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    Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo]


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    Lineage : Eater of Dreams
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    Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo] Empty Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo]

    Post by Althea 29th December 2022, 1:49 pm


    post: 729
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    The nighttime stars twinkled through the hall’s many gilded windows, and moonlight peered at through its translucent panes. Outside, it was cool and dark, the dim blue sky hanging loftily over the town of Magnolia. But inside, a spectacular chandelier of crystalline lacrimas illuminated the hall with a soft, warm glow. The people of Magnolian littered the ballroom, all mingling amongst themselves on the glossy marble floor. Within the already sparkling hall, the dazzling glitter of their sequins and silky fabrics only added to the room’s glamor. A sweet, savory aroma drifted through the air, and orchestral music elegantly resounded across the room. Such grandeur almost seemed ill-fit for such an otherwise lowkey town, but the fact that such a lavish celebration was open invite was reflective of its unpretentious residents. In fact, similar gallas and extravaganzas were being held concurrently all over Fiore, many of which harbored a similarly open-door policy.

    But when she first learned of the New Years' party, Althea had absolutely zero intentions to attend. And why would she? The spirit had never been one for the more up-scale celebrations. Even before her momentary disappearance from Earthland, she preferred exploring the local sewage system or mucking around in the woods over an event of such polish. Althea was the kind of person that, if she had the option to, would go everywhere barefoot. Maybe not through the snow, rain, or mud, but anything else was fair game. But you know what they say: no shoes, no service. And though she had long since grown accustomed to the normalcies of modern society, someone like her, who spent so long living by themselves in the middle of nowhere, would inevitably be a bit out of place in a setting such as this one.

    What made things even worse, however, was that she’d also spent the last year or so not interacting with human civilization to any degree whatsoever. Before, being isolated like that would’ve terrified her to the point of panic. But after spending so long on her own while curled up, crying, shivering, screaming, etcetera, she became acclimated to being in of nothing but her own thoughts. Well, that wasn't completely true. There were occasionally a few passing beings that could be described as nothing other than nightmare fuel tailored specifically to exploit her fears and anxieties, but she preferred not to think about those. Anyways, things happened, Althea came back to Fairy Tail, but she wasn’t too keen on engaging with the guild or its members to any degree. Having everything she cared about forcefully ripped from her grasp made her... 'hesitant' to once again place as much value and investment into it. So passing up the party would’ve been a wise, reasonable choice. Instead of sitting silently in a corner like she was now, unwilling to talk to anyone, she could’ve been wandering through unfamiliar lands and honing her strength.

    But evidently, Althea decided to act contrary to her better judgment. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck in an enclosed space with a bunch of people she may or may not know, but here she was nonetheless. Leaning perfectly still against a wall, the spirit silently observed the party, regarding the ongoing activities with cold indifference. Wearing a short, black dress alongside a simple pair of black pumps, her usually free-falling blonde hair was tied up in her best attempt at hair styling. Really, this had to be the single most thought-out and put-together outfit that Althea has worn in her entire life. However, even with all the effort she put into fitting in with the crowd, the glitz and glamor were still so bright that they practically blinded her when she initially walked in. And while the rest of the party-goers were off eating, dancing, and laughing, Althea was standing around silently off to the side.

    Initially, she just wanted to attend the party because she’d never been to a New Year’s celebration before. In fact, she couldn’t recall ever doing anything for the incoming year in the first place. Maybe she would have gained something from just doing new things, but really, the party was just putting her in a bad mood. Letting out a weary sigh, she continued her observation, arms rigidly crossed as the persistent sounds of the New Year’s party echoed hollowly through her ears.

    Last edited by Althea on 24th February 2023, 10:32 am; edited 1 time in total


    Saffron Remington
    Saffron Remington

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    Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo] Empty Re: Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo]

    Post by Saffron Remington 1st January 2023, 8:45 pm


    Saffron fucking loved parties.

    She’d been looking forward to this shindig pretty much since it was announced, the Fairy Tail wizard having spent plenty of time shopping to figure out what she wanted to wear. The blonde rarely went anywhere without looking her best, and while she already had a rather impressive wardrobe, she wasn’t going to turn down an opportunity to add to it. The hardest decision had been whether to wear a dress or a suit. While she didn’t consider herself gender fluid, very much identifying as a woman, she enjoyed wearing pretty gowns just as much as more masculine pant suits, and considering how long it had been since she’d last dressed up like this, it had taken her a while to make a final decision.

    Ultimately she had settled on a perfectly tailored black suit. Beneath it was a golden colored vest with a purple tie blanketing a white button up collared shirt. Her voluptuous hair was down and she wore minimal makeup. While she technically had the ability to mask her robotic limb as a regular flesh and bone one, Saffron preferred the mechanical look. She was stag for the party, but that wasn’t unusual for her. While she certainly knew a fair amount of people and likely could have invited someone, sometimes she simply liked to go places by herself. She’d made a lot of friends that way, her social nature practically demanding that she take opportunities to spend time with total strangers.

    Though that wasn’t to say she hadn’t thought about bringing a date. Scourge was at the top of that list, and frankly she had given it some consideration. The two of them weren’t dating by any stretch of the word, and despite the fact that they had slept with one another a couple times at that point, Saffron didn’t particularly have any interest in him romantically, nor did she think he had any for her. If anything, they were on a fast track to becoming ridiculously good friends that also just happened to be physically attracted to one another on a number of levels. It had been a long time since Saffron had let herself be intimate with anyone, and it was nice to get that without feeling tied down.

    And ultimately, that’s what prompted her to simply attend the evening solo. She could have gone to the island with Vandrad, Mercury, and his family, of course. Saffron had been invited, and she knew that most of her friends were going to be there, including Vriko. But as usual, the Fairy Tail guild was often fairly involved in helping to organize and host events with the city of Magnolia, and so when Saffron had seen the opportunity to help be a part of it she had signed herself up pretty much immediately, so when the invitation from the du Wolffs arrived, she’d had to turn it down for having a prior obligation.

    She really hadn’t been too involved, mostly just helping with some of the manual labor of getting tables and chairs and other things set up. After that, her time was her own. At least, until it was time to tear everything back down. Saffron meandered casually about the place, stopping as she recognized familiar faces from the guild and chatting for a while until her gaze eventually caught an odd sight from across the room that held her attention. Off in a corner was a young woman that she recognized as a fellow guild member, having seen her around the hall numerous times though they’d never actually spoken to one another. The other woman had always kind of kept to herself, and continued to do so now, standing off against a wall with her arms crossed and looking like she’d rather be anywhere else. Her sour expression practically screamed that she had no desire to be approached.

    So naturally, Saffron was immediately interested in making her acquaintance.

    Dismissing herself from the people she’d been talking to, the blonde made her way around the room toward where the other woman stood, stopping along the way to snatch a couple flutes of champagne from a passing server with a tray. “You look like you could really use a drink.” Saffron smiled at the woman, though there was a hint of playfulness in her purple eyes as she offered her the glass. “I don’t think we’ve ever met, though I’ve seen you around. I’m Saffron. Your dress is fucking killer, by the way. It looks amazing on you.”

    While Saffron was certainly a flirt, and was perhaps flirting with the other woman slightly, the sentiment was more genuine than anything else. If she had seen a gown like that on the rack, she might have picked it too. “But seriously, you good? You’ve got a murder face on. Do I need to like.. Start a scene so you can slip poison in someone’s drink or something?” For all she knew her guildmate had been stood up by someone, which was the only reason she could think of as to why she looked so irritated, but no matter the reason behind her surly disposition Saffron would at least attempt to lighten the mood a little for her.
    deltra of gangnam style

    WORDS: 874 | TAGS:@Althea @Sir Leonard


    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

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    Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo] Empty Re: Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo]

    Post by Sir Leonard 9th January 2023, 2:23 am

    The New Year's party had kicked off in Magnolia, and it was vibrant and joyous as the old man could remember. Pretty bright lights, good food and drink. All topped off with the smiles and laughs of the people of the city of festivities. It was indeed a sight to see, from the balcony overlooking the town on the cold starry night. Fortunately, Leo, the old man, had warm company with him. The gentleman who wore an old school black suit opened up to reveal a tucked in clean white buttoned shirt with the last one near the neck kept open, and the top was paired with simple but silky black slacks and freshly shined black leather shoes not only had his glass of wine as the aforementioned company, but he also had with him Lina, his daughter.

