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    Saint's Edict

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Saint's Edict Empty Saint's Edict

    Post by Francois Prideheart 1st July 2021, 11:19 pm


    Primary Benefit I Character can have up to 4 Summon spells active at once. +75% to Spell Durability and Spell Damage


    Auxiliary Benefit I Both Unbound Eyes spells gain +1 abilities equal to spell rank.


    Magic Change purchased here
    Gain the following benefits from his lineage, Champion of Spirits
    1 additional signature spell slot
    Two additional advanced spell slots ranking up to H+ and S+
    Sacrificing an H rank spell slot for an additional H+ rank spell as specified below

    Promises of power and grandeur awaited the young Francois as magic seemed to bow down to his whims. His curiosity for the marvels of magic sparked his interest in everything magical. It would later be known to everyone that the young Morgan was a prodigy - one who is incredibly gifted and talented in the arcane arts. Nay, perhaps Arcanos has favored the young prodigy as some would say. He was regarded highly in his capacity to bend ethernanos to his whims, like a maestro leading the orchestra. Combined with his nigh impeccable intellect, he was able to graduate ahead of his brothers to further his ambition as the most powerful wizard.

    Applications of magic theorems and arcane sigils allow him to cast spells of any element and of any effect, ranging from the more positive life magic to deadly black magics - all taught by his tutors. His relationship with them is great, even after graduating from the most prestigious magic academy in Fiore. His journey as a wizard has also afforded him connections with other entities, be it elementals, spirits, or daemons, and had the opportunity to be taught their magics. He is able to seek their counsel or help in times of need with only a whisper and they will portal themselves to his location.

    Even after graduating with the highest of honors, there is only so much he can learn from the institute. He wanted to grow more, and after much research, he was able to delve into the fonts of magic - Earthlands ley lines. His exposure to this raw magic granted him several boons, most notable of these is his ability to bring forth his esoteric eyes that unlocks his hidden potential. These eyes have bestowed upon him knowledge of magics not known to man or those lost in the pages of history. Truly, he’s blessed.


    Magical Secret - Font of Magic I Being able to tap unto the ley lines of Earthland, Francois is granted access to almost limitless supply of ethernanos as well as a stronger magic. He is granted a 60% increase to his Spell Damage and maximum MP.

    Magical Secret - Eyes of the Runekeeper I Francois' study of arcane languages has afforded him the ability to read most of what the common folk believe to be 'indecipherable arcane jargons', allowing him to read arcane scriptures or magic of similar caliber with no hassle. Behind this mundane skill is his ability to sharpen his magic sensory that it allows him detect magic from objects, which is useful for navigating areas filled with magical traps. For languages unique to other characters, this ability only applies with prior consent from involved parties. His connection to the ley lines grows stronger as he is granted a 60% increase to his Spell Damage and maximum MP.

    Magical Secret - Multicast I Francois' limitless supply of magic afforded him the means of casting multiple spells at once, limited only to spells with a 1 post duration. His connection to the ley lines grows stronger as he is granted a 60% increase to his Spell Damage and maximum MP.

    Passive Spells:
    Normal Spells:

    Last edited by Francois Prideheart on 8th February 2024, 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Saint's Edict Empty Re: Saint's Edict

    Post by Francois Prideheart 26th January 2024, 9:29 am

    Reserved for Master Summon and H+ Rank summons/spells

    Last edited by Francois Prideheart on 11th February 2024, 9:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

    Francois Prideheart
    Francois Prideheart

    Lineage : Champion of Spirits
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,750

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chivalrous Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Saint's Edict Empty Re: Saint's Edict

    Post by Francois Prideheart 11th February 2024, 9:38 pm

    He is a mage renowned for his Silent Flame Magic, encompassing the destructive nature of fire, its pale blue mystical flame, and the almost silent flames his spell generates. Among his peers, he is a genius, achieving more than his mentors at a young age. His passion for the arcane arts is unmatched among his classmates, devising numerous spell formulas for each scenario and limited only to the magic inherent to his kind.

    His origins are unknown even among his mentors, and only shared that he is a foreigner who received significant backing from a rich family in Fiore. Given his mysterious behavior and slightly mischievous nature, it was believed he was a kitsune, evident from the magic he wielded, appearing much similar to a foxfire. The only thing contradicting this evidence is his lack of tail, and thus his origins are left behind a shroud of mystery. He has no intention of revealing everything about himself after all.

    He has left the world of mages to live a life of seclusion and peace. For decades, he lived undisturbed and unaging, using this time to study Earthland’s ley lines and mystery behind magic. At this point, his peers would have been very old by now, or even dead. Not that he cares. His curiosity of the modern world of mages was piqued after he had a chance encounter with Francois, who had the intention of seeking magical esoterics and learning their magics. He was just a student back then, yet he feels like there’s more to him that meets the eye - a blessing perhaps? Did he get lost? And if so, is this a chance encounter? Still, this is a chance for him to learn about the modern world of wizards.

