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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 21st August 2013, 6:15 pm


    Max breathing heavily with one paw on his chest and the other by his side, he scuffled his clothing removing the dirt from it and puffing it out. Clenching his paw he watched as Mari continuously being control by troublesome of a beast, it usually only appears once Mari has placed herself within battle and take over finishing whatever she fought off. Though When Mari mentioned of the recurence of a past memory with that Vulcan what she had did was just use her "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist" with the increased speed of his "Max Speed" to increase the power output in the strike, her decision in her own awakening....could it have been she had planned it. He tapped his forehead in agony as it began to thump loudly before he heard a sudden quirky voice behind him.

    "H-hey! I saw you with Mari earlier; I always wondered if she had a partner like Heero!"

    A strange and unknown Exceed followed by the man that seemed to be Mari's job partner had arrived from the other side of the area how they'd done this was unknown to Max's mind being on other things. Max stared at them with a curious look on his face before turning away not allowing them to drag his attention away from his thoughts.

    "I haven't seen you around too much; what could be so important that you'd leave Mari all alone?!"

    The unknown Exceed barked at Max as if he'd been with them their entire lives. Max looked at him with widened eyes before turning toward him with a serious face. Clutching his paws and walked toward him with his feet patting the entire way there so they'd be face to face.

    "You know nothing of US! Nor the connection between us, I love Mar........Master............Nothing can be done when she's in this state and therefore my ability to act is retracted to 0, though I'd wish to ask you to say that again! I don't care if I'm in a weaken state....I won't let you talk down to me, you pathetic.....Hmpf."

    Max began to shout toward Garfield in anger and annoyance as to hear something from someone knowing nothing, like a child. He activated his Aera magic forcefully as he spoke only to awaken one sole wing that limped onto the ground, surely weaken to say the least but he didn't want to be spoken down to by his own kind that didn't even cover himself while in public. Though stopped himself once he knew he was going to far and looked toward Heero who thanked him for returning and left him only to nod and walked back toward the edge of the roof.

    "Master is important to me, you can say we saved each other.....She calls herself Bloody Mary....the one you see fighting now of course. Nothing more then a second person held within my Masters body and unless you wish to kill my master there's no way to stop her. Nothing to do now but to wait until she wears herself out...."

    Max explained.

    "If push comes to shove I'm hoping you'd place yourself before her, I'll of course...just let me take a breath."

    He said speaking to Heero.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 23rd August 2013, 7:30 pm

    Heero watched with a sweatdrop over his head; arms crossed as the two Exceeds argued. He listened as Max and Garfield talked though, smiling as he talked about how he and Mari had saved one another. Garfield and Heero had done the same for one another, many times.

    "I'm just saying there's no reason to leave her~!" Garfield clenched a paw and growled at max a bit. "You may be stylish, but you sure are stupid!" Garfield crossed his arms comically and sparkled; turning his back on Max. To him, nothing should come between a Slayer and their cat; so he wouldn't hear anything of it.  

    "Hmmm. Perhaps, I'll introduce myself to this Bloody Mary; I like her style." he replied to Max's statement. "Maybe she'll understand more once she see's who Mari's life is connected with." Heero wondered if Mary and Mari had anything in common, and if not then the situation had changed a bit.

    "It's over Gargas-san, just give in." Heero quipped from the rooftop, arms crossed. Gargas would look up towards the rooftop with Heero, Garfield, and Max; and grin.

    "Just cause my arms burnt halfway off, doesn't mean a thing! Let me teach you some manners!"

    "Please, you're still smoking from what Mary just did to you, let me cool you down." Heero would clap his hands and a Sky Blue magic circle would appear. Bursting into existence around Gargas and on stands and benches; seven monkeys of clear shifting water burst into existence.

    "The hell?!" Gargas barked, as he leaped upwards into the just air, as three Monkeys leaped towards him, exploding in a huge crash of water on the street. The Hulk of a requipped an even more spectacular shotgun, with ten barrels whipped out his Spell Shotgun, and laughed mid-air; "Shotgun Frenzy~!", as huge amount of dark energy glittering purple rushed towards Gargas' shotgun, surrounding for a moment as he unleashed a huge barrage of constant shots; that ripped through the other four Monkeys that had leaped up after him. Heero smirked and coated himself in Lightning; moving at splashes along the street; as a huge amount of Dark Matter blasted huge chunks of the streets away, and shattered peoples windows.

