Fairy Tail RP

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    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)


    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Animal Tamer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Angel Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Valéry 27th January 2022, 10:42 pm

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) ZKaIct1
    Good Pets Listen When Master Says Sit...

    This was just his luck. There were so few jobs on the job board within the halls of Fairy Tail since everyone seemed to grab them all up before he got the chance to get there. He didn’t care about the rewards, but he wanted something to do! All there seemed left to do on the quest board was something about a panty snatching wizard at the Crocus Mall… That alone sounded gross. But to protect the weak damsels of Fiore, the noble Napedian would definitely put his hand on the line… It also helped that he had some business at that very mall.

    The other famous designer, Olga Wilson had a boutique within that mall where she had more feminine clothes on display with her ‘adorable’ model Gaia Sabin-Dyer. The woman was striking indeed, but she seemed rather proud of herself to the actual prideful man. She was someone who could probably go toe to toe with him. Olga that was. The short little nasally woman with her bob cut hair and thick round glasses. He found her to be quite annoying. Maybe he could see why that dumb shop of hers was even remotely successful. With it being in a mall though, he had an idea. It was very open to commoners.

    Dressed in a five piece suit, Valéry Phacelia wore a pair of black dress shoes, a pair of matte purple slacks with a matching jacket that was over a dark gray vest, and a black button up under the vest. His tie was a reddish purple and in a thick, balthus tie. He looked up to the building with his blue eyes, even though one was covered by the half of his black hair that was dyed white, he could still see how the mall looked from between the strands of his hair. His lips frowned as he rolled his eyes.

    “Rosalee… you’re going to have to go for now… Je suis désolé, ma chérie.” He says as he kneels down on one knee to the pretty Dalmatian dog next to him. He scratched her ear and smiled sweetly before kissing the top of her head and having her disappear where his summons all went, a charm on his stick he carried with him always. He stood up and stuffed his hand into his pocket as he started to make his way towards the building, chin up to show he was of a higher status. “Cet endroit ressemble à une poubelle…” He hissed as he rolled his eyes.

    || Words: 422 || Thread Total: 422/10000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Valéry #990000
    Tag: @Lucia Winchester
    Je suis désolé, ma chérie. - I'm sorry, my sweetheart.
    Cet endroit ressemble à une poubelle… - This place looks like a trash can…


    Valéry ~ Bank
    Little Shop of Crazy


    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) 62675_s
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Lucia Winchester 28th January 2022, 2:26 am

    Dressed in her usual casual outfit of gray long-sleeved shirt, long white pleated skirt, and brown boots with black shoulder bag slung on her right shoulder, Lucia was on the way to the mall to deal with a threat of an unusual sort. In fact the threat was so unusual that this was the first time Lucia had ever heard of such a thing.

    Lucia was going to the mall to deal with a "panty bandit."

    The Luminous Rose mage read the job notice once and thought that it was someone's bad idea of a joke. She read it a second time and still could not believe what had been written on the notice. It took a slow and careful third reading for the reality of what the job entailed to finally sink in, but Lucia decided to take the job anyway. Even though the "panty bandit" was not a world-shaking threat, they still needed to be taken care of so that female shoppers could shop in peace without some weird person trying to steal their undergarments.

    Today Lucia would not be alone in her quest to vanquish the panty bandit and bring them to justice. Today she would be working with a Fairy Tail mage named Valery Phacelia. Lucia had heard of the famous guild that made its home in Magnolia Town, but she had never interacted with any of its members before today. Speaking of mages, Lucia approached the mall and felt a magic signature that corresponded with that of a mage who was no longer a novice and who was on the way to attaining higher levels of magical power.

    Upon feeling the magic signature Lucia looked around the area and spotted a man who presented a striking image. He wore a five-piece suit where the primary color appeared to be purple and the secondary color was black. His hair was as distinctive as his clothing... exactly half of it was white and the other half was black. Finally, his facial expression was one of barely concealed disdain for someone or something. In between the color-coordinated clothing, unusual hair coloring, and disdainful facial expression, the fellow certainly stood out in a crowd.

    Believing that his magic signature meant that she had found her partner for this job, Lucia approached the man and introduced herself.

    "Hi there. I'm Lucia Winchester, a member of the guild Luminous Rose." Lucia introduced herself to the well-dressed man with a good eye for color coordination. She hoped that she had found the right person. Otherwise things could get a bit embarrassing for the blonde.

    [Post Word Count: 432]
    [Lucia's Word Count: 432/5,000]




    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Animal Tamer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Angel Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Valéry 6th March 2022, 10:40 pm

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) ZKaIct1
    Good Pets Listen When Master Says Sit...

    As the black and white haired man was approached by a woman who was dressed rather modestly to him, his blue eyes glanced down towards her and he raised an eyebrow as he relaxed the rest of his face. She didn’t seem too bad in his opinion, maybe this job at this shabby mall wouldn’t be too bad? He tapped his wand on his hip as he thought for a moment. Then it hit him. She introduced herself.

    “Ah! Forgive me!” He said in a rather Napedian accent, or Minstrelean if one wasn’t familiar with Napedia’s accent. “I am Valéry Phacelia, a member of Fairy Tail. I do apologize if my Fioran is… comment dites-vous… ah! Rusty!” He removed his hand from his pocket and took half a step back to bow towards the woman before him before reaching his hand out towards hers to kiss the back of it if he let her grab it, else he’d just hold his hand out to her as he bowed. “You seem like a lovely flower before me. Magnifique. I hope we work well on this job! You are here for the… ar… voleur de sous-vêtements, oui?”

    After the brief introduction, Valéry would turn towards the mall and takes a deep breath. It honestly was now or never about going into this place. He started in strides to walk towards the mall, keeping just slow enough for Lucia to join in on his walking. Honestly, he wished he could have Rosalee out, but this place was not like his shopping malls, where pets were allowed. This was a commoners shopping mall, where the rules and etiquette were different and the set up was equally as different. He glanced down to his wand he held in his hm before he opened his jacket to stick it in the place it usually went in there, and put on a pair of black gloves.

    Like hell would the Valéry Phacelia let his bare hands touch things in a mall.

    || Words: 334 || Thread Total: 1188/10000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Valéry #990000
    Tag: @Lucia Winchester
    comment dites-vous… how do you say…
    Magnifique - Beautiful
    voleur de sous-vêtements, oui? - undergarment snatcher, yes?


    Valéry ~ Bank
    Little Shop of Crazy


    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) 62675_s
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Lucia Winchester 9th March 2022, 2:09 am

    Lucia's hunch had proven to be right and the well-dressed fellow was her partner for this job. He was not only a well-dressed fellow but a polite one too. He introduced himself as Valery Phacelia, a member of the guild named Fairy Tail. Lucia had heard that name somewhere before, but exactly where she had heard it before eluded her. Lucia listened to her partner talk and heard him confess to her that he did not have a very good command of Fiorian.

    When Valery reached for her hand Lucia let him take it and watched him kiss the back of it. No man had ever done something like that before and she was not sure how to react to that, so her first instinct was to blush and blush she did. She hoped that Valery would not be offended by her blushing because he was such a well-mannered man who had gone out of his way to make an unforgettable introduction. The blonde quickly recovered from the blushing episode and focused on her partner, who had inquired if she was here for something with the last part spoken in a language that she could not understand.

    "Forgive me for not understanding the last part of what you just asked me, Valery. Judging from the context, I think you're asking me if I'm here to put a stop to the panty bandit." Lucia said to him, again hoping that he would not be offended by her failure to understand the last segment.

    "My answer is yes. I'm here to put a stop to the... panty bandit." Lucia said, obviously struggling to wrap her mind around what she had just said. She was not sure why someone would devote their time to such a pursuit, but it did not matter. Together she and Valery would stop them and bring them to justice. However, they could not work together if they were not actually together.

