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    Winter in Hostia!


    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Winter in Hostia!

    Post by Saraphina 4th December 2020, 8:27 pm

    The White Queen
    As the seasons rolled around it felt like it was time to visit the other castle that wasn’t on Mount Hakobe. To Hostia it was. The lush green plains were covered in fresh leaves and some frosted snow. Her first winter in Hostia after taking it over. The queen looked out the window of the newly built Hostian Castle and watched the streets a bit. The people were starting to get excited for something, and she wasn’t in their presence. Her curiosity was on her face as she frowned. Was it some tradition here that she didn't know about? She glares a little as she looks down at the people once again. She wanted in on this.

    Nadaline and Bertrand were in Fiore on Mount Hakobe and taking care of the castle there for her as she wasn't at her first castle. Of course she had a few servants here with her in Hostia. They were reliable… she hoped. With a deep breath she turned on her heel and threw open her door to her room. On the other side were some new servants that she had brought in the castle after it was built that used to live and pledged themselves to Saraphina and her cause. They would see her in a tiered ball gown dress with long sleeves that went down to the back of her hand, puffy shoulders, and a rose shaped ribbon on her neck. Upon her head would be her usual crown, but altered to look pretty different. Upon her right middle finger would be a silver band with a rose engraved on it. Something she had found in the treasury here after taking over Hostia. “What is going on outside?” She pouts. The servants looked to one another before clearing their throats. They quickly curtsied to her. One of the maids had stepped forward. “Y-your majesty, it’s the Christmas Festival. It happens every winter, but with a new ‘theme’ every year. This year is the ‘Spirit of Christmas’ festival.”

    The queen tapped her chin as she smiled to herself. Last year she had gone with Birch. That was quite a delight… she wanted to go with him again, but she didn’t know where he was… was he avoiding her? Or was he destroying some government in her name? She sure hoped it was the latter if she was honest. With a clap of her hands she skipped off down the hall and giggled. As she entered the big ball room where some servants were cleaning up and putting up some curtains on the windows, she smiled brightly. “I need Addilyn! Someone find her and tell her she’s coming to the festival with me!” She calls out loudly, swaying from side to side excitedly as she was ready for this festival already. What better way than to take her replacement maid with her? She looks around and taps her chin. “I need another to come with me, maybe two.” Her purplish pink eyes glanced around. Who else could she bring with her to play out today…?
    @Addilyn Amara @Kyra Velkhomme @Tempeste || 511 words || 511/2000 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff


    Eden Knox
    Eden Knox

    She wolf

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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by Eden Knox 6th December 2020, 2:08 pm

    "Salt... More salt..."

    Tempeste muttered to herself after taking a small taste of the soup she had been preparing. On a chilly day like today, a hot soup would definitely hit the spot. Instead of reaching for the salt that was sitting on the counter near by, the young chef just rubbed her fingers together above the pot, small crystals of salt falling from her fingertips. Taking another taste, she smiled.

    "Parfaite!" She exclaimed, finally deciding that her creation was complete. Reaching up to the top of her head, she freed her long, blonde locks from the ponytail she had secured there. Then, grabbing the ladle that was resting in the pot, she scooped herself up a good helping.

    "Silverware... Where was that again?" Having only joined this guild a short time ago, Tempeste was still getting used to her surroundings. Even though she had spent most of her time in this kitchen, she still found herself getting lost in it. Opening up random drawers, she finally spotted what she had been looking for. Spoon now in hand, she eagerly scooped up her food, reveling in it's deliciousness. Though, something was amiss. She couldn't quite put her finger on it at first, but then it finally hit her. She didn't have anyone to share it with! There was no way she would be able to finish that entire pot by herself, and one of the best parts about cooking was seeing how much people love your food. Placing her bowl down, she turned towards the kitchen's exit, determined to find someone she could bribe.

    As Tempeste walked down the hallways of the lovely castle, she heard a commotion coming from the ballroom. Smirking, she began to jog towards the room. Now was her chance! Bursting through the doors, she saw the queen and a few of her servants. This was the first time she had ever seen the White Queen in person. She had somewhat of an intimidating aura about her, perhaps because she was someone of authority. Suddenly becoming shy, Tempeste looked down at her feet, not knowing how to interact with someone of this caliber.

    "I...Um... Madame Reine... Queen. I made soup... If you would like some." She stuttered, avoiding eye contact with the busty woman. Awesome, way to make yourself look like an idiot, Tempeste. The young woman cringed slightly at her own awkwardness. Perhaps the queen would find it endearing? Or pity her? Either one would be better than her thinking she was a strange, bumbling buffoon.

    421/2,000 Words

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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by Sanguine 24th December 2020, 9:01 am

    Winter was never something rare in Midi. They were fairly close to a winter in any other country that had a normal season of snowfall, cold weather, and festivities alike for the season. Though the actress was less than excited to see how the guild had brought the workings of the seasons tidings to the others she was whisked away to Hostia instead. Why? Queens orders, normal upkeep. The usual. The thankful part was that there was an entire staff of people whom already worked within the Hostia hall and all she had been there to do was to supervise. Be it she didn’t have to do much of anything, she did have a couple of days in which she didn’t even dress like a maid. It felt nice to lounge around in casual clothing for a change of pace and the others took no spite in it as they had done the same on their own days. Something to be prideful of was accepting she felt in such a place despite everything she’d been taught in life about the life of mages.

    Humming happily as she had still continued to decorate the Hostia halls for the season, the hair mage had been placing some low and high at the same time. Multitasking using her magic was a chore on its own at first, but once she got the hang of it, she realized how her Sensei used to be so efficient in her work. Thankfully this was what she had the most training in so it was the easiest thing for her grasp. But, she had stopped as a pair of maids had come to her and told her she were to go with the Queen. Her head tilted to the side for a moment, curious as to why she would want her to join her, but with a smile, Addilyn nodded and asked them to take over for her. Happy to do so, the remaining decor was left with the maids and the head maid made her way to meet up with the queen for whatever trip she planned to take. Where she planned to go, she had no idea.

    Upon arriving to ballroom, she had caught eye on a familiar blonde woman making her way into the room. Tempeste, a very strange cookie indeed and not the most talkative person you could meet, she was still a very special bean in her own right. She had come to approach Saraphina first and offered her some food, to which she had not noticed the guild mistress’ reply as she came into the room, smile ablaze. ”You called for me, your highness?” She wondered, walking up close to the pair already occupying the room. ”And it’s nice to see you again, Miss Tempeste. Are you enjoying the Hostia guildhall?” She asked, turning back to the woman in charge. ”Madam Saraphina, this is our newest member and chef, Tempeste. Her cooking is divine... though you do have to be cautious. Her meals are sometimes made in mind for those like herself and Kyra.” Trying to nonchalantly mention that it contains human meats might go unnoticed, she had used Kyra as the reference point to make things easier.

    537 words


    Winter in Hostia! JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
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    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 2nd January 2021, 4:10 pm

    Rollying and Pollying for the Tree Decorating


    Winter in Hostia! IuXzSkd

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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by NPC 2nd January 2021, 4:10 pm

    The member 'Kyra Velkhomme' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Winter in Hostia! OdAaNwh
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 14,005

    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 2nd January 2021, 4:33 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    A rumble filled Kyra's stomach as she smelled the delectable cooking from Tempeste. Even though the chef shared in Kyra's unique palette, the young mage found herself cautiously sidling around corners to smell the food. If she showed up, then certainly the cook would demand Kyra to try all her meals! Kyra did not want to burden blonde-haired chef with such an abysmal assistant and taste tester, making sure to make herself as scarce as possible when it came to the kitchen whenever she was present.

    Alas, she found herself flying too close to the sun, being approached by the Queen herself, demanding people go to the winter festival with her. Kyra did not have the heart to refuse, and she found herself dragged along, leaving just her alongside her two main employers, Addilyn and the Queen herself, as well as the chef with the similar appetite to herself.

