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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]


    VIP- God Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 235
    Guild : Fairy tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: God Slayer Magic (Thunder)
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 8th August 2013, 2:48 pm

    Job description :

    Brink had finally recovered from the little damage he took in the C rank exam with his Guild master, which did not last as long as he hoped, but it was still one of the funniest things he has done while in the guild minus the jobs with Heero and Garfield he went on. However, he is done sitting on his butt and needed to get back to the grind trying to climb the ladder and become the last ace of Fairy Tail to show his true loyalty and potential. He was looking at the guild board when he saw a great B rank job he wanted to go on and he had the perfect partner to help him with it. He swiftly ripped the sheet of the wall and started to walk over to Heero who seemed to be chewing down like always with Garfield next to him.

    “Yo Heero you ready to go on another job this time you are helping me prove that I am worthy of B rank.” Brink smirked as he thought this would slightly impress him seeing as he has not been in fairy tail for that long and has been improving at an incredible pace. He was wondering if Heero would enjoy going to beat down some low down thugs trashing an innocent restaurant and the free meal would be even better to convince him seeing as he loved his meals.

    “You know you want to and one of the rewards is a meal cooked from the famous chief Adele he is one of the best in Hargeon town but I heard we shouldn’t really drink the water something happened awhile back and they never cleaned it.” He got a very serious look as he spoke those last words feeling that anyone or anything that could destroy a whole water source should never have even existed and it sickened him to his very core. He started gripping in his fist then he realized being pissed would not help him while he was on a job nor would it even help the situation.

    “Anyway if you are in we should get going before we both get to lazy to move and start slacking off.” He was mainly talking about himself but he wanted to get a move on so that he could get into his next exam as soon as possible. In addition, really this job seemed interesting anyway seeing as Brink would get to test his new spells if they put up a fight and he so wanted to put some weak hearted people in their place today.


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 8th August 2013, 6:49 pm

    Heero leaned back in his chair, taking huge bites of an open box of pizza in front of him. Flanking the box of pizza was a huge basket of wings, flanked by another basket filled with muffins of the butter pecan nature.

    Heero continued to chow down on food; taking a sip of his Dr. Lacrima Soda every now and then; and also making room here and there for a few burps.

    "Heero! Slow down! Leave me some pizza!" without warning, his orange Exceed Garfield was between him; and his pizza. Garfield mushed him back with both paws in his face comically as Heero flailed, attempting to reach around him to grab another slice.

    A familiar voice; broke up the tussel.

    "Oi! Brink-kun!" Garfield raised a paw, that sparkled once in greeting. Heero listened to Brink, while sneaking another slice of pizza behind Garfield's back while he was distracted.

    "Mmmm-----yeah." Heero read the Job Sheet that Brink spoke of; as his eyes lit up while reading it and being told by Brink at the same time that there was free food involved. "We're leaving for this job RIGHT NOW! We'll complete this Job for Fairy Tail!!!" Heero stood with one leg up on the table bench, posing, as sparkles flew all around him.

    "Aye...for the Guild or for your stomach?" Garfield quipped once with low eyes and a sweatdrop. Heero turned around and grinned a toothy Slayer smile. "Y'know, you'll probably get free trays of Sushi as well."

    In almost an instant, Garfield stood with one leg up, knee bent exactly mirroring Heero, sparkling as well.

    "For Fairy Tail!" he added. After about two or three minutes, Heero and Brink headed out of Magnolia. "I'm flyin' down to Hargeon! I ain't takin' a train! You can forget that!" with that, Garfield would pick Heero up under his arms and take off from the front of Magnolia town, headed South to Hargeon Town.


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Rose


    VIP- God Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 235
    Guild : Fairy tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: God Slayer Magic (Thunder)
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 8th August 2013, 8:12 pm

    Brink simply shocks his head as Garfield, Heero did their little pose, and he could tell they were truly doing it for their never-ending stomachs it seemed like. They could put away more food than most people in the guild and Brink never could figure out where it went with those two. However, he really started to stop caring after awhile seeing, as they were always ready when needed and never missed a beat on a job so he really did not mind except when they were carried away and started fighting around the guild over simple things like the last slice of pizza or whose food is whose.

    “So I am taking the train by myself as you get carried all the way there? Well I guess I will see you in Town wait for me at the train station man.” He waved back even though Heero and Garfield where probably gone as he put his hands in his pocket and he went to buy his train ticket. He let out a deep sigh as he stepped on the training seeing Heero fly off into the distance he sometimes he wishes he had a pet that could fly him places.

    “Well I guess I am going to be looking at the sites out the window while I am on this boring train.” He let out a ‘tsk’ and he boarded the train however, it did not take as long as he thought he arrived faster than he could remember or maybe it was because he fell asleep as he saw the building and landscape pass by. He stretched as they allowed the passengers to get off and he meet back up with Heero who with no surprise had food in his mouth.