    Reappearing once more, he laughed "Hahahaha, someone's getting charged up huh?" Heero then released a Magical Burst of energy equivalent to a shockwave; his Lightning Aura spiked as he began to walk towards Gargas; his eyes took on a grim red Slayer glow as he approahced; the street rumbling as Lightning jumped off of Heero and shattered windows, and smashed pots.

    Gargas stood up and screamed; backing off a bit, as he looked towards Mary; who was still whirling inside of an inferno of flames; her gaze merciless.

    "Beg for Mercy." Heero spoke once, as his eyes took on the red glow; lightning flaring uncontrollably as it sounded like a literal power outage gone wild as the streets shook.

    "F***ing crazy ass Fairy Tail Wizards!, I'm outta here; but I'm destroyin' everything on my way out, hahaha!" Gargas barked as his red bearded face and spikey orange hair looked kind of crazed after the battle. "Cask Explosion~!" Gargas unclipped several huge flasks from the belt around his blue overalls. He chucked them off into a section of town; and then moments later a black explosion of the same kind of Dark Matter in that section of town. He threw five more flasks, as chaos overtook the village as explosions boomed everywhere. "Unstoppable Force~!" Gargas flexed and charged up a huge amount of Magical Energy, and literally took off like the Hulk; running through houses, trees; stomping on fountains, it didn't matter.

    Since Mountain Village was huge; set between twin mountain ranges; Gargas could cause tons of damage. This only angered; Heero more as he stood there, Lightning Aura still flaring. He however would see just how far Mary would go to put an end to Gargas' madness. He was charging through Mountain Village, towards it's drawbridge exit. It would however take him awhile to get there; at least four minutes at his pace. Because of the size of the village.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 23rd August 2013, 7:57 pm; edited 5 times in total


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Rose


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 23rd August 2013, 7:30 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Miss


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Miss


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Block

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 23rd August 2013, 8:29 pm


    "I'm just saying there's no reason to leave her~! You may be stylish, but you sure are stupid!"

    Max shook his head from what the orange Exceed spews from his small mouth, did he not a word he was speaking and Max wasn't surprised. He pulled his glare away from the orange mess and placed his gaze back onto Mari's body being controlled by Mary who was still facing the seriously injured Gargas. Though he's interest was taken from him when Heero began to speak once again of  introducing himself to Bloody Mary, he didn't know that she doesn't think of anyone as an ally but rather just another person to fight. Max was placed in a stand still with a comical face as he mouth was dropped open toward the ground.

    "But Sire! Your placing yourself in a dire situation, its either you or Master. If you really cared for her you'd keep away and wait till its over. Don't cause yourself injury on a hunch."

    Max spoke direly walking toward Heero and tugging on his pants, though the increase in magical power coming from Heero had suddenly pushed him away dropping onto his bottom.


    Mary watched the pathetic face Gargas placed before her as he was suddenly feeling unmatched and weakened. Though she watched as he was encased in monkey's created from magical materialized water. Surrounding Gargas he requiped another shotgun of his which angered Mary as he hidden another making her back up a bit to stay away from the water monkey's.

    "Hahahaha, someone's getting charged up huh?"

    Mary's attention turned toward the sudden increase of power residing within Heero's body and a large grin had captured her face. She snarled black smoke from her nose that blew behind her. Two powerful creature's at her feet in which she can go all out upon without a care in the world....even though she wasn't planning to either way. Though finally assuming that Heero was the one ruining her battle with Gargas she was actually more annoyed then glad of his entrance.


    She shouted in anger and her flames increased in anger burning the ground beneath her feet along with the shaking ground from Heero's power and sudden explosions of Gargas's sudden attempt of quitting by thrusting his own casks all over the town.


    She shouted crunching her fists in flames that condensed into large balls of fire. Pointing them into both Heero's and Gargas's direction.

    "Flaming Twin Pillars!"

