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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]


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    Experience : 1891.75

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 17th May 2014, 12:01 pm

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    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Age : 2023
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    Experience : 1891.75

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 17th May 2014, 12:27 pm

    Wow, it's been so long since I've last been here.. Viola stood in the middle of the pathway of Hargeon, her foot tapping against the cobble-stone ground. Now that I think about it, this where I met Indar? Right?


    Viola peered up, eyes tightening in the bright light as she studied the face. Baffled by the kindness of the stranger she was helped to both of her feet, rigid from how she had practically pressed herself against him while helped up, wobbly and startled. Jerking back in mistake her face slightly reddened she gave a anxious smile to her lips. "Hello there, name's Indar. I see you are apart of Sabertooth." the young man said, as Viola enlarged her crystal blue eyes. Is he from Sabertooth too? she thought to herself.

    "Yes, I'm Viola. I'm so sorry for running into you like that.." she apologized, rubbing the back of her head with her hand carelessly. Melody had once again disappeared, and Viola had yet to notice that she had ran off to cause more ruckus. "Are you from Sabertooth too?" she asked, dropping her hands to her sides, a curious expression coating her face.

    ~Flashback End~

    Her face slightly lit up as she thought about the first time they had met, her hand drifted up-ward to graze across her hot face. "No." she said to herself looking up with a sharp look. "What's important now is the job!" she said out-loud, receiving a few un-easy stares, that was when she would laugh anxiously to herself, smiling toward the citizens who thought she was some freak. A sigh loomed from her mouth as everybody stopped looking at her, her blue hues turning to look at the cobblestone ground. I think I met Alex here too actually and.. what was his name.. Mavis.. No! Marick, that's right! she thought, though she couldn't quite recall how she had met all of them, she was positive, that they had all met here. Gee, time has really gone by, hasn't it? she said to herself once more, only this time in her head, a place where she could say anything she wanted with-out being disturbed.

    Last edited by Viola-chan on 19th May 2014, 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Main Theme:
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 17th May 2014, 4:21 pm

    '' Well, this is a quiet day. '' Indar was sitting in a cafe, not far from the place he had first met Viola. He did remember the spot, but didn't really pay much attention to it. Indar was in Hargeon for only a stop, until he returned back to Nox Animus. Though, just sitting in a cafe was not his way, he had no other way to get food at the moment. A sigh escaped from the blonde mage, as he took another sip from his coffee. It was truly a quiet day, nothing was going on, that would pull his attention, just the regular things that happened in this town.

    During this boring period, Indar's mind wondered into the depths of his memories. Mainly regarding the events that took place a long time ago, in this very town. These memories meant a lot to Indar and he cherished them. The memories of the first time he laid eyes on the girl, he had by now fallen madly in love with. The first time, he met Viola, the person he now considered to be the most important in his life. The person that mattered the most. While remembering these memories, Indar's mood changed to a very happy mood. His spirit lifted up. He loved thinking of these memories, they always made him feel good. A happy sigh escaped his mouth, as he picked up the cup of coffee again.

    As he was taking another sip, Indar's eyes moved, to look out of the closest window. The place, where he had first met Viola was in sight from the window and suddenly Indar stopped in the middle of his drink. He had noticed someone, someone really special to him. Viola was just standing there, at the place where they had first met. It was strange and Indar had to take a double take for this, to make sure he wasn't seeing an image, but he wasn't. So with a swift movement, he got up, threw some jewels at the person behind the counter and ran out of the cafe. He moved quickly through the small crowds of people, trying to make his way towards Viola.

    When he had made his way behind Viola's back, he placed his right hand on Viola's shoulder and said: '' Didn't think i would run into you here again. '' He sounded like he was in a very playful mood.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

    Character Sheet
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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 17th May 2014, 7:06 pm

    The warmth of a hand was placed onto her shoulder, which she would then turn around to come face to face with a very familiar person. Indar.

    "Didn't think I would run into you here again." he said, his voice was full of banter, making Viola grow jittery once more.

    "W-What are you doing here?" she asked, though it wasn't said the way she wanted it to be said. She wanted to embrace him, and say how happy she was to see him, but she couldn't, it was like usual, the raven-haired girl was just to anxious, yet so desperate to touch him at the same time.

    It was confusing for even her to understand, how she loved him so much that she wanted to compliment him all day long if she could, and make him feel happy even, but all the came from her mouth was insults. She couldn't control herself, it was just the way she was.

    A small breeze passed by, her clothes wavering in the wind, ebony hair flapping behind her. She had yet to notice that her skirt had lifted up to high at this point, and would probably bonk anybody on the head, or shout at them if they dared to speak out and tell her that her under-wear was showing.

    For some reason, it had been too long, far to long, at least it felt that way to Viola. She hadn't seen the blonde haired mage for awhile now, and wondered what he had been up too. She would keep thinking to herself, that she knew much more about Indar than anybody else, but then pushed that thought aside. Viola wouldn't think such things, the thought of ever being to clingy to somebody made Viola jittery, especially clingy people that wanted to cling to her, she was glad that Indar wasn't like that.

    That was then the job would come back to her mind, how she regularly came here in the first place to help out the restaurant. Maybe Indar would like to come.. she thought to herself, it wouldn't be a bad idea after all.

    Last edited by Viola-chan on 19th May 2014, 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Main Theme:
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 17th May 2014, 11:38 pm

    The way Viola reacted to Indar, made the blonde haired mage a little anxious. It wasn't the way he had hoped, but it held it's charm in it. She was amazingly adorable, when she was confused or well what looked like confusion. He couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

    After a few seconds of looking at Viola, Indar moved closer and pulled her into a tight embrace. Resting his hands behind her back, he sighed quietly and happily. '' I missed you. '' He really had missed her, it had been too long since they last saw each other, you could even say ages. So long, that right now, Indar didn't want to break the embrace up, it was amazing to be together with Viola again. The love he had for this girl, was just mad, there was nothing he wouldn't do for her or anything he wouldn't do to protect her. Indar just wanted her to be happy, at all times, at all costs.

    '' I'm not even sure why i am here really, just passing through Hargeon. '' He had remembered the question she had asked, so it had needed an answer. '' I wasn't planning on staying here for long, as this town does have a legal guild in it and i have managed to land in the bad list of legal guilds. '' He sighed on this, it wasn't something he was proud of, he just couldn't control his actions sometimes and went overboard. It was a really bad habit and hoped that Viola would overlook it, though he understood if she couldn't, as what Indar did, was fairly evil. But he wasn't going to mention it right now, there was no need for that.

    Indar released the hug, only to place his left hand onto Viola's cheek. His look intensified as his eyes had met Viola's blue hues. He couldn't look away now, he was mesmerized again, locked into the girls eyes. Though, in the second he snapped out of it and instantly moved into kiss Viola. He couldn't resist, it had just been too long since the last one and right now, it felt right. He put in all the emotions and feelings that had been piling up inside him, during the time they hadn't seen each other.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 18th May 2014, 12:02 am

    No! That was totally rude, I should say something! Maybe apologize? her thoughts whirled up inside her head as she closed her eyes, lips pursed together, face somewhat red. "Indar I-" that was then she would be cut off as the blonde haired mage suddenly embraced her, his warm hands placed precisely onto the middle of her back, head lowered so his face nuzzled into her raven-hair.

    A sigh escaped his mouth, it was soft, and seemed full of happiness, like he had just gotten off from a long day at work, and sat down on the couch. "I missed you." he would breath, making Viola's entire body shiver in his grasp. Her emotions were so powerful, they caused her to grow nervous, they made her knee's grow weak, and her chest ache, she couldn't believe that love was even so powerful that it made her cry.

    "I-I missed you too, you idiot." she would slightly laugh at the last two words, once again mentally cursing at herself for calling him that, but smiling knowing that he wouldn't mind. After all he was the idiot she strongly loved.

    "I'm not even sure why I am here really, just passing through Hargeon.. I wasn't planning on staying here for long, as this town does have a Legal guild in it and I have managed to land in the bad list of Legal guilds." a sigh would escaping from his mouth again, only this time, it sounded stressed, like somebody who just leaned up from their bed to turn off their alarm. Viola didn't seem to mind, that her boyfriend like to do wicked things for his free time. A small laugh escaped her mouth at the thought of how opposites attract, but so silent that only she could hear it.

    "That's to bad, I was going to ask if you wanted to help me out with this job I'm doing today. Maybe then you'll-mm!" she was cut off as his lips pressed against her's, her eyes enlarged in startle-ment. Viola would then just stand their, her knee's once more growing weak, her insides and chest aching. T-This emotion, is so strong.. she thought, but couldn't help but fear what she'd be like if this emotion was ever stolen for her.. Viola wanted so desperately to touch him back, but couldn't find how to. She was afraid that if she did something wrong, it would push him away. But, yet that was when she would place her hands onto his face, covering his eyes in a silly away.

    Last edited by Viola-chan on 19th May 2014, 1:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Main Theme:
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 18th May 2014, 9:02 am

    When Viola place her hands onto Indar's face, a shiver went down his spine. The kiss was filled with emotion, from both sides. The kiss at the place of their first meet, that held some kind of meaning to them both, hopefully. Indar wasn't capable of pulling away from the kiss, he was running out of breath a little, but as they had been both separated for a long time, a kiss this long was needed. Emotions had stored up in both of them or so Indar thought, but he was fairly certain that Viola had a load of feelings stored up as well. Those feelings needed to be released and a kiss was just the perfect way.

    But in a few more minutes Indar pulled slightly away, just enough to give them both room to breathe, not more. Viola's hands were still on his face, not letting him look anywhere but at Viola. People were walking past the couple, avoiding them, quite annoyed as it seemed. They could be annoyed, Indar didn't care one bit. Right now only Viola mattered, nothing else.

    '' I love you. '' This was all Indar could say for now, but it was enough or so he thought, but was fairly certain it was enough. They stood there, motionless for a minute or so, until Indar's mesmerized mood faded away and his playful side emerged. He hoped, that what he would do next, wasn't going to shock Viola or make her angry. Indar moved his right hand down from Viola's back, onto her butt and squeezed it a little. He remembered the time in that village, where he had first done it, but as of right now, they were more closer than last time. His face was filled with a playful smile, not embarrassment like last time, but even if Viola wanted to say something, Indar had pulled her into another kiss, though this one ended quickly.