    “You fly to one place after eating and get here and the first thing you buy or have is food? Where do you even put it all?” He let out a slight laugh and scratched his head then he put it back into his pocket wondering if this time he can show Heero an even more powerful God Force and scare this guys off so they can spend their time eating because he was getting quite hungry himself seeing them eat all this food.


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 9th August 2013, 3:15 pm

    As the wind whipped throughout Heero's clothes, and hair; he thought about the Job he and Brink were on. It seemed like only yesterday they'd helped Roger keep his goods safe on his way to Era. Now they were about to go on a Job to full blown shut down a Small Mob in Hargeon Town that had been pimping jewels out of the Restaurants in town for weeks; in the name of "protection"; Heero almost laughed and scoffed at the thought.

    Hargeon Town was one of the cities and towns that were home to a Wizard's Guild; Lamia Scale. If the restaurants truly needed "protection" they could go to Lamia Scale; rather than recruit some thugs and or hooligans right off the street. Clearly; they were taking advantage of the Restaurants in Hargeon; it had to be stopped one way or another. Even normal Shops besides Restaurants were being hit at this point.

    "Hey look!" Garfield called out above the wind, looking out towards the ocean coast to their left. Out of the water; a grand magnificent whale surfaced for a moment. His tail following; raising into the sky like a mighty hammer before slamming against the Water; and with another flick of it's mighty tail, it submerged. Heero smiled at the whole spectacle; he wanted nothing more than to go and take a dip with the Whale. His Water-Make allowed him to do magnificent things involving the element of Water he never dreamed he'd be able too; especially as the Dragon Slayer of Lightning. But as fate would have it; he was also quite tied to his opposite element.

    They flew; along the coast line, further, further still. The train that Brink was riding on whooting a fantastic bellow; as steam came from it's fore as it chugged along the tracks.

    Before too long, Hargeon came into view; it's lighthouse and city shining on the coast in the daylight like a Bastion. The home of Lamia Scale, Pirates, Sailors, and apparently a Restaurant Hustling Mob. Heero could see the train go rolling into the station at high speeds; slowing down, as Garfield dipped down, the grass panning beneath them. The orange cat slowed itself down, as Heero was placed on the ground at a forward run amidst a crowd of fisherman, sailors, and businessmen going into and out of Hargeon. He made his way towards the train station to meet up with Brink, slipping his hands into his pockets; as Garfield would land from the skies on top of his blue set of spiked hair with an 'Exceed Paw Noise'.


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Rose


    VIP- God Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 235
    Guild : Fairy tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: God Slayer Magic (Thunder)
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 9th August 2013, 3:36 pm

    Brinks wondered why Heero did not answer him when Brink finally walked over, looked, and saw it was definitely not the Heero and Garfield he knew but rather street performers trying to make a quick buck of his fame. Brink could not stand to see this site and went into a swiftly flurry of attacks beating down the stupid man trying to cash in on someone else name. He found this to be one of the worst crimes, he simply was outraged at the site, and it ruined his good mood.

    “Freaking posers why don’t you simply find your own talent and not try to exploit others!” He yelled as they ran off bleeding slightly but it was only a broken nose and his little whatever that was, playing Garfield running on the ground as his fake wings fell. Brink then went to a close by ice cream shop seeing as Heero was not in sight to get a quick snack before they arrived as he was placing his order he could over hear some people talking about going to the restaurant that him and Heero where going to reclaim. So he guessed they were a part of the thugs shaking down the poor owner for his hard earned money.

    He listened quietly as they really just gave him all the details he need for the job and even throughout their bosses name like it was nothing he was known as the Rouge wizard Zeil. He laughed a little but he played it off as though the clerk simply told a joke and he walked away with his desert/treat smirking seeing as he got his information and now was simply to wait for the real Heero and Garfield.

    “I hope these guys get here soon I am really in a fighting mood today for some reason and I have a great idea to scare them right into shape to live the owner alone.” He slightly gripped his cone harder making a cracking sound before he let up seeing, as he was not finished with the great treat he just bought letting out a little laugh as he forgot it was there.


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 12th August 2013, 8:22 am

    Heero walked through Hargeon Town; and could see Lamia Scale sitting high up on a hill in the town; it's Serpent Like woman statue outfront glistenig like a bastion up above. He wondered if he'd see any Lamia Scale Wizards while he was in town---probably not.

    He had heard that their Guild had recently taken a massive dive in membership; under ten Wizards he believed.

    "Heh, no wonder we're handeling jobs in their town..." Heero pursed his lips and thought to himself. He wondered where Jermin, one of the Wizard Saints and leader of Lamia Scale was these days.

    "Look there's Brink!" Garfield spotted Brink, crushing some ice-cream in his hand, daydreaming. Heero ran up and gave him a yo!, nodding and bowing before looking over his shoulder at the Ice Cream vendor. "And you didn't even get me any!" Heero barked and grew comically with several "!!!'s" over his head, Garfield mimiced him comically.

    Two minutes later; Heero and Garfield came back with giant bowls of cookies and cream Ice Cream.

