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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)


    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 1:44 am

    Hirana had received a urgent call of distress from a isolated Tavern within the Mountain Village. Exhaling deeply due to frustration, Hirana began to gather her belongings. Considering the objects that she would need for this long journey, she once again looked at the request. "Damn it! I need some people I can rely on, people I know and trust. My tavern is being attacked nearly every day and night by some bastards who tasted my beer and got hooked on it! If they manage to steal my beer they might copy the formula and ruin me! My bouncers and some helpful travelers have been good so far, but I'm running out of time! said the job request. Finally deciding that she wouldn't need anything to help her defeat the thugs other than her whip and her armor, Hirana stepped within the portal and designated Mountain Village.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

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    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 1:55 am

    After arriving upon the entrance of Mountain Village. Hirana headed straight for the Tavern owner. After searching the tavern, she had finally found the frail old man. "Hello, I am here to accept the defense of your tavern job?" "Yes, I'm glad you came... but you are merely a girl! How could you be the one to help me?" At this exact same moment, a group of bandits had burst through the door. "GIVE ME YOUR BEER!!!!" yelled the leading bandit. Hirana turned to face the oncoming bandits and shouted: "There shall be no beer for you!"


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by NPC 23rd January 2013, 1:55 am

    The member 'Soleice' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Monster Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) WeakMonster Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Boss Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) NormalMonster

    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:10 am

    Hirana yelled: "Gate of the Heavenly Scales, I open thee, Libra!" and "Gate of unyielding might, I open thee, Hercules!". Both Libra and Hercules appeared by her side in an instant. Hirana analyzed the situation, it seemed that the biggest and the foremost thug was the leader. "T-t-t-thats Gragas Silvermoon, the leader of the thugs!" yelled a civilian from within the Tavern. "Get out of you here you filthy bandits!" yelled the Tavern owner as he approached Gragas. "Shut up." said Gragas as he smacked the owner aside. Clenching her fists, Hirana got ready to fight her oncoming attacks.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

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    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:18 am

    "Get that girl and bring her to our hideout for some fun.. wont' you boys? said Gragas with a twisted voice. He gestured for his henchmen to attack Hirana. "Libra, Smash them against the ground." asked Hirana. "As you wish." replied the spirit. Libra tilted her scales and attempted to smash both of the thugs onto the floor. "Hercules, charge up your Heartseeker Strike." ordered Hirana. "Yes Ma'am!" replied Hercules. Looking ahead at Gragas Moonshine, Hirana gave him a look of determination and unyielding willpower.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by NPC 23rd January 2013, 2:18 am

    The member 'Soleice' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Attack Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) FailedBlock Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) FailedBlock

    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Posts : 983
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:23 am

    Libra had successfully pinned both the henchman to the ground firmly by using gravity magic and had knocked them out. At this time, Hercules had also finished aiming his Heartseeker Strike. "Come at me Gragas, lets see what that gigantic mass that you call a body can do." yelled Hirana. Clearly enraged, Gragas Moonshine charged at Hirana. "Hercules! Heartseeker Strike Now!" commanded the Council woman. Hercules let loose his spear and watched as it sailed through the air towards Gragas's heart. Taking advantage of the distraction, Hirana yelled: "Don't let up, Libra, smash him against the side of the wall." asked Hirana. "As you wish." replied Libra once again.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by NPC 23rd January 2013, 2:23 am

    The member 'Soleice' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Attack Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Block Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) FailedBlock

    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:28 am

    Gragas dodged to the side and avoided Hercules's Heartseeker Strike spear shot. However, he had failed to avoid Libra's attack as he was suddenly thrown against the side of the tavern's concrete walls. Hirana smiled as she stared into the gaping hole that was once a wall. Staring closely however, she saw that a projectile was now flying at her. Wondering what in the world it was, Hirana took a closer look. It seemed to be a barrel of some sort. Realizing that it was an attack, Hirana attempted to immediately dodge the attack. The barrel was very close and Hirana had to rely on her reaction time to dodge this attack that could possibly turn the fight around. She had no knowledge of what was in the barrel, she just knew that she needed to dodge it.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by NPC 23rd January 2013, 2:28 am