    The little girl held wonder in her eyes, seemingly numb to how much strength it may have required her to pull herself up to see above the rails of the balcony due to the adrenaline of the sights. Her eyes even shimmered like the stars in the night sky. For added safety, Leo had his free arm across Lina so she doesn't fall over. It was a perfect picture of a family he thought for while it was just the two of them, Leo and Lina had always found comfort in the presence of gusts of wind. The father and daughter would watch the sights peacefully while a breeze picked up making their hair sway in the air as well as Lina's contrasting small white dress with green trims and leaf ornaments, until the little one looked up to her dad and smiled to which the old man slowly turned his head and looked at her with a smile as well. "Dad, I'm hungry." the little girl said soon after Leo smiled at her to which he chuckled. It appears that gaze was to signal a desire but the father was more than happy to oblige as he wanted to get something to eat too to pair with his drink.

    The old man held the hands of his daughter and helped her down to the ground gently while she hopped down to go back inside together. Leo left his drink by the balcony however, as they intended to return to their serene spot once they got what they wanted to eat. He was sure that no one would go to the balcony anyways. Much of the people in the party are socialites that preferred the company of another in large gathering such as this. It also helps that with Leo's lengthy existence, he had been able to meet and befriend most of Magnolia's citizens from every standing. In fact, he had been close to the people responsible for their venue before their prominence. But of course, it doesn't hurt to close the door behind them which is what he did once they passed through. He let go of his daughter's hand while she stood there behaved and waiting as her father grabbed the knobs gently, closing the doors slowly and just as gently as he held the knobs with such grace.

    Down the stairs and past the elegance of this event, that neither of the pair paid attention to. All of the chatter and dazzling lights were of little interest to them for Leo had taught Lina well to not overestimate the value of such grandeur and to appreciate the simplicity and efficiency of an adequate lifestyle but also to not shun what grace and blessing you have been given. Finally, they have reached the banquet table full of delicious food, pleasing to all senses as they have experienced the food here from earlier. Wanting to experience all of the night had to offer, Leo simply fixed up a plate of food he had not eaten tonight so far, wanting to explore his culinary tastes and experiences. Lina's plate on the other hand was the colorful sort. She had been fixing the sweets and cakes on her main plate for as long as this night had been going on. Once she was done creating a masterpiece for stomach aches, she grabbed a second, smaller plate from which the little girl had placed her vegetables and actual cooked food. Leo smiled upon seeing the responsibility in Lina that indeed made him all the more proud of who his daughter is going to grow up to be.

    "Let's head back, Lina. The night is growing more beautiful and the breeze is starting to be comfortable." he said as he grabbed his plate and hers, balancing Lina's smaller plate on his left arm. The little girl nodded cheerfully as she followed watching the sights of happiness as they passed by because despite her upbringing, Lina is still a curious girl. A curiosity that her father encouraged, and would prove to yield an interesting find. For from the corner of the room, away from most of the guests, Lina spotted two women who seem familiar. She had seen these women before in the guild hall where she and her father would spend of their time eating and observing the coming and goings from the corner of the hall so she was confident in approaching them. She'd even hear their names be mentioned from time to time, especially the one in the black suit. Seeing as it is the holidays, and Lina had always been one to spread happiness and cheer to people she know, she thought it would be a good idea to slip away from her father for a little bit in order to greet them.

    She patted the woman in the black suit, the person she sees more often from the two, on her arm as high as she could reach "Hi Auntie Arron! And auntie Alea! Happy New Year!" she exclaimed merrily. Apparently she doesn't know their names, only coming off from what she heard, or in this case misheard, from other people in the guild.

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    @Saffron Remington @Althea


    Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo] 60684_s
    Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo] 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

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    Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo] Empty Re: Running Down the Hourglass [Saffron & Leo]

    Post by Althea 24th February 2023, 10:34 am


    post: 904
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    Althea did not intend or desire to speak to anyone this New Year, but alas, not all things go according to plan. A woman with luscious blonde hair and a finely tailored suit was heading straight for her. Even worse, it was someone she recognized to some degree. Althea always aimed to make her presence in the Fairy Tail guild hall scarce, but she still came on occasion to pick up a new job or request. Either way, the impending promise of social interaction left the spirit slightly confused. Was she really the one being approached? However, it wasn’t like there was anyone else in her general vicinity, so she was undoubtedly the intended target at the end of this woman’s trajectory. Althea had intentionally placed herself in a spot out of the way of traffic and crowds, preventing herself from incidentally crossing paths with other party-goers. But clearly, this didn’t account for the few… ‘outliers’ who went out of their way to waltz up to her. And while Althea was very unwilling to engage in any useless small talk right before the New Year, she was equally unwilling to simply run away from the predicament. Sure, she could enter a semi-spiritual state to disappear from view, but that would be against her principles. Weak prey scurries away from their guild mates, but predators stood their ground and asserted dominance… Of course, this didn’t stop Althea from quietly hoping that the approaching woman would somehow be deterred by her cold, aloof demeanor.

    Alas, it was all for naught. The other blonde, apparently named ‘Saffron,’ smoothly stepped right up to her before offering an introduction alongside a glass of champagne. The only method left for Althea to evade opening her mouth would be to ignore her entirely. However, she felt like it’d be a very bad choice to willingly place herself in poor standings with a potential colleague in the future. The spirit disliked the idea of needing to even make eye contact with anyone else at the moment, but why would she knowingly make a potential inconvenience for later down the road? Althea didn’t know anything at all about Saffron, but she was likely a powerful and noteworthy force in her own right. But most importantly, the spirit’s endeavors to avoid absolutely everyone in a room full of people had prevented her from actually eating anything.

    So, reaching out to accept the champagne, she finally raised her amber eyes from the drink to meet her guild mate’s purple ones. “Althea. Thanks.” She replied simply, taking a sip from the glass before continuing. “I’m fine. I just dislike gatherings like this. But if I really wanted to kill someone, I’d just do it outright. Poison is too annoying. Still, I appreciate the offer.” Althea rose the glass to her lips to take another sip but paused to add a few more words. “I think you should get to know someone better before helping them with murder. Be more careful in the future.” The spirit didn't want anything to do with Fairy Tail beyond accepting jobs through the guild, but it wasn’t like she wanted anything unsavory to happen to it or its members. It had been… upsetting to see her first proper home get blown up, and the guild hall had an unpleasant tendency to be the target of attacks. Either way, assassination had never been one of her fortes. It wasn’t as if she was entirely unfamiliar with the concept, but Althea couldn’t think of a single time she was ever angry enough with someone to murder them with nothing but her emotions as an incentive. Looking back at the lengthy list of people who she’d gutted with nothing but her bare hands, it was always for business, not a personal stake in their downfall.

    Regardless, her impression of the blonde stranger, Saffron, had improved by an eensy-weensy margin. If Althea could be approached by anyone for a conversation, having that person be a capable member of Fairy Tail made her a bit less averse to a conversation. However, she couldn’t say the same for the small, silver-haired little girl who walked over. If the spirit had to describe her in three words, they’d be ‘weak,’ ‘cute,’ and then ‘weak’ again. Her short little arms were evidently not suited for holding any form of heavy weaponry, and Althea doubted her high-spirited voice could ever strike fear into the hearts of her enemies. At the same time, maybe her apparent youth could be used to take an opponent off guard? Althea herself was an avid supporter of the lure-them-in-and-stab-them-in-the-shins strategy…

    Ah, my mind wandered… She snapped herself back to reality, casting her cold gaze down at the girl. Her combat abilities came second to a much more pressing issue: Althea had to deal with yet another person talking to her at this party. To further compound the problem, she was far from accustomed to speaking with people around this little girl’s apparent age. Even before her lengthy disappearance from Earthland, you could say that her attempts were poor at best. Well, some things couldn’t be helped.

    “Wrong. I’m Althea. I don’t know who this ‘Auntie Alea’ person is. I wish you luck in finding her.” She spoke in the same frigid tone as always before giving a stiff wave goodbye to the girl. Hopefully, that would be enough to send her on her way.


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