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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki


    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 5th December 2012, 9:03 pm

    It had been hours sense their last mission in the spooky forest ended. Aian was still not in the best of spirits, but he hoped this mission would help take his mind off of what happened till he found a place to meditate peacefully. This time it was the mission he promised Reiki, the Watering Hole involving beer. Though Aian was still not sure about if Reiki would just drink all the beer before they got to the guild, he hoped his friend would show self control during this mission, more so than he himself showed in their last.

    Aian was walking up the mountain, his pace not slowed one bit from the steep hill that was the mountain, making progress that was halfway up, still not winded or tired. For once Aian was in the lead this time, seeing as how his partner's magic backfired when he first tried just sliding up the steep mountain and ended up sliding all the way back into the forest below. He looked down to see if his partner was keeping up using his legs this time. "Hey Reiki, you doing all right?" He yelled down to his partner. He knew that his partner was probably getting fed up with climbing and was about to use his magic to create wings, but this time Aian had the hight advantage of having Reiki carry him into the village as well, even if he had to jump onto Reiki to get him to do it.

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 6th December 2012, 12:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 5th December 2012, 9:28 pm

    Reiki was exhausted, but he knew his stamina was increasing. It wasn't anywhere near Aian's yet, but Reiki was determined to fix that. With the success of the previous mission burning in his mind, he charged forward up the hill, complaining ever so slightly. Cocky... son of a bitch.... If I had my Lightning Body still.... Reiki muttered to himself as Aian called out to him. GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! LIKE HELL I'D LET YOU BEAT ME SOMEWHERE!!!!! Reiki shouted, as he tore up the rocky path as fast he could, nearly falling off several times.

    He tore past Aian, kicking up dust the faster he ran. He ran and ran until he finally got to the gate of the Mountain Village. Throwing his hands into the air, Reiki shouted joyously HAHA!!! VICTORY IS MINE!!! I STILL GOT IT IN ME!!! Immediately, Reiki collapsed on the ground landing inside the town. MY LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGS. I CAN'T FEEL MY DAMN LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGS!!!!!!! he shouted into the dirt, unwilling to move any further. He was quite exhausted, essentially having to climb the mountainous path one and a half times.


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 5th December 2012, 9:40 pm

    Aian waited, watching his partner tred past him this time, shaking his head. "He is going to kill himself doing that..." Aian stated before continuing to climb. After a couple of minutes he got to the top of the mountain where his partner laid and looked at him. "I knew you would kill yourself doing that Reiki....Learn something from it?" Aian asked, lifting his partner up over his shoulder and carried him into the village.

    Their first task would normally be to find the client, but with Reiki now no longer able to perform at top performance tearing up his legs from the swift climbing he had just done. Aian looked for a place where Reiki could rest before they began trying to do the mission. "Let's see, what does this village have?" He asked, looking about. He could tell that it didn't get much trade or tourists being so hard to reach by normal means; even with magic it would be difficult to reach. Aian continued looking about, locating the tavern that was getting raided. "Well, I found our job location for tonight Reiki." He said, turning around so his partner could see the tavern.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Emilia Hawke

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    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 5th December 2012, 9:51 pm

    I regret nothing.... and yet I regret everything now Reiki responded as Aian hoisted him over his shoulders. Aian looked around for a few minutes, then pointed out to him "Well, I found our job location for tonight Reiki." Immediately, Reiki's eyes widened. WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO EARLIER!?! Reiki shouted, a new found energy flowing through him as he jumped off of Aian and ran head first into the tavern.

    Once inside, he rushed to the bar keep, pulled out a small bag of jewels and gave it to him, saying GIVE ME THE BIGGEST MUG YOU HAVE OF YOUR FINEST BREW!! The bar keep merely stared at him for a bit before speaking up. "I-I'm terribly sorry, sir. You see, we've been having a run in with bandits who keep stealing our beer. I'm afraid we're all out until our next shipment tomorrow."

    Reiki blankly stared at the bar keep for a moment, letting his words sink in. Immediately, Reiki's arms we're coated in his icy aura, as he stood upon the bar counter. WHO ARE THEY AND WHERE CAN I FIND THEM!?! THEY MESSED WITH THE WRONG MANS BEER!!! he shouted, before collapsing again right onto the floor. I FORGOT MY LEGS STILL HURT, DAMMIT ALL!!! he shouted into the floor, again.