    She shouted causing the balls of fire to extend indubitably toward them both. One of the pillars that was pointed toward Gargas missed and struck through two houses that were side by side placing a large hole through them both and even the insides where scorched. As fore the pillar of fire that was pointed toward Heero struck him hard on his left side and even consumed him whole before continuing over him and through the home he was nearest to.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!


    Last edited by Sukiro on 23rd August 2013, 8:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Posts : 23944
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 23rd August 2013, 8:29 pm

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Miss The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Attack

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 24th August 2013, 12:29 am

    As Heero watched Gargas run, through houses up ahead; he heard Mari yelling at the top of her lungs at him. Although he knew it wasn't her, he was in no mood to be coy. Gargas was destroying Mountain Village; and he didn't have time for Mary's antics if she couldn't tell friend from foe.

    "Tch..." he replied as she finished; and charged up a mass of flames on her fists, throwing them forward and releasing a huge torrent of flames towards both Heero and the fleeing Gargas. With his Lightning Aura on, Heero took only half as much heat as he would've but, his clothes instantly baked over in sweat; and it was nearly impossible to breath or move in the flames.

    "Water-Make...Sheild~" Heero said calmly as his Lightning Aura turned off with a clap of his hands. A sky blue Magic circle spun between his hands. A huge fountain of Water spinning thousands of miles an hour gushed up in front of him, as he let it splash everywhere; raising another Sheild over the house, and letting it collapse down onto a house with a splash. A few screams were heard inside the house, but Heero knew they were fine, just probably scared out of their wits.

    "Oi What are you? Some mindless impression of Mari? Tsk, you have no character. If someone is stronger than you and you wish to defeat thim; you must first know defeat at their hands. You are as nothing to me, not even on my radar in terms of power. he took a step towards her, but ignored her fully as he was in no possible way threatened by her. "Gahahahaha; There are some mountains, that you cannot climb with sheer rage. Mari is much more powerful than you. You have a lot of catching up to do, your flames feel cold in comparison to hers." Heero spoke to her as he walked directly by her, his Lightning Aura still flaring about as he stepped just by the Fire Dragon Slayer; walking past her as if he weren't even bothered.

    "Just stay out of my way, if you want to be worthless." Heero's yellow aura of Lightning would flare up as he would skyrocket off in a flash of thunder; reappearing over Gargas' head as he continued to charge through the village; knocking over trees and screaming as people leaped and pulled their loved ones out of his way. Loud crashes were easily followed, as Heero dropped downward.

    He angled himself as he fell, landing with a stomp on Gargas' back.

    "It's over Gargas." Heero's eyes took on a red glow as he stood over Gargas; and held his hands out, Palpatine style. A flashing current of yellow Lightning flowed from Heero's fingertips in loud shockwaves as Gargas was brutally baked and electrocuted; pinned to the groud beneath Heero's feet. "Wizard's Lightning~"; nearly baked him half to death as people watched on, the ten streams of yellow lightning from Heero's fingers eventually came to a halt as Heero balled his fists up. The environment had literally been flashing; light off of houses, as he stopped. Gargas sizzled as a husk, nearly beyond knocked out.

    Heero would scoop up the husk of a man in his arms, holding the ten foot man like it was nothing. He would toss him into the air towards Mari; and he would land in a gigantic crater from his own weight just in front of her.

    Suddenly; all of the Lightning Aura; and red Slayer glow to Heero's eyes would turn off with a twang; as his hair stopped swaying in it's energy; as he merely looked across at Mari, extremely worried. Gargas lay smoking in a crater between them; but Heero didn't move.

    She was still surrounded in flames; and in a complete rage. He wondered if she would eventually be able to tell friend from foe. Heero looked completely calm and normal. He began walking up to Mari, in a non threatning manner.

    "I-it's over! The explosions stopped!"

    "Floods of people began to fill the street from houses in nearly all directions."

    "Max! Get down here!" Heero barked as he approached Mari.