    When he had pulled away and they weren't locked together anymore, Indar placed his hand onto Viola's head and ruffled her hair a little bit, until asking: '' So... what are you doing here? '' His voice sounded more questioning that playful now.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

    Character Sheet
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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 18th May 2014, 11:12 am

    She thought he would've pulled away from the kiss, and asked what she was doing with a questioning face. Though it wouldn't of bothered her if he had grabbed onto both of her hands. The kiss kept going, Viola's chest still aching massively to the extent where she couldn't stand it anymore and kissed Indar back. The two would be in perfect sync in the kiss, along with their emotions, or so if would seem at least to Viola.

    She could tell he wanted it to last as he pulled away, his fore-head resting on hers, their lips just traced over each-other, breath heavy, gaze intense. That was when Viola would look away shyly, her lips pursed together, face slightly red, hands that were once on the side of his face sliding down the rest on his chest. "Indar.. people are staring." she whispered, the girl had already been looked at weirdly enough today, though in all honesty if she were to be looked at as weird, she'd rather be looked at weirdly with her boyfriend than alone.

    "I love you." Indar said, making her look back up at him, sky blue hues enlarged before a small smile approached her face. Her mouth was opening, slowly opening to say it back, a blissful tone sparkling in her eyes, that is, until the warm hand of her boyfriend slides down onto her butt, giving it a small squeeze.

    "W-What are yo-!" she was cut off once more, as he swiftly drifted to her lips once more, closing the gap between them with one quick kiss. When he pulled away, her hands would fall from his chest, a regular space between them now. Viola's face had turned to the exact colour of a cherry, or even a tomato as she stared dumbfounded off into no-where. She wanted to shout, but she wasn't mad, so she kept silent.

    Indar would then place his hand onto Viola's head, messing up her hair slightly with a teasing expression, Viola looking up at him with a pouty expression, similar to a child who hadn't received their favourite toy, or had gotten their candy taken away from them. "So... what are you doing here?" he asked, his tone curious as he eyed Viola, which was then she would finally calm herself down, leaving only a light blush on her face.

    "I'm doing a job." she paused to shuffle through her book-bag before pulling out the job sheet and showing it to Indar. "This man doesn't have enough money to pay to the thugs this week, so they're going to go destroy his restaurant. I'm going there to stop them before they can." she paused, looking up at Indar with another smile. "You know, if you really have a bad reputation with Legal guilds, this might turn it around, if they see you helping out." Viola said, hoping he would join her.

    Last edited by Viola-chan on 19th May 2014, 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Main Theme:
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 18th May 2014, 2:20 pm

    Indar listened to Viola's explanation, why she was in Hargeon. It was quite intriguing to be honest and doing stuff together with Viola was what he wanted. But he wasn't so big on helping random people, though this was a job request, so it didn't feel like he was doing this because he wanted to, but because he was asked to and now with Viola sort of asking him to tag along, Indar really couldn't say no, now could he.

    During the thinking process he had, Indar had kept ruffling Viola's hair instinctively. He hadn't payed any attention to it what so ever. Although, he knew he was doing it and maybe by now Viola was getting annoyed by it, so without further to do, Indar pulled his hand away and rested it by his side. '' So... Where is the restaurant you have to protect? '' He stopped his question for a second, letting out a small sigh, until he continued: '' If you want to Viola, i can help you on this. '' He may have sounded a little snobbish at the moment, his demigod ways were acting up. His demigod personality rarely showed up near people he cared for and he didn't know if Viola had ever seen this side of him before.

    Indar let out another sigh, he seemingly had developed a habit of sighing for some reason. He wasn't sure how this day would turn out now. But he was together with his girlfriend now, so that was really nice. With that thought, Indar moved back closer to Viola, placing his left hand over her shoulders. He held her fairly tightly, though not enough to hurt her, just enough for her to feel loved.

    Now, while he was holding her by her shoulders, Indar was getting anxious again. He wasn't sure on what to do or where to go. It felt like he was trying to take control and he didn't like it. He let go of Viola instantly, a small shade of black falling over his eyes and blonde hair. He should let Viola lead this. Indar just stood there, waiting for Viola to do something.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ѕтorм мagιc
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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 18th May 2014, 6:08 pm

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Large

    Is Indar zoned out or something?
    she thought as he continued to mess up her hair, a frown appearing on her face. Sometimes this blonde haired mage could be quite strange, but yet it still never once matter to Viola at all, she loved him just the way he was. She would then sweat-drop at how cheesy her thoughts were before swiftly grasping onto Indar's wrist to stop.

    "Aye, don't mess up my hair." she said, her lips were pulled back into an awkward smile, sky blue orbs eyeing him curiously as he dropped his hand back by his side. She couldn't tell what mood he was in, nor' if he was even tired or not.

    "So... Where is the restaurant you have to protect?... If you want to Viola, I can help you on this." as he paused, and spoke the last sentence, his tone sounded a bit.. annoyed and at the same time rude, causing the raven-haired girl look at him anxiously. I-Is he mad? Maybe he doesn't want to come along?

    "Uh--um-- it's just up there on the right-" she paused to point just in-front of her, her index finger gestured up along the cobblestone pathway of Hargeon. "You know.. you don't have to if you don't want too." she would speak the last sentence shyly, her hands lowered, fingers fiddling together. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, making her look up at him startled, it was as if he was hugging her in some way, to say sorry for talking so rudely.