    "Ok! So---hey what's that over there?" Heero thought he saw a little kid with blonde hair dressed as Garfield running off. "Huh...." he went back to his ice cream, before asking once more. "So, who are we after!" Heero said, continuing to snack on his Ice Cream, as Garfield used his spoon with his orange tail, scooping ice cream up and eating it with it.

    "After this we should get some fish!" Garfield exclaimed, completely forgetting the fact that they were on a job when his appetite kicked in.

    "No, are you kidding! We've gotta smash these bookies up before they drive all the restaurants in town bankrupt! Then we won't be able to have our awesome trips to Hargeon FOR the good seafood here ANYMORE." as Heero barked at Garfield, the cat realized what was at stake; and let out a large scream as he grabbed his face comically with his orange paws.

    He then stood at attention in front of Brink, sparkling in a military salute.

    "We should definitely help Hargeon Town! We'll follow your lead on this one, Brink!" Garfield quipped in his high pitched voice as he saluted and looked up to Brink comically. Heero with a sweatdrop on the back of his head that sank down for a moment in the background. The crowd of people in Hargeon was thick; as the Market was fully alive with families, girls, and people. A few people began to recognize Heero and walked past him just to say "Hi!"; but he merely acted bashful and tried to lay low while on a Job with a Guildmate. It wasn't working and a small crowd of people began to gather around them.

    "Uh oh...Brink, at this rate whoever we're after will hear that we're in town....let's move." Heero knew most Fairy Tail Wizards, or wizards period couldn't keep up with him. But Brink could. In a burst, Heero activated his Lightning Aura and took off in a burst of yellow Lightning into the skies that moved across town. The bolt of yellow lightning landed on a roof, as Heero; as he was at a crouch kneeling on the roof waiting for Brink; his yellow lightning aura sizzling for a moment and turning off.

    Hopefully Brink's black lightning God Slayer skills had gotten ten times better now that he was C-Ranked. When Brink did arrive, he hoped that he'd found something out about their target. They'd have to lay low in order too not attract attention to themselves. Since people knew a Wizard Saint was in town now; they might be looking for Heero or Brink as well.

    He waited on one of the high rooftops on Hargeon for Brink, Garfield sitting on his shoulder as he flew down a moment afterwards, also being able to keep up with Heero with his own form of Aera Lightning Magic.


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Rose


    VIP- God Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 235
    Guild : Fairy tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: God Slayer Magic (Thunder)
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 12th August 2013, 2:42 pm

    Brink looked at Garfield as he stood in front of him sparkling he wondered why he was captain on this job but he had no time to worry about it seeing as Heero was getting surrounded and used his lighting aura to get away and Garfield was far behind. Brink simply looked smiling at the flying lightning bolt as Heero . Then he finally snapped out of it and knew he had to catch up and before the people could look at Brink who was talking to him, he was gone with not so much as a trace he simply used three shunpos to catch up and was standing behind Heero. However, brink wondered if he knew he was there but he had no time to think because Heero was correct word would swiftly spread of their arrival so he had no time to joke this time around.

    “Well Heero the guy we are looking for is called Ziel he is a rouge mage from Savage Skull who came to make his own name but he isn’t anything special I heard he was a B rank mage at best. Also seeing as we went all this way the restaurant we are going to be rescuing is literally down the block.” Brink simply pointed at a building three places down and he laughed as Heero really did all the work in finding them brink just had a little info. There was one last thing however but he could put his finger on it.

    “Well anyway so how do you want to go about doing this want to just run in and demolish them or do you want to see my improved God Force seeing as you seem to be testing my skills a little.” Brink lifted one of his eyes because he loved that Heero was the key to one of his greatest powers and the fact he could willingly do making some of this jobs allot easier on brinks half and Heero did not have to work as hard but that was neither here nor there.


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 12th August 2013, 4:17 pm

    Heero saw a streak of Black Lightning flash; and heard it land behind him as he crouched on the roof. He knew Brink was standing behind him; and when he heard his voice; he listened in a bit.

    Garfield flew around them in circles playfully like a wheel as they talked.

    "Some guy from Savage Skull eh? We'd better get to em' but scope him out first. Those Savage Skull wizards shouldn't be underestimated....just kidding. Let's find him and bust him up." Heero gave a bright, slayer smile and rubbed the back of his blue hair.

    "Should we just go charging in?" Heero put a hand on his face in thought; before getting an idea. "Well; let's patrol the rooftops for awhile; if we get caught by them early they'll know we're coming."

    "Yea, let's make it into a race!" Garfield suggested. Heero rubbed the back of his head and laughed with a nod.

    "That's not a bad idea! Brink; let's footrace across the Rooftops for awhile. Those guys have been harassing all the restaurants in town; and from up here we've got a pretty nice view of things. All we have to do is parkour around for awhile until we notice one of the restaurants in town below with a bit of commotion going on."

