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    A Wrath like no other

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th January 2016, 3:17 am

    Bandit Wars


    Player Requirements:
    - Maximum of 4 mages.
    - A rank mages can go on this job, that is if they are accompanied by at least one S rank mage

    Job Requirements:
    - 40 posts minimum, 450 words per post
    - End the ongoing war between the Pyjacks and the Buzzards
    - When coming into contact with the clan leaders, you have to roleplay them. Give them a personality and everything. Don't make them some mere doll.

    Optional Requirements (Legal):
    - Stop the armies from clashing with each other on the frontline, without killing any of them
    - Convince the leaders and their commanders to discuss terms with each other one last time, with you as mediator
    -Find the truth behind the war, and stop it

    Optional Requirements (Dark):
    - In order to gain more influence over Fiore, side with one of the clans.
    - Form a deal to eradicate the other clan, in return have the clan you sided with swear loyalty to your guild.
    - Kill the other clan's leader, and bring his head back.

    Optional Requirements (Rune Knight):
    - Quell the battle at the frontline at all cost, before it spreads beyond the Serene Cliff
    - Find both clan leaders and bring them into custody
    - Make sure both clans can't retaliate in the future

    Job Location:
    - Serene Cliff

    Job Description:
    Hello mages. You need to report to the Serene Cliff and repulse the oncoming war between two of Fiore's largest bandit clans. The Pyjacks and the Buzzards. These bandits have eluded our grasp for a very long time, but something has made them angry enough at each other to bring the entirety of their clans to the Serene Cliffs to enact an all out slaughter on each other. We, here at the Council, do not care how you do it, we just want this war averted before it spreads to the surrounding cities.


    Strong: The Entire Pyjack Clan.
    This army is at least 1,500 hundred men strong. That is overwhelming for one person, even if you are S-Rank. Be careful. Most of them are around D or C rank, except their leader who is equal to an SS rank guild master in sheer physical strength. - Normal ones take two C ranks to bring down, leader takes 10 S ranks.

    The Entire Buzzard Clan.
    Same as the Pyjacks, we're afraid. They have just over 1,500 men strong, so please, be careful. If you die in battle, we might not be able to find your body. Most of them are around D or C rank, except their leader who is equal to an SS rank guild master in sheer physical strength.

    - Normal ones take two C ranks to bring down, leader takes 10 S ranks.

    - 100,000 Jewels

    Optional Reward (Legal):
    - 30,000 Jewels for the guilds participating
    - Title: Peacekeeper

    Optional Reward (Dark):
    - 30,000 Jewels for the guilds participating
    - 15 C rank bandits of the clan you helped, to assist you on the next job you apply for.(one time only)

    Optional Reward (Rune Knight):
    - 50,000 Jewels extra
    - 4 Lightsworn points


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th January 2016, 4:13 am

    'So? The infamous Lord Frederick huh?'

    There it was, the very inquiry Frederick had been waiting for all this time. Forcing him to hold in a sigh that would signify his irritation and frustration with such a question. Instead he only glared at the very person who would even dare to ask such a question.

    'I must say, you look rather... normal' she continued

    'Normal?' responded Frederick a bit annoyed 'What did you expect to see?'

    It wasn't so much a surprise that the woman actually could comment on his looks, as Frederick had his signature hood hanging down his back. Revealing his face along with his white clad hair, which could have been handsome if it wasn't for the cold and generally angry look in his eyes most of the time. Especially on moments he was constantly getting bugged with a barrage of questions, or not so much questions. But more talkative statements of observation.
    The source of that current frustration came in the form of a young woman, going by the name of Jenna Kamara. A member of a group of knights, independent from the well known Rune Knights, yet sanctioned by the Council, for special cases. Mostly for mediating other countries, and several other groups inside the border of Fiore.

    Jenna, was a rather young girl. To young even, to be considered a knight, or even a mediator. As she appeared to be eighteen years old. Twenty tops. Frederick didn't really knew, since he hadn't really bothered asking her. Or showing any interest what so ever.
    Along with here where two other knights, probably guards, as they were clad in a full plated armor. Covering every inch of their body. And with their helmets down the eternity for the road, Frederick just assumed that their presence weren't as important, except the fact that they were there to look out for Jenna. And, probably himself as well.

    'Well you know' she happily yapped on 'You being this extremely dark and powerful mage and all, who used to sit at the top of Savage Skull, I'd just expected you to be... more evil looking I guess. You know horns and all'

    This woman! She had literally no sense of realism what so ever! And to make it even worse, she sounded rather disappointed. Really who or what did she expect to meet. Some large monster? A demon? Some bulk of a muscle head.

    'Let's just focus on the job at hand shall we?' he replied, even more annoyed. Ignoring the chuckling guards behind them. Obviously thinking that the girls naivety was amusing.




    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th January 2016, 5:13 am

    'Sure, we're about to reach the encampment anyway'

    As Jenna said that, the unlikely pair were about to step onto the top of the last hill. Only to see the Serene Cliff stretch out before them. Except instead of serenity, they were being greeted with the loud turmoil of an extremely large war camp. With in it, hundreds of soldiers preparing for battle.
    It was a rather grim display, a beige colored pallet of tents, and wooden walls erected from the ground. With here and there a large contraption of a war machine sticking out. The occasional catapult and magical cannon. It seems that no expense was spared to fuel the upcoming battle.

    'The Buzzards...' said Frederick out loud. And with a sense of foreboding difficulty in his voice.

    Everywhere around the camp were banners. Either hanging from the wooden pike wall, or either flags. Raised high and fluttering in the wind. All carrying the same symbol of, a tribal painted flying predator. The Buzzard.

    Taking the lead, Frederick would follow the small trail of trampled grass down the hill. With his current partner Jenna, following him. And behind her the two guards that accompanied them. Apparently the massive sight of the entire encamp, had finally shut her up. For now.
    Well not that Frederick could really blame her. The campsite was impressive to say the least, roughly estimated around fifteen hundred men. Really out of the ordinary if one would think of the fact that these guys were just mere bandits. And that they'd managed to gather every member from every nook or cranny in Fiore. And then there was another group, equal or maybe even bigger in size.

    The trail lead on, and eventually reached all the way down onto the grasslands and towards the large wood gate. Which was standing wide open, making it easy for the ongoing traffic of carts and regiments of soldiers to travel through.
    The guards on the wall, and in front of the gate. Surprisingly enough let them pass without even saying anything. They'd just trailed them with their eyes. Observing and probably estimating the potential threats. Either way, it still seemed that Frederick and Jenna were expected.

    'It seems that the Councils words still hold some value huh, even among bandits' Frederick eventually said to Jenna. To which he only got the staggering unhinged reply of a single word 'y-yes'.

    Apparently word spread fast around the camped army of thugs, as some already gathered near the entrance. Trying to get a look of the knights and the dark clad stranger, who wore such a contrast in attire when compared to the poorly armored thieves, bandits and other criminals. Till one of them actually stepped forwards, to engage the four.




    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th January 2016, 5:41 am

    It was truly a beast of a man, a giant in his own right. As he towered above most of his comrades and the small delegation. Easily standing two meters tall. In addition to this, he was build as a giant as well, with arms and a chest so wide, that it could rival a bear. On his back he carried a large sword, a claymore, who was equal in size. Yet Frederick was fairly certain, that this guy could swing such a weapon as if he was an actual chef, and the weapon was nothing more then your common lightweight kitchen knife.

    'You guys from the council?' he grunted through his thick unruly beard 'If so, you'd better head to the big tent over there.' While saying that he threw his hand over his shoulder, and without looking pointed with his thumb in the general direction of a long, man crafted path between the rows of pavilions, to a bigger and definitely more decorated tent.

    Frederick looked over at Jenna, waiting for her reply. As she was technically the leader of their small delegation. He was merely here to oversee it, in case anything went wrong. And it came down to fighting. As the Council technically didn't want one of their own in the midst of a turmoil of chaotic problems.
    Yet instead of a direct answer, Jenna just nodded to the biggest guy she had ever seen in her live. All while she just trembled all over, her knees barely keeping her standing.

    They continued their path, walking between the tents in one straight line. While from all sides, the soldiers stopped what they were doing, and generally stared in their direction. And the further they got in, the more capable the men seemed to be. Hinting to Frederick that the leader was smart enough to keep his strongest men as close to him as possible, for the off chance the enemy managed to break through their defenses. Then they had first to fight through the weaker ones that would put strain on their movement. And then they could just send in the stronger, better armed soldiers to push the enemy back.

    Frederick could even spot some mages here and there, exercising and practicing their aim. And further in, there were even fully armored soldiers. Wearing heavily plated armor that rivaled the ones Jenna's own guards were wearing.

