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Free At Last


Lineage : Scorched Earth
Position : None
Posts : 34
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 2,100

Free At Last Empty Free At Last

Post by Calliope 16th November 2022, 3:07 pm


It was odd to live her life day to day. No black outs. No missing time. No waking up in strange places without any clue as to how she’d gotten there, how long she’d been missing. No coming to and finding herself covered in blood, surrounded by corpses, or a myriad of other alarming circumstances. No fear.

And not only that, but to have answers. All this time, she’d simply had no idea that she’d been sharing her consciousness with two other women, women that were her... and yet, nothing like her at all. Particularly Thana, the scary one. One look at that woman had been all it had taken to be shaken to her core, and Calliope, as she was now calling herself, was grateful that the woman was dead. Aeron had seemed just as shaken by the experience, her and Calliope both now free from the dark mage’s influence, able to carve their own separate paths, yet both sharing similar struggles from the fissure of her soul. It would take time – a lot of time. She didn’t know what the future held for her now, but as scary as that was… Calliope had never felt so alive, so whole.

Then again, motherhood had a way of making a woman glow. During the months that she had been waiting for Nathaniel to find her, Calliope had discovered that she was with child, though she hadn’t known how that was possible. She wasn’t a virgin, certainly, but she had not had sex with anyone in quite some time. It was only after Mythal had separated the three fractions of her spirit and Thana had been killed when Calliope had learned the truth about how she had come with child, a truth that was both terrifying and also relieving. It had been difficult to grasp at first, but at the end of the day all that mattered to her was that the child was Nat’s, and she certainly harbored no ill will toward him for what had happened. The only thing she was was happy. Well and truly happy.

But she needed to find a place to settle, now that everything had calmed down. The leaders of the Rune Knights, Serilda and Mythal, had graciously let her stay with them for a time as Calliope finished out the term of her pregnancy. It hadn’t been too long since Serilda had also born children, so the couple was more than prepared to help Calliope learn everything she needed and to have a support system to get her through. She had Nathaniel, too, of course – though due to his criminal history, he was still going through rehabilitation in prison. Calliope hoped he would be out sooner rather than later, and then they could figure out the next steps, but for now she was on her own. She knew she couldn’t stay with Mythal and Serilda forever, and as much as she appreciated their generosity, she did not want to overstay her welcome.

So, once she was ready, she asked them for help with finding a new guild. Calliope had visited a couple of the ones that had been recommended to her already, but had yet to make a choice. All of them were lovely places with kind and curious people, but none had yet to truly strike a chord of belonging in her. Today, she would visit yet another: a fairly newer legal guild known as Luminous Rose. Serilda had been there before and worked with one of its members on a job, so the noblewoman was able to tell her what to look for in order to make it to the hidden entrance. It took a little wandering to find the ravine that led to the caverns which the guild’s members called home, but the sight when she finally arrived was breathtaking. In a way it reminded her of the home she once had with Elysium, though brighter and less dreary.

Not really sure where to start, Calliope simply meandered slowly through what appeared to be an underground city of sorts, her mismatched brown and pink eyes nearly unable to hold still from trying to see everything at once. She wore a sleeveless white top that was trimmed in black with a small window over her chest, and a comfortable pair of jeans. Her pink and brown hair was comfortably down. Swaddled to her chest was an infant that was only a couple months old at least, with short blonde hair, the babe sleeping comfortably against her mother’s chest. After a few minutes of looking around, Calliope decided it would probably be best to ask for assistance. Looking for someone bearing a guild mark, she approached the first person she saw. “Hi there, I’m sorry to bother you,” she said with a polite smile, her voice on the more quiet and soft side. “I am looking for a guild to join. Luminous Rose was recommended to me by a friend, so I was hoping to get some information… I don’t suppose you would mind pointing me in the right direction?”
deltra of gangnam style
WORDS: 850 | TAGS:


Lucia Winchester
Lucia Winchester

Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
Position : None
Faction : The Luminous Covenant
Posts : 457
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 3,271,115

Character Sheet
First Skill: Bringer Of Light
Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
Third Skill:

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Lucia Winchester 16th November 2022, 11:22 pm

Wearing her usual outfit of gray long-sleeved shirt, long white skirt, and brown boots, Lucia was on her way to browse the job board again for at least the fifth time today. A few days after attending the Halloween event in Magnolia Town Lucia was looking for another job to take on behalf of the guild. She had perused the job board multiple times but had still not found anything that interested her, but she was not going to give up. Lucia was sure that there was a job out there that would catch her interest... she just needed to be patient and keep looking.

