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    Akuma Kasai (WIP)

    Akuma Kasai
    Akuma Kasai

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 5
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Akuma Kasai (WIP) Empty Akuma Kasai (WIP)

    Post by Akuma Kasai 4th December 2017, 2:51 am

    Akuma Kasai
    Special Characteristics:
    One long scare traveling through the left side eye.

    Akuma is a kind person at heart, he will go so fare out of his way to help someone in need. He is a very cheerful guy and easy going he loves to cook and hone his swords men ship with long hours of practice. Akuma has no blood family to speak of but over the years he has found his own family through trials and hard times. Tho He dose not let his past block his site of the future he is always looking ahead focusing on being the very best he could be. Once he has a goal he will stop at nothing to reach it. Loyal to a fault and always willing to lend a hand he has made a very good impression on the world he finds himself in. With out hesitation  he will throw himself in harms way to save an complete stranger. He is also stubborn and bullheaded he doesn't know when to give up in fact the words are not in his vocabulary, pushing himself to the brink of death to achieve his goals and ideas to protect those he cares for and those that are innocent. He swore that he would let no harm come to the world and he has kept that promise even with his foolish and child like manners he is a protector of the world. Facing evil and cruelty where ever it may be. No matter where he is or who is in trouble he will not stand by and let someone come to harm. At the first sign of cruelty or wrong doing he will scorch it from the face of the planet.
      Don't let his easy going outer shell fool you tho, he is a cold and calculated person, in a fight he will waste no time he is fast and powerful looking for the fasted way to put down who ever stands in his way. Rarely losing his temper means he can keep control of a fight pushing and pulling the opponent where ever he wants be for delivering the final blow. He has no mercy for those that hurts the people that he cares for and even less for those that hurt the innocent. He is always five movies ahead like a game of chess going whom ever crossed him no chance at winning. He enjoys paling mind games with his opponents confusing and misleading them waiting for them to slip up than he strikes, like a viper with quick and deadly force. The fire that burns in him is a fierce source of power that never leaves him wanting for more, it is this very force and he harnesses and releases on any poor soul that does wrong on the world he loves so much. Tho when you pop his top there is no holding back for him he will release the full fury if the flames that burn in his heart, burning everything in his path scaring the very crust of the earth. A passion that burns so bright it is blinding at the very site.
    Cooking - He loves food and making food it helps him release some stress after a long job.
    Training - Nothing gets his blood pumping like a good work out or fight.
    Reading - When it comes to the mind his believe is to keep it as sharp as his sword.
    Being betrayed - You should never turn your back on anyone.
    Being inside - Outdoors is the place for Akuma being closer to the earth and sun helps him draw power.
    Told he can't - Tall him he can't do something then grab a seat and popcorn he is about to prove you wrong.
    His friends - To protect them from all that may want to hurt them.
    Getting Stronger - The only way to protect his friends is to get stronger everyday.
    To be the best - He is very competitive and works hard and being the best at everything.
    Fear of failure - He has never known failure and fears the day that he will.
    Losing his friends - He never had a family til now.
    Dying - He is scared he will die before making a difference so he fights harder everyday.

    General Appearance
    Tall with a slender well toned build, with brown hear and blue eyes.

    Brown, long and flowing.
    Skin Tone:
    Tall with a strong jaw and long face he wares black combat pants with a black studded belt and black shit, he wears a red leather over coat with black finger less gloves caring a katana.  


    Guild: Fairy tail
    Tattoo: Right underside forearm.
    Rank: D
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Akuma Kasai (WIP) Empty Re: Akuma Kasai (WIP)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 4th December 2017, 12:14 pm

    Akuma Kasai (WIP) Wvnxa0


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