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    Kanix Kumonosu


    Kanix Kumonosu Empty Kanix Kumonosu

    Post by Guest 1st January 2016, 1:59 pm

    ALIASKanix, Eluwilussit
    MEANING"Beautiful Moon"
    MAR. STATUSSingle
    TATTOOUnder left eye
    Atlantis: The Lost Empire Kidagakash "Kida" Nedakh, Kanix Kumonosu
    Kumonosu, Mitsuki

    - Nurturing
    - Supportive
    - Wise
    - Fearless
    - Optimistic
    - Controling
    - Aggressive
    - Stubborn
    - Violent
    - Forceful
    All of her life, she had lacked the encouragement a child was meant to have as they grew up and experienced the world for themselves. She was beaten down and broken by nearly everyone she had met with, and left as an empty shell of who she had once been. Yet, no matter how broken down and hurt she was, Kanix kept her head held high and encouraged those around her to do their best. It wasn’t that she wanted to see herself prosper by helping other people, but to see others prosper in their life from her encouragement. If she wasn’t able to be who she wanted to be, then she made sure that those who wanted to achieve big dreams were able to achieve big dreams. The older she became, the wiser she became, and through that wisdom, she rose many to their feets and pushed them through life. Kanix became what was known as a mother, to all those she had helped in the past and continues to help in the future.

    She has a mean streak in her, however, one that sets her apart from the caring and overly-loving mothers that everyone is used to. In order for things to properly work, she has to see them through to the end and assure that those put in charge of doing the task do the task. Kanix does not let people step out of line and when they do, she does not hesitate to reprimand them for their wrong actions. The woman holds a calm demeanor, though, one that is often considerably intimidating and is typically used to show authority over another. It is such an eerily calm aura around her that most find the inability to completely deny her what she wants and expects from them. Of course, her strictness toward others is out of love and wishful thinking that they will grow to be better than they are now. After all, she does everything she does in hope of bringing out the best in people, regardless of who they are and what they’re like.

    Though, no matter what she is like to others, she will always be that supporting and caring woman people have grown used to seeing. She will never step out of line, herself, and will always be there for people when they need her the most or if they simply need her for that moment. With a bad past, herself, she never wants to see a person struggle through life because they are held back by something bad in their past. If need be, she will be there to give them the support that they need, the advice that they want, and the love that they deserve. Neither will she ever discourage a person from doing what they most wish to do, unless it’s a dream or action that is immoral. Kanix is there to be helpful and understanding of the person, sympathetic and kind toward them as they learn and grow from experience. Not being one to push people into doing something they wish not to do, Kanix is a woman care and kindness. . . a true mother.

    Yet, in spite of being this loving and caring woman, she has the ability to be aggressive and domineering when people least expect it. She isn’t afraid to assert herself in a situation where no one else wants to take the leadership or where no one else is able to step up. Her aggressive nature has drawn her out to be a woman of valor and glory, who doesn’t back down when a fight appears. Kanix fights for what she wants and will fight ‘til her last breath protecting the ones that she loves and the ones she holds dear to her heart. But she isn’t aggressive simply in her forceful nature, she’s also aggressive in the sense of pursuing her dreams and interests. Being someone who doesn’t idly stand by, she is constantly on her feet, moving, trying to get things done to achieve what she wishes to achieve. In a way, it makes her ambitious; an audacious woman who appears to be too brave for someone as sweet and caring as her.

    Through all of the bad experiences that Kanix had in her past, they were things she was able to grow and learn from the older she became. It made her wiser than most people expect, once believing she was nothing more than a person who wanted to live her life as peacefully as possible. She’s more enlightened than she makes herself out to be, holding a high and strong spiritual connection to the world compared to most. This is what makes her such a beautifully wise being, who is often sought out for the advice that she gives to those who want it. Her hardships have shaped her into a woman who knows more about life than the eldest person in Fiore, but there is more behind that. With such an immense spiritual connection to the world, it has opened up a whole new world for her, new experiences she can learn from. More things she can become wiser from, advice from the beyond, of which allows her to be as wise as she currently is now.