    Rank: A+
    MP Cost: 37 MP
    Grade: Grande
    Linked Equipment: N/A
    Melee Damage: 49 HP
    Summon HP: 360 HP
    Summoning Range: 110 m
    Movement Speed: 100 m/s
    Attack Range: 110 m
    Attack Speed: 225 m/s
    Duration: 9 posts
    Hex Code: #99ccff

    Silent Flame Magic - Pillar Flare:
    Silent Flame Magic - Fox Pyre:

    Bartlett is a stone golem born from the earth many centuries ago. As a young, brash stone, he was headstrong and aggressive. Many mistakes were made and relationships were destroyed throughout his life. In fact, his own mother and father disowned him because he may or may not have accidentally destroyed several small villages.

    As he grew older, Bartlett began to realize his attitude and behavior were harmful. He was filled with regret and woe about how awful he had been in his youth. Many more centuries were spent sitting atop his mountain and introspecting. He thought long and hard about his life and the meaning of everything. Bartlett felt like a new being afterward. Traveling and gaining knowledge was his purpose now.

    Bartlett is a wise old golem who harnesses the power of the earth to use at his whim. He won't hesitate to use it to bring justice. Those who are foolhardy and harm others should dare not be caught in his path.

    Rank: A+
    MP Cost: 37
    Grade: Normal Summon
    Linked Equipment: Link
    Melee Damage: 42 HP
    Summon HP: 300
    Summoning Range: 110 m
    Movement Speed: 100 m/s
    Attack Range: 110 m
    Attack Speed: 225 m/s
    Duration: 9 posts
    Hex Code: #93b895

    Wisened One:
    Boulder Field:
    Ancient Stone Formation - Tectonic Bastion:
    Ancient Stone Formation - Writ of Earth:
    IOTM Reference:

    A fair maiden with a lot of time on her hands, spent poring over books expertly preserved in her underwater library. Her magic, the Archaic Ocean Script, is passed down through verbal communication within her tribe and has thus no record of it. Its nature is that of healing and of wreaking havoc, and her ability to wield and manipulate this magic is so great that she is sought after by humans and mermen, mostly to remedy their injuries. She did suspect they did it intentionally to meet her, but fortunately, these types of cases are few and between.

    Tekla is not very communicative, preferring to indulge in some books than socialize. She is blunt and prefers to keep her silence. She chanced upon Francois when he was critically injured during a skirmish before his time as a Rune Knight, and after he expressed his eagerness to learn how to wield this esoteric magic, Tekla eventually warmed up to him and taught him their ways. She thought it difficult, at worst taking up a decade or so to learn the basics.

    He did it in 1 day. Have times truly changed? Perhaps she needs to procure books during her sojourn in the modern world of wizards…

    Rank: B+
    MP Cost: 30 MP
    Grade: Grande
    Linked Equipment: N/A
    Melee Damage: 36 HP
    Summon HP: 270 HP
    Summoning Range: 75 m
    Movement Speed: 80 m/s
    Attack Range: 75 m
    Attack Speed: 150 m/s
    Duration: 8 posts
    Hex Code: #5465ad

    Archaic Ocean Script - Monsoon Respite:
    Archaic Ocean Script - Chord of Spite:

    A mage whose wits are as sharp as the garb he wears, Liszt is an excellent wizard whose line of work treads upon dangerous territory. As a mercenary, Liszt is sought after for his Cyphorce - a magic he devised that manipulates the wind via artificially projected magic insignias.

    He was originally Bosconian and was formerly a part of Bosco’s Magia division, though an unfortunate event led him to flee the country for his safety. His team was ambushed, and was the only one left alive as his magic saved him, but couldn’t do much for his team mates. As his body was not found at the scene of the incident, he was pronounced KIA.

    He’d later collaborate with Francois during his early days as a Rune Knight. He would then teach him how to wield his Cyphorce due to his eagerness to learn various magics. He hopes that this magic will help his team get out in one piece, a hope that he could save his friends when he could not.

    Rank: B+
    MP Cost: 30 MP
    Grade: Normal Summon
    Linked Equipment: N/A
    Melee Damage: 28 HP
    Summon HP: 225 HP
    Summoning Range: 75 m
    Movement Speed: 80 m/s
    Attack Range: 75 m
    Attack Speed: 150 m/s
    Duration: 8 posts
    Hex Code: #3abd6c

    Cyphorce Burst:
    Cyphorce Gale:


    [insert siggy here. heh.]

    x4 more XP doublers left

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:28 pm