    "Aye! Then we ambush the Gang! The Rune Knights'll come and lock em' up! And then, fish!" Garfield put a paw into the skies and sparkled as he floated up and down; white wings out. With a sigh; Heero shook his head, and stretched preparing for their race. He wondered how fast Brink was on his feet. Eventually he looked towards him. "Ready?" shortly afterward; Garfield would yell "Go!"

    Heero would take off, light on his feet; and leap straight across the first valley of rooftops landing at a sailing skid; and continuing his run. He would flip through a set of chimnees, just between the bricks stylishly on the next rooftop; each time he jumped to a new roof; he looked around Hargeon Town, listening and checking for any commotion; although he or Brink would probably hear it easily as the Parkoured the rooftops with their enhanced senses.


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Rose


    VIP- God Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 235
    Guild : Fairy tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: God Slayer Magic (Thunder)
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 13th August 2013, 1:23 pm

    Brink was listening to Heero explain his strategy when suddenly Garfield gave a great option of going on a foot race to both entertain each other also to gather some info and get a good attacking position on the restaurant.

    “Will if we are doing a foot race this will be fun but I hope I can keep up.” Brink started stretching when Heero did but waited till he saw Heeros first moves just checking out what really was going on with the legendary Lighting dragon slayer and the wait was worth it after seeing the agility and ability and swiftness in motion. Brink smirked now it was time for him to show off his skills however, it was going to be a little more aggressive then graceful.

    “Well I better get going otherwise I will lose track of him.” Brink laughed then out of know where he burst into a full run that would surprise anyone at his rank he was moving more as a B rank then a C rank really his burst in speed was one almost unmatched in his ranking group and his speed was top rank. Nothing about him screamed C rank amateur other than that his rank. He powerfully skipped the first jump like Heero however instead of flipping over the chimeras he simply turned his body sliding through and he had no sign of hesitation or slowing down. He swiftly was only a couple feet behind Heero really there was no way he could stay on par with someone of S rank either way but he loved the challenge of how close he could get.

    “This is like I am chasing the never ending shadow of my father or even a long lost brother.” Brink smirked as he said this under his breath and reached out as though he was trying to grab the endless shadow and pull himself to the top. However, he was simply not fast enough yet but he still can keep a good distance enough to where he was closer than most would even could dream of being at, at his rank. He swiftly jumped over another ledge and was keeping pace as he followed Heero wondering when they would stop but always looking for their target and next move to spring into action.


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 13th August 2013, 1:27 pm

    As Heero and Brink ran across the rooftops; Garfield swirled and did a flurry of barrel rolls. Heero could tell his cat was truly enjoying the wind; it made him smile a bit to see him enjoying their rooftop run as well.

    Heero could hear Brink's footsteps behind him; and smirked as he leaped and stepped off a streetlamp; vaulting and flipping to another roof; landing with a crouch. As he landed; he heard some huge commotion; up ahead. He couldn't see it, because the roof he was on was so long.

    But when Brink arrived; he nodded to him, knowing he probably already heard it as well. The two of them would like jog to the edge of the roof; and get down to a crawl. Amazingly; the building they were on top of was an extremely ritzy restaurant.

    Cameras were flashing; paparazzi was everywhere from all around Fiore. But; people were yelling, terrified. Something was all wrong; then, Heero spotted it as he and bring laid down on the edge of the roof looking around.

    In the center of the red carpet leading into the restaurant; were four people. Three of them had Machine Guns, probably magical as well; and one of them was dressed much differently; he had on a hooded cloak. He had bright yellow hair and green eyes. The cloak exposed only his arms, that were taped down with black ninjutsu wrappings.

    But on the back of his cloak; there was the Purple Skull with the Gear around it; Savage Skulls logo.

    "Looks like Blondie and his gang of thugs are hittin' this restaurant up for payment Brink." Heero commented.

    "Aye! And it looks like there's all types of ritzy folks down there too!" Garfield commented comically in the same position spying as Heero and Brink on the roof.

    "I suggest we make a splash of an entrance....those guys won't be too tough; but those Machine Guns are probably magical---their bullets will be able to hit spells and even go through them so be careful of their fire. There's three of them."

    Heero then raised an eyebrow and made a comical face towards the blonde Savage Skull wizard in all black.

    "I'm not sure what his magic is...this guy's supposed to be a B-Class wizard so we've gotta watch out....the crowd could get hurt." Heero pounded his fists together while laying down. "Only one way to find out.", he stood up and leaped from the rooftop; his blue hair and clothes flurrying in the wind on the way to the red carpet as the camera showed him landing at a crouch. The crowd let out an 'oooh!'; as he landed but Heero set off at a zig zagging dash as all three thugs pointed their guns at him. A rain of bullets went off; but he easily zipped through it; eyes on the Blonde Wizard.

    He threw a right hand right between his green eyes; but instantly; he shifted and vanished on the spot. 'Teleportation Magic!'; Heero made a face in slow-motion as real time kicked back in. He spun around and charged himself up with a blaze of yellow Lightning as the Blonde Wizard reappeared.