    However, she is a stubborn woman, someone who will not back down when there is something she wants done or simply wants in her possession. She is determined enough in missions to never leave in the middle of it, but to fight her way through until the very end. It can be considerably hard to convince her to change her mind on a subject, even with hard facts and proof of something not being good. Her headstrong nature has often gotten her into trouble, most trouble of which she couldn’t quite get herself out of on her own. But most importantly, it is her dogged determination that keeps her steadily prepared for anything that may come her way. Iron-willed and not someone who takes no for an answer, Kanix stubborn attitude often deters people from trying to stop her from doing things. Yet, this nature of hers can cause more issues than help those around her, hurting them rather than healing them from past bad experiences.

    Fear has been with Kanix throughout all of her life, and she has grown used to it being her companion wherever she goes. So much so, that fear no longer deters her from doing things that normally would scare people from doing or completely avoiding. She holds a courageousness in her heart that makes her more of a lion than a lamb and will step up to the plate when necessary. Darkness, coldness, all things bad do not scare the woman like they had once scared her all those many years ago when she was little. They are simply parts of nature, parts of the world, and are things that are there to help her better herself and those around her. Kanix would much rather run head first into battle than stay in the back of the line, helping everyone from afar like most others. Abrasive in a way, she holds no fear within her anymore, and isn’t afraid to go face-to-face with someone who’s more threatening than her.

    But with her aggressive and abrasive nature, she can be an extremely violent person, going to extremes to get what she needs. It doesn’t necessarily mean she will beat someone to a pulp to get what she wants, but she does have the capability to do so. In fact, if it meant beating someone up because they did something wrong, something morally wrong, then she would hurt them. However, her violence is more in her words, sharp as knives that gouge holes into people’s minds with how harsh they can actually be. If anything, should things come to a point where words are not able to solve the issue, then yes, she wouldn’t hesitate to get brutal. Her brute nature has given many the chance to call her a Savage, a native of Fiore who doesn’t mind getting a bit bloodied. As cruel of a nickname as it is, the woman doesn’t mind taking on that nickname if it means getting people to see the light of day.

    Kanix past has made her a rather deranged person, not in the sense that she has gone mentally insane and incapable of thought, but it certainly broke her. Her younger life had been so harsh, that she had fallen into despair shortly after her enslavement and sought out ways to ignore the world around her. It became a game of trying to ignore the bad that was in the world and see only the good in everything that happened around her. However, that was something extremely hard for her, especially at the young age she had been, but each passing day, her mind dwindled to that one last hope. The thought of seeing only the good in the world had made her an optimistic, almost childlike woman in order to keep out the bad. There is always a smile on her face, never a bad thought in her mind, and always the hope that she will make it to the next day. While not being bad, it can often displace her thoughts and cause her to mentally break more than it is meant to be truly helpful.

    When her mind breaks, she can become a forceful person, who pushes people into doing what she wants them to do in order to make herself feel better. But she’s also capable of shoving people away, making them feel like they are worthless to her and like she doesn’t want them around. She becomes almost a tyrant in a way, a person who has to see everything through and or do everything themselves because that’s just how they are. Although they are often considerably pushy people, Kanix isn’t someone to force herself upon people, she’s just an extremely vigorous person. Powerful enough that she doesn’t need the strength to make people do what she wants them to do, but rather obey on their own. Her words can be convincing to those around her, silver-tongued and such a devil that it’s hard to tell if she’s being deceiving or not. Her forceful nature? It almost never shows through because as much as she is an assertive person, she is more mothering than anything else.


    • Life: It's a basic like and something that she has learned to love the moment she was able to escape from the hell she once lived. Life is a beautiful thing and no matter what is done to her or to those around her, she will always love life.
    • Dreams: These are a way for her to escape from the life that, even though she loves, she always needs a break from. Sometimes, these dreams are beautiful and peaceful; other times, they can be scary and fearful, but never deter her.
    • Spirituality: This is something that she has grown connected to over her life and something she appreciates being there for her. She can look to the souls of the past, present, and future for guidance in her life and never feels alone.


