Fairy Tail RP

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    Post by Guest 4th March 2021, 5:36 pm


    It had been a while since Faustein had assisted a certain woman named “Luna” with the rescuing of a train full of passengers and their luggage from that rather irksome band of space pirates as they were passing through the same desert landscape of the land of Sand, aka Desierto, that he had been at the time as he had been on his way back to the sultan’s city. Since then, Faustein had gotten back to the sultan’s city and had then taken the ship back to Fiore. Once there, he had then returned to his daily life and routine of being a professional physician-scientist and to his one true, eternal love beyond all else, aka his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research.
    This, of course, meant that he was buried deep within the chaotic interior of his lair of absolute evi…er his Elysium guild hall’s staff quarters as always under a mountain of research materials which included everything from ancient, dusty tomes to exotic and otherwise deadly specimens to all manner of hazardous and rare alchemical reagent containers and so on. That was when, as was the usual case with important client requests coming in, he was roused to a vaguely wakeful state by the unmistakable sound of the special ringtone that he had set a while back on his iLac for such notifications, this ringtone being the “Voices of War”, which was the exclusive and special DLC soundtrack given only to frequent players of one of his most favorite iLac mobile game apps, namely “Oda Nobuna’s Ambition”.

    Hrmmhh…da…mn…who…i..n their rig…ht min…ds…

    Faustein mused groggily while attempting to shake the obscuring cobwebs of sleep from his mind and boot it up to at least autopilot mode. The message or rather job request was apparently from a rather strange source, one that he had been certain was mythical as there had been no real, incontrovertible proof of its existence. Said source was none other than one of the servants of the royal family of the legendary “Djinn Kingdom” which was said to lie deep within the deserts of the land of sand, aka Desierto. The contents of the message stated that he would be arriving at the Elysium guild hall to meet with him, so with great chagrin upon reading that, Faustein dragged himself out of bed and readied himself in his usual outfit of choice for work and then strapped his various pieces of equipment to his person at the usual slots. After that, he put his all-important SHG-IV magitek special order glasses on his face to obscure his eyes and strapped his IIC spacetime chronometer to his left wrist per his usual preference and then headed out to the client meeting room. Little did he know at the time that this would be one of the bigger and more exhausting but also much more rewarding experiences of his mage career.





    POST WC: 483, TOTAL WC: 483/7000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 31st March 2021, 11:49 am; edited 7 times in total

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 6th March 2021, 1:27 am

    While it was morning for the scientist, it was late in the day for the plague doctor. Being frenemies with one of the worlds leading doctors would usually discourage ones own medical pursuits since a better comparison is always there. But not for Maddox. Her medical skills were her own to develop. Who cares if he was better than her? Fausty couldn’t always be there with his miraculous magitek healing. If she doesn’t upkeep and improve her own skills then they will fail her when she most needs them. Of course, she could ask Mr. super doctor to tutor her to help speed things along but, ha, NO, not happening. She would rather ask Crowlee to make out with her, less chance of her being the test subject to some weird experiment in return. Also, despite her wanting to not compare herself to him, there was still a sense of rivalry. She was a thief, naturally greedy and possessive, even towards possession of her own building skills. Other than tutors in her early life, all of her skills were mostly self-taught and Maddox was proud of that. Anyways, the point was that all day she has been practicing her surgery skills on various dead animals, taking her own bloody notes and flipping pages of books on stands around her with a stirring stick so the blood won’t get on it. Her lockpicking skills transferred over to the steadiness needed for surgery surprisingly well. And despite surgery not needed other than in specific cases due to regeneration magic, Maddox believed it was a useful skill to have in a pinch or just a good way to really learn about internal body parts. A mixture of books and hands-on knowledge was always a good thing. Plus, it helped distract her from a recent unexpected development in her life, that for once had nothing to do with her fellow guild members. Rather it had to do with something much more unpleasant in her past.

    But just because she was focused on her current task at hand, doesn’t mean she missed her recently installed ‘Jackass Alarm’ going off, meaning Fausty was about to teleport or approach her room. “AH! None of that!” She barks just as the man's aether was forming, and probably readying to grab her to haul her off somewhere. “If you haven’t noticed Maddox is a bit preoccupied at the moment… oh you don’t care about that.” She admits at the end with a grumble. Self-centred Fausty only cared about what he wanted. Not that she could call him out on it since it would make her a hypocrite. “Just… Give us a moment to clean up and store our specimens, yes? Or else we will throw the developing frog feces we found in it at you.” She grumbles, then jabs a finger at the door. “We shall meet you at the meeting room down the hall in five minutes, then listen to what you have to say.” She finishes with a distracted wave of her hand, already beginning to clean up. “Maddox has someone to introduce you to as well.”

    WC: 520





    Post by Guest 6th March 2021, 8:22 am


    Whilst he had been waiting for the client to come and meet him in the EL client meeting room, he had some time to kill, so he had figured he would go and extend a cordial invitation to his favorite beloved precious little specimen, aka Maddox, who was also his frenemy, not that he would admit it out loud to anyone, of course. However, to his surprise, she had gone and installed a full-on and dedicated security system to alert her of his teleportation or other sudden means of appearing in her room without warning which was his usual method of choice since he knew it could rile her up for his own amusement.

    Hello, my beloved precious, how about you and…

    He had been about to say, but then she had cut him off and told him to go wait in the meeting room for her and that she would need time to store away her specimens. She had even threatened to fling frog feces at him if he did not comply with her request, a fact that amused him greatly, indeed. However, he was feeling genial today, so he let it slide and left a memo by using his mana to cause the air in her room to hold the sound of his baritone and melodious chuckle as well as his parting voice message, which also had that same baritone and melodious nature, for several seconds after he had faded away, a move that was intended to impart an eerie effect

    Very well, but if you are not present and accounted for within the next 5 minutes, I shall come and personally retrieve you, my beloved precious. You would do well to remember that…

    In accordance with that agreement, Faustein had returned to the EL client meeting room via his teleporting spacetime chronometer again and just in time too, for the messenger who was also the main client for this job was just stumbling in then. As Faustein observed the client come in with his usually hyper-focused attention to even the finest detail, he realized that said client was covered all over with grave wounds and some parts of his body were even missing. Now, Faustein was not one who ever bothered with silly restrictions such as ethics and morality, but this was a client who had what seemed to be a promising source of some much-needed income for him.

    After all, his always ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research required a significant portion of the financial rewards accrued from his mage work and he had been running a little short as of late due to the massive expenditure it had been necessitating from him due to various factors such as complexity of the research and rarity of the specimens required for said research. So, he figured that expending a small amount of mana to fully heal all the client’s injuries, from head to toe to be precise, was a small price indeed to pay for such a substantial reward. However, he wanted to show off to Maddox since he knew it would be a sting to her researcher’s pride which he could then derive great amusement from, so he merely administered basic first aid to the client to keep him stable till Maddox’s arrival.





    POST WC: 548, TOTAL WC: 1031/7000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 11th March 2021, 12:55 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 8th March 2021, 11:38 pm

    For a moment Maddox just stood there, blinking in acute shock. Did Fausty actually agree to her request? Well, that didn’t happen too often, though she supposed they were getting more familiar with each other, so maybe that came with respect to boundaries? Maddox immediately snorted at the thought, instantly changing from her bloody surgery outfit to one of her regular Plague Doctor ones in a swish of darkness. Then while she set to putting away her supplies, her dark magic reaches away across Sin ‘L’appel du vide, we summon thee.’ She commanded simply

    ‘… Must I? You do know how I feel about such a place.’ Came the reply like a trail of smoke. Maddox had the odd feeling of smiling and rolling her eyes at the same time. That’s right, the reason L’appel stayed in the wastelands of Sin rather than the ruins of the guildhall was because he disliked the temple for some reason. Maddox guessed it was because after taking a crown form, he preferred the freedom of flying in an open area, but his silence when she asked said it was either something more or something else entirely.

    ‘Yes, you must.’ Maddox said with a sniff, the telepathy trying on her mind already, and he sent a wave of reluctant agreement before ending the spell on his end just in time for Maddox to arrive at one of the communal refrigerators. She liked putting her experiments in her just to see the squirming and complaints of her fellow guildmates. Then she swiftly made her way to the large entrance of the guild, just in time to see L’appel swoop in. She waved casually at him, and after spotting his mistress she flaps onto her shoulder. “For what reason have you summoned me, signer of my contract?” He says in a smooth voice, much deeper than her own already deep tone, almost inhuman. Which would make sense, he is obviously a magical being.

    “Someone Maddox knows has requested their presence and knowing that damn scientist it will be utterly troublesome. And if we need to go somewhere outside of the guild, he may suddenly teleport Maddox, leaving poor L’appel behind, so we thought it best to have you along now.” She explained to the being in crow form. Then paused. “This will be your first meeting, yes? Yes. Well, try not to let him perform any experiments on you and don’t let him ruffle your feathers. It will only bring him joy.” She warns the crow, who only gives her an unimpressed look.

    “So this one is an enemy?” He inquires, sounding uninterested.

    “No, an… acquaintance, co-worker and guildmate Maddox often works with.” She explains just as they reach the room with a minute to spare. Then paused as she looked at the injured man before her. “Fausty, why have you not healed this- ugh! Why are you like this? You are a scientist; can you not find a more beautiful way of proceeding?!” Maddox screeches, raising her arms to block her view of Faustein ‘healing’ the man. L’appel meanwhile just watches the gory events with a bored look, then taking pity on his mistress, covers her face with a black wing until the debatable ends. It gave him decent ideas for future nightmares at least.

    WC: 551
    TWC: 1,071





    Post by Guest 11th March 2021, 12:54 pm


    Faustein had been waiting for Maddox to join him for the impending job request that he was about to take and had been delaying the full medical treatment of the client, aka the severely wounded djinn when said job partner arrived on scene. As expected, and just as he had planned, he did get her all riled up, to the point that he heard her screeching and complaining about how gory his first aid was and how he should have already healed the poor wounded djinn and had seen her covering her eyes before he noticed the crow on her shoulder covering Maddox’s eyes with its wing.

    Hmm, a new familiar, perhaps…

    Then, he addressed her issues with his methodology, with that same irritatingly smug, overly self-confident smirk that was his trademark, and which was even more pronounced now on his thin, cyanotic lips as he beheld her irritation.

    Aww, what’s the matter, my beloved precious? You do not find my work fascinating and appealing enough? Your words wound me oh so much! What a shame…oh well, I suppose we must get down to business anyway…

    Faustein remarked with a show of melodramatic despair which would have been worthy of some of the finest theaters of Earthland, complete with all the mannerisms, intonations, and inflections, and other such protocols therein. After indulging his flair for the dramatic for several minutes just to rile Maddox up further, he refocused his attention and casually swiped his hand over the man while silently activating one of his most potent healing spells, the one he liked to call “Mystical Palm”. This caused a soothing jade green glow to cover the djinn’s entire body from top to bottom as he laid there, clinging on to dear life. A few seconds after, the glow faded and all the heavily bleeding wounds and other such severe damage that had been there till then upon the djinn’s body had vanished completely after the spell ended, leaving no trace whatsoever of ever having been there at all. The djinn had even risen back to his usual floating self and was now hovering in midair, gawping at Faustein in what could only be called slack-jawed, openly unabashed shock and surprise.

    How did…?

    Faustein cut him off with glancing sideways at Maddox, his smug smirk even wider than it was before, if that were possible

    It would be because I am just that prodigiously talented, my friend. Now then, on to business.





    POST WC: 412, TOTAL WC: 1443/7000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 22nd March 2021, 10:22 pm

    L'apple, from what little he knows about the signer of his contract, can see why she was 'co-workers' with this... man. He was just as fucking dramatic as her. He gave them both unimpressed looks at their mutual theatrics, a feeling that will probably become familiar as he got to know them better. Then removed his wing with disappointment over the healing not being as gory as Maddox's reaction would leave him to believe.

    "Oh, well that was positively tame Fausty,"
    Maddox says, unintentionally agreeing with her familiar. She probably shouldn't have said that but eh, egging people on was just part of her personality. Also, she silently appreciated his flair, probably for her and to show off a bit. Then moved to inspect the third party in the room, the being with a Desierto flair and accent to him and a definite magical aura even a mage of her level could feel. A... Genie? No, where the hell did she get that name from? A Djinn, right? Though to be fair Maddox was not an expert on magical species, let alone foreign ones. Give her an artifact to asses any day.

