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    Death Rides A Horse


    Death Rides A Horse Empty Death Rides A Horse

    Post by Guest 8th April 2022, 9:06 am

    Rolling for my victims.

    8 Normal: 16 Beasttamers with 32 Beasts
    1 Strong: 1 Sand Raider
    1 Boss: 1 Desert Bloodhunter

    Last edited by Kalama on 8th April 2022, 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Death Rides A Horse Empty Death Rides A Horse

    Post by NPC 8th April 2022, 9:06 am

    The member 'Kalama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh Death Rides A Horse PzArA86 Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh Death Rides A Horse NXDHjfc Death Rides A Horse OdAaNwh

    Death Rides A Horse Empty Re: Death Rides A Horse

    Post by Guest 8th April 2022, 11:24 am

    The idiots of Desierto had finally played their hand and launched an attack on the country of Minstrel. A bold move but one that would no doubt end in failure, thanks primarily to one particular figure who had just reached the sight of the largest battle and quite a fight it was too. The entire countryside before her was covered in blood and fire, with warriors of both sides struggling for their lives. There was no quarter being given here and although the armoured figure cared little for either side, she had least had the slightest modicum of respect for those who fought with all of their power, even if it was a minimal amount. The figure, riding an enormous black stallion, her expression hidden by the helmet that completed her outfit of death, could feel her pulse racing, the beating of her heart starting to increase in pace as she watched and the temptation to get stuck in immediately was too much to bear. She had been ordered to wait and defend the area that had been assigned to her but that was not going to happen.

    With a kick to her great beast's ribs, the horse and his rider would start to thunder towards the carnage, without the slightest amount of fear. No, it was the duo who would inspire that emotion and both animal and human began to pulse with magical energy, increasing their pace and preparing to unleash hell from the start. The horse would create five phantom like stallions from its form, turning what had begun as, what would appear to be, a one horse suicide charge into a six beast wall of terror. The animals destroyed the terrain that they trampled over and as they came across their first victims, a group of five beast tamers, they would reach the limit of their speed, crashing into the Desertian fools and hurling them away backwards. A mighty blow indeed and as the men struggled to their feet, the armoured figure would leap from her steed and begin her assault, a blade of crimson colour appearing in her hand.

    Sprinting towards the men with incredible speed, the warrior would waste not a moment of time, slicing through the first tamer that she encountered before he even knew what hit him. It all happened in the blink of an eye and the sheer shock that could be seen in the eyes of the other tamers was evident. The dead tamers beasts, both large cat like creatures would howl in rage due to the death of their handler and would instantly turn on their own allies, slashing and biting at both animal and human. It was complete carnage and as Kalama swung her lightsaber towards any foe who got into range of her, the bloodlust quickly consumed her, allowing it to fuel her every strike. To think that there was once a time where she had been unable to feel such glorious sensations and now? She could just not get enough, a drug of the most potent kind. With one enormous blow from her blade, she would sever the head of one of the tamers and a roar escaped her that seemed to echo across the battlefield.

    Her horse was not exactly standing still either and he caught one of the wild beasts with an immense mule kick to the temple, launching the lizard-like creature back and sending it crashing to the ground. His owner's fire and rage seemed to infect him too and the furious anger behind his attacks was a mirror image of Kalama’s. The two fought with such teamwork that their enemies did not have a hope in hell’s chance of surviving. Ducking his head slightly, the horse would neigh as Kalama leapt over him to intercept a diving sand worm, the warrior's lightsaber cutting straight through the creature's body. Taking the chance, the warrior would then lift the worm’s body and throw both halves at its owner to knock him off balance, before tearing forwards and plunging her blade through his abdomen.

    A horrible cry reached her ears at that point and Kalama swiftly turned to see yet another tamer lying motionlessly on the floor, her head having been trampled upon by her own raging beast. Four had now fallen to the pair, while a fifth had been unfortunate enough to have been killed by the beast tamer's own animals. Both the warrior and her horse prepared to fight them off, however, the new free creatures decided to take another path, instead charging towards another group of tamers that were close by. Clearly, the Desertians did not treat their pets well and she would swiftly mount her horse once more, before pointing him towards the marauding beasts.

    “Forwards, Doomreaver!” she roared, her voice metallic in tone due to her helmet, “We will remove these weak minded fools next!”

    The horse reared onto his hind legs for a moment and then took off once more, both woman and beast ready to destroy their next targets. The next group of tamers were at least a little more aware, noticing the charging creatures coming towards them and unleashed their own pets, resulting in an almighty clash of claws and jaws. It was a savage scene but Kalama’s masked gaze remained fixed on the men hiding behind their animals. Tightening her grip on Doomreaver, she would kick him in the sides, pushing him onwards and without the slightest hint of fear, the horse would jump, an enormous leap that cleared all of the fighting animals, releasing a chilling neigh that seemed to freeze all those who heard it with fear.

    One of the tamers was unable to handle it and broke ranks, running for his life in an attempt to get away but with another kick to his side, Kalama would send her beast after him, her lightsaber ready in her right hand. There was no chance that he could outrun her horse and with one slash from her blade once in range, the headless coward’s body would drop to the ground.

    Six down and hopefully, many more to go.

    (1022 Words)

    (10 Beasttamers remaining)
    (1 Sand Raider remaining)
    (1 Desert Bloodhunter remaining)

    Death Rides A Horse Empty Re: Death Rides A Horse

    Post by Guest 8th April 2022, 12:58 pm

    Her display of barbarity definitely had an effect on the other four tamers and as Kalama commanded her horse to turn around and plunge towards the group, the men could do nothing but simply try to get out of the way. What else could the fools do? Their precious beasts were still in deadly combat with the ones that Kalama had freed previously. A graphic battle too, with the corpses of a wide variety of creatures now laying all over the blood stained ground. One of the tamers, however, was unable to avoid the charging horse and was struck directly, knocking him aside and sending him to the floor, stunned. The others made no move to help him and instead tried to get the few beasts left under control, while Kalama spun her horse around again and turned her masked gaze to the winded male. A simple slash with her lightsaber would not be his fate and switching her lightsaber to her left hand, the warrior would then point down towards him with her right, a spiritual version of her hand moving down and wrapping around his throat. She would then raise her limb upwards, with the spell version following her movements exactly, until the man was hovering a good six feet in the air, the ghostly hand around his throat. Slowly, Kalama would close her hand, tightening her grip, while he began to kick and struggle as he desperately tried to breathe. There was no let up though and as his hands helplessly tried to break her ghostly grip, she would close her hand completely, breaking his neck with a horrific snap. His body now nothing more than an empty shell, Kalama would drop it like a bad habit.

    That, of course, turned another two of the beasts against their allies and the three remaining tamers were once again forced into taking cover as the battle of the creatures started once more. It was pitiful that these men relied on beasts to fight when the armoured woman thought about it and she frankly admired the animals more than she did their owners. They were so cowardly that she did not even deem them as suitable opposition for her, unlike the warriors that she had seen while watching the battle and with that thought in mind, she would unleash a powerful barrage of lightning in the direction of the moronic fools. The spell was a direct hit and the three were soon twitching helplessly on the floor, screaming and howling for mercy as the woman electrocuted them. The screeching was so loud and horrible that it could cause the ears of the cold blooded person to bleed but she did not stop, torturing them without restraint. They deserved to die in such a way and as the pain continued to wrack through their bodies, their bodies contorted in the most disturbing of ways.

    She would have simply kept up the blast until the three died but to her utmost surprise, the warrior would feel an enormous weight barreling into the side of her and knocking her off of her horse, her lightsaber flying from her hand. With a shrill neigh, the horse would bolt forwards in surprise, charging into the three tamers and stampeding right over the top of them, leaving a rather bloody mess behind. The fools were certainly dead but not in the way that Kalama had hoped they would be killed.

    The masked woman had her own problems though, as she found herself inches away from two rows of immensely sharp teeth. She had been struck by one of the more loyal of the beasts, a large canine type. Its eyes were wild with bloodlust and rage, doing everything in its power to rip Kalama’s head clean off. For a few moments, the two would struggle, the gigantic creature so close to landing a dreadful bite but Kalama managed to summon her force powers and push the monster away, sending it flying into the air and away from her. Rolling over to where the weapon lay, the dark mage would then launch it upward, where it struck the dog in the stomach, a fatal blow to put it mildly. The creature had earned such a death for actually having the guts to fight her properly, unlike its former owners.

    Irritated by what had occurred, Kalama would swiftly return to her feet, before whistling for her horse. There did not appear to be any damage to her garb and as the warrior rotated a few times, her gaze would once more look across the battlefield. It was becoming more of a bloodbath by the moment and as she felt the familiar presence of her horse as he came to a halt beside her again, Kalama would waste no time in clambering up once again. The duo were not done yet and as she heard the sound of yet another animal, she would direct Doomreaver around to find a rather intriguing sight.

    Another tamer but one who was riding one of his beasts, a camel of sorts although one that was clearly bred for battle more than anything else. It was foaming from the mouth and pawing the ground like a bull. The rider seemed to be in a similar sort of mind, a short sword in hand, one that was pointed directly at Kalama. There was no need for words between the two and taking a firm grip on her lightsaber, she would order her horse forward, with the tamer following suit with his camel. Like jousters of old, the two warriors would charge towards each other but when it came to who would land the killing strike, there would only be one winner. The armoured mage was just too quick and she cleaved off his arm with the most accurate of swings. With a cry of pain, he would tumble off of his horse and crash to the ground, desperately scrambling for one of his swords but before he could even think of fighting back, the sound of hoofprints could be heard and the hum of Kalama’s blade sounded once more. The last sound he would hear.

    (1030 Words)
    (2052 TWC)

    (5 Beasttamers remaining)
    (1 Sand Raider remaining)
    (1 Desert Bloodhunter remaining)

    Death Rides A Horse Empty Re: Death Rides A Horse

    Post by Guest 9th April 2022, 12:45 pm

    The armoured warrior hoped that he would be the last of the tamers that she would have to carve through today. They had proven to be such a letdown in terms of being a challenge and as she gazed down silently at her latest victim, a sigh of frustration could be heard through her mask. Perhaps she should head for where the bulk of their forces were stationed and attack there instead? Yes, that sounded far more invigorating to her and with her mind made up, the bloodlust filled warrior would again kick her horse in the flanks, sending him onwards and tearing across the countryside. Truthfully, she cared little about who would go on to win the war and had only signed up as a member of The Ironheart Pact due to the immense wealth that it possessed. They had made a far more enticing offer and Kalama had been all too eager to accept. Why the disguise? Intimidation. No more, no less. She certainly did not fear any consequences that could possibly befall her due to her choice of side, as anyone foolish enough to press her on the subject would find themselves with her lightsaber turning them into a shishkebab.

    Unfortunately, her attempt at finding more powerful prey would be for nought as the all too familiar sight of a group of tamers soon came into view. “Oh for fuck sake!” The warrior hissed angrily, the novelty now well and truly worn off with fighting their intriguing beasts. Despite her annoyance, she would not simply ignore them and so she brought Doomreaver to a halt once more and began to approach the five tamers. These ones were ready for her and had built up a defence, with all ten beasts lined up, waiting to attack. They were unusual creatures, part lion, part bird and part woman, which did somewhat arouse the warrior’s interest once more. Large in size too, standing at about twice the height of their human tamers. Perhaps these would be more of a challenge after all, perhaps being the word.

    Doomreaver pawed at the ground with hoof, ready once more to dash head long into battle alongside his rider. That raw desire was more than matched by the warrior and together, they once more engaged the enemy, with the stallion summoning his spectral allies in order to spread terror in the hearts of the beasts towards them, while also using his powerful neigh in order to amplify the sensations. So often did people underestimate the powers of Kalama’s horse and more often than not, they ended up paying for it. Joining in with the magical attacks, Kalama would begin to channel the force around her, creating a dome like structure that continued to grow in size around her, waiting to erupt. The two sides would meet with an explosive blast of light, with both steed and rider unleashing their spells powers together, annihilating everything in close proximity.

    When the light faded, the sphinxes had been hurled all over the place, struggling and staggering to return to their feet. They were hardy creatures for certain and once more, Kalama nodded in approval of that fact. The same could not be said for their owners, who were lying close together, complete and utterly stunned by the violent explosion. Weak and useless, again. With their pets unable to aid them, the warrior would grumpily lead her horse towards the downed men, before delivering one burst of lightning from her left hand in order to kill them outright. Such a disappointing display and as the warrior turned her horse around to deal with the beasts, she was suddenly interrupted by one of them speaking to her although whether it was verbally or per telepathy, she could not say.

    “Wait! Masked Warrior! Do not finish us!” It pleaded, its voice seemingly female. “Allow us to live and we will aid you in your endeavours. We were treated as little more than insects by our so-called masters. Let us have our revenge upon them!”

    “What are you?” Kalama asked, seemingly interested for the moment.

    “Your kind refers to us as Sphinxes. We are creatures of old that have been forcibly tamed by the people of Desierto. Where once we roamed both the skies and land, now we are kept on a leash. We desire our freedom and by setting us free here, you have started something that will make a real difference to our country.” The creature's voice was bitter indeed but there was a hint of admiration too.

    “I have no interest in your country and I am sure as hell no saint to be praised but vengeance is something that I know a great deal about. If you wish to kill the people who enslaved you then I will allow you to do so. Take the ten you have here and wipe out as many of my enemies as possible. Do that and I will consider ourselves even in exchange for my sparing of your lives. The effect of my spell will fade momentarily and you will be free to move once more. Make the most of it and feast well.”

    The reaction from the ten was a roar of approval that shook the ground and with the deal struck, Kalama and her steed would return to their original course, heading for the enemies base of operations.

    (899 Words)
    (2951 TWC)

    (0 Beasttamers remaining)
    (1 Sand Raider remaining)
    (1 Desert Bloodhunter remaining)

    Death Rides A Horse Empty Re: Death Rides A Horse

    Post by Guest 12th April 2022, 10:55 am

    Galloping across the fields without the slightest hint of tiredness, Doomreaver would carry his mistress onwards, his eyes blazing with fury and wrath. He was such a ferocious beast and Kalama had to confess that she had become rather fond of him in the time that they had been together. Before they had met, she had never even ridden a horse before but from the moment they had caught each other’s eye, a connection had been forged between them. There were moments where she did not even have to give him orders, as the stallion seemed to already know what she wanted. A telepathic link between the pair which made them the perfect combination. The masked warrior had no idea of who just who his original owner had been but they had done a damn good job in training him. He was fearless, as she was and that made all the difference and was what had earned her respect, more than anyone else, beast or man.

    The endless battalion of tamers had appeared to have been defeated and besides the occasional foot soldier, the pair did not run into another foe for quite some time. She knew that there had to be more than just tamers, that had to be. Her desire for a challenge and insatiable blood demanded no less and the thought of being disappointed only increased her rage. She would get her fill, no matter how far she had to travel, even if she had to travel into hell itself in order to do so.

    Entering hell would be necessary though and eventually another figure eventually came into view, one that radiated with magical power and clearly a cut above the cowards that she had already fought. He stood there without moving, before suddenly casting a spell which sent fireballs darting towards the horse and rider. Doomreaver managed to evade the first few but the smell of singed horsehair soon filled Kalama’s nostrils as her steed was struck in the leg, causing him to fall and hurling his rider off. The masked warrior landed flat on her back but was aware enough to roll to her right, narrowly missing another burst of fire that was careering towards her. All Doomreaver could do was neigh in pain, his right front leg horribly scorched.

    Beside herself with anger, the dark mage would climb to her feet, her fallen blade returned to her hand with the slighted movement of the blonde’s wrist. Her opponent had closed the gap in the meantime, wielding fire in one hand and sand in the other, an arrogant smile on his face that Kalama dearly wanted to strike off. Without a word, he would start to hurl magical attacks from both hands, a nasty combination of the two elements he wielded that forced Kalama to remain on the move, jumping and evading his attacks as she tried to get an attack in herself. He was relentless and a searing pain eventually erupted through her body as one of the fireballs caught her in the side, evoking a wild cry of surprise and hatred from the warrior. The attack had gone through her armour, revealing a foul looking burn on her pale skin.

    Summoning her powers, she would screech again although this one was magical in nature, resulting in a powerful soundwave to travel towards her foe, forcing him to have to summon a light based shield to defend himself. For a few moments, attack meant defence in a powerful battle of wills but in the end, he was just about able to block Kalama’s attack.

    He would come to wish that he had not.

    An aura would start to appear from Kalama as she allowed herself to be consumed completely by her hatred, focusing on her love of destruction and how she wished to rip the man in front of her limb from limb. Her armour responded as well, with dark red lines starting to appear upon it, a sign of the error that he had just made by successfully striking her. Force Rage was not a spell that she used regularly and one that she knew would have an effect on her later but for now, she did not care. Her magical power exploded in intensity and her anger was so palpable that it would feel like waves of heat coming from her.

    “BASTARD!” She roared, charging forward with incredible speed and forcing him to quickly have to teleport, appearing a short distance away but it was simply not far enough and with speed like hers, Kalama was on him quickly. Her left hand would make a gripping gesture, its spiritual version flying forward and grabbing his throat before he could move again. There would be no slow torture this time around and she viciously broke his neck without any hesitation but that was not enough and before his body hit the ground, she would deliver an enormous blow from her lightsaber, cutting him in half.

