Fairy Tail RP

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    Demon's Call {Job: Azurius Tade/Dmitry Kazakov/Evia - Private}

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
    Position : None
    Posts : 743
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
    Third Skill:

    Demon's Call {Job: Azurius Tade/Dmitry Kazakov/Evia - Private} Empty Demon's Call {Job: Azurius Tade/Dmitry Kazakov/Evia - Private}

    Post by Azurius Tade 18th July 2016, 6:49 pm


    WC: 1,005 | Total: 1,005 | Out of: 2,500

    It was day three of the cleanup effort that Azurius Tade had visited him and Elaine's house in the disaster zone to check up on Destiny. The home wasn't destroyed, but it was far from unscathed by the attack on the port town. The entire two-story house was tilted, being held up by large metallic struts, and inside still had a great deal of damage from the quaking that happened towards the end of the attack. It was here that Elaine and Azure had left their daughter, Destiny who resembled Elaine almost exactly for some unknown reason, in the care of one of Azurius's various maids... who was now on the floor with a pool of blood around her originating from a stump from where her head was once attached. "Suriel, Blade." he said with a deep, emotionless tone causing the two servants to appear beside him. Suriel was getting ready to say something slick as always, but paused when she caught a glimpse of the decapitated maid on the floor. "Bunny girl..." she whispered with a disheartened voice. "Blade, go to the celestial world and inform her family that I will be paying them a grim visit." "Yes master." the heroic spirit said before vanishing in a particle effect. Azurius had opened his hand, materializing a book with golden pages on it that had displayed a map of the wreckage site in 3D. Looking over it, scanning from where the house was, Azurius spotted a line leading somewhere, but the book itself didn't show. It was strange for the Holy Archive to not have information on something, meaning that it was something that no angel had ever once experienced, or somewhere none had been to before.

    Following the line, Azurius had arrived at a door that he heard about before. It was unearthed recently, debris had covered it up but no maps of the old city had detailed its existence so it was safe to say the city itself was what had actually covered it... He wanted to charge in, he wanted to blast through the door and take the place by storm... he wanted to find his baby girl and obliterate whatever cult was holding her hostage... but without intel, without the backing of his standard two thousand plus men and women... without any access to his former assets the angelic general was left alone. He clenched his fists and grit his teeth, knowing that he'd be in deep shit for doing what he was about to do... "Suriel..." he said with a pained voice, having resolved himself to facing the consequences for his actions alone once more. Suriel had already vanished, knowing exactly what he was going to ask... he wanted her to find someone from the guild he could rely on, and the only person who fit that description was the first person whom he'd met from the guild.

    Demon's Call {Job: Azurius Tade/Dmitry Kazakov/Evia - Private} Myo7A7H

    Suriel had quickly ran through the mostly cleared streets as quickly as possible in search of Dmitry, him having been assigned to take care of the injured, weak, hungry, and sometimes dead meant he was anywhere in the city. She had spotted one of the troops that Azurius had deployed, stopping and ignoring his attempts at wooing her and ordering him to tell her where the metal haired mage was, which he told her with a rather confused tone and dumb look to match. Moving as quickly as her legs would let her, Suriel had jumped over a person about to be lifted on a gurney and swerved around several other people near the care station he was at. Not paying attention to who was who, and having been distracted for a single second, Suriel had impacted something at full running speed and ricocheted back without falling. She got ready to sucker-punch whoever the fuck got on her way when she noticed the iconic black trench coat and tall stature. "Dmitry!" she shouted, her voice filled with an unnatural level of distress. Through all the times Dmitry had seen Suriel, all 1 time, she was extremely calm and somewhat arrogant if not sure of herself, but this time, she sounded as though the city were under attack yet again. Suriel grabbed his coat in a godly vice-grip and whaled "Please, Azure needs your help! Whatever's behind that weird door we found stole Destiny!" a tear formed at her eye "Please." she squeaked out. Destiny was someone who was always in the guild hall, either helping in the library or keeping the bar clean. It was unknown whether or not Dmitry or anyone in the guild knew her name exactly, but with how social she was it wouldn't be a surprise, and with how often she was with either Elaine, Azurius, or both it would be difficult for anyone to have not seen her at least once while they were around.

    While she was unaware, only being focused on Dmitry, there was another member of the guild nearby... A woman who had proven quite capable in her own rights by curing an uncurable disease and salvaging the life of one of Dmitry's dear friends, and undoubtedly, someone Azurius would had invited if Suriel had noticed she was near. Though if Evia would accompany them Suriel wouldn't refuse the help... Destiny was her master's child, and more importantly, her apprentice. Azure hadn't figured it out, but it was Suriel who was teaching her magic, and because of that the two of them had become more than master and servant... they were sisters. So the added help of Evia would never be turned away. Once they had arrived at the door with Azure, they would not see the same Azurius Tade, the same man who wore a black trench coat and smoked a cigar at all times... no, they would see a man wearing a suit of armour. The suit was mostly white marble with gold trimming, and in each hand was a golden spear with white marble in the middle of the tip...


    Even if the heavens fall...

    The world below me is torn asunder, my feathers fall and turn to ash, and my soul be damned for eternity... I shall never stop fighting for the ones I

    credit to nat of adoxography2.0.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am