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    The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission]

    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

    Character Sheet
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    The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission] Empty The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 15th November 2022, 9:31 pm

    Mission Details:

    Sojiro stood with his friend in silence for a moment as they looked over the papers spread across the desk of the person who invited them. There was a series of interesting things, but only two things seemed to stand out to Sojiro. The first had been how the man had decided to contact Sojiro, having somehow heard about his fight in an arena with a warrior not too far from here. The second, and much more disturbing, was the fact a different letter seemed to indicate that the people of the nearby town could be threatened by this curse. This fact caused the blue-haired man to grit his teeth slightly, hand beginning to clench but he'd slowly take in a deep breath to calm his nerves, "We cannot simply do nothing, Thaddeus. These people could use our help." The man would turn to look at his friend, directly into his eyes with his own amethyst hues, "I don't want you to risk your life, but I am going to find this place to see if I can help." Sojiro had been sent to this world with magical powers and made a promise to try to help people, even though he complained most of the time.

    *Yes, Young Warrior, you must save these people. If you cannot even do that, are you truly a real /Hero?/* The voice of the Spirit within him echoed through his head but he pushed those thoughts to the side, turning away from Tad while waiting for his response to grab a map off the table. It was an extremely rudimentary thing but it was clear enough to tell the two of them how to get from the cabin to the nearby town. There wasn't much sun left in the day but if the map had any type of true scaling to it, then they should hopefully reach the town just as the sun was starting to set, "If you're coming, we should move now. I don't want to get caught in the forest once the sun is down." And with that, Sojiro would turn toward the open door to start out on this quest.

    WC: 360


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Master of the Other World
    Position : None
    Posts : 117
    Guild : Less
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 16,460

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yin Yang Lightning
    Second Skill: Material Advantage
    Third Skill:

    The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission] Empty Re: The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission]

    Post by Believer 16th November 2022, 3:10 pm

    "We cannot simply do nothing, Thaddeus. These people could use our help." Tad understood what Sojiro was saying, though Tad didn't feel as obligated to help these strangers. There were other mages, some probably better equipped than they were, that could stop this curse, but Tad wasn't surprised when those words came out of Sojiro's mouth. He does have a heroic heart, the lanky mage mused inwardly. The idea of sticking his neck out for a town that may or may not already be entirely cursed didn't really appeal to Tad.

    "I don't want you to risk your life, but I am going to find this place to see if I can help." Sojiro said before turning away from Tad to grab a map from the table. "If you're coming, we should move now. I don't want to get caught in the forest once the sun is down."

    "Ah, so you do want me to tag along, huh, Hero?" Hero was a new nickname that Tad was trying out, as it seemed to be very applicable at this moment in time. Tad looked out the open door, into the sky gauging the sun's location and how much time they had before it went down. "Ok, I'm in." In truth, Tad had a couple ulterior motives: one, he had some new spells that he wanted to try out and rotting flesh was just as good a target as any and, second, dead people had no need for their belongings or riches. This wasn't a job that someone had hired them for, but Tad intended to get paid regardless, assuming the situation arose. He wasn't so cold hearted as to knock a pregnant lady over and take her change purse, but if said pregnant lady was mostly composed of rotting flesh and trying to eat Tad's brains... then the change purse seemed like fair compensation.

    "And you're right, I don't want to experience that forest in the dark either and to that end, if you slow me down, I'll leave your ass behind." Tad joked, knowing full well that Sojiro would have no trouble keeping pace and they, obstacles notwithstanding, shouldn't have any issue making it to the town before the sun set. Of course, Tad was worried about what kind of situation the town would be in. Normally, jobs were ranked on difficulty and gave mages a fair bit of information about what the job takers would be getting into and what types of impediments they would have to overcome... but this was a-whole-nother type of thing altogether. They had no information about the town except where it was and if the curse had come through that town before descending onto the cabin that Tad and Sojiro were now standing in... the town could be in really bad shape. The forest wasn't a fun place to be at night, but an entire town of those undead things wasn't going to be much better.

    "Let's skedaddle, Hero!" Tad mocked as he jumped through the doorway and into the forest which surrounded the cabin. Tad had a bit of excitement and some worry, though he tried to act like he wasn't worried.

    WC: 529
    Thread total: 889


    Sojiro Sakura
    Sojiro Sakura

    Lineage : The Hero Spirit; Athos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 133
    Guild : The Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,535

    Character Sheet
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    The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission] Empty Re: The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission]

    Post by Sojiro Sakura 16th November 2022, 5:41 pm

    Although he didn't show it on the outside, Sojiro was relieved to hear that Tad would come along with him on this quest to save the village, "Thanks, Thaddeus." Was the only reply he would give to the man, the nickname that he had been given causing him to shake his head but he moved after the male regardless. He didn't have many nicknames growing up, Takumi usually being the only one who called him something other than his given name and while it bothered him when others did so... No such negative feeling struck him when Tad had used it. So when his friend moved out of the cabin in the woods, he was quick to follow after.