    45% Magic Power Remaining~

    +10% Magic Power (Natural Regen)~

    55% Magic Power Remaining~

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 24th August 2013, 12:53 am; edited 6 times in total


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Rose


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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by NPC 24th August 2013, 12:29 am

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Block Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Block


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Miss


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Attack

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 24th August 2013, 6:53 am


    Mary begun to laugh before Heero began to pour water on the things the meant to destroy, they weren't worthy of living in a world and of course there were those who broke that rule. Though she didn't mind it as she would be able to have just placed the same power within another attack but Mari's arms began to turn down in flames revealing her normal gauntlets that bore along with her clothing unscathed. May was sadden that all things must go but then quickly regained a smile at the joke she just thought of. With her attention grabbed by Heero's annoying voice trying to talk down toward her as if better or superior she could only laugh in a sinister tone.

    "You aren't the first to try to speak in me such a way you little male wench! Though I forgot the young boy's name......his blood sure was tasty."

    She said toward before talk a step toward Gargas before Heero rudely passed before her, before she blew smoke from her nose. "Worthless" he said, but if she was made so worthless she wouldn't have made it in life all this time, he himself was way to young to truely understand the world and its dangers. She did feel a sense of power residing within Heero but that only brought the more sadistic side of her and wanting to engage in battle the very second. She watched as Heero became silent and struck Gargas down for the count before chucking him over to her bashing into the ground itself and even lowering the ground into crater. Mary stared at the body and jumped upon the large stomach of his and looked down to his pity little face.

    Heero began to try to speak to her man to man though it was no use as Mary was in full control this time and even Mari's willpower had its off days.

    "You know.....Mari the one to bare such a disgusting body of these proportions can hear you. She's here and not here, can be a little confusing for someone like you and your pea sized brain can understand."

    Heero shouted toward Max, which drew Mary's eyes and want for blood to flesh toward him. Max drew closer with the help of Garfield but forced them to keep their distance even from Mari who had few ranged attacks.

    "Whats wrong Maxxy~ Your not still mad that I tried to strangle you to death when we were younger? Are you?"

    She said before chuckling, leaving Max to make a large gulp along with not knowing what to do. He's spent so much time away from Mari that he doesn't even remember anything that could potentially counter effect of Mary's awakening only Mari can break it and it didn't seem like that would happen soon.

    "You know Mari was heartbroken when you left her. She was happy that you had left to help search for Igneel.....But the loneliness....oh let me rephrase that......her time with me wasn't as pleasant as a normal girl should have. Not being able to have friends.....fall in love like normally....nor even keep a family, which I'm sure you remember the good old days~"

    She begun to reconcile the good old days in a happy tone.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 25th August 2013, 10:15 pm

    Heero stood with Max and Garfield, and let out a worried sigh as Mary continued on. Obviously intent on being rude and wrathful. Heero continued behave non threatningly, as he'd never really met this alternate persona and had nothing against her; although she and Max obviously did.

    From what he'd heard, she had abused Max when he was just a kitten.

    "Why does that make you happy? Would it make you happy to be strangled?" Heero's voice came at a clear cut as he shrugged, and shook his head; holding his arms out briefly. "You can't talk to Max like that, he knows that being cruel is nothing to be proud of!" Heero barked, arms crossed.

    Garfield nodded intently as he finished, and looked to Max.

    "Yea, and I'm sorry about earlier too Max!" he stood on the ground near him, and gave him a nod. Just then, Arthur, and his Bouncers came outside and began to sweep through the area; they stopped however at the standoff and looked around wondering what was wrong.

    "Mari, Gargas has been defeated....what's wrong?" Arthur asked from behind her. Heero told him to 'stay back', as the old Wizard nodded and obliged; running off to meet up with the Rune Knights who were no doubt close to Mountain Village by now.

    "So, what is it you want to do now Mary? If you want to take your best shot at me, I suppose we can; but honestly I suggest you calm down and speak freely while you can, Mari won't let you have control for much longer." he wondered what was on her mind, she seemed rather crazed as far as he could tell. For awhile, he wondered how much more there was too this other side of Mari. He'd never seen it before; and wondered when he'd be able too talk to her about it. Although it didn't seem like it would be a particularly good thing to bring up in conversation.

    Still---it felt like Mary had rational sense; but for some reason was enraged and insane. It had to be something to doo with Mari's past.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 3rd September 2013, 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 1st September 2013, 8:18 am


    "Why does that make you happy? Would it make you happy to be strangled?"

    Mary laughed in a shrilled voice, so hard that she had to place her arms around her stomach and threw her head forward. Her long braid fell over complete and touched the ground throwing dust into the air. Lifting her face toward Heero slowly gained control of herself once again and continuously to lift her body up properly before placing a hand at her neck. Making a curious face before licking her lips she grew a smile and her eyes shifted toward Heero.

    "What do you think....?"

    She said in a seductive voice.

    "You can't talk to Max like that, he knows that being cruel is nothing to be proud of!"

    Mary's eyes widened at the sound of his voice from with his words were produced and huffed heavily before she crunched her knuckles. She gave Max a cruel look as if a joke before he jumped back.

    "Fur ball......I'm pretty sure you of all people would remember the promise we made."

    She said before lifting a hand and turning it ablaze. Speaking of if she'd ever see him again that she'd scorched him to death where he stood, but she knew this little extra "Heroic" and cunning fairy wouldn't allow it and take the hit for himself. She really did hate it when others interfered with her own plans or battles, to her it's just plain rude and annoying, in a "human" sense, tho she wasn't.

    Max shivered and his fur stood on end as he saw the flames erupt upon her hand before taking a step back. Listening to Garfield apologizing had placed him slightly at ease but he wasn't really scared of Mary, not a even a little. What really scares him is what she plans to do with Mari every time she reveals herself, and that could be lead to a thousand answers and something different can totally appear and he wouldn't even see it coming. Arthur soon appeared with some of his friends being annoying she threw the fire toward him and caused a fire upon a few broke walls and pillars of the broken down tavern.

    "So, what is it you want to do now Mary? If you want to take your best shot at me, I suppose we can; but honestly I suggest you calm down and speak freely while you can, Mari won't let you have control for much longer."

    She huffed.

    "Your right...I don't have much longer. But that doesn't mean I can't break down that confidence of yours!"

    Punching her fist together while dashing toward Heero a large red crest appeared before her as her fist was engulfed in flames.

    "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

    She shouted before striking him toward his chest.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!


    Last edited by Sukiro on 1st September 2013, 8:19 am; edited 1 time in total


    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957Pet/Exceed

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    Post by NPC 1st September 2013, 8:18 am

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Miss

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    Post by Haru-senpai 3rd September 2013, 6:41 pm

    It surprised him a bit when Mari came charging at him; as his eyes widened and a sweatdrop popped up over his head for a brief moment. He turned towards the two cats; barking down at the Exceeds as a Fie Dragon's head circle appeared around Mari's arm.

    "Well, I hope you wouldn't!" Heero yelled back; blushing for a split second. "Hey you know Mari has manners!" he shook his head comically.

    "Guys get back!" as the cats would likely spring into motion flying away; Heero would turn back towards his Guildmate, and at the last moment; tilt his head towards the right; flames gushed around him a bit but it was really just hot. Still; she'd almost gotten him.

    "Fast." he said; leaned to the right, eyes locked with Mari. "But it's already over." in a flash of yellow Lightning; Heero spun around her what seemed to be twenty times; delivering thunderous kicks all over her body as yellow lightning would splash each time it hit with Lightning Dragon's Dance. He slapped her body around with kicks before landing in front of her; and delivering a haymaker right into her stomach; this likely sent her sailing back. So Heero would gather a huge amount of yellow lightning in a clenching fist; as it whirled around it loudly. He then threw a splash of Wizard's Lightning all around the ground; where Mary likely landed.

    The area scorched over star wars style; as bolts of yellow lightning continued to splash around from Heero's fingertips. Although he wasn't truly trying to harm her with the spell.

    Eventually; he closed a fist, leaving the ground and area smoldering as the lightning disappeared with a thwip.

    "You know, we don't have to fight...let's just be friends. I'm hungry." Heero scratched the back of his blue hair comically.