    "S-sorry y-you dragged me i-into this..." the young cannibal murmured. "I-I don't have a c-choice in this, t-though, d-do I?"

    She dipped her head low as there were other interactions with the other members that were present before the lesser maid moped off, outside of the ballroom and into the town of Hostia. She was not all too familiar with the more tropical residence of Errings Rising, but the town certainly still did have its merits in beauty. She sighed, at the very least dressed for the festival, courtesy of Medeia's influence. Her angelic instructor had even purchased the clothes for her, or perhaps just asked Liz to make her the wintery apparel, but Kyra was not someone who could just refuse Medeia's orders.

    Nor could she refuse when a well dressed attendant came over and asked Kyra to help decorate the tree. They seemed to be in a bit of a rush due to their late realization that Saraphina herself may be arriving into Hostia, but they "luckily" happened to find an extra pair of hands to assist with their tree decorating. Kyra tried her best to talk them out of asking her for assistance, mostly due to her own clumsiness, but the suited man refused to listen to reason and already had handed her a box of assorted ornaments. Kyra sighed, now having been burdened with this task, and approached her tree. It was a shockingly basic and bare tree, no ornamentation on it at all, which Kyra supposed was the reason they brought her along to help out with one.

    She sighed once more, opening the box she was handed and looking inside. Just like with the appearance of the tree, it was a very basic box of ornaments. Round balls of glass in various colors, a few bearing the appearance of the sigil of Errings Rising, oddly one with a picture of the suited man's family, where they all admittedly seemed to be quite happy with life, nothing out of the ordinary. Kyra at least had experience with decorating trees, from all of the wintertime activities she did with the family back before she had been cursed with the cannibalistic feeling deep within. Her trees always looked the worst, despite what just about everyone said, but she still felt as if she was somewhat on an equal level to her siblings when they would decorate the trees. Rio always had the best looking trees out there, the seemingly perfect person that he was, with Liz's always looking beautiful as well. The rest of her family had the benefit of magic to aid them in their decorative endeavors, but often at least one of her siblings would refrain from using magic in their decorations, just to try to show solidarity towards the youngest of their kin, showing that even without magic they were perfectly capable of creating something beautiful. Demi always told her that, no matter the circumstance.

    She found herself oddly smiling at the recollection of the better days with her siblings, back when she was just a normal person. Back before she was burdened with this evil beast within, back before everything went to hell. She always remembered Tegan, as strong as she was always, tirelessly working every single holiday season, working herself sleepless to make Kyra feel good. The beauty of the trees she would decorate, the elaborate pranks, all of it. Kyra did her best to emulate the guildmaster of Reinford's guild, at least in terms of the decoration of the trees. Before she even realized, she had completely emptied the box, and she found herself wandering over towards the suited man who had asked her to decorate the tree and asking him if there were any lights she could use to wrap around the tree. Another what seemed like a quick blink of time and Kyra's tree was finished, her climbing up the branches to gently set the star on top to finish her creation. The man approached and said that it was one of the best trees he had seen in the entire town and he had hoped that the Queen herself would accept such a display of Winter spirit with them. Despite Kyra's insistence that he was wrong, he continued to implore until Kyra left once more, almost certain at least Addilyn would be angered at her simply leaving the ballroom however long before it had been.
    WC: 0886 | TWC: 0886

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Winter in Hostia! IuXzSkd

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by Saraphina 3rd January 2021, 3:09 pm

    we're gonna guess a gift and maybe get pissed if it's bad?



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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by NPC 3rd January 2021, 3:09 pm

    The member 'Saraphina' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Winter in Hostia! Die_06_42164_sm

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Winter in Hostia! Empty Re: Winter in Hostia!

