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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Axilmeus Steel
    Axilmeus Steel

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Motor City Rush- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2237.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Summon: Super Hero
    Second Skill: N/A
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Axilmeus Steel 25th May 2014, 7:07 pm

    Favonius and Vulturnus swooped in and out of the crevices between the rocks. They stopped in front of Cyrus. I haven't seen anything kid. What about you Favorius? the bald red spirit said.

    I'm afraid I haven't had any luck either big brother Vulturnus. I'm sorry number five, added the handsomely haired blue spirit. Cyrus found it amusing that they both had their own nicknames for him.

    It's fine guys, we still have a lot of time before we have to get back to the guild, we should be able to find the cave by then, he responded. He and his spirits had been searching for the so called "Lamia Cave" all day. Evidently it was home to a child eating demon that a village wanted him to deal with, but, as he was bringing several others, he wanted to find the cave a day before they all went. Cyrus began to hear footsteps nearby. Luckily whoever it was wouldn't be able to see Vulturnus or Favonius, or even hear them."Hey! Who goes there?" he called out.



    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Guest 25th May 2014, 7:44 pm

    Yukine was flying past the Phoenix Mountains, another place he had yet to discover. "Check!" The young man announced as he wrote yet another "X" on his map; each "X" indicated where he had been in Fiore- and even Earthland. His broomstick stopped in midair, however, as some Regalia sensed a strange presence from afar. Yato had suggested to investigate, Hiyori suggested that Yukine travel, regardless, and Rabo suggested that Yato just take a simple look at what the three had sensed, and annihilate it, if need be. While Yukine had matured, so had his Regalia. However, maturation wasn't always a benefit to everyone. Rabo was now the serious persona in the Regalia world; Yato was the curious one, and Hiyori was the concerned one. The rest, well, Yukinr hadn't heard from them since becoming B-Rank.

    The broomstick descended quickly towards the ground's surface, where Yukine had come across a cave. There, a person stood, which Yukine immediately took into question. Once his broomstick disappeared, Yukine desired to catch the man by surprise, taking silent footsteps. However, it seemed the man had wild senses as he caught Yukine swiftly. "Avatar of Conviction: Sabertooth's Yukine!" Yukine replied. Yukine was now up to ten Regalia in his books, and wondered if this man was worthy of seeing their united powers put into action. However, with one key glimpse, Yukine sighed as this didn't seem to be the case- or did it?

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Neirak 25th May 2014, 9:14 pm

    Neirak had no clue what he was doing out here, he suddenly regretted wanting to come all the way out here. Sure he wanted to see all different types of places so he could fill up the book he calls his memory but this place didn't seem like one where he could really find anything. He had to admit using his magic was very useful for this sort of situation with crumbling rocks and evidently really tall heights capable of inflicting death to those who are not careful.

    He had, as usual, brought his long sleek black hooded coat which he was wearing with his hood up so that it was harder for people to see his face. He liked hiding in the shadows form time to time it made him feel comfortable and safe. He knew he couldn't always sink back into the shadows because while it seemed like sanctuary it was just strands of what it would of been like. He had no real clue where some of the thoughts that passed through his head came from but they entered, he examined, then and then they left. He saw two people nearby, and suddenly worried, he always liked to make good impression on people. At the same time he had to be careful he had no idea who they were form this distance. He gathered whatever meager scraps of confidence he could scrape up and pretended to look cool. He walked toward them silently, a dull look on his face and with his coat hood up like it was he knew he would look cool walking up like this.


    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) 5f7d834d-58e0-4f6b-a9f8-2b60cb179f83_zps05f3a78c

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Nei_210

    Themes for Neirak:
    Axilmeus Steel
    Axilmeus Steel

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Motor City Rush- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2237.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Summon: Super Hero
    Second Skill: N/A
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Axilmeus Steel 26th May 2014, 11:33 am

    Oh wow! Cyrus check out that guy! Vulturnus said, pointing to the young boy who called himself Yukine, There's probably a nice amount of power in that guy. He seems quite confident in his skills as a mage, you should fight him, the aggressive spirit suggested.

    Right... That seems like a good idea number five, go and fight that guy who is clearly stronger than you, rather than make a powerful ally. My brother always has the best ideas, Favonius retorted sarcastically.