    Using the map had been easy enough, though Sojiro had moved at a slight jog the whole time to make sure they had gotten to the village before the sun went down. The man didn't scare easily, not anymore at least, but he refused to fall prey to a classic trope like zombies at night! There wasn't much the two ran into on their way to their destination, the city eventually coming into sight through the trees they moved through. A low grunt would leave Sojiro's lips as they got out of their current thicket and were able to feast their eyes upon the town.

    Things did not look good from where the two men stood, the town looked like it had definitely been under some sort of siege. Sojiro clenched his fists tightly as he moved forward, towards what remained of the entrance to the town,
    "There has to be someone left, they can't all be dead." Right? There was a chance that he was just lying to himself but he wouldn't give up hope until he knew for sure. As they began to enter the town, there were the sounds of something in the building to their right...

    WC: 319
    TWC: 1,208


    Sojiro Sakura
    The Hero Spirit Contract (Lineage)
    Archeron's Curse (Magic)
    Sojiro's Organization Folder

    Sojiro Action Text: #0066ff
    Sojiro Speech/Thought Text: #ffffff
    The Hero Spirit's Text: #990000

    Lineage : Master of the Other World
    Position : None
    Posts : 117
    Guild : Less
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 16,460

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Yin Yang Lightning
    Second Skill: Material Advantage
    Third Skill:

    The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission] Empty Re: The Deeper it Goes! [Group Mission]

    Post by Believer 27th December 2022, 2:43 pm

    Tad was only a little sweaty from their late afternoon jog through the cursed forest. Luckily, they encountered nothing nearly as scary as by the cabin, so there had been some time to recuperate their magic power while they jogged. Tad was still terribly uncertain of what to expect from the city they were heading towards, his mind still reeling from the zombie that he'd blown a hole through only to have it still nearly take a bite out of his neck. Luckily, Sojiro had been there to help him out. If a decently ranked mage like himself could fall prey to these things... what were citizens supposed to do?

    The town finally came into view and it definitely didn't look like the bustling town it was supposed to be. Even though it wasn't a full blown city, you'd still expect some sounds and see people coming and going, but instead, the town looked like it had been attacked by some sort of army. From their vantage point, the town looked like nothing more than a ghost town.

    "There has to be someone left, they can't all be dead."

    Tad glanced at Sojiro quickly, before turning back to the footings in front of them as the two continued moving towards the town. It had been a bit of an instinctual response to Sojiro's comment. He'd glanced to see if he was trying to convince Tad or himself, but came to the realization before he'd even seen Sojiro's face that he wasn't the type of man to need convincing to do the right thing: he was a hero at heart after all. Tad, however, wasn't nearly as heroic and didn't want to lie to his teammate. Tad was much more a glass half empty sort and if the town's walls and dilapidated buildings were any indication, he feared there was no one worth saving. For that reason, Tad didn't respond at all; instead, he continued into the town with Sojiro.

    The building near the entrance clearly had something inside, the sounds coming from there made that clear to both mages. Tad, ever the skeptic, flowed lightning into both of his hands, ready to defend himself if the need arose.

    "Ok, Hero, back me up?" Fearing the worst, Tad's body began to be covered in white lightning, forming an armor around himself. His hope was that if a zombie were to jump out and get a hold of him, the lightning armor would slow it down enough for Tad to get a head shot in to down the creature. On one hand, he hoped that Sojiro was right and there would just be some children wailing in there. He moved in front of Sojiro, his speed also boosted from the effects of the lightning armor spell that he'd cast. Tad's right foot went forward with force, kicking the door in. Right there in front of Tad's face was a light purple energy that seemed to be totally unrestrained by the walls. Tad backed up a couple steps, careful not to run into Sojiro and shock him and the creature began moving towards the two mages.

    It's body was quite big, but it traveled through the walls as if they didn't exist. Tad's hands instinctively went into a 'finger pistol' position as he leapt to his right, avoiding the Frightful Spirit's over sized fist coming at him. He turned and aimed at the creature's head, letting off two identical bolts of white lightning. Both bolts traveled through the energy somewhat before seemingly hitting something. The energy of the spirit flickered a couple times before dissipating altogether.

    Tad stood, the lightning armor and lightning in his palms still present as he spoke "That was different." Tad wasn't sure what to say, but also didn't want to squash Sojiro's hope to find survivors... it was the only hope the two mages had left at this point.

    WC: 651
    TWC: 1859


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:22 pm