    Lucia walked to catch up with her well-dressed companion and soon caught up with him as he walked towards the mall. She glanced at his face and saw that he had an intense disdain for something, but she was not sure what it was directed towards. Perhaps Valery was displeased by the panty bandit's activities and wanted to put a stop to such an individual. Perhaps he was displeased with something else. Whatever the cause of his ire, it caused him to suddenly pull out and don a pair of black gloves.

    That gesture must have been an indication that he meant business.

    [Post Word Count: 426]
    [Lucia's Word Count: 858/5,000]
    [Total Thread Word Count: 1,614/10,000]




    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Animal Tamer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Angel Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Valéry 4th September 2022, 1:11 pm

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) ZKaIct1
    Good Pets Listen When Master Says Sit...

    A smile was on the napedian’s lips as he was able to kiss the back of the blonde’s hand and he noticed her blushing. That was the reaction he usually hoped for. Treat them well and they’d be putty in his hands. As she mentioned she didn’t understand the last bit of his words, he nervously brushed a strand of his hair back after standing back. “Ah… I should practice speaking Fioren more. I do believe the ‘panty bandit’ were the words I was looking for. My apologies for my shortcomings here.” He put his right hand on his chest and gave her a brief head bow.

    After she confirmed that she indeed was his partner for this job, he nodded. She didn’t seem too well with the phrase though. As she caught up to him after he started walking towards the mall, he held out his gloved hand to her, allowing her to place her hand on his, or to grab his arm if she so desired. “From how you spoke a moment ago, it seems that you are not okay with that phrase? It sounds weird in Napedian as well. Not something I thought to hear outside of a bedroom. A panty bandit.” He snorts and glances around at the other people. Could he deal with all these uncivilized people around? Well they were going after someone who was rather distasteful as well… someone who stole mostly women’s undergarments in public. He’d much rather do that in a bedroom or place dedicated to that.

    He looked around at all the decorations around the mall as they walked through the doors. He couldn’t place the kinds of decorations they were. “Décorations étranges…” He muttered and glanced at Lucia. “Pardon me… What is going on at the mall today? A party? Festival? People seem… excité… er excited. Or is it that people here really enjoy being in rather… unclean place?” His pale blue eyes glanced over to a map with the locations of some stores, and he made a face at one of them. “Oh… she has a store here…” He pinched the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb after looking at the map and looking away from it. “Why do I have a feeling he’s by Olga’s Boutique on the second floor…?” He really didn’t want to have to go there if he could avoid it. With his luck, he’d meet the woman there and have to hear her dreadful voice.

    || Words: 416 || Thread Total: 2030/10000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Valéry #990000
    Tag: @Lucia Winchester
    Enemies: Panty Bandit
    Décorations étranges… - Strange Decorations
    Excité - excited (masculine form)


    Valéry ~ Bank
    Little Shop of Crazy


    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) 62675_s
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Lucia Winchester 7th September 2022, 11:39 pm

    "I'm fine with the phrase, Valery. It's just the concept of a panty bandit that I'm having trouble fully understanding." Lucia replied to her well-dressed and well-mannered companion's question. The blonde understood the basic idea behind the phrase, but it was the idea of someone who spent time and effort stealing women's underwear that she was not entirely comprehending. Lucia decided to let that particular matter drop for the time being and focus on what else Valery was saying.

    Her attention was drawn to the decor of the mall, which she noticed was a lot more vibrant that usual. Lucia looked around a little more and was about to give her opinion as to why the place was decorated in such an eye-catching manner when she heard Valery muse aloud about a possible location that their quarry might be found in the vicinity of. Lucia caught the name "Olga's Boutique" and began to think about it to try and see if she had ever heard of that store.

    After a little thinking she came to the conclusion that she had never heard of a store by that name before today. That gave her reason to believe that either it was a new store or it was a store she had never noticed on her previous trips to the mall. Either possibility was likely. Lucia turned her head towards Valery before speaking to him. When she faced him she noticed that he did not look very happy about something... she was not sure what could have caused him to feel such intense and visible displeasure, but that was a secondary concern to her.