    • Stupidity: There is nothing more annoying to her than those that are express stupidity on a daily basis or are just outright stupid. It wrecks her nerves and she hates it when they speak up to try and get a word or two in that are typically never helpful.
    • Bad Memories: She has had a lot of bad memories in her life, all of which are ones that she wishes to never remember again. They are things that remind her too much of what could have happened if she had never left the place that kept her trapped.
    • People: Despite loving people, there are moments where she dislikes them as well, especially when they're being overly stupid. For the most part, however, it has been men that have made her dislike people and even have a slight fear of them, though she has since grown out of the fear.


    • Happiness: The only thing Kanix has ever wanted in her life was a form of happiness, something that could keep her eternally happy. With as bad of a life as she's had, she's never truly felt happiness and it has now become something she strives for.
    • Family: Family has always meant something to Kanix, even from when she was a little girl just fresh out of her bad past. She has grown attached to her family and only wishes the best for them as they continue their lives just like she does.
    • Love: She strives for love, something that she had been neglected for fourteen years of her life and had barely gotten as of recent. The love another, the care for her they would show, that's something she looks for and hopes one day to have again.


    • Death: She has died once before, died nearly another time, and it slowly has become something she fears to experience again. It's a terrible thing and it's something she doesn't want anyone to experience, but knows it's a part of life.
    • Heartbreak: Often a heartbreaker, herself, Kanix fears the day that her future lover leaves her for another person because of the attachment she will grow for them. She does not want to experience the heartache that comes with losing someone that she loves and holds dear to her heart.
    • Loss: It isn't loss in general that she fears, but rather, she fears losing someone that is close to her, like a family member. They are people she has grown close to and people that she doesn't wish harm to, people that she absolutely loves and doesn't want to see die.

    As a woman of comparatively old age, she is considerably stout and voluptuous, even for the height she stands at. Being only five feet and one inch, Mitsuki isn't much taller than the average thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl. She has wide hips and a large bust, but the added muscularity to her stature takes away from the definitive nature of these assets. Her once snow-white skin has since turned a dark brown from the life of a "savage" and the days she's spent on Tetsukazu. In spite of the uniqueness of the woman, it isn't the short height or the definitive assets, it's the scars that cover her body. From head-to-toe, the woman has some sort of scar that mars a section of her bodice that has an interesting story behind it. Over her torso is a set of scars: one is located on the left side of her abdomen in a large patch of paler skin, another disguised by the Sabertooth tattoo, and a third down her sternum. Various scars of scratches and cuts can be found over her arms and legs, and even on her backside along her hips, shoulders, and spine.

    Mitsuki's facial features mimic that of a heart shape, the "heart" being created by her hairline down to the point of her chin. She has large, "owl-like" eyes that, even though they are hazy blue from their lack of sight, seemingly hold a world of knowledge in them. Her nose is short and slender, a very "button"-nose like feature that looks like it could have been tweaked and played with a few times by her grandma. Perfectly shaped lips, of a well-defined cupid's bow and fatter bottom lip, settle precisely below her "button" nose. High cheek bones accentuate her large eyes, giving her a sense of a never-ending smile despite there being no smile. Curved, neatly groomed, black eyebrows finish off her features, with a set of scars on her cheeks that look like tears had carved them. However, her most defining feature is not the scars on her body or the pretty face, it's the mane-like, white hair that goes down to her hips in clumps of large curls.

    Having been raised in a native Fiorian tribe, Mitsuki typically isn't one to wear a lot of clothing, especially during the hotter seasons. Naturally, she can be found wearing a sort of broadcloth to cover her groin and a bone necklace to cover her breasts. Lately, however, she has been more known to wear elaborate dresses of the blue color that have some sort of accent color with. She typically never wears shoes; even when a place requires her to wear shoes, she'll somehow manage to slip through without having to wear them. Clothing is definitely not her forte, but when she does wear something nice, it's typically elaborate and very "royal-like." Mitsuki is someone who embraces her native heritage, preferring to get closer to nature by wearing less clothes. This is why it's often very hard to find her in very much clothing anyway, as it's something she has grown used to without.
    OTHER CHARACTERS Ahmoria Mayy, Elspeth Abbott, Marceline Anicetus
    SIGNED, Marshy

    Last edited by Kanix Kumonosu on 21st February 2017, 10:23 am; edited 10 times in total
    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

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    Kanix Kumonosu Empty Re: Kanix Kumonosu

    Post by Princess Natsu 4th January 2016, 8:57 am

    Beautifully written.
    I deem this worthy of being... approved!