    While Frederick easily stepped forwards as if there was nothing wrong with this entire scene, Jenna on the other hand almost succumbed to the sheer pressure of what was around them. The vicious glares of men, the total coalition of male testosterone, seeing a young rather innocent girl walking down to their big boss. It all made her feel uneasy, even the women that were part of the bandits regiment were fairly more aggressive looking. Definitely less dignified then someone as Jenna.




    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th January 2016, 7:11 am

    By the time they'd reached the temporarily homestead of the Buzzards leader, Jenna was at a breaking point. As with trembling knees, and an evenly shaking voice she'd addressed the massive guards that stood in front of the opening. Each carrying wide shields that could easily deflect any melee attack. And a large halberd to cleave or even pierce their enemies.

    'I-I-I am, Jenn-a. The o-o-official mediator send from the cou-ncil. I de-demand that you let us p-p-pass' Intimidating by the two gorillas that were supposed men, Jenna's voice staggered and shrunk to the volume of a field mouse. She did try her best to look straight at them, but if failed miserably as eventually even her head bowed down. Leaving her to stare at her own feet.

    Her behavior was certainly off to say the least. Totally not something Frederick expected for someone who was meant to be a mediator between warring factions. Especially when send by the council personally.
    So when one of the bandit guards walked inside, to bring the news to his boss. Frederick took the opportunity to grab Jenna by the arm and pull her towards him. So that he could speak directly to her without raising his voice.

    'What's wrong?!' he said a tad roughly 'You're acting as if you've never done this before!'

    She stared at him with watered eyes, a tear dwelling up as she tried to speak to him. Then it hit Frederick, this was indeed her first time she'd actually mediated between to large, in fact Frederick doubted she had any real experience at all.

    'I-I... haven't. I just finished my training at the academy, and since no one wanted to take this job, I applied for it...'

    'You what?!' starting to get angry, Frederick partially raised his voice. Making his soft whispering more in a low sounding grunt. 'Did you even study up on the situation! We're the middle in a probable all out war between the two largest and meanest gangs in Fiore. No Earthland!'

    'Please.. you're hurting me'

    No almost on the verge of crying, Jenna started to panic entirely. As she hadn't fully realized what she had gotten herself into. Also Frederick wasn't helping so much either. His blunt way of addressing her, as well as getting actual angry with the girl. Was putting even more pressure on her. Realizing this, Frederick noticed he had his hand still firmly gripped around the girls arm. Pinching it even to the point it started to hurt her a bit.
    Quickly he loosened his hand, but not without releasing her. In case she decided to run away or something.

    'Tch, problem is. You are the official mediator to represent the Council's behalf here. Meaning I can't teak the lead in official discussions...'

    Frederick's words were cut short, as the guard came out of the tent again. Gesturing them they could come in.

    'Just take a deep breath. Remember your training or something, start with the basics.' he said before they'd walked in.




    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th January 2016, 7:45 am

    It was rather dark inside the command tent, with the only things notable being illuminated by a small lacrima based lamp. That hung rather low, partially bungling around. As it shed light onto a large table, with spread out on it a map of the local surroundings. On it, were several chess pieces, which represented certain groups of the armies. Black for the enemy, and white for where their troops were located. Around the table were several men and women, some young others more middle aged. All wearing a different variety of armor or weaponry. But the most notable of all stood at the very end of the table. Alone, with not one else directly besides her. A slim and feminine woman, a rare beauty with raven black hair that reached all the way down her waist. Surprisingly obvious the apparent leader.

    Stern was her look, as well as every other commander at the table. All looking directly at the Frederick and Jenna from the moment they walked in.
    For a moment she was anxious again, her hand folded against her chest not knowing what to say or what to do. Until Frederick gave her a small nudge and pushed her forwards. Hinting that she should start to address the rather intimidating group.

    'Good day!' she said a tad to loud, enough so that it even made Jenna herself jump a bit 'I am Jenna. A representative from the Magic Council. I have come here! To mediate between your faction the Buzzards. And your sworn enemies the Pyjacks.' Her voice had changed, not stern, nor any bravery. But straight into a monotone tone. Without the slightest hint of emotion in it. Obviously a line straight out of one of her textbooks.

    'This is going to be a disaster' While Frederick face palmed upon hearing how his partner addressed the highest of command in the Buzzard army. He could only think of the consequences, and actually feel the jewels he was supposed to earn fly away.
    But then something rather surprising happened. First one of the commanders, a elderly man. Somewhere around his sixties. With a thick beard that started to show sign of getting grey. Started to chuckle. Then another joined in, and after that another one. Until everyone including the grand general started bursting out in an all out laughter. Leaving Jenna almost crying, as she just lost complete track of what happened.