    But, then he let go, a gap in-between them both as a shadow casted over his eyes. She couldn't see his eyes anymore, and felt another ache in her chest. Ugh.. Stupid Indar! It's your fault I want to touch you again.. she thought, reaching out to pat both sides of his face awkwardly, her lips pursed together nervously, face bright red. She would guess he would grasp onto both of her wrists and lean forward to kiss her again, it was most likely bound to happen, but yet she wasn't quite to sure. After all, Indar did many things she wouldn't expect him to do. Though her intention was to comfort him some-how, to make him feel better, for in her eyes, she saw that he was lonely and seemed, some-what sad.

    Last edited by Viola-chan on 19th May 2014, 1:38 pm; edited 5 times in total


    Main Theme:
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 350

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 19th May 2014, 8:33 am

    Listening to Viola patiently, Indar understood the awkwardness of this situation. With this small scene he caused, he had probably made Viola feel bad and or nervous. He didn't like it one bit, he wanted to help her out on this, it just wouldn't be like him, to leave his girlfriend alone on a job. He wanted to protect her.

    Indar startled, when Viola placed her hands onto both sides of Indar's face, making him look at her. Her face was completely flushed and her lips were pursed together nervously. She looked adorable in Indar's opinion, but a little worried at the same time. It really seemed like the scene Indar caused had stirred something up or so he thought for now. He had to do something, to make her feel better again. It was his fault in the beginning as well, so now it was time to make things right, though, the feelings he had bent up inside him had been released or so it seemed.

    Indar's hand grasped onto Viola's shoulders, pulling her closer and into a deeply emotional kiss. There were a multitude of feelings still stored up in Indar's body and he wasn't even sure why. Guess being away from the person he loved so dearly, was more than he could handle. Indar wasn't releasing the kiss, even though he knew that Viola was probably being late to the job, maybe the thugs had already entered the restaurant. Though, he couldn't pull away, it was just too amazing. It felt like it was out of this world.

    After a couple of minutes, Indar pulled away, only to almost fall onto Viola, his hands moving around Viola, into a tight hug. Indar's soul had opened up, all his emotions flooding through his body. He was extremely happy, Indar just couldn't hold back anymore. This moment was one, he had been waiting for these few weeks he hadn't seen Viola, there hadn't been an hour, where his mind hadn't wandered onto Viola. '' I missed you so much. '' His voice was filled with joy, now that he had been together with Viola, for only a very short time.

    He pulled away from the hug, only to almost glisten back to Viola as he said: '' I want to help you on this job. ''


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 19th May 2014, 1:54 pm

    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Tumblr_msemiwhanL1sngp8oo1_500

    She would feel her knee's wobbling and bottom lip quivering as she continued to lightly pat the sides of his face, feeling gravity slowly and casually push both of her hands back down to her sides. Did I do something wrong? she thought, her eyes meeting Indar's forest green ones as he finally lifted up his head. Though a shadow was still casted over his eyes, she could see a faint sparkle in them both as his hands drifted up to her shoulders, tugging her toward him. He bent down, his lips pressing to hers as she stood there, startled yet relieved at the same time. Her eyes closed with-out hesitation, small hands grasping onto the chest of his shirt lightly as she kissed back.

    It was funny, Viola never would've expected somebody as tall as Indar would want to be with somebody as short as herself. She felt like a child, a small defenceless young girl in the hold of a stronger young man, but for some reason it didn't matter to her. The two had a bond, an un-breakable bond that would be tied to them for the rest of their lives, and no matter how hard they both tried to break it, it wouldn't budge, nor' would it tear. Indar was often mistaken for somebody in his 20's while Viola was often mistaken for somebody who might've been a 15 year old.

    Once the kissed released, she would look into his green eyes immediately, lost in trance as though she were traveling through the woods, lost, but yet not scared at the same time. She was brought back to reality as the green disappeared from her sight, the blonde haired mage some-what leaning against her, his head resting on her shoulder, arms wrapped around her fragile, yet small figure. "I missed you so much." she would tell he was smiling, even though she heard his blissful voice, a small smile approached her face. "I want to help you on this job." Indar would release the hold he had on the agile raven-haired girl, looking down at her as she looked up at him.

    As she would open her mouth to speak, a crash was heard from afar, along with shouting and laughing. Viola's attention darted up the cobble-stone path of Hargeon, the sound was coming from where she had been heading this whole time. An un-easy look appeared on her face, beads of sweat forming on her fore-head as crowds of people seemed to form, only to watch what conflict was raging on. "Oh crap. Come'on, let's go do this then!" she shouted, sharply grasping onto her boy-friends hand and pulling him with her as she force-fully pushed her way through the crowds of citizens.


    Main Theme:
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    Void Tyrant

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 19th May 2014, 3:26 pm

    Viola's reaction was what Indar had hoped for. The bind between the two was powerful, powerful enough to not be broken, ever. It was an amazing feeling and Indar felt now, that all his bent up feelings were gone. He shuddered a little bit, when the crash was heard. There was shouting coming from the area, where Viola had pointed at previously. Indar heard the shouting clearly, his heightened senses were doing their work, allowing him to hear what was being said. The thugs were threatening the owner of the restaurant, there didn't seem to be that many of them or if there were, they weren't making a sound.

