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    Halloween Spooktaculare


    Lineage : Comet
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    Halloween Spooktaculare Empty Halloween Spooktaculare

    Post by Nadarr 30th November 2022, 11:29 am

    Halloween disc rols

    1 Tunnel of Terror
    2 Whack a Ghoul
    3 Feild of Screams

    Posts : 23945
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    Halloween Spooktaculare Empty Halloween Spooktaculare

    Post by NPC 30th November 2022, 11:29 am

    The member 'Nadarr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Spooktaculare Die_05_42162_sm

    Lineage : Comet
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Halloween Spooktaculare Empty Re: Halloween Spooktaculare

    Post by Nadarr 30th November 2022, 11:30 am


    Posts : 23945
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    Halloween Spooktaculare Empty Re: Halloween Spooktaculare

    Post by NPC 30th November 2022, 11:30 am

    The member 'Nadarr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Spooktaculare Die_06_42164_sm


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Spooktaculare Die_02_42159_sm

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

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    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    Halloween Spooktaculare Empty Re: Halloween Spooktaculare

    Post by Nadarr 30th November 2022, 11:31 am


    Posts : 23945
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    Halloween Spooktaculare Empty Re: Halloween Spooktaculare

    Post by NPC 30th November 2022, 11:31 am

    The member 'Nadarr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Spooktaculare Die_06_42164_sm

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    Halloween Spooktaculare Empty Re: Halloween Spooktaculare

    Post by Nadarr 30th November 2022, 1:19 pm

    Jiselle  With leaving the capital city for a Halloween based event thar it threw once a year.    The festival was packed full of people from the city who were eager to have some fun and a spooky time.  Jiselle  Would walk around the city where it was happening and see many different things. His shops that were themed to be more scaried  and spooky.   People walking around in all sorts of different kinds of costumes.   It was quite a lively time people were having Atlas event so she decided to go find a way to have some fun herself.   It was rare she found herself out of her office anyway.   She did want to see what this was all about though as this was the first time she was at an event like this in the city.   So far it didn't disappoint but she really didn't want to see some of the attractions and so far all she was seeing was much of stalls for food and costumes and things you can buy. The kind of things you would impulse by when we first t walk into these type of things she imagined she would have to get a low deeper before she found any sort of attractions.  She looked around for something that seemed like it would be somewhat interesting until she finally came across something.  

    She walked up to A attraction that stayed it was a Tunnel of Terror.   As she looked at the sign it read that if you were able to successfully do and sit through the tunnel of terror that you would win a golden skull token.   She Had decided that this would be a good way to test the waters and see how scary this event was going to be.   With that in mind she Went over to the person who was running the attraction and gotten side one of the boats.   She couldn't imagine how scary this kind of event could be as they got her situated in the boat and ready to go towards the dark tunnel ahead of me.   It only Made her curiosity and interest heightened which would be her downfall as a boat started to slowly drift forward in the tunnel building up the suspense until she was eventually in complete in other darkness.    Once she entered the tunnel there was nothing but pure silence,  Is the only sound being the waves and water As everything seemed to slow down and be still. It was almost impossible to tell how far you went. Then from the ceiling a giant spider swung down in front of her right in her face barely missing her and that was the last thing she remembered as she started to be snapped at by someone who worked there.

    Ma'am…ma'am…are you okay ma'am?"

    Is what she heard as her vision returned…it didn't take long for Jiselle to realize something happened early in the tunnel…to make her feint on fear.   She had to give the event credit because she didn't remember most of the ride though she did feel a little embarrassed that she fainted so early on from fright.   You think one simple giant spider would be enough to scare her… Into passing out.   She had already determined in her mind that she would tell no one About this and what happened in that tunnel would stay.   Her trainer thought how were was broken when she looked up the woman began to speak again to her.

    "Ride was do boring you passed out huh, can't blame you.  Here's a golden skull token for participating in out attraction."

    She was clearly giving her a small way Out of her embarrassment, and she didn't hesitate taking it. She stood up straightened up her coat and took the token and as she started to leave all she could mutter was a bit of an embarrassed thank you.   The woman gave her a small smile of acknowledgment as a clear understanding was made between them as she left the attraction  Needless to say she was done with that event and would not be returning to it any time soon she decided to go find something a little more tame to cleanse her pallet.

    She eventually came across a game that said Whack a Ghoul,  Something that would be much more tame and less frightening than the tunnel. Something she was sure she could do good as she approached.  When she stood in front of it she was given a rubber mallet and a small smile as the game had started she looked down At the ten different holes as they started appearing rapidly. She started to try and hit them however quickly realized she wasn't having much luck  Landing any of the hits as she kept trying to strike them. As the time continued to tick down she got more frazzled and less composed. She started smacking that mallet down with Such speed and force that would make other people watching all however with none of the accuracy as she still couldn't managed hit a single one. As she managed to almost hit one it popped down and the buzzer went off. The only ones she would have hit and she failed due to time.  She stood there frozen and speechless just staring down at the machine.   She was given a golden skull token as a constellation prize for trying.  She took it but it didn't make her feel any better if she swung the way, Both events she had done today she had utterly failed at if she failed at one more she was just gonna call it a day as her pride would make her.

    She had wandered around the festival taking a small drink to grab some festival food and maybe impulse by one or two things needing to take a break from lady luck screwing with her.   She had never felt more embarrassing what happened in the last game and passing out in the middle of a event.   Despite all that she so did manage to convince herself or so she thought that she was having a good time here, it wasn't the same thing as if she was doing her work but even though she didn't seem to be doing well at the event seeing all the people smiling and happy about her and having fun by proxy made her have a food time. Though she rounded the corner stood there as she saw her final event.

    The last thing she would try today would be a haunted corn maze. She didn't know what this would entitle as she walked up but then read the sign that said that she would be hunted by a killer and that issue was killed she  We're loose the maze however if she managed to survive and escape she would win a gold skull token. She hesitated for a minute debating if she should even do this event since she had such terrible luck so far. However she shook off this feeling, all she had to do with survive that was something she could at least manage. Especially with how things are going so far. With  A deep and reserved breath she walked over to the entrance where the other contenders for standing as well. She looked between them as I looked back at her and she took a deep throughout again as the gate opened she Started in the maze determine to go find that exit and win

    As she would enter the corn maze she would start to walk around and before she even knew it she was hopelessly lost. There was a wise saying of left turns believe you to the end however this maze was apparently enchanted so that was on the case.   This was enchanted so you'd have to participate in the maze and remember what you went otherwise you would get lost. Which is what she was right now.   As she wandered her way through the maze not having kept track of where she went or came from she was actually plus and started to have to do the maze from the middle which would suck. Furthermore if things weren't bad enough there was a killer that was actually hurting her, she only assumed that they had knowledge of the maze and it layout. Though as she turned the corner she really wished she would stop thinking about things so much as lonely behold there was the killer.

    The killer could only be described as a Scarecrow holding a enchanted bloody sickle. She knew it wasn't chanted because she saw the killer slice into another contestant and it didn't cause them any pain but it  Did paralyze them symbolizing that they were dead. She gave a groan  As it turned and locked eyes with her, her luck really did suck. Without thinking about it she immediately turned around and started running from the scarecrow.   She dash as fast as her legs would move her however she could quickly and easily notice that he was gaining on her chasing her down.   She really did have bad luck as she continued to take  Random turns and swift sharp ones at that trying to remember where she came from however being chased did not do well for her memory as she was just relying on whatever a little luck she had in her.

    It turned out though she had some luck. Maybe it was all being safe for this moment because she turned and there had ever was the exit gave, what appeared to be there after about a solid five minutes of running she quickly made one last conservative push and get to the gate while being chased still.   She couldn't say she was enjoying this event too much but at least there was a clear path the victory this time. She wanted to look back and see if they were close or see if she had to be making this much of a dead strength. But if there's one thing she learned about for it's that if you look behind your dad and she was not going to lose when the gate was in site.   With one last push and force of will she made it a sprint burst to the gate.   As she dropped the Flash ones he quickly spun around and saw that they were right on her tail. That if she had looked behind her and slowed down At all she would have gotten taken out. They gave a cock of its head, a twist of its synch before turning around going on the hunt. There was a bit of cheering as she made it out And she turned back around to see a crowd and someone handing her a golden skull token.   For once she bought like she earned this today and took it with a bit of pride however after all that running she was tired and she was about to done with this event. She wanted you nothing more than go home and get back to work in relax.

    As she was leaving the festival gowns there was a prize booth on the way outside by the answer for she could turn in her golden skull tokens.   She went over with her three tokens not knowing what she could afford and there was a lot of them that were unavailable to the amount she had.   However she did settle on a cute looking jacko lantern Keychain.   As she had received her prize she held it up into the evening of the night taking some small amount of pride that she had one list before talking it away In her lab coat pocket.   It was nothing to write at home about but it was hers and it was something to remind her that despite all prevailer today she had some fun and you did sit managed to succeed in the end With that in mind she sat over up and started to go back home just continue to work, Is finding her experiments to be a little easier than some of the things she is done today.

    WC: 2029

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:36 pm