight amount during the conversation.

    All of his cognition, all of his wit, all of his logical processing that he'd normally do throughout a conversation's length were all pushed aside to let through his emotional, primal side to guide this one. The fact that she could even cause him to react to something in such a way astounded him, he'd be thinking about this day for a while. His was genuinely upset at the fact that she thought so low of herself, and planned to do something about it. Even though the chances are usually slim, Zen believes that people can change, they just need the right person to help them out of the slump, and he'd be that person. It didn't matter to him if she came back to his guild or not, it would just be easier if she would, but it was getting clearer that her mind was made up about that. Regardless, he would stay by her side until she could at least get by normally, dark mage or not. Even though she was apparantly trying to distance himself from him, probably for his own sake, he just continued his relentless assault to try and at least get a single point by. Just one, that's all he needed. The fact that he wouldn't give up on trying to help her/


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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 4th December 2013, 2:49 pm

    His tone shook Iana to the bone. It was the first time someone had ever spoken to her like that. Aggressive without feeling offensive. Stinging without hurting. Heavy without weighing on her shoulders. Zenshin had hissed words at her she knew were right. And despite her reluctant attitude, Iana couldn't help but accept them. It was the only thing she was actually able to do right now. Too weak to talk back or run away. Too insecure to stay composed. His hands pressed down on her shoulders with weight that felt like a ton. But somewhere it felt safe. With a staggering voice and uncoordinated movements she clasped her hands and rubbed them into each other. Looking down on the floor Iana felt shame. Shame for needing so much attention even though her existence felt so meaningless at the moment. But Iana didn't know how patient the man in front of her would be. Wanting to just start crying and mumbling out every little thing she ever had on her mind bothering her, Iana's control declined. Her mouth and nose twitched. Looking up to Zenshin her eyes that looked like about to burst in tears had already started to spread humidity. Biting on her lip to keep herself under control, Iana's eyes met Zenshins.

    "I... I'-.. I'll take it..." She said quietly moving one hand on top of one of Zenshin's. "But I really.... don't know how..." Iana continued with a stammering voice. Her posture wavered all over. Never had she felt the need to be protected this much. Iana brushed Zenshin's hands off gently and wiped her eyes with her arms. "I'll leave that place. I can't follow you... yet.... but I'll leave that place." It felt weird. Her body wanted to reach out to him, but her mind was just the usual and wanted to show how strong she actually was. Iana didn't move towards him, she wanted to show him that her mind was collected enough to not have any sort of senseless outbursts anymore. And next to that stood the self-loathing, the enormous hate for herself she carried inside. A shaken sigh slipped out of her throat as she looked up to Zenshin and cracked a smile. "Sorry... for all this..."


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

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    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 4th December 2013, 5:35 pm

    "I... I'-.. I'll take it..." Iana started, visibly holding back tears. But the fact that she accepted his proposal, as well as his words caused a soft smile to appear on his face. "But I really.... don't know how... Sorry... for all this..." she said shakily, visibly shaking a bit, similar to shivering, but subtly. "Iana..." he said in a hushed tone, "I already told you. You don't need to apologize to me" he said, getting slightly closer to her. It was probably unwanted, or that she didn't want to move forward because she had something to prove, but regardless. Zen quickly moved in and embraced her, as she looked like she was about to have a breakdown in the middle of a shady bar in her town of origin, which could be embarrassing for both of them. At this time, the bar was empty and the barkeep was in the back, cleaning the glasses used earlier in the day, obviously trusting that they wouldn't cause any harm to the place. "You can't lie to me if you can't even fool yourself..." he whispered before tightening his arms around her very slightly in an attempt to console the nearly broken down woman that was now right next to him. She tries to act so tough, but like everyone else, emotions are simply more powerful than willpower he thought briefly.


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
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    Experience : 135

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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by Grizzly 8th December 2013, 2:40 pm

    The moment Zenshin closed in on her, Iana grasped her hands to his shoulders and grasped his clothes laying her head into his shoulders. In that moment, the feeling of crying diminished. It shrinked. It felt warm having someone this close to her. Now she remembered why she had done all that whoring around. But this.... it did feel different. It was a feeling that pushed it's way inside, placing a seed that would sprout. The fox inside her could tell, it wouldn't take along until the seed sprouts and she would want more of that feeling. She would need to water the seed with that feeling before it dies a slow and painful death. Iana wasn't aware, she was existing in that exact moment in time, in which Zenshin had placed her arms around her, and she was leaning her head on his shoulders. Feeling like she could fall asleep any second, Iana smiled. And this time, it was a real smile. Not one of the many fake ones she'd put up over the years, Iana was satisfied, completely satisfied this time.

    Her whispering voice, broke her own silence. "You said I didn't have to thank you, but let my do it just this once...." Her arms dropped down from his shoulders and wrapped around him. "Thanks...." Leaning into him, her wetted eyes had dried out and everything seemed ok again. Quiet, happy, tolerable. Staying in his arms for just another moment, Iana silently hummed a tone out. It was a kind of tone that expressed absolute comfort. Realizing what she had just done, and that it wasn't the kind of noise she was supposed to express, her eyes ripped open. Blushing in complete embarassment Ian pushed away and traced Zenshin from head to toes. She was aware that he might have been confused, as she was as well. "I.... I...." Without really knowing what to say, she sighed and sacked down on her stool. "You NEVER heard that, alright?" Iana silently exclaimed with an "under-the-weather" kind of tone.

    Smirking and looking up at Zenshin she scratched her cheek. "I feel a lot better now.... Want to pay up and go?" A now bright face was staring at Zenshin.


    Lyserg - Grizz - Sinbad

    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

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    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
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    A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin] Empty Re: A Planned Meeting [Private; Zenshin]

    Post by King Zenshin 8th December 2013, 4:33 pm

    "You said I didn't have to thank you, but let my do it just this once.... thanks" she whispered to him, only strengthening his belief that she could be brought up from the cesspool that currently engulfed her. Even knowing that she didn't have to, she still showed her genuine gratitude for his reaction to seeing her in mental anguish. It was way too much pressure for one person alone to bear, leaving him a bit surprised that she'd gotten so far without snapping under it. She fell silent again, only letting out a low, continuous hum as she rested in his arms, giving him the impression that she was completely satisfied with his gesture towards her. Then, probably realizing that she was getting too comfortable in the situation, she tore herself from him, almost knocking him back from his stool.Her face was lit up like a Christmas tree and she was simply left stuttering to him, causing him to give her a small smile. He actually found it quite cute whenever she thought that she embarrassed herself. Another outburst "You NEVER heard that, alright?" she finally mumbled out at him. "Of course, of course" he said, grinning at her.

    "I feel a lot better now.... Want to pay up and go?" she then said in a much better tone that her previous mumble. "Sure" he told her while taking out a sack of jewels from his pocket and emptying it out on the counter before slamming his fist on it to let the bartender know that there was something out there. It would be a shame if the money he'd paid here was stolen before the barkeep could collect his well deserved money. Zenshin walked her outside of the bar and told her one final thing before departing "Meet me here in three days if you want another outing like this". He handed her a piece of paper with coordinates for a place near the Ancient Ruins that he'd discovered on an expedition out there. "I'll be waiting for you either way, Iana" he said with a wink before spreading his wings and taking off to the skies, on his way back to his guild.


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm