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    Remembering life of Nobility


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ArchReaper of Blood
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    Remembering life of Nobility Empty Remembering life of Nobility

    Post by Raito 29th January 2017, 7:11 pm

    Raito buttoned up his black vest, ensuring it made a nice fit, and coupled well with his white shirt. He then placed a button on the vest. The Lenarnei house insginia. He once was a noble as well, before he became a mage. He didn't really "run", per say. It was more of him, reading forbidden novels and books, that his family clearly hated. He had learned magic under his parent's eyes, making sure they weren't looking too closely at what he was doing. Raito then put on his tuxedo, and buttoned it up. If the plan was going to work, he just needed to make sure the person he was going on a date with knew what the Lenarnei house was. Once he had been outfitted like a royal, he put on his white gloves, before making out of his apartment in Magnolia.

    As he walked out the door, he looked over to the cathedral, seeing a kind of celebration of all the nobility. He used to go to these kinds of parties as a kid, but this was his first time going in 8 years. He took in a deep breath, before walking over, carrying a replica of his family's sword on his belt. As he walked to the massive cathedral, he took notice of the people. Many of them adorned with fancy dressed or suits, the women wearing gems, while the men wore badges of war.

    Suddenly, he saw someone near him. His target. Blonde, long hair, and wearing a dark red dress. Miss Sophia Gerdan. Raito walked to her, greeting her, bowing his head in reverance. He knew all the details. Sophia was also 21, and oldest sister of the house of Gerdan. One of the many alliances his father had when he was still alive.

    "Good evening, Miss Gerdan." Raito said, his accent posh, and very unlike him


    Remembering life of Nobility Bae7728def8f8fc99918310375e22e18
    Character | Raito Lenarnei | Character
    Magic | ArchReaper Of Blood | Magic
    Backstory | Death and Rebirth by Blood | Backstory
    |Passive Theme|
    |Battle Theme - Normal|
    |Battle Theme - Angered|"

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ArchReaper of Blood
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Remembering life of Nobility Empty Re: Remembering life of Nobility

    Post by Raito 29th January 2017, 8:55 pm

    Sophia didn't respond, as was the common for the greater houses to not talk to any lesser houses, unless they really needed to. Sophia grabbed hold of Raito's hand, before walking inside the cathedral. Raito started to walk with her, holding her hand as she walked inside. The inside of the cathedral was grand, with the religious images, holding fast, and staying strong on their marble columns.

    "When I saw you, I couldn't believe it." Sophia said, looking to Raito. "I thought the Lenarnei house was destroyed, killed by a rogue mage."

    "Well, I was able to escape. The last of the Lenarnei." Raito said, looking at her, smiling. "Don't worry about me, my lady..."

    "Sophia." Sophia, said, interrupting Raito. "You will address me, as Sophia..."

    Raito nodded to this, before looking around, seeing a butler, holding 4 champagne glasses. Raito, kindly, took two of the glasses from the butler, and handed one to Sophia. They both smiled at each other, before Sophia turned back to normal, her face neutral, but filled with sorrow.

    "I've heard that, after the death of your mother, you haven't been the same." Raito said, taking a sip of champagne. Sophia slightly kicked him on the leg, which Raito bended a bit, but aside from that, he didn't move at all.

    "You will not speak of her tonight, Raito. Watch your tongue. You are still of a lesser house." Sophia said


    Remembering life of Nobility Bae7728def8f8fc99918310375e22e18
    Character | Raito Lenarnei | Character
    Magic | ArchReaper Of Blood | Magic
    Backstory | Death and Rebirth by Blood | Backstory
    |Passive Theme|
    |Battle Theme - Normal|
    |Battle Theme - Angered|"

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ArchReaper of Blood
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Remembering life of Nobility Empty Re: Remembering life of Nobility

    Post by Raito 1st February 2017, 12:32 am

    Raito nodded to her in respect, before noticing the the area. There were several of the nobles dancing. He had heard Sophia wasn't acting like she was, before her mother died. Raito instantly knew what to do, and dragged her to the dance floor, grabbing her hand, and her left thigh.

    Sophia, startled by this, wanted to say something right on Raito's face, but now that she was in the middle of attention, she did not dare speak up, unless she wanted to ruin her family's reputation. Sophia just danced with Raito in the usual fashion, looking around, surprised in his knowledge of dancing.

    "You need to be more happy, Sophia. For me, and the whole of you greater house." Raito said, looking at her with a smile.

    "I can't. Ever since Mother died, I can't find a single trace of happiness. She was always the source of happiness for me, and now, she's gone." Sophia said, her face sad, with a tear near her eye. Instantly Raito quickly moved his hand in, and wiped her tear.

    "Please, just try..." Raito said, before suddenly, while everyone was focused on some of the other dancers, Sophia pushed him aside, running outside, which had darkened.


    Remembering life of Nobility Bae7728def8f8fc99918310375e22e18
    Character | Raito Lenarnei | Character
    Magic | ArchReaper Of Blood | Magic
    Backstory | Death and Rebirth by Blood | Backstory
    |Passive Theme|
    |Battle Theme - Normal|
    |Battle Theme - Angered|"

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ArchReaper of Blood
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Remembering life of Nobility Empty Re: Remembering life of Nobility

    Post by Raito 1st February 2017, 12:42 am

    Instantly Raito rushed for her, trying to look for her in the wide crowd. Everyone gave him weird glares, but sometimes just fully ignored him. He didn't really care for him, but he cared for Sophia. Suddenly, Raito saw a gleam of blonde hair outside, where the sky had darkened. Raito isntantly sprinted to her, as she saw her face in her hands.

    Raito rushed to her side, hugging her from behind, as the moon's gleam shone on them. Raito placed his face in her hair, quietly whispering to her.

    "She's always with you. Trust me." Raito said to her

    "I know she is, but it's like...I can't feel her presence." Sophia said to him. Raito also knew this feeling, and he definitely knew what to say.

    "You need to know, she is always with you. She will always be with you..." Raito said, letting go of her, as she turned to him, showing the streaks of tears

    Sophia smiled to him, walking past him, and entering back into the party, with Raito beside her.


    Remembering life of Nobility Bae7728def8f8fc99918310375e22e18
    Character | Raito Lenarnei | Character
    Magic | ArchReaper Of Blood | Magic
    Backstory | Death and Rebirth by Blood | Backstory
    |Passive Theme|
    |Battle Theme - Normal|
    |Battle Theme - Angered|"

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ArchReaper of Blood
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Remembering life of Nobility Empty Re: Remembering life of Nobility

    Post by Raito 1st February 2017, 12:48 am

    There, Sophia decided to meet up with some of her old friends. Raito watched as she continued to talk to friends, she hadn't met in a long time. They were all laughing, and smiling with her. Sophia continued to catch up with her friends, before she noticed Raito, was walking outside of the cathedral. Instantly she rushed to him, as he was outside.

    "Raito! Wait!" Sophia said, as Raito's back was turned to her

    "Yes?" Raito asked her back. "What is it Sophia?"

    "Aren't you going to stay for the party?" Sophia asked troubled. "Are you going to leave me?"

    Suddenly, something in Raito's heart ached. He remembered someone saying to him the words Sophia just said. He nearly stumbled back, but as he regained focus, he looked to her.

    "I'm sorry Sophia. I have matters to attend..." Raito said, before being hugged by Sophia. He was startled at first, but then as Sophia let go, he understood. He turned back again, grinning at her, before leaving the cathedral area.


    Remembering life of Nobility Bae7728def8f8fc99918310375e22e18
    Character | Raito Lenarnei | Character
    Magic | ArchReaper Of Blood | Magic
    Backstory | Death and Rebirth by Blood | Backstory
    |Passive Theme|
    |Battle Theme - Normal|
    |Battle Theme - Angered|"

      Current date/time is 24th October 2024, 3:05 am