    'I'm sorry!!' said the woman at the other end of the table. While rubbing one of her eyes, as she almost cried of laughter. 'I couldn't help myself, but we'd just heard you two talking outside the tent. And thought it would be funny to be as serious as hell, and see how'd you would react! And look at that, you must have the most funniest face I have ever seen.'

    Frederick's jaw dropped open, he was completely surrounded by idiots. Not only Jenna, who'd had taken on an assignment beyond her capabilities. But the general along with all her commanders too. Who just casually decided to play a trick on the poor girl. When they were at the verge of war.

    'Oh come on you' the general eventually said to Frederick. 'You must see the fun in this'



    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 8th September 2016, 12:34 am; edited 1 time in total


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 28th January 2016, 2:49 pm

    Upon hearing her words, a red blush filled Jenna's cheeks. To the point her face had such an embarrassed look that she could just as well be a tomato. She'd just didn't knew what to be anymore, scared, angry. One thing she did know, that all she wanted to do was to turn around. And ran away as far as possible.

    'Oh relax' said the general. 'It's all good, I don't mind it one a bit, in fact I think it's better this way. It means you're an honest lil girl. Either way, my name is Linn, nice to meet ya.'

    'Tch' with a single sound, that was loud enough to grab Linn's attention. Frederick showed his lack of humor, and even his disapproval of the woman's so called humor.

    'And you must be Lord Frederick, the scourge of Fiore' Linn continued, looking straight at Frederick, while seemingly not being bothered by the black clad mage of Sabertooth, and his reaction to herself. 'I must say that I don't know if it's good to have you here. Or a forebode for calamity and disaster'

    'Depends...' replied Frederick

    'on what?' she backfired immediately. With one of her eyebrows raised. Clearly feeling Frederick's rather hostile intent.

    'If you don't piss me off anymore'

    Quickly the situation turned around again, changing the mood from a light hearted joke. Into a suddenly serious matter, as Frederick clearly threatened her. And for a moment it seemed like that both their auras were visible. Frederick's black colored smoke, that vaporized as it left his mortal coil. Just like steam. And Linn's, crimson red, sparking all over her body like electricity.

    'Oooh? Whats this now' said Linn with a slightly agitated voice, yet still filled with pride and confidence. 'It's almost as if you're saying that you can take on my entire army'

    'I've seen half of your troops. So yeah, maybe that is exactly what I am saying...' replied Frederick with an equally agitated voice.

    In the meanwhile, Jenna couldn't keep up anymore, her head turned from Frederick to Linn to moment the spoke. And casually insulted each other. Until she finally mustered enough courage to say something against the two mages, who each were titans in their own right.


    It was so sudden, so unexpected. Especially since the girl was nothing but a staggering mess. Not able to say a single sentence without sounding insecure.

    'Please, we haven't come here to fight. We are here to see if we can avert the worst possible outcome. And if possible, we would like your help with that!' At the end of her sentence, she unexpectedly took a little bow.

    'Well look at that' stated Linn 'Honest, just as I said'




    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th February 2016, 5:31 am

    'So, Jenna, you have come here to avert the war right?' Continued Linn, while also sitting down. Trying to put the momentarily rivalry between her and Frederick behind her. 'Then I must say, you have come here for naught. We tried to negotiate before, but it always ended.. well rather badly. Point to the fact is the Pyjacks are a ruthless bunch. Who simply just want to be the only group around, in fact any soul we've send to them in order to request a meeting came back with only their heads.'

    'Gruesome... but effective' responded Frederick 'It shows an unwavering determination. Not just towards us, but also for the Pyjacks soldiers. Giving them the false satisfaction of superiority'

    'Exactly, it shows that they don't want to talk. But only to rule, and willing to kill everyone for that very ideal. So I doubt that even with the authority of the Magic Council will make the Pyjacks abide'

    'But... then why are we here? You requested a delegation from the Council itself-'

    'Because we aren't here to mediate are we?' Frederick interrupted Jenna who still couldn't see it. In fact Frederick could hit himself for nothing thinking of it before. It was so obvious, why would a woman who controlled one of the largest criminal organizations in Fiore request the presence of the council to mediate a truth. While she just as easily could grab power herself, if the right opportunity presented itself off course.

    'What do you mean Frederick?' replied Jenna

    'Think about it, she may be a general but in her heart she is still nothing more then a bandit. And a bandit is driven by greed. So can you imagine a woman who leads an entire army of bandits wants, especially if the opportunity presents himself' Without looking at Jenna Frederick could sense the look on her face. Still tad dumbfounded but slowly realizing why they were here.

