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    Entertaining Spoiled Nobility (Job)

    Kaito Shiratori
    Kaito Shiratori

    Quality Badge Level 1- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 171
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Entertaining Spoiled Nobility (Job) Empty Entertaining Spoiled Nobility (Job)

    Post by Kaito Shiratori 15th April 2022, 8:08 pm

    Job Info:

    Kaito wasn’t a huge fan of the rich, but he was even less impressed than usual by the one standing before him. A spoiled brat of a girl, and his so-called “date” for the ball he’d been hired to attend as her escort. So far she seemed incredibly rude, sending snide remarks ranging from comments on his height to jabs that he must be desperate for a date if he took a job to be a date for someone else. Truly, rich kids were something else, and his patience had worn thin.

    His last straw came when she made a comment on how ugly the keys hanging around his neck were, and he whirled around to face her with venom in his eyes. “You really don’t know what you’re talking about, do you, brat? These are celestial keys, proof of my power as a mage, and powerful tools! They’re not some tacky accessory! All you’ve done since we’ve arrived is talk badly about myself and everybody else in this room when nobody has done anything worthy of your vitriol! Your parents had to PAY for a date for you because you’re so rude nobody wants to go on one with you! Grow up, and stop acting like you’re the center of the universe. I can’t believe your parents are so worried about you when you’re such a spoiled brat,” he snapped, glare burning into the stunned young woman’s face.

    People around them were tittering, several even outright laughing or whispering to themselves about the drama that had played out right in front of them. Kaito didn’t look away from the young woman, who was oddly subdued compared to her previous rude and prissy attitude. She didn’t seem to know what to say, which was fine with Kaito. She needed a good calling out if her parents wanted her attitude to change.

    WC: 311/500


    Kaito Shiratori
    Kaito Shiratori

    Quality Badge Level 1- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Faction : Rune Knights
    Posts : 171
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

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    Entertaining Spoiled Nobility (Job) Empty Re: Entertaining Spoiled Nobility (Job)

    Post by Kaito Shiratori 20th May 2022, 11:23 pm

    They said nothing for a good while after that, silence stretching on endlessly. Neither was willing to speak, the girl looking down and away from Kaito as he continued to glare. He certainly wasn’t going to say anything to her, she’d been acting like a brat all night and needed to know what people were thinking!

    It was her who spoke first, eventually. One simple word, spoken in a cracked and trembling voice. “Why?”

    He didn’t answer her at first, raising an eyebrow when she finally dared to look at him. “You aren’t seriously asking me that question, are you? You’ve been acting horribly all night, and nobody else has been willing to stand up to you. I don’t care if you’re nobility, you’re not better than anybody else. You’re rude, narcissistic, and unpleasant to be around. Next time you insult someone, weigh the pros and cons if you don’t want to be embarrassed in public like this.”

    His response was brutally honest, and though he knew he was something of a hypocrite for calling the girl out like this, at least he wasn’t the type of person to make up petty lies to hurt people. His commentary was always honest to a fault, for better or worse. He just hoped that the girl would actually take a lesson from his words, and from being the subject of a heavily public outburst. If it didn’t discourage her from her nastiness, nothing would.

    WC: 242


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:28 pm