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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 14th September 2015, 3:18 pm

    Trekking up part of the Phoenix Mountains, Ardere wiped a bit of sweat from his brow. It was a nice and warm summer day, but the air pressure due to being in the mountains made it certainly interesting. He found himself on a mission with his lady love, something he would probably find enjoyable, but had not expecting. It was not every day he got to accompany the woman he was with to kill a demon making a nest in the mountains. He had enough stamina to make it towards the nest, but it had been a while since he had traversed a mountain. The nest shouldn't be too high up, but it would be secluded. So where is this thing anyways Sayrn? Using his slayer senses, he couldn't hear or smell anything near by. Hopefully they were going in the correct direction, she was the one who decided to drag him along anyways, not that he needed dragging to spend time with her.

    The mountains were gorgeous, with a nice breeze and plenty of wildlife that did not want to eat him, at least not yet. With such nice weather and the sky full of white puffy clouds, it was a shame he had to fight demons on a day like this. Fortunately, fighting was something he enjoyed. Although he was a god slayer and not a demon slayer, he was certainly not opposed to fighting demons. They tended to be evil creatures of the night, hence his general distaste for them. Letting out a deep exhale as his phoenix landed on his shoulder, perching on one of the red pads from his Midi armor. You two better not start kissing in the middle of the mission, I'll fly right out. Giving a look to his bird, the fire mage patted her on the head. You worry too much Celi Even though he was spending time with his lovely lady, he was still dressed for battle. The two took their jobs seriously, and would act as such. After taking out this demon, then they could be a bit more casual. Running pale fingers through his thick brown hair, he let out a heavy breath. You lead the way love. As much as a take charge kinda guy he was, he respected Sayrn and she was perhaps more well equipped to take on a demon of the sort. Letting her lead the way was a smart decision, and Ardere would stand by it. However if anything got too close to harming her, he would be forced to protect her, luckily that was rarely ever the case.
    @Sayrn WC: 437/300 Post: 1/12

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Black Memories
    Position : None
    Posts : 413
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Embrace.
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 19th September 2015, 8:29 am

    The walk to the mountain had been less than enjoyable if not for the banter between Uziael and Celica or the odd monster here and there but the only main saving grace to her was her lover Ardere being there as he asked her when they would get to the area in the mountain they were heading. All she could do was shrug, “I have no clue. . . The demon most likely hid itself deep in the mountains. . . Uziael what kind did you say it was?” She looked to her demonic partner as it nodded softly and spoke in it’s usual tone of smugness, “It was a previous de-ranked general of the demonic legions that failed in its designation was devolved to a lower demon and sent to Earthland to be killed.” She nodded taking the info in. As they approached the peak of the lower part of the mountains she could begin to smell the all too familiar smell, “That’s. . .” She would run forwards far past Ard and his pet and even Uziael towards a broken caravan ahead as she reached there the scent she knew so well the scent of rot became its strongest.

    “My god. . . These bodies are. . .Fresh? And yet they are decayed so heavily. . . “ She could not understand the reasoning for this when she saw a liquid gold in color on the chest of one of the corpses taking some on her finger and licking it. “Venom. . .” She could barely believe this kind of venom existed and yet she looked around for any form of reasoning for why they were like this, “Ard we need to find that demon and NOW whatever it is doing it cannot be good.” She sighed and got up adjusting her hat and looking to Ard with a solemn look, “Whatever this venom is it rapidly advanced the rate of decay on these people. . . To the point of they were still alive when the decay began. . .” She felt sick thinking of the screaming these people must have done while it happened.

    “Uziael go back to the lab I am going to be taking a sample and would rather do this myself so prep the lab.” The demon nodded and flew off heading back to the lab as she looked forwards to the mountain, “Ard lets get moving we need to find and kill this demon before it gets worse. . .” With that she began to move forward looking like a weight was on her shoulders the entire time.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 19th September 2015, 5:39 pm

    Ardere listened to the demon's word, which he found important but some stench crossed his nose. It was a hard stench, almost like rotting death. Arching a brow, Celica seemed to be able to get a wiff of it too. He was certain the green haired woman would be able to smell it as well, being that the two were both slayers. Venom and Flames made quite the combo, but the woman running ahead of him was a bit concerning. Seeing as this was more of her area of expertise, to hear the concern in her voice brought a sense of slight worry. Running forward to catch up with her, he found the bodies quickly after she did. Oh my. Covering his noise, the phoenix let out a squawk. It's disgusting. Petting his bird companion, the fire mage maneuvered himself near his lady love. Making a sour face when she licked up the gold liquid, he left all the details to her. It seemed the strange liquid was a form of venom, which luckily meant that it would not harm her for tasting it. Tightening his armor, he knew this meant things were beginning to kick off. Exhaling deeply and looking to her yellow eyes, he nodded. Alright, then let's get moving. You keep an eye out for anything strange since you know venoms quite a bit better than I do. Listening to her finish up her examination, it seemed that they were dealing with something quite powerful here. Judging by the decay, he came to a similar conclusion that she did. While he was no toxicologist, he was a smart enough man.