    "And excuse my rude colleague, sir of foreign lands." Maddox says with a slight bow and Fausty tries to get into the thick of thing already. "Being stuck in a lab gives one an excuse to pretend they do not understand etiquette. I am Maddox, appraiser and acquirer of rare artifacts and art. This is my familiar L'appel du vide. Charmed to make your less injured acquaintance." Maddox says to the newly healed magical being, L'appel giving his own bow while keeping a cautious eye on Faustine. Was it was of his summoner to insult a man so much more powerful than them? Well, he supposed Maddox would know best, or reap the consequences themselves. He will properly introduce himself to the man when the third party is not in earshot, as is proper to do for someone that will probably be around as long as he is attached to the plague doctor.

    WC: 347
    TWC: 1,418





    Post by Guest 25th March 2021, 6:00 pm


    Faustein had smirked at Maddox when he heard her remark about how tame his climax was and then retorted

    But of course, after all, I cannot bear even the remotest thought about the prospect of alarming you, my precious beloved.

    He said, his voice positively dripping with theatrical sarcasm with his hand outstretched towards her while the other rested on his chest and kneeling on one knee before her briefly as the djinn beheld the scene between Faustein and Maddox with visible confusion. After that, however, Faustein arose once more and watched on as Maddox introduced herself to the ifrit djinn after having realized who he was, though she probably did not have an inkling about his exalted status. Then, he picked up where Maddox left off and redirected the conversation to the salient matter at hand, with his usual smug smirk on his thin, cyanotic lips

    Humor aside, if you would relay to my colleague and I every little detail about your job request, we can proceed ahead with the resolution of the matter, O ye "Hamou", who art the great ifrit djinn ever loyal in thine service of His Majesty, "Iblis" the Djinn Sultan, the mighty ruler of "Jinnistan", the mythical djinn kingdom nestled deep within the deserts of Desierto.

    To that the ifrit djinn named “Hamou” stared openly with a slack-jawed expression at Faustein, clearly from being surprised at how much he seemed to know about the myths of his country

    How did…

    Faustein cut him off there, his smug smirk widening even further as he remarked

    Apparently my words had not sunken in before…so I shall reiterate…it is because I am just that prodigiously talented…now then, continue with your narrative.

    Hamou” the ifrit djinn recovered quickly enough after being shaken out of his surprise induced stupor and then proceeded, the expression on his face growing visibly desperate and sorrowful

    R-Right. Well, I come to you seeking your aid today for one purpose only…our pride and joy, Her Highness, the first princess of Jinnistan, the exalted Maliqah and her faithful maidservant, "Eisheth", have been kidnapped by a large marauding army of mercenaries!! We tried our best and fought tooth and nail to protect her and lost several thousands of our best warriors in the royal army in the process but failed miserably in our appointed task!! We MUST have the first princess returned lest anarchy take hold of our citizenry, but as we are now, we are too weak to retaliate against these powerful foes!! Please, I beseech you both most humbly!! Please lend us your aid in this darkest of hours! We have no one else to turn to at this point! Everyone else has turned us away!!

    As he finished his words, Faustein saw “Hamou” fall to his knees before him while holding his hands together in the traditional Desiertan gesture of supplication, namely with palms facing each other and held against one another, while tears flowed forth unceasingly from his eyes and visible signs of emotional trauma from this incident could be seen wracking his countenance. Faustein, of course, was not moved in the slightest to pity or empathy, but simply proceeded on his cold, business-like, and efficient manner

    Mission accepted. What are the numbers of your remaining forces versus theirs like at present?

    Upon hearing this, “Hamou” somehow managed to recover his composure and continued, his face showing great relief now

    T-Thank you so much!! I, no, the kingdom of Jinnistan will forever be…

    Faustein cut him off again and reiterated with a slight frown on his thin, cyanotic lips now

    Enough of your emotional prattle. Henceforth, if you wish for me and my colleague here to assist you, ensure that you and your side simply state the facts as they are, undiluted by needless emotion. Is that clear?

    To emphasize his point and to drive it home, Faustein flared the full extent of his X-class magic aura briefly, but in an intense burst which radiated and enveloped the entire chamber, washing over all present like an invisible tsunami of sheer, unadulterated magical force, all the while having a chillingly calm smile on his thin, cyanotic lips. Naturally, because of this aura burst display, “Hamou” was, of course, stunned momentarily and recoiled a little with the terror of a lower magical being in the presence of a greater magical one evident on his face. Then, he did his best to reign in his emotions as requested and continued, albeit with a tremulous voice

    O-Of course sir, f-forgive me…n-now then, this marauding enemy army numbers 3600 in comparison to our remaining royal army and royal retinue which total to 1200 because of the heavy losses we have sustained in our rescue efforts thus far which have all been, sadly, in vain. We are at a loss on how to deal with such formidable numbers…not to mention, the enemy has some rather strange magical arts at their disposal which rob our strongest royal army warriors of their strength and ability, regardless of their defenses.

    Faustein cocked his head to the side as his mind already began to process the data he had been supplied with and in parallel, it was also designing combat strategies as was his usual procedure for such occasions. While his brain was busy with that, Faustein looked at Maddox and requested input

    So, what do you think, comrades? How should we go about solving this problem? What strategies should we employ?

    With that, he fell silent and waited to see what Maddox and her contracted familiar, “L’appel” would suggest and do in response.





    POST WC: 933, TOTAL WC: 2376/7000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 26th March 2021, 10:18 pm

    Maddox, of course in an effort of refinement and elegance, responded to Faustein’s statement about alarming her with a rude hand gesture. Then they all moved on.

    Freaking show-off. Of course, no one was truly better than Maddox at showing off, but that because she did so with *flair*. Still, she was surprised and unsurprised at Faustein’s show of information gathering. Surprised as a first reaction, then unsurprised when she remembered his breadth of knowledge, the fact he had access to the guild’s intelligence network, and the fact he could, you know, read minds. It made information gathering a tad easier in her opinion. But at least she felt stable in knowing that the being in front of her was, in fact, a Djinn. She was always happy to learn new interesting information. So instead of interrupting with occasional snark or opinions as she usually did, she simply leaned again a wall while L’appel flapped over to sit nearby on the table to listen to the story of the djinn Hamou.