    "You thought it would be that easy to take Ziel on himself did you?" his eyes widened for a moment, as he recognized Heero. "A Wizard Saint himself? Am I really that important?" he flattered himself smuggly as he landed on top of a fountain statue in front of the restaurant. The three guys behind Heero all had machine gunes at his back.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 13th August 2013, 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by NPC 13th August 2013, 1:27 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] NormalMonster Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] NormalMonster Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] NormalMonster Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Boss

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 13th August 2013, 3:14 pm

    Brink watched as Heero went ape shit trying to attack the boss right off the bat after looking at the scene.  He stepped back about five steps and then without hesitation, he leaped overhead of heero and even the thugs pointed at him and he had only one thought in his mind save Heero and rage was in his eyes this was Brink in a serious fight. Therefore, he was not going to waste time trying to act smart or give them a chance to attack seeing as they were focused on Heero the only person he had to worry about was Ziel and Heero had him locked into his eyes.  Within an instant, he snapped his fingers three times above the thugs to send down three lighting shaped dragons down upon their heads and within the next second. Then landed on the ground with a hero  stance and he snapped two more times sending the next two toward left and right ones back so he wouldn’t hit hero if he missed.

    “We won’t lose to these weaklings will we Heero you have a name to live up two and I damn sure intend to make mine known as well so this shouldn’t even faze you.” Brink smirked as he looked at Heero as though he knew his gaze would place through his back and pop out in front of Heero’s face signaling It was time to get serious and this guys where simply in the way of a greater cause.

    “Now are you going to earn your food or what.” Brink simply waited for his Heeros answer but ready for anything just in case he had to go back into swift action. However, he wondered where Garfield went he was never around when you needed him. Brink chuckled slightly but not loud enough for anyone to hear.  He was wondering what the next move of everyone would be however he had his own plan on how this fight would go and the next thing would be him using Thor’s Hammer to smash that fountain and hopefully end the rain of ziel once and for all. However his thought was interrupted as his spells went off and only the one missed however he got what he deserved seeing as he was one of the ones on the end so he got hit with the last snap brink did and then he noticed the three craters in the ground that went a person deep and 30 feet wide it was amazing how much power he had and brink didn't even know it would do that much damage seeing as this was his spells test runs.

    "Holy shit I am sorry man I will help fix or maybe buy to fix those holes I didn't realize i had gotten this strong." Brink blinked at the manager and head chief who came running out after the noise. Brink scratched his head as he wondered how one rank did this much to his strength.

    First dice to see if they dodged/evaded first three dragons
    Second roll for the next two to see if they managed to dodge the second set as well

    Last edited by Brink on 13th August 2013, 3:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by NPC 13th August 2013, 3:14 pm

    The member 'Brink' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Miss


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 13th August 2013, 3:33 pm

    As Heero looked upwards towards Ziel; he heard what sounded like more thunder going off behind him; he turned his head, looking behind him in order to see five bolts of black lightning; that he thought looked shaped like Dragons; slam down on top of the Thugs with Machine Guns.

    They were zapped pretty heavily; and stumbled about grabbing their heads, parts of their clothes smoking. One of them completely; KOed and smoking like a hot coal.

    The other two stood up, as Brink had just caused some major property damage to the front of the restaurant. The entire red carpet into the restaurant was filled with five black craters; as the other three thugs surrounded Brink; aiming their machine guns at him.

    "Heh, nicely done Brink! I don't think we'll be gettin' a free meal if you keep bustin' up their restaurant like this!" normally Heero wouldn't give a damn, about property damage; as that was just how Fairy Tail did things. But free snacks were on the ine.

    "For food then?" Ziel's voice from sitting on top of the fountain came. Quickly; he teleported; in a snap like noise, as his blonde hair and black hooded face appeared in front of Heero. He delivered a spiraling uppercut kick to Heero; who tried to deliver a whirling kick in response; as Ziel snapped out of the way again, disappearing in an instant.

    He reappeared; and delivered an uppercut to the bottom of Heero's face. But; Heero hadn't moved an inch. His head was tilted; upwards, but with his strength he managed to push Ziel's fist down; revealing a creepy Slayer smile.

    "Nice moves; but I'll show you how it's done." as Heero spoke; one could see the fear in Ziel's eyes. Heero ignited himself into a bright yellow Lightning Aura, sizzling Ziel's black wrappings and his knuckles as he pulled his fist away from Heero's face, sizzling. A noise like a power generator went off as Heero sprinkled into yellow lightning, zipping and reforming behind Ziel in what seemed like another moment.

    As soon as Ziel turned around; Heero sent a whipping uppercut crashing into the bottom of his chin. Heero spun again; and supercharged the uppercut with lightning; extending it fully as Lightning Dragon's Rising Upper exploded around Ziel and sent him flying upwards into the skies on whirling yellow lightning. Heero hopped upward and landed on the ground at a spin from the spell; and then held one hand out; concentrating on Ziel's position in a stance as he focused on Ziel flying higher, and higher into the skies.