At least that was the intent before something else drew her attention.

Lucia thought she saw a female shape in the distance and blinked. She was not sure if she really saw something or if she was just seeing things, but the blonde mage was going to head towards where she thought she had seen the shape anyway. If she was wrong the only thing Lucia would have wasted on the side trip was time and right now she had plenty of time to spare.

Lucia began to walk forward at a careful pace while looking for the female shape she thought she had seen. A little bit of walking later she finally confirmed that what she had seen earlier was real. There was a casually dressed young woman with an odd hair color combination Lucia had never seen before standing still and gently holding onto a small child with light blonde hair that was close to Lucia's own hair color. Lucia looked at the child and felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her.

She had not seen a young child in a very long time, not since her younger sister Diana was born over two decades ago.

Lucia paused a short distance in front of the young woman, making sure to give the latter enough space to feel safe.

"Hi there. I'm Lucia Winchester." Lucia greeted the young woman. She waited patiently for a response from the stranger, being sure to make eye contact with her to show that she was paying attention. Lucia was paying attention, but only up to a point. Seeing the child reminded Lucia of Diana and got her to thinking about her younger sister. Right now fate did not see fit for the Winchesters to reunite, but she hoped that one day they would meet again.

[Post Word Count: 408]
[Lucia's Word Count: 408]




Lineage : Dragon's Blood
Position : None
Faction : -
Posts : 66
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 6,575

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Kanna 17th November 2022, 3:40 am

Normally, the most eye-catching thing about the potential new members would be the bigger one's striking two-tone hair, but no. Not for Kanna. Her senses honed right in immediately from great distance, as if her very eyes had laser tracking, on the smaller member snuggling into the woman's chest. Being from a country a bit on the feral side, the horned girl tried her best to adhere to the manners and social customs of the more civilized lands. Sometimes she failed.

This was one of those times.

"A moraki!" Kanna exclaimed, though it could hardly be called that. At her loudest (excluding her 'demon mode'), she had the tone and decibel equivalent to a wool mitten. That also meant her footsteps were quiet as well, so who could tell where she'd actually come from. It was as if she materialized at Lucia and the Mother's side from thin air to dote on the moraki, Dravni for baby, of course. The nurturing spirit within her, rare for her kind, was flaring like a brush fire in a windstorm, yet she only sweetly smiled at the mother.

Then she remembered herself. "Opa.." she fretted softly, taking a step back from the little blonde bundle of joy to a more appropriate distance. It was probably pretty alarming for a strange girl with demon-like horns to invade the personal space of a complete stranger and her child. She knew she was strange because everyone she'd met so far told her so.

"Sorry!" Kanna said next, complete with a polite bow. "It's just that your m-.. uhm... baby is quite cute. I couldn't resist..."

[wc: 269]



Lineage : Scorched Earth
Position : None
Posts : 34
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 2,100

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Calliope 18th November 2022, 1:43 pm


Before the person she approached even had a chance to respond, Calliope heard someone else speak up from behind her. With a blink she turned and saw a taller woman – granted, everyone was taller than Calliope – with blonde hair standing nearby and introducing herself. Excusing herself to the other person she’d tried to talk to with an apologetic smile, she turned to Lucia. “It’s nice to meet you, Lucia. My name is Calliope Foster. I-”

She blinked once more in surprise, her words cut off as another individual practically materialized in the air beside them. It was another woman, this one with white hair and curved horns protruding from her skull. The woman was practically laser locked onto the child swaddled against Calliope’s chest, exclaiming her excitement in a language that Calliope did not recognize. As if sensing that she was perhaps being a bit overeager about a complete stranger’s baby, the woman took a step back out of Calliope’s personal space and apologized with a bow.

Most people might have been put off by someone they didn’t know invading their personal space, but Calliope wasn’t one of those people. She had fairly good people skills, but her experience with social norms was extremely limited, so she had never grown up learning a lot of behaviors that were culturally accepted as normal. As such, rather than being bothered, she was simply surprised, and her surprise grew into a small but bright smile as the woman complimented her daughter.

“It’s okay! I’m not bothered by it. She is pretty adorable, isn’t she?” Gleaming with pride, Calliope smiled down at the sleeping child, only to discover that she’d actually woken up at some point without her noticing. Loosening the straps, she carefully pulled the little girl out of the sling and turned her around, holding her so the baby would be facing outward where the other two women could see and interact with her more directly. “Her name is Meika.”