    The member 'Soleice' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Block


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Attack

    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:32 am

    Hirana had sidestepped just in time to see the barrel glide past her head and onto the henchman that had collapsed behind her. The barrel exploded in between them and Hirana watched with disgust as their bodies slowly started to decay. Assuming that it was acid, Hirana now had knowledge of what Gragas had put into the barrel projectiles and strove harder to dodge them. Recalling Hercules, she yelled: "Gate of the Pegasus, I open thee, Pegasus!" as Pegasus appeared beside her. "Volt strike" directed Hirana as she pointed towards the gaping hole in the wall where Gragas was slowly recovering. "Yay, I will do that for you!" said Pegasus with an excited glee. "Libra, pin Gragas down." asked Hirana. Libra nodded with approval and proceeded to attempt to pin Gragas.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by NPC 23rd January 2013, 2:32 am

    The member 'Soleice' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Attack Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) FailedBlock Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) FailedBlock

    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:36 am

    Pegasus and Libra both landed their attacks upon the leader of the thugs, Gragas. "Agh...." yelled Gragas as he collapsed with a tremor that shook the Tavern. Thanking her spirits and recalling them, she proceeded to restrain Gragas Moonshine until the Rune Knights arrived. She personally could not be bothered to take him in herself due to her tight time schedule, however, she was glad that she was able to help out in this part of town. Places like these were often neglected, she believed that needed to change. With that said, Hirana went to wake the unconscious owner of the Tavern up.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

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    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:39 am

    As Hirana helped the owner sit up, he spoke to her: "Young darling, Could you pass me some beer?" said he. Hirana slowly handed freshly brewed beer from the barrel to the owner. Taking a couple gulps, the owner's eyes enlarged at the site of the two decayed bodiesof Gragas's henchmen and Gragas himself chained to the wall. He stared at the sight then turned to face Hirana. His facial expressions turned from that of a surprise to a relieved look. "Well kiddo, it seems that I've underestimated you. Thank you for helping me!" said the owner once again. "Don't worry, it is my pleasure." replied Hirana.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

    Minato's Character Theme

    Eternum's Battle Theme

    Eternum's Main Guild Theme

    Elemental Avatar

    Elemental Avatar

    Moderator- VIP- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Cynthia Eidolon
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heaven Godslayer
    Second Skill: Ice-Make
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Soleice-kun 23rd January 2013, 2:42 am

    The owner slowly got up and walked to his personal desk. Taking out what seemed to be a sack of jewels, he tossed it to Hirana. Reluctantly accepting it, Hirana stashed it into her pockets. "Its my token of appreciation to you dear girl. I hope that you find good use for it!" said the frail old man. After thanking him for one last time, Hirana stepped out of the Tavern and watched as the Rune Knights had arrived to the scene. Slowly walking back to the portal location, Hirana smiled at her Rune Knights as they saluted her out of respect. Turning back one last time, Hirana saw that the Tavern keeper had not realized that she was Hirana Divina of the Magic Council and was now in shock with his jaw handing open. Shaking her head with amusement, Hirana designated the Magic Council headquarters in Era and with a zap, she was gone.


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Jasper11

    Minato's Battle Theme

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    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 23rd January 2013, 3:07 am

    Eh approved


    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice) Empty Re: Watering Hole-Defender of the Beer (Soleice)

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 23rd January 2013, 11:46 am

    No...I am highly confused..........like.....HIGHLY.

    Every time I looked at posts, i couldn't tell what was going on accept when Sole was performing the actions. Gragas attaked, she rolled a block dice for herself but I didn't see anything that resembled an enemy attack dice, she rolled attack under but that would cancel out her previoius BLOCk because the action was taken after she had blocked something else......SO....really...This is not acceptable. Not only that, you wiped through EVERYTHING with out any trouble. The first two you kinda just...pushed aside as though like literally ONE attack was enough to take care of them before moving on. Granted one was a weak, but this is a B rank mission and these are not Super weak guys; they are still durable and yet....Sole you kinda just ripped through them without giving ANYONE a chance other than the boss.

    I have to say taht with all of this, it is not approvable.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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