    Last edited by Heero-sama on 3rd September 2013, 6:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Post by NPC 3rd September 2013, 6:41 pm

    The member 'Heero-sama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Miss

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Sukiro 11th September 2013, 2:18 pm


    Mary watched as she missed by a hair from his head, listening to him quibble before he spun into disappearance. He eyes widened from a sudden tempest of kicks flew toward her and suddenly began to strike her from everywhere. She was bashed around in all directions that even she couldn't tell what was happening. Her face was lifeless and bruises continuously appeared one after another one her arms, shoulders, legs, thighs and body. As the kicks finally lifted she took a breath before spewing a bit of blood from her mouth before a sudden strike plowed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body and threw the blood onto the ground that splattered beside Heero and in front of the two cats. She was sent flying and even flipped backwards a few times before crashing into the ground.

    Max's eyes widened from the sight that had appeared before him, watching Mari getting beaten senseless for something that she has no control over. He charged forward before chomping onto Heero's leg leaving teeth marks where he bit.

    "YOU IDIOT! Thats Mari's body! Once she returns she'll feel those strikes not Mary, she ignores the pain! Tis the reason I said to let her be untill she lost control!"

    Max started to shout at Heero with all his might as he regained his balance from leaving his leg. Max's expression dropped from anger to worry as he ran through beneath Heero's legs in sight of Mari's physical position only to see the strikes hitting the ground and leaving small explosions that had smoke appearing around them as they connected with the ground.

    As the smoke began to clear a silhouette formed as it began to stand on both feet, turning their head toward Heero's and Max's direction eyes in a deep blood red color appeared. Slowly Mary walked out of the smoke only to fall onto her knee's, using what little energy she had left to keep the top half of Mari's body straight and kept her gaze in their direction.


    She said in an exhausted tone before falling face first toward the ground.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st September 2013, 12:40 am

    As Mari hit the ground; a small bit of dust kicked around her. The last words of Mary stuck in his mind; he had a feeling that he'd gotten on her bad side. Good; he didn't want her to particularly like him anywho. He felt his leg sting from where Max had bitten him; and in a comical flash; Heero rolled around on the ground and clutched the back of his leg.

    'Pissed off' symbols popped above his head as he rolled around clutching the knee. A sweatdrop would appear over Garfield's head as Heero popped up immediately; in a blaze of anime speed. He would stare long and hard at the unconsious Mari---"Hmmm...." for awile; his features remained stalwart. Unsure of what to do next. Well; he couldn't leave her laying face down in the middle of the street.

    People began to come out of their houses once more; as the last of Mari's flames surrounding the area were put out by the townsfolk.

    Scooping his Guildmate into his arms; he looked down at her. For awhile; the panel would show just Heero looking down at an apparently sleeping; but unconsious Mari. Eventually; a few tears would well in his eyes. He'd...hit her. He couldn't believe it himself. Flashes of what he'd just done popped into his mind, and he cursed himself while holding her in his arms.

    "If Serene found out I did this...." he closed his eyes and held Mari closer to himself. "Mari, I'm so sorry.....dammit." he looked down at her, half expecting Mary to open her eyes and spew flames into his face. But he didn't care; it would be hard enough to forgive himself for this.

    Just then; he heard the clanking of armor approaching. The clear baby blue and white of several dozen Rune Knights rounded the corner; led by old man Arthur.

    "There!" Heero heard him clearly from down the street pointing at them. They would run up, surrounding Heero holding Mari quickly, and immediately setting about scooping up Gargas and his cohorts; clapping them in Rune Cuffs.

    "You there! Fairy Tail wizard! Is Gargas responsible for all this destruction or are you too blame as well?"

    Immediately, Garfield balled up an orange fist as his fur stood on end a bit. His fist trembled in anger as he barked out.

    "You idiots! If it wasn't for Heero and Mari; then Gargas would've destroyed this entire village by now!" as he yelled, the Rune Knight looked around and looked downward at the cat.

    "Oh, y-you're Heero Reyold of Fairy Tail?" as soon as he said this aloud, several other Rune Knights perked up. "I-I should bring you in!" several dozen Rune Staffs pointed at Heero in a circle; as he still held Mari in his arms.

    "What the orange cat said is true! They saved the town!" the Rune Knights looked at the old man, as Arthur yelled out. Eventually; they lowered their staffs when the townsfolk began to crowd around Heero and Mari, standing between them and the Rune Knights.

    "Yea! Heero saved this town once before too!"
    "Right! I didn't see the Rune Knights anywhere when that Flood was coming!"