Meika looked up at Lucia and the horned woman with big, bright, pink eyes. Calliope pulled a soft plush toy in the shape of a vulcan monkey from one of her pockets and offered it to the little girl, who accepted it with a series of incoherent babbling. “Anyway, I don’t suppose either of you could help me out? I’m looking for a guild to join. Luminous Rose was recommended to me by a friend. I was hoping to get some more information to see if it would be a good fit for me.”

The plush toy went flying gently as Meika, in all her infant glory, accidentally threw it right at Lucia. “Oops! Oh I’m so sorry…”
deltra of gangnam style
WORDS: 448/1298 | TAGS: @Lucia Winchester @Kanna



Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
Position : None
Faction : The Luminous Covenant
Posts : 1038
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 60
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 3,401,904

Character Sheet
First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
Second Skill: Night God Slayer
Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Fraag 19th November 2022, 7:52 pm

Coming in, because it's the job of an Ace to spoil people's fun reasons.

It was a lazy day. A day when people could spend their time going out with friends and having fun, or just relaxing and letting the hours fly by. It was one of those days in which one could picture an idyllic setting of blue skies above, green grass beneath, and some country bumpkin lying in the shade at the foot of a tree in perfect placidity, a straw in their mouth as they slumbered, their dreams in as much peace as the world outside, or gazed languidly at the clouds moving quietly and slowly across the vast expanse of the sky.

Perhaps it was more accurate to say that it seemed to be a lazy day, for most things were never as they appeared. The slow-moving, gentle clouds in the sky merely looked that way because they were so far away. If one was on the level of the clouds, they would soon realize that what entailed up in the heavens was an almost continuous flow of winds so fierce people would not dare to step out of their homes if such a thing was blowing down below. Also, the fact that bumpkins were sleeping the day away did not mean that everyone else was, nor did it even suggest that everyone was at peace. For instance, in the network of dorms and residential places that existed in the grand headquarters of the guild known as Luminous Rose, someone awoke from a particularly discomfiting sleep.

Ever since she had had that disastrous run-in with the Warlord of Lust in Cedar, Nita had not been in a perfect state of mind. While she was trying to get past the trauma of having people die because she could not defend them, the goddess with whom she shared a symbiotic space in her head seemed much harder hit, and Maria's edginess spilled into Nita's own mood. Despite her reputation as a cheerful and sprightly person, the Pergrandian knew how to manage herself and not make someone else's day shit because she was feeling like hers was. Still, it was better to not make someone else's day a mess, while having a good day yourself.

Unwilling to go back to attempt a nap, the blonde mage headed out of her room and began wandering the hallways. Perhaps she would head to the entrance and just watch people. Even as she approached the guild's entrance, she could sense at least three... no, four people there. One was a baby, which had been why she had almost missed that extra presence. Curiosity began to well up in the Pergrandian as she increased the pace of her steps. Were there visitors? Potential new members? As the newest Ace, it was part of her job to be a welcoming face of the guild. She hoped she had an idea of how to do her job. Just as Nita caught sight of the group, she noticed that it was only Lucia Winchester she recognized. She wasn't sure she knew who the blue-haired girl with horns was, but she sensed the magic emanating from the girl's guild mark, and knew they were comrades. And here was someone even shorter than she was! The lady with dual-toned hair, who carried the adorable blonde infant, was most probably a stranger. Time to do her job as an Ace.

As she approached, the baby threw a toy in her hands at Lucia. On another day, Nita would have taken no action, as a thrown plushie certainly had no power to eviscerate a target, especially when the thrower was a baby. But with Nita's relatively volatile state of mind, she reflexively assumed some saving was needed, and moved. For a mage, she was fast, and her Relativity God Slayer magic made her even more so, and thus the blonde mage instinctively activated a few levels of her Relativity God Equation, moving at practically almost untraceable speed to catch the vulcan toy even before it hit her fellow blonde. Then realizing what she had done, and also realizing that her action might appear to be showing off, Nita chuckled in mild embarrassment, as the glowing lines across her body vanished.

"Hello, everyone," she said brightly, as she held out the toy to its original owner. "Lucia, you look well." She turned slightly, so she could face the general direction of the two women she didn't know. "Pleased to meet you both. I'm Nita, one of the Aces of this guild."