    Post by Saraphina 3rd January 2021, 9:22 pm

    The White Queen
    It didn’t take long for a new, and unsuspecting, victim to come into the white queens line of sight. Her eyes seemed to light up in absolute delight as the blonde burst into her ballroom with delight on her face. “You! You shall come with me to the festival with my new maid! As well as… one other person…” She tapped her chin as she thought of whom else to bring. She then paused. “Soup?” She tilted her head. After a moment of contemplation, still tapping her chin, a grin slipped across her face as she clapped her hands together. “Sure! Soup sounds lovely! Make it to travel! I want to go down to the city and see the festival! And you can bring your soup with!” She exclaims happily. This would be perfect. She didn’t have to eat peasant food while out, and have delicious soup made from her castle!

    Her attention would be directed towards Addilyn as she approached her. She clapped her hands again and looked between the two women as Addi told her about Tempeste and her cooking. She raised an eyebrow and looked towards Tempeste. “Really? Is this for everyone? Or just for someone like yourself and Kyra?” She had heard about Kyra being one to eat people before. She wasn’t fully aware she had another like her. That was fine, easier to take care of those who bothered her! She then turned her attention back to Addi and grabbed her hands in her own, holding them up and practically pleading with her eyes. “I did call for you! I want you to join me in going to the festival in the city! I wanted Birch… but he’s not in Hostia at the moment. You won’t let me go to the festival all on my own, will you?” Her purplish pink eyes batted at the female before her grip on her hands got tighter. She wouldn’t be able to say no to her.

    Of course the smell of the soup that Tempeste brought called the nose of another face into the room. Kyra. A light shone in her eyes as she let go of Addi’s hands and grabbed hold of the wrist of Kyra as the queen grinned to her, showing her sharp teeth. “You’ll come with us to the festival!” She declared happily. No one was given a choice. They were coming whether they wanted to or not. As the maid apologized to her, and asked if she had a choice, the queen only smiled to her. Of course no answer would be given by the white haired queen of Hostia and Errings Rising.

    She had turned herself around and she eventually made her way outside. She blinked at all the wintery decorations all over the place, and the various smells there were. She smiles as she walks down one of the isles and sees the various games they had going on in this isle. Some games had the ‘jolly’ version of the man she had fought roughly a couple years ago who gave her her sweet Týr after she broke the polar bear of his raging rampage. He still raged, but he listened to her at the very least! Wasn’t that lovely? She giggles at the thought and started to walk forward till she got to a table of presents. “What is this?” She asks as she tilts her head curiously.

    The attendant of the game looked up and saw Saraphina standing before them. “Oh… um… this is a game where one is to guess the gift that is inside the present that you choose! Would you like to play?” He smiles before he noticed the look of another game attendant, then cleared his throat. “Your majesty? Would you like to play, your majesty?” He was starting to sweat a bit as he was hoping he didn’t insult her.

    Saraphina put a finger on the tip of her chin as she glanced down at the game and looked over the presents. “I just pick one and I can guess the gift, right?” The attendant smiled and nodded their head rather fast to her, motioning for her to pick her gift and start guessing. She eagerly grabbed a gift and started shaking happily. What could be inside the gift?! She had to know! Was it shiny?!

    “My dear child… you’ve fallen so far… you can’t have all the things that aren’t yours…” A rather ominous male voice came to her mind.

    “W-what?! Who are you?!” She asks as she dropped the gift, hearing it shatter in the box. The attendant seemed to pale at that her actions, as if he didn’t hear anything.

    “I am Father Christmas. How are you Saraphina Zima? You have been rather naughty… harming people and thinking about stealing the ‘shiny’ gift there.”

    “Y-You shut up! They deserved it! They were oppressing people! And why shouldn’t I have a shiny thing for myself?! I-I deserve it!” She was starting to pout much like a child while she was looking up at the sky. She was trying to see if this ‘Father Christmas’ was somewhere nearby. He just had to be! No way could he just be in her head! She’d beat him up for telling her no! It was bad to tell her no! No!

    “I’m afraid I am in your head… you’ve been pretty naughty, so I can’t let this slide. You’ll be getting plenty of coal for Christmas this year, my dear! Oh how is my polar bear anyways? Týr, i believe you named him?” A hearty chuckle was heard by the young woman and she seemed to freeze while looking down at the giftbox on the ground. “It’s a shame that the glass horse statue was broken because of my frightening you though… it didn’t deserve such a death.”

