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    A Blast from the Past [Magic Training / Solo / Plot - Past]


    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 38
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 825

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Malevolent Dark Magic
    Second Skill: Benevolent Light Magic
    Third Skill:

    A Blast from the Past [Magic Training / Solo / Plot - Past] Empty A Blast from the Past [Magic Training / Solo / Plot - Past]

    Post by Adeptus 30th January 2023, 3:57 pm

    The following scene is Part 1 of Adeptus' childhood and is set in the year x878, 14 years in the past where Adeptus still lives with his family in Ca-Elum.

    A small cottage sits inland on one of Ca-Elum's northern islands. A young woman, no older than twenty years of age with blonde hair, gold eyes and pale skin was out in the front yard of the small home. She was sitting on the stump of a recently cut down tree, leaning back and looking up at the clouds. "Come on Jinyoung!" She called, starting to get impatient. "We are starting your training session in twenty minutes. If you are not out here in the next five I am leaving you behind." Just then, the front door to the cottage swings open and a young boy with gold eyes and pale skin like the other stepped out, only his hair was dark. "I was trying to tie my shoelaces." He states, looking down at the mess of knots upon his shoes. This young boy, Jinyoung, is seven year old Adeptus. Rolling her eyes, the young woman walks over to him and kneels down, beginning to fix the mess he had created. "Some days, I question if you really are my brother." After fixing his shoelaces, the woman climbs back to her feet and holds out her hand as an indicated for the young boy to hold her hand. "Come on, Mum wants us back in three hours." Jinyoung took his sister's hand and smiled as they began to make their way up the trail. "Okay Hyuna." Hyuna was Jinyoung's second eldest sister, he had another sister older than her and a younger brother. Though, Jinyoung and Hyuna were closer with each other, spending a majority of their time doing chores together and teaching him how to use his magic. His eldest sister was always out on jobs so he didn't see her all that often, while his younger brother was barely able to talk.

    The two of them entered a forest area after walking the trail for about fifteen minutes, and another three minutes through the forest until they reached a clearing at the centre of it. "You know what to do." Hyuna states as she makes her way over to the other side of the clearing. The young boy raised a hand to his face, lowering it again to reveal a Demon Mask, the same he wears as of today. When Hyuna reaches the other side of the clearing, she turns around to reveal her Demon Mask already upon her face. "We are going to go over what we learned yesterday, okay?" Her voice was soothing, but there was a sternness about it. Although she loved her brother, when it came to training, she took things seriously. Jinyoung nodded, though struggled to remember what they had learned the day before. "We are starting with your aura. Remember to focus on that spark deep within your belly." Jinyoung nods. "Okay sis." He closes his eyes and begins to do as he is told, focusing on the energy deep within him. White and green colouring begins to form around him but struggles, brightening and then dimming momentarily. "Focus." She says to him, watching as her younger brother keeps his eyes closed tight and takes a deep breath. A moment later, the white and green colouring formed into a fiery aura around his body and this spell would later be known as Benevolent Order.

    "Good, you got it faster this time." She states as the young boy opens his eyes. "You keep practicing that and you will be able to activate it instantly." Jinyoung couldn't help but smile at his sister's praise and encouragement, raising his arms up in front of him to look at the aura surrounding his body. "Alright then, how about some combat." Hyuna steps forward a little and takes a fighting stance. "You've learned several different spells this week and I am sure you have given them all names. Now let's see what you've got." The young boy was hesitant at first, but he too took a fighting stance. "Let's go!"

    Hyuna raised an arm up in front of herself that created a dark red magic circle that began to spin rapidly. "Gate of Despatia: Crippling Titan!" She calls as a single blast of black energy shot out of the magic circle and started heading straight at her little brother. "Light Screen!" The boy calls, raising both arms up in front of him. A white magic circle appears and then expands to protect him like a wall. The shield took the full force of the attack but Jinyoung knew that his sister was holding back, she couldn't exactly use the full extent of her power against a seven year old kid. Jinyoung steps from behind the shield and raises an arm up in front of him. In the palm of his hand another white magic circle appeared and formed into a ball of green and white energy. "Light Grenade!" The ball of energy shot out like bullet at his sister who simply stepped to the side to avoid it. Unfortunately for the young boy, he fell back onto his rear. Hyuna couldn't help but laugh. "I told you, you can't support that spell with just one arm at the moment, next time use your other arm to support it and plant your feet." A little frustrated from being laughed at, Jinyoung stands up and brushes himself off. He raises both arms up in front of himself again, creating another white magic circle. "Star Shower!" Seven blasts of white and green energy fire out of the magic circle and hone in on his sister. "Dodge that!" Hyuna's eyes widened before diving and rolling out of the way. "That's new." She stated. Jinyoung smirked as it was not a spell she had taught him and had learned on his own.

    "Let's kick this up a notch." His sister states as she creates a black magic circle in her left hand and a white magic circle in her right. "I am just going to keep throwing energy balls at you. Dodge them and strike back." Not waiting at all, she begins to fire multiple balls of black energy and beams of white energy at her brother. Jinyoung's eyes widened and quickly darted to the right, taking cover behind a tree to avoid a beam of light energy before darting across to his right again. "Miracle Stream!" Young Adeptus calls, engulfing his right arm in white and green energy, thrusting it forward to release a beam of energy in the same colours. The beam was dead on and would have hit his sister if she hadn't already prepared a shield around her. Knowing he couldn't stay stationary, Jinyoung leaped up into the air to avoid a black energy ball. "Glittering Radiance!" He calls out with an arm forward while the other grabs hold of a tree branch to hang on to. A white magic circle appears beside his sister, speckles white and green energy pouring out of it before exploding. Surprisingly, this also caught his sister of guard and the blast itself caused her shield to shatter like glass. "Nice one, I wasn't expecting that." She smirked, clearly proud of her brother, but not willing to stop her volley of attacks.

    Jinyoung pulled himself up on the tree branch and stood upon it, took in a deep breath and then opened his mouth wide. "Shining Breath!" He calls out as a beam of white and green energy erupts from his mouth. This was the first light spell she had taught him and she knew that he had been practicing it frequently. More importantly, she knew that he didn't have much control over the amount of power he put into his spells and knew it was best to dodge it, rather than take the hit. She darted to her right and threw another black energy ball, aimed at the branch he was standing on. Hitting it, the branch shattered and the young boy began to fall. In mid air, Jinyoung raised his right arm and pointed his index finger upwards. A marble sized ball of white and green energy appeared, hovering over the index finger. "BIIIIIGGGGG BAAAANNNNGGG!" Jinyoung cried out, throwing his wrist forward and releasing the marble. Hyuna had not taught this spell to her brother and was a little confused, coming to a stop. "What the? Big Bang? It's tiny." This was a mistake. Although the marble sized energy did not hit her, it hit the ground in front of her, erupting into a large, sphere shaped blast the size of half a basketball court and sent his sister back through the air to smack against a nearby tree.

    Realising the spell had hit his sister quite hard, a wave of emotion and concern began to fall over him. "Hyuna!" He called out as his feet landed on the ground from where he was knocked out of the tree. The young wizard immediately ran over to his older sister, stumbling a little when loosing his foot. "A-are you okay?" He asked as he dropped to the ground to slide in beside her, placing a hand on his sister's shoulder and another on her arm. "I'm - I'm so sorry." He whimpered, almost on the verge of tears when he thought he hurt his sister seriously. "I'm fine." She winces, opening her eyes to see her brother looking over her. "Nice job." She states as she slowly sits up in her position, still wincing. "Definitely wasn't expecting that." She placed her opposing arm on top of his head as both their masks disappeared to reveal their faces. "You did well. How about you heal me a bit." With that said, Jinyoung wiped his eyes were the tears were beginning to form and then placed two hands over her chest. "Cure!" A white magic circle appeared on her chest and a white and green energy began to swirl around her. "Oh wow, you've been practicing. I can feel it working already." She said surprisingly considering she had only taught him the spell once a few weeks back. "Hehe, yeah. I have been using it on some of the animals the last couple of days."

    Once Hyuna was feeling better, the two of them sat in the clearing for quite some time. Mostly just sitting and relaxing, but also talking about various things to do with his magic. Although everyone in Jinyoung's family knew how to use both Dark and Light magic, it was Hyuna's responsibility to train her younger brother. Their father and older sister were always out on jobs, providing for their family. Their younger brother wasn't even old enough to talk yet so he couldn't do much of anything. Then their mother did a majority of the chores around the house, maintaining the home and taking care of the younger brother. "Hey, Hyuna?" Jinyoung turns to his older sister. "What's up Jin?" Jin was the nickname they gave him, to shorten his full name. "Our family uses Dark and Light magic for balance and that they are tied to our emotions. Dark are the bad emotions while light is the good emotions." "Riiigght?" She looked to her brother with a questioning look. "Then, how come when we were practicing before, I felt anger when casting a light spell?" Hyuna thought about the question for a moment before answering. "True, dark magic draws power from negative emotions and light from the positive. But no magic is tied to a single emotion. We as human beings feel a variety of different emotions and although light magic is stronger with happiness and joy, you can't stop yourself from feeling those other emotions." Jin thought about the answer for a moment before continuing. "So there isn't something wrong with me?" He asked to which his sister smiled, shook her head and leaned in to kiss him on the top of his head. "Not in that aspect." She chuckled. "Though that thing where you don't like to eat anything green, that's definitely a problem." The two of them began to laugh and later packed up their things before making their way back home to help their mother with the chores.

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      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:45 am