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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes


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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Tobychu 7th November 2022, 1:04 pm

    Aku wasn't one to really go out and "party hardy", or whatever people said nowadays, but he was far from ignorant to why people enjoyed it so much. The chance to forget about the troubles of the world, for even just a moment, was something that could loosen the clenched jaws of even the most uptight people of Earthland. Sometimes he liked to think about what life would be like if the entire world just partied together for one night.... how everyone might find some common ground to form a truce upon, but such thoughts were folly.

    Instead he would focus on what was, and what could be, and that was seemingly a party for the Halloween season that he made a point to attend. Not because of his love for party culture or anything that menial... but because Halloween was his favorite holiday, and he'd never gotten to experience it fully in childhood. Growing up in poverty surely had a way of ruining most experiences and memories and so tonight, he would embrace the atmosphere.

    Starting with a killer costume to set the mood.

    Adorned on his smooth ivory flesh was what could only be described as a tattered thin sweater, woven with green and red stripes and garnished with multiple holes. The rim of the shirts bottom and sleeves were slightly burnt, and he wore a pair of dark khaki pants with a matching dark brown fedora and combat boots to complete the ensemble. He'd opted out of wearing the full FX face prosthetics, but instead covered half of his visage with fake burned skin before strapping on a metallic glove, embellished with four long plastic knives on each phalange.

    Aku was pretty proud of his costume considering he'd planned it out so last minute, and the constant praises of passer-byers was an added bonus to his elevated mood. At least some people still appreciated a good horror movie reference, as opposed to dressing as an actual serial killer; besides, Freddy Krueger was the cheapest option...

    "This is going to be epic." The raven haired wizard spoke aloud to no one, his eyes gleaming with pure ecstasy as he looked around the outdoor area. Orange and black confetti bedazzling the floor with skeleton and ghost props hung along fences and walls, he'd even seen a few horror movie posters scattered about. Naturally he stopped to post in front of the Nightmare on Elm Street poster for a few photos from strangers, and a few for his own collection, but now it was time to dance.

    Was Aku the best dancer in the world? Far from it! He however wasn't one who couldn't embarrass himself and look back later to laugh at the wonder filled memories he was creating. Far better than the ones that haunted him up until his adulthood. So with a drink in hand, and the music thumping beneath his feet he would begin to sway rhythmically while looking on to other people in the slowly growing crowd, giving them a warm smile. Everyone was laughing, throwing back drinks, eating random assortments of candy and socializing but everything changed with the next song the DJ decided to play.

    "Alright everybody, we're calling all the monsters to the dance floor! Lets see you guys bust a move on this spooky night, full of delightful fright!"

    The DJ's microphone resounded through the ears of the man as the song began to transition to "Calling all the Monsters" to which he didn't hesitate to grab the nearest wrist to him and pull them to the dance floor. He had no idea who he'd grabbed and didn't bother to look, but now they were his dancing partner and he'd make sure they had just as good a time as he did. Swinging his clawed hand through the air to the rhythm, Aku would sing out the lyrics of the song while jumping around and doing monster themed dances. This would surely be a night to remember!

    Word Count: 666/4,000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Kanna 9th November 2022, 1:28 am

    Clueless. Kanna, the half-beast lass from a foreign land, was completely bumfuzzled.

    Why was everything decorated with death? Skulls, spirits, and sanguine fluid seemed to be hanging or splattered everywhere amongst the bizarre color scheme of orange and black. A death celebration? There was loud music and food and laughter. The bluette paused at a table where a person in a wide-brimmed hat vigorously stirred a gargantuan black pot and dipped drinks from it to those who stopped. Having walked for a long time, Kanna finally found herself parched, so she stopped to pick one up, but she became too distracted to take a single sip! Her curiosity initially reeled her into the holiday fray, but she stayed for what she thought she'd found.

    Initially, excitement blasted through her veins with every conflicted beat. There were suddenly lots of people with horns meandering about. Naturally, this led straight to misunderstandings. The naive soul thought she had run into a Sinnite population within Fiore; a Little Sin, if you will. Since she had never heard of such a thing and was considered one of the rare natives from Sin to betray and reject her homeland enough to leave, how could she not assume what seemed to be obvious? It filled her with comfort but also anxiety, as most things did. What if these expatriates still had the tumultuous, unwelcoming attitude of home? Her people were isolationists that hardly ever interacted with other settlements. If all of these were from one settlement or considered this gathering to be a new one, would she immediately be chased off? She dearly hated conflict, but having friends with a similar background to her would be so helpful when navigating this new and strange place.

    After standing at the fringe of the pulsing, loud crowd dazed with thought for longer than any functional person should, she finally mustered the courage and commitment to walk right up to the horned ones and ask!

    What followed was disillusioning. Most just raised their brows at her strange, heavily accented questions and ignored her. She was waved off. Dismissed. Many laughed in her face, calling her weird. A few took offense to her questions and declared they were no Sinnite, but just a 'regular demon'. Some were confused but kind, showing that their horns were fake and removable (!!) and that it was just something called a 'demon costume'. Of those that took a second to give an answer, all said-- in one way or another-- that they'd never met anyone from Sin and thought both the likelihood and the idea of it absurd. There were no Sinnites here, only those celebrating 'Halloween' dressed like something they were not for fun.

    While this was one of the few times she blended in, horns and all, to any locale within Fiore, she'd never felt more estranged. There were people with real horns who weren't like her. There were people with fake horns that weren't like her. There were just a lot of people, and she had wandered right into the middle of it! What was a word bigger and scarier than 'crowd'? If there was a Fiorean word for it, she didn't know it. Her mutterings came out in quiet, anxiety-turbo-fueled Dravni as she wandered this strange... thing. What on Earthland was this Halloween? Kanna was looking for a break in the people bumping into her to escape.

    But she didn't have a prayer.

    Her wrist was grabbed and she was deemed a monster by whoever was pulling her! With blinking wide eyes, she stared up at the man in the ruined sweater. Kanna gasped. Half of his face was burned! How awful! But wait, no, she couldn't stare. That would be rude. He seemed to be having a good time dancing. Perhaps it was a survival instinct, but she abruptly changed from trying to escape to dancing with him. Blend in, right? Finally, her lips parted and she threw back the drink before she accidentally spilled it. Kanna could dance! She could do this, and totally not because he had a threatening set of knives attached to his hands!

    [wc: 689 || total: 1355 || rolling for Witch's Brew!]



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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by NPC 9th November 2022, 1:28 am

    The member 'Kanna' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Tobychu 10th November 2022, 7:34 am

    Rolling for witches brew!

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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by NPC 10th November 2022, 7:34 am

    The member 'Tobychu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Tobychu 10th November 2022, 8:08 am

    The cute girl he'd managed to grab was first giving him a bit of a shocked look, before staring at him for just a moment and joining in on the madness. A smile painting itself deeper on his already jubilant expression, grateful that he'd grabbed someone else fun instead of a sourpuss who'd attempt to throat punch him. Or worse, kick him in the crotch and send him back into prepubescents for the remainder of the night!

    Laughing as he danced, Aku's eyes would scan the crowd briefly, catching sight of bodies in cacophonous motion. Naturally some people had an easier time maintaining the tempo, while others boasted their moves with more flare than their contemporaries. None of that mattered because the night was young and every soul in the area was feeling the music, the drinks seeming to be have a sort of weird affect on everyone. As if some people were a bit 'different' than before and he'd begun to notice a change in the girl he was with as well.

    The once glistening, oceanic blue of her eyes was beginning to glow unnaturally and he could see with her smile that her canine teeth were also taking a new form. Almost vampiric in nature, and Aku gave an awkward chuckle before taking a look at his own cup which matched the same coloring and style as many others in the crowd. He'd gotten it from someone who worked for the event (he hoped!) upon his arrival, and decided against drinking it until now. Hell, if it was turning people into vampires and making other peoples hair vanish he was DEFINITELY down for it.

    After all, he was here for a great night!

    Before that however he'd make sure to at least alert the girl of her recent. . .  developments. Ceasing in the manic movements of his dancing shoes at the end of the song, shouting out a little encouragement to the DJ for playing such a dope song before getting back to the task at hand.

    "I don't mean to alarm you, and I don't know what was in that punch, but your eyes are glowing. . . and your teeth are. . . different."

    He'd say in as calm a tone as possible, before giving an awkward chuckle and shrug to let her know it was alright in his eyes. "You still look pretty though, don't worry, but I can't let you have all the fun."

    Without a second though, the neon green liquid was swimming into his mouth, past his teeth and down an eager throat. In large gulps no less, a few dripples of the semi-thick liquid splattering onto his cheek and after finishing half the glass he'd use his sleeve to quickly wipe his cheek. Aku closing his eyes and standing in a way that showed he was ready for whatever was going to happen; and hopefully it was something cool!

    The effects didn't take long however with a few party-goers gasping at the sight of the wizard, which prompted him to open his own violet eyes and look at his hands and body. He could feel himself become a bit lighter despite drinking at the speed of greed, but he'd become ghastly in appearance; his body almost completely see through and a pale aura irradiating from his once ivory skin. Was he... dead? Or just a temporary ghost?

    Comically looking around for his body for a few seconds, he would give a sigh of relief that he was simply translucent and not an actual apparition and give a solemn nod of approval. This night couldn't get any better for the horror lovers heart, but all this dancing definitely had him in the mood to participate in one of the festivals many activities. Maybe he'd play a game or something?

    "Do you want to go and play one of the games with me? I'm Aku by the way." The young man spoke, giving a small wave and a smile to match his friendly tone. What better way to have a good night than to make a new friend? Besides, she seemed nice enough!

    Word Count: 2,040/4,000

    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
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    Guild : Luminous Rose
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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Kanna 11th November 2022, 5:12 am

    Calling what she'd been doing with him dancing might have been quite generous, but she did it freely and without too much embarrassment. Perhaps it was her uncertainty that kept her from being truly good at it, but it was more likely the fact that she'd never danced before in her life. Sin wasn't a happy, artsy, or dancey place. The closest thing to dancing she knew of from home were the violent duels for power, or maybe the movements from those awful rituals... Either way, even if she was a little stiff, jerky, and just plain bad, Kanna seemed to have fun with it once she realized her partner wasn't going to use the blades on his fingers to sacrifice her.

    She actually found herself a little disappointed when the song ended and everyone stopped moving, but that meant it would be easier to talk. Though she was soft spoken, the sweet girl was excited to speak to her stranger partner. Maybe they could be friends! He took the initiative, which alleviated her stress... for a second.

    From her short experience with Fioreans, nothing good ever started with "I don't mean to alarm you" and Kanna would have been hard pressed to look more alarmed. Her now glowing eyes widened at him, darted to her empty cup and littered it as if it were a snake, and then back to him since she had no way of looking at herself. Her lips parted and she ran her tongue over... what happened to her teeth?! "Oh... θέε μου..." fretted the horned girl, finding that she had some pronounced fangs. Her fingers double confirmed what her eyes could not. Were her Alpha traits suddenly becoming more dominant? Was that a thing? They painfully poked her lips as she started to babble in her native tongue, truly on the verge of tears.

    Though he probably didn't mean to, the man promptly saved the damsel from her spiral. Not only did he call her pretty, which made her blush bashfully, but he seemed intent to join her in suffering. Even if it was magic drink instead of her DNA, that only made her feel the slightest bit better. "I-I don't know how fun this is-" she tried to stop him, but it was too late. Kanna gasped in Dravni and waited to see what punishment was handed down to this poor, seemingly kind man.

    They both waited two very different attitudes, one intensely staring with fangs poking from under her lip, at the other who had his eyes closed.

