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    Artifact+ vs Artifact


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    Artifact+ vs Artifact Empty Artifact+ vs Artifact

    Post by Thagirion 14th September 2019, 9:07 am

    Since I just used jewels to purchase two more Artifact+ weapons, i've started thinking that maybe i've been reading things wrong in the weapon rules. As things are now, i'm feeling like I may have thrown away 300,000 (or more) jewels, so I figured I would ask it here so people might not make the same potential mistake I did.

    In short:

    What are the main benefits of combining 3 Artifact+ weapons into a single Multi-part weapon as opposed to combining 3 Artifact weapons into a single Multi-part weapon.

    The Long Story:

    When I was going over the rules for multi-part weapons, I mistook the "Slots" thing as ability slots rather than "weapon slots", so I believed that some of the abilities your multi-part weapon would get would be Advanced. If that were not the case, it seems to me like combining Artifact+ weapons holds no additional merit as opposed to combining Artifact weapons, aside from the latter not costing as much and the former being a waste of money otherwise.

    Which is why I would like some input on this as no one so far has been able to provide a clear answer as nobody seems to really know.
    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Artifact+ vs Artifact Empty Re: Artifact+ vs Artifact

    Post by Samira Nassar 14th September 2019, 9:26 am

    Since this isn't in the official question thread I assume it's fine for me to put my interpretation of an answer here. Apologies if not.

    Anyway, there is a benefit for combining pieces of (+) equipment over normal equipment for multiparts. They're just not in the multi-part section of the rules. That is covered at the top of the equipment rule page.

    Artifact+ vs Artifact PFzFJRU

    So yes, you do get advanced abilities. The only unclear thing is how many need to be (+) equipment in the combination. It doesn't really say all need to be. It just mentions that it needs to be included. Hopefully someone else can shed an answer on that part.



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    Artifact+ vs Artifact Empty Re: Artifact+ vs Artifact

    Post by Thagirion 14th September 2019, 12:26 pm

    Mhm, that's what some other people told me, that at least the lowest of the abilities would become considered Advanced. So I figured that if the highest would be S rank and the lowest would be A rank, of the abilities you'd have, you'd have an S+ and an A+ ability among them.

    But yes, that does still leave the question as to how many of the three weapons combined need to be Artifact+.

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