    Patting the green haired woman on the back, he could tell that she was in distress. It's alright, we've got this. And then, his part of the job came into effect. Looking around the area, he spotted some tracks. Bending over to touch them, it seemed powerful clawed beasts were in the area. They were no doubt minions of whatever demon was out here. Hmm. They seem fresh, we should follow these to where they went off to. Watching as she gave orders to her demon, he would fly off. Nodding and lifting his arm up, he gave his phoenix some orders as well. Do some recon in the sky, if anything big pops up, let us know. The orange phoenix nodding, she took flight. Will do, don't get too distracted while I'm off. Giving a reassuring look to his companion, the god slayer looked to his lady friend. Let's get a move on, shall we? Following the tracks into a more wooded area of the mountains, it became evident that whatever was moving through here was fairly fast. The tracks were not easy to follow, as whatever it was moved erratically. Staying close to Sayrn, he cracked his knuckles a bit. Keeping his senses peeled, he did not hear anything for now, but he could smell a stench. Watch your back love, these things are probably quite fast. The forest was dense, making it hard for them to follow the path set before them. The mountainous terrain meant several rocks were scattered through out the area, which provided for easy maneuverability for their enemies. I've fought quite a few demons, but if any venom comes my way, I'm counting on you to use that to your advantage ya hear? Giving a reassuring smile to her, he kept his seriousness but was still a bit playful towards her.
    @Sayrn WC: 582/300 Post: 2/12

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Black Memories
    Position : None
    Posts : 413
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Embrace.
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 25th September 2015, 5:59 pm

    The dash was insane she could smell it in the air the scent of pure venom and even worse something unlike anything, “What is this. . .” she took one more whiff of the air and bent down vomiting onto the ground, “What is this?!” The air smelt as if a corpse had been rotting in the sun for days covered in some of the worst smells to turn into the most rancid rot. After around a minute of trying to catch her breath and stop the effects of the smell on her she got up and turned to Ard, “What is this? It is horrid.” With a quick dash forwards she looked down from the hill she had been running up. Bellow she saw something unlike anything she had ever seen in her life. The demon if she could even manage to call it that at this point was a massive grotesque beast. The upper half of the body was covered in what looked to be chitin with two large arms with massive chitin covered claws all brown in color a spined head and sharp outstretched teeth under the two larger arms were a couple smaller ones not covered in as much chitin and seemed more like smaller versions of the larger ones than anything. The under body was where things got truly grotesque each movement showed off the body of a maggot from its waist down. Even as the demon moved or sat still the maggot body pulsated and moved with vigor as if a separate living part with three sets of small chitin covered legs and a small layer of slime even visible from afar on the body and worst of all a long red and brown trail following the demon where it walked with most things near it dying quickly.

    “This is the cause of that stench?!” She could not believe such a demon came out of it’s nest but before she could even react a demon fell from above with an attempt to impale her with it’s arms, “ACH!” She rolled back and looked behind her and Ard as two more came up from behind with a chattering noise coming from their mouths, “Well I think we found the guards of the big baddie down there. . .” With a move she dashed to put her back to Ard’s and smiled, “Okay you take those two and I will deal with the one ahead of us we cannot afford to let them notify the big bastard down there and if we do we could be in trouble.” With that she held her hands out and smiled as a small black portal opened with a sigil on it as a  serpent's head followed by a black chain with a green outline came forward and grabbed the demon pulling it to her as she began to form multiple blades made from solid poison that struck the demon in the chest a few times before it hit the ground and her work began. Not soon after that one of the two lunged forwards while the other spit venom at Ard.


    Battle Notes:
    Weapon Spell used.:

    Last edited by Sayrn Firrion on 25th September 2015, 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23944
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by NPC 25th September 2015, 5:59 pm

    The member 'Sayrn Firrion' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) WeakMonster Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Boss
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 25th September 2015, 7:48 pm

    Covering his nose still, Ardere made sure Sayrn was alright. She seemed to be fairing even worse than he was with the smell, as she let a bit loose onto the ground. It's pretty bad out here. I hope whatever made it doesn't smell as bad as this. Coughing a bit, his eyes got a bit watery. Wiping his face, he held his breath for a bit. A skill he had picked up over his years, especially during his exam, was the ability to hold his breath. Taking in his surroundings, he witnessed his lady take off towards the edge of the hill. Hey whe- Screw it, he thought to himself. Following the green haired woman, they peered down the hill. Eyes scanning the area, he easily spotted the ferocious demon down the hill. It was large, and more disgusting than he could have imagined. The fire mage had seen his fair share of creepy things, but this was was certainly one of the higher ups on that list. From the magical presence and the scent, he could tell this demon was the leader, if not a high ranking demon at the least. So it's that bastard. Drawing his red sword, known as Clarent, he observed the large demon. So what should we do abou- Yet again, he was cut off. A rather ugly looking minor demon jumped down towards the two, prompting him to follow suit and roll as she did. There seemed to be one facing her, but two facing himself. A fight was about to ensue, and not one he planned on losing.

    His back to hers, the god slayer scanned his opponents. They did not look extremely powerful, but they would likely be annoying. Got it, stay safe. Rolling his neck, several popping sounds occurred. Clutching his blade, Ardere activated his Sword of King's ability. The glowing red blade would become encased with flames, so much so that a secondary blade of flames formed over the metal one. This blade was no ordinary blade however, as it was much larger than before. Leaping to the side, acid would shoot right past his body, just barely missing him. As he dodged the acid, he would smack the demon charging him right in the face with his fiery blade. Screeching in pain the demon was gathering acid in it's mouth, but would receive two more slashed to the abdomen as the fire mage spun around, slashing the weightless flame blade. Scorching the tough body of the demon, it fell quickly to it's doom. The other demon staring him right in the face as he slid to the side to avoid another spray of poison. While these demons could spray poison, he was significantly faster than they and their attacks were. Leaping upwards, he kicked off of a tree to slam his blade into the beasts's tough skin. Searing the skin and flesh, he landed behind the demon. Rolling to regain his balance, he stood there with his gargantuan blade of searing hot fire. The first demon had been slain, and the second one would be soon.
    @Sayrn <3 WC: 519/300 Post: 3/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Black Memories
    Position : None
    Posts : 413
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Embrace.
    Second Skill:
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 1st October 2015, 12:43 pm

    The spray of venom behind the man that he avoided made her have some fun as she grabbed it in her own hands and ate it with ease, “gotta love venom beasts!” With a quick dash she ended up in melee range of the beetle she herself was fighting kicking it into the air and using a venom chain to hook it back into the ground, “Alright now to silence ya!” With the beast down on the ground she mounted it and used her chain to tie it up before making a cut into her palm and began to hold it onto the skull area of the demon until it melted down it’s brain with the corrosive attribute of her blood. With that demon killed rather brutally she looked down to the greater demon as it seemed to be beginning to move, “Shit! sorry Ard gonna have to start this one on my own first!” With an outstretched palm she sent out her chains of eve and grappled over to the front of the demon to stop it, “Sorry but I cannot let you continue. . .”

    This time it seemed to laugh and grin as it spit a ball of the same venom she saw on the humans before as she ate it right there, “Ah bon appetit!” She laughed as she did so but glared at the demon and sighed, “I hate using this spell. . .” Soon slits appeared in her wrists as black blood began to flow from her and form around her fingers a loud scream filled with both agony and rage roaring into the air as birds flew away and the blood hardened into a solid mass of corrosive claws on her fingers and the roar ended, “Time to cut you to ribbons DEMON!” With a dash she would loop around the demon to try and cut down its legs.”


    Combat Info:

    Last edited by Sayrn Firrion on 9th October 2015, 11:54 am; edited 1 time in total
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 1st October 2015, 1:45 pm

    Ardere noticed the green haired woman take off just before he finished off the other demon, prompting him to curse in his native tongue. Tawagoto! Be careful! Ducking under a venom spray, he cloak was slightly caught in it but the rate of disintegration was quick enough to where it did not travel past his cloak. Slamming his blade of flames into the demon, he knocked it on it's side. He had gotten a lot stronger since his exam, and no common beast would be able to stop him from protecting the woman he loved among many other innocent people. Spiraling through the air, he scorched the beast until it was nothing but a pile of dust and it's screams were but echos in the mountains. After defeating it, he gripped his blade tight and took after Sayrn.

    Sliding down the mountain ledge for a few moments, he saw her taking on the large demon. It was disgusting to look at, and the acid it spit was horrific. Luckily she was a venom slayer, and he did not have too much to worry about. Even so, he desired to help her. Ardere would leap off of the ledge and into the air, towards the leader of this demon horde. Meanwhile, the other god slayer was attempting to cut down his legs. Considering the body structure of the demon they were facing, it was not a bad strategy. If there was one thing he enjoyed about her, it was her intelligence. Unfortunately, he had to focus on slaying this demon. As he soared, all he cared about was finishing this thing off so they could go home. As he fell, he maneuvered himself right over it's back, and slammed his flames blade down into him when he landed. The flames scorching his back, causing screeches and wails in pain. As soon as he attempted to shoot venom at the fire king, he would kick off and twirl through the air, landing on the ground a few meters away. You didn't look like you could use a hand, but I don't wanna miss out on all the fun.
    @Sayrn WC: 357/300 Post: 4/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Black Memories
    Position : None
    Posts : 413
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Embrace.
    Second Skill:
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 21st October 2015, 1:37 pm

    A quick glance and a burst of fire here and there and it was quite apparent to her that Ard had finished the rest of the demons at the top of the hills as she grinned tapping her claw covered fingers on her lips and smiling, “Nice work but it seems the demons legs are heavily armored with a stronger carapace.” As she dodged around a swipe from the demon it tried to fire some more of the poison at her partner. “Don’t touch that stuff it has a rotting effect on whoever it touches." With another dodge she sighed and pointed a finger at the demon as a small bone broke the skin of her index and flew towards the demon as the blood pressure spiked in her finger launching it into her opponent as it snapped into the demons slimy maggot body injecting it as she grinned.

    With another bit she quickly dodged and weaved towards Ard making sure to avoid the demons swipes which her slayers senses and natural mutations helped with. Once she had finally gotten close to Ard she would begin to speak in soft enough tones that the demon hopefully would not hear, “It has been hit with my bone breaker venom give it a bit and it will affect the carapace hopefully.” With another whip she sent out her chain swinging around the demon and lunging at it’s back with the chain biting into it as she pulled herself in and started to claw at it. Not long however the demon used its smaller arms to swipe at her while focusing on Ard taking massive swipes and beginning to create a freezing cold nova. “What the hell?!” With a quick check she could feel her body slowing and growing heavier from the cold as she sighed and backed off the demon laughing as it roared out in a inaudible tongue as large pulsating maggots crawled from the ground two near the back of the clearing and one in front of the demon.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 21st October 2015, 2:21 pm

    Twirling his sword a bit, Ardere gritted his teeth. The demon before them was quite the feat, but he was not backing down from any mere demon. Leaping to the side, he knocked some of the poison away with his flame blade. Looking down at the ground, the acidic mess ate right through the grass and the earth. Definitely don't want to touch any of that. His lady love was letting out some attacks to the demon, and he did not want to disappoint. Sweeping his blade across the legs of the beast, it had quite the armor on it. If he had to guess, taking out the legs would be their priority. The armor was thick, but his flames were more destructive than most. As Sayrn got closer to him, he moved his blade in front of them to block any acid. Good work, hopefully it works. Her venoms were quite the feat, even if she was lower ranked than him she never ceased to surprise him. He perhaps trusted her to have his back more than anyone else, but his desire to protect her could occasionally override that. Leaping over a strike, he looked over to check on her. Something appeared to be wrong, like she was sluggish. You alright? Jumping in front of her, maggots began to crawl out from the ground as the demon began to laugh at them. It has used some sort of freezing attack that cause the ground to ice over, luckily the fire mage had not been hit. He was quick, generally faster than most mages even of his rank. This demon had no chance of hitting him using this tactic, but the green haired woman on the other hand could be hit. If he kept running out in front of her, he was going to get hit himself. It was quite the ordeal.