    The townsfolk began throwing food and furniture at the Rune Knights; who quickly began stuffing Gargas and his cohorts into prison caravans.


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    Post by Sukiro 21st September 2013, 9:03 am


    That raging aura that once had control over Mari's body slowly but surely died down little by little as the seconds went by. Within the subconscious of her mind, she became cleared in a way as the mucking dark blood that consumed her began to lighten. Mari's conscious gained control of her own person once again and the battle rush suddenly consumed her after with a roaring laughter followed along. Mari could always tell how rough Mary had been through the slight visible ability she has through their shared thoughts when connected. Along with the coming pain and bruises what were left by her, and she braced for the sudden rush of agony that was about to thrown at her.

    As she awoke in the arms of Heero, she suddenly felt the pain all across her body. Throwing one hand onto Heero's shoulder while the other hand was placed onto her own stomach. Both hands clenched furiously as she endured the pain before tears fell from her eyes, and began to struggle within Heero's arms.


    She struggled to get her voice out before spew a bit of blood toward the ground. Max stood beside Heero as he watched her struggle through the pain, he did know that they wouldn't have to go through this or less then she had to without him pouring his fist into her stomach and the barrage of hits from before. But then again as he watched him cry over her as she was unconscious he didn't know what to think of him, whether to think of him as friend or foe but then again Mari wouldn't allow him to think badly of her comrades.

    Max gave a quick look at the corner of his eye toward the crowd of mages they called "Rune Knights". It seemed like they weren't to fond of Heero but he didn't understand the reason, was it cause of the name Fairy Tail or was it something he did. He huffed as he placed himself a bit closer to Garfield while still keeping an eye on Mari who began thrash her feet toward the ground kicking up dirt and finally taking in a breath. She lossened her grip on Heero and herself as she tilted her head toward the knights as they held their arms before them as others threw several dozen items toward the knights.

    "When..did they get here."

    "Master! Are you ok?"

    Max quickly sprung forward as he heard Mari's voice, his small paws patted on the floor as he placed his hands onto her shoulder and buried his face into the side of her chest. Mari smiled as she patted the top of his head before scuffling his fur, turning her head she actually just realized it was Heero's arms that she had been in. With a slight smile on her face, she knew that everything was finally over.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
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    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero]

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st September 2013, 10:01 am

    As Heero held Mari in his arms; he couldn't help but to smile at the townsfolk as they chucked various items at the Rune Knights for theatning to arrest Heero; Garfield and Max moved near him as he held Mari; as Garfield fist pumped and jumped up and down, cheering the people of Mountain Village on as they busted the Rune Knights in their helmets with vegetables and other items left and right.

    "Hahahahaha serves you right!" old man Arthur laughed along with his group of gunmen as the Rune Knights barely managed to lift the Hulk sized Gargas onto his feet; and slam him into a cell cart; all while being pelted with banana peels and other assorted goods.

    As the caravans containing Gargas began to move through town; a huge rooooaaar of a cheer erupted throughout the town; as people threw flowers and rice from their windows and kids ran out into the street; inspecting the gigantic holes from battle damage in awe, and playing in them.

    As Mari came too; Heero's eyes flecked down to her in awe. She spat up blood; as he almost began to fly off the handle emotionally again just by seeing this. She clenched his hoodie tightly; he held her close as she trembled once in pain. He continued to hold her close; until her Slayer endurance began to kick in. In about fifty seconds; she began to recover, stepping onto the ground daintily; one hand still on Heero's shoulder, the blonde receieved an extremely warm welcome from her cat.

    Garfield jumped up onto Heero's shoulder as the slayer made eye contact with the orange cat. He felt ashamed; but after a brief staredown, Garfield would raise a paw into the Fairy Tail symbol as the sun shined through in a sweep over Max in Mari's arms, and Garfield on his shoulder holding the Fairy Tails symbol high; looking down at Heero proudly from his own shoulder.

    Heero was overcome with emoton again, as rice and flowers filled the sunny Mountain streets. But instead of crying like a baby again; he managed to close his eyes and give Garfield a huge smile.

    "Cmon, cmon! We need too see you guys off right!" Arthur began pushing Heero and Mari through the crowds of people trying to talk to them. Heero grabbed Mari by the hand and held her close as he knew she could be limping and still not quite herself.