    Slowly, Saraphina looked up to the attendant and frowns. “It was a glass horse statue…” The attendant nervously went around the table nad opened the box before pulling out the head of the statue, showing that it was a glass horse at one point. The young queen friends even more as she looked at how cute the statue was. She wanted it… “Someone get it fixed and make sure it doesn’t look like it’s been broken! I want it in my room.” She demands as the attendant gives Sara three peppermints. She wasn’t in the mood to eat them right then, so she hung them on the edge of her dress over her breasts.

    “This isn’t the way to get on the nice list…” She wanted to cry a bit now. This man ruined a great little statue that she could have… it was his fault. Not hers. She’d end him the next time she saw the old, fat man. “Really bad choice if you’re wanting to be on the nice list, Miss Zima. You won’t be able to see me for quite some time.”

    She let out a growl and turned on her heels. “Lets go!” She cries out to whomever may be following her. She wasn’t caring anymore about if Addi, Tempeste, or Kyra were following her. She just wanted a body with her that wasn’t her own! She continued stalking down the isle of games and yummy smelling food till she spotted one that seemed rather peculiar to her. There were sweaters laying down on the table and various crafts. “What is this?” She questions as she looked up to the attendants.

    “It’s an ugly sweater contest, your highness.” One told her. She peered down at the cloth a bit, then glanced up towards them once again.

    “It doesn’t have any spells on it that’ll make you hear voices like Father Christmas on it, right?”

    The two attendants there blinked at that and instantly shook their heads. “N-no ma’am! You have to just make an ugly sweater that fits the theme of Christmas! No catch! No magic from us! All your creativity! No pranks!” The other attendant says quickly with a rather nervous blush on her cheeks.

    Saraphina peered at them quizzically before she nodded and picked up a green sweater. This one would be the base of her sweater. Make it ugly for Christmas? The white haired queen thought hard about it for a moment. Surely she had seen a few when she came to Fiore! One of the things she had seen was a sweater being made to look like the wearer was a gift! That was pretty horrendous! That was what she was going to go with!

    She laid the sweater down and grabbed a red sweater, cutting the sleeves off of both of them before she put the sleeves of the red one to the green one and used this ‘fabric glue’ to glue the sleeves together. She was going to do this all on her own. Next came the other fabrics. She got a gold and red striped fabric and cut it in half. She stuck them on two opposite corners of the front of the shirt before putting a fabric ribbon in the middle vertical and horizontal to cover the messy cuts of the striped fabric before she put on a nice big bow in the front. Now she needed a model… She looked around, then at the attendant before she handed the sweater to her. “Please wear this for me? It’ll look bad with my dress, and I can’t have that~!” She giggles ever so sweetly to the person, showing her sharp teeth.

    While the remaining people in the country of Hostia accepted her as queen, and Errings Rising as partial rulers with her, they were nervous of her with how she looked and acted sometimes. The attendant nervously grabbed the sweater and slipped it on, smiling just as nervously as they were uncomfortable. “I think I won~! It looks pretty ugly~!” She giggles as she clapped her hands together. The other attendant of the little activity handed the white queen two peppermints, and she hooked them on her dress with the other two. With a deep sigh, the queen turns around.

    “This is rather boring now.”

    “That’s a bit rude…”

    “If you feel like continuing the festival, you can stay here and enjoy it. I’m going to go back to the castle now.” She sighs as she walks away. She didn’t care. This Father Christmas was annoying her and she needed to alleviate this new headache! She never had one before. It was painful… She was a good girl, he couldn’t tell her she wasn’t. She was doing good for the people. Only killing the corrupted and the lawmakers! He didn’t know better, that was all!

    “But it’s still not good…” He insisted. Who the hel cared about what he said anyways!
    @Tempeste @Addilyn Amara@Kyra Velkhomme || 1795 words || 2306/2000 total ||
    Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff
    Sara has 5/5 peppermints
    3 from guessing gift
    2 from sweater making


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