    Lucia's primary concern was luring out and capturing that panty bandit alive and unharmed. To do that she would need Valery's help to look for the panty bandit. However, just walking around and hoping to run into the person in question was not a very effective option, so Valery and Lucia would need to come up with a better plan than that.

    "How exactly do you want to go about finding and capturing the panty bandit, Valery?" Lucia asked him. Her idea was to have her companion observe from a distance as Lucia walked around the area of Olga's Boutique for anyone who was showing just a bit too much interest in her, but the primary problem with that plan was that she did not have a way of communicating with Valery and she was not sure if he could communicate with her once the two mages had separated to look for their quarry. Maybe Valery could come up with a better plan that they could use.

    [Post Word Count: 440]
    [Lucia's Word Count: 1,298/5,000]
    [Total Word Count: 2,470/10,000]




    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Animal Tamer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Angel Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Valéry 16th September 2022, 6:06 pm

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) ZKaIct1
    Good Pets Listen When Master Says Sit...

    The Napedian glanced at Lucia as he was upset about the thought of going to Olga’s store, or even near it, and took a deep breath to calm himself and get rid of the face he was making. He listened to his companions' query and put a gloved hand to his chin briefly. How would they go about finding him indeed? His pale blue eyes glanced away from her for a moment before his eyes landed on a store nearby. He started to smirk a bit and then looked back towards Lucia. “Mon ami, would you be willing to buy new clothes to wear around the place? More specifically a shorter skirt?” He asks as he points to the store.

    It wasn’t Olga’s Boutique, but it seemed like a higher end store regardless, but with the festival going about it seemed that there were a bunch of people flooding these stores here. This is why he didn’t like a commoners mall. Too many people were here for his comfort. But he needed to do this job, and with Lucia. She did look like a decently cute person, so she would be a decent target for this panty snatcher, he assumed.

    He then hummed as he had a second thought. “If you don’t want to do that… we could go ask the security where the reports mostly came from, oui?” That could work, especially combined with his first idea. It would definitely make their jobs much easier if the security knew the area where this was happening… unless the thief stole at random… then they’d be in a pickle.

    Down the way loud music started blaring and Valéry closed his eyes while his eyebrow twitched up and he tried to keep a straight face. The music didn’t really sound like music to him, it sounded like someone screaming nothingness with literal banging of drums to somewhat of a beat. “Are malls always this… passionate?” He pulled his glove onto his hand tighter as he opened his eyes. He could deal with this place. He had to.

    || Words: 345 || Personal Total: 1172 || Thread Total: 2815/10000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Valéry #990000
    Tag: @Lucia Winchester
    Enemies: ???
    Mon ami - My friend


    Valéry ~ Bank
    Little Shop of Crazy


    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) 62675_s
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Lucia Winchester 3rd October 2022, 1:29 am

    Lucia listened to Valery's suggestion and was initially uncertain as to whether she was that committed to being the bait for the panty bandit, but then she saw the logic in his suggestion. If the blonde mage wore something a little less modest she might be able to draw their quarry out into the open. Upon giving the logic a little further thought the blonde's hesitation was replaced by a willingness to find and buy a shorter skirt in order to put their plan into motion.

    "Certainly, Valery. If it'll help I'm willing to do that." Lucia voiced her agreement with his suggestion. She needed to start gathering parts for a new outfit anyway and now was as good a time as any. However, the short skirt she was going to buy was not going to be everyday wear for Lucia. It was going to be bought for this job and once the job was over it would be relegated to her closet as a "special occasion" garment that would be worn as infrequently as possible. It would occupy the deepest, darkest recesses of Lucia's closet and stay there, hopefully for a very long time.

    After taking a few moments to think over her partner's suggestion, Lucia faced Valery and made eye contact with him. She had a question to ask him.

    "Do you think there's any other clothing I need to buy in order to look more appealing?" Lucia asked her companion. The blonde was not sure how far she needed to go, but she wanted to make herself a tempting target to the pair's intended quarry so that she stood a good chance of luring the bandit out of hiding and luring them far enough away from any shelter they could hide in. She would wait for her partner's counsel before taking the next step and dressing down any further.