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    Post by Sukiro 21st September 2013, 10:57 am


    Heero pulled her in tightly, which actually confused her with astonishment. She hasn't been held like this in truly a long while, and with things happening she didn't think it happen for a long while, it even brought memories of the past back into her head. A silhouette of a women with short hair flowing with the wind, seemed to be bending over while trying to keep her hair from her face hand a hand out that seemed to be coming toward her. Brought out from thought as Max tugged on her arm and looked at her with his glistening eyes shining from the sun.

    As the sound of the carts began to leave and churn the ground beneath them, one after another the townspeople began to cause an uproar. Even arthur who pushed through the crowds to thank them, suggested they should do something for them as a sigh of thanks. Mari was suddenly lifted though had a bit of trouble moving her bruise covered body toward his broken down tavern that was flattened completely. Mari bowed her head multiple times apologizing for the destruction of his tavern.

    "Its fine, its fine. I'll be able to fix it up in no time."

    He said while patting away the sweat that ran down his face.

    The townspeople set up a few tables within the broken down tavern so that everyone was able to have a seat. They pulled out a few large, house sized barrels from under the floor boards before taking out tons of mugs and cups. They placed Mari and Heero in the center, along with Garfield and Max who were treated to roasted fish that was also placed at their table.

    Max who's only true weakness was fish, had thrown the fork and knife that were placed there before he maul the head of the fish. The rest of the townspeople began to take their seats while others began to get the drinks ready before going around and passing their drinks and food too.

    "Excuse me Heero. But um...if you wouldn't mind, not telling anyone at the guild what happened back there. Its not that I don't want them to know....but I'm scared they wouldn't want me there if they knew. Only a couple of people know and I'd rather let it out slowly then then just say...."

    She said toward Heero as they sat across from eachother and even Max who suddenly stopped biting on his fish looked at them both with an expressionless face, nodded toward them both.

    "Quite. Not everyone may think the same.....we've seen those before."

    He said in a soft tone before returning to his meal. While one of the townspeople came across and brought them their drinks, though Mari could only refuse as to not being a fan of alcohol. But then again you should always try something once she thought before asking for a small bit within a cup.

    "To Fairy Tail."

    She said softly, toward Heero lifting her cup toward him with a small cheer. With Max placing his half eaten fish beside her cup.

    "TO FAIRY TAIL!!!!!"

    The large roar coming from all the townspeople that surrounded them in sync as they shouted to the heavens with their mugs in their hands. Hugs and arms over shoulders as they had their little feast.

    Mari Windsor




    Made by AERON of BTN!



    The Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957MagicThe Watering Hole![Job!][Sukiro & Heero] - Page 2 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
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    Post by Haru-senpai 14th October 2013, 8:57 pm

    Heero wasn't the least bit surprised that Mari didn't want everyone back at the Guild to know all her business; he didn't ever overthink things, so he decided it best to simply coin it as 'business'.

    With a respectful; and bright nod, Heero gave her a full beaming smile. As celebrations began to kick into sway all around them; Heero realized just how big Mountain Village was; people poured in from all over as a makeshift bar was set up in what was once 'Arthur's Place'.

    He took a seat; and grabbed a cold mug filled with beer, chilling in his hand. As Garfield hopped up onto his shoulder; joining in the barrage of cheers for their Guild.

    Heero let out a soft smile to himself, usually more rowdy than this. Garfield took notice; as a "?" popped up over his head.

    "What's wrong Heero, you're just sittin' there smiling?" the cat was in awe that he hadn't flipped a table over by now.

    "It's moments like this----" Heero opened his eyes still smiling. "That make a Fairy Tail wizard who he is.....look around Garfield, never forget it." another humongous roar filled the room; as this time Heero joined in suddenly launching from his seat and toasting with about fifty other men; flipping Garfield comically off of his chair and shoulder onto the floor.

    "But I thought...you were saying something important...." he lay upside down with anime swirlies spinning in his eyes, confused as the camera began to zoom out of Mountain Village and across Fiore.


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    Post by Aria Beleren 8th November 2013, 1:00 pm

    approved good job!



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