    Tch. Dont you laugh! Close your eyes Sayrn. Slamming his blade into the front of the beast, he unleashed a drill of black flames from his blade. Not only his flame blade, but a gargantuan drill of flames would smash against the beast. These black flames would scorch the maggots coming towards him, and cause the demon to slide back quite the a few meters. The drill of flames was so large, that all of the nearby trees were turned to ash. The ground was scorched black, cracked to pieces. And as for the demon, it's armored skin had taken some damage. It was not beaten, but it had now become apparent that he was facing a stronger enemy. Roaring at the two mages, it screeched upwards. Ardere could smell more demons coming, it had likely called in backup to take care of them. Moving over, he let the venom god slayer leap out to attack. If you're good to go, it seems we've got some company. Cracking his arm, he took in a heavy breath. The stench of the area was horrific, luckily his flames had done away with some of it. So far he had taken no damage, but that was due to sheer speed. Eventually he was bound to make a mistake, thus his only choice was to burn everything before that happened. Lifting up the large flame blade, his Sword of Kings, he prepared for the oncoming force.
    @Sayrn WC: 555/300 Post: 5/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.


    Spell Stuff:


    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
    God Force:

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    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by NPC 21st October 2015, 2:21 pm

    The member 'Fire King Ardere' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) NormalMonster Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) WeakMonster Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) NormalMonster Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) NormalMonster

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Black Memories
    Position : None
    Posts : 413
    Guild : Grim Heresy
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Embrace.
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 27th October 2015, 3:44 pm

    From the ledges after her lovers break through with scorching the land around her she could tell things were going to go bad as near each ledge the demons seemed to line from them six looking like some form of mutated Stag Beetle and the other three were the bombardier she had seen before hand clicking the mandibles together. “We may have a problem . . .” He mind was racing as should those nine demons help their master things could get hairy but she had her ways as she looked around the ledges noting some weak points both from time and the wonderful amount of fire in the area. “I have a plan keep the demon busy while I enact it.” With a pull she ripped out her hand forwards as her chain went right for one of the bombardier demons grabbing it by the throat area. Once her connection had been achieved she ripped it down and used her chain to swing the demon into the rocks underneath the Stags causing a massive rockslide from the impact as the demons got buried beneath it like it was nothing. With a huff she launched herself up to the remaining demon beetles and yelled back to Ard with a grin, “I trust you can take on that thing and go all out while I deal with these ones.”

    As she reached her goal one of the demons began to swipe right for her chest as she grinned and sent out a mental call. With the quick fading of light and growth of mist in the area a recognizable demon came from the ground laughing in its usual sardonic ways, “Oh my need me already?” With a quick smack the demon she herself had summoned took the full force of the attack knocking it back a tad as it pulled out both hand scythes with a grin, “Using me as a shield? How rude.” Before she could even say anything she could hear the rubble begin to stir back in the clearing as she ran up to the remaining demonic beetle and pulled it in with Ouroboros and cutting it up with her claws as they began to stutter and more blood fueled it causing a grin to grow on her face as she looked at the last of the three still up here, “Bad time to meet me.” With another dash she ran up to the demon as fast she could the demons heated venom coming her way as she simply ate it for the MP as she ripped into its chest and cut the poor thing down before it could do much more to annoy her. “With these gone. . .We still have seven more to deal with.”


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 27th October 2015, 6:17 pm

    Clutching the blade of his sword tight, Ardere smiled as his love took out the demon by causing a land slice. Always so resourceful, I've got this. Stay safe. Dashing forward across the rocky terrain, he leaped upwards over the crushed demons. Their force was quite significant, but the young woman could take care of herself. He hated to admit it, but her own demon could protect her. As for the fire mage, he was heading right for the large demon. You're not getting away you bastard. One of the demons in the rocks would pop up, as it seemed it had not been taken out. Fortunately it was battered and slow. The tattoos on his face glowing, he slashed his blade right through the demon. The acidic blood was evaporated right before his eyes, nothing could stop him from reaching the monster ahead. Drawing his blade back, the Archdemon snarled towards his direction. Off in the distance, he could hear his love's fight going on. Unfortunately he could not allow himself to succumb to a distraction, he was the more combat adept one, and it was his job to take the big bastard here. Snarling and spitting acid, the Samurai's armor was almost singed by the liquids. With his increased speed, even a great demon could not hope to hit him with a projectile attack.

    Rather than using range, his time was running out before his Sword of Kings was deactivated. He would have to make this hit count. Thrusting his blade between large spiked legs, he slid the flames under the demon's chest. If he had learned anything, the underbelly should be the weak point. The screaming and rapid movements confirmed his theory, but the beast Ardere had engaged was far from done. Smacking towards him with a spiked limb, it would go straight through the fire mage's arm and part of his side. With his fire body active, it went right through and even burned his enemy. He would take damage, prompting a groan. Luckily his fire body would significantly reduce the damage, allowing him to slide across the ground and recover. Celica! Calling out to the bird in the skies, his phoenix companion performed a quick fly by attack. Scorching flame across the ground and the demon's thick hide, it was beginning to crack and scorch even more. Shortly, he could slay this creature. You're done. Twirling his blade as the flames disappeared, the fire king held his red long sword out before engaging once again. He had taken some damage, but it would not deter him from his mission.
    @Sayrn WC: 435/300 Post: 6/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.


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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 29th October 2015, 9:56 pm

    With a dance of claws and carapace she had to weave away from her opponents deadly claws as she made sure to try and keep in its area so that it could not fire the venom at her while whittled down at its carapace best she could. “Uziael go help take care of the demons down in the clearing while I finish this one off.” While she dodged back she would fill her palm with an orb of black venom handing it to the demon and grinning, “Spread this to them as a present.” The demon nodded and flew down the orb pulsing in it’s gauntlets as it laughed throwing it down at the rubble now lifted off the beetles the reaction of them not even enough to know what was happening as they were coated in black liquid. With a yell the demon called back to its master, “It is on them now!” With a laugh she ran up to her opponent confident that she had whittled it down enough with claw strikes and ripped open its jaw slashing down on it with her fingers turning them to ribbons as the demon fell over bleeding to death, “Spread them out! Make it so that the poison spreads!” With a nod the demon dashed in between all seven demons and used his sweeping blade creating a sweep of his blades that knocked back all the demons as they looked confused Sayrn coming down with a swing to meet her partner. “Let's take them out quick these new ones might be a problem.” With a nod the demon whipped towards the final bombardier and began to cut and slash towards its vitals in quick bouts keeping it on edge while Sayrn faced the six others alone.