    "Golden Lotus: Lightning Dragon's Fist"; what seemed like the entire area began to vibrate and hum with magical energy; as bystanders crouched and screamed as Heero charged up for a second or two. The air seemed to hum into him; as he explode forward in a giant thunderbolt that sounded like an atomic bomb. He appeared in the skies slamming into Ziel; delivering thousands of punches with his fists coated in lightning.

    Each fist sounded like something getting electrocuted as Heero pummeled through Ziel like a meteor; lightning punch after lightning punch crashing down onto him. Heero would whirl around; as he saw Ziel's bloodied and dizzy face; and deliver the final punch of the S-Ranked hidden Slayer art. A huge thunderbolt shook down through the Fountain in front of the restaurant; kicking up dust everywhere.

    When the smoke cleared; the fountain of the restaurant was completely wrecked; as water sprayed everywhere; and Ziel laid unconsious in the rubble; twitching. His body still showing yellow shocks skipping over it's legs and arms as he twitched.

    "Awww....dammit! The restaurant owners gonna be pissed about that fountain! We're definitely not getting a free meal now!" Heero complained; as the crowd of people watching outside of the fancy seafood restaurant began to stand up; and watch Brink and the two remaining Bodyguards with machine guns.

    "Someone run in and get the Store Owner! Don't just stand here gasping!" Heero barked, as Garfield finally flew down to his side.

    "Ayeeeuuuh! You and Brink totally trashed the front of this place!" Garfield said as he saw the craters in the ground; and the wrecked fountain spraying water everywhere with Ziel laying in it.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 13th August 2013, 4:37 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by NPC 13th August 2013, 3:33 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] FailedBlock


    #5 'Block Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] FailedBlock

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 13th August 2013, 4:50 pm

    Brink laughed as Heero complimented him however, brink throw out the thought of a free meal after he saw the holes. He then watched as the famous lighting slayer went crazy on Ziel sending him crashing down into the fountain after being hit with a barrage of different attacks. He was amazed yet he had his own problem seeing as two of the guys got up from the giant explosion and their bodies going through what Brink would call a lighting hell.

    “Well this is awkward I really was hoping I would only have to use 10% of my power but guess you guys have other plans. Oh but before you fire those guns at me I would like to warn you they are done for seeing as they receive that much damage and they were shitty to start with so hand to hand mates?” Brink throughout a funny accent to let them know he felt no fear from them and really, he was surprised in the first place they could get up and try attacking him again but he didn’t know if they were really fried he just didn’t want to deal with it. However, they shot at him anyway and he had to think if he could dodge or not they were standing in front of him tightly so that no more surprises would happen.

    “God dammit people this isn’t cool shooting at people isn’t nice what so ever!” He was attempting to dodge wondering what would happen and how this whole situation would go down when suddenly he felt a burning pain on his side where he was hit with a few bullets causing him to bleed but he managed to work through the pain and dodge the next few shots. However, brink was angred and his rage would surely mess up his shots as he tried to use his black sphere and then he swiftly went into thor’s hammer which the attack only lasted ten seconds. However, it was clear that he missed both times the sphere was a little too far to the left and thor’s hammer they simply jumped out the way and aimed down site at Brink once again he hated this feeling and he knew what he would do next if Heero didn’t take them out.

    Last edited by Brink on 13th August 2013, 4:57 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Total EXP: 377.5
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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by NPC 13th August 2013, 4:50 pm

    The member 'Brink' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Block Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] FailedBlock Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Block

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 13th August 2013, 4:51 pm

    Rolling attack post messed up


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by NPC 13th August 2013, 4:51 pm

    The member 'Brink' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Miss Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Miss

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 13th August 2013, 5:02 pm

    As Heero and Garfield watched Brink; Heero crossed his arms. Brink had improved by a long way; but these guys were no joke. Awhile ago, Heero wouldn't even dream of letting Brink go up against three guys with magical machine guns; but now he was holding his own against them quite well.

    As bullets rained down on Brink; Heero looked somewhat concerned, as the water from the fountiain sprayed out all behind him. He looked at it, and in slow-motion one could see him examining the crystal spray of water flying everywhere.

    "Garifled, you up for some action?" Heero asked while looking over his shoulder at the fountain. "Aye saaaah!" Garfield roared; pumping one paw into the air.

    Heero would clap both hands together; one fist in a palm at his side. "Water-Make: Lake Excalibur", in the next moment; Heero held his hand above his head as a huge amount of water whirled into his hand through a blue Magic Circle. Water from the fountain pulled into his hand in a massive water tornado as well as the crowd 'oooed' and 'aaaaahed'; the tornado of Water above his head formed into a gigantic Curved Sword of water the size of a bus. Heero was then lifted up off the ground by a current of water; and slammed into the two remaining Bodyguards with a large sonic 'Clap!'; that sent water flying hundreds of feet up into the air; and everywhere all around them.