    Kanix Kumonosu 6JfY43L
    Character Magic History
    Main Theme // Child of Corenglaw:
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Kanix Kumonosu Empty Re: Kanix Kumonosu

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 28th September 2016, 9:45 pm

    Moved for update.
    Kanix Kumonosu wrote:

    Kanix Laspor
    Kanix Kumonosu Ftogbf10
    Basic Information

    Name: Kanix Laspor
    Gender: Female
    Age: Twenty
    Birthday: April 1st
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics: "X"-shaped scar on right side of her pelvis, black, demonic markings appear when using her magic.
    Essential Information
    Personality: Kanix is loyal to a fault, meaning that she is so devoted to Fairy Tail, that she has lost all sense of good judgement. However, as loyal as she is, she would never throw her life on the line for the guild, or even for a friend. She lives by the code "every man for himself;" therefore, she would much rather protect herself than her friends and guild mates. Those in Fairy Tail are only pawns in her game of achieving the highest gratitude a mage can get. Though her only gain from them is a status, she would obediently follow the orders of the guild master without a second thought. Her only antics in Fairy Tail are to get a likable reputation among the members, to serve the guild, and make it the strongest guild in Earthland. That does not mean she has to like the people within its stronghold, only enough to be able to tolerate their short existence.

    She's also an overachiever, willing to do what others order her to do, even if it means killing an innocent passerby. She'd go to great lengths to prove that she is a worthy opponent in battle, as well as one of the greatest mages in Fairy Tail. Her reputation among the people of Earthland matters the most to her, and to prove that she is the best is something she'll do. If asked of her, she would kill a kitten or a puppy, the cutest, most innocent thing in the world, just to prove that she is willing to do the bold. Kanix is not necessarily evil though; she likes to think of herself as evil, but deep down it's hard for her to do most things that are considered bad. In fact, she would rather let someone go than to hurt them, as it was previously expected from her. Maybe not to everyone, but a dark guild, in her mind, is a guild that is meant to cause havoc and disruption.

    An important thing to Kanix is her beliefs, and although many may not agree with her, she'd go to great lengths to stick with them. If she believes that something is not right, that a person is doing something wrong, even in her mind, she may well go against their wishes. This is the only trait that really conflicts with her loyalty to Fairy Tail, as many things they do, she disagrees with. However, because she is more willing to do as the guild master pleases, she often throws out her own beliefs so as not to be seen weak. She would rather have a bad reputation that's favorable to everyone, than be seen as a coward and weak. It hurts her to do what she does, but her loyalty has caused her to do a lot of actions that would normally not be considered in good judgement. Her beliefs are prioritized when she's alone though; if she had the choice to, she would abandon her team mates in times she believes are right.

    Quiet is what she is categorized as, but Kanix is far from being quiet; she just chooses not to speak at all. Her choice of not speaking gives her a more intimidating factor, as the less she speaks, the more judgmental and mean she appears. She will willingly speak with her guild mates, though mostly for battle plans or other important things such as that. Social outings are not her forte either, for she would much rather stick to the guild grounds and plan her future actions. Thus, she is someone who is hard to get along with, considering she does not share much information about herself if at all. It's a known fact that she doesn't give away anything about herself because she believes a little mystery makes the villain. Kanix would rather be seen as someone who is mysterious, than someone who is evil and shares every detail about themselves.

    But she's a smooth talker when need to be, especially if the plan calls for someone to be manipulated by another. Although the game "two truths and a lie" may sound like just a game, it's really a saying that if one gives truths, they could slid in a lie without it actually being a lie. This is how she can be seen as an ally, as she is able to get people to easily trust her without spilling important information. Along with her knowledge of things most don't know, she could easily blackmail people into siding with her. A little threat here and there doesn't go against her beliefs, and a quick word or two to make them believe helps. The situation doesn't even have to be in her favor for her to manipulate people, she just has to say the right things at the right time. Because of this, it makes her a dangerous person to be around, for her uncanny words can switch a situation to her advantage.