    Another gasp blended in with the nearby folks as she watched him literally fade. There was that alarmed look again. Worriedly, her hands clasped together and wrung themselves. Suddenly, Kanna felt incredibly self-centered and dramatic that she'd been worried about some glowing eyes and fangs. Her dance partner had become a spirit right before her eyes! Had she just watched him die?! With a trembling hand, she reached out and gently poked him in the chest, expecting it to pass through with little resistance. Finally, the horned woman exhaled her two gasped breaths as she found he was still solid. A trick? Kanna knew magic was for violence and more uncommonly could be used for healing, but for (hopefully) harmless amusement?

    And just like that, the whole thing passed on like she thought he had. Ghostly as he was, he invited her to play some of the games. Right, she'd seen those on the way in, but had been too focused on who she thought were kin to get too curious. "Yes," she replied meekly, smiling and waving back. A lot of her learning this land was mimicry and hoping for the best. "I'm Kanna. Pleased to meet you. Uhm, which game would you like to play?" came the follow-up. You guess it, Kanna had never really played a game before either. Not like these.

    [wc: 652 || total: 2692/4000 || A Little Night Music complete, Witch's Brew complete, 2/3 tokens]



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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Tobychu 21st November 2022, 10:57 am

    Rolling for Coffin Up Candy

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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by NPC 21st November 2022, 10:57 am

    The member 'Tobychu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Tobychu 21st November 2022, 12:16 pm

    Aku found the sound of the woman's native tongue pretty, almost like the letters danced together, and it was clear she wasn't accustomed to this strange Earthland tradition. To think, the costume he'd thought the girl was wearing was her natural manner of fashion made this even better. He was in the presence of an authentic magical creature! Although he was sure she wouldn't want to be addressed as such and so he'd just leave things as they were.

    It was the gentle poke to the chest that brought him back as Kanna had attempted to test if he was still walking amongst the living as well, causing his eyes to bulge in slight surprise. A small smirk upon his face as they'd come to the same assessment in different ways, holding back a slight giggle before the girl was introducing herself. Her name was very beautiful as well, was she some sort of elf or angelic being? Her aura was very... innocent.

    Or maybe naive... only time could tell.

    "Kanna." Aku spoke, letting the name sit on his pallet for just a few seconds before nodding agreeably. "A perfect name for someone with such delicate features!" He'd speak with an enthused tone, ignorant to how naturally flirty he was being with the girl who was very easy on the eyes, now that he'd had more time to observe her. The music ceasing to blare for the time being as the DJ prepared yet another ground thumping spooky delight.

    "Well, I haven't exactly checked which games they have available. So how about we just play the first one we see?"

    The young man asked, before locking his arm with Kanna's playfully and walking over toward the more interactive festivities. There were plenty of booths that the festival hosts had orchestrated to be in the area and the first one Aku saw was a classic one that everyone had played at least once. Mostly he'd used it to scam some poor fool out of their money as a kid and had most commonly seen it as a street peddling game. Maybe karma would come full circle if he played for some candy?

    How could he pass up such an opportunity? So stopping in his tracks, he'd point over so that Kanna could see where his translucent index finger was aiming toward. A bit more excitement in his tone than usual as he spoke in an almost bemused manner. "Oh we have definitely have to try that one I used to do great as a kid!" The name of the game in question? Coffin up candy and Aku was sure he'd be coughing up tons when he won!

    So without any sort of hesitance, the head strong youth would find himself making his way to the stand and giving a small wave to the games operator. Confidence simply beaming off his handsome features as he motioned for the game to begin and the man followed through with the request. A singular piece of candy placed into one of three coffins that Aku believed he was watching cloesly until they began to move. As if by the grace of the gods or the winds of the maker, each coffin danced to and fro at a steady pace for just a moment before they kicked into high gear.

    The poor young wizard almost went cross eyed trying to keep up with the blitzing path the caskets were taking before they finally decided to return to a standard speed of motion, finally stopping back on the table. Of course Aku looked like he was about to pass out from a dizzy spell when his equilibrium finally came back to him and he'd decided to just give it his best shot. Pointing happily to the center casket, he'd found that he didn't end up winning the game by a long shot and shrugged off his loss as just another part of the festivities. "Ah, oh well. How about you give it a shot Kanna!"

    Word Count: 3,360/4,000

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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Kanna 22nd November 2022, 4:41 am

    rolling for coffin up candy for funsies



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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by NPC 22nd November 2022, 4:41 am

    The member 'Kanna' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
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    Two Moo's in Scary Shoes Empty Re: Two Moo's in Scary Shoes

    Post by Kanna 22nd November 2022, 4:57 am

    Kanna was furiously blushing now. The compliments did come off as flirty even to someone as naive as she, and the beastly girl certainly wasn't used to such a thing. Bashfully, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and dropped her eyes as he said her name like it was something special. Definitely different from home. Opposite, even. Aku found even her horns delicate? Oh, dear...

    Thankfully, before she could get flustered enough to really embarrass herself, the ghostly man moved on to the subject of games. Despite traveling here, there, and everywhere seemingly on a whim, Kanna wasn't very impulsive. She liked to think things through, have a plan, have backup plans for backup plans. A whole alphabet of plans. Though there was no other option other than wandering out to see what games there were since neither of them knew their choices, it bothered her a little that they didn't have a plan. Such were the risks of being filled and fueled by anxiety ninety-percent of the time.

    "Okay," she responded pleasantly, albeit hesitantly. The stressed healer would follow where Aku led her, at least for now.

    Not that she had much of a choice. His arm locked with hers and her eyes grew wide. Taking it in stride, she tried not to betray her thumping heart or heated cheeks with any hasty words. Aku was a friendly guy, which was something she was unfamiliar with. It was nice, just different!

    From where they were, Kanna could see various stalls and booths with activities unknown and strange to her. Sin was obviously different from anywhere else in Ishgar, that much was a given. And it wasn't just the green grasses and trees of varying colors, but it was the people and the customs and traditions and holidays and... just everything! Sometimes it made her dizzy when she became acutely aware of how different her previous world was.

    Though she'd gone a bit spacey for a moment, her fast friend pulled her back. Choosing the first one they saw hadn't been an exaggeration. Literally, they had stopped at the first booth.

    Oddly enough, in some unexpected twist, she knew this game! Perhaps it was a universal experience, even to those in the unfortunate and abrasive country she was from. Grounding her mind a bit, she watched Aku play with a smile. Not many memories from home would bring a smile to her face, but this had been a game she played with other children her age when they were very small, before they learned to fight and hate. There had been no candy to find, though, just a pretty rock or a piece of cave tuber.

    The endearing young man tried his luck, but his eyes were too slow. Kanna was dutifully sad at his side when he picked the wrong one, though she didn't help him. That would ruin the game, and thus, he was rewarded with a little skeleton and no candy. What a shame! He'd been so confident, too! Her hand lifted to give him a comforting pat on the arm with a warm but sympathetic smile, but it seemed it was her turn!

    "I will do my best," she remarked earnestly, perhaps more so than the situation required.

    It turned out that Kanna's eyes were quite sharp. When her turn came, her focus was hyperfixated on the piece of candy she very much wanted to eat as it was placed in a little coffin identical to the others. Magic shuffled and blurred them together, but her slitted eyes never left the one that had the candy, even if the speed her eyes moved made her look like she needed an exorcism for a moment or two.

    The caskets settled and she didn't even wait for the stall worker to tell her to choose. Immediately, she pointed to the left one. "That one has the candy, sir."

    Sure enough, the wrapped piece of orange candy was there, and it was dropped into her victorious claw. Without waiting a beat, the beaming girl went to unwrap it and pop it into her mouth, since candy was still an ultra-rare commodity to her, but she stopped. Pausing a beat or two, she turned her eyes up to the candiless man. With a fangy smile, she turned to the game and asked to play again. She won again and held out the second piece of candy to Aku while happily eating her own.

    "Mmmmm!" hummed the half-beast, wiggling in place as the tangy citrus and sugar flooded her taste buds. "What flavor is yours? Mine is orange!"

    [wc: 770 || total: 4130/4000 || 3/3 tokens - Witch's Brew x2, A Little Night Music x2, Coffin Up Candy x2 - Event Complete]


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