    Lucia listened to Valery comment on the "music" and was moved to comment on it herself.

    "I'm not sure what this music is, Valery. It's definitely not something I like... I can tell you that much." Lucia commented on the noise that might or might not be considered music flooding the area they were currently passing through. The blonde found herself wishing for something less grating like upbeat pop music, even if said pop music used a synthesizer as the main instrument.

    "Not that I'm aware of, Valery. I don't visit this particular mall very often, so I don't know how the mood here tends to be." Lucia answered the question the Fairy Tail mage had asked her the best she could. She wished that she could have given him a better answer, but she did not visit here very often. In fact this was the first time in several weeks that she had paid a visit to the mall.

    [Post Word Count: 472]
    [Lucia's Word Count: 1,770/4,000]
    [Total Word Count: 3,285/10,000]




    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Animal Tamer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Angel Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Valéry 12th February 2023, 11:14 am

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) ZKaIct1
    Good Pets Listen When Master Says Sit...

    As the blonde agreed to his idea, a grin slipped onto the Napedians lips. Then she asked something he was surprised she was the one to ask about first. He then held up his hands and bowed a little at the same time. "I cannot guarantee that a shorter skirt and maybe other garments will help in catching our undergarment thief, but I do suggest a blouse or top that shows more of your… figure." He muses to her.

    As they both heard the music down the way, Valéry was pleased to know that he wasn't alone on his raft of the music taste. She also wasn't aware of this places atmosphere on occasion either. Of course she wouldn't be. They would have to suffer with the obnoxious noises.

    He grabbed Lucia by the elbow and gently started to pull her towards the nearest shop that actually looked decent for their current objective. There was many people packed into this shop, though. He made a face as someone brushed against him and kept on shoving through the crowd.

    He quickly moved an arm around her shoulders and pulled Lucia into his chest just as someone else shoved right by where she had been.  He then clears his throat. "Excusez-moi, mademoiselle, I didn't want you to get hurt. And I can figure out most of your measurements like this too, so I hope I didn't… erm… offend you." He gave her his charming smile as he kept her close to him while he moved them around the crowd of commoners packed in this place. "Keep an eye out for a skirt that you like, s'il te plaît? Please?"

    He was going to at least let Lucia start off the outfit that she'll be wearing. Her comfort mattered first of all. If she wasn't comfortable in the outfit, the snatcher might figure out that they were after him. Plus she might not look cute if she was uncomfortable.

    || Words: 326 || Personal Total: 1498 || Thread Total: 3613/10000 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Valéry #990000
    Tag: @Lucia Winchester
    Enemies: overcrowded mall
    Notes: Excusez-moi, mademoiselle - excuse me, miss
    s'il te plaît? Please?


    Valéry ~ Bank
    Little Shop of Crazy


    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) 62675_s
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Lucia Winchester 8th March 2023, 8:44 pm

    Lucia listened to Valery's suggestion and knew that she would have to increase her commitment to being the lure if the duo wanted this plan to work. Feeling herself being maneuvered somewhere by the well-dressed fellow, Lucia went along with it because she was not sure where exactly she was going and would defer to him. He he a much better eye for fashion than she did, after all. His outfit was much more colorful and coordinated than her own, which was a plain one she had worn many, many times to the point people likely thought that it was the only outfit she had.

    The blonde mage blushed when she was pulled closer to Valery. She was uncertain if there was any romantic intent behind the gesture, but she blushed nevertheless because he was the first man from outside of her family to embrace her in a long time. His words confirmed that there was no romantic intent, only practical intent. That intent was to assess her measurements so that she got an outfit that fit and looked natural, not one that had been cobbled together in a flagrant attempt to appeal to someone who stole women's underwear.

    "I'm not offended at all, Valery." Lucia insisted that the unorthodox way to gain her measurements was not a problem to her. If she wanted to be effective bait she had to set aside her personal discomfort and go all in on the clothing. Besides, Valery was a charming man.