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Age : 31
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 5th December 2012, 10:01 pm

    Aian watched as Reiki jumped off his shoulders and ran into the tavern. Almost immediately after entering, Aian then heard his partner shout "WHO ARE THEY AND WHERE CAN I FIND THEM!?! THEY MESSED WITH THE WRONG MANS BEER!!" However, Aian knew that it would only be a matter of time till his legs gave and and decided to wait and count the moments. "Thre....Two....One." And he was right, as he then heard his partner holler out "I FORGOT MY LEGS STILL HURT, DAMMIT ALL!!!" Aian sighed and went into the tavern after his partner finally.

    Upon entering the building he noticed a rather frightened bar-keep and his partner, face first on the floor. "Reiki, you got to be less rash in this place; don't ruin our guild's image." Aian stated before lifting his partner up again, and found a long enough seat to lay his partner down so he could rest. Aian proceeded then to go to the Bar-keep and fix his partner's stir-up. "Hello, sorry about my partner over there and his irrationality behavior. I am Aian, the Iron Dragon Slayer of Eclipse Soul-Legal Guild. My partner, Reiki, is the Ice Dragon Slayer. We are here to settle the problem you are having with Bandits and hopefully put an end to this so you may continue with ease." Aian stated, bowing to the bar-keep.
    "It is all right sir, no harm done. You see, we have been raided at least three times in the past month, and with rent coming up we need this last shipment for our customers. Yet we are afraid they are going to show up again. So we ask of you to help protect the shipment as it comes in and put an end to the bandits once and for all." The bar-keep responded, looking at the back to keep an eye on Reiki.
    "We will do what we can to stop them from stealing your products." Aian stated before going over to his partner again. "You need to be anywhere you won't act up today Reiki?" He asked, looking down at his partner.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Completed Missions:

    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 5th December 2012, 10:16 pm

    Reiki's head was spinning. The pain was quite immense, and he couldn't really see straight. Just leave me hear and come get me when we need to do the mission. I'll be fi-finish... fine... that yes he mumbled into the floor, as he remained there on the floor, absolutely refusing to move. Reiki simply thought of the beer he'd get as a reward. Stupid beer thieves. Why the hell would you mess with someones beer like that? Oh I swear I am going to knock some GOOD sense into them when I see them. Keeping me from a drink like that.... UGH THEY REALLY PISS ME OFF!!![/color] Reiki shouted at himself in his mind, as he continued to lay on the floor.

    [i]Man I really wanna find out what their beer tastes like... I heard this place has REALLY good stuff. I want it so baaaaaaaaaaad. DAMMIT LEGS!! HEAL ALREADY SO WE CAN GO SAVE THE BEER!!!
    he continued to yell in his mind, as the time went by.


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 5th December 2012, 10:26 pm

    Aian nodded and left the tavern after his partner gave him the okay to leave. "He is torturing himself on the inside...I know it..." Aian sighed as he started going from store to store in the village, gathering more information about the bandits and possibly the beer here.

    He learned that all the bandits were tourists except for one being a local. The bandits spread from a few weak hired thugs by the one Local to help them get each haul- apparently they were just intimidating force and not allowed to handle or drink the stolen goods. It then continued on to a few tourist mages who happened to request helping out the local for at least one cup a day. Finally there were some normal drunks who after drinking this beer, found the boss and ended up tasting his drinks, becoming his apprentices and actually are the ones behind the starting of the raids, sense the one Local who lived up in the mountains never came down till they showed up. Aian couldn't get much information on the boss though, except that he lived up in the mountains and was a master at making the brew.

    Aian bought supplies he thought they would need, including some food for Reiki and returned to the tavern to check up on him.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 6th December 2012, 12:12 pm

    Reiki sat at the bar, his head buried in his arms as he listened to the bar keep go on and on and on about his life story. Reiki wasn't even listening. He was far too busy thinking about completing their mission so they could get the beer back. I wonder what the leader of this group is like... All I know is I better handle him this time... Unlike the fortress, this place is populated by innocent people and wide open. I don't think I'll be as lucky as I was with freezing Kamuy in place. Whatever happens, I need to make sure we just knock these guys out. No killing this time... Reiki strategized in his mind, the bar keep continuing to talk to him as if he was listening.

    Reiki got up from the bar just as Aian was walking in with some supplies in his arms. Ugh finally. Oi! Reiki called out to his friend, as he walked towards him. Looks like you've been busy. We ready to head out on the mission? My legs have had enough time to laze around. I'm ready when you are! he reassured Aian, stretching his legs like he was prepping for a marathon.


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 6th December 2012, 1:01 pm

    Aian saw his friend approach him, he seemed better then when Aian left him. Reiki began stretching, asking if he was ready to start the mission. "Well, we have to ways of doing this Reiki, it seems like we can either ambush them here or go try looking for the group. No one knows where their boss lives so it would be us blindly searching the forest and mountain sides. So I think we should just hide out here till they approach and steal the shipment." Aian stated, setting the supplies and food he got onto the counter. "In the mean time I say you get to real full strength, and eat while resting more. Don't need you collapsing in the middle of the fight." Aian explained again, pulling out herbs and started mixing them to form a tonic for his partner to drink.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:

    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 6th December 2012, 1:39 pm

    Reiki sighed, somewhat saddened by this news. Ugh, more waiting? I guess its better than running around blindly... Reiki responded, as Aian handed him the tonic. Reiki chugged it down, ignoring the fact that it tasted utterly horrible. Reiki decided now was best to explain to Aian his plan for handling this mission. I think it's a better idea not to kill these guys. Knocking them senseless should suffice for this mission. he explained to Aian. He continued So let's both try not to get carried away with fighting these guys. For everyone's sake. With that, Reiki leaned back on the floor, relaxing as he stared up at the ceiling, letting the time fly by.

    Night fell on the peaceful Mountain Village. Reiki and Aian had decided to hide in the back of the tavern, waiting for the shipment to come in. Given the bar keepers explanation, the bandits always waited until the shipment actually got to the tavern in the middle of the night. Reiki coated himself in his Ice Dragon's Scale Armor. Better to armor up before they get here, instead of in the middle of the fight, right? he asked Aian, ready and waiting for the beer thieves to show.


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 6th December 2012, 5:08 pm

    Aian finished the tonic and gave it to Reiki, it was something to help his system repair itself and give him an extra boost for the night, while calming him down during the rest of their waiting period. Reiki told Aian that they should take it easy and not try to kill anyone, which Aian agreed to without hesitation. Aian was still worked up over what had happened not long ago, but he was trying to keep his mind focused onto their current mission. His partner laid down and looked up at the ceiling while Aian took the time to take a small nap while he good; only sleeping before when he was passed out from exhaustion. He had dreams of Kamuy becoming released during that fight, and feared of his next release.

    When the sun had set, the village was shrouded in darkness from the shadows of the mountains covering the light from the moon. Aian and Reiki were in the back of the tavern waiting patiently for the thugs to arrive. Aian looked over to see his partner in armor. Aian however did not know if him putting on his armor was a good idea. He only wanted to knock the people out, not severely hurt them. Aian decided it would be best to stay as his normal form, and only use blunt attacks than any of his piercing or slashing magic. With that said, he transformed his left hand into his Iron Dragon Scale Shield, and continued to wait.

    A few hours went by, nothing was happening. The shipment finally arrived and was dropping off the cargo. Aian and Reiki could see keg after keg being loaded into the Tavern in their rightful places. Aian hoped his partner would not get too excieted from the sight of the kegs filled with the nectar he had been desiring. However, Aian began hearing foot steps coming from away the tavern, and approaching rather quickly. He couldn't tell who it was, but he looked to his partner and nodded, moving to a new position before the thugs arrived. After a few more minutes, Aian and Reiki could hear the unloaders crying out in fear and running, leaving behind the rest of their cargo. Aian, now next to the door, waited. In a few extra moments, five men enter the tavern. Two could be seen as untainted mercenaries carrying at least three types of guns at least-though Aian couldn't tell what they were at the moment. He saw another, a single robed man slightly wavering in the middle of the four, and finally two overall wearing drunks, one holding a double barreled shotgun and the other with his hands glowing. Aian looked to his partner to see how he would react, knowing that he would take the first move.

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 6th December 2012, 5:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NPC 6th December 2012, 5:08 pm

    The member 'NightDrivenEn7' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Monster Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki WeakMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki StrongMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki NormalMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki WeakMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki StrongMonster
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 6th December 2012, 5:31 pm

    Reiki looked over at Aian, who expected him to make the first move. Reiki nodded, then charged out from the upper area, jumping down from the rafter above the bar straight for the drunken mage. Reiki threw a punch at him. The mage had no time to react, and was slammed down into the ground by Reiki. He was out cold.

    The rest of them we're startled, surprised to see someone coated in ice armor shaped like a dragon. YOU GUYS READY FOR AN ASS WHOOPIN!?! he shouted, as he threw his hands out in front of him, summoning his magic circle aiming for the two in the overalls first.Ice' Dragon's Snaring Jaw! he chanted, as eight ice fangs shot out towards the two drunks. The icicles spread in a jaw like fashion, crashing down upon the two. The one with glowing hands reacted fast enough to dodge, while the other with the shotgun got hit badly by the attack. The cold from Reiki's spell sobered him up enough to feel slight pain from the attack.

