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    To Earthland… And beyond (Job - Remington)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 186
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1050

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    To Earthland… And beyond (Job - Remington) Empty To Earthland… And beyond (Job - Remington)

    Post by Agol 25th February 2014, 4:11 am


    'Whaaat?! I need a passport to get back into this country?'
    An astonished August was standing in front of the desk with behind it sitting a bored looked clerk from the Magic Council. Obviously not interested the job that she should be actually doing, and probably someone who enjoyed seeing people suffer from boredom.
    'Uhu, Count Sparrow Chairman of the Magic Council invoked a rule that every citizen that wants to do business or perform jobs in other country should need a passport. So that every job that mages will complete successfully can be officially recorded in the Council's archives. It's to increase our relations with these foreign countries'
    'Yeah sure, and our esteemed Chairman probably won't get anything out of this huh?' replied August with a sarcastic tone. For three years he would travel the continent without even the slightest form of documents. But now that he returned he needed a passport to get into his own country. It probably was one of the chairman's schemes to divert the crowds eyes from his other agenda.

    'Ugh.. Fine. Get me a passport so that I can return to my own guild all right'
    'Not so fast hon'
    'Don't call me hon…'
    'You need to proper form to get a passport, but for that you need to go to the department of foreign inhabitants'
    'I am not a foreigner!! I am from this country damn it!'
    'Sir, you don't have a passport and are traveling towards Fiore. Technically that makes you a foreigner.'

    ~Two hours later~
    After two hours standing in line only so that he could get in at the department of foreign inhabitants. He had finally reached the booth with yet another desk clerk behind it. Only this time it was an old man.
    'Sir, I need a form for a passport'
    'Allright, but for you can have that you need a requisition form from the department external affairs.'
    'What but he lady downstairs send me here?'
    'I am sorry sir but you need a requisition form before I can give you you passport form. Next!'

    ~Again two hours later~
    'A requisition form? But for that you need to be at the department of documents'
    'Sire throwing a tantrum won't get you anywhere, what are you a fairy tail mage?'
    'Oooh, then why are you looking for a requisition form. If you are from one of the countries guilds then you only have to show your mark at the legal guild section. And they will grant you your passport.'
    "For the love of god, do you know how redundant that is?! I have be sent to almost every department in this building. Only to be send to a place where I could get my passport immediately.'
    "Again sir, don't throw a tantrum please. You are be holding up the line.'

    Another hour later, August was standing in front of the last booth with behind a young woman who looked rather sharp and a bit more intelligent instead of the rest of the people he had seen today. And this time he seemed to be in luck. By only showing his guild mark, he was handed over his passport.
    'Thank.. you'
    'No problem, we're here to help after all'

    Relieved yet still annoyed after his entire ordeal August was holding a small tiny booklet in his hands. With a smile he asked himself how such a small things could cause someone so much stress. With that as his last thought he would walk away, back towards Magnolia and his guild Fairy Tail. The place he had left three years ago.

      Current date/time is 31st May 2024, 11:35 pm