    The first thing she could note about these demons was their more slender body compared. “This could be a problem. . .” She could tell by the way they were built that there was going to be problems with how this fight would go but in the end she also knew that she would work with this. Before they had a chance to move or do much she sent out a massive area of black gasses that caused every demon in the area to begin their bodies slowing down. As her Paralyzing Nova began it’s work she grinned and sighed as she began to cause a cloud of corrosive gas to surround her as she laughed and grinned a sadistic smile, “Time to dance!” With a quick dash she went up to the first of the demons and began her assault on them.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 29th October 2015, 10:37 pm

    Dashing forward, Ardere swung his blade towards the large demon. His blade was met with a large limb, still strong in armor. Fortunately he hit it with all of his might, cracking the exoskeleton of the beast. The force of the two colliding split the earth beneath them, it was obvious they were quite strong. Not bad demon, but not good enough. Sliding backwards, he could smell the poison Sayrn was spewing across the area. Her fight must have been getting interesting. Deflecting several attacks by the demon, the ground was beginning to crack. His high speeds and the repeated attacks would be hard to keep up with, from a viewing stand point. The fight would be going nowhere if he did not use something more potent, but he felt the ground around him begin to freeze. Sliding back several meters, he narrowed his eyes. Oh no you don't. Ripping a branch off of one of the trees, he held it out in front of him. Filling the branch with corrupt fire energy, it began to turn black before exploding.

    Flame God's Judgment! Calling out to the demon, an explosion would occur from the branch. Such a massive explosion, that chunks of the mountain began to slide off. The ice was negated, not even affecting him. The ground turned even more black and corrupt, and the demon was quite injured. His attack had done some damage. The large maggot king tumbled backwards, most of his armor was scorched and he was incredibly angry. The skin was beginning to wither away, as was the major effect of his flames. The terrain was not much to speak of, as he had leveled it. The demon was reaching his end, and it would be by the Fire King's hand. Bolting forwards, his heavy feet stomped across the ground leaving imprints in the earth behind him. Ardere was drawing his sword back to swing, but rather than colliding with the Archdemon's it would be stopped by a few lesser demons. Being knocked back, his feet slid across the ground. Regaining his balance, the Samurai gritted his teeth. Dammit, not these guys again. Readying his sword, he would slice through any opponent who stood in his way of taking down the demon.
    @Sayrn WC: 378/300 Post: 7/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by NPC 29th October 2015, 10:37 pm

    The member 'Fire King Ardere' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 30th October 2015, 12:30 am

    The heat from the flames was a good sign and she could tell since the sight of the black flames was a welcoming one. “Good to see that he is doing fine.” With a quick change of her focus she turned back to the demons she was fighting as she sighed feeling her blood begin to waver on her fingers a groan as it happened. “I have limited time to kill you. . . Well let’s make this quick then.” with a dash towards her enemies she could see three breaking off to go deal with Ard and protect their lord, “Seems that it needs pawns. . .Poor fools.” With a return to her attention she could see the demons begin to beat their wings towards her as she raised an eyebrow, “Trying to run away are w . . .” before she could even react the demons fired out three different sonic blasts towards her as she sent out her chain grabbing her demons back who was standing over a very beat up beetle pulling her towards him. “Oh my having trouble?” The demon was laughing under its words as she sighed, “You try fighting three at once ya shit!” With a look back at them they were gaining fast her leg began to bleed however, “Seems I got hit without realizing. . .”

    As the demons closed in three more of the bombardiers began to come from both sides of Ard and on from the behind as they fired their boiling venom at him. “Damn . . . LOOK OUT!” Hoping her words reached him she turned her attention back to the demons that were coming up at her as she attempted to kick one into the air as it came up unsuccessfully as it simply weaved right in its motion, “Shit. . .” As a demon began to go for a strike on her while she was open Uziael moved and blocked the move with his arm and pulled her away from the demons, “Seems they are a bit stronger than we thought hmm?” this time the demon was serious it knew to protect the lives of Sayrn and someone else but it needed to be ready to talk anyways as it laughed, “Shall we kill them together? I suggest we use the chains to pull one in so that after you knock it up I can knock it down.” A laugh came from her mouth as she nodded sending forth her chain which grabbed the one to the side of the other two and pulling him in as she stabbed him with blades made of poison and her demon flew above her knocked up target slamming down on its back with its sickles as they dug through the chitin due to the momentum.


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 30th October 2015, 9:50 am

    A sigh escaped Ardere's maw before his pitch black aura began to shimmer across his body, and in one fell swoop, he struck down the three enemies before him. Slicing right through the thick plated exoskeletons of the demon's, green blood gushed across the ground. Acidic blood burning through the earth, it did not do much to it after what his explosion had caused. Two more would leap from the shadows, but he side stepped both of them and performed rapid strikes into their abdomens, thus killing them. Moving towards the big boss, he felt the stampeding in the ground, and heard the running. Turning around he struck one with his blade, jumping on top of it. Watching as one of them mauled their ally to death to get to him, he leaped towards it, slashing right through it's thick skin before landing on the ground. Creating a black flame in his hand, he would cleanse the acid off of his blade. It had injured Clarent, but the legendary sword could take far more than this. The Maggot King was attempting to scurry away, but he could not allow this. I'd say sorry, but I'm not. You're not getting away, not anymore. Sheathing the red long sword, he ripped off his traditional cloak. Red and black cloth scattering across the ground, it was a bit burnt from the acid anyways. Tossing his sword and large chunks of his armor onto the ground with it, he began to stretch his right arm.

    I've only used this spell once, but I'm sure you'll find it a fitting end. Ardere had been holding back somewhat this entire time, even when the weaker enemies came at him. But as for the onslaught that just occurred, and this one; he was not holding back. Charging towards the large demon, he broke up the ground with his stomping. A large limb and acid spit came at him, but it was too late. Jumping over all of that, crash energy began to charge in the fire mage's hand. Letting out a yell, he slammed his fist into the chest of the large demon. Armored skin shattering, acid blood being disintegrated, the demon flew dozens of meters across the area. His body split into pieces from the sheer force, leaving a trail of crash magic as it traveled. The demon was no more, he was nearly obliterated by the powerful punch he had thrown. I guess that does it. Sighing heavily, he turned back to make sure Sayrn was alright. You okay there love? Rubbing the back of his head, he picked up the armor and sword he had sat down.
    @Sayrn WC: 444/300 Post: 8/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.




    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 30th October 2015, 10:31 am

    She had to admit the ferocity of her lovers attacks were quite the spectacle as she continued her fight with the last of the demons in the area her claws melting back down into blood as it dripped onto the ground and a soft sigh emanated from her lips, “Uziael lets finish this we have two more to kill.” With an outstretched arm she pulled herself towards her enemies kicking one using her momentum into a tree while she quickly spun and brought the kick down onto the top of the other knocking it into the ground. With one logged in a tree and the other brought down onto the ground a soft grin began to grow as she ran to the one logged in the tree and kicked it again after pulling it out with her chains knocking it into the air before ripping it back down to the ground with her chains of poison. As the final demon got back up Uziael came up behind the poor thing taking both of its sickles and decapitating it where it stood.

    “Well that is done and dealt with. . . Thank the gods. . .” With a laugh she limped over to where Ardere was lying against a rock face sighing as she did so. “Quite the fight. . . Though you destroying the body for lack of getting a sample of its venom is rather upsetting. . . “ With a soft sigh she looked at the demon which was hovering as it normally did in times like these as it took one of its fingers and pointed to its own belly as she sighed and nodded. “So Ard. . .Uziael has been pushing me to tell you something. . . I. . . “ With a sigh she took out a small syringe filled with yellow liquid sticking it in herself has bones fixed themselves muscles repaired and wounds closed cause a gasp of pain to escape her mouth before looking back up to her lover, “I might be pregnant you see. . .” With a chuckle the demon laughed, “Might be is an understatement you and I both know that you are one hundred percent bearing child. . .” with a sigh the demon whispered under its breath, “though as is it can hardly be called human. . .”

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 30th October 2015, 1:16 pm

    Sliding the pieces of red leather and wooden armor, Ardere knelt down. His cloak was tattered and burnt, but he picked it up with all of his might and strung it across his shoulders. Attaching the cloak, he slide his sword sheath under it, so the handle was only visible. He would wait for his love to finish her fight before making his way toward her, light steps. He as tired from the battle, but his condition was far better than his lady's. Kneeling down next to the rock she was leaning against, he smiled slightly at here. Try not to overwork it next time. Running his pale hands across her shoulder in a comforting manner, he brought them back to his thighs and let out a heavy breathe. I'm sure there's plenty all over the ground he spat at me, we'll get it before we leave. With a comforting smile, the Samurai chose to rest with her. He had not taken serious damage, but he needed to rest up after exerting so much force, it took a lot of mana to dish out those attacks. He had little left, and as such he chose to stay kneeling down with her. Arching a brow at her statement, he awaited the next part. Standing back up with widened eyes, he was unsure of how to react at first.

    Oh...I...wow. That's great! There was quite the sense of joy in his heart at the thought of being a father, and it was with the right woman. But he knew her physiology, he had never even expected to have children with her. But, I didn't even know you could have kids. Will the child be alright? Is there anything we can do? The two had not yet been together a year, but they had been a couple for quite some time. He highly doubted he would find another woman like her out there, the two loners together. Fortunately, this let him know he had made the right choice. Pacing around a bit, he felt majorly conflicted. He wanted to have the child very much, he always wanted kids, but if they were unhealthy it could pose problems. A mix of shock, joy, and concern filled his soul.
    @Sayrn WC: 375/300 Post: 9/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 30th October 2015, 10:01 pm

    The demons voice grew loud as it laughed at the excitement that Ardere was having “Oh what a naive fool.” were its only thoughts as it drifted towards the man running a cold bit of mist around his arms, “You are quite excited but I have news for you that Sayrn herself has known for a bit. The baby will not survive. Her physiology was never meant to bear child and even now her body is trying to for lack of a better word “Adapt” to the child.” With a sigh she rose from her spot nodding as she walked up to her lover and hugged him, “What Uziael says is true. . .I have been keeping tabs on the baby. . . Most likely when it is born it will die within a few days. . . “ as if the spur of a boot went into the demons sides unholy laughter began to escape its mouth as these words were said, “Oh but fret not! If the child is going to die. . . Then that means they are in my hands now.” She knew her lover might react to this so before he could do anything she piped up, “What Uziael means is just like how he changed my physiology for the better. . . He might be able to save our child's life. . .” In between her talking the demon piped up, “For a price.” Soon the demon glided its way behind Ard whispers all around it, “The reason I do what I do is cause I am the walking manifestation of death. . . In other words I am death given form. And before you ask why I don’t help more it is because I WANT her to die but I am due to our deal obligated to help she just never specified how much.”

    As the mist grew thicker in the area the spectral laughs grew louder as the demon seemed to grin behind its veil of darkness that even Ard could feel it. “Now then! If you want my help in saving your child's life then I have two requirements. Since I am helping a union between two people there will be two prices one for you Sayrn and one for Ardere.” For the first time ever the demon actually called her lover by his actual name which she had to admit was a shock, “And what are the prices Uziael?” The laughter went dead silent as the demon sat where it stood and held out both its hands as mist formed into contracts one with her name the other with Arderes. “Simple, you will tell Ardere that thing you have been making shipments too since I am helping your child, lies shall not be between you. As for Ardere I need him to take the bulkier deal as in exchange for allowing your child to cheat death and gain a life I need life in return so simply put I will take some of his years of life for myself. . . And the first twelve of your childs. Simple right?” With a solemn sigh she looked at Ard and cut her finger stamping the contract as it melted back to mist and the demon turned to Ard, “And as for you? Can you accept my terms knowing what I ask to save your child's life?”


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 31st October 2015, 9:37 pm

    Ardere's orange eyes fixed upon Sayrn rather than the demon, his brown eyebrows arched downwards in annoyance. While he loved this woman, her demonic companion was not someone he enjoyed the company of in the slightest. He knew the creature was likely right, with her physiology it wouldn't be easy to bare a child. Biting the inside of his cheek a bit, a heavy breathe escaped his pale lips. He was not comfortable with the words being said, but he would have to get used to them. Biting down on his lip, black flames swirled around his fist as the demon appeared to be taking it likely. I'd kill you before that happens you evil little shit. Narrowing his eyes at the demon, his flames disappeared with his love piping up to prevent any further conflict. Folding his armor covered arms across one another, the fire mage took a step back. That's good....but what's the price? He was not one to deal with demons, but the thought of losing his child was terrifying. As long as the child didn't end up a demon, he would be fine. He'd rather it not become some monster, but he had not heard the terms yet, so he kept his rage to himself.

    Rolling his eyes at the dark one's backstory, he as not very much interested in hearing it right now. Normally he would have jumped at the chance to learn something new about demons, but this time he was not feeling it. Unfolding his arms, the guild master was unaffected by the growing mist. Probably some theatrical effects by Uzi to make the deal feel more creepy, but he was not intrigued by such basic power. It did irk him the dark feeling he felt. While he was making a deal with a demon that had essentially saved the life of his love and now his child, it still did not feel right. Ardere honestly planned to kill him off some day, and then the deals would not matter. But for now, he had to swallow his pride. Nodding, he stood next to the venom slayer as they awaited the prices. What is he talking about? Something she had been dealing with? Shaking it off, he let the words resound in his head. Take some years off of me, I'll be fine. Seeing as how his elemental body had affected him, the aging would not affect him as much appearance wise even if it was an entire decade. The only down side would be that he would die earlier than usual, but he could die any day. There was no sense of worrying when, he just had to love his life the way he chose to live it.

    Taking years off of his daughter, it was something he was not expecting. Twelve years...she'd still be a kid at least for a bit.. He was going to miss out on losing sleep due to waking up in the middle of the night for his baby, and taking her to to the park as a child. It honestly broke his heart in two, but he could not live knowing the child he could have had was never born. Alright. I'll do it. Cutting open the tip of his index finger, he signed it in blood. His face was devoid of life, and would likely be as such for a bit until the child was born. It was hard to hold back tears, but he did. For so many years, all he ever wanted was a family. He had his childhood taken away from him, and now his child was too. Will she know she's not actually 12 years old? Or will she act as if she's been with us her whole life? He was curious as to whether or not she would know, he doubted it but he was curious. What small bits of it's childhood it had left, he would make sure his child was happy. Raising a preteen from his experience with children was easier, and if she was easy going then her teen years wouldn't be as bad. If he had to sacrifice some things to have a family, he would.  
    @SayrnWC:698/300 Post: 10/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 2nd November 2015, 10:42 am

    Soon the mass of mist grew to a point where as soon as the blood touched the contract the once gray mists turned black as the laughing grew to its most sadistic the demon clearing it as for the first time Ardere could see Uziaels true form which many would see as the usual until they saw the once misty wings to be glowing purple strands of energy the once mist filled cloak a black silhouette of a true face that would always look like a deceased person that the observer would be calmed by as the demon chuckled. “Now then I have no clue but that is why your price exists. By using the years I take from you I will use the parts of Sayrns soul I own and your own now that I will take to form a sort of. . . Illusion of you and when it is all done they will be told the truth and she will form her own opinions of the real you. But even with that said before I even touch that part Sayrn you need to hold up your part of the deal.”

    A soft sigh escaped her lips as she could barely contain her fear of what she was about to say but even then it had to come out sometime, “Ardere. . . At one point while I was doing one of my usual research hunts I had received a tip that in a swampy area there would be a rare type of venomous plant.” She moved and leaned against a tree as she held back a few tears not liking having to come out with this, “What I found there was nothing. . . Except the Savage Skulls guild base. . . And their leader. . . Harrigan. . . In an attempt to make sure I survived I made a deal with him. I would provide him with a supply of newer and deadlier venoms and in return I could come back to the swamps to gain more valuable venoms to work with and guarded while there.” With a sigh she began to dig into her hand with her left as blood started to drip onto the ground, “And of course so that I might survive. . . And also because the pay was good. . . I accepted the deal and since before I joined Infinity Hydra I have been sending Skull the newer venoms while at the same time sending hospitals the cures to those venoms. . . I hope you are not too angry with me. . .”

    The demon began to chuckle and with a grin it slid behind Ardere with speeds unlike those of a normal being as it slid its gauntlet across his shoulders, “Well then her secret is out and your choice is now. Knowing this do you still want to go through with this deal? Or shall you get cold feet on this and leave her?”