    They then retaliated at Reiki, while the two hired guns we're still rather confused as to what was happening. The shotgunner attacked first, unloading a massive shot from both barrels simultaneously. Reiki didn't block, letting his armor absorb the blow. Even with his armor,which cracked a bit from this powerful move, Reiki was pushed back about 2 feet from the attack. The other aimed both his hands at Reiki, launched a black ball of magic at him. Reiki threw up his arms in defense, and upon the impact of the ball of magic, threw his arms to the side, throwing it into the floor of the tavern.

    Last edited by EclipseEx9 on 6th December 2012, 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NPC 6th December 2012, 5:31 pm

    The member 'EclipseEx9' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #5 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 6th December 2012, 5:41 pm

    After his partner had attacked, Aian came out from where he was hiding and attacked the two in the back row. He used his shield to strike the opponents on the head, knocking the shotgun user out, and aimed for the magic one next, however he jumped away in time. The two hired guns noticed Aian without his armor, and began to fire- one using a rapid fire sub-machine gun while the other used an assault rifle. Aian used his shield to block the sup-machine gun bullets, but one of the Assault rifle bullets struck him in the leg. Thankfully it was not magic charged and Aian's body was tough, making it a miner wound. Aian focused on his wound to push out the bullet from his leg. Now with the pellet no longer in him, Aian moved outside and onto the roof to get a height and surprise advantage on any more that were around.

    Aian however noticed that there was another group coming their way to the tavern. "Reiki, we got compony, knock them out fast or we will get over run." Aian instructed, and looked for another ambush spot on top of the tavern.

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 6th December 2012, 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NPC 6th December 2012, 5:41 pm

    The member 'NightDrivenEn7' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 6th December 2012, 6:15 pm

    "Reiki, we got compony, knock them out fast or we will get over run." Aian called out to him. No problem!! Reiki responded, slamming his hands on the ground, bringing forth the yellow variant of his magic circle. I'm gonna need to leave these guys to you, Uryuu!! he yelled, as the magic circle moved forward, exploding in lightning. Reiki ran out the front of the tavern as Uryuu let loose his feral howl. The two drunks we're confused by the whole affaird "Did that lizard guy turn inta a *hic* a dog?" the one with glowing hands asked the shotgunner. OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! Uryuu roared, as he charged both of the confused drunks in a curled up ball of lightning, planning to ricochet off one and into the other. The black handed mage got slammed by Uryuu's attack. After ricocheting off of him and sending him back into a wall, Uryuu went for the shotgunner, whose own drunkeness aided him in dodging the wolf's attack, much more so than his awareness to the situation at hand. Uryuu landed, skidding across the floor and stopping just before the taverns piano. Tch, damn drunks!! Uryuu roared, charging for the shotgunner again, this time swinging down his tail at the shotgunner. The shotgunner tried to fire before getting hit, but failed, and was sent crashing into the bar itself. Well I hope there's more than just these damn drunks!! Uryuu shouted, turning to the door, prepping himself for more to come.

    Outside, Reiki decided to haul the rest of the cargo around to the back of the tavern, so that it would be more safe. Once he lifted the last keg around back, he was tempted to take a swig of some, but shook his head. NO! NOT NOW! Gotta focus!! he yelled at himself. As he waited around the back, peaking around the corner. He was with Aian this mission, the thieves seemed better armed on this mission. Using stealth tactics would be the better way to do things. He climbed up to the roof where Aian was, so they could plan their next move.

    Last edited by EclipseEx9 on 6th December 2012, 7:34 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NPC 6th December 2012, 6:15 pm

    The member 'EclipseEx9' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki NormalMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki StrongMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki NormalMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki NormalMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki StrongMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki NormalMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki WeakMonster Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki NormalMonster

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 6th December 2012, 7:23 pm

    Aian heard his partner summon his shinigami, the one he saw before when Kamuy took over. However he kept an eye out, he saw yet again two more of those overall wearing drunks, five drunken mages this time, and only one of the mercenaries coming. They were rushing straight for the tavern door. Aian looked left and right and was surprised to see Reiki had gotten up on the roof. However, Aian kept in mind that Reiki's shinigami was still in the tavern. "Reiki, have Uryuu be the first one seen by these guys. With Uryuu's intimidation and strength he could provide a good enough distraction while we get behind them and take out those two drunks in the back. I doubt the five mages will be much of a threat to Uryuu and those guys with the guns are our first target, got it?" He explained looking at his partner. Aian wanted the last thing done was the drunken idiots shooting at them, having already being pegged by an assault rifle before; he didn't want a magic infused shot this time to hit.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 6th December 2012, 7:49 pm

    Not a problem. He heard every word of it. Right pal? Reiki smirked, as Uryuu bolted out of the tavern, roaring in his usual fashion. OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! WHO WANT'S A FREE TRIP WITH ME BACK TO THE AFTERLIFE!? Uryuu howled madly, getting the attention of all the incoming enemies. Since all but one of them were drunk, they we're rather unsure if Uryuu was at all real, or some hallucination brought on by how much they had been drinking. Regardless, they all decided to unleash on Uryuu at once. The barrage was quite fierce, but Uryuu easily dodged around most of the attacks. The few that hit him barely afflicted him at all. HAH! Like the bite of a flea!!