    The good girl's reaction would be pity or empathy and sadness at the tragic story. And Maddox did feel a smidgen of pity but mostly she just felt exasperation that not only did they waste their army on one princess (that was what multiple heirs were for) and that a royal army couldn’t defeat a band of mere mercenaries. But also, suspicious. Why would they come crawling to a dark guild like Elysium? Maybe it was too political to involved a magic council-related light guild, but why not those overpowered nutcases in the neutral guilds like Fairy Tail? Dark guilds were less trustworthy, harder to contact, and much more expensive. Not only that, why request a scientist like Faustein and not a more combat-related mage like Trinity to fight to mercenaries or a sneaky one like Temperance to spirit the princess away? Does Faustein have a personal connection to this quest? Once they were alone Maddox is definitely going to question the irritating cyborg.

    Also, Maddox may or may not be in the process of planning to steal some wonderful Djinn artifacts. The objects they made were high-quality magic after all, and very beautiful as well! She wondered how she could get some nice information out of the djinn herself-.

    The thought cut off suddenly as a rush of crushing magical aura spread throughout the room, coming from that MOTHER FU- “Dammit Fausty do you have to be so dramatic?!” Maddox screamed after she recovered, just in time for him to ask for their opinions. Maddox had stayed ramrod and stoic throughout the spirit-crushing aura being pushed on her magic but was now feeling a tad shaky and her skin was oozing more acid than normal under her outfit. Of course, she covered the effect it had on her with words and flair. She also couldn’t reply to the question so easily since the aura had distracted her and she missed what Hamou had said. So, instead, she screamed at him a bit more, then suddenly her mood changed entirely as she pivoted toward the Djinn. “Oh you poor dear, Fausty is so mean isn’t he? Of course, we shall help darling, the princess and handmaiden must be so scared!” She cooed at the magical being. “But tell Maddox, isn’t Djinn magic rather tricky? How in the world was she kidnapped in the first place? Your palace must have the best security! Did you use…?” She asked the djinn with fake concern, rattling some magical security features and artifacts mean to keep people safe she knew was common in his country.

    L’appel, completely unfazed by Faustein’s magical aura thus was able to listen to the information Hamou gave, hopped over to Faustein while his summoner was playing good cop. “If my instincts are correct that question was a non sequitur. For what reason would once such as you need our input when you obviously knew about much of this information before the child of mystic sand deigned to open his mouth, oh seeker of knowledge.” The crow summon prods while Maddox chatters in the background. “But if I am incorrect, do forgive me. Based on your magical aura you are a skilled mage. If you, oh discoverer of truths, have the skills of a magical warrior then may I suggest that you challenge this grand army to unhonourable combat of some kind, while my summoner and I retrieve the hostages?” L’appel suggests with a modest bop of his head. Obviously, the actual plan would be more detailed and probably greatly derailed as it’s commenced, as even the best plan is, but it should be good enough for a general suggestion.

    WC: 782
    TWC: 2,200





    Post by Guest 28th March 2021, 6:58 pm


    Upon hearing Maddox’s question about how djinn magic was tricky and why the princess and her handmaiden could not protect themselves, “Hamou” responded while looking nervous under Maddox’s gaze

    Well you are right, of course, in that djinn magic is rather tricky…but the first princess and her handmaiden are…shall we say, unique in that their magic isn’t the typical djinn magic…you see…and of course the handmaiden is not a djinn at all, but a high succubus…all that aside, maybe if it were one on one or a small band of marauders, they could have handled things…but this army was originally 600,000 strong whereas the royal army was some 3600 total…highly trained warriors, yes, but unfortunately the numbers were not in our favor. Beyond that, our royal tactician was killed early on in this conflict which put us at a severe disadvantage since then and ultimately lost our side our beloved first princess and her royal handmaiden.

    He answered truthfully since he realized full well how imperative it was to share all the details as per Faustein’s request earlier. He paused while looking at Faustein with reverence before speaking

    That is precisely why we need Sir Faustein or ‘Dr. Doom’ as he is known to his clients and enemies, you see, and the fact that he is a world class healer adds to his overall tactical value.

    Faustein smirked in his usual borderline arrogant manner when he heard himself praised thus, but then his attention was drawn by L’appel hopping over to him and engaging in dialogue, so he listened to him patiently as he was frankly impressed that he was not knocked unconscious by his aura burst from earlier. After he finished, he began

    Ah, finally we have a chance to converse, my friend. To answer your query, my question did have a purpose and was no mere non sequitur…you see, while I have full confidence bordering on hubris in own prodigious talents and abilities, both innate and acquired, I am not so vainglorious as to think that I am invulnerable or omnipotent and omniscient…and as you might well know, many hands do make light work as they say in the vernacular.

    Then, he paused and thought about L’appel’s suggestion and realized how close it was to what he had been about to suggest to the group at large, at which point he smirked and remarked

    Well now, it seems that we are kindred spirits…as I was just about to suggest that I lead the remnants of the royal djinn army against the marauders to keep them occupied while you and your summoner, my beloved precious Maddox, infiltrate from some blind spot in their defenses to rescue the djinn princess and her handmaiden.

    With that done, he turned to the group in general and proposed his plan of journey

    Now then, if everyone is ready, I shall transport us all posthaste to Jinnistan to avoid any further delays in our war council and rescue planning.

    Naturally, “Hamou” was openly surprised at this declaration and voiced his concerns

    But it takes several days journey at the very least, my friends…

    Faustein cut him off there and slid back the left-hand sleeve of his physician-scientist’s white lab coat while smirking and remarking

    Indeed it would, that is…if I did not have this at my disposal. Behold…san!...zwei!...un!!

    At that exact moment, he activated his “IIC” aka his spacetime manipulation chronograph in the usual manner and that immediately shifted the entire group of “Hamou”, Maddox, L’appel, and Faustein himself up to a futuristic looking space station for a second or so before they were shifted again abruptly to Desierto and deposited at the entrance to Jinnistan in the blink of an eye. Once they were dropped off and the scenery stabilized again, Faustein stretched briefly and looked at the rest of the group while smirking in his usual smug, self-confident manner

    That was not so bad, eh? Are you ready for this soirée, comrades?





