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    Shen's Secondary Magic Training [Private]


    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Shen's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Shen's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Yuvon 17th February 2017, 9:55 am

    So, if one wanted to develop their physical prowess, then everyone had a theme to stick to. The earthbound types would stick to a harsh and sturdy way of fighting, though liquid users were more expected to evolve into other liquids. Heavenly warriors would find a way to reach even greater heights, and hot-blooded berserkers would keep melting through any obstacle that they face. However, what about Shen? His strength lied in the way that he moved every part of his body; the reflexes of avoiding danger and making openings, while realizing all this in the split of a second that the clash between two warriors would use in their first attack. All that, and way more, was in a great need of one single attribute:


    Obviously, the thinking types would notice that immediately as they would imagine themselves with more experience and power than now. Shen had got the idea, but the exact plan and way to achieve greater speed was yet not found in his mind. All that he thought at the moment was how his friend and upperclassman would find him in this vast area filled with history. He found himself in the Ancient Ruins; a famous place in Fiore known for being the last footprints of an ancient tribe or civilization. She’d asked him to meet her at this location for a very good reason, which Shen knew not of. Perhaps she wanted to tell about these ruins, or perhaps she had a secret to reveal? It could practically be anything. He would’ve, obviously, slayed the asking person with questions about the reason and all, but he had a good trust in Summer-senpai. It wasn’t as if she had secretly called some organization to capture him for some damn reason, right? Everything was fine… hopefully.



    Shen's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Shen's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Guest 9th March 2017, 6:19 am

    Shine down, Spark up
    Summer grinned as she looked around. This was indeed the place where she asked her dongsaeng to meet her. The young boy has most certainly grown into a much stronger mage, but she didn’t want him to experience such dangers again. He almost got himself killed and it seriously shocked Summer to the core as to how such a thing could happen. There wasn’t much to think of it right now though. Now, she was going to give him a lesson on how to be a much faster mage, she had some stuff that made her faster and so hoped that Shen would take it as an example of sorts.

    “Hey, Shen.” Summer entered with her hands crossed over her pillows. It was time to get the show on the road! “Today, I am going to help you become a much faster mage, just like you wanted.” Summer knew her dongsaeng very well, and she was pretty sure he didn’t want to be in such a state again. “Don’t look so worried! This is going to be amazing for the both of us, then we can work together much more.” She admitted “I have some speed spells, and I want to help you so much as thanks for being such a good dongsaeng to me!” Her face changed into the smile of a cat as she grinned ever so playfully.

    “We should start, but I would like to ask you… what would you like to start with??” The female asked as she gave herself a couple of thoughts. “It is completely up to you, and I hope you’ll be pretty okay with this process.” She surely hoped he would be anyway, this was dongsaeng that they were speaking of, after all. “It’s gonna be epic!” She was so ready now, pumped up by the adrenaline that she was experiencing just now.

    ||HP:330||MP: 100%||

    ||Tag: @||Words: 311||Notes: ||

    25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.
    Performers Resistance - Spell resistance by 25%

    ||[color=#42f483] - Summer||[color=#930d0d] - Laysha||[color=#daa520] - Stella||[color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Shen's Secondary Magic Training [Private] Empty Re: Shen's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Yuvon 13th March 2017, 9:19 am

    The scariest dreams... are the predictable ones.
    The young Golden Phoenix mage found himself sighing, for some reason. The breeze was getting on his calm side now, gently pushing the hair spike to the left. Shen couldn’t stop thinking of what felt like a vast abyss of ideas that never really came to mind; he would surely not be able to express them with words if anyone asked him, but instead laid on the rocks and… simply thought. He had to get stronger, though, that was one thought clear to him. Back with the Mind Wizard that damaged him for life, he couldn’t take the reality of that defeat. It enraged him tremendously, causing grinding sounds between his teeth. If he ever made Summer-senpai worry so much about his well-being… then he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself again…

    Suddenly, which even caused his body to flinch for a second, her voice greeted him. He quickly turned his gaze at the fireworks expert, her words expressing her knowledge about what was going to happen. So she knew just what he needed to improve, already? Talk about knowing your underclassmen. “Just like I wanted… oh, that’s right,” Shen spoke, realizing that he did give some heads-up information, “You’re right… that’s exactly what we’re going to train, so please watch over me…” He did a small bow with his hands leaning together between his knees, a rather gentle act whose origin he barely noticed; not as if he even paid attention to what he was actually doing. His ancient blood was taking over…

    He looked up at Summer-senpai with a pretty ‘meh’ face, trying to hide the happiness of her later comment. She really loved her little dongsaeng in the end… it was a lovely feeling. “Okay, then… first, I want to see my limit right in front of me. I’d like to run a lap or two with you, just to give me an idea of my present state.”

    ||HP: 200||MP: 100||

    ||Tag||Words: 321||Notes||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm