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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 19th July 2014, 11:34 am

    Job Information:

    Walking towards the ruins of what was once something prosperous, Lucille Kayle Grove sighed as she scratched her hair under her regular old hat. This job was slightly irritating to have taken from the Magic Council, but she would endure the pain for the sweet reward and the vast treasure trove that lied in the vault these treasure hunters were after. And she got free reign on killing them, so she could not only sate her bloodlust but get free stuff out of it too! The only downside was if she had taken this mission along side a legal mage, but the idiots at the council were too quiet to tell her who had joined on the job. Lucille could only internally groan at the idea of a young, idealistic legal mage who would attempt to get her to turn good, and be a little goody two shoes or something of the like. And the Tartarus mage would then kill the little punk, before hiding their body and lying that they were brutally massacred by the many thieves that roamed the ruins. Before gleefully making off with all of the spoils and making some sob story about how the treasure was ruined before she could get anything of value.

    In the name of Tartarus, she would do whatever it took to undermine the magic council.

    Lucille made it to the pre-determined meeting spot, and stood patiently. She summoned her blades to her hands and began to swing them absentmindedly, not really caring if anyone who would grab her attention got hit by the weapons. She began to whistle a jaunty tune, although coming from her it sounded a bit more demonic and unfriendly. This job would help prove her strength and put her in the better graces of her guild master, so not a single person would stop her from doing her best. And killing a lot of people. Oh that was the best part, her killing lots and lots of people.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 19th July 2014, 12:54 pm

    Shizuma,a mage who was part of the infamous dark guild known as Savage Skull was at a lost here. She had taken a job mainly for the reward not really caring about anything else in this little game. She had walked her way from the cursed lands all the way to this place in search of where her job was suppose to take place. Her hands held a paper which was obviously a paper and detailing the job in general at the time so why was this stuff so bad. Maybe she just hated travelling and wanted to sleep instead. Her feet stopped moving as a hand will be placed on her waist as she would yawn softly as she was nearing her destination though it took a couple of days for her to arrive.

    Ok,she was at the ruins but now where did she go..thinking back to the details she remember their was a meeting spot. Looking around her attention obviously lost as she surely got lost on the way here,she had a ran in with all kind of animals it was insane. Her sword laid sheathed on her back as she opened a map she was close at least. She had arrived at the meeting spot in no time flat as it was right in front of her,she smiled slightly as she saw who she was going to be working with,it was none other than Lucille “Happ Ending Maid” Grove which was good to see a familiar face in this place.”So I take it you're going to be my partner Miss Happy Ending Maid?”she questioned. She would look at the woman expression she seemed so serious at the moment it even sent chills down her spine.”Why so serious?”she asked.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 19th July 2014, 1:39 pm

    Lucille nearly threw her blades out of her hands and far off into the distance when the familiar voice called out to her. It was all types of surprising to have not only another dark mage join her on this expedition, but such a familiar face as well? Someone must have been smirking, or laughing their ass off upstairs, because this was something that she did not expect. While Shizuma was a welcome addition to the job instead of someone else she would pretty much hate, the blood mage didn’t know if she could look the redhead in the face without blushing intensely. This might prove a bit of a problem in the job, so Lucille had to compose herself and looked at Shizuma with a fairly straight face, although a blush was still visible on her face. “Shizuma? I didn’t know you were going to be joining me.” The Tartarus mage had changed in a nice way since their last meeting, no longer was she wearing the maid outfit and eyepatch. Now she had on a white military-esque outfit, and wore a hat that seemed to fit the mold. Her hair had grown out, and she had washed the dye out from it so it was clear that she was a natural ravenette. She briefly wondered how Shizuma could tell it was her, but just shrugged it off and looked at the redhead again.

    “Not so serious, Just that I am ready.” Lucille sighed as her blades returned to their places on her lower back and she turned to fully face Shizuma. “I didn’t expect you to be here though...and could you not call me that? I kinda got rid of the maid gimmick you know.” Lucille rubbed the back of her head, and looked away as she thought about the clothing she wore beforehand, which was definitely not the greatest. But now she was trying to be taken more seriously, so she hoped her business associate could see that.

    “Anyways, you ready to go?”


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 19th July 2014, 2:28 pm

    The sun shined down as it was a nice day for one,even the wind was blowing slightly it was kinda peaceful knowing the situation. Shizuma hand streched out as it would open as the soft breeze caress her skin as she close her eyes she never felt so at peace in her life. Her eyes would open as she lowered her head slightly as she looked towards the ground as she looked at the broken surface she was standing on. She brought her head back upwards as she will looking towards Lucille who nearly dropped her weapons as soon as she head her voice. A hand going to her mouth as a soft chuckle left her lips she was always amused when she was with this maid. She stood there as her free hand rested on the side of her waist it was new thing she haven’t been on a mission in awhile so maybe this could knock off all the dust she was feeling for the moment. She couldn’t help but feel that Lucille had brighten up after seeing her,maybe she just had that good of a influence.

    Shizuma,accepted this mission due to the fact treasure was involved. This treasure could be her’s which would gladly accept. She hadn’t let loose in a long time no one actually gave her a reason too she was a demon within a present. She watched Lucille closely the new attire was a bit of a turn on,this grl just knew how to push all of Shizuma buttons. She just giggled as she will listened to Lucille also noticing the blush on her face. This just made it so much more pleasant as she really didn’t enjoy as much as people thought she did...who she kidding she loved it.”Well your not the only one,I thought I’ll be having some rookie or some goody goody,but I’m glad to see it’s you Lucille”replied Shizuma.

    Shizuma possesses long, red hair with yellow ends that resemble flames. Her eyes are pinkish red and she has a curvaceous figure. She is seen wearing a very revealing bikini top, along with shorts and with stockings as the bottom part of her outfit and also wearing a denim jacket. She also has markings on both her chest and abdomen. She also has large breasts which are about 36D,standing at 5'6 with light tan skin.”You...look different,but I like it..you still have your smell though”she says as she obviously noted her superior sense of smell. Shizuma place a hand on her waist as she turn her head towards the ruins”Ready huh? you realize once we go there's no turning back?”she noted,Shizuma expression more serious than normal.

    Her eyes will turn to face Lucille as her thumb of her right hand hooked on the waistline of her shorts. The sword displayed on her back as she couldn’t help but smile a bit as she knew this probably won’t be a easy task and she was finally able to let loose.”Fine….I’ll just call you Weird Hat Lady from now on”she replies teasing her as she stepped forward her expression once again more serious than before. Noting just how riled up Lucille was about this whole thinf,now she had to bring forth her game.

    I’m as ready as i’ll ever be lead the way…..Lucille”she replied as it could be seen she was more serious as she had used the first name and not some weird nickname. Now the games was finally about to begin let’s hope Lucille could keep up.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 19th July 2014, 2:36 pm

    Lucille scrunched her nose a bit at the new title that Shizuma gave her, but sighed and nodded nonetheless. It was better than the ‘Happy Ending Maid’ at least, which in all honesty wasn’t that hard to beat. The Tartarus mage cracked her hands a bit, showing that she was well indeed ready to show her partner for this job exactly what she could do. “I’ll gladly take the lead. Its all I can do to repay the favor for what occurred last time.” Lucille blushed again but shook it off as she started towards the eastern section of the ruins, where the vault was rumored to be sitting and thus where they would most likely find the hunters lurking about. The Tartarus mage had a slightly joyful skip in her step, which was odd considering that she had usually subdued her steps and walked with more purpose. But today she felt like the men they would encounter would only serve one singular purpose, to be stepping stones on the path for Tartarus’ glory. Shizuma would assist, and bring glory to the name of Savage Skull as well.

    “Well look here boys! We got two lovely ladies here. This is the wrong side of town girls.”

    Lucille smirked and turned towards what appeared to be broken pillars, as five men armed with guns and cannons approached the duo. The Tartarus mage pointed to herself and looked around. “Who us? We weren’t doing nothing mister!” Lucille put her hands behind her back, and silently grabbed her blades with the biggest fake smile on her face. The men all laughed and continued to approach the two, not aware that Lucille was preparing herself. Once the apparent leader got within her range, the Tartarus mage shot her blades into the man’s shoulders, making him screech in pain before she pulled them back and took some of his flesh with it. One of the men yelled in anger and fired at Lucille, but the blood mage was able to dodge it before giggling madly.

    “Oops, did I do that?”

    MP: 110%
    HP: 100%

    Last edited by Lucille Grove on 19th July 2014, 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force

    Posts : 23962
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by NPC 19th July 2014, 2:36 pm

    The member 'Lucille Grove' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) NormalMonster
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 19th July 2014, 6:12 pm

    Shizuma couldn’t help but grin at the affirmation of the new nickname being taken so easily maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. She chose to do this job was mainly to just raid the treasure and take it back to her guild as a prize. But the situation changed so quickly as she was now joined by another fellow dark mage Lucille Grove a strange woman who she still didn’t understand fully but everything that she needed to know for now was already known. Shizuma eyes looked over at her partner for this mission as they stood side by side as in front of them laid the ruins that their mission took them to. Using her hand to push strands of hair from her eyes as the gentle breeze blew it was like the wind was whistling to them or rather singing as it went by. Shizuma thumb remained hooked to the waistband of her shorts as her left arm hang on her side as the woman was actually not serious as she wanted to be yet.

    Shizuma will nod at the blood mage take the leading spot for this,she had no objection to this for more reasons she would disclose for the moment. A smile showing on Shizuma face as she had noticed th blush that had been on Lucille face momentarily. This was actually enough to amuse the nineteen year old woman. As she watch the woman take off towards the eastern section of the Ruins,she simply just followed up behind her step by step her feet took her as she was making sure to stay close to her,her hand still on her waist as the other remained on her side she glanced around,the place looked like a run down town if anything but hopefully they could be in and out with little to no hassle.

    Something caught the young woman attention it was Lucille who seem to be skipping. Was she just excited,well she kinda couldn’t blame her because so was she. Shizuma kept her hands at her sides and one on her hip as they walked in a acceptable pace. Their wasn’t much words really needed between the two as they were friends after all. The first area they walked into seem to be surrounded by pillars i probably was a arena because the pillars circled the area,and of course they were in the center of this circle. The males scent was already caught by Shizuma as it was foul like a pile of dog.,,crap. Shizuma opened her mouth to speak but closed it as she would let Lucille do the talking. The innocence she showed was more divine than she thought a person could reach.

    Shizuma noticed the five men approach them slowly each holding a weapon that looked like it would be a pain in the ass. A soft sigh leaving her lips as she couldn’t help but really not understand these people nonetheless. Due to Shizuma standing behind Lucille she noticed her go for her weapon in the split second time frame,Shizuma hand stretched out as she would use her Air Manipulation to make wind surround the weapons in their powerful currents. This only made Lucille weapons pack a bigger punch than before. This was all done silently so her movements wasn’t really seen as she initiated them. As the weapons went off,she smiled as her lips moved but nothing came out. The attack had happened,Lucille started it off as the blade was struck into the man shoulder.

    But due to the much increased power of the weapon,the blade did more damage than Lucille would of notice. If she had paid attention to her blade she will see the wind currents surrounding it,as the flesh was tore right off but due to that blood splattered onto Shizuma cheek. This made her own body seem to shut down. As their was something..more about Shizuma that she kept locked up. As Lucille dodge the bullet coming her way,Shizuma bent her knees spread her legs as her hand will stick out as it was open. As the bullet came within range the wind current force surround Shizuma. The current Ricochet the bullet right back at the man who had shot at Lucille due to the force and movement of the wind. The bullet was faster as it went right through the man leg dropping him to his knees. Shizuma eyes gave off a ominous glow as her body loosened as a laugh escaped her lips the laugh was more demonic….more evil”Give me some more fun will ya?!”she screamed as she unsheathed Makengi and rested it on her shoulders. The wind around her rising as it’s force was enough to break the ground under her feet.

    With the special effects done,Shizuma body moved forward her body moving faster than most people of her rank. It was even noted that her feet didn’t even touch the ground,but within a blink of an eye she was in the center of the five man,they were prepared to fire. But before they could even ready their weapons a strong gust will be suddenly released blowing all five men off their feet,two were blown to the north,two was blown to west and the leader of this pack was blown to the east. Shizuma looked back at Lucille and nods,she will than stand up straight and head towards the north her blade perched on her shoulder.”I’m going to gut their ass…”was all that was said by Shizuma as she headed to her location.



    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 19th July 2014, 7:17 pm

    Lucille whistled in appreciation at the carnage that Shizuma had started, separating the men into three groups. It was strange that she seemed to use some type of wind magic, but the Tartarus mage didn’t really care. Her partner was useful enough so far in a fight, so Lucille would go and deal with the other two while the leader bled out. Didn’t mean she wasn’t gonna showcase her appreciation for what Shizuma had done though. “Nice one Shizu. I think we’re gonna do fine here.” The blood mage turned and moved to the west, going to face off against two of the men who only held dual pistols and rifles. Shizuma was able to handle herself, so Lucille would only worry about how long it took her to finish these losers off to get back and talk with her business associate. And it was getting closer to her being, dare the Tartarus mage who showcased nothing but loyalty, a friend.

    Lucille stopped while the two men attempted to get up from the blast, and threw her blades at one of them. He was unlucky and screamed out as they embedded themselves into his side, and Lucille used that to bring him closer to her. Forcibly ripping one of the blades out, she slashed him a few times on the chest and then kicked him into the ground. “Die! Die, die die die die DIE!” Lucille started to slash him even more violently, before dodging a few bullets from his friend. She threw her blades at him, forcing him to retreat behind a downed pillar to hide from her. The blood mage felt something graze her face, and looked back down to notice the man had shot at her. The Tartarus mage smirked dangerously and threw her right blade into the man’s throat, imbedding it and making his eyes widen.

    “Goodbye sweet prince.” Was all she stated before dragging the blade upwards, and effectively splitting the man’s head in half. This scene of brutality was nothing new to Lucille, but the man’s friend was outraged and began to shoot at her rapidly. She used a nearby rock as cover, and laughed as the man seemed to fire more rapidly.

    Angered that this woman had killed his friend so violently.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 19th July 2014, 10:20 pm

    Shizuma body marched as she would stop only prematurely as she heard the whistle,It was obvious the woman wasn’t herself at the moment. The blood that splashed on her cheek from earlier was still there as she stood in the devil’s wake. She turned her head slightly as she had stopped in her tracks, She listened as Lucille begun to head to the west where two of the men was blown by her. A smirk spreading on her face from the compliment,If she only knew what laid beyond the mask Shizuma put on,the true reason she was a Savage Skull…..It was all because of her controlled insanity. She will admire the compliment with a simple nod as her body continued on it’s way to where targets was or rather playthings. Her body walked as she would not run,why would she need to run.she was the cat in this cat mouse situation right now. She turned once more hoping Lucille could hold out on her own.

    Stepping into the new battlefield as pillars decorated the place some even still falling apart,Shizuma body stood still in the center nothing but pillars around her. Her targets wasn’t in her sight as she looked side to side. Her ominous red eyes scanning the very area she stood in. It was as if she was waiting for something to take place,her body not moving as it stood up straight. Her sword still balanced on her shoulders as she smirks to herself as the men scent was caught onto. They were hiding go figure,she wouldn’t chase them she will give them that safe security as if they could actually sneak up on her.”One is behind the pillar to the right and the other is not to far off”Shizuma thought to herself.

    She smelled the scent of blood which meant one of the man was probably the one she injured personally. She waited for the right time as her feet will inch away from another as she spread her legs from one another. This was all preparation for mostly the next events that was going to happen,as the man behind the pillar will lean from his cover pulling the trigger on his gun,as bullets would be released. Shizuma begun to run the bullets simply following her as the Hunter would continue firing non stop. The bullets kept hitting the pillars as Shizuma was using them as cover as she ran. Coming to a complete stop,as her back will be pressed against one of the rocks a soft sigh left her lips.

    One thing she noted both of her targets were together so that made a lot of stuff more easier for her. She was part of Savage skull so she had to make sure this was known through everyone that was here,”Bitch come out...we know you're there!”yelled the hunter that had shot at her,he shot couple of rounds into the rock she was behind. The piece of rock chipping as each bullet made contact,she had her head down as she was really pissed off now. She know god damn well he didn’t just call her a Bitch,she know this shit just got real. She gripped the handle of her blade as she would move along the rock as her back was pressed against it.

    She was using her senses to pinpoint her targets the blood still on her cheek from earlier as it dripped down. The blood drop hit the floor and with that Shizuma body pushed from the rock heading straight for the two targets she was aiming for. The Hunter begun to shoot at her round after round,each bullet seem to be un able to get near her without being blown off course. It didn’t take long for her to close the distance as she will be between the two. As she came to a stop the first Hunter will be hit with a balled up fist from Shizuma right into the jaw,this overall forcing him to stumble. As he was stumbling she kneed the other one raising him off his feet as the hilt of her sword will hit the center of the injuried hunters wrist. This making the pistol he was using get out of his grip and into Shizuma’s. She twirl her sword as the hunters mouth was wide open”Hold this for me..”she said as she brought the sword down into the mouth of the man all the way to the hilt. The man eyes was wide open as the blade was ripping at his organs from the forced entry but he was still alive for now.

    She twirled her body as the man she punched was recovering as he was prepared to shoot her”You Bi….”before he could finish the tip of the pistol was in his mouth. His eyes widen as he showed fear,which of that Shizuma fed off of. She laughs more demonic as it was heavy and strong”Do you feel it?!...Can you hear it?! the sound of death at the doorstep...just thinking about it makes my whole body tingle”she squirms as she blushes as it was as if she was getting turned on by this sadistic nature of her’s.”So why dont you ...die and give me endless pleasure!”she shouts pulling the trigger as she unloading up to three round of shots into the man mouth blood splashing on the wall behind him as some of it splashes onto Shizuma. Her eyes widen as she just chuckles,It was just so much fun.

    Turning her attention to her human sheath,she reaches up gripping the hilt of the sword as it was still in the man’s body.”I’ll take this…”she stated as she pulled the sword towards her this made the sword begun to slice the man inside out,blood squirting from his mouth as the first thing to rip was his mouth as she brought it towards her,the sword being the main destroyer here as it was slashing and cutting at all the living organs in the man. She pulled rougher as blood begun to hit the ground in all it’s glory as the sword was almost out of the man the hard way. With a strong tug the sword ripped clean out of the hunter’s body his body was sliced vertical inside out,as from his mouth to his stomach he was cut wide open. The blade will be in the grip of Shizuma as she brought it up to her mouth beginning to lick the blade of the blood. As she did that the body of the hunter fell forward splashing into the blood as it hit Shizuma making most of her body covered in blood.

    Her hand covered her face as she begun to chuckle loudly,this wasn’t the calm collected Shizuma anymore. This was the Demoness of Hell’s Gate that wanted nothing but the blood of her victims and nothing more. She look towards the west. Knowing Lucille will be that way,still holding the pistol in her hand she glanced at it. A devilish smirk spreading on her face oh how she was going to have fun now...was all she could think about as she made her way back to the center of the ruins where she will meet up with Lucille.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 20th July 2014, 10:29 am

    Lucille laughed as the man continued to rain down gunfire at her, seemingly not caring about the fact that she was pinned down. The man was trying to kill her as violently as he could, but the Tartarus mage was too busy having fun with the blood she had already spilled. Her white coat had some splotches of blood, which started the slow process of making her go bat shit berserk. When the man stopped to reload and try to get a better vantage point, he made the mistake of not keeping Lucille pinned down and she made him pay for it. Launching one of her blades at the man as she popped around the corner, Lucille embedded the blade into his shoulder and dragged it down, successfully ripping his entire right arm straight off as he screamed in pain. He used his remaining arm to fire at Lucille and managed to strike her in the gut once. What this accomplished was enraging her a bit, but she only laughed violently and then launched her other blade into his gut. This forced him down due to the speed at which the blade was thrown, while Lucille walked up to him.

    “This is where your story ends.” The dark tone of the Tartarus mage made the man freak and attempt to shoot, but that was rectified as she threw her blade directly into his arm and forced him to scream again. She sadistically grinned and placed her foot on the hilt of the blade inside his gut, making him scream out in pain again. The blood mage grinned dangerously and took his pistol, ignoring the searing pain in her gut. She pointed it at his face, to which his eyes widened and he looked at her with a pleading stare. “Goodbye. Hope to never see you in hell.” And she shot him in the throat, leaving him to die by choking on his own blood.

    Meanwhile, after retrieving her blades, Lucille held her gut and winced. Despite having a slight berserker state, she could indeed feel the pain from the shot and thus walked with a limp back over to the area that she remembered being near before splitting up with Shizuma. Even while a bit hut, she could easily finish the mission.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 21st July 2014, 8:29 am

    Shizuma was walking her way back to the center of the place her body spotted with blood as she held the istol in her hand. This weapon would come in handy on this mission hopefully they could just get to the treasure from this point because It surely was becoming a pain in the ass. She had sheathed her sword which rested on her shoulder as she was making her way back it was surely getting on her nerves. But today she had proven why she was a Savage Skull she probably wasn’t the most psychotic but she could very well be known as the Calm Psychotic. Her feet was going stepped by step,going over the debris already the place this was more like a hike than she thought. Reaching a slope she will begin to push herself from the ground using her power over air to reach the top of the slope. She surely was further than she would of thought she was.

    Reaching the top of the slope her eyes will scan the area,not having a sign of Lucille anywhere.”Where are you?”she asked herself as her eyes scanned over the platformed area. This was the place they were first at so she knew she didn’t lose her direction. She looked franticly for this woman,If something happen It would surely come back and bite her in the ass. She looked everywhere as her body surely was becoming worried as she couldn’t help but panic as she hoped this girl was alright. Smelling the air she couldn’t really spell anything but the scent of blood from Lucille direction.But a smirk spread on her face as the smell was faint but it surely belonged to her partner.

    Watching as her partner came back with a limp in her step,Shizuma rushed over to her as she wasn’t really hurt as no bullet could graze a person who controlled air.”Lucille!”she says as she rush to her noticing the injury right away, she attempts to take Lucille by a nearby rock pressing her back against the wall of the rock moving Lucille hand from her gut. Her eyes scanning the injury”They got you pretty good..”she said teasingly. Holding her hand over the wound using air to perform a suction with enough force to get the bullet out of her bottom. It didn’t take long for the bullet to be sucked out and into her hands.”Just hold still for me..”she comforts her a bit as she begun to blow slightly onto the wound,it maybe weird for LUcille but it was one of her talents as a God Slayer as the wound begun to close to the point of seeing as if it never happened.

    That should do for now until we can get this mission over with and check you for internal injuries later.so where to next sexy leader of mine?”she said with a slight smile to make the situation look up…….even though part of her face was covered in blood.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 21st July 2014, 9:18 pm

    Lucille continued to limp to her destination, as she figured that Shizuma must have been waiting for her already. The redhead seemed dangerous enough, and probably less stupid that Lucille when it came to making sure she didn’t get injured. Sure enough when the blood mage managed to limp herself to the area, Shizuma was standing there unharmed. She ran over to the Tartarus mage, and before the blood mage could say anything, she was immediately pushed into a wall and blushed heavily as Shizuma checked on her wound. There was no real need, but Lucille stayed quiet as the redhead used what the blood mage could only assume was her magic to heal the raven haired woman. It was odd, but again she stayed quiet until she believed that her partner was done.

    “You should have just left the bullet in me. It’s what I deserve for allowing myself to get shot in the first place.” Lucille commented, as the small amount of blood that was left on her had all but been blown away by the wind that Shizuma had conjured up. “But nevertheless, thank you.” A small blushed formed on Lucille’s face as she rubbed the spot that her business partner had blown on. It reminded her of things, and that made her blush darkened even more. “W-whats important now is that we make sure the leader is finished from this group of bozos. Did you kill him or is he still around?” Lucille needed to know as her eyes scanned the area. No idiot was going to get the jump on her, and she was going to make sure that Shizuma was properly ready for any attack as well.

    No matter how much she didn’t want to admit it, Lucille needed bonds in the world to keep her grounded and for something to always keep. Business associates or not, Shizuma was probably the closest thing she to a friend.

    And Lucille wanted to hold on to that for as long as she could.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 21st July 2014, 11:59 pm

    Shizuma eyes will lock on where the wound was,which she had healed using her thumb to clean off the the blood just a bit so it didn't make her look to hurt. She was thought instincts as a assassin by her mother,wherever blood was on the body it was always a first target to try weakening a target. She knew this basic strategy like the back of her hand it was one she used plenty of times herself in her past jobs. She was kneeling down as she had a knee bent and a knee on the ground so she could see the afflicted area eye to eye. This made her smile as she couldn’t help but feel good about herself from healing her ally for the time. Raising to her feet she will dust off her legs though she was spotted with blood it was like war paint decorations if anything at the moment.”Not really…...It’s not that you allowed yourself to get shot,we were caught off guard so you can’t blame yourself for that mistake,at least they let us “borrow” their weapons so kindly”she replied to her.

    She twirled the gun in her hand and around her finger before shoving it into the back of her pants for safe keeping. She smiled softly at the blushing mage in front of her as she couldn’t help but feel at ease for the time being.”No problem,what are friends for besides sex”she teases as she will yawn softly covering her mouth with her free hand. She begun to walk towards the east as her body was lazing at the time her eyes fully narrowed. “I’ll be right back…”she said as she walked from Lucille just for a little bit knowing she had to take care of something before something did happen to them. Going towards the east her body moving quickly as her body was leaned forward as her feet wasn’t on the ground it didn’t take her long to reach the starting point.

    Her feet touching the ground as she will kneel down at the puddle of blood on the ground in front of her. Taking a sniff of it she looked side to side,the scent was fresh which meant he just moved not to long ago. Two of her fingers will dip into the blood as she will bring it to her mouth tasting it which will only improve her sensing.”So you abandoned your men..and ran away”she murmurs to herself looking down at the puddle in front of her looking at her reflection. The area she was in was a bit narrow as it had the entrance and walls on both sides this made it a bad place to be probably for the God Slayer. Standing to her feet she sniffed the air the man scent and blood being sensed nearby.

    She tilted her head to the side as she could tell that the man was crouching behind the wall.”You can come out,I know you're there”she said. But what she expected was far from the truth as the man came out of the corner with a kind of machine that resembled a cannon.”Take this you bitch..”he said as he fired the cannon. The shot was fast as Shizuma eyes would widen,she had to think fast or she would be a dust if this thing hit her. Her legs separated as the cannonball came towards her,she focus air to her feet as she will wait at the very second the shot would've made contact she propelled herself over the ball,but it caught her jacket tearing it and scraping her arm causing it to bleed because of the velocity it was going. A sign of pain showed up on her face...she hated it she hated the feeling of being hurt,

    She landed on her feet as the man was reloading,she was already in his face her fist drawn back as she drove it right into his face, This crushing blow was so strong as crushed the man head against the wall killing him in that instant,all she did was grip the man head now and continued to smash it over and over again til the man very brains was exposed and at her feet. She let the man head go letting his body hit the ground in the process.”I really liked that jacket…”she says as she made her back to Lucille as she did she healed the wound on her arm to stop the bleed,not having internal injuries realizing if she was a second to late...she wouldn’t have her arm right now.

    It didn’t take long to return to Lucille as the tore jacket was enough,to see she probably had a run in with some bad news.,taking off the tore jacket she threw it to the side”It’s taken care of..”she noted.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 22nd July 2014, 11:24 am

    Lucille blushed heavily when Shizuma flew off, thinking about what she had said friends were for. “I don’t think friends are for that you know! Well….I wouldn’t know actually.” Lucille first yelled to her, but then said the last part silently to herself. The Tartarus mage, even as a rich noble young girl, had never had many people to call friends or even business associates in her life. She wasn’t sheltered by any means, but no one seemed to really even care for her. Her sister was usually busy trying to woo some guy, and her father didn’t even notice her in favor of mourning her mother and being all around useless. Lucille felt herself grow a bit more sad at the thought of herself being unliked by anyone, and everyone just using her for some reason or another. This of course didn’t hinder any thoughts she had about staying loyal to Tartarus forever, Lyserg was her leader and thus he would only use her correctly, but she didn’t know if anyone would ever want to be on the same team as her. With a sigh she shook her head of those thoughts, waiting for Shizuma to return so that they could continue the job.

    Sure enough, the redhead returned. Although her jacket was ripped up, so Lucille thought that she might have had a bit of trouble getting the job done. “He gave you a hard time eh? I hope you got him real good for that then.” Lucille walked over and checked Shizuma to see if she was hurt anywhere else, unintentionally showing more care for her partner than she meant to. When she was finished, the blood mage sighed in relief and grabbed Shizuma’s hand before starting off further east. “Come on Shizu! We should get going and finish this job off.” Lucille wanted this done as fast as possible, but didn’t even notice that she was being more free with Shizuma than she had ever shown before.

    Which was a good or bad thing depending on who you asked.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 22nd July 2014, 2:59 pm

    Shizuma made her way back to Luville step by step though her wounds was healed the pain that she felt was sticking to her. She hated the feeling of pain when it was afflicted to her it made her lose who she was, She walked towards her partner but slowly as she reached up to wipe the blood from the back of her arm as she opened her hand to look at it. This was a more frighten sight than she would of thought,why was she so afraid of pain but she wasn’t afraid to afflict it on another. She paced herself as she walked slowly but was surely making her way it was a bit rough making it to her friend in her state of mind. She stood there her eyes looking down as she begin to think to herself as she stood there in front of Lucille.”I haven’t felt such pain in a long time,guess i’m getting rusty..which isn’t good on my part...I have to make sure we finish this mission and try my best to ignore my own weakness if it’s possible”she thought to herself as her hand was holding on to her arm.

    Shizuma’s jacket would hit the floor at the time finally as she stood there in place her eyes looking up now to get a view of Lucille. She couldn’t help but smirk at the blood mage comments it was rare she talked to people so casually”Well I kinda had a run in with his cannon….other than that he is a new decoration for the ruins walls”she replied telling her probably not bluntly,but surely she took care of it. She watched closely as the woman begun to approach her,this in all making the God Slayer blink a few times as she watched this. This was surely something new that she wasn’t really use to but it felt nice being showed that someone cared for you. Before she could respond her hand would be grabbed.

    Without fighting it she allowed herself to be pulled further East,she just smiled they had a lot to do. So as they made their way she just chuckled”I’m Coming..you sure you don’t want to enjoy the scenery?”she teased as she knew this job was important for both of them.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 23rd July 2014, 8:03 pm

    Lucille giggled, something that wasn’t really odd for her but something she didn’t usually do without a purpose, and shook her head towards what Shizuma had said. “I’m not one to stick around one place for long. I don’t know why, but I guess its something about my family that came to me I guess.” Lucille continued walking for a bit, getting lost in the memories of her mother before she shook her head and continued walking. Of course her mom had always said something about her family having a history of mages, but not just any mages. Her grandparents and great-grandparents were speed mages, but for the life of the Tartarus Mage she couldn’t remember what it was called. Nor the name of her great-grandmother, who had all but vanished which irked the blood mage. She would eventually go back to find out what it was that she was missing, but for now she had a job to focus on.

    And as soon as her thoughts were pulled from the past, she immediately noticed that a group of three hunters had appeared in their vision. Obviously these guys weren’t as tough as the ones before, as they had blades instead of guns and such. Not really much that Lucille alone couldn’t handle, so she chuckled and just summoned her blades to her hands.

    “Wow. The standards must be dropping if weaklings like you are allowed in.” Lucille taunted the men, who bristled at the insult. “I mean come on, how many people did they lose to allow some punks like you in? About all of them?” The men didn’t like the Tartarus mage’s constant insults, and thus with blood curdling screams of anger they charged at her. Lucille simply laughed and made a ‘bring it’ motion with her hand.

    “Give me a fun time…….or DIE!”

    Last edited by Lucille Grove on 23rd July 2014, 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by NPC 23rd July 2014, 8:03 pm

    The member 'Lucille Grove' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) WeakMonster
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 24th July 2014, 10:00 am

    Shizuma will continually be pulled along by her new friend it was weird and something she wasn’t use to. Maybe there was difference in her after meeting Lucille it had been a long while since she actually opened up to anyone,except Rekka. She looked towards the ground as they moved along,maybe she could fix from her past and live for now and forget it all. But knowing her that wasn’t really possible now was it,they lived in a world based on war and suffering though they were the one’s to cause it overall. She just thought on this more heavily than others because she was more calm than most of the people of Savage Skull. She kept being tugged along as she couldn’t help but giggle as this was actually a pretty good feeling for once as she was use to roughness thanks to someone in Savage Skull. She would listen to Lucille speak which was only amusing how this woman always had something to throw back at her it was quite the spectacle if you could say the least and didn’t happen very often.

    If you stick around places to long,sometimes you learn things and sometimes you lose things,but it just mean you see things as a bigger picture than you did just passing it by”replied Shizuma as she was still being tugged along by her hand. She would continue to be pulled till they finally stopped,she looked up noticing the reason for the sudden stop it was because three hunters had appeared but with it seem less package than the last group who they destroyed with little to no effort. She noticed the small package they had as Shizuma will finally stand up straight as she didn’t have her jacket which kinda pissed her off at the moment since it was her favorite jacket.

    Shizuma stayed silent for now her arms crossing over her chest as Lucille taunted the men in their way well this was another battle they had to fight. But first before she assisted in anything she will let Lucille show her what she could do,on a personal level. She still noticed the wind still covering the blades which only meant that the boost she gave Lucille Weaponry was still there which should make this all to easy for her.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 24th July 2014, 6:14 pm

    Lucille laughed maniacally as the men charged her, and she clashed blades with two of them while kicking the third one square on his chin and lifting him into the sky. A beautiful dance on blades began between the two hunters and the Tartarus mage, one in which it was clear they were almost on equal terms when it came to swordfighting. Almost being the operative word here, since Lucille got the advantage and started to force them to back down. It was majestic, as her blade work seemed to simply outshine them in every facet, blocking strikes she shouldn’t have been able to and getting them at times it seemed like she was going to miss by a mile. The men accumulated larger gashes and deep bruises, while Lucille was cut as well but not to the extent that they were. The men began to visibly slow and seemed more tired, as their friend fell to the ground. Each one had about 8 cuts on them, and were visibly sluggish, trying to continue standing. Lucille had a few cuts of her own, but she was laughing and threw one of her blades towards the men. It stabbed one clean in the chest, and as he looked down to try and yank it out Lucille laughed madly. “Get over here!” She called, pulling the man towards her as his friend tried in vain to stop him from flying towards the madwoman. She used her other blade to stab him in the throat, and as the life bled from his eyes she cackled further.

    “Oh come on! You’re not done already are ya?” Lucille taunted the other two, who were hurt and scared by the insanity the woman was showing. The least injured one charged and managed to sink his blade into Lucille’s side, but the Tartarus mage laughed it off and slashed his throat violently so that he choked on his own blood. “Hey! That….tickled.” She giggled, before turning her attention to the last man. His partner laid there, dying at the feet of the two dark mages. He only could ask one question.

    “What are you!?!!?”

    “Oh me?” Lucille giggled as she innocently pointed at herself. “Im just an innocent girl who’s going to kill you~”


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 25th July 2014, 8:10 pm

    Shizuma wouldn’t get involved as she would sit down on the nearby broken pillar her ass pressing against the hard rock as she sat upon it. She stretched out her legs as she crossed the right over the left,her red eyes looking at the scene before her. She was actually analyzing Lucille the forms she took,the weaponry skills and just how crazy this girl could actually get. But really she was just probably checking out her backside as she moved,It was the pervert that dwelled inside of her that sometimes she just couldn’t control. She watched as Lucille purposely provoked these men into attack her maybe it was just her but it seem Lucille was crazy as she was in battle. But a soft sigh left her lips as Lucille was taking damage from the constant blows which she probably should of intervened but she wasn’t one step into things unless the person is truly in trouble.

    This woman was really brutal it seemed if she didn’t know better she’ll say it was turning her own but that was just her. She sat there watching each detail of the scene as she giggles softly at this. She licked her fingers clean of the blood that was on them as she giggles softly looking at each body seem to just fall at Lucille feet she just chuckled loudly as this show was more amusing than she would of thought it would of been,her eyes still looking at Lucille move around as she did. As the blade was driven into Lucille side she couldn’t help but cringe in pain for her that looked like it hurt badly lucky she was here to heal this simply berserker of a woman.

    Dear Lucille,don’t play with your food too much,you’ll spoil it”she said to her with a chuckle.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

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    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 25th July 2014, 10:54 pm

    “Oh come on now! Don’t be afraid of me! I won’t bite you that hard! Only hard enough to make you wish you had never been born! Ahahahaha!” Lucille continued to cackle as the man seemed to only shake in fear at the presence of the insane woman. Lucille questioned for a moment why Shizuma hadn’t stopped her from going completely berserk, but that was ended by the insanity that had decided to rear its head again when her magic began to take over her mentality. It was a small but noticeable change in her stance, as she was lower than before and her legs spread out more than last time. The hunter didn’t notice, rather he was still pissing himself in fear and thus came charging in blindly as possible. Lucille giggled madly and charged right back, engaging him in a duel of blades that was obviously once again dominated by Lucille as she pushed him into the ground forcefully. She then threw both of her blades into his arms, disabling them and making him scream out in pain

    “Whats wrong? Can’t handle the pain? Get over it. You’ll be seeing your buddies soon enough!” Lucille spoke while grabbing her razor rimmed hat, terrifying the man as he tried to move but couldn’t. “Don’t worry! It’ll only hurt a hell of a lot!” Lucille chucked her deadly hat into the man’s skull, turning him into a fountain of blood as she backed off so that she wasn’t going to go completely insane. “Ahhahaha. AHAHAHAHHAH!” Lucille began to laugh as her blades and hat returned to her back and she fell onto her butt, as the blood began to corrupt her mind. It was beginning to become noticeable that she was not in the greatest of mind sets. Lucille had begun to left the building mentally.

    And a bloodthirsty killer replaced her.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
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    Age : 33
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 28th July 2014, 10:04 am

    Shizuma remained sitting on theb broken pillar using it to support her sitting upon it as her legs was crossed. Her eyes focused on the battle in front of her not really trying to get involved just yet since she was just a spectator for the time being and wanted to see how far Lucille could go. Could Shizuma stop her? yeah if she wanted,did she want to? no she did not. This was her testing Lucille to see the psych level she had. though that wasn’t something you could say when a woman covered in blood sat in the front row of a slaughter. Shizuma eyes locked on the movements of Lucille as she was really losing it. This only amused Shizuma further as this woman actually had it in her to snap this much into insanity. The dark mage crossed her arms over her chest just watching a word not escaping her lips for the time being just silence. She ran her fingers through her red hair as she smiled at these events.

    She watch Lucille trade blows and overpower the man who she was fighting it was actually quite exciting if she could say the least. She would soon stand up as her arms will spread out wide streching outwards as her back begun to crack.She watch Lucille finish off the man which only made a giggle leave her lips. The blood was pouring out like a fountian which was slightly amusing even more. Her head will turn as she looked towards Lucille who had backed away and landed on her ass. A eyebrow raising in the process,this woman will surely be a strong ally in this job so no they just needed to continue.

    Walking till she was beside Lucille she looked down at her”Well done..didn’t think you had a monster like that locked down”she compliments to her partner.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
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    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
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    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 28th July 2014, 1:34 pm

    Lucille continued to laugh, even when Shizuma approached her and spoke about the level of insanity she had in her. “Oh Shizu, if only you knew how far into the depths of insanity I can really go.” Lucille giggled as she resisted the urge to attack her partner. It was a bad thing to want to attack a fellow mage on your side of the spectrum. And with her magic, it only made things so much worse. Lucille used all of her mental power to fight the urge and stood up, turning her head further east towards what looked like a cave of sorts. One good thing about her berserker side was that she had her senses enhanced slightly, and thus she could easily follow scents that she might have missed. Gunpowder and magic emanated from the cave, which meant that the hunters were inside there and most likely had begun to find the treasure vault. Their mission was getting closer to the climatic end, and Lucille wanted it over as soon as possible so she could cleanse the blood off her.

    “Shizuma. They are inside that cave.” Lucille used a blade to point towards the cave, and started walking in that direction herself. “We must make haste. They will be soon finding the treasure cove at this point, and the damned council will arrest us for being dark mages and failing the mission. Not like they won’t attempt to regardless, but I’d still rather not fail.” Lucille began to jog towards the cave, intent on making this job a success. She wasn’t going to fail when the name of Tartarus was on the line.

    If she didn’t bring glory to her guild master, she would fail him. And failing him would mean she was useless as his weapon and ultimately, as useless as her father. Lucille was adamant about being better than her father, and thus would never allow that. Ever.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 28th July 2014, 4:01 pm

    Shizuma just looked down at the woman as she continued to laugh,she just stood there as her right hand will go into her pants pocket. Her left ran will run through her red hair as she just would look down at the woman who was pretty much covered in blood and seem to be even hurt. Shizuma didn’t speak just looked down at the laughing woman,It was like looking down at a mirror of herself. A smirk spread on her face as she just looked down at this woman she was a strange one but she felt they would be good friends down the road if anything a yawn escaping the redheads lips as a free hand reach up to cover her mouth. She looked at the terrific art she see before her such a glorious slaughter she had to give tt to Lucille for making such a beautiful piece of art.”Depths of insanity..Hmm sounds dangerous but also rather enjoyable,your like me Lucille very much so”she replied her voice was soft as she chuckled slightly it was obviously only the beginning of their trip if anything.

    Shizuma will close her eyes for a second as a breeze will blow by,she just didn’t let the breeze go by she opened her mouth slightly as she will begin to take in some of the wind passing by. This was her energy,the very wind around them and her power source. It was convenient that the very food needed to energize her power was all around her. She burped slightly as she finished feeding from the very air around her she just smiled to herself. She would then hear Lucille point out where the remaining people were,raising a eyebrow wondering how she knew that. Sniffing the air the smell of gunpowder was strong where Lucille was pointing this only made Shizuma smile.

    Haste? you sure you rather not take our time,I mean you know if we go inside that cave we will probably be attacked nonstop right?”replied Shizuma not that she was afraid or anything she wasn’t a fan of Ramboing things like this though that was really exciting to do. She would attempt to place a hand on Lucille shoulder this will heal any wounds she had for the dark mage wouldn’t bleed out to death. Then she watched the woman begin to walk towards the cave and then jog,she wasn’t a fan of enclosed places but she will sigh knowing she couldn’t let her partner go into there alone as she jogged after her”Hey wait up!”she yelled as she chased after her knowing she had probably just alerted those inside the cave,but hopefully not.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database
    Lucille Grove
    Lucille Grove

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Other Half
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    Posts : 212
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Raylard Wayne
    Experience : 4000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Lust
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) Empty Re: A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma)

    Post by Lucille Grove 28th July 2014, 8:46 pm

    Lucille turned her head over her shoulder when Shizuma had called out to her and just smirked with pure delicious insanity. “Why enjoy any of this scenery, we don’t have much time to waste. Our foes await us in the cave there, and we just need to beat them up. I have no worries, we can easily kick a few lame ass hunters around enough to get things done right! Cmon Shizu, we gotta get there now!” Lucille called out cheerily, though in her mind blood was on the menu. As they approached the cave, her eyes had begun scanning after she saw what appeared to be a male going down a ladder of some sort in the cave. Lucille sped faster towards the cave and almost fell over as she came across a cliff.

    “Well I shall be damned! They went below!” Lucille laughed and pulled her blades out while taking a few steps back. “That won’t stop me though! Guess Im just going to have to….” Suddenly, the Tartarus mage ran forward and took a huge leap over the edge. “Jump!” While she fell, the blood mage turned her body 180 degrees and used her blades as a mechanism to slow her descent. When she eventually reached a height she could fall from and not die of a painful injury, she jumped and landed. Looking around, she noticed that she was now in a large and very spacious cavern.

    “Wow. This is actually, very unexpected. A large cavern, not what i thought would be.” Lucille spoke as she began to walk, before looking to see if Shizuma had joined her. “Shizu? Ah I didn’t leave you behind did I? I hate doing that.” While Lucille was cocky about her abilities, she also knew her limits. The wind mage would prove useful in assisting her, no matter what she ended up doing.


    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) FRU1Cmr
    A Hunter? That's my job title. (Job, Lucille and Shizuma) S9dTX6I
    Blood Lust/Speed Force

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