    POST WC: 662, TOTAL WC: 3038/7000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox

    Last edited by KuroFaustΩ on 31st March 2021, 11:59 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 29th March 2021, 11:27 pm

    780/2,980 WORDS
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Active Spells:
    Items Used:
    Monsters Killed:

    Maddox immediately wanted to question why the hell they let a succubus of all things serve their ever so precious princess… But that would probably come out as extremely racist and she was trying to play the good guy, so she resisted. But she also had to raise her eyebrow at those numbers. 600,000? “A very convenient army of… 600,000 mercenaries. Who appeared out of nowhere and their only goal was to kidnap your princess? They are there for no other reasons?” She said, letting her nice act drop a tad due to the sheer disbelief in her voice. Remeber, a single person needed many things to survive up to a certain age, more to become a strong mercenary. The fact that an army of 600,000 (do people understand just how large that number was?) appeared to attack this kingdom and the fact that it was not on international news at all. Where did these people come from? That was bigger than the army’s of Pergrande. That was the total population of one country put together. Even if they cut that down from a quarter or half, that’s still a ton of people. How the fuck did they feed and pay those people? All for one lousy princess? Why didn’t they just raze the country to the ground? The fact enough of the mercenary army was killed so only 3,600 were left was EVEN BETTER (read: sarcasm). They managed to kill almost all of the enemy's army, still have over a thousand men left somehow, but only now look toward a third party for aid. Plus the country was probably screwed anyway. Why? Because Maddox has good knowledge of history, mythology, and magical theory. If you kill that many people in a short amount of time it warps reality, and gods get PISSED by that sort of shit. It's not like it's, say, one million people, but once again 600,000 is still a countries worth. There are mages out there who can wipe out countries but it’s hard for even them to fight against a collation of angry gods, not the mention whatever consequences to warping reality are. Fausty may be strong but nobody wants that kind of attention. That part of the dessert might soon, or in time, become just as desecrated as sin, either from the warp the amount of death caused, angry spirits of the dead feeding each other and destroying everything just by how many there were, or some angry gods destroying whats left to wipe the slate clean in an effort to make sure it doesn't happen again from grudges barred. Were Djinns about to become an endangered species?

    And they wanted just her and Fausty to take care of this? Even if they managed to save the princess and handmaiden how did they expect to stop the army from just destroying the country out of retaliation? If they expect Fausty to kill 3,600 people, which he may be able to do, Maddox would strongly recommend against it so the above reasons wouldn't get worse, and any of those angry eyes would not be turned to Fausty.

    Maddox, being Maddox, wanted to voice all of these questions with extreme doubt. Well, except for the part about Fausty maybe being able to kill a lot for that number, and the probable consequences. Hamou didn’t need to know that part. But Faustein asked to teleport them before she got the chance to.

    “Yes, yes, get on with it you show off.” Maddox groaned, already having a headache over this job. “You do horrid things to large groups of people in a flashy way while Maddox and L’appel sneaky sneak and get the damsels in distress.” She speaks. Maddox had her Saving Grace on her so even without Fausty giving her a ride she and L’appel could get home easily enough.

    There was a flash after her agreement and just as L’appel landed on her shoulders. A look at a…? “YOU HAVE A SPACE STATION?!” She screams just as their teleported away again. Then they were in the deary dessert. Maddox wanted to punch that smug look right off of Fausty’s face. Instead, she started grilling the extremely stressed-looking fire Djinn over her earlier questions. And after hearing them L’appel was honestly curious about the answers as well. Maddox then telepathically sends her more… sensitive questions to her crow familiar, who can only nod grimly in response. He flies over to Faustein, asked for permission to land on his shoulder, then whispers the probable consequences to Faustein. After all, his summoner would be most put out of this man were to die over such a stupid reason.


    Last edited by Maddox on 3rd April 2021, 8:06 pm; edited 1 time in total





    Post by Guest 3rd April 2021, 4:17 pm


    Faustein had been looking about the area while waiting for the guards inside to open the gate to the kingdom’s border upon Hamou’s request when he saw “L’appel” flit over to him, ask for permission to land on his shoulder and whisper the possible consequences of their impending actions would be if they ended up carrying them out. In response, he chuckled and remarked in hushed tones to L’appel so only he and of course, his summoner “Maddox” would hear and not Hamou, for politically correct reasons

    You are correct, of course, but then…a job is a job, is it not? While the logic of the situation is indeed questionable, why look a gift horse in the mouth, eh? The reward is quite substantial, after all…The answer to your mistress’s doubt as to why they ever let a high succubus serve a djinn princess is probably that this princess handpicked this maidservant for whatever reason and djinn society tends to be a strict hierarchy which means as the first princess in line to inherit the throne, any below her status cannot oppose her whims…and as for her parents, this allowance suggests that they are quite the doting pair…The numbers are no problem for me at all.

    He then paused momentarily and fell silent while stroking his gently tapered jawline with a pensive expression on his face and then resumed

    Furthermore, the aftermath is one that I would welcome for that many spirits left over means more specimens for my ever-burgeoning collection, which admittedly, has been running low in the numbers of its ghost population as of late.

    Then, he briefly devolved into deranged chortling like something one would see from a stereotypical mad physician-scientist. However, before he could say anymore, in response to Maddox’s urging from earlier, Faustein went and was about to knock on the gate when it was opened and a small squad of 3 djinn soldiers and 1 djinn squad leader came to meet them with a greeting and relieved looks on their faces

    Ah, fortune smiles upon us at last! Lord Hamou, you have done well, indeed! It is good that you have come to aid us, o foreign mages. Please follow us to the royal palace and we can inform you on the particulars of the rescue operation to save our beloved first princess and her loyal maidservant.

    They remarked and then turned briskly on their heels and led Faustein and company to the royal palace with all due haste. The path to the palace was truly a sight that seemed akin to the depths of hell itself with chaos and destruction reigning supreme and bodies strewn here and there which were still being cleaned up by the stressed looking healers and other such mortuary staff, with all the various sections of the kingdom burned down or destroyed to various degrees, and so on.

    My, they certainly inflicted a great deal of devastation on you and your people…but it does not seem to be some random act of madness…no, I suspect that, given the evidence I have gathered from my cursory inspection and from the knowledge of the facts related to this job thus far, that this mercenary army is being bank rolled by some wealthy client or another such party. However, it would be a capital mistake to theorize any further without more data to analyze, so let us move onwards.

    Faustein remarked with his usual detached look on his face in his emotionless but rich, powerful baritone and melodious voice as he and the party ran through the streets on their way to the royal palace. It took them a while to get there, but eventually they managed to reach their destination.