    Lucia decided to focus on the skirt first since it would be the foundation of the outfit. She thought a bit about what color she wanted and what color would go with other colors. Her first color choice was black. It was a definite contrast to white and it would go with many other colors.

    The blonde mage sought out a black skirt and soon found one, one that was short but just long enough to cover her backside. Perhaps this would do, but first she would ask Valery what he thought of it. He had a keener eye for fashion than she did, so seeking his counsel was a prudent idea.

    "What do you think of this one?" Lucia asked her companion while holding the skirt up on its hanger so that he could see it.

    [Post Word Count: 386]
    [Lucia's Word Count: 2,186/4,000]
    [Total Word Count: 3,999/10,000]




    Lineage : Lawmage's Word
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Animal Tamer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Angel Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Valéry 8th April 2023, 3:29 pm

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) ZKaIct1
    Good Pets Listen When Master Says Sit...

    The black and white haired man nodded as he was assured that the blonde wasn't offended by his actions. Since she said that, he moved his hands on her back to feel the distance of her waist and hips before nodding and letting her loose to let her search for her skirt. He stayed right behind her to make sure she was safe and he didn't lose her.

    As she presents him with the black skirt, Valéry smirks and holds it up briefly. He put the skirt back and sifted through the other skirts before pulling out a different one of the same design and color, but a more fitting size for her. He held it up over to her, holding it in front of about where it would sit if she wore it. Slowly, he began to nod to her before looking around.

    He was making a thinking face as he looked around. "Pick another color for the shirt. It doesn't have to have a pattern or anything. A low collar would be good too. After you pick that, let's have you try the outfit on." He wanted to pair it with a crop top, but figured that the blonde wouldn't be too comfortable with that herself.

    Of course as he is looking for a top for Lucia, he is bumped a bit by others trying to shove their way through the store. He was getting frustrated with the crowd around them. But he didn't want to call attention to them yet. It'd ruin the element of surprise to the thief of undergarments. He just had to hold it together till his companion found herself a decent top that fit her with the skirt. Another store would have to be visited for the shoes that she would be wearing for this job.

    || Words: 303 || Personal Total: 1801 || Thread Total: 4302 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Valéry #990000
    Tag: @Lucia Winchester
    Enemies: ???


    Valéry ~ Bank
    Little Shop of Crazy


    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) 62675_s
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 473
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    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
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    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Lucia Winchester 18th May 2023, 12:41 am

    Lucia paid attention to Valery's actions and saw him procure a skirt that was superior to the one she had picked out because its size was more of a fit than the size of the skirt she had picked out. She did not object to the better skirt because one that fit her would help her be more effective bait for their quarry.

    Lucia received her next instructions, which were to find and select a shirt that complemented the skirt, ideally a shirt with a low collar. Finding a shirt that fit that description was easy, but finding the right color would be difficult. Lucia's first choice was light blue because her color preference leaned towards shades and hues of blue, but today was not the time to put her preferences over the job. She would look for a color that would complement a black skirt.

    The blonde mage began to look for shirts with a low collar and found two possible options in her size. One of them was a white sleeveless shirt and the other was a light blue sleeveless shirt, but the second one was one that could be buttoned and unbuttoned. She was leaning towards the latter and not just because of the color... she could unbutton it a little without showing too much of her chest if the low collar was not enough. However, Lucia would need to be careful not to try too hard to look appealing lest she spook the target into deducing what was going on and making a swift exit.

    Lucia carried her two selections over to Valery, who was obviously not happy about something in the store. What that something was was not readily apparent to the blonde, who was focused on putting together a good outfit. She would gently call his attention to her.

    "Valery, I found two shirts that might work. Do you think they'd work or do they need to go back where they came from?" Lucia asked her partner while holding up the garments: the white shirt was in her left hand and the light blue shirt was in her right hand. She looked at what she had picked out, then lowered them just a little to make it easier to make eye contact with the well-dressed man. The possibility that she might need to increase her commitment a little more crossed her mind and she was going to ask about it.

    "If those two shirts won't do, would you suggest I make a big change and go with something a little less conservative?" Lucia asked of the fashion guru.