    When Viola grabbed his hand, Indar jerked. He wasn't expecting it and as Viola pulled him, he had lost all train of thought. His mind had gone blank, he only somewhat understood the fact that they were moving through a large crowd of people, who were all standing just looking at the poor man's restaurant getting beaten in by these thugs.

    As they reached in front of the crowd, the owner noticed Viola and Indar. He ran up to them, begging the two to help him get rid of these thugs, at any cost or any way possible. With this, Indar helped the man, who was literally begging them on his knees, back up. He gave him a pat on the back and walked past him. Indar was going to try to teach these thugs a lesson, but something which he didn't expect to happen happened.

    One of the thugs looked at Indar with a questioning look, he seemed to know him, which wasn't surprising. Indar had managed to earn himself a name in the ranks of the dark mages, so if these thugs knew him, it wasn't a surprise. The thug then shouted out to his buddys: '' Look here guys, isn't this man here one of the coming storms. '' As the others looked at Indar, they became interested. They chatted among each other, now knowing who Indar was, they seemed to be thrilled and turned to him, with their sort of leader looking at Indar: '' Who ever you are, id you try to stop us we will kill you and as you may be one of the coming storms, we will take you down right now as well. ''

    With this, Indar got ready for a fight. Three of the thugs ran towards Indar and Viola, with the rest still going at the restaurant,


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by NPC 19th May 2014, 3:26 pm

    The member 'Indacat' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 19th May 2014, 4:06 pm

    She pushed and pushed through the crowd, finally breaking through it as they stepped just in-front of the confused and frightened citizens to see what was going on before them. There were to many to count, probably about 10 or 12 of the thugs were threatening the owner of the shop as he sat there on his knee's crying and pleading for them not to destroy his restaurant, they had already broken a window.

    The owner noticed the two, swiftly running toward them, the thugs eyes following where he was going as they all landed on the two mages. The man had once more fallen onto his knees, crying and pleading for them to help him, Indar helping him up with a friendly smile on his face as he walked past him and approached the thugs. That was when she would place her hand onto the man's shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. "It's alright, this'll all be over soon." she said before whirling around to stand beside Indar.

    "Look here guys, isn't this man here one of the Coming Storms." one of the men shouted, him and his buddies talking amongst each-other, some laughing. A frown would approach on her face as they continued to talk, acting like they were the whole world when really they weren't.

    "Who ever you are, if you try to stop us we will kill you and as you may be one of the Coming Storms, we will take you down right now as well." another man called out toward Indar, he seemed to be the leader, judging from his appearance at least. With-out hesitation, he ordered three of his men to take the two of them down, a smirk approaching on her lips as the three thugs ran toward them. As one of them neared Viola the breeze picked up around her, her feet pushing off of the ground, figure leaping into the air as her foot collided into the side of the mans face, pushing him into the ground harshly. Her feet would land back onto the ground, one foot pressed forcibly into the back of the mans head.

    "Do you really think you can kill any of us?" she would laugh lightly, her expression teasing, eye colour suddenly changing to red, little did she know this colour would stay permeant for the rest of her life. Though, it was a calming colour, she could make it seem wicked, if she tried.


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    Void Tyrant

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 19th May 2014, 10:18 pm

    Indar's eyes couldn't remove themselves from Viola, she seemed to easily take care of that weakling, but the man was still trying to go at it. Plus there were the two others, who charged at both Viola and Indar, though Viola's successful attack had stopped them in their tracks. The two thugs looked a little uncertain about attacking them now and one of them was inching backwards. It was quite odd to see these two, so fired up a minute ago, being so indecisive now. Odd indeed.

    After a few minutes of this weird glaring from both parties, one of the two thugs charged at Viola again, to probably free his friend. The thug had serious plans to hurt Viola, even pulling out a small pocket knife, which, if it hit, would cause serious damage. So Indar decided to intercept the charge. With a swift movement, he closed the cap between him and the thug, who was charging at Viola and slammed his knee into the thugs stomach, forcing him down onto the ground. With this, it seemed like the guy was down, but the pain sounds he made, were giving off a different idea. The thug stood up again, looking angrily at Indar now.

    With a surprise attack the thug lunged at Indar with the knife, stabbing him through his right hand, but Indar didn't even seem to flinch. It wasn't painful, it was just his hand, only a few droplets of blood emerged from the wound, while Indar grabbed a hold of the thugs collar. Only a maniacal smile appeared on Indar''s face, as he let out a small snicker at the thug's face. The thug's body was shaking like a leaf in the wind, he wasn't used to things like this, someone acting like this, after getting stabbed, wasn't natural. But the worst part was still coming.

    Indar threw the thug away and pulled out the knife from his hand, looking at it for some time, before, biting into it. It tasted fairly good, a little bloody but not that bad. As the knife's blade disappeared and only the hilt was left, the thug had already gone into shock and seemed to be begging for mercy. Indar really wasn't one to give it, but he did kinda feel a little bad, even though this was a thug, a lowlife, worthless creature. But he was young, Indar moved closer and placed his hand onto the man's shoulder, signaling him to run away.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 20th May 2014, 9:55 am

    Viola wasn't letting him go as her foot pressed even harder into the back of his head, his hands flailing out for her to stop. She had been so focused on keeping the thug down that she didn't even notice another one flipping his knife open and dashing toward her. At the last minute her gaze lifted up-ward the man only a few feet in-front of her, ready to cause whatever damage he could to her with the knife. But, suddenly Indar appeared, like a hero of some sort, his leg rearing to kick him directly in the stomach, the thug stumbling back a few grunting noises escaping his mouth before he suddenly leaned back up and swung the knife toward him.

    "Indar!" Viola called out, but the mage didn't move. The small knife sunk right through his hand, blood slowly descending from the wound onto the cobble-stone ground. Her mouth would be widened, along with her eyes as she looked at the blonde haired mage startled, he hadn't moved an inch, nor' did he look affected by it in the slightest. His other hand drifted upward to pull the knife out, a sickening feeling entering the raven-haired girls stomach as he began to eat the knife that had been wrapped up in his own blood. She looked away, to regain herself before going after the other thug, the win whirling around her once more as she punched the man who had been to startled and frightened at looking at Indar to notice her. He flew back, stumbling along the cobble-stone ground before he lay directly in-front of the rest of the group who also looked startled and afraid.

    "Just leave already!" she shouted, her facial expression had once more twisted into a frown, hands tightened into fists by her sides.

    "Hey, isn't that thee Viola?" one of the men suddenly said, others beginning to talk amounts each-other before slightly laughing. "We'd get a good price if we brought you back to where you escaped from." the boss said, grinning. That was it, she had lost it, totally lost it.

    "You think I'm going back to that hell hole!" she laughed, her figure suddenly enveloped in flames. "Just try and take me back there." she said, preparing herself as the boss order now 4 of his men to go after them both this time.


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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by NPC 20th May 2014, 9:55 am

    The member 'Viola-chan' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] NormalMonster Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] NormalMonster Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] WeakMonster Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] StrongMonster
    Indiana Jones
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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 20th May 2014, 3:01 pm

    Indar just started at Viola, her anger was starting to show. And when she exploded from the comments made by the thugs, Indar got a little but scared, though the only thought that went through his head, were those to protect Viola. Indar wouldn't let her be taken back to where she escaped from, it couldn't happen, it just couldn't.

    When the four men, now joined by the thug who was indecisive before, charged towards them, Indar stepped in front of them and stared at them. This was where Indar would make himself count, a powerful attack brewing itself inside Indar. He didn't want to use it, especially in this closed space. It would probably cause damage to the buildings in front of Indar, as the spell he was going to use, was the most powerful thing he had at this moment.

    Indar stared at the men charging for him and Viola and said: '' If you don't want to get hurt, stop your charge and leave. We will leave you alone then. '' The men seemed to be slowing down, but as they looked like they were considering what Indar had just suggested, but as they looked over to their leader, he gave them an evil look. This destroyed any doubts the thugs had and made them let our a loud yell, as the charge continued. With this, a shadow fell over Indar's eyes, he didn't have any want to hurt these people so badly right now, but there was nothing else to do. He had to protect Viola and the client.

    As the thugs charged, Indar started to inhale a large amount of air, seemingly preparing for a spell. Magical energy was pouring out of him, a huge power surge was happening in his body. But in a few seconds it disappeared, the spell was ready to use. Indar gave the thugs a judging look, as they had almost reached Indar, but before they could make up the distance, Indar yelled: '' Metallic God's Bellow. '' A large amount of small metallic shards, together with magical energy flew out of Indar's mouth. It hit the thugs straight on, almost ripping their body's into pieces, though the spell wasn't that powerful. 3 of the weaklings fell to the ground instantly, defeated, the medium strength one staggered around a bit, until falling over as well. Only the one, that looked fairly strong stood.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 20th May 2014, 3:50 pm

    Her fist's tightened by her sides as she glared at the men who charged toward her, a slight push of wind flying away from her as the flames around her figure increased massively. There's no way, I'd never go back there..


    "This will be your room, Viola." the man said, stepping beside the door and gesturing for her to walk into the medium sized room, the bed looked comfortable, and the walls were colourful as-well, a small but anxious smile coming onto the raven-haired girls face as she stepped inside, glancing around.

    "I-Is this m-my new home?" she sniffed, turning to face the man, his spiked blonde hair perfectly head up, a wicked expression in his golden eyes.

    "Yes, you will be staying her forever Viola." he paused, kneeling down to meet her eye level. "I own you after all now." a grin crept onto his face as Viola stepped back trembling.

    "W-What do you mean?" she stuttered, tears appearing by the corners of her once blue crystal eyes. The man laughed, leaning back up to look down upon her.

    "To all make it clear for you Viola, you are much like a pet dog. I own you, forever and ever, until the day you die." he snickered, before turning around and walking out of the room, the door closing shut behind him, the lights in the room suddenly going off.

    She would then bang onto the door, begging for them to turn the lights on, for somebody let her go. But, nobody ever answered, nobody, ever came. Her back slid against the door as she sat on the floor, hugging her legs close to her, face buried in her knees.

    ~Flashback Over~

    None of them.. Nobody understands, not a single one of them! All they care about is money, what could they understand, how could they know! her thoughts became negative, a light trace of black scales appearing on her cheekbones, teeth growing sharp.

    "If you don't want to get hurt, stop your charge and leave. We will leave you alone then." she would then hear the voice of the one she loved the most, his figure stepping in front of her, an intense glare in his forest green eyes. But, even though the men stopped, their boss gave them a reassuring look and they continued on forth. A powerful forced whirled past Viola and toward Indar, her flames flickering out, hair flapping the intense breeze before it suddenly died back down. "Metallic God's Bellow." he called out, metallic shards and magical energy looming from his mouth and directly hitting all of the men.

    Viola would stand there wide-eyed before noticing that still one of the men were standing, trying to contain his strength so that he wouldn't fall over. Her sharp teeth disappeared, only faint black scales remaining on her cheek-bones as she walked toward the man. She only stood a few feet in-front of him, before leaning down to meet his eye-level. "Just go home, I don't want to eat you." she teased, suddenly growling at him as her sharp teeth reappeared, sending the man tumbling onto his butt shrieking and afraid. The boss and the other men also looked frightened, and before she could say anything else they had all ran off. Hmph, serves them right, they shouldn't of messed with us in the first place she thought before peering over her shoulder to look at Indar.

    She approached him casually, softly grasping onto his wounded hand to look at it, cringing slightly at how it had practically made a perfect hole through his hand. She would then feel guilty, that she hadn't payed attention in the first place, and that the cause of this wound was her fault. Her head faced the ground, tears descending from her closed eyes as she held his hand with both of her's still, his blood slightly rubbing onto the both of her hands. "I'm sorry.." she managed to say.


    Main Theme:
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    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 21st May 2014, 9:54 am

    This was a little surprising and a total let down. Most of the thugs just ran away, not even bothering to fight. This was just what weaklings did, how would they ever get stronger, if they ran away from their opponents. Indar just couldn't see the logic behind it. It was pathetic to say the least. Well, nothing he could do about it, he wasn't going to go chasing after them, no was was that going to happen. Well, at least for now, nothing was happening, though who knew, maybe the thugs will come back.

    When Viola approached him, Indar got a little anxious. His hand was starting to cause pain now, as the blood dripped out of the wound or in this case hole. Before the adrenaline from fighting, that pumped into his head, made him ignore the brain or well so he thought. There was actually an even bigger thing playing it's part in this, but Indar had no clue what it was or didn't even know it existed yet. It didn't matter at the moment anyway.

    Shivers went down Indar's spine, when Viola grasped his hand. Indar started to feel really bad, about this stunt he had pulled. It had been mostly to defeat his opponent and he had done so before, but not in front of anyone he cared so much about. He didn't want Viola to worry. But what he saw next, sent his emotions and feelings through the roof. Tears were descending from Viola's closed eyes and what she said, made Indar shiver yet again.

    Realizing what was going on, Indar moved his left hand, which hadn't been stabbed onto Viola's cheek and raised her head up, so that he could look at her. He let out a small sigh, until saying: '' Viola, there is nothing for you to be sorry about, i was an idiot and got myself injured. '' He hoped this would cheer her up, just a little bit even.

    But just to cheer her up even more, Indar moved his left hand onto his girlfriends head and slid it through her hair. '' Please, don't cry. ''


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 21st May 2014, 10:51 am

    She would continue to hold his hand, the blood from his wound smearing onto her two hands along with her fore-head as she lightly held it against her. Her bottom lip would quiver as she tried to stop herself from crying, but yet, couldn't seem to. This never happens, what is wrong with me, why am I crying. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. she repeated in her mind over and over again, yet it would stop. She assumed once she began crying it would be a while before she could stop.

    Indar's left hand drifted toward Viola's face, lifting her head up so that she could look up at him, a small sigh looming from his mouth. "Viola, there is nothing for you to be sorry about, I was an idiot and got myself injured." he said, giving her a reassuring look as she gazed up at him with her still teary eyes. His hand casually moved from the back of her head and through her long raven-hair, it was a soothing feeling. "Please, don't cry." he said, it was something that he probably didn't want to see the most on her, and she pursed her lips together in embarrassment. So many people were still watching, which was when the raven-haired girl would release the hold of his injured hand, diving into a tight hug to bury her wet face in his chest.

    "I'm sorry." she said once more, smiling slightly, just glad that he was alright. The owner of the restaurant would then walk over toward the two, a blissful smile on his face.

    "Thank you, thank you! I had heard so many terrible rumours about Nox Animus, but now that I've seen two members from the very Dark Guild itself I can now say that not everybody is what they seem. After all you can judge a book by it's cover." he laughed nervously, pausing to gesture toward his restaurant. Though the window was broken, people were still inside eating to their hearts content. Must be a really good place.. Viola thought as she peered over to look at the man, still clung to Indar like a child. "Come on in you two, you can have anything you'd like to eat, it's for free! Oh, and I'll be sure to get you some bandages too young sir!" he said, skipping back toward his restaurant, assuming that the two would follow.