    Kanix is a daydreamer, sitting around and soon to be absorbed into a dream with her eyes wide open. She easily gets lost in thought and loses her train of thought, which really isn't that hard for her to do. One thing leads to another, and she may be off in La La Land, not really paying attention to her surroundings after that. Some of the times, it's not intentional, but if she doesn't want to listen to someone blabber about something, she usually ignores them. Most conversations don't interest her, which is why she tends not to listen very well when people talk to her. The only things that really interest her are those which are related to her liking or things that involve battling. Otherwise, she tends to ignore people on purpose, which may make people want to get her attention for just a bit.

    Despite being a former dark mage, Kanix is a really humble person, going out of her way to be kind to the members of Fairy Tail. This is her only way of showing her affection toward those that she admires and wishes to be like at their age. The other half of the time, she finds everyone else a nuisance and tries to avoid them at all costs if possible. But that doesn't mean she's humble towards those who are outsiders of Fairy Tail; more often than not, she treats people horribly. It's all because of that tainted thought in her head that a "dark mage" has to be evil to the very core of their being. Even so, Kanix is just not that level of evil, which is why it's extremely hard for her to achieve doing bad things. Though she is only really kind to her guild mates as a show that she knows she isn't the most important person there.

    In spite of her strongly held beliefs, Kanix is a very weak-willed person and will almost always do as she is told. If she thinks that it'll get her suck up points toward the higher ups, then she will be sure to do the job. Even if the job is extremely dirty in the sense that she has to murder an innocent completely out of cold blood. This makes her irrational at best, as she doesn't always think her plans through and may often get herself in trouble. Though if there are people around to help her, she's not as weak-willed as she is when she's simply obeying orders. Also, in the sense that she is weak-willed, she has it ingrained in her head that if she's not good enough, she's no one. Kanix is fearful of being no one, as she doesn't necessarily want to die without anyone there to stand by her side as someone who thinks she is important.

    When need be, Kanix can be a deadly person in combat, using her surroundings as weapons at the most important moments. She can easily use things to her advantage during battle, as she is quick-witted in thought when in desperation. However, she is also deadly in the fact that her words can hurt other people without her trying to be mean. Most of the time, it's her looks that can "kill", so to say, for one look shot toward a person can quickly shut them up. Besides being a killer in battle, she's not much more than that, as she can be a sweetheart the moment someone gets to know her. It's all about being able to get to know Kanix; otherwise, it's more based on rumors and the way she acts. Those things deter people from getting to know her, as she can be someone who pushes people away quite easily.

    The reason why Kanix is so split up and mixed with her personality is because she has two different "souls" in her altogether. One is good and sees the light of everything, while the other takes control the most and is the meanest of the two. This one is smart, intellectual; the one who keeps the good one locked up inside of Kanix's head to have complete control. It is this side of her that is the emotionless, hardhearted person that she is on the outside and majority of the time. Though the two of them fight constantly in her head for control, which may lead to moments where she acts different. At one moment, she may be seemingly sweet and kind, and the next she may not care for the person at all. With this part of her, it's almost impossible to tell how she may reaction around people and in certain situations.

    • Beach

      • Kanix loves the beach, mostly because of the feel of the sand between her toes and the crisp ocean smell, but she does enjoy swimming and relaxing by the seaside.

    • Sandcastles

      • There's something about building sandcastles that really relaxes Kanix, but living at Fairy Tail proves to be difficult when all there is, is a city, and she can't enjoy the daunting task of building a sandcastle.

    • Dreams

      • Nightmares are one thing, but being able to remember her dreams is just as beautiful as giving people nightmares; she loves being reminded of all the antics her mind can come up with while she sleeps.

    • Fortune-telling

      • Kanix loves fortune-telling because if her ability to see one thing that no one else is able to see; it gives her that ability to fool people into believing such nonsense.


    • Hot Chocolate

      • It may keep her warm during the cold, biting winters up of Magnolia, but hot chocolate just doesn't taste the same as normal chocolate to her; she says that it tastes funny compared to the other kind.