    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 2nd November 2015, 12:50 pm

    So this was Uziael's true form, it was similar to what Ardere had expected. He was intrigued, but still unphased by it. Nodding at his statement, his child would have the chance to form her own opinions of the world and her parents. He was sure his child would love him and Sayrn, and he would love them back. It was his duty to show her how dark the world was, but also how beautiful it could truly be. Even if his child missed out on their early years, at least they would have a long life ahead of them. With the DNA of a flame elemental and a biological weapon like his love, his child would likely be quite powerful and live a long life. With two loving parents, they would be happy and that's all that mattered. For now, he would have to understand what secret the love of his life could possibly keep from him. As she spoke, his eyebrows drooped and he let out a sigh. Harrigan, the one dark mage that the Fire King legitimately feared to some extent. From what he knew, this man was someone at his current level he could not have beaten. Fortunately due to some information Mejai had given him, he knew this man was out of the picture for some time. She feared for her life, so why did she not tell him? Why did you tell me love? Of course I'm mad you didn't tell me, but if you felt as if you were in danger you should have come to me. It's my job to protect you the best I can. Even if you can handle yourself, you should have told me. After this, no more deals with baddies. If anyone interferes with your work you tell me, okay? He was angry, but he was not furious. He loved this woman, and she kept sacrificing too much for the work she loved so much. This time, it was his turn to sacrifice something. She obviously felt bad for it, as she was crying.

    Walking over to the venomous woman, he put his arms around her and sighed. It's okay. Everything will be okay. Now there will be no more secrets between us, and we'll be happy with our child. No more sorrow. I will always have your back, as long as you always have mine. I dont want to see you cry tears other than tears of joy, so I will do my best to make you happy. We have to keep fighting, but you and I have a home now. There's nothing to be afraid of, and we dont have to make any deals with the devil after this. Stepping back a bit, Ardere put his hands on her shoulder. Nodding reassuringly, he let out a heavy breath as he felt a gauntlet slide over his shoulder. Spinning around at inhuman speeds, the fire mage expressed the first bit of true anger either the demon or his love would have ever seen. Punching forward, his fist stopped right in front of Uzi's face. In this fake punch, he used all of the strength he had in his entire body. The force was so much, that it would sent a blast of wind through Uzi and crack the ground behind him. He would quite obviously even far beyond twice the strength of a mage his own rank, putting him beyond S ranked strength. This was a display of anger and strength to the demon, as his eyes began to flicker between black and orange. Don't you ever say anything like that to me ever again you bastard! If you ever question my loyalty to Sayrn again, I will wipe you from existence. You know nothing about me, or what I've been through. And you likely dont care, so I'll keep this simple. I'd love her even if she killed someone, and I will love her long after we're old and grey. Bring my child into this world healthy. Do not play with me demon, I've killed an evil God before and I'm not afraid of you. I dont know why you have always hated me, but perhaps it's just because you're a dick. I dont care if you're not intimidated right now, I'm not trying to intimidate you. I'm just telling you the truth. I do not lie, and I do not go back on my word. I want to love this child of mine and give them the life I never had, so don't EVER question me! The guild master's black aura began to flicker, causing the ground around him to turn black and bits of it wither away. Then, it would slowly fade away as he calmed down slightly. Now let's do this.
    @Sayrn WC: 799/300 Post: 11/13

    Every wound will shape me. Every scar will build my throne.



    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) FYZkfE1
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    Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission) Empty Re: Augmentation (Sayrn/Mission)

    Post by Celine 2nd November 2015, 1:14 pm

    The laughter began to grow and as a twisted smile grew on Uziaels face and the look was all directed towards Ardere, “Rage such as yours makes me happy to see that you are not the pure white bullshit I corrupt so happily.” With a sigh the demon sat back as it nodded and waved a hand the mist forming three chairs around a table that seemed to have a human model picture on it female in nature as the demon grinned putting its fingers together, “Have a seat you two we will discuss what I can and cannot affect on your child.” As Sayrn sat she looked at Ard and sat a hand on him, “Do not worry I trust Uziael he always keeps his word no matter what.” As the demon nodded it looked over to the corpses of the demons and snapped its finger as mist came from them and twisted around Uziael. “Now then once Ardere takes a seat I will explain a few things namely why I am even helping you in the first place.”

    As it waited for the man to take his seat after a bit whether he did so or not it would raise its hand over the model human as it took form from the mist as an accurate representation of form. “Now then the first reason I am helping you at all is that Sayrn should not have even been able to bear child in her current form meaning that I a manifestation of death have in essence granted life. As you can hopefully understand that is taboo.” With a tapping on the glass of the table the model would begin to spin, “Due to this I had to make sure that you were dedicated to Sayrn as I prefer not to do anything without a price and the fact that what I am doing will get me killed means that right now I am giving up my life to make your childs a non-living hell.” Sayrn nodded and sighed as she looked at Uziael, “I am sorry for this. . .” The demon chuckled and nodded to his master, “Now then as minor response to why I hated you Ard. simple answer is that I found your white knight no evil bullshit insufferable; however, due to the fact of not only today but a bit of looking into the past of certain contacts of yours.” With a quick shimmer Uziaels face would turn to that of one of the bandits that Ardere had been with and soon shimmer back. “I was able to get a bigger picture.”

    Soon Uziaels hands moved over the model as it began to glow orange and the like as Uziael looked at Ardere and Sayrn tapping the back of her neck as a small tattoo appeared there that look like a burning heart with a crack in it on fire. “This mark will make sure that a certain part of her is sealed. . . As in an odd twist of fate it seems that Sayrns elemental blood mixed with your flame body in a. . . Odd way.” With a quick zoom it showed her veins flowing with magma, “It seems that your two bodies have given your daughter. . . Magma for blood. but the seal I placed makes sure that unless she loses control of herself the magma will not cause her to ignite what she touches from the heat. On the other hand I cannot make a perfect seal on her as if I did it would seal her potential to use magic which I doubt you two want.” as it looked at Ardere it yawned and set a hand towards him as a tad amount of mist came from him, “Over the next three days your body will be wracked with absolute pain as it goes through the years I took from you.” with a point it sifted the mist into the model, “Any questions?”


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