    With him dead, Kalama would spin around, hoping beyond hope that another enemy would be awaiting her but for the moment at least, she and her horse were alone again. Doomreaver soon neighed at her, his leg still burnt and swiftly handling the situation, she would approach her steed, kneel down and place her weaponless hand on his burnt limb. Her horse writhed but understood what was happening and as Kalama focused her powers on him, his burn soon started to heal, until it looked exactly the same as any of his other legs. He gratefully stood up and tested out his healed limb before standing beside Kalama again, once more ready to lead her into battle.

    The mage briefly considered healing her own wound but decided to leave it, knowing the pain would only strengthen her. Leaping into the air and landing perfectly upon him, she would shout, “We are going to end this now! Everyone dies! Everyone!”

    (991 Words)
    (3942 TWC)

    (0 Beasttamers remaining)
    (0 Sand Raider remaining)

    (1 Desert Bloodhunter remaining)

    Death Rides A Horse Empty Re: Death Rides A Horse

    Post by Guest 12th April 2022, 1:15 pm

    Her war cry echoed across the landscape with such volume that it was enough to send a chill down the spines of anyone who heard it and as her seemingly endless search for enemies continued, Kalama and her stallion would resume their hunt. The further they travelled, the less action they found, something that the blonde assumed meant that Desierto were focused far more on conquering than they were about defending their own forces. That suited her and she could not help but respect that philosophy somewhat. It was just a shame that they did not have the strength to actually carry out their objectives, let alone actually give her a proper fight. The mage she had just killed had been more challenging than the tamers but still not enough to do more than piss her off. Still, at least there was a large amount of jewels waiting for her which would somewhat soothe the lack of competition although she would be sure to increase her rates the next time they came calling.

    Soon enough, a large amount of tents came into view and the blonde warrior could not help but smile slightly under her mask. Surely there must be someone among the forces below who could finally give her a real fight. Without any fear or hesitation, Kalama would command her horse forward once more, prepared for what was to come, her lightsaber activated and ready for war. Tamer, spell slinger or anyone else, she would carve through them like a hot knife through butter and the closer she got to the enemy force, the deeper the rage inside grew. Her wound was burning, sending waves of pain through her body that caused her to clench her teeth.

    There was a guard awaiting her at the entrance of the camp and he moved with such speed that he was easily able to evade her charging horse and dart off to the side. Kalama would instantly clamber off of her horse, dropping to the ground with her lightsaber drawn. Doomreaver would not remain still though and darted into the camp, destroying as much as he possibly could, his magical and physical powers making him a force for anyone to fight.

    Kalama meanwhile had her gaze focused upon her newest foe, a large male wielding a blood coated sword. He did not seem afraid of her in the least and charged forwards quickly, swinging for her. Meeting his weapon with her own, there would be a mighty clash of sparks as the two blades met. Once, twice, ten times. It was difficult to tell just how many times they clashed, both striking with precise position and great force. A dance of death that took them across the battlefield and away from the camp. Two forces of great power that refused to yield, both giving in to their wildest urges and unbridled rage. It was the fight that Kalama had been waiting for all along and as she fought fiercely, she truly began to enjoy herself.

    A masterful ducking of his head gave him the moment he needed and as summoning a dagger made of blood, he would stab Kalama directly in the side, perfectly catching her where she had previously been wounded. The masked mage roared with pain but fought on, responding by raising her knee and catching him in the face, forcing it upwards, blood streaming from his nose. As he jumped back to make distance, the blonde would then unleash a barrage of lightning from her left hand, electrocuting him and causing him to yell. He was good alright but was he good enough?

    Her enemy began to chant despite the pain and managed to create a shield that blocked the remainder of her attack but it had done its job. Both were now injured but that only made them fiercer. Again, the two would engage although the finesse from before was starting to fade. Their injuries caused them to become more ragged with their attacks but neither desired to yield. The way it should be. Yet, the end would be near and Kalama knew precisely what she wished to hit him with to finish it.

    Swinging wildly, her opponent would miss an attack and Kalama would respond by using the force to push him away, sending him flying to the ground and momentarily stunning him. That was all she needed and raising a hand, she would channel a powerful stream of force power, before unleashing it in a jet black coloured blast. An almighty attack that sounded like a hurricane and struck the man directly, oblitering his defences and robbing him of his life. With one final gasp, he would fall backwards, dead before he hit the floor.

    A far more stimulating fight indeed and as Kalama began walking back to the camp, her lightsaber still in her hand, a twisted smile crossed her face. This was not over. Not by a long shot.

    (826 Words)
    (4768 TWC)

    (0 Beasttamers remaining)
    (0 Sand Raiders remaining)
    (0 Desert Bloodhunters remaining)

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 2:18 am