    • Insects

      • Insects are absolutely disgusting to Kanix; they are big, yucky, sometimes slimy creatures that she can't stand to look at. She hates the feeling of them crawling on her and hopes that one day, they are obliterated into nonexistence.

    • Exaggerations

      • She's easily annoyed by people who love to exaggerate things, such as a size of a fish or how many jewels they earned from a job; it simply ticks her off.


    • Loyalty

      • Kanix believes that people who are not loyal to their masters, are people who don't deserves half of their worth, so with that belief, she's motivated into staying loyal to Fairy Tail's guildmaster.

    • Recognition

      • She wants to be the most feared mage in all of Earthland, and the one thing she has to keep up is her reputation; thus, she is motivated in doing just that: keeping her reputation

    • Food

      • Most people aren't motivated by food, but knowing she can make a pit stop at one of her favorite smoothie stands after a battle keeps her going; she loves ordering star mango smoothies the most.


    • Comedic Actions

      • Kanix fears that she won't be taken as seriously by others if she says something out of place that isn't necessarily "cool" or "badass".

    • Insects

      • Along with her dislike of insects is her fear of them; she is terrified they'll crawl into her ears, mouth, or nose and she won't be able to get them out.

    • Arachnophobia

      • Spiders are not necessarily insects than they are arachnids, but they are among her top most feared, as she is scared they'll crawl into her like an insect and make a home to lay eggs.

    Kanix is among the very small percentile of woman who are curvaceous and voluptuous, but are also short. She stands at only 5'2", which is extremely short for someone who is twenty years old and won't be growing anymore. However, she is, luckily, well-built with muscle and not cursed with a lot of body fat covering her short frame. But with lack of fat, there comes the expense of being able to see scars and markings one would rather no one see. On her right pelvic bone, an 'x' shaped scar makes its home, but is just barely visible when her demonic markings appear. Because of her appearance, she is often made fun of; called "midget" or "shrimp" by people she encounters or her friends in a joking manner. Despite being short though, her personality makes up for the majority that she lost in her physical appearance.

    Upper thigh length, black hair shapes the frame of her heart-shaped face, with bangs flung over her left eye to hide it. Hair, though long, looks to be greased back, but also parted on the right side, just the part is hardly visible. With the way her hair is cut, it pronounces her cheekbones, and her large, rounded eyes, enough to give her a pretty face. Her eyes, as owl-like as they are, were designed in a way to be "all-seeing", and their icy, light turquoise irises allude to her wisdom. Plump lips, though as kissable as they look, are often in a straight, unamused line, accompanied by a stern look. She has a face created to fool people into believing she is an ally, but deep down her intents are more malicious. Who can't trust the face of an angel though, when hidden beneath it is a demon waiting to pounce its prey?

    One of Kanix's most common outfits is a pirate's coat, white in color, with the cuffs folded and buttoned to the sleeves. The rims of the cuffs are lined with black, and patches of the same color cover large sections of the coat's sides and back, even the inside. Most of the time, she does not wear a shirt underneath the coat, despite wearing it unbuttoned, but if she does, it's usually a crop top corset. As for bottoms, they are skinny jeans, often white in color as well, but may, sometimes be a dark blue or even a light grey or black. She wears steel-toed combat boots for shoes, figuring her toes need the best protection, but these combat boots are also heels. Holding up her pants is a black leather belt, and as a little bit of decoration, she wears a metal piece, shaped like a sword, on a chain around her neck. When needed, she'll change up her clothing style because she either feels it's too boring, or she wants to throw a shock factor out there.
             Height: 5'2"
             Weight: 113 lbs
             Hair: Black; usually let loose down her back, reaches past her upper thighs
             Eyes: Light turquoise
             Skin: Light tan
    Guild Information
    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo: Black; located on her right pectoral
    Rank: D
    Made by Riley at THQ!


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    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

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    Kanix Kumonosu Empty Re: Kanix Kumonosu

    Post by Julius Seas 21st February 2017, 10:24 am

    Kanix Kumonosu EDoA9eJ



    Kanix Kumonosu X9tEBuc

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm