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    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's


    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Guest 26th August 2022, 5:22 am

    “I only asked them to send me a couple…” The blonde woman sighed, shaking her head as she glanced down at the table she was sitting at. There were jobs littered all over it and Bastila was having a rather difficult time sorting through them all. It had been quite some time since she had last actually taken one on and that was part of the reason why she was so eager to get back on the trail again, so to speak. Some of the offers in front of her were ones she could simply not accept, due to her new status as a legal mage but there were at least a few that were tempting. Still, it was rather difficult for her to decide and as she took a sip from her cup, her blue eyed gaze would glance up briefly and look around.

    She was in her favourite coffee shop, a place that she had been coming to for years and a local haunt that had been a place of comfort for her during the tough times in her life. Fortunately, those unhappy memories had long since passed and nowadays, she was simply happy to have been reunited with her daughter once again and to have found a new guild, one where both Sakura and herself could hopefully find a little stability and happiness. They had both been through enough and as she sat and drank from her cup again, a warm smile crossed her features, one that reached her blue grey coloured eyes.

    Her moment of bliss was rather unexpectedly spoiled as her Phoenix companion Faeya decided to choose that moment to fly through the door of the cafe and land slap bang on top of all of the job papers, sending them all over the place and nearly sending the woman’s coffee flying too.

    Yet, rather than scowl at her companion and scold her, Bastila would simply chuckle and stroke the beautiful creature’s head, resulting in the Phoenix starting to sing with joy. "You always did know how to make an entrance.”

    (346 Words)

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Danny 31st August 2022, 10:56 am

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    A trio walked down the street, or more a pair of twins and a little pink haired carbon copy of the pink haired man running ahead. The child had spotted something flying and wanted to go after it. “Slow down!” The pink haired man cried out before he had to start running after the child.

    Following after the phoenix was a little boy of about eight years of age. He had bright pink hair and purplish eyes. He looked around the shop to see where the bird went. And as soon as he saw it, he was scooped up in the arms of the man who looked just like him. “You can’t run off like that, Sammy! You could get hurt.” The man huffs as he crouches next to his child and catches his breath.

    The blond haired twin casually strolled in with a hand stuffed in his pocket. “Catch your little speeder, Danny?” He chuckles as he looks up. “Hey Sammy, how about we get a drink? Chocolate milk?” The little boys eyes looked up at his uncle before smiling.

    They went to the line as the man named Danny stood up and went to where the phoenix rested itself. He picked up a few of the papers near him and handed them back to the woman. “I’m sorry if my son chased after your pet? Companion?” He says with a sweet smile. “He’s rather excitable easily, and full of energy. I wish I could steal it sometimes.” He ran a hand through his hair, still holding onto the papers he picked up if they weren’t taken from him yet.

    || Words: 271 || Thread Total: 617 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Bastila Kisagami
    Enemies: ???



    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Guest 11th September 2022, 6:00 am

    “Not to worry. There are days where I wish I could steal some of my daughters too.” Bastila replied to the young man with a smile, taking the papers from him and placing them in a pile beside her. “Thank you. I am glad that your son is so fond of my companion here. It is not often that Faeya finds herself being chased and I suppose she got a little spooked. I doubt she will take it personally though. Say hello to the little guy, Faeya.”

    The bird sang a note in answer and rose into the air again, before flying over gently to where the young boy was lining up and swooping around his head a few times. She was a sweet soul in truth, as most of her species were and more often than not, other souls that were similar to hers tended to draw her in. That was how she and Bastila had forged their bond, many years ago and ever since then, they had become inseparable.

    Taking a sip of her coffee, she would then add, mentally chiding herself. “Oh dear. Where are my manners? My name is Bastila Kisagami, a member of the Luminous Rose guild.” She extended a hand for the young man to shake, wanting to get off on the right foot. He seemed like a polite enough fellow and the tall blonde woman saw no reason to be anything other than friendly. She had to admit that he and his son looked so similar which eventually caused her to say. “I have to say that the resemblance between you and your son is striking.”

    (273 Words)
    (890 TWC)

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Experience : 8,192

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Danny 16th September 2022, 2:50 pm

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    The pink haired man was surprised with the response about stealing childrens energy, but smiled as she understood what he meant, probably on just as personal of a level as he did. He watched the phoenix fly over to Sammy and swoop above his head. The child giggled as he reached his hand up happily to try and ‘catch’ the bird as it flew.

    As the woman introduced herself, Danny gasped and quickly reached both of his hands out to grab hers as he smiled. “I am Daniel von Weiss, but you can call me Danny. I’m a member of the Silver Wolf Guild. How is Luminous Rose?” He had to question curiously. He seen a sorcerers magazine with some members in it as the cover before, but he never read into the guild as a whole. As the comment about his son having a striking resemblance, he nervously smiled. “Ah… yeah, his mother was a special being, that allowed him to look more like me than herself.” He scratched his cheek with a finger a bit. He looked over to the child and smiled. “My son’s name is Samuel, and the blond with him is my twin, Arminius. We prefer to go by shorter versions of our names, Sammy and Armi for them.” He says as he watches his brother hold a cup holder of three to-go drinks to the table with his other hand holding onto the young child's hand while bringing him to the table.

    “Here, got you one of those silly pumpkin cinnamon latte things you like.” He says as he puts the cup holder on the table and took out the kids cup of chocolate milk and a black coffee, putting the kids drink in front of the chair that Sammy was climbing into and already sipping it near immediately.

    “Aw, thanks A-”

    “You have a tab now for twenty bucks and change.”

    Danny sighs as he lowers his head. Of course. He shakes his head and looks back up to Bastila, smiled to her again. “Bastila, this is my brother Armi. Armi, Bastila.” He then looks over to Sammy before leaning close to him. “Sammy, can you say hello to miss Bastila too? And her companion is named Faeya, right?” He sat up straight as Sammy turned to Bastila with a chocolate mustache smile.

    “Hello miss Bastila!” The child went back to drinking his milk happily.

    Armi sipped his drink as he gave Bastila a nod for his greeting. Danny knew Armi didn’t fully trust anyone that Danny met usually because of the trouble he could get himself into.

    || Words: 435 || Personal Total: 706 || Thread Total: 1325 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Bastila Kisagami
    Enemies: ???



    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Guest 23rd September 2022, 5:36 am

    It had to be said that Bastila had not expected the man to have shook her hand with quite so much vigour but she wasn’t upset in the least. “A pleasure to meet you Daniel. I’ve heard of Silver Wolf but haven’t had the chance yet to visit or speak to any of their members. I’m glad that I have the chance now. I considered your guild before choosing to join Luminous Rose instead.” A chuckle escaped her lips as he asked about hers and she answered honestly. “It is quite a lively place and I’ve never met such a cheerful and bright group of youngsters in all my life. The members have so much energy and I can’t help but feel that all of them are my kids, as silly as that might sound. My daughter, Sakura, is a member too and the guild has helped bring us closer together.”

    His words regarding Sammy caused Bastila to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. “A special being? As in not human?” After a moment or two, she realised that the question might have been indiscreet or rude and swiftly added. “Forgive me for my curiosity, if you prefer not to answer that then I will not be offended at all.” She had some experience with non-human beings herself although in general, that was mostly her beloved pet, who was amusing herself with the customers. No one bothered the bird though as Bastila was a regular and so Faeya was too. The phoenix followed the blonde everywhere now.

    There was an interruption then as both Sammy and the blonde young man approached, a figure that Danny soon introduced as Armi. Bastila turned her gaze towards him for a moment, her experienced eye seeming to size him up. There was a swagger to him that was instantly recognisable and judging by the fact he left Danny with the bill, Bastila reckoned that he was the troublemaker of the family, so to speak. There was always one. In the takeover mage’s case it had been her husband, a man that had only shown his true colours towards the end of their marriage.

    As Sammy turned around to say hello, Bastila would turn to him and smile. “Hello there, Sammy, enjoying your milk?”

    Faeya would choose that moment to reappear and land beside the boy, seemingly interested in not only him but his drink, a fact that caused Bastila to smile. “Behave, dear Faeya, let him drink in peace.” The bird chirped in response but did not move a muscle.

    In response to Armi’s nod, she would return in kind curtly. “Nice to meet you, Armi.” She decided not to push him too much, as he gave off the impression that he did not want to be bothered. The legal mage could respect that, even if she was a little wary of him in return.

    Turning back to Danny, she would then ask. “So, what brings you to Rose Garden? Here to do some shopping?”

    (500 Words)
    (1825 TWC)

    Last edited by Bastila Kisagami on 13th November 2022, 8:11 am; edited 1 time in total

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Danny 6th November 2022, 5:16 am

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    The young man smiled to the woman as she answered his question about the pink guild of Luminous Rose. He felt intrigued by the guild, but he was in no mood or rush to transfer guilds once again. He just settled down in Silver Wolf, and Sammy was quite enjoying the wolves of the place. When Bastila questioned Sammy’s mother, he cleared his throat and nodded a bit to her question. “Y-yeah, I found out a little after I met her that she wasn’t human, but could take on the shape of one. She was still nice regardless.”

    “Please, even if you knew beforehand you still would have slept with her.” Arminius snickered at his brother. Danny shrugged his shoulders a little bit and looked at the little carbon copy blowing bubbles into his milk happily after he sat down.

    When the phoenix came next to Sammy, he reached a hand out to touch her head happily, rubbing it softly and continued to suck on his drink for a moment before releasing the straw. After his greeting, he smiled to Bastila and nodded some more to her. “Chocolate milk is the best kind of milk. Strawberry and regular milk don’t even compare!” He giggles before he drinks his drink again.

    As attention was on Danny again, he finished the sip he had started of his drink, and set it on the table. “We had heard there was a really great toy store here, but I kind of forgot where exactly it was in Rose Garden… I haven’t exactly been here before…” He nervously scratched his cheek as his brother snorted. “And I never showed Armi the flyer either, so he couldn’t help me like usual. Guess you not being a ghost anymore has it’s downfall, right?” He laughs to Armi, who sighs at the information slipped out, and waits for Bastila to give a look or ask about it so he could properly answer before his twin.

    || Words: 327 || Personal Total: 1033 || Thread Total: 2152 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Bastila Kisagami
    Enemies: ???



    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Guest 13th November 2022, 8:32 am

    The eyes of the tall blonde would briefly move from one to the other as they spoke about Sammy’s mother but she did not add anything more. From the sounds of it, Danny was quite the ladies man, a notion that brought a slight smile to her face. Her husband had been quite the charmer too when they had first gotten together although unfortunately that did not last once Sakura had come along. He had taken her condition badly and was never the same man again. How had the marriage ended? In flames, both figuratively and literally.

    Bastila chuckled as Sammy replied to her and Faeya chirped, inquisitively peering at the boy's glass. “She has taken a liking to you. Not something she does all that often.” That was no exaggeration, as the phoenix had always been rather picky. Her close ally had always been drawn to sweet and innocent souls, those who had not been twisted by darkness and anger. The bird had certainly gotten over the boy having chased her earlier on.

    Her eyes lit up when Danny spoke of the toy store, knowing of it rather well and answered rather swiftly. “Oh yes. There is a great one at the end of the street. I am sure that you will find something there to keep Sammy occupied, when there is no chocolate milk to do the job.” Her tone was tender and she smiled once again at the small family before her. There needed to be more happy families in Fiore, as so often had Bastila seen so many fall apart in her time, her own included. Seeing the three get along so well warmed her heart.

    Danny’s last comment did cause an eyebrow to rise though, the gaze of the blonde mage turning from one twin to the other. “You look perfectly solid to me. Are you poltergeists or something?” She was simply curious rather than alarmed, having had a little experience with spirits herself.

    (329 Words)
    (2481 TWC)

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
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    Experience : 8,192

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Danny 5th December 2022, 7:24 am

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    As Sammy was told that Faeya liked him, he moved an arm to wrap it around the birds neck in a one armed hug.

    “Gently, Sammy!” Danny’s voice was a little panicked at the action, and he physically tensed a bit till he was sure that the young child was being gentle with his affection to the bird. He was trying to teach the child to be gentle with animals to not hurt them. As Bastila spoke of the toy store, Danny’s eyes went back to the woman and raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Could I trouble you to come with us?” He glanced at Sammy who was giggling as he drank his milk and slightly swayed from side to side with his arm still tucked around the phoenix’s neck.

    Armi had shifted enough to tap Danny’s leg with his knee, letting him know he had an eye on his nephew. He looked at the woman as she asked him if he was a poltergeist, and shrugged his shoulders. “Kind of. But this numbskull decided to eat a piece of candy at a rave and suddenly- poof! Here I am as physical as any other being. I can shift between ghost and human though.” He shrugged his shoulder once again, holding up his arm and letting it shift from opaque to a translucent object, one that can very much go through things before setting himself back in proper place for others' comfort.

    Sammy was giggling up to his uncle. It was honestly still a new concept to the child, being able to actually see his uncle in person. He also instantly became his favorite person in the whole wide world. Armi ate that up too. Sammy liked it when his uncle did the disappearing act too. It was like a cool party trick to the tike.

    The blond twin reached over and ruffled his nephews hair a bit. “Drink up, bud. Especially if you want to go to the toy store.” He smiled to the kid before sitting back and looking to Bastila. He was still keeping an eye on the kid while Danny drank his drink and sighs.

    “You do have to admit though, me eating that was really great. For you at least.” He shrugs his shoulders as he glanced behind him. He could still see the other ghosts. Hear them too.

    || Words: 393 || Personal Total: 1426 || Thread Total: 2874 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Bastila Kisagami
    Enemies: ???



    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Guest 7th December 2022, 6:06 am

    Faeya was not awfully pleased about being grabbed by the neck and flapped her wings a few times in surprise. The phoenix did not overreact more than that though and thankfully did not shoot fire or anything like that. It was fortunate that the ancient being was generally a calm and gentle soul, meaning that although she gave the boy a bit of a dirty look, that was all there was to it and once she managed to get out of the boy’s grip, she would softly perch on his shoulder. The bird did not hold grudges after all and she was intelligent enough to know that Sammy did not mean any harm. She started to sing after a moment or two, a calming melody which would seem to affect everyone around them.

    Smiling towards her pet and the youngster, Bastila would simply state. “Please be a little softer with her, Sammy, she does not like being grabbed too firmly.” Her tone was gentle enough though and she was not angry about the situation, knowing that the boy was just being affectionate in his own way.

    It was then that Danny asked her if she wished to visit the toy store with the trio and after a moment of thought, she replied with a nod. “I will happily come along with you if you would like. There is nothing too important that I need to do today so I have some free time.” Ever since Sakura had set out on her own, making the most of her new career and status as a legal mage, Bastila had found herself with more free time than she had ever had before.

    She chuckled as Armi spoke about how he had become able to take on a physical form and his ghostly status. “That must have been quite a spectacle to say the least.” Her eyebrows rose as she watched him give an example of his talents, causing her to add with a smile. “I bet you have pulled a fair share of pranks with that ability.”

    (344 Words)
    (3218 TWC)

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Achiever- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Herald of Destruction
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
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    Mentor : Masha
    Experience : 8,192

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's Empty Re: Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's

    Post by Danny 23rd January 2023, 8:55 am

    Of Ghost Boys And Phoenix Momma's 3B61TaQ
    Are you CRAZY when all your friends are GHOSTS?

    At the bird moving a bit after the young one started hugging her, he let go a bit and she got away from his arms. He had started to pout till she was on his shoulder. Bastila spoke to the tike and he looked up to her. “I’m sorry miss Bastila… I’m sorry Faeya…” He gently touched the phoenix’s side, liking her song.

    Danny nervously smiled at the interaction, still a bit scared of when the child first grabbed the bird. He was also glad that Bastila was okay with this and talked calmly to him. As the older woman agreed to come with them to the toy store, the pink haired man smiled brightly. “I’m glad! I think Sammy would be upset about leaving Faeya so soon too.” The boy was happily swinging his feet as he sipped the last of his chocolate milk. He frowns at the cup and pouts to it a bit.

    The twins looked to the woman after Armi explained how he became like so, and mentioned about him pulling pranks with his ability. As soon as the word ‘pranks’ escaped her lips, Danny let up a deep sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I couldn’t tell you how many times he just makes himself disappear when we’re in the middle of conversing in public and makes me look like I’m not all there cause he picks fights with me…” He groans as Armi chuckles.

    “You already looked like that before I had this ability.” He says before sipping his own drink. He leaned over to the side and ruffled Sammy’s head a bit. “I won’t do that to you, don’t worry.” He chuckles. As he sits up straight again, Danny was glaring at Armi, which had him shrugging his shoulders as he smiled devilishly to his brother. “I’m ready to go to the store whenever you’re all ready to go.” He waves his hand towards the other two adults, letting them be in charge of this as he sat there, looking like he wasn’t ready to move really.

    || Words: 347 || Personal Total: 1773 || Thread Total: 3565 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Danny #ffccff & Arminius #cc9900
    Sammy #00ccff
    Tag: @Bastila Kisagami
    Enemies: ???


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