    The crowd of bystanders got wet; as the machine guns flew upward into the air flying away from the thugs. They were tossed into the air; as Garfield came soaring through the water in a windy splash. Max Speed: Lightning Barrage! began as Garfield ripped through the airborne thugs thrown into the air by the giant splash of water; surrounded by a yellow sparkling Lightning Aura identical to Heero's. The cat flew around with his two paws extended forward in fists like superman. A battering ram of lightning; his wings sent him ripping through them for twenty hits that flashed in the sky above; they tumbled to the ground, completely covered in soaking water; and still getting electrocuted a bit from the cat's thunderous attack.

    Yellow lightning sizzled around their arms, and legs as they laid; KOed, as black lightning still surged around the KOed body of the one Brink had downed.

    The crowd; although they were rich people who were completely wet; cheered loudly.

    The restaurant owner came running outside.

    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! What have you done! Look at my parking looooot!" he screamed; holding his hands in front of himself in disbelief. "My fountaaaaain! I paid 300,000 jewels for that founta---wait....is this Ziel and his gang?!" the restaurant owner looked around where Heero and Brink were standing and saw the blonde Wizard KOed in the broken fountain.

    "So.....you two are the Fairy Tail Wizards I got a letter back from who accepted the request?" he was an elder man, with a long goatee. He stroked it once in thought. "The free meal is OFF! You'll still get paid, I'll send the Jewels to Fairy Tail immediately!" he stormed off back inside, telling one of his restaurant workers to call the Rune Knights to come and clean Ziel and his gang up.

    "N-N, Noooooo!" Garfield got sad as the restaurant owner stomped off. His dreams of sushi going right out the door to the property damage they'd caused.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 13th August 2013, 5:13 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by NPC 13th August 2013, 5:02 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Attack


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Block

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 13th August 2013, 6:13 pm

    Brink was still bleeding a little but he found he needed to apologize for ruining his parking lot so he bowed his head holding his side and looked at Heero noting for him to do the same at least out of respect. He did not think Heero would listen but still he had to at least try and get him to if a guy who was shot did it the famous Heero should definitely be able to at least do a simple apology.

    “I am sorry for causing the damage and really you should keep the payment to fix the stuff I broke.” He started to lift his head as he was getting a little light headed but he really did not care about it. He looked at the man his angry started to get a slightly better seeing as he would have some spar money to get it all fixed and move on.

    “I am truly sorry about it this and next time I come I will buy one of your awesome meals.” Brink let out a sigh as he sat on part of the broken fountain wondering what Heero wanted to do next as he wondered how a cat out did him in a fight this made him laugh at an uncontrolled rate. Until he looked at Garfield standing on the ground next to Heero and gave him a great thumbs up for that ass kicking he gave to those last two thugs.

    “That was awesome Garfield you are just as much a member of this team as me and Heero are sometimes I forget that little dude.” He held out a fist to Garfield for a small fist bump before they got moving or whatever they were going to end up doing he didn’t care all he was wondering is how he was going to get back to the station with that wound on his side but it wasn’t that important or pressing. However he did know that soon he was going to use his shunpo if he really couldn’t move from that spot like he though and he would swiftly have to move and get to the plane.


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 16th August 2013, 8:18 am

    Heero looked at Brink; his mouth hanging open in surprise as Brink refused payment from the client. "H-hey! What about mine?!" Heero jibed. Garfield punched him in the leg with an Exceed Paw Noise at his side, "F-fine." Heero got a sweatdrop over his head and slumped his shoulders for a moment. "K-keep mine too, use it to fix the Parking Lot and the Fountain." Heero put his hands into his pockets and stood up straight with a nod towards the man.

    "Kitty, here kitty---you hungry?" the Restaurant Owner reemerged about five minutes later with a tray of Sushi for Garfield.

    "Ayeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!" the cat grabbed it's face and comically grew anime style even larger than the foundtain as he screamed, he started sparkling as he fist pounded Brink, and then he skipped over tho the restaurant owner; still sparkling comically, and took the tray from him as he handed it down to the much shorter and smaller cat. "Arigatougozaimasu!" Garfield holding the tray would bow comically and swish his tail a few times.

    "Come on inside kitty, you can eat at one of our finest tables. But your friends aren't allowed in." the restaurant owner looked up at Brink and Heero and shot them both a look; glancing around his parking lot once more and sighing.

    Heero looked completely baffled; as his face was halfway blue with jealousy and his mouth hung open again for the second time. He shook his head at comical speeds; and in the next moment his expression was back to normal as he watched Garfield walk off into the restaurant with all of the rich and ritzy folks.

    The sound of water spraying everywhere in the parking lot from the broken fountain filled the air as it continued to shoot sprays of water up harmlessly around into the air.

