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    Liber Perditorum

    Kotomi Kadenkouji
    Kotomi Kadenkouji

    Lineage : Unyielding Upset
    Position : None
    Posts : 142
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,625

    Completed Liber Perditorum

    Post by Kotomi Kadenkouji 5th October 2022, 10:04 am


    Magic Name: Liber Perditorum
    Magic Type: Primary: Summon; Secondary: Curse
    Description: The Liber Perditorum, roughly translating to The Book of the Lost, is actually a collection of tomes which represent cursed, forgotten, or damned creatures, the spirits of which are entrapped within the book, available only to the most accomplished of spellcasters. Iroha has taken the book itself and magically reformed it into a bag, upon which are an annoying number of badges, each one containing the spirit of a summon. By speaking the command word of a creature within, she can call it forth to assist her in battle or research. The tome is, of course, cursed. Should Iroha prove herself unworthy at any time, Liber Perditorum is fully prepared to pull her into one of the pages of the damned.

    (Note: Anything that might seem like it requires PC/Powerful NPC approval, does. I am of course always working with other players.)
    Unique Abilities:

    • Ability 1: Insigne Exercitus: Liber Perditorum is created for the purpose of summoning an army at the beck and call of the proper wielder. With Iroha’s finesse for magic, she quickly became — though may not have been intended as — the proper wielder. As a result, she is capable of bringing forth the cursed army held within. She can simultaneously conjure a summon and a requip at once, or two summons of the same rank, provided the two are below her current acknowledged rank as a spell caster.

    • Ability 2: Mutua Exsules: With the power to summon comes the power to banish, if done correctly. Iroha has the power to utilize her summons against her opponents’ conjurings to create a mutually assured destruction. By banishing one of her own summons, she can in turn temporarily remove a summon of an adversary, provided they are the same relative strength.

    • Ability 3: Mors Custodia: The Libre Perditorum grants a ward against the destruction of any of the damned creatures within its pages. The first time any summon would be destroyed by damage, it instead retains the slightest sliver of life. However, this takes a toll on the tome-bearer. Iroha suffers a small amount of damage in exchange for the sustained life of her creations.

    Signature Spells


    Name: Insigne Repulsam
    Rank: B (to S)
    Duration: 6 (to 10) Rounds
    Description: The bag at her side glows with cursed energy, firing at her chosen foe and slowing their progress.  



    Requip Spell

    Name: Kayıp Zaman, Chronomistress
    Rank: C
    Requip Type: Item (Pocket Watch)
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment:
    Duration: 5 Rounds
    Liber Perditorum S1NEUq0

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Summon Spells

    Name: Fanteria Divoratrice Di Sogni Avanguardia, Baku Soldier
    Rank: D
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment:
    Duration: 3 Rounds
    Liber Perditorum 2oOXa2q

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Name: Fanteria Divoratrice Di Sogni Cavalleria, Baku Soldiers
    Rank: D
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment:
    Duration: 3 Rounds
    Liber Perditorum 5uRmmQd

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Name: Fanteria Divoratrice Di Sogni Saliente, Baku Soldiers
    Rank: D
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment:
    Duration: 3 Rounds
    Liber Perditorum PsdcnLg

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Name: Rey del Bosque Perdido, Gran Cazador
    Rank: C
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment:
    Duration: 3 Rounds
    Liber Perditorum KwxFBqu

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Name: Banríon Gan Cheann an Damanta, Dullahan
    Rank: B
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment:
    Duration: 6 Rounds
    Liber Perditorum LoNlD5S

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Note: Locked Until A but I couldn’t resist writing this one
    Name: Wicked Vision of Peril, The Fucking Mothman
    Rank: A
    Grade: Normal
    Linked Equipment:
    Duration: 7 Rounds
    Liber Perditorum VMf0WPM

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Passive Spells


    Advanced Spells

    Rank: D+
    Requip Type:
    Linked Equipment:

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Rank: C+
    Linked Equipment:

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Name: Coedwig Y Tylwyth Teg Yn Ei Blodau, Gaeluna
    Rank: B+ (Ranks up to A+)
    Grade: Grande Summon
    Linked Equipment: Clicky.
    Duration: 8 (9) Rounds
    Description: Gaeluna is the only summon within the Liber that still lives. The runes for its summon are kept on a thin ring rather than being on the bag. More about her can be found within her description, but she serves as a soothing force for Iroha, twirling her ring often being the focus of calming Iroha’s nerves.

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:


    Put your dukes up, let's settle this.
    Char. Profile | Erbagos | Lady of the Tome
    | Liber Perditorum |
    Golden Lacrima 9/30/2024

    Completed Re: Liber Perditorum

    Post by Guest 6th October 2022, 4:44 am


    Liber Perditorum QlhAT3Z

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