    Upon arrival at the palace, there was none of the usual hospitality and fanfare as this was a somber occasion with the absence of the first djinn princess and her maidservant. Instead, Faustein and company were whisked off to the war council room where the ruler of the djinn, aka “Iblis”, and his consort were waiting anxiously. In attendance were the remnants of the royal djinn army, or rather its remaining commanders and other staff. There was also an enormous, ornate table in the dead center of the chamber, covered end to end with a full 3D, magically enchanted map of the surrounding terrain with various geographical features on it and even depicting weather patterns and other important data. There was also a single large floating cursor at one end of the map with a small 3D model of the enemy camps distribution on it. Seeing all this, Faustein immediately went to the matter at hand

    This is promising, at least we know the general location of the enemy. Even though time is of the essence here, rushing into this operation would be foolhardy and potentially end up in a pyrrhic victory scenario. Therefore, I suggest we begin strategic meeting with regards to this impending mission first and then enacting it, though that should be fairly obvious to all present company.

    He suggested in a calm, clear tone which had none of his usual flippant undertones or sarcasm and was instead entirely business-like as despite his penchant for melodrama and amusement, he did know when to be completely serious. Then, he fell silent and waited to see everyone’s reactions, most of all, those of “Maddox” and “L’appel”.





    POST WC: 897, TOTAL WC: 3935/7000 (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox


    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 3rd April 2021, 8:10 pm

    >837/3,817 WORDS
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Active Spells:
    Items Used:
    Monsters Killed:

    L’appel, as an avatar for a God, disproved of this mortal’s use for departed souls. Such things upset the balance of this world that affected everyone negatively in time, this man included. He was starting to see Faustein as a ‘mentally intelligent but too much of an arrogant mortal to not be a secret imbecile’ category, something many mentally intelligent mortals fell under, unfortunately. Usually, their own supposedly ‘intelligent’ actions will their long-term downfall. Not that L’appel actually cared much, none of this was within his of his lady’s godly jurisdiction after all. For all L'appel cared, this man could prove him wrong and escape the consequences of all of his actions. As long as it didn’t affect his realm, his lady's realm, or his summoner too badly the scientist could make all the good or bad decisions he wanted to.

    That being thought and done with, L’appel flew over to Maddox as they arrived at the palace. Maddox was still cooling down from her rant, and her crow summon explaining some of Fausty’s answers (but not his own thoughts) didn’t help her calm further at first. But she had to remind herself if Faustien was willing to take the fall out, what problem would it be for her to help and get some reward? Added to the fact she didn’t care what happened to this country outside of fulfilling the job and getting the reward eased her mind. And boy was this palace nice, so full of pretties waiting for her to nab them… But that was for later. Fausty’s observation was in line with hers so far, as she already outlined before. There was a deeper reason why these mercenaries were doing what they were doing. Figuring it out technically wasn’t their job, but not knowing may get in their job’s way. Best they find out in case things get out of hand.

    Well at least they didn’t seem to sell all of their riches to save a single princess, Maddox couldn’t help but note, pleased while looking around the room they were brought to. While probably not as extravagant as they would usually wear, the ruler's clothes were still magical jewel-encrusted things, same with many magical protections on these very walls. By the time they were sitting down to listen to the leaders of this country, Maddox had already started on heist plans to rob them blind. She didn’t think she was at the level to rob royal palaces, but if it was one in a panic destitute with much less military staff then usually like this one… Ugh, as much as she may want to, Maddox’s social training knew that was a bad idea. Creating contacts was just as useful as the money earned from the heists themselves, which means upholding a reliable reputation of NOT stealing from those who hire you. It’s been a while since she’s been in a place that flaunts so much wealth and magical artifacts that she got excited. Maybe there was stuff Maddox could steal from the merceries, like their financial paperwork and plans to sell to rivals.

    Anyways, It was time to get back to work. “Yes, that is a good idea Doctor Faustein.” Maddox agrees with pleasantness Faustein would know to be fake, then turns toward the royal duo and bows formally. “It is a pleasure to be in your glorious presence your royal highnesses. We are Maddox, associate to the good doctor, and an infiltration expert. Maddox, as ones as educated and intelligent as yourselves.” She says to the room at large with a speech giver's flourish. “Have most likely already guessed the base of our plans. Faustein will act as our vanguard, drawing attention to the body of the enemy’s forces, while we shall infiltrate the camp itself to retrieve your glorious first princess and her priceless handmaiden. We understand and respect how much the princess means to your royal selves, so Maddox shall rescue her with all good speed in a safe manner as if they were the most precious jewels in the world.” She says with another flourish, before reaching over to the 3D consul and nodding to Fausty. “That being said, while we will aspire to gather as much intelligence on our own as possible any, and we mean anything, whether it be military, financial, or even personality types within the enemy army, will aid us greatly and better ensure success,” Maddox says as the twitches the 3D model around so the enemy camp faces the duo. “Once Maddox and Faustein have this information we shall work alongside your exalted selves to create a more detailed plan that all parties will be pleased with. If need be we shall take time to gather the needed information.” She finishes and starts to memorize all the details on the map. L’appel for his part stays silent, never the one to be happy to speak up in a crowd of people and not able to contribute much to the conversation anyways until said information is given.






    Post by Guest 4th April 2021, 3:34 pm


    Faustein nodded in accordance with Maddox’s suggestion to gather more data on the enemy forces and distribution and then listened to the rundown of intelligence that the vizier in service of the djinn king and his consort gave to the room at large. After that, he spoke up

    Indeed, according to this strategy which all of you should know as being referred to as the Make a sound in the east and then strike in the west, my colleague and I will do our utmost to rescue the first princess and her handmaiden from harm. First, however, I would like to meet with the remnants of the royal djinn army and any other relevant personnel.

    The remaining royal djinn army commanders, squad captains, and other such personnel along with the djinn king and queen led Faustein and Maddox with L’appel to the barracks, or what remained of them anyway. Once there, Faustein and Maddox were introduced to the various squads and types of djinn, all of whom bowed to them, more out of courtesy than out of actual respect at this point because they were the honored guests of their absolute rulers aka the djinn king and queen.  

    Here we have six squads, each of which is made up of 200 djinn warriors, organized by elemental affinity and roles in battle. There is the earth djinn squad that makes up the frontline infantry’s tanks…then there is the fire djinn squad which makes up the main cavalry based offensive force of the royal army…water djinn squad that works on battlefield control and healing…wind djinn squad which serves as the communications unit…lightning djinn squad the members of which work as enhancers of the other squads, and finally the darkness djinn squad whose members specialize in espionage agents, trackers, and saboteurs. They have been informed of your involvement and along with us, their commanders, are ready, willing, and able to follow your every command and that of your compatriot, Dr. Doom.