    In this; peaceful moment, while everyone else including Garfield went inside. It was just Heero and Brink; at the shattered fountain. Minus Ziel inside of the fountain with anime swirlie eyes and his Thugs laying spawled on the red carpet. For awhile; Heero sat in silence with Brink on the fountain, looking around the empty, destroyed lot. Suddenly, Heero heard what sounded like marching; and swirled around looking, locating an entourage of Rune Knights headed in his direction, led by a man with a long white coat. Eventually; he heard a voice,

    "Oi, you the Fairy Tail Wizards responsible for this?" a voice from the head of the pack. A Lightsworn. He wore a long white jacket; that came down to the floor, with a katana at his side; and Rune Knight symbol upon the back of his white jacket. The Lightsworn were on a whole nother class of Rune Knight; and all of them were considered S-Class. Heero nodded to the Lightsworn, as the man would look over his shoulder and bark a few commands to the twenty or thirty Rune Knights behind him. The Rune Knights would spread out, and grab the thugs off of the Red Carpet, keeping their Rune Staffs pointed at them as they stood up; and were walked too the Cell Carriage.

    Several Rune Knights grabbed the KOed Ziel by his shoulders, and pulled him out of the waters of the fountain in a splash. As water continued to spray everywhere.

    "You two really did a number on this place; can't Fairy Tail accomplish anything without ruining someones property?" the Lighsworn quipped as a grin passed over his face as he insulted the Guild. He had brown hair, a goatee, and blue eyes; and Heero immediately got up from the fountain and gritted in anger. "Whoa, whoa, I'm just kidding take it easy." the Lightsworn raised his hands in front of himself in defense; clearly amused.


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Rose


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Brink 16th August 2013, 9:12 am

    Brink laughed under his breath at the man’s comment then getting up looking him in the eyes is blue eyes would pierce through his silly remarks and go deeper than that in a very what seemed comforting yet frightful way. He stood holding his side as he saw some of his blood in the fountain however not enough to be concerned yet.

    “Can the Rune Knights not get anything accomplished without bringing their entire forces with them? All you have to do is bring four men to jail yet you bring a small militia to do so?” He smirked at the man an sneakered as if this was a battle of words he could beat this weak hearted fellow. He shot Heero a look as to see if they were staying are going when suddenly the man started yelling out of nowhere with a slightly enraged tone.

    “What would you a mere Fairy Tail wizard know of my work I protect the people around here all you do is cause destruction and havoc! You a mere brat should know his place in front of an officer of one of the highest accords!” He looked at brink one of his eyes comically twitching when brink had another funny idea to past the time waiting for Heero to answer.

    “Calm down man I was only ‘joking’ with you why don’t you go inside and get some food?” You could hear the sarcasm in his voice as he said this as well as see it when he raised his hand just as the man did earlier after is stupid statement. Brink simply busted out laughing seeing as he felt no fear or conser from this man as he couldn’t do anything without filling two thousand pages of paper work out and plus now the crowed was cheering and chanting Fairy Tail over and over making the area erupt in a thunderous noise. The man whispered something under his breath as he had no comeback to this word exchange after hearing our guilds name roared over his silly Rune Knights he felt weak and defeated probably with a sense of anger toward the young mage because he bested him with the simple actions the man did before hand. “Anyway Heero what do you want to do.” He said not even caring what the man had to say anymore he lost interest in that debate instantly.


    Total EXP: 377.5
    Toward B rank: 225/750
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] 2niw26w
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Brink3_by_gramcrackers-d6hcd9a

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink]

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th August 2013, 1:45 pm

    As Brink and the Rune Knight got into an intense arguement; Heero for awhile still brimmed with anger; his eyebrow twitching comically behind Brink as he wanted to deck the Lightsworn. He knew that the white jacket was probably almost as strong as he was; as Lightsworn were top notch, that Katana at his waist wasn't just for show.

    At that moment; Heero heard the roar of the crowd; chanting his Guilds name. Immediately---Heero was shown on camera, sparkling with bubbles floating all around him, hands on his hips like Superman; as the crowd cheered even louder.

    Heero in the background would be flexing and sparkling for the crowd comically; as Brink eventually came over to him, and asked him what he wanted to do. He stopped in the middle of one of his poses and looked at him; as his stomach rumbled instensely.

    "Dammit, Garfield's in there getting the royal treatment~!" Heero commented as he was still posing, staring at his stomach. "I dunno, the restaurant owner probably won't even let us in---I'm just gonna pose for the crowd until Garfield gets done stuffing his face..." Heero nodded to the crowd of rich folks clapping and chanting their name; a few of them pointing at Heero, probably knowing him from magazines.

    Heero then went on comically flexing for the crowd for awhile; until Garfield finally walked out, with two butlers standing behind him. Picking his teeth with a toothpick.

    "That will be all, gentleman~!" he said without looking back to them, swishing his orange tail back and forth and patting his belly. They nodded, holding trays of nothing but giant fish bones as they made their way back into the restaurant. Garfield crossed to Heero and Brink, and bobbed up and down with his wings, with a pose like he was sleeping mid-air. "Aaaaaah, yes the rewards of a Job well done wouldn't you say?"

    The Rune Knights finally began to clear out as they finished locking down Ziel and his gang as Heero and Garfield comically began arguing about the meal. Eventually, Heero suggested they visit Hargeon Lighthouse; before leaving for home.


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Heero-sama/Brink] Rose

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