WC: 746
TWC: 2044

@Calliope @Lucia Winchester @Kanna


Lucia Winchester
Lucia Winchester

Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
Position : None
Faction : The Luminous Covenant
Posts : 457
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 3,271,115

Character Sheet
First Skill: Bringer Of Light
Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
Third Skill:

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Lucia Winchester 23rd November 2022, 2:02 am

Lucia heard the young woman with distinctive brown and pink hair introduce herself as "Calliope" and was about to speak to her when a new arrival popped up out of the blue. Lucia was momentarily startled to see a young woman with beautiful blue hair and horns standing by her when she had started the conversation with no one on either side of her, but any concern for her safety faded once she saw that the young woman was friendly and soft-spoken.

The new arrival was intensely interested in the child, who Calliope stated was named "Meika." Lucia looked at Meika again and found herself thinking about her younger siblings and how she interacted with them when they were as small as Meika was. She remembered all of them when they were that age, especially Katrina, Gloria, and Diana, her three youngest sisters. She also remembered Alfred, her younger brother and the last child her mother had. His birth was celebrated because he was the first male child since her brother Lucius, who was born two years and two months after Lucia.

She was so preoccupied with that train of thought that she failed to detect the plush toy that had been thrown at her until it had already been launched towards her face. Lucia closed her eyes to protect them because even a hit to the eyes from a soft object could hurt quite a bit, but to her surprise the toy failed to make contact with her. She did not hear it land on the floor or feel it sail past her face, so she had no idea what had stopped the plush projectile.

After a few seconds Lucia opened her eyes to find that Nita had caught the flying object before it could hit her in the face.

"Hi Nita." Lucia calmly greeted the Guild Ace, trying to hide the awkwardness she felt after treating a plush toy heading for her face like a rock, brick, or some other heavier projectile. Nita's arrival was as unexpected as that of the young woman with horns, but it was not unwelcome. As a Guild Ace the other blonde was able to discuss Luminous Rose in more depth and better detail than Lucia could. After greeting the other blonde Lucia turned back to Calliope and spoke to her.

"Nita can tell you what you want to know about Luminous Rose. She's a good source of information and a good person to know." Lucia tried to assure Calliope that Nita was more than able to help her with any questions concerning Luminous Rose.

[Post Word Count: 432]
[Lucia's Word Count: 840]
[Total Word Count: 2,476]

@Calliope @Kanna @Fraag



Lineage : Dragon's Blood
Position : None
Faction : -
Posts : 66
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 6,575

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Kanna 29th November 2022, 2:50 am

"She is! Very adorable."

This person was kind to not scold her, so Kanna was already well on her way to liking this Calliope. As the baby was turned around, the half-alpha stepped a little closer so she could reach out and offer her finger for the little one to grab. "Meika is a beautiful name."

Beyond that, the horned girl had only approached because of the baby and had no idea what was happening until Calliope illuminated them. And even then, much to her disappointment, Kanna couldn't be of much help. She was a rather new member who had joined in an unconventional way, so it wasn't her place to be the voice of the guild in any way, shape, or form. Plus, she was barely functioning within Fiore's social norms, and to say she lacked confidence interacting with others would be an understatement. It didn't keep her from trying, but it did keep her from being too certain of anything she said or did.

Thankfully, it wouldn't fall to her anyway. Lucia was here-

Kanna flinched and squeaked in surprise when a fourth person arrived so quickly that she assumed the woman teleported. So fast that she managed to catch the little toy before it could get to Lucia! Oh, but she knew this person, at least vaguely. As someone really good with names and faces, it initially surprised her when she was greeted like a stranger. Then again, she hadn't seen Nita since Clover Town, when Kanna had arrived at the most interesting time to join. There hadn't been much time to chat with everyone. Waving in return, she offered her name to the potential new member as well as to Nita, and even Lucia, in case the other blonde also had forgotten her. "I'm Kanna. Happy to know you all."

Other than that, Kanna fell silent again. She'd leave the official duties to the now-present ace while she played with the baby, making silly little cooing noises.

[wc: 331 || total: 2807]



Lineage : Scorched Earth
Position : None
Posts : 34
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 2,100

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Calliope 3rd December 2022, 9:42 am


The words of apology had barely finished escaping her lips when yet another new arrival joined their little group. The newcomer was only a few inches taller than Calliope, with vibrant blonde hair and a set of mismatched eyes like Calliope’s, though with different colors. The woman caught the plush vulcan before it could hit Lucia, snatched it so swiftly out of the air that it left the mother a little stunned. She gave the woman a small but bright smile as she took the offered toy back. “Great catch..!”