    "Well hello there Sir Yukine, I am Cyrus Kuma, Lamia Scale's Cloud Make mage," he said. As the spirit brothers wrestled back and forth, Cyrus saw a second person arrive to the mountains. He studied the face of the new arrival for a while before he realized that they knew each other. He smiled, "And greetings to you as well Sir Neirak. May I ask what the two of you are doing here today?"



    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Guest 26th May 2014, 11:53 am

    Yukine bowed to further greet Cyrus once he met him, then turned to see Neirak, by surprise. "A pleasure to meet you both!" Yukine greeted once more. He stayed silent for a moments after this as he continued to wonder what Cyrus was up to. "I was originally planning to soar to the highest mountain here, and take photos of this wonderful landscape, though I saw you from above, and wondered if what you were seeing was any better. Do you mind?" Yukine bit his lip. This maneuver probably was unkind of him to do, and now he was in the middle of two Mages. "Oh, and I am the one and only Sekki Mage!" Yukine added cheerfully, "What exactly can you do with clouds?"

    It was after this moment that Yukine turned to Neirak again, and asked how the two were doing. They seemed to be good friends.

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Neirak 26th May 2014, 2:27 pm

    Neirak was to say the least surprised to see Cyrus all the way out here. The other person seemed friendly enough as to not wish harm to him or Cyrus so he carefully lowered his hood. "Yo Cyrus, I didn't know I would be meeting you in the mountains today. I came here to look at the sky and see how it looked form different angles and do some basic messing around with my magic," Neirak said as he put his hands on the back of his head. Unannounced to both of them Neirak had also came to the mountains to practice drawing the mountains and hopefully any inhabitants of this area. "Let me properly introduce myself to you yukine, I am Neirak, I use darkness creation magic. Anyway come an Cyrus show us some more cloud make magic," Neirak shouted gleefully.


    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) 5f7d834d-58e0-4f6b-a9f8-2b60cb179f83_zps05f3a78c

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Nei_210

    Themes for Neirak:
    Axilmeus Steel
    Axilmeus Steel

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Motor City Rush- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2237.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Summon: Super Hero
    Second Skill: N/A
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Axilmeus Steel 26th May 2014, 3:35 pm

    "Oh, well since you both requested this.." he said, raising his hand. From his palm, a miniature, pure white shark flew. It raced around the heads of the three boys. "Anyways, the truth is, I've come here today on some important business. A few of my guildmates and I are coming here tomorrow for a job, and I'm scouting out the area. According to the people who hired us, there's a lamia living in a cave, which itself is quite easily found, due to the fact that many snakes inhabit it. You two wouldn't have happened to find a cave like that, would you?"



    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Guest 26th May 2014, 4:14 pm

    Yukine's jaw dropped when he saw a shark form, and encircle him. He knew Cyrus wasn't going to have it harm him, though the shark was beautiful. It was soon after, however, that Cyrus mentioned a lamia in a cave. Yukine nodded towards the two, and pointed to the sky in the highest mountain. "There is a cave buried in that mountain. I tried going up there with my broomstick, though it nullified it as soon as I crossed the tree line." Yukine sighed. So the Lamia Scale was here for some private task, huh? It interested the Sabertooth Mage, though he didn't feel like doing any more work than he had done today, nor did he wish to abandon these two Mages- he had no choice but to follow him based on his emotions; those damn emotions. While he had the opportunity, however, Yukine stood before Neirak. "Mind showing me your magic, too?" Yukine requested, "In exchange, I'll show you mine." Yukine wondered what sort of support he'd have should there be any trouble as the three would eventually climb the mountain- that is, unless Cyrus wanted to abandon the job given to him.

    "You who would desecrate this land of the rising sun, with my advent, I, Kichiro Yukine, lay waste with the Sekki, and expel thy vast defilement!"

    These very words would prepare every single Regalia currently seen in Yukine's soul.

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Neirak 26th May 2014, 6:19 pm

    "I see your magic is awesome as ever Cyrus, it's kind of funny because an actual cloud shark would be quite terrifying in all actuality," Neirak exclaimed confidently. He watched in wonder as the shark flew form one place to another what a sight to behold it was. He couldn't sya he wasn't curious as to this lamia in a cave. It seemed really cliche to him but then again he had no idea where a lamia was supposed to live besides a cave. Now to really put some work into his creation, he needed to create something cool but that was small, something that wouldn't waste too much power. Instead he decided to go with something simple as he could not think of anything else to create. He took his time in creating one of his creations as to give it necessary details for it to really soar. He created a little black cat with three silver stripes down it's back. The fur looked so real especially if a breeze blew on the fur of the cat. Then he created the cat a little crown for his head so he could look really cool. How could anyone not be impressed with a cat with a crown,? he thought to himself. "Ta-Da you see this my cat made from magic,and I gave this really decorative crown so he could look extravagant, I was thinking about giving him a cape but decided it might impede him," Neirak said almost chuckling his grin still wide.


    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) 5f7d834d-58e0-4f6b-a9f8-2b60cb179f83_zps05f3a78c

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Nei_210

    Themes for Neirak:
    Axilmeus Steel
    Axilmeus Steel

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Motor City Rush- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2237.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Summon: Super Hero
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Axilmeus Steel 27th May 2014, 9:03 pm

    "Oh, your creative as ever Sir Neirak," since Cyrus had met the boy in Hargeon Town, he had been interested in his ability to come up with makes. Perhaps one day Cyrus could teach him to replicate the cloud-make's spells with shadows. That was not the matter at hand however. "Sir Yukine, If you could demonstrate your magic while we make our way to the cave you were talking about, that would be lovely. I have a spell designed for movement, and I'm sure the clever Sir Neirak could come up with a way to keep up with us. Please, lead the way." He waved his hands in the air and forced the shark to disperse. He then gestured for Yukine to show the way.



    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Guest 27th May 2014, 9:23 pm

    "Amazing. As if a team had been built in seconds." Yukine thought in his head. He demonstrated his magic as he stepped back a bit, then called upon Yato in his weapon form: a regular sword. He then had Yato convert and merge with him, a flow of white energy expelled from Yukine's body as he did so, but only for a brief amount of time. He then called off Yato, and transported him back into the pocket dimension. After this, he listened kindly to both Neirak's demonstration, and Cyrus's speech. Again, he was bedazzled by the show. It was so appealing, and just made Yukine want to rush for that mountain, which he did. He had a plan set forth already, though it'd come with a cost. Yukine summoned his magical broomstick, then sat on it to soar rapidly down the narrow path that led to the mountain, then ascended in attempt to reach its peak. He stopped once he had gotten twelve meters in the air, however, and awaited the two other Mages to follow.

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Neirak 28th May 2014, 2:02 pm

    Neirak thought the idea over on how to get to the top of the mountain in due haste and without exhausting himself too much. He thought mostly of what eh could create to get up there. He could create a set of wings to fly up there but that might be a bit difficult, he could create a flying vehicle to get him up there, all of these ides while they sounded good to Neirak, didn't sound as good as what he had suddenly imagined. Neirak decided to create a giant phoenix so that he could ride to the top of the mountain. It suited this place too, phoenix mountains, a place where he should ride a darkness-made phoenix. He crafted the phoenix mixing the colors of darkness in so he could make it look more realistic then it really was, which in turn took a minute more then it should have. He picked up the cat he had crafted earlier and climbed onto the back off the large darkness-made phoenix. "See you at the top Cyrus," neirak said as the phoenix took off into the sky following after yukine.


    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) 5f7d834d-58e0-4f6b-a9f8-2b60cb179f83_zps05f3a78c

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Nei_210

    Themes for Neirak:
    Axilmeus Steel
    Axilmeus Steel

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Motor City Rush- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2237.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Summon: Super Hero
    Second Skill: N/A
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Axilmeus Steel 28th May 2014, 7:50 pm

    Keep up? Cyrus thought to himself, Of course I will.

    Hm? So how are you getting up there kid? asked Vulturnus, who had evidently returned from his scuffle with his brother.

    Oh you didn't know Vulti? Cyrus and I did some training the other day, to help him channel my version of cloud make. It just so happens that he came up with a spell while practicing, replied Favonius.

    Hey now! First off, don't you ever call me Vulti! Secondly, you trained without me!? asked a now angered spirit. His brother just nodded, smiling. Cyrus meanwhile was focusing on using the spell he had just learned.

    Suddenly he leapt into the air. "Cloud Make: Kites," he said, and with that, his white adorned body split into three small cloud birds that took off to fly after his friends.



    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Guest 28th May 2014, 8:07 pm

    Yukine looked back and grinned lightly as he saw the other two folks follow him; just as planned. While he neared the tree line to this mountain, where an incoming, nullification was about to cancel his magic, the golden-haired Mage called upon Seintenshi! With this, Yukine triggered the effect of sacrificing Seintenshi temporarily, in exchange for negating the invisible shield that guarded the peak of the mountain. Yukine laughed softly after he surpassed the field of magic once above him, and continued onward to the top of the mountain- it was only within moments before he was there. Once at the top, Yukine set his feet firmly on the ground, and transported the broomstick back to his pocket dimension. It was strange, however, once Yukine stopped upon the top of the mountain. There was a great sensation of magic, and it felt as though it were about to erupt. This was when Yukine almost collapsed while he saw a magic gate open, and a new peak to this mountain add itself onto the structure. Yukine once again used his broomstick to ensure his survival, sitting on it again, though before his eyes, Yukine now saw something amazing. A cyan-coloured cliff made out of jewels, with a cave embedded. Yukine invited Cyrus to check it out first.

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Neirak 28th May 2014, 10:33 pm

    Neirak stood on top of his darkness-made phoenix watching everyone else. The cat he had created earlier groomed it's paw like any cat would and sat on the bird in front of Neirak. While up there in the sky he decided to start naming all of his living creations to complete his art, even if it was fleeting at least he could remember all that they had accomplished through the use of words. Neirak had no time to actually come up with any names as yukine started to do something that he didn't really understand. He watched until the entire process was over with and then shouted to yukine "Hey, yukine, what did you do just there to make that appear."


    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) 5f7d834d-58e0-4f6b-a9f8-2b60cb179f83_zps05f3a78c

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Nei_210

    Themes for Neirak:
    Axilmeus Steel
    Axilmeus Steel

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Godaime: Bai Hu

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Motor City Rush- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 488
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : -
    Experience : 2237.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fantasy Summon: Super Hero
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Axilmeus Steel 3rd June 2014, 5:18 pm

    Neirak and Kichi had interesting magic. One appeared to be similar to requip, like Zhu Feng, except he can combine with his magic for extra abilities. Neirak, of course, could form anything out of darkness. This seemed like a nice troupe. As they approached the mouth of the cave a few snakes slithered out. "Alright then, we can scout the cave. Although I promised to take some of my guildmates here for the official Lamia hunt, I don't think they'd mind if we scouted out the area." He then paused as Neirak asked his question. To tell the truth, Cyrus had been wondering that too, so he waited for Kichiro's answer.



    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Guest 3rd June 2014, 5:32 pm

    Yukine was about to step into the cave when he heard Neirak's interesting question. A grin appeared on his face, then the gold-haired Mage turned to face the guildless Mage. "ReQuip is a form of Dimensional Magic. With it, I can call upon any item I wish- that I possess, of course." Yukine never thought someone would ask him such a question, though it was actually pretty good. Yukine thought ReQuip magic- and even its variants- were well-known around Fiore- no, Earthland. Guess not. Yukine had now entered the cave successfully, where he immediately encountered several monsters. "I knew it!"[/color] Yukine muttered, so quiet that absolutely no one but him could hear it, [I]"You who would desecrate this land of the rising sun, with my advent, I, Kichiro Yukine, lay waste with the Sekki, and expel thy vast defilement!" A smirk grew on Yukine's face as a soothing wind passed through the newly formed battlefield, his pendulum revealed.

    Posts : 23944
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by NPC 3rd June 2014, 5:32 pm

    The member 'Kichiro Yukine' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) NormalMonster A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) WeakMonster A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) StrongMonster A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) NormalMonster A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) NormalMonster A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) NormalMonster

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 53
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    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Empty Re: A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro)

    Post by Neirak 11th June 2014, 9:04 pm

    Neirak listened to what Yukine had to say, to him learning about different and new types of magic was fun and interesting, so he made sure to pay attention. Neirak thought about ReQuip magic and all the potential it had as a magic that could let the user summon forth different weapons. He would make a note to look it up in the next town he arrived at. "Anyway we can go on ahead now Yukine sorry for bothering you with that question, ReQuip sounds like a really powerful form of magic, if i may so all though i Wouldn't be to stupid to underscore my own magic as it has its potential too.... Sorry i rambled on and even maybe slightly bragged, I hope i didn't sound to arrogant anyway we can continue," Neirak said to yukine slightly embarrassed he'd talked more then he should have.


    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) 5f7d834d-58e0-4f6b-a9f8-2b60cb179f83_zps05f3a78c

    A Chance Meeting (Cyrus, Neirak, and Kichiro) Nei_210

    Themes for Neirak:

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