    Faustein was nodding silently as he took in all this information but could not help smirking when he heard them calling him by his moniker, “Dr. Doom”.  Then, he remarked while cocking his head to the side a little and examining the various djinn squads

    At least there has been some effort to reorganize your army after the harrowing defeat you all faced at the hands of that mercenary army. Good, this will facilitate the execution of this rescue operation that much more. Now then, what sort of tactics and strategies did your chief military advisor, and his underlings use in directing you and the rest of the royal djinn army? Knowledge of that will be crucial going forward.

    To that, the commanders who had been explaining the setup of the royal djinn army thus far responded while nodding

    Well, aside from the usual djinn fighting style based around misdirection, trickery, and so on…we do use the phalanx formation for our infantry, and we have camel-mounted cavalry as well which should work well against the enemy since they seem to favor the use of horses from the intelligence that we have gathered on them thus far.

    Faustein fell silent for a brief while and then spoke up again, putting forth the formations and strategies that he had been devising all this while

    Well then, there are a few other strategies that we can employ given the fact that we have all these various elemental djinns at our disposal. Have you ever heard of theHammer and Anvil, theWave River, and the Luring out the Tiger strategies among others, perchance? Before proceeding, however, have the darkness djinn squad combine their efforts to project a kingdom wide illusion which will not only hide the strategic centers and the activity therein, but also depict the kingdom and everything in it in a far more debilitated state than it is, for good measure.

    The commanders exchanged confused glances briefly and then inquired

    But what would be the purpose of that? It would be insulting to Jinnistan to be displayed in such dire straits.

    To that Faustein replied with his usual smug, self-confident smirk playing on his lips as he was thoroughly enjoying this

    Inflict injury on oneself to win the enemy's trust…with this strategy, the enemy mercenary army will be lulled into lowering their collective guards since they no longer consider Jinnistan to be an immediate threat to them, especially since they expect you lot to be in disarray due to them taking your first princess and her handmaiden…Surely, this much is obvious to you?

    He asked with a slight raise of the eyebrow and then fell silent to see what the commanders would say to his proposal. Meanwhile, he went over to Maddox and whispered in her ear so the commanders would not hear

    I realize that you are in a hurry to return home to Sin but do bide your time until I give the go head to infiltrate the enemy camp. This rescue operation needs to be executed with all its steps in the proper order or it will not be successful, and we will not be able to obtain our rewards thereafter.





    POST WC: 857, TOTAL WC: 4792/7000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 6th April 2021, 11:34 pm

    >645/4,462 WORDS
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Active Spells:
    Items Used:
    Monsters Killed:

    Maddox was relieved that the djinn’s still had some of their armies to be put to use during this operation, mostly such a diverse group. She was confident on the field that Faustein would be able to use the resources (aka different elemental djinn) he has on his hands to his best abilities. For Maddox, all she would want was a few of those darkness djinns to aid her in rescuing the two ladies, if Fausty was able to spare them. If not, she would make do. He doubted he could if they would really be casting an illusion over the entire main body of the kingdom. Speaking of which, the classical show your belly approach huh? Seem weak to lead them toward a false sense of security then attack! It was a tactic Maddox was familiar with, being a rather good actor herself. But she was honestly surprised ‘Dr.Doom’ suggested it, he didn’t seem like the type to resort to such tactics. Maddox assumed she would be the pragmatist between them (though let be real, L’appel is) but she supposed he IS a scientist. Being practical and logical was part of the package. “So you plan on them taking advantage of the kingdom's supposed weakness to do something that is more easily tracked, yes? Because showing your stomach also allows the enemies to swipe their sword at it.” She points out. They would have to prepare a defence in that case, though it would be easier if the enemies were blind-sighted.

    But that’s the thing. Would the enemies be blind-sighted? They knew nothing about the enemies so far other than their numbers and the fact they really wanted the princess. For all the Elysium duo knew they could be too clever to fall for such a ruse, or their leader could be too strong. “If we may ask, your royal highnesses and esteemed generals, what is the overall objective of the enemy? What are their demands for the princess for one, or if there are no demands what do you think their goal for her is? Would you be able to inform this one if the princess is still within your kingdom, and what intelligence brought you to that conclusion?” Maddox ask them as politely as possible as Fausty passed her. She gave him an odd, almost insulted look in return. As the djinns in front of her murmured to each other on how to answer them, she hisses back to Faustien. “Darling, Maddox is a professional. We have accepted a job; thus, we shall do it. If you think my questions are a form of passive-aggressive complaining, then you are wrong. These are legitimate questions anyone in our position is able to ask, and should. Maddox is not a powerhouse fighter. We are a thief, espionage and sabotage expert. We do not have to liberty to go in blind and expect things to turn out fine in the end.” She sniffs in clear disapproval at the end. “You are a scientist you should know how valuable information is.” She says one last time, grateful that her mask means no one without x-ray vision can see her whispering. As another snub, she turns away from Faustein the pet L’appel resting on her shoulder, who was looking at his summoner dubiously.  

    Then she addresses the council again. “If we may ask another question, what have the strategies of these mercenaries been like? Maddox realized they had overwhelmed you with sheer numbers, but was their strategies clever? Do they have a clear leader? Would you deem that leader complement? We apologize sincerely for asking so many questions, but having a clearer picture can only help.” She finishes pleasantly, hands together, posture perfect. She was still wondering if Faustein knew more about this situation than he let on, but hadn’t gotten the chance to ask yet…






    Post by Guest 15th May 2021, 1:16 pm


    Faustein nodded to Maddox’s query about his suggested strategy to deceive the enemy and distract them, though he was feeling the familiar tug of his melodramatic urges, so his response ended up being much more exuberant than it needed to be in that situation, complete with him briefly dropping down onto one knee before Maddox with his right hand resting on his chest right above his heart and his left outstretched towards her, making him seem like a man attempting to woo his lady love…but of course, in their case, this could not be further from the truth

    Indeed, my beloved precious!!! I absolutely adore the fact you can catch on so very quickly and sense my intentions so clearly despite the lack of explanation on my part!!! That is one of the many reasons for why you are my eternally beloved precious!!

