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    Misson: Entertain the Patients!


    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 4:41 am

    Alice walked into the hospital and up to the front desk. Hi, i'm Alice she said with a smile. I'm here for the job? the women stared at her for a moment but then remembered. "Oh right,Nurse gladys is out today but i can tell you what to do." she got up and pointed at the doors down the narro hall. Go threw their and thats our "play room" for the children." Alice shook her head. Thank you, alice smiled I can take it from there. She walked into the room and saw the childern. They were all different ages and their were only like, 30 or 40 of them. Hi, she said looking at them. I'm your entertainment for the time beeing. So, who wants to meet a real princess? she asked as almst all of thekids raised their hands.

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 1:27 pm

    I call forth the youthful princess, Andromida! The princess appeared, her kimono and hair flew onto the ground with elegence. [color=orange]What?[color] She asked. Our job is to entertain the childern, and they wanted to see a real life princess. Andromidas eyes Shimmered with joy. REALLY! She yelled with excitment. Oh thank you thank you thank you! its been oh too long sense someone has wanted to bask in my glory. she stared at Alice. The only people you summon me for any more, are ones you want me to battle.
    All of the childeren started laughing. Yay! their laughing! Alice cheered, Yeah, at you... Andromida grond. No, at us Andromida, at us. Childeren Dare laugh at me! i should *Poof* Andromida vanashid. Alice Put Andromidas key back on hr belt. "Aww" the kids wined. Aw, no kids, dont be sad, She pulled out another key, this one gold, I've got more frends then that, the princess justhad to, um,take a nap, thats all

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 2:30 pm

    Open, Gate of the Ancient Twins, Gemini The two little alien things popped out in front of her. What can we dofo you today master Gemi and Mini asked Alice. See these kids? We have to play wit them for a little while, you up for the tast? she teased them. Of courseMaster Alice They then few around and played with all of the kids. All the kids where having fun. Then one little boy no older then 7 tugged on Alices Dress. "Ma'am. Are you friends with any Knights?" He asked. "Yeah" one of the kids cheered. "A Knight, i want to see one of those."
    "Could you?"
    Alice didn't know what to do, she couldn't say know, but she didn't have a knight as a key yet. damn it, i should have bougt that Orion key she thought to her self. I got it!

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 6:43 pm

    Gemini, who was now a perfect clone of the Aegis Bright, was now playing with the kids. The kids loved it. They all had been begging to see a real knight, and sense Aegis was the only knight Gemini had ever witnessed who was the same the rank as Alice, D-rank, it was a match made in heaven. the only thing was, Gemini had been out for 20 minutes already, Alice is a D-rank wizard and couldn't hold the gate open for much longer. Alice got up. Sorry kids, looks like i haveto entertain you with out the help of my friends for awhile, i need to recharge for a few.
    Sh closed Geminis gate, and sat down. Just then a nurse walked in, "ok kids, dinner time." all the kids yelled "yay" and ran into the dinning hall. The nurse was half way out the door when she Heard Alices stomach growl. "Would youlike to join them?" she asked her. Alice smiled. yes ma'am, summoning a zodiak for over 20 minutes takes alot of energy out of you, i would love to refuel. She said with a smile as she walked to the dineing hall

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 7:04 pm

    The childeren at the table were much quieter then she had imagined. But with them all beign sick with something she could understand why. She sat alone at the corner table because the other table was full, and she just wanted some quiet. But then a little girl came up and sat next to her. "H...h...Hi miss" she said Hello little girl, you dont have to call me miss, i'm Alice, whats your name? the little girl fell silent for a minute. "i... I'm not supposed to tell srangers..."
    Um, ok... then whats up? she asked with glee. "I jus....just wanted to tell you that.. I... I want to grow up and be like you one day." Alices eyes Widen. no you don't. Her eyes began to water. I've... done some pretty bad things in my past. And i hae a goal for you. It wont be a hard one, but everyone needs one. I want you to surpass me in every way. You need to be an honest mage, dont d anything that would draw attention from the saints. She patted the girl on the head. I have to use the restroom for a minute, i'll be back in a minute.

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 7:34 pm

    Aice looked in the mirror and whiped the running make up off of her face. Why am i even in Savage skulls... i can hurt a fly, nto that i would want too... I'm so stupid. Then it happened. Smoke flew accross the room and an identicall copy of Alice appeared in the room. Your in the guild to make you master happy. remember. All that matters is that you make your master happy. alices eyes went blank. of course.... Make the master happy. The Copy then went away and Alice walked out of the bath room. She then shook her head. Wait, where am i... oh right, the hospital. Well, better go entertain some kids. She ran into the dinning hall and the nurses were already cleaning up. Where are all of the kids? she asked confused. "Their al in the play room, there all waiting for you," she chuckled. "Oh, right, sorry. thank you" she then ran out of the dinnign hall and into the play room. Ok kids, i'm ba... she looked around, all of the kids where huddled around in a circle. one little girl was crying. Wha... What happened? she said in shock?

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 8:12 pm

    She looked over the crowed and saw a little girl on the ground, not moving. It was the one from the dinning all. She opened the doors. Nurse!! we need a Nurse! a nurse came rushing in. She picked up the girl andd rushed her to the emergency room. Alice triedto follow but 2 other Nurses stopped her. "Please, you need to go get the kids minds off of this, this happends all the time but they dont gt used to it, they shouldn't get used to it." Alice shook her head and walked back inside. Open, gate of the twins, gemini.

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 8:26 pm

    Gemini, turn into me. she asked. Yes ma'am. Gemini turned into a copy of Alice that second. Read my mind... do you see it. the image of the little girl. yes ma'am Smoke filled the air. Gemini walked into the room as a replica of the little girl. "Jamye your back!" one of them yelled. so her name is jaime... A nurse pulled her at of the room.

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 8:32 pm

    Yes ma'am? The nurse shook her head. "Why did you do that. you had no way of knowing that the littlegirl was going to make it." Alice put her hand on the nurses shoulder. Yes i did, gemini hears the thoughts of those he has cloned. She smiled. Shes ok, just got a little dizzy, now i have less then an hour left with these kids, and i'm going to leave my mark.
    She popped her head into the play room. Jamie, he doctor wants to run a few check ups, you can come back latter. Gemini left th room and turned back into gemini. Close. Gemini dissapeared. See, it all turned out fine

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Guest 3rd January 2013, 8:40 pm

    The clock rang and The childeren went off to their beds. She walked over to te front desk after saying good night to all the childern. "Thank you so much for your help." Please dont thank me, i'm getting payed. i didnt do "great" dead... "But you did, the you gave the kids hope." Alice received her money. I have to go, see ya around... ell, hopefully not but still, bye.
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
    Position : None
    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Empty Re: Misson: Entertain the Patients!

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 7th January 2013, 1:46 pm



    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Misson: Entertain the Patients! Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 7:37 am