    Uryuu ran in between all of them after their initial barrage. COME ON COME ON!!! CATCH ME IF YA CAN YA STUPID DRUNKS!!! he roared, running madly. His lightning abilities combined with the fact his opponents we're drunk, led for them becoming easily disoriented and distracted. Well, that's working marvelously. Let's get to it then, shall we? Reiki asked Aian, as he jumped off to the back of the tavern, and led the way as they snuck around behind the enemy.

    Once they were situated behind a building, Reiki peered around the corner and asked Aian So, should we do this quietly, or are we just gonna charge in now? Cause I REALLY wanna charge in right now Reiki said with a slight twitch in his eye.

    Last edited by EclipseEx9 on 6th December 2012, 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NPC 6th December 2012, 7:49 pm

    The member 'EclipseEx9' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 6th December 2012, 8:19 pm

    When Reiki's shinigami started luring the group to him, Aian had already begun to move. As their backs were to him, Aian went into start attacking. He didn't know where his partner was or why he wasn't already going through with the plan; but Aian continued as it was. Aian used his shield to run through four of the mages, and the two drunk overall wearing thugs-bashing them all on the head as he ran through. He managed to hit the first two successfully, but two of the mages were able to dodge and only get hit on their arms. The last overall drunk and mage were struck dead on as well.

    Though Aian had hit them hard and out of no where, none of them actually collapsed. They wavered a bit, but still remained conscious. They in turn, went to retaliate: The two overall drunks took out double barrel shotguns, and fired at Aian simultaneously infusing their bullets with a light coat of magic, while the four mages each cast a volley of dark magic spheres. Seeing all of this come at him, Aian turned about, and quickly slammed his palms down to the ground. A magic circle appeared quickly under his hands and in front of him, that consumed his hands to form a wall of Iron large enough to shield Aian from most of the attacks. One of the mage's was disoriented, and ended up missing in total, but the wall absorbed two of the magic spheres and the heavy power from the shotguns before shattering. However, one last magic sphere flew and struck Aian in the head; making him roll backwards for three meters. Aian got up onto his feet quickly, still feeling the blunt hit from the sphere but was not disoriented by it.

    Last edited by NightDrivenEn7 on 6th December 2012, 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NPC 6th December 2012, 8:19 pm

    The member 'NightDrivenEn7' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block
    Emilia Hawke
    Emilia Hawke

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Ysmir Ddvansebrom

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250] - 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by Emilia Hawke 6th December 2012, 9:00 pm

    Reiki was confused, looking rapidly between Aian, and behind himself. OH WHAT THE HELL!?!? he shouted, as he furiously charged in head first. Uryuu!! The overalls!!! Reiki called out to his Shinigami, as he slammed his left hand over his right. On it!! Volt Drill!! Uryuu chanted, as he pointed his tail at the two overalls. Two bolts of rapidly spiraling electricity shot forth from it straight at the two overalls. One drunkenly side stepped the attack, whilst the other took it head on.

    Ice Dragon's Hammer Tail!! Reiki shouted, as ice extended from his right arm and became his 9 foot long spiked hammer. He swung it as hard as he could at both overalls individually. He crashed his hammer down on top of the the one hit by Uryuu's attack, knocking him down and out. The other took the hit hard, and was sent backwards a couple feet.

    After his hammer broke, he didn't want the overalls to have any time to recover, so he rushed him, throwing a hard kick. The overalls dodged, unleashing a point blank power shot to Reiki. This cracked his dragon armor even further, and sent him flying back. He flipped in the air and landed safely on his feet. Damn you guy's are really annoying with those guns!

    Last edited by EclipseEx9 on 6th December 2012, 9:05 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471 Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki H05POqb Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki 471

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    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Empty Re: Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki

    Post by NPC 6th December 2012, 9:00 pm

    The member 'EclipseEx9' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss


    #6 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki FailedBlock Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block


    #7 'Damage Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Miss Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Attack


    #8 'Block Dice' :
    Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block Watering Hole- Battle for the Beer! Aian and Reiki Block

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