    As he spoke these words, his rich baritone and melodious voice was booming at full volume, taking the djinns totally by surprise at the outburst from one they thought was a calm, cool-headed, and circumspect man, causing many of them, especially the males, to gawp openly at the overly dramatic display while some others among them who were more emotionally pliable and sensitive, especially the female djinn of the royal army to even blush from embarrassment at seeing the open, shameless display. After that though, Faustein calmed down, cleared his throat, and arose to speak in a more serious tone, all the while acting as though he had not just acted in a most embarrassing manner, his voice perfectly business-like, even, and steady with the pace of his speech brisk more like that of a veteran, seasoned general in a formal military than that of a physician-scientist

    With that done, let us move on, shall we? Darkness djinn squad, I want you to split up into four smaller groups of 50 units each with the groups being designated as A, B, C, and D. Groups A through C, I want you to go take care of the task of casting the kingdom-wide illusion that I mentioned earlier immediately. Next, I am placing the three most elite of the darkness djinn from Group D under Maddox’s command to assist with the retrieval of the first princess and her handmaiden.

    Once that was over, the darkness djinn he designated began casting the kingdom wide illusion as per his instructions which took several minutes due to the sheer scope but ultimately, they succeeded in setting up this initial deception. Meanwhile, Faustein fell silent since the commanders of the djinn were ready to respond to Maddox’s queries which they did so in short order

    Well, she is the first princess of Jinnistan which means she could be used for political leverage and/or ransom which we believe is the intent of our enemies in this case, but to answer your query further, no, there have not been any demands made yet. However, we have reason to believe the exalted First Princess Maliqah and her loyal handmaiden, Lady Eisheth, are still within the borders of Jinnistan’s territory as was indicated by the data brought back by our darkness djinn squad’s trackers.

    While the djinn army commanders were discussing their next few responses further with the king and queen, Faustein took the opportunity to respond to Maddox, though this time, he could not help but crack a brief smug smirk at Maddox while whispering covertly in her ears

    That is most reassuring to hear, my beloved precious. You had me genuinely worried that you would abandon me in my greatest hour of need for you and your multifarious talents.

    With that said, he returned his gaze and attention to the commanders of the royal djinn army.

    It is quite alright for you to ask such questions as we understand well the immense value of strategic intelligence on the battlefield and in wartime. Anyways, shock and awe seem to be their preferred strategies, but we have seen them using more complex maneuvers like the lotus formation trap against us in our battles up till now. Regarding their leadership, yes, they do have a clearly designated leader who goes by the epithet, “Thor”. Our observations of the man suggest that he is indeed competent, but beyond just being tactically capable, he is also quite powerful…a force of nature in his own right, in fact. As embarrassing as it is to admit, not even the strongest warriors of our royal djinn army were close to being a match for him. However, his true strength lies not in his military might or his tactical capacity, but rather in his ability to cause a surge of morale within his troops to rally them as he leads them from the front rather than from the back, smashing through his enemies with great ease in the position of vanguard.

    Faustein sighed as he heard this and remarked after musing silently for a few moments

    He sounds like a rather troublesome foe. I can see how and why even the well-trained royal djinn army had trouble with him. What about his right and left-hand subordinates? I seem to recall something being said about a strange magic being used to sap the strength and abilities of the royal djinn army’s various warriors…

    He asked and then fell silent to see what the djinn army commanders would say to his query and to see what Maddox’s reactions would be like to his actions and words.





    POST WC: 912, TOTAL WC: 5704/7000  (for Faustein/KuroFaustΩ only)
    Tags: @Maddox

    Lineage : Progeny of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : KuroFaustΩ
    Experience : 8,212

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip Magic: Darkness's Judgement Day
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:


    Post by Maddox 19th June 2021, 5:46 pm

    >510/4,972 WORDS
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Active Spells:
    Items Used:
    Monsters Killed:

    At Fausty’s dramatic show of ‘devotion,’ Maddox could only roll her eyes behind her mask. But damn if this man didn’t know her weak spot…!!

    Overcome with the urge to be dramatic, Maddox put the back of her hand against her masked mouth in a noblewoman’s gesture and laughed. “Ohohohoho~! Oh, Fausty you devil you, only the cleverest of mind may catch up to yours. None can outshine your subtle whit you charmer you~!” Maddox said in a tittering tone. She was, of course, being utterly sarcastic. Fausty knew that it was their thing. The djinns around them did not, causing them to be embarrassed at this blatant display of affection between this ‘couple’.

    That being said Maddox listened to the rest of his plan. When the scientist looked over to her opinion on it, she could only nod. Plans didn’t need to be complicated to succeed, just competent. Which, admittedly with the resources they have at hand this was a decent enough plan. While the djinns were discussing this plan amongst themselves, Faustein bent his mouth toward her ear and whispered a few words. In return, Maddox simply hip-checked him with annoyance, which he allowed. “You claim to be an intelligent man, and that may be so, you have the emotional intelligence of a boulder. Maybe a big boulder with a history, but still a boulder nonetheless. Maddox will forgive your blunder, but do not make it a habit hmm Fausty?” She snipped back at the man bitchily. “Also do you care that most in this room assume you are lovers to a man? After all that is what most here assumes my gender to be, ohohoho~!” She finished with a quiet laugh, enjoying his reaction. Then she paid attention to the djinn again.

    So, they have no idea what these mercenaries want from them and their princess. A shame, but not unexpected. But ‘Thor’ hmmm? A strong leader will make this much more challenging, but she is rather certain Fausty could still take whomever this is, so not her problem. Her problem is him being competent, meaning he is probably guarding the princess and her handmaiden well. Maddox “Thank you, that sheds much light onto the situation. We agree with Fausty’s plan and will play our part in it. From what Maddox sees’s the main objective for us is to not let them hold the princes and her handmaiden’s life hostage, complicating the situation. Getting to something Maddox wants to steal is difficult, but the hardest part with bigger and living objects is always getting away. We will have to make some plans with Fausty, because if he does well against the army, all we have to do is find the princess, let Fausty know where they are, then protect her until he arrives. If this Thor man is giving Fausty trouble then we will attempt to smuggle her out as secretly as we can and meet in a separate location. Does this strategy work for your royal majesties and Dr. Doom?” Maddox finishes with a drawl.




      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:06 pm