Holding the toy back in front of Meika, Calliope listened to the brief exchange while the little girl continued to babble and slap her hands around the toy, her attention constantly back and forth between the vulcan and Kanna. This new woman introduced herself as Nita, one of the guild’s aces, and a name that Calliope immediately recognized. Even as Lucia confirmed that this woman would be a good source of information for learning more about the guild, Calliope’s smile widened. “Oh! Nita! You were actually the one I was hoping to run into!”

Fussing a bit with the sling to loosen it, Calliope lifted Meika out of the device and held her quite trustingly out toward Kanna. “Here you go!” Clearly, Calliope didn’t have much of a sense of stranger danger, though in truth she greatly felt that there was no reason to worry. It wasn’t like this was a dark guild, afterall, and Kanna clearly was transfixed on the child and wanting to play with her. It would allow the newer mother a chance to take a break from holding her, giving her back a small rest.

Then, she turned to the two blond women, primarily Nita. “My name is Calliope. I mentioned to Lucia and Kanna that I was here trying to learn more about your guild because I am looking for one to join. This one was recommended to me by Serilda Sinclair. She told me that she worked a job with you once, and was impressed with you. She thought this guild could be a good fit for me…”

“You see, I recently… lost my magic, which was stolen from me. It’s a long story…” A long story that Calliope felt she would need to tell before being inducted into the guild – any guild. There was a somewhat somber expression breaking through her otherwise light and cheery attitude, a sign that the memories were still a bit raw and something that she was still struggling with. “Serilda and her fiance have been trying to help me get back on my feet. They have been very generous to me but I… I need to find my own place in the world, you know?”

From her tone, it was obvious that the decision to start moving on was her own, and not that the Rune Knight leaders were kicking her out or anything along those lines. She simply didn’t wish to overstay her welcome or abuse their generosity. “I used to be in a guild before, and I really loved it, but that guild disbanded some time ago. And even if it was still around, it… wouldn’t be the right place for me, anymore. I need a fresh start with a place that can hopefully help me learn magic again so I can take care of myself and my little one, here, without having to completely rely on others around me.”
deltra of gangnam style
WORDS: 575/1873 | TAGS: @Lucia Winchester @Kanna @Fraag



Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
Position : None
Faction : The Luminous Covenant
Posts : 1038
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 60
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 3,401,904

Character Sheet
First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
Second Skill: Night God Slayer
Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Fraag 5th December 2022, 8:34 pm

As the plushie was taken from Nita's outstretched hands, the mother of the baby complimented her catching skills. Nita gave a light, cheerful curtsey in reply. "One of the perks of being in too many snowball fights as a child." Okay, maybe snowball fights did not get one to such a level of reflexes, but maybe they somehow helped. Even if just a little.

Although the job of being an Ace was quite new to the blonde Pergrandian, she had been assured by Desiree, when she had been given the new responsibility, that she did not need to have to change her behavior with the new office, and so she was comfortable with the position enough to accept it heartily. Such a responsibility meant that she was not only being noticed, but recognized as well, as someone to be trusted and relied on. That was enough to make Nita eager to go at her Ace responsibilities with as much zest as she could afford. Lucia's statement of referral concerning Nita was responded to with a grin and a little giggle.

"Don't lay on the praise too thickly, Lucia. I might fumble, after all."

Still, it did not seem likely that she would. If all that was needed was information, she could give it. And if it involved joining the guild, well, she would have to do a bit of judging of character before coming to a decision. As the horned girl introduced herself, Nita smiled and nodded. "Kanna, yes? I feel we've met before. We should take some time to hang out, one of these days."

In any case, Nita was frankly surprised to hear that the young mother, who would afterwards introduce herself as Calliope, had been hoping to meet her. It seemed that here was a potential guild member standing before her. And the recommendations for the guild had been made by none other than the Field Marshal of the Rune Knights. "Serilda!" Nita exclaimed in delight, remembering her mission in the frozen wastes of Iceberg with the stoic and spectacular soldier. "I hope she's doing well. I'm honored she speaks so highly of me."