    Main Theme:
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    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 21st May 2014, 2:57 pm

    It came as a surprise. One second Viola had been holding onto his hand, pushing it against her forehead and on the next moment she had let go. After letting go though, she had dived into a tight hug, her face pressing against Indar's chest. Indar was startled, this wasn't something he had expected, well he should have, but he hadn't. Without a second thought, Indar moved his uninjured hand onto Viola's back. He would have wanted to hug her tightly, but with his right hand bleeding, it would have just made her clothes bloody.

    '' You don't have to apologize Viola. '' He let out a small sigh until continuing; '' I will love you, no matter what you do or where you are. '' He tightened the one handed hug and rested his head on top of her's. It only lasted for a few seconds though, as the restaurants owner came towards them and offered them a free meal and bandages for Indar. This was some good news really. After that fight, Indar had gotten somewhat hungry and his hand really did need to be bandaged up.

    Indar released the hug, but instantly grasped Viola's hand with his left hand. He wasn't letting go of her for some time now, especially after he hadn't been together with her for some time. Indar pulled his girlfriend along, after the owner of the restaurant. He was moving quite quickly, as the idea of free food, made him really hungry.

    The owner showed them their table and ran off, probably to get something. Indar took a seat opposite to Viola, so that he could easily look at her. He noticed that her face was still somewhat wet: '' Don't cry anymore Viola, it is all going to be okay now. We are even getting a free dinner. '' Indar fell to his thoughts, he just remembered something: '' You know, we never really had a first date did we? This right now, could classify as one though. '' Indar smiled brightly as he said it.

    The owner returned with a swift movement, he was carrying a med bag as it seemed. He almost threw it at Indar and then stormed off again, without saying a word. Quite strange. Though suddenly, a small shadow fell over Indar's eyes. He was embarrassed actually. '' Um... Viola, may i ask you to bandage my arm, i can't really do it with one hand, well i can, but it will be really sloppy. '' Indar wanted to go hide somewhere, he sounded so helpless and he didn't like it. His face had flushed red a little bit.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Viola-chan 21st May 2014, 3:53 pm

    Once the owner had began to walk off, Indar released the hug, grasping onto her hand lightly with the one that wasn't wounded and began to tug her along and into the restaurant. The two would then sit down on opposite sides of the table, the window that luckily wasn't broken just to their left. Viola could feel that her face was still wet, and drifted up her arm to wipe away all the tears that had soaked her face. "You know, we never really had a first date did we? This right now, could classify as one though." Indar said, smiling warmly toward her. She smiled back, but deep down inside she was surprised he had held all the pain inside of him, especially with a wound so deep in his hand.

    The owner came back, tossing a First Aid bag toward Indar a bit to roughly as he tossed it back in forth in his hands before catching it. Viola sweat-dropped, a bit weirded out on how the owner of the restaurant could go from crying and sobbing to completely happy and out of this world. "Um... Viola, may I ask you to bandage my hand, I can't really do it with one hand, well I can, but it will be really sloppy." he said, a faint blush appearing on his face as Viola hesitantly stood up, and pulled a stool over beside Indar.

    She took his hand, carefully beginning to apply the bandage to his hand, wrapping it back and forth, back and forth. "I'm really glad your alright. He could've done something worse to you than stab you in the hand." she said, pausing to rip the bandage off from the roll and then tie it down back onto his hand. "There you go, all done." she smiled, but then noticed that they had cleaning wipes in the First Aid as-well and pulled one out. Though blood was also smeared onto her hands and onto her fore-head she ignored it and began to clean Indar's arm that had been covered in his own blood. "Can't eat with blood on ourselves." she laughed lightly.


    Main Theme:
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    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

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    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] Empty Re: Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job]

    Post by Indiana Jones 22nd May 2014, 1:44 pm

    Indar smiled, as Viola stood up and pulled a chair out next to him. He was thankful to her, that she would help him at this moment. But he kinda felt bad for asking her to do something so well, gruesome. It wasn't quite right in his mind to ask her to do this. Well, it was asked and she seemed to be busy with it already, so it really didn't matter any longer.

    Indar's eyes widened, as Viola had started cleaning off the blood from his hand, seemingly not caring about the blood on her forehead or hands. Indar couldn't just watch by, as her girlfriend only seemed to be taking care of him. Indar quickly stopped her hands, looking straight into her hues. He wasn't sure on what to do next, Indar had had a plan, but had now forgotten it. Though after holding onto the girl's hands for a few seconds, Indar released his grasp. He was acting weird, too weird even for him. He was kind embarrassed and pulled away fro Viola. He wasn't sure on what to do, or what to say.

    His mind was filling up with memories he didn't want to remember. Memories of what may happen to people who are close to him. He had told Viola what may happen, but there was no way, Indar could live with hurting her. If he somehow hurt her, there would be no knowing what the man would do to himself. But, he couldn't be like this now, she was in no danger as of now. Right now they should be having a moment, that they could remember and Indar was ruining this, of course not on purpose.

    A soft touch from a cleaning wipe landed onto Viola's forehead. Indar was trying to clean up his blood from her forehead. He had a determined, but friendly look on his face. Those depressing thoughts gone from his head, hopefully for a long time.

    As he finished the cleaning, he pulled his hand away, only to smile at her girlfriend brightly. He was now trying to make up for his actions a few minutes ago, as he moved on to clean her hands, with the remaining wipes.


    Scare Away Those Thugs! [Job] 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

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