    'The only problem is, both the armies are equally matched. So she didn't had us dispatch her to create a truce. But instead to create a opportunity with the Council. For instance, what if we were killed? By.. let's say the Pyjacks. Then the Council has to act as they can't have it that an official delegation is killed, but even they can't defeat two armies. No instead they would choose the lesser of two evils. The more sensible one, the one that is shrewd enough to try and have the council back her up...'

    'You don't mean?'

    'Yes.... we are her to help her wage war. Not prevent it'

    As he said that, Jenna stared back at Linn. Who sat there simple smiling kindly at the two. Yet with a certain sense of arrogance. That not only confirmed everything Frederick just said. But also revealed that she was a force to be reckoned with. Not in power alone, but with her mind as well.



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th February 2016, 5:54 am

    'You're smart, I'll give you that' Linn finally spoke up, still smiling. Not hiding her true intentions 'The old Frederick would've anticipated this. But then again, you aren't that man any more are you. Either way, you are right. I have brought you here to make sure I can win this war, by any means necessary. However, I am not going to kill you guys. Sure it crossed my mind, after all the council would be more then happy to have you out of the way Frederick. But we are not the Pyjacks. We do have some honor.'

    'So what!' shouted Jenna 'What are we then prisoners? Stowed away so that you can request aid from the council.'

    'Yes....' replied Linn 'And no... believe me keeping you locked up isn't what I want either. No. When I learned that the one that was to be traveling with you was no other then the Lord Frederick I figured he might just be the edge I need. May it be as a good bargaining chip... or himself.'

    Ah, so that was it. The very other side of the coin. The only other reason Frederick could be of any use to her. And that was his power. His sheer strength and ruthlessness. She wanted him to fight for her, to punch a whole in the enemies forces.

    'No! We aren't going to fight! We aren't your puppets for you to command! Right Frederick? Frederick?'

    As she turned around to Frederick to see what he was thinking, she came to see a face that was surprisingly smiling. A vile grin for the anticipation for battle. A smile that was happy to have found a woman who was shrewd enough to put Frederick in a tough position.

    'Frederick.. you can't seriously be considering this are you?!'

    'What choice do we have? Be locked up? Or killed even, even if she says she won't kill us. There is no guarantee right.' responded Frederick 'I mean have you seen some of the soldiers in the centre of the camp. Or even tried to feel the presence of some. As we speak, some are already surrounding this tent. Ready to take us prisoner or even strike me down if necessary. Hell I am even sure that one of them is a nullification mage. Strong enough to render even me without magic...'

    'Look' interrupted Linn again 'I do want you at full strength Frederick. Meaning I need your head in the game, so why not before you decide or force my hand, think about it first. You can spend the night, walk freely around. Under guard off course, and bring me the answer tomorrow morning'



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
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    A Wrath like no other  Empty Re: A Wrath like no other

    Post by Godlike Frederik 11th February 2016, 8:11 am

    A few moments later, Frederick was already standing in a small and more privatized encampment. One with comfort and luxury then the rest of the bandits gathering. Hell it even had its own makeshift bathing area, and not the simple kind. Apparently some people went through great lengths to create a place were the leaders could comfortable relax. Then again, it wasn't so weird these commanders enjoyed some extra set of luxury. After all, each of them lead regiments of warriors, commanding them. instructing them. Making them highly valuable targets on the battlefield.

    The guard that was assigned to them, was the man Frederick had noticed before. Or better yet, sensed. Only Frederick was in for a surprise the moment he'd saw him. At first he thought it was a nullification mage, but when he'd met the man. He saw he wasn't only just that. The man whose name was Ryoku by the way. Was clad in a Midi styled clothing, which on itself wasn't so strange. But it was a single mark on his forehead that surprised Frederick.
    It was a strange tattoo, one that you'd barely would see. Coming from a certain order of people, monks you could call them. That trained themselves in a very special kind of combat. They were known in layman terms as Chi Blockers. Fighters who trained themselves not to deal damage, but instead render them fight less, incapacitated even. In addition to this, the man, Ryoku, also had some form of nullification magic upon his fighting style. Making a possible difficult opponent to deal with, if it came down to that.

    Surprisingly enough the man was rather kind, or polite. As he showed the two around the small privatized encampment.

    'And here we have your tent' he'd eventually said at the end of the small tour. 'It's nothing to fancy, but has enough cushions to make your stay comfortable.'



      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:33 pm