There seemed to have been some unpleasantries regarding Calliope's loss of her magic, at least judging from the expression of the lady with two-toned hair. But hopefully, things would improve for the young mother from here on. "Well, if you're looking for a fresh start, and a family that will help you grow stronger and push you to improve, you have certainly come to the right place," Nita answered. "Please ask me whatever questions you desire to, and I must ask a few of my own. And then, with the answers we give each other, we shall both decide whether Luminous Rose will be best for you, or no."

While the guild would be glad for new intakes, as an Ace, it was Nita's responsibility to ensure that Calliope had her morals and intentions aligning with the guild, else it would result in harm and pain for everyone.

WC: 505
TWC: 3887

@Calliope @Lucia Winchester @Kanna


Lucia Winchester
Lucia Winchester

Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
Position : None
Faction : The Luminous Covenant
Posts : 457
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 3,271,115

Character Sheet
First Skill: Bringer Of Light
Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
Third Skill:

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Lucia Winchester 7th December 2022, 1:13 am

"Hi Kanna. I'm Lucia Winchester." Lucia introduced herself to the blue-haired young woman before going silent and listening to Nita and Calliope. During the course of their conversation Lucia heard the name of "Serilda" mentioned, a name that had no special significance to the blonde from Bellum. She had no idea who this "Serilda" was and was not inclined to ask because that was Nita's business and Lucia was not going to ask about it. Instead she focused on the Guild Ace's response to her earlier comment, a response which had a bit of self-deprecation to it.

"I think you're selling yourself short, Nita. You know a lot about Luminous Rose and you have good people skills." Lucia complimented the other blonde. It was true. Nita had a certain charisma that was hard to explain, but it made Lucia feel at ease around her and feel like she was able to talk to her without fear of judgment.

Lucia turned her attention from Nita and Calliope to Kanna, who had begun interacting with Meika. Lucia looked at Meika and her thoughts once again turned to her family, particularly her siblings. She recalled the happier times before the fateful dinner where everyone present drank wine that had been tampered with and ended up lying on their backs on the dining room floor while suffering for hours before finally dying from the effects of the poison put into the drink.

Lucia looked away from Kanna and Meika to avoid ruining their good mood with her reminiscing about what had happened to her family. When she died the first time the thing she remembered most vividly before leaving the world was lying on her back on the floor and suffering from a type of poison that took a long time to actually kill her. She could not remember for certain if she was the last of her family to die, but she knew that she had managed to outlive her parents and some of her siblings. Her younger sister Melody and her brother Lucius were the first of the Winchester children to die and Alfred followed shortly after.

Lucia decided to stop there because if she kept thinking about that subject she would be overwhelmed by the past. Instead she focused on the present again and focused on Nita and Calliope to bring herself back to reality. There was little need for her to talk since Nita was on the scene and handling any questions the young woman with the unusual hair color combination might have, so she would remain silent and let Nita do her job without interference.

[Post Word Count: 436]
[Lucia's Word Count: 1,276]
[Total Word Count: 4,323]

@Calliope @Fraag @Kanna



Lineage : Dragon's Blood
Position : None
Faction : -
Posts : 66
Guild : Luminous Rose
Cosmic Coins : 0
Dungeon Tokens : 0
Experience : 6,575

Free At Last Empty Re: Free At Last

Post by Kanna 9th December 2022, 2:33 pm

Kanna was officially in her own little world. As Calliope unexpectedly held the baby out to the horned young woman, there was no hesitation as she took the adorable little bundle into her arms and held her close. If she smiled any bigger, her face would surely break!

With the little Vulcan toy in hand, she and the baby took a couple of steps away from the group so they could both giggle without being disruptive. Of course, she made sure to stay close and within sight, since she was obviously still a stranger and didn't want to worry the mother as she tried to join the guild. She was still close enough to overhear, though some things she missed as she and Meika babbled at each other.

This was Kanna in her element. Though she might have grown up with the harshness of Sin all around her, and was even half-Alpha, she was an anomaly. The woman was as warm and soft as a baby's blanket and oozed with nurturing maternal spirit. She was a healer, a supporter, a carer. This was the side of her she'd almost fanatically cultivated, growing it so big that the other side could never rise up and change her. That's why, while still living in Sin, she'd focused on caring for the children. Not only would she be the kindest face they'd ever see, but they were the only chance for Sin to ever change and do better. Just because they were cursed with circumstances beyond their control didn't mean they had to be backwards victims forever.

Needless to say, she strange Sinnite was happy to have a child in her arms again, even if it did make her miss the ones she'd left behind back home.

[wc: 294 || total: 4617]


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