    [Post Word Count: 434]
    [Lucia's Word Count: 2,620/4,000]
    [Total Word Count: 4,736/10,000]




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    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Valéry 17th November 2023, 7:59 am

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) ZKaIct1
    Good Pets Listen When Master Says Sit...

    The Fairy Tail mage had been momentarily distracted by the crowd pushing him that he almost lost track of his partner for the job, but she seemed to be able to find him with ease. He takes a deep breath and looks at the shirts she presented him. He put his slender index finger to his chin as he pondered over the two shirts.

    “I would go with the button one a bit more, mademoiselle.” He motions to it but looks around. “Try them both on with the skirt to see how you feel in them. If you’re uncomfortable, it might make the job harder for us.”

    He then spies what he was looking for and grabs hold of both the tops and the skirt while gingerly leading her towards the fitting rooms. The crowd seemed to be not as bad over here, so Valéry was content with the amount of people, relaxing just a hair. He gave Lucia the clothes and ushered her to the closest fitting room that they had free.

    “Damn it! These fitting room doors don’t lock at all!”

    “Right? I guess the influx of shoppers got the locks all shot!”

    Val heard that conversation from two women who exited from the fitting room stalls next to Lucia, and he quickly reached a hand up and grabbed the top of the door to hold it closed. He hoped she had heard that conversation too.

    “Let me know when you are presentable, mademoiselle.” He took a deep breath and waited for Lucia to let him know and show the outfits. Both of the tops she picked out seemed rather good on her, but of course the button up was a bit better in his opinion. “Which feels better?” He questions as he reaches a hand out to adjust the top she was wearing currently to see if any adjustments would be needed.

    || Words: 315 || Personal Total: 2116 || Thread Total: 5051 || Job || Job Approval ||
    Valéry #990000
    Tag: @Lucia Winchester
    Enemies: ???


    Valéry ~ Bank
    Little Shop of Crazy


    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) 62675_s
    Lucia Winchester
    Lucia Winchester

    Alt Account- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 473
    Guild : Guildless
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,454,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bringer Of Light
    Second Skill: Kaleidoscope Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!) Empty Re: Dreadful Mall Shenanigans (Valery and Lucia!)

    Post by Lucia Winchester 4th December 2023, 12:24 am

    When Valery gave his verdict that the light blue sleeveless button-up shirt would do Lucia did not question it. The Luminous Rose mage also did not question his advice to try on both shirts and took both of them with her to the first dressing room that they could secure while he kindly carried the skirt she was to wear. Once she was inside she heard the news that the locks on the doors had been used so much that they were no longer able to be secured, something which prompted her to hurry up before another crowd of shoppers came into the area looking for dressing rooms. Some shoppers were more considerate than others and Lucia would have to hope that she would have enough time to model everything before someone wanted the dressing room she was currently occupying.

    "Thanks for the warning, Valery. I'll try not to take too long." Lucia thanked her partner for passing on the warning and walked into the dressing room to try on the light blue shirt first since he had suggested that one. The dressing room was a bare-bones one with four walls, a mirror on the wall directly in front of her, hooks to hang hangers on, and a door behind her. Lucia shut the door behind her and Valery kindly held it in place while she placed the hangers holding the other shirt and the skirt on hooks before taking off the shirt she was wearing to try the light blue sleeveless button-up shirt.

    Lucia quickly put it on and buttoned it up with ease, then moved around in front of the mirror to see herself in it. It fit just fine and it did not hug her tightly anywhere, which meant that her partner had made a great choice. She then took off her long white skirt and tried on the one that would be part of her outfit. It fit fairly well, but it seemed to hug her backside a bit too much.

    "I'm ready to show you the first shirt and skirt combo, Valery." Lucia informed the Fairy Tail mage with an eye for fashion. She would need his eye for fashion to pick just the right outfit for the next phase of the plan.

    [Post Word Count: 378]
    [Lucia's Word Count: 2,998/4,000]
    [Total Word Count: 5,114/10,000]